1440-S AMH RYUC WAYV 031


SHB 1440 - H AMD 39

By Representative Ryu

ADOPTED 03/04/2015

    On page 2, beginning on line 39, after "device;" strike "or (v) denying," and insert "(v) denying a communications device access to other communications devices, communications protocols, or services; or (vi)"


    On page 2, line 40, after "spoofing" strike ","


    On page 2, beginning on line 40, after "device" strike "access to other communications devices or services" and insert ", cell tower, cell site, or service,"


    On page 3, line 6, after "content" insert ", or a passive interception device or digital analyzer that does not send signals to a communications device under surveillance"



    EFFECT:  Expands the definition of a "cell site simulator device" to include a device that transmits or receives radio waves for the purpose of: (i) denying a communications device access to other communications devices, communications protocols, or services; or (ii) spoofing or simulating a communications device, cell tower, cell site, or service, or a passive interception device or digital analyzer that does not send signals to a communications device under surveillance.


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