Legislative Digest No. 59

Monday, April 18, 201199th Day - 2011 Regular Session

SB 5385-SSB 5622-S2SB 5846-SSB 5948SB 5949SB 5950
HB 1348-SHB 1497-SHB 2040-SHB 2100

This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.

Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/digests.aspx?year=2011.

House Bills

HB 1348-S

by House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Dunshee, Warnick, and Ormsby; by request of Governor Gregoire)

Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts.


Authorizes the state finance committee to issue general obligation bonds of the state to finance the projects described and authorized by the legislature in the capital and operating appropriations acts for the 2009-2011 and 2011-2013 fiscal bienniums.

Provides that if any bonds authorized in the act have not been issued by June 30, 2013, the authority of the state finance committee to issue such remaining unissued bonds shall expire June 30, 2013.
Jan 27Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 1:30 PM.
Feb 1Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 12Executive action taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 13CB - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Placed on second reading.

HB 1497-S

by House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Dunshee and Warnick; by request of Governor Gregoire)

Regarding the capital budget.


Makes appropriations and authorizes expenditures for capital improvements.
Jan 27Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 1:30 PM.
Feb 1Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 5Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 12CB - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 13Placed on second reading.

HB 2040-S

by House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Dunshee, Hunt, Sullivan, Jinkins, Reykdal, Ryu, Darneille, Moscoso, Cody, Goodman, Pettigrew, Appleton, Moeller, Hasegawa, Hudgins, Fitzgibbon, Green, Van De Wege, Haigh, Roberts, Stanford, Frockt, Billig, Ormsby, Upthegrove, Kenney, Rolfes, and Maxwell)

Providing for assistance for financing infrastructure and economic development.


Creates a task force to develop a means to use the state's money to finance public works infrastructure, student loans, and economic development.

Expires December 31, 2012.
Apr 5Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 12CB - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Minority; do not pass.
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM.
Apr 13Placed on second reading.

HB 2100

by Representative Hasegawa

Narrowing the property tax exemption for intangibles.

Narrows the property tax exemption for intangibles.
Apr 15First reading, referred to Ways & Means.

Senate Bills

SB 5385-S

by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Regala, Ranker, Rockefeller, and Fraser; by request of Department of Fish and Wildlife)

Increasing revenue to the state wildlife account.


Increases revenue to the state wildlife account by increasing the cost of certain hunting and/or fishing licenses, fees, permits, tags, and stamps.
Feb 10Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM.
Apr 1Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
Apr 6Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 12:30 PM.
Apr 13Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 2:30 PM.
Apr 14WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Minority; do not pass.
Apr 15Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.

SB 5622-S2

by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Ranker, Swecker, Fraser, Hargrove, White, Regala, Shin, Chase, Kline, and Conway; by request of Parks and Recreation Commission, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Fish and Wildlife)

Concerning recreation access on state lands.


Reforms and improves access to and management of state lands by: (1) Providing a motor vehicle access pass and access policies for state lands;

(2) Recovering the cost incurred by the state for operations and management of recreation opportunities;

(3) Providing resources to address the growing demand and impacts of outdoor recreationists and conservation of our natural resources; and

(4) Providing effective education and enforcement of state land access policies.

Creates a discover pass, a vehicle access pass, and a day-use permit.

Creates the recreation access pass account.
Feb 2Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Marine Waters at 8:00 AM.
Feb 17Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Marine Waters at 1:30 PM.
Mar 30Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
Apr 1Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
Apr 6Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 12:30 PM.
Apr 13Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 2:30 PM.
Apr 14WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Minority; do not pass.
Apr 15Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.

SB 5846-S

by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Brown, McAuliffe, Tom, Fraser, Hobbs, Conway, Harper, Nelson, Rockefeller, Keiser, Kilmer, Litzow, Hatfield, Prentice, Shin, Kohl-Welles, and White)

Offering health benefit subsidies for certain retired public employees.


Requires the state health care authority to provide an optional subsidy of two hundred fifty dollars per month for health benefit premiums to certain members of the teachers' retirement system.
Mar 24Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM.
Apr 1Executive action scheduled, but the motion to report the bill out of the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM failed.
Apr 13Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 2:30 PM.
Apr 14Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
Apr 15WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
Minority; do not pass.
Minority; without recommendation.
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.

SB 5948

by Senators Pflug and Keiser

Regarding transparency and costs for state-purchased outpatient services.

Prohibits the state health care authority, the department of social and health services, and the director of the department of labor and industries from reimbursing facility charges from a freestanding emergency room unless that freestanding emergency room is physically connected to a fully serviceable inpatient operating room.

Prohibits a freestanding emergency room from requiring or requesting any state-purchased health care program to pay a facility charge for services rendered in a freestanding emergency room.

Requires certain nonprofit hospitals to: (1) File an unofficial copy of their federal Schedule H form 990 with the department of revenue within five days of filing the form with the internal revenue service; and

(2) Make each unofficial copy of the form available for download on the department's web site.
Apr 15First reading, referred to Ways & Means.

SB 5949

by Senators Chase, Prentice, Rockefeller, Kline, Keiser, Kohl-Welles, Nelson, and Conway

Repealing the tax exemption on intangible property to provide funding for essential government services.

Eliminates the tax exemption on intangible property.
Apr 15First reading, referred to Ways & Means.

SB 5950

by Senators Roach and Conway

Regulating nonstate pension plans offered by towns.

Regulates nonstate pension plans offered by towns.
Apr 15First reading, referred to Ways & Means.