5034-S AMS HOLM CRIS 224


SSB 5034 - S AMD 245

By Senators Holmquist Newbry, Ranker

ADOPTED 04/05/2013

    On page 67, line 3, strike "$16,251,000", and insert "$16,355,000"


    On page 67, line 4, strike "$16,842,000", and insert "$16,946,000"


    Adjust the total appropriation accordingly.


    On page 68, line 9, after "(4)" strike all material through the end of line 13, and insert the following:

"$208,000 of the general fund--state appropriation is provided solely to implement Substitute Senate Bill No. 5123 (farm internships).  If the bill is not enacted by June 30, 2013, the amounts provided in this subsection shall lapse."



    EFFECT:   Appropriations in the Department of Labor and Industries from the Medical Aid Account-State ($32,0000) and the Accident Account-State ($176,000) to implement SB 5123 (farm internships) are removed.  A General Fund-State appropriation of $208,000 is provided to implement SB 5123.


    FISCAL EFFECT:   GF-S appropriation increase of $208,000.



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