5124-S AMS CARR S2020.2

SSB 5124  - S AMD161
     By Senators Carrell, Kastama, Roach, Becker

NOT ADOPTED 03/04/2011

     Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

"Sec. 1   RCW 29A.04.008 and 2007 c 38 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
     As used in this title:
     (1) "Ballot" means, as the context implies, either:
     (a) The issues and offices to be voted upon in a jurisdiction or portion of a jurisdiction at a particular primary, general election, or special election;
     (b) A facsimile of the contents of a particular ballot whether printed on a paper ballot or ballot card or as part of a voting machine or voting device;
     (c) A physical or electronic record of the choices of an individual voter in a particular primary, general election, or special election; or
     (d) The physical document on which the voter's choices are to be recorded;
     (2) "Paper ballot" means a piece of paper on which the ballot for a particular election or primary has been printed, on which a voter may record his or her choices for any candidate or for or against any measure, and that is to be tabulated manually;
     (3) "Ballot card" means any type of card or piece of paper of any size on which a voter may record his or her choices for any candidate and for or against any measure and that is to be tabulated on a vote tallying system;
     (4) "Sample ballot" means a printed facsimile of all the issues and offices on the ballot in a jurisdiction and is intended to give voters notice of the issues, offices, and candidates that are to be voted on at a particular primary, general election, or special election;
     (5) "Provisional ballot" means a ballot issued at the polling place on election day by the precinct election board to a voter who would otherwise be denied an opportunity to vote a regular ballot, for any reason authorized by the Help America Vote Act, including but not limited to the following:
     (a) The voter's name does not appear in the poll book or list of registered voters for the county;
     (b) There is an indication in the poll book that the voter has requested an absentee ballot, but the voter wishes to vote at the polling place;
     (c) There is a question on the part of the voter concerning the issues or candidates on which the voter is qualified to vote;
     (d) Any other reason allowed by law;
     (6) "Party ballot" means a primary election ballot specific to a particular major political party that lists all candidates for partisan office who affiliate with that same major political party, as well as the nonpartisan races and ballot measures to be voted on at that primary;
     (7) "Nonpartisan ballot" means a primary election ballot that lists all nonpartisan races and ballot measures to be voted on at that primary.

Sec. 2   RCW 29A.04.013 and 2003 c 111 s 103 are each amended to read as follows:
     "Canvassing" means the process of examining ballots or groups of ballots, subtotals, and cumulative totals in order to determine the official returns of a primary or general election and includes the tabulation of any votes that were not previously tabulated at the precinct or in a counting center on the day of the primary or election.

Sec. 3   RCW 29A.04.031 and 2003 c 111 s 106 are each amended to read as follows:
     For registered voters voting by absentee or mail ballot, "date of mailing" means the date of the postal cancellation on the envelope in which the ballot is returned to the election official by whom it was issued. For all ((nonregistered absentee)) service and overseas voters, "date of mailing" means the date stated by the voter on the ((envelope in which the ballot is returned to the election official by whom it was issued)) declaration.

Sec. 4   RCW 29A.04.037 and 2010 c 161 s 1103 are each amended to read as follows:
     "Disabled voter" means any registered voter who qualifies for special parking privileges under RCW 46.19.010, or who is defined as blind under RCW 74.18.020, or who qualifies to require assistance with voting under ((RCW 29A.44.240)) section 25 of this act.

Sec. 5   RCW 29A.04.216 and 2004 c 271 s 104 are each amended to read as follows:
     The county auditor of each county shall be ex officio the supervisor of all primaries and elections, general or special, and it shall be the county auditor's duty to provide places for holding such primaries and elections; ((to appoint the precinct election officers and to provide for their compensation;)) to provide the supplies and materials necessary for the conduct of elections ((to the precinct election officers)); and to publish and post notices of calling such primaries and elections in the manner provided by law. The notice of a primary held in an even-numbered year must indicate that the office of precinct committee officer will be on the ballot. The auditor shall also apportion to each city, town, or district, and to the state of Washington in the odd-numbered year, its share of the expense of such primaries and elections. This section does not apply to general or special elections for any city, town, or district that is not subject to RCW 29A.04.321 and 29A.04.330, but all such elections must be held and conducted at the time, in the manner, and by the officials (with such notice, requirements for filing for office, and certifications by local officers) as provided and required by the laws governing such elections.

Sec. 6   RCW 29A.04.235 and 2003 c 111 s 138 are each amended to read as follows:
     The secretary of state shall ensure that each county auditor is provided with the most recent version of the election laws of the state, as contained in this title. Where amendments have been enacted after the last compilation of the election laws, he or she shall ensure that each county auditor receives a copy of those amendments before the next primary or election. ((The county auditor shall ensure that any statutory information necessary for the precinct election officers to perform their duties is supplied to them in a timely manner.))

Sec. 7   RCW 29A.04.255 and 2004 c 266 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     The secretary of state or a county auditor shall accept and file in his or her office electronic facsimile transmissions of the following documents:
     (1) Declarations of candidacy;
     (2) County canvass reports;
     (3) Voters' pamphlet statements;
     (4) Arguments for and against ballot measures that will appear in a voters' pamphlet;
     (5) Requests for recounts;
     (6) Certification of candidates and measures by the secretary of state;
     (7) Direction by the secretary of state for the conduct of a mandatory recount;
     (8) Requests for absentee ballots;
     (9) Any other election related document authorized by rule adopted by the secretary of state under RCW ((29A.04.610)) 29A.04.611.
     The acceptance by the secretary of state or the county auditor is conditional upon the document being filed in a timely manner, being legible, and otherwise satisfying the requirements of state law or rules with respect to form and content.
     If the original copy of a document must be signed and a copy of the document is filed by facsimile transmission under this section, the original copy must be subsequently filed with the official with whom the facsimile was filed. The original copy must be filed by a deadline established by the secretary by rule. The secretary may by rule require that the original of any document, a copy of which is filed by facsimile transmission under this section, also be filed by a deadline established by the secretary by rule.

Sec. 8   RCW 29A.04.470 and 2004 c 267 s 203 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) The secretary of state shall create an advisory committee and adopt rules governing project eligibility, evaluation, awarding of grants, and other criteria for administering the local government grant program, which may include a preference for grants that include a match of local funds.
     (2) The advisory committee shall review grant proposals and establish a prioritized list of projects to be considered for funding by the third Tuesday in May of each year beginning in 2004 and continuing as long as funds in the election account established by ((chapter 48, Laws of 2003 [RCW 29A.04.440])) RCW 29A.04.440 are available. The grant award may have an effective date other than the date the project is placed on the prioritized list, including money spent previously by the county that would qualify for reimbursement under the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252).
     (3) Examples of projects that would be eligible for local government grant funding include, but are not limited to the following:
     (a) Replacement or upgrade of voting equipment, including the replacement of punch card voting systems;
     (b) Purchase of additional voting equipment, including the purchase of equipment to meet the disability requirements of the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252);
     (c) Purchase of new election management system hardware and software capable of integrating with the statewide voter registration system required by the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252);
     (d) Development and production of poll worker recruitment and training materials;
     (e) Voter education programs;
     (f) Publication of a local voters' pamphlet;
     (g) Toll-free access system to provide notice of the outcome of provisional ballots; and
     (h) Training for local election officials.

Sec. 9   RCW 29A.04.540 and 2009 c 415 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
     A person having responsibility for the administration or conduct of elections((, other than precinct election officers,)) shall, within eighteen months of undertaking those responsibilities, receive general training regarding the conduct of elections and specific training regarding their responsibilities and duties as prescribed by this title or by rules adopted by the secretary of state under this title. Included among those persons for whom such training is mandatory are the following:
     (1) Secretary of state elections division personnel;
     (2) County elections administrators under RCW 36.22.220; and
     (3) Any other person or group charged with election administration responsibilities if the person or group is designated by rule adopted by the secretary of state as requiring the training.
     Neither this section nor RCW 29A.04.530 may be construed as requiring an elected official to receive training or a certificate of training as a condition for seeking or holding elective office or as a condition for carrying out constitutional duties.

Sec. 10   RCW 29A.04.580 and 2003 c 111 s 156 are each amended to read as follows:
     The county auditor may designate any person who has been certified under this chapter, other than the auditor, to participate in a review conducted in the county under this chapter. Each county auditor and canvassing board shall cooperate fully during an election review by making available to the reviewing staff any material requested by the staff. The reviewing staff shall have full access to ((ballot pages, absentee voting materials, any other election material normally kept in a secure environment after the election, and other requested)) the county's election material. If ballots are reviewed by the staff, they shall be reviewed in the presence of the canvassing board or its designees. Ballots shall not leave the custody of the canvassing board. During the review and after its completion, the review staff may make appropriate recommendations to the county auditor or canvassing board, or both, to bring the county into compliance with the training required under this chapter, and the laws or rules of the state of Washington, to safeguard election material or to preserve the integrity of the elections process.

Sec. 11   RCW 29A.04.611 and 2009 c 369 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     The secretary of state as chief election officer shall make reasonable rules in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW not inconsistent with the federal and state election laws to effectuate any provision of this title and to facilitate the execution of its provisions in an orderly, timely, and uniform manner relating to any federal, state, county, city, town, and district elections. To that end the secretary shall assist local election officers by devising uniform forms and procedures.
     In addition to the rule-making authority granted otherwise by this section, the secretary of state shall make rules governing the following provisions:
     (1) The maintenance of voter registration records;
     (2) The preparation, maintenance, distribution, review, and filing of precinct maps;
     (3) Standards for the design, layout, and production of ballots;
     (4) The examination and testing of voting systems for certification;
     (5) The source and scope of independent evaluations of voting systems that may be relied upon in certifying voting systems for use in this state;
     (6) Standards and procedures for the acceptance testing of voting systems by counties;
     (7) Standards and procedures for testing the programming of vote tallying software for specific primaries and elections;
     (8) Standards and procedures for the preparation and use of each type of certified voting system including procedures for the operation of counting centers where vote tallying systems are used;
     (9) Standards and procedures to ensure the accurate tabulation and canvassing of ballots;
     (10) Consistency among the counties of the state in the preparation of ballots, the operation of vote tallying systems, and the canvassing of primaries and elections;
     (11) Procedures to ensure the secrecy of a voter's ballot when a small number of ballots are counted at the polls or at a counting center;
     (12) The use of substitute devices or means of voting when a voting device at the polling place is found to be defective, the counting of votes cast on the defective device, the counting of votes cast on the substitute device, and the documentation that must be submitted to the county auditor regarding such circumstances;
     (13) Procedures for the transportation of sealed containers of voted ballots or sealed voting devices;
     (14) The acceptance and filing of documents via electronic ((facsimile)) transmission;
     (15) Voter registration applications and records;
     (16) The use of voter registration information in the conduct of elections;
     (17) The coordination, delivery, and processing of voter registration records accepted by driver licensing agents or the department of licensing;
     (18) The coordination, delivery, and processing of voter registration records accepted by agencies designated by the governor to provide voter registration services;
     (19) Procedures to receive and distribute voter registration applications by mail;
     (20) Procedures for a voter to change his or her voter registration address within a county by telephone;
     (21) Procedures for a voter to change the name under which he or she is registered to vote;
     (22) Procedures for canceling dual voter registration records and for maintaining records of persons whose voter registrations have been canceled;
     (23) Procedures for the electronic transfer of voter registration records between county auditors and the office of the secretary of state;
     (24) Procedures and forms for declarations of candidacy;
     (25) Procedures and requirements for the acceptance and filing of declarations of candidacy by electronic means;
     (26) Procedures for the circumstance in which two or more candidates have a name similar in sound or spelling so as to cause confusion for the voter;
     (27) Filing for office;
     (28) The order of positions and offices on a ballot;
     (29) Sample ballots;
     (30) Independent evaluations of voting systems;
     (31) The testing, approval, and certification of voting systems;
     (32) The testing of vote tallying software programming;
     (33) Standards and procedures to prevent fraud and to facilitate the accurate processing and canvassing of absentee ballots and mail ballots, including standards for the approval and implementation of hardware and software for automated signature verification systems;
     (34) Standards and procedures to guarantee the secrecy of absentee ballots and mail ballots;
     (35) Uniformity among the counties of the state in the conduct of absentee voting and mail ballot elections;
     (36) Standards and procedures to accommodate overseas voters and service voters;
     (37) The tabulation of paper ballots ((before the close of the polls));
     (38) The accessibility of polling places and registration facilities that are accessible to elderly and disabled persons and voting centers;
     (39) The aggregation of precinct results if reporting the results of a single precinct could jeopardize the secrecy of a person's ballot;
     (40) Procedures for conducting a statutory recount;
     (41) Procedures for filling vacancies in congressional offices if the general statutory time requirements for availability of absentee ballots, certification, canvassing, and related procedures cannot be met;
     (42) Procedures for the statistical sampling of signatures for purposes of verifying and canvassing signatures on initiative, referendum, and recall election petitions;
     (43) Standards and deadlines for submitting material to the office of the secretary of state for the voters' pamphlet;
     (44) Deadlines for the filing of ballot titles for referendum bills and constitutional amendments if none have been provided by the legislature;
     (45) Procedures for the publication of a state voters' pamphlet;
     (46) Procedures for conducting special elections regarding nuclear waste sites if the general statutory time requirements for availability of absentee ballots, certification, canvassing, and related procedures cannot be met;
     (47) Procedures for conducting partisan primary elections;
     (48) Standards and procedures for the proper conduct of voting ((during the early voting period to provide accessability for the blind or visually impaired)) on accessible voting devices;
     (49) Standards for voting technology and systems used by the state or any political subdivision to be accessible for individuals with disabilities, including nonvisual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation, including privacy and independence, as other voters;
     (50) All data formats for transferring voter registration data on electronic or machine-readable media for the purpose of administering the statewide voter registration list required by the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252);
     (51) Defining the interaction of electronic voter registration election management systems employed by each county auditor to maintain a local copy of each county's portion of the official state list of registered voters;
     (52) Provisions and procedures to implement the state-based administrative complaint procedure as required by the Help America Vote Act (P.L. 107-252);
     (53) Facilitating the payment of local government grants to local government election officers or vendors; and
     (54) Standards for the verification of signatures on absentee, mail, and provisional ballot ((envelopes)) declarations.

Sec. 12   RCW 29A.08.130 and 2009 c 369 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
     Election officials shall not include inactive voters in the count of registered voters for the purpose of dividing precincts, creating vote-by-mail precincts, determining voter turnout, or other purposes in law for which the determining factor is the number of registered voters. ((Election officials shall not include persons who are ongoing absentee voters under RCW 29A.40.040 in determining the maximum permissible size of vote-by-mail precincts or in determining the maximum permissible size of precincts. Nothing in this section may be construed as altering the vote tallying requirements of RCW 29A.60.230.))

Sec. 13   RCW 29A.08.140 and 2009 c 369 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) In order to vote in any primary, special election, or general election, a person who is not registered to vote in Washington must:
     (a) Submit a registration application no later than twenty-nine days before the day of the primary, special election, or general election; or
     (b) Register in person at the county auditor's office in his or her county of residence no later than eight days before the day of the primary, special election, or general election. A person registering under this subsection will be issued an absentee ballot.
     (2) A person who is already registered to vote in Washington may update his or her registration no later than twenty-nine days before the day of the primary, special election, or general election to be in effect for that primary, special election, or general election. A registered voter who fails to transfer his or her residential address by this deadline may vote according to his or her previous registration address.
     (((3) Prior to each primary and general election, the county auditor shall give notice of the registration deadlines by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least thirty-five days before the primary or general election.))

Sec. 14   RCW 29A.08.820 and 2006 c 320 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) Challenges initiated by a registered voter against a voter who registered to vote less than sixty days before the election, or who changed residence less than sixty days before the election without transferring his or her registration, must be filed not later than ten days before any primary or election, general or special, or within ten days of the voter being added to the voter registration database, whichever is later, at the office of the appropriate county auditor. Challenges initiated by a registered voter ((against any other voter)) or county prosecuting attorney must be filed not later than forty-five days before the election. ((Challenges initiated by the office of the county prosecuting attorney must be filed in the same manner as challenges initiated by a registered voter.))
     (2)(a) If the challenge is filed within forty-five days before an election at which the challenged voter is eligible to vote, a notation of the challenge must be made immediately in the poll book or voter registration system, and the county canvassing board presides over the hearing.
     (b) If the challenge is filed before the challenged voter's ballot is received, the ballot must be treated as a challenged ballot. A challenged ballot received at a polling place must be placed in a sealed envelope separate from other voted ballots.
     (c) If the challenge is filed after the challenged voter's ballot is received, the challenge cannot affect the current election.
     (3) If the challenge is filed at least forty-five days before an election at which the challenged voter is eligible to vote, the county auditor presides over the hearing.

Sec. 15   RCW 29A.12.085 and 2005 c 242 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
     Beginning on January 1, 2006, all direct recording electronic voting devices must produce a paper record of each vote that may be accepted or rejected by the voter before finalizing his or her vote. This record may not be removed from the polling place or voting center, and must be human readable without an interface and machine readable for counting purposes. If the device is programmed to display the ballot in multiple languages, the paper record produced must be printed in the language used by the voter. Rejected records must either be destroyed or marked in order to clearly identify the record as rejected. Paper records produced by direct recording electronic voting devices are subject to all the requirements of chapter 29A.60 RCW for ballot handling, preservation, reconciliation, transit, and storage. The paper records must be preserved in the same manner and for the same period of time as ballots.

Sec. 16   RCW 29A.12.110 and 2003 c 111 s 311 are each amended to read as follows:
     In preparing a voting device for a primary or election, a record shall be made of the ballot format programming installed in each device and the precinct or portion of a precinct for which that device has been prepared. Except where provided by a rule adopted under RCW ((29A.04.610)) 29A.04.611, after being prepared for a primary or election, each device shall be sealed with a uniquely numbered seal and provided to the inspector of the appropriate polling place. The programmed memory pack for each voting device must be sealed into the device during final preparation and logic and accuracy testing. Except in the case of a device breakdown or error in programming, the memory pack must remain sealed in the device until after 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary, special election, or general election.

Sec. 17   RCW 29A.12.120 and 2003 c 111 s 312 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) Before each state primary or general election at which voting systems are to be used, the county auditor shall instruct all ((precinct election officers appointed under RCW 29A.44.410,)) counting center personnel((,)) and political party observers designated under RCW 29A.60.170 who will operate a voting system in the proper conduct of their voting system duties.
     (2) The county auditor may waive instructional requirements for ((precinct election officers,)) counting center personnel((,)) and political party observers who have previously received instruction and who have served for a sufficient length of time to be fully qualified to perform their duties. The county auditor shall keep a record of each person who has received instruction and is qualified to serve at the subsequent primary or election.
     (3) ((As compensation for the time spent in receiving instruction, each precinct election officer who qualifies and serves at the subsequent primary or election shall receive an additional two hours compensation, to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as compensation is paid for services on the day of the primary or election.
     (4) Except for the appointment of a precinct election officer to fill a vacancy under RCW 29A.44.440, no inspector or judge may serve at any primary or election at which voting systems are used unless he or she has received the required instruction and is qualified to perform his or her duties in connection with the voting devices.
)) No person may work in a counting center at a primary or election at which a vote tallying system is used unless that person has received the required instruction and is qualified to perform his or her duties in connection with the handling and tallying of ballots for that primary or election. No person may serve as a political party observer unless that person has received the required instruction and is familiar with the operation of the counting center and the vote tallying system and the procedures to be employed to verify the accuracy of the programming for that vote tallying system.

Sec. 18   RCW 29A.12.160 and 2004 c 267 s 701 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) At each polling location or voting center, at least one voting unit certified by the secretary of state shall provide access to individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
     (2) ((Compliance with this provision in regard to voting technology and systems purchased prior to July 27, 2003, shall be achieved at the time of procurement of an upgrade of technology compatible with nonvisual voting methods or replacement of existing voting equipment or systems.
     (3) Compliance with subsection (2) of this section is contingent on available funds to implement this provision.
)) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
     (a) "Accessible" includes receiving, using, selecting, and manipulating voter data and controls.
     (b) "Nonvisual" includes synthesized speech, Braille, and other output methods.
     (c) "Blind and visually impaired" excludes persons who are both deaf and blind.
     (((5))) (3) This section does not apply to voting by absentee ballot.

Sec. 19   RCW 29A.16.040 and 2004 c 266 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
     The county legislative authority of each county in the state ((hereafter formed)) shall((, at their first session,)) divide ((their respective counties)) the county into election precincts and establish the boundaries of the precincts. The county auditor shall thereupon designate the voting place for each such precinct or whether the precinct is a vote by mail precinct.
     (1) Precinct boundaries may be altered at any time as long as sufficient time exists prior to a given election for the necessary procedural steps to be honored. Except as permitted under subsection (5) of this section, no precinct ((boundaries)) changes may be ((changed)) made during the period starting ((on the thirtieth)) fourteen days prior to the first day for candidates to file for the primary election and ending with the day of the general election.
     (2) The county legislative authority may establish by ordinance a limitation on the maximum number of active registered voters in each precinct within its jurisdiction. The limitation may be different for precincts based upon the method of voting used for such precincts and the number may be less than the number established by law, but in no case may the number exceed ((that authorized by law)) two thousand active registered voters.
     (3) ((Precincts in which voting machines or electronic voting devices are used may contain as many as nine hundred active registered voters.)) The number of poll-site ballot counting devices at each polling place is at the discretion of the auditor. The number of devices must be adequate to meet the expected voter turnout.
     (4) On petition of twenty-five or more voters resident more than ten miles from any polling site, the county legislative authority shall establish a separate voting precinct therefor.
     (5) The county auditor shall temporarily adjust precinct boundaries when a city or town annexes unincorporated territory to the city or town, or whenever unincorporated territory is incorporated as a city or town. The adjustment must be made as soon as possible after the approval of the annexation or incorporation. The temporary adjustment must be limited to the minimum changes necessary to accommodate the addition of the territory to the city or town, or to establish the eligible voters within the boundaries of the new city or town, and remains in effect only until precinct boundary modifications reflecting the annexation or incorporation are adopted by the county legislative authority.
     (6) In determining the number of active registered voters for the purposes of this section, persons who are ongoing absentee voters under RCW 29A.40.040 shall not be counted. Nothing in this subsection may be construed as altering the vote tallying requirements of RCW 29A.60.230.

Sec. 20   RCW 29A.32.260 and 2003 c 111 s 818 are each amended to read as follows:
     As soon as practicable before the primary, special election, or general election, the county auditor, or if applicable, the city clerk of a first-class or code city, as appropriate, shall mail the local voters' pamphlet to every residence in each jurisdiction that has included information in the pamphlet. The county auditor or city clerk, as appropriate, may choose to mail the pamphlet to each registered voter in each jurisdiction that has included information in the pamphlet, if in his or her judgment, a more economical and effective distribution of the pamphlet would result. ((If the county or city chooses to mail the pamphlet to each residence, no notice of election otherwise required by RCW 29A.52.350 need be published.))

Sec. 21   RCW 29A.36.220 and 2003 c 111 s 922 are each amended to read as follows:
     The cost of printing and mailing ballots, ((ballot cards)) envelopes, and instructions ((and the delivery of this material to the precinct election officers)) shall be an election cost that shall be borne as determined under RCW 29A.04.410 and 29A.04.420, as appropriate.

Sec. 22   RCW 29A.40.091 and 2010 c 125 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) The county auditor shall send each voter a ballot, a security envelope in which to seal the ballot after voting, a larger envelope in which to return the security envelope, a declaration that the voter must sign, and instructions on how to obtain information about the election, how to mark the ballot, and how to return ((it)) the ballot to the county auditor.
     (2) The ((instructions that accompany a ballot for a partisan primary must include instructions for voting the applicable ballot style, as provided in chapter 29A.36 RCW. The voter's name and address must be printed on the larger return envelope, which must also contain a declaration by the voter reciting his or her qualifications and stating that he or she)) voter must swear under penalty of perjury that he or she meets the qualifications to vote, and has not voted in any other jurisdiction at this election((, together with a summary of the penalties for any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter)). The declaration must clearly inform the voter that it is illegal to vote if he or she is not a United States citizen; it is illegal to vote if he or she has been convicted of a felony and has not had his or her voting rights restored; and((, except as otherwise provided by law,)) it is illegal to cast a ballot or sign a return envelope on behalf of another voter. The ((return envelope)) ballot materials must provide space for the voter to indicate the date on which the ballot was voted ((and for the voter)), to sign the ((oath. It must also contain a space so that the voter may include)) declaration, and to provide a telephone number. ((A summary of the applicable penalty provisions of this chapter must be printed on the return envelope immediately adjacent to the space for the voter's signature. The signature of the voter on the return envelope must affirm and attest to the statements regarding the qualifications of that voter and to the validity of the ballot. The return envelope may provide secrecy for the voter's signature and optional telephone number.))
     (3) For overseas and service voters, the signed declaration on the return envelope constitutes the equivalent of a voter registration for the election or primary for which the ballot has been issued. Return envelopes for overseas and service voters must enable the ballot to be returned postage free if mailed through the United States postal service, United States armed forces postal service, or the postal service of a United States foreign embassy under 39 U.S.C. Sec. 3406.
The voter must be instructed to either return the ballot to the county auditor ((by whom it was issued or attach sufficient first-class postage, if applicable, and)) no later than 8:00 p.m. the day of the election or primary, or mail the ballot to the ((appropriate)) county auditor with a postmark no later than the day of the election or primary ((for which the ballot was issued)).
     ((If the county auditor chooses to forward ballots, he or she must include with the ballot a clear explanation of the qualifications necessary to vote in that election and must also advise a voter with questions about his or her eligibility to contact the county auditor. This explanation may be provided on the ballot envelope, on an enclosed insert, or printed directly on the ballot itself. If the information is not included, the envelope must clearly indicate that the ballot is not to be forwarded and that return postage is guaranteed.))

Sec. 23   RCW 29A.40.100 and 2003 c 111 s 1010 are each amended to read as follows:
     County auditors must request that observers be appointed by the major political parties to be present during the processing of absentee ballots at the counting or polling center. County auditors have discretion to also request that observers be appointed by any campaigns or organizations. The absence of the observers will not prevent the processing of absentee ballots if the county auditor has requested their presence.

Sec. 24   RCW 29A.40.110 and 2009 c 369 s 40 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) The opening and subsequent processing of return envelopes for any primary or election may begin upon receipt. The tabulation of absentee ballots must not commence until after 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary or election.
     (2) All received absentee return envelopes must be placed in secure locations from the time of delivery to the county auditor until their subsequent opening. After opening the return envelopes, the county canvassing board shall place all of the ballots in secure storage until ((after 8:00 p.m. of the day of the primary or election)) processing. Absentee ballots that are to be tabulated on an electronic vote tallying system may be taken from the inner envelopes and all the normal procedural steps may be performed to prepare these ballots for tabulation.
     (3) ((Before opening a returned absentee ballot,)) The canvassing board, or its designated representatives, shall examine the postmark((, statement,)) on the return envelope and signature on the ((return envelope that contains the security envelope and absentee ballot)) declaration before processing the ballot. The ballot must either be received no later than 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary or election, or must be postmarked no later than the day of the primary or election. All personnel assigned to verify signatures must receive training on statewide standards for signature verification. Personnel shall verify that the voter's signature on the ((return envelope)) ballot declaration is the same as the signature of that voter in the registration files of the county. Verification may be conducted by an automated verification system approved by the secretary of state. For any absentee ballot, a variation between the signature of the voter on the ((return envelope)) ballot declaration and the signature of that voter in the registration files due to the substitution of initials or the use of common nicknames is permitted so long as the surname and handwriting are clearly the same.
     (4) ((For registered voters casting absentee ballots)) If the postmark is missing or illegible, the date on the ((return envelope)) ballot declaration to which the voter has attested determines the validity, as to the time of voting, for that ((absentee)) ballot ((if the postmark is missing or is illegible)). For overseas voters and service voters, the date on the ((return envelope)) declaration to which the voter has attested determines the validity, as to the time of voting, for that absentee ballot.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 25   A new section is added to chapter 29A.44 RCW to read as follows:
     (1) Each county auditor in a county that does not provide polling places for voters shall open a voting center each primary, special election, and general election. The voting center shall be open during business hours during the voting period, which begins eighteen days before, and ends at 8:00 p.m. on the day of, the primary, special election, or general election.
     (2) The voting center must provide voter registration materials, ballots, provisional ballots, disability access voting units, sample ballots, instructions on how to properly vote the ballot, a ballot drop box, and voters' pamphlets, if a voters' pamphlet has been published.
     (3) The voting center must be accessible to persons with disabilities. Each state agency and entity of local government shall permit the use of any of its accessible facilities as voting centers when requested by a county auditor.
     (4) The voting center must provide at least one voting unit certified by the secretary of state that provides access to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, enabling them to vote with privacy and independence.
     (5) No person may interfere with a voter attempting to vote in a voting center. Interfering with a voter attempting to vote is a violation of RCW 29A.84.510.
     (6) Before opening the voting center, the voting equipment shall be inspected to determine if it has been properly prepared for voting. If the voting equipment is capable of direct tabulation of each voter's choices, the county auditor shall verify that no votes have been registered for any issue or office, and that the device has been sealed with a unique numbered seal at the time of final preparation and logic and accuracy testing. A log must be made of all device numbers and seal numbers.
     (7) The county auditor shall require any person desiring to vote at a voting center to either sign a ballot declaration or provide identification.
     (a) The signature on the declaration must be compared to the signature on the voter registration record before the ballot may be counted. If the voter registered using a mark, or can no longer sign his or her name, the election officers shall require the voter to be identified by another registered voter.
     (b) The identification must be valid photo identification, such as a driver's license, state identification card, student identification card, tribal identification card, or employer identification card. Any individual who desires to vote in person but cannot provide identification shall be issued a provisional ballot, which shall be accepted if the signature on the declaration matches the signature on the voter's registration record.
     (8) Provisional ballots must be accompanied by a declaration and security envelope, as required by RCW 29A.40.091, and space for the voter's name, date of birth, current and former registered address, reason for the provisional ballot, and disposition of the provisional ballot. The voter shall vote and return the provisional ballot at the voting center. The voter must be provided information on how to ascertain whether the provisional ballot was counted and, if applicable, the reason why the vote was not counted.
     (9) Any voter may take printed or written material into the voting device to assist in casting his or her vote. The voter shall not use this material to electioneer and shall remove it when he or she leaves the voting center.
     (10) If any voter states that he or she is unable to cast his or her votes due to a disability, the voter may designate a person of his or her choice, or two election officers, to enter the voting booth and record the votes as he or she directs.
     (11) No voter is entitled to vote more than once at a primary, special election, or general election. If a voter incorrectly marks a ballot, he or she may be issued a replacement ballot.
     (12) A voter who has already returned a ballot but requests to vote at a voting center shall be issued a provisional ballot. The canvassing board shall not count the provisional ballot if it finds that the voter has also voted a regular ballot in that primary, special election, or general election.
     (13) The county auditor must prevent overflow of each ballot drop box to allow a voter to deposit his or her ballot securely. Ballots must be removed from a ballot drop box by at least two people, with a record kept of the date and time ballots were removed, and the names of people removing them. Ballots from drop boxes must be returned to the counting center in secured transport containers. A copy of the record must be placed in the container, and one copy must be transported with the ballots to the counting center, where the seal number must be verified by the county auditor or a designated representative. All ballot drop boxes must be secured at 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary, special election, or general election.
     (14) Any voter who is inside or in line at the voting center at 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary, special election, or general election must be allowed to vote.
     (15) For each primary, special election, and general election, the county auditor may provide election services at locations in addition to the voting center. The county auditor has discretion to establish which services will be provided at the additional locations, and which days and hours the locations will be open.

Sec. 26   RCW 29A.46.260 and 2010 c 215 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) The legislature finds that the elimination of polling places resulting from the transition to vote by mail creates barriers that restrict the ability of many voters with disabilities from achieving the independence and privacy in voting provided by the accessible voting devices required under the help America vote act. Counties adopting a vote by mail system must take appropriate steps to mitigate these impacts and to address the obligation to provide voters with disabilities an equal opportunity to vote independently and privately, to the extent that this can be achieved without incurring undue administrative and financial burden.
     (2) Each county shall establish and maintain an advisory committee that includes persons with diverse disabilities and persons with expertise in providing accommodations for persons with disabilities. The committee shall assist election officials in developing a plan to identify and implement changes to improve the accessibility of elections for voters with disabilities. The plan shall include recommendations for the following:
     (a) The number of polling places or voting centers that will be maintained in order to ensure that people with disabilities have reasonable access to accessible voting devices, and a written explanation for how the determination was made;
     (b) The locations of polling places, ballot drop-off facilities, voting centers, and other election-related functions necessary to maximize accessibility to persons with disabilities;
     (c) Outreach to voters with disabilities on the availability of disability accommodation, including in-person disability access voting;
     (d) Transportation of voting devices to locations convenient for voters with disabilities in order to ensure reasonable access for voters with disabilities; and
     (e) Implementation of the provisions of the help America vote act related to persons with disabilities.
     Counties must update the plan at least annually. The election review staff of the secretary of state shall review and evaluate the plan in conformance with the review procedure identified in RCW 29A.04.570.
     (3) Counties may form a joint advisory committee to develop the plan identified in subsection (2) of this section if no more than one of the participating counties has a population greater than seventy thousand.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 27   A new section is added to chapter 29A.52 RCW to read as follows:
     Notice for any state, county, district, or municipal primary or election, whether special or general, must be given by the county auditor between five and fifteen days prior to the deadline for mail-in registrations. The notice must be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation and must contain, at a minimum, the last date to register online or through the mail, the last date to transfer or update an existing registration, the last date to register in person for first-time voters, information on where a person can register, the type of election, the date of the election, how a voter can obtain a ballot, a list of all jurisdictions involved in the election, including positions and short titles for ballot measures appearing on the ballot, and the times and dates of any public meetings associated with the election. The notice shall also include where additional information regarding the election may be obtained. This is the only notice required for a state, county, district, or municipal primary or special or general election. If the county or city chooses to mail a local voters' pamphlet as described in RCW 29A.32.210 to each residence, the notice required in this section need only include the last date to register online or through the mail, the last date to transfer or update an existing registration, the last date to register in person for first-time voters, information on where a person can register, and the times and dates of any public meetings associated with the election.

Sec. 28   RCW 29A.60.040 and 2009 c 414 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
     A ballot is invalid and no votes on that ballot may be counted if it is found folded together with another ballot.
     Those parts of a ballot are invalid and no votes may be counted for those issues or offices where more votes are cast for the office or issue than are permitted by law; write-in votes do not contain all of the information required under RCW 29A.60.021; or that issue or office is not marked with sufficient definiteness to determine the voter's choice or intention. No write-in vote may be rejected due to a variation in the form of the name if the ((election board or the)) canvassing board can determine the issue for or against which or the person and the office for which the voter intended to vote.

Sec. 29   RCW 29A.60.050 and 2005 c 243 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
     Whenever the ((precinct election officers or the)) counting center personnel have a question about the validity of a ballot or the votes for an office or issue that they are unable to resolve, they shall prepare and sign a concise record of the facts in question or dispute. These ballots shall be delivered to the canvassing board for processing. A ballot is not considered rejected until the canvassing board has rejected the ballot individually, or the ballot was included in a batch or on a report of ballots that was rejected in its entirety by the canvassing board. All ballots shall be preserved in the same manner as valid ballots for that primary or election.

Sec. 30   RCW 29A.60.165 and 2006 c 209 s 4 and 2006 c 208 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
     (1) If the voter neglects to sign the ((outside envelope of an absentee or provisional)) ballot declaration, the auditor shall notify the voter by first-class mail and advise the voter of the correct procedures for completing the unsigned ((affidavit)) declaration. If the absentee ballot is received within three business days of the final meeting of the canvassing board, or the voter has been notified by first-class mail and has not responded at least three business days before the final meeting of the canvassing board, then the auditor shall attempt to notify the voter by telephone, using the voter registration record information. ((In order for the ballot to be counted, the voter must either:
     (a) Appear in person and sign the envelope no later than the day before the certification of the primary or election; or
     (b) Sign a copy of the envelope provided by the auditor, and return it to the auditor no later than the day before the certification of the primary or election.
     (2)(a) If the handwriting of the signature on an absentee or provisional ballot envelope or a ballot declaration is not the same as the handwriting of the signature on the registration file, the auditor shall notify the voter by first-class mail, enclosing a copy of the ((envelope affidavit)) declaration, and advise the voter of the correct procedures for updating his or her signature on the voter registration file. If the absentee or provisional ballot is received within three business days of the final meeting of the canvassing board, or the voter has been notified by first-class mail and has not responded at least three business days before the final meeting of the canvassing board, then the auditor shall attempt to notify the voter by telephone, using the voter registration record information. ((In order for the ballot to be counted, the voter must either:
     (i) Appear in person and sign a new registration form no later than the day before the certification of the primary or election; or
     (ii) Sign a copy of the affidavit provided by the auditor and return it to the auditor no later than the day before the certification of the primary or election. The voter may enclose with the affidavit a photocopy of a valid government or tribal issued identification document that includes the voter's current signature. If the signature on the copy of the affidavit does not match the signature on file or the signature on the copy of the identification document, the voter must appear in person and sign a new registration form no later than the day before the certification of the primary or election in order for the ballot to be counted.
     (b) If the signature on an absentee or provisional ballot envelope or a ballot declaration is not the same as the signature on the registration file because the name is different, the ballot may be counted as long as the handwriting is clearly the same. The auditor shall send the voter a change-of-name form under RCW 29A.08.440 and direct the voter to complete the form.
     (c) If the signature on an absentee or provisional ballot envelope or a ballot declaration is not the same as the signature on the registration file because the voter used initials or a common nickname, the ballot may be counted as long as the surname and handwriting are clearly the same.
     (3) A voter may not cure a missing or mismatched signature for purposes of counting the ballot in a recount.
     (4) A record must be kept of all ballots with missing and mismatched signatures. The record must contain the date on which the voter was contacted or the notice was mailed, as well as the date on which the voter signed the envelope, a copy of the envelope, a new registration form, or a change-of-name form. That record is a public record under chapter 42.56 RCW and may be disclosed to interested parties on written request.

Sec. 31   RCW 29A.68.070 and 2003 c 111 s 1707 are each amended to read as follows:
     No irregularity or improper conduct in the proceedings of any ((election)) county canvassing board or any member of the board amounts to such malconduct as to annul or set aside any election unless the irregularity or improper conduct was such as to procure the person whose right to the office may be contested, to be declared duly elected although the person did not receive the highest number of legal votes.

Sec. 32   RCW 29A.68.080 and 2003 c 111 s 1708 are each amended to read as follows:
     When any election for an office exercised in and for a county is contested on account of any malconduct on the part of ((any election)) a county canvassing board, or any member thereof, the election shall not be annulled and set aside upon any proof thereof, unless the rejection of the vote of such precinct or precincts will change the result as to such office in the remaining vote of the county.

Sec. 33   RCW 29A.84.020 and 2003 c 111 s 2102 are each amended to read as follows:
     Every officer who willfully violates RCW 29A.56.110 through 29A.56.270, for the violation of which no penalty is prescribed in this title or who willfully fails to comply with the provisions of ((this chapter)) RCW 29A.56.110 through 29A.56.270 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

Sec. 34   RCW 29A.84.050 and 2005 c 243 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) A person who knowingly destroys, alters, defaces, conceals, or discards a completed voter registration form or signed absentee or provisional ballot signature affidavit or ballot declaration is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. This section does not apply to (((1))) (a) the voter who completed the ((voter registration)) form or declaration, or (((2))) (b) a county auditor ((or registration assistant)) who acts as authorized by ((voter registration)) law.
     (2) Any person who intentionally fails to return another person's completed voter registration form or signed ballot declaration to the proper state or county elections office by the applicable deadline is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

Sec. 35   RCW 29A.84.510 and 2003 c 111 s 2121 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) ((On the day of any primary or general or special election)) During the voting period that begins eighteen days before and ends the day of a special election, general election, or primary, no person may, within a polling place or voting center, or in any public area within three hundred feet of any entrance to such polling place or voting center:
     (a) Suggest or persuade or attempt to suggest or persuade any voter to vote for or against any candidate or ballot measure;
     (b) Circulate cards or handbills of any kind;
     (c) Solicit signatures to any kind of petition; or
     (d) Engage in any practice which interferes with the freedom of voters to exercise their franchise or disrupts the administration of the polling place or voting center.
     (2) No person may obstruct the doors or entries to a building in which a polling place, voting center, or ballot drop location is located or prevent free access to and from any polling place, voting center, or ballot drop location. Any sheriff, deputy sheriff, or municipal law enforcement officer shall prevent such obstruction, and may arrest any person creating such obstruction.
     (3) No person may:
     (a) Except as provided in RCW 29A.44.050, remove any ballot from the polling place before the closing of the polls; or
     (b) Solicit any voter to show his or her ballot.
     (4) No person other than an inspector or judge of election may receive from any voter a voted ballot or deliver a blank ballot to such elector.
     (5) Any violation of this section is a gross misdemeanor, punishable to the same extent as a gross misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021, and the person convicted may be ordered to pay the costs of prosecution.

Sec. 36   RCW 29A.84.520 and 2003 c 111 s 2122 are each amended to read as follows:
     Any election officer who does any electioneering ((on primary or election day)) during the voting period that begins eighteen days before and ends the day of a special election, general election, or primary, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction must be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and pay the costs of prosecution.

Sec. 37   RCW 29A.84.530 and 2003 c 111 s 2123 are each amended to read as follows:
     Deliberately impeding other voters from casting their votes by refusing to leave a voting booth or voting device is a misdemeanor and is subject to the penalties provided in chapter 9A.20 RCW. ((The precinct)) Election officers may provide assistance in the manner provided by ((RCW 29A.44.240)) section 25 of this act to any voter who requests it.

Sec. 38   RCW 29A.84.540 and 2003 c 111 s 2124 are each amended to read as follows:
     Any person who, without lawful authority, removes a ballot from a polling place, voting center, or ballot drop location is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable to the same extent as a gross misdemeanor that is punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.

Sec. 39   RCW 29A.84.545 and 2005 c 242 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
     Anyone who, without authorization, removes from a polling place or voting center a paper record produced by ((an)) a direct recording electronic voting device is guilty of a class C felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.

Sec. 40   RCW 29A.84.550 and 2003 c 111 s 2125 are each amended to read as follows:
     Any person who willfully defaces, removes, or destroys any of the supplies or materials that the person knows are intended both for use in a polling place or voting center and for enabling a voter to prepare his or her ballot is guilty of a class C felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.

Sec. 41   RCW 29A.84.655 and 2003 c 111 s 2132 are each amended to read as follows:
     Any ((precinct)) election officer who ((knowingly permits any voter to cast a second vote at any primary or general or special election, or knowingly permits any person not a qualified voter to vote at any primary or general or special election)) intentionally tabulates or causes to be tabulated, through any act or omission, an invalid ballot when the person has actual knowledge that the ballot is invalid, is guilty of a class C felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.

Sec. 42   RCW 27.12.370 and 2006 c 344 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
     The county legislative authority or authorities shall by resolution call a special election to be held in such city or town at the next special election date according to RCW 29A.04.321, and shall cause notice of such election to be given as provided for in ((RCW 29A.52.351)) section 27 of this act.
     The election on the annexation of the city or town into the library district shall be conducted by the auditor of the county or counties in which the city or town is located in accordance with the general election laws of the state and the results thereof shall be canvassed by the canvassing board of the county or counties. No person shall be entitled to vote at such election unless he or she is registered to vote in said city or town for at least thirty days preceding the date of the election. The ballot proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

     "Shall the city or town of . . . . . . be annexed to and be a part of . . . . . . library district?
YES . . . . . . . . . . . .
NO . . . . . . . . . . . . □"

     If a majority of the persons voting on the proposition shall vote in favor thereof, the city or town shall thereupon be annexed and shall be a part of such library district.

Sec. 43   RCW 36.93.030 and 2006 c 344 s 28 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) There is hereby created and established in each county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more a board to be known and designated as a "boundary review board".
     (2) A boundary review board may be created and established in any other county in the following manner:
     (a) The county legislative authority may, by majority vote, adopt a resolution establishing a boundary review board; or
     (b) A petition seeking establishment of a boundary review board signed by qualified electors residing in the county equal in number to at least five percent of the votes cast in the county at the last county general election may be filed with the county auditor.
     Upon the filing of such a petition, the county auditor shall examine the same and certify to the sufficiency of the signatures thereon. No person may withdraw his or her name from a petition after it has been filed with the auditor. Within thirty days after the filing of such petition, the county auditor shall transmit the same to the county legislative authority, together with his or her certificate of sufficiency.
     After receipt of a valid petition for the establishment of a boundary review board, the county legislative authority shall submit the question of whether a boundary review board should be established to the electorate at the next primary or general election according to RCW 29A.04.321. Notice of the election shall be given as provided in ((RCW 29A.52.351)) section 27 of this act and shall include a clear statement of the proposal to be submitted.
     If a majority of the persons voting on the proposition shall vote in favor of the establishment of the boundary review board, such board shall thereupon be deemed established.

Sec. 44   RCW 52.04.071 and 2009 c 115 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
     The county legislative authority or authorities shall by resolution call a special election to be held in the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town and in the fire protection district at the next date according to RCW 29A.04.321, and shall cause notice of the election to be given as provided for in ((RCW 29A.52.351)) section 27 of this act.
     The election on the annexation of the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town into the fire protection district shall be conducted by the auditor of the county or counties in which the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town and the fire protection district are located in accordance with the general election laws of the state. The results thereof shall be canvassed by the canvassing board of the county or counties. No person is entitled to vote at the election unless he or she is a qualified elector in the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town or unless he or she is a qualified elector within the boundaries of the fire protection district. The ballot proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

     "Shall the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town of . . . . . . be annexed to and be a part of . . . . . . fire protection district?

     YES. . . . . . . . . .
     NO . . . . . . . . . . "

     If a majority of the persons voting on the proposition in the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town and a majority of the persons voting on the proposition in the fire protection district vote in favor thereof, the city, partial city as set forth in RCW 52.04.061(2), or town shall be annexed and shall be a part of the fire protection district.

NEW SECTION.  Sec. 45   RCW 29A.46.260 is recodified as a section in chapter 29A.04 RCW."

SSB 5124  - S AMD
     By Senators Carrell, Kastama, Roach, Becker

NOT ADOPTED 03/04/2011

     On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "mail;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 29A.04.008, 29A.04.013, 29A.04.031, 29A.04.037, 29A.04.216, 29A.04.235, 29A.04.255, 29A.04.470, 29A.04.540, 29A.04.580, 29A.04.611, 29A.08.130, 29A.08.140, 29A.08.820, 29A.12.085, 29A.12.110, 29A.12.120, 29A.12.160, 29A.16.040, 29A.32.260, 29A.36.220, 29A.40.091, 29A.40.100, 29A.40.110, 29A.46.260, 29A.60.040, 29A.60.050, 29A.68.070, 29A.68.080, 29A.84.020, 29A.84.050, 29A.84.510, 29A.84.520, 29A.84.530, 29A.84.540, 29A.84.545, 29A.84.550, 29A.84.655, 27.12.370, 36.93.030, and 52.04.071; reenacting and amending RCW 29A.60.165; adding a new section to chapter 29A.44 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 29A.52 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 29A.04 RCW; recodifying RCW 29A.46.260; and prescribing penalties."

EFFECT:  Removes the requirement that all counties conduct elections by mail. Restores the option of poll voting.

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