6492-S AMH PEDE ADAM 131


SSB 6492 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-4693.1/12) 1354

By Representative Pedersen

ADOPTED 03/08/2012

    On page 13, beginning on line 22 of the striking amendment, strike all of section 8


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively, correct internal references accordingly, and correct the title.





    EFFECT:   Removes the section that:  (i) extends the time period, from five to 10 days, for holding a hearing on an ITA petition for a person whose felony criminal charges were dismissed based on incompetency; (ii) allows a petitioner (the state hospital) to request a continuance of the hearing for good cause; and (iii) removes the limitation that a hearing on an ITA petition may be continued for no more than five judicial days.



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