2431-S AMH COND ELGE 234


SHB 2431 - H AMD 1076

By Representative Condotta


    On page 4, beginning on line 23, after "(1)" strike all material through "representative." on line 27 and insert "When a claimant or claimant's representative sends a written communication to a current or former treating medical provider, a copy of the correspondence must simultaneously be sent to the employer or its third party administrator, claims management entity, or legal representative."




    EFFECT:  Strikes requirement for the employer (or the employer's third-party administrator or claims management entity) to provide copies of any written communications to the claimant's current or former treating medical provider simultaneously to the claimant or claimant's representative. Requires claimants to send copies of any written communication with a current or former treating medical provider simultaneously to the employer (or the employer's third-party administrator, claims management entity, or legal representative).



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