6120-S2 AMH SHOR H4579.1

2SSB 6120  - H AMD TO APPG COMM AMD (H-4458.1/12)1275
     By Representative Short

     On page 4, beginning on line 26 of the amendment, after "(2)" strike all material through "act." on line 29

     Beginning on page 4, line 35 of the amendment, strike all of sections 3 and 4 and insert the following:

"NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3   A new section is added to chapter 70.240 RCW to read as follows:
     By July 1, 2012, the department shall prepare and distribute information to all manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of children's products that may be sold or distributed for use in the state regarding the prohibition contained in section 2 of this act to the maximum extent practicable."

EFFECT:  Removes provisions relating to conducting alternatives assessments, including the provision allowing manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers to sell children's products containing TRIS until July 1, 2014, if the manufacturer of the product conducts an alternatives assessment. Requires the department of ecology to prepare and distribute information by July 1, 2012, regarding the TRIS ban to all manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of children's products that may be sold or distributed in the state.

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