

By Senators Fraser, Franklin, Jacobsen, Kline, Brown, Eide, Sellar, Fairley, B. Sheldon, Rasmussen, Gardner, Spanel, Bauer, Haugen, Patterson, Shin, Long, Snyder, Goings, Thibaudeau, Costa, Prentice, Winsley, Swecker, Hale, Oke, Morton, McCaslin, McAuliffe,  Finkbeiner and Kohl-Welles


     WHEREAS, April 22 marks the 29th annual Earth Day;

     WHEREAS, The idea of a so-called national environmental Ateach-in@ was first planted in a University of Washington speech by Earth Day founder, former U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson, and carried out by the first Earth Day director, Washington native Denis Hayes; and

     WHEREAS, Today, this international event is an annual opportunity for citizens and policymakers to recommit themselves to a healthy environment, a vibrant planet, and sustainable communities; and

     WHEREAS, The number of people participating in Earth Day has grown from twenty million to more than two hundred million people in one hundred forty-one countries; and 

     WHEREAS, Since the first Earth Day in 1970, the Washington State Legislature and Congress have enacted a number of important environmental laws, protecting our air, water, lands, and wildlife; and

     WHEREAS, While we celebrate our victories, we must look ahead for ways to address urgent environmental challenges such as salmon recovery, global warming, ozone depletion, and increased flooding; and

     WHEREAS, Washingtonians and our children have a growing appreciation that clean air and water, soil, forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, wildlife habitats, and biodiversity are fundamental to the health and wealth of our state and nation; and

     WHEREAS, The protection and enhancement of these resources help stimulate our economy, and enhance our quality of life; and

     WHEREAS, Earth Day has helped us appreciate the positive economic and environmental impacts of conscientious recycling and energy conservation in our homes, businesses, and government agencies and daily lives; and

     WHEREAS, As our daily actions pollute and degrade the fragile environment that all life depends on to survive, we must continue to make each day Earth Day if we want to ensure a viable future for our children and grandchildren;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate recognize our continued obligation to protect the health of our planet and the state of Washington for future generations; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate supports citizen efforts and activities in  communities throughout Washington and around the world to commemorate Earth Day, and to enhance and sustain our natural resources throughout the year.


I, Tony M. Cook, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1999-8675,

adopted by the Senate April 22, 1999.





Secretary of the Senate