4404-S AMH HINK CORD 012

SHCR 4404 - H AMD 72

By Representative Hinkle

ADOPTED 03/04/2011

    On page 2, beginning on line 7, after "That" strike all material through "member" on line 14 and insert the following:

    "the membership of the joint select committee on health reform implementation shall consist of the following:  (1) the chairs of the health committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives; (2) two additional members of the Senate, one each appointed by the leadership of the two largest caucuses in the Senate; and (3) two additional members of the House of Representatives, one each appointed by the leadership of the two largest caucuses in the House of Representatives.  The governor shall be invited to appoint, as a liaison to the joint select committee, a person who shall be a nonvoting member.  The joint select committee shall select, from among the legislative members, one co-chair from the Senate and one co-chair from the House of Representatives who may not be from the same political caucus of the legislature"


    On page 2, line 20, after "implementation" insert ". The joint select committee shall establish an advisory committee to provide advice and recommendations to the Department of Social and Health Services and the Health Care Authority in the development of its implementation plan required by chapter...(House Bill No. 1738), Laws of 2011 to coordinate the purchase and delivery of acute care, long-term care, and behavioral health services"




    EFFECT:  The amendment:  (1) requires establishment of an advisory committee to advise the agencies developing an implementation plan under HB 1738 for coordinating the purchase and delivery of acute care, long-term care, and behavioral health services; and (2) changes the Joint Select Committee co-chairs to one Senate member and one House member who are from different political caucuses of the Legislature (rather than specifying the two chairs of the health committees).  



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