1094-S AMH HARM KLEE 016


SHB 1094 - H AMD 17

By Representative Harmsworth

ADOPTED 03/04/2015

    On page 2, line 32, after "(4)" insert "If a biometric identifier was initially captured for any purpose other than a commercial purpose, it is a violation of this act to use the biometric identifier at a later time for a commercial purpose without an individual’s consent.

(5) For the purpose of subsection (4) of this section, consent means that an individual must actively opt-in to the use of the biometric identifier.  An active opt-in by an individual provides consent for the use of the biometric identifier for no longer than 24 hours.



    Renumber the remaining subsection consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.




    EFFECT:   Requires consent, defined as an active opt-in lasting for a period of no more than 24 hours, from an individual to use their biometric identifier for a commercial purpose when the biometric identifier was initially captured for another purpose.



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