1472-S2 AMH SHEA LIPS 253


2SHB 1472 - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2198.5/15) 266

By Representative Shea

FAILED 03/11/2015

    On page 3, beginning on line 6 of the striking amendment, after "Chemicals" strike all material through "sediment." on line 18 and insert "regulated by the department as human health criteria in the draft rule issued by the department on January 8, 2015 and filed as WSR 15-03-15; or

    (b) Chemicals that are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals as defined in chapter 173-333 WAC, as of the effective date of this act, that affect water quality."


    On page 4, beginning on line 6 of the striking amendment, after "exposures;" insert the following:

    "(iv) The relative ranking assigned to a chemical by the department based on information applicable to Washington about chemical characteristics, uses of the chemical, releases of the chemical, and levels of the chemical present in the environment and in residents;

    (v) Whether the chemical has been determined to impact Washington state waters through identification under section 303(d) of the federal clean water act;"


    Renumber the remaining subsection consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.



  EFFECT:  Makes the following changes to the striking amendment:

·       Changes the scope of chemicals regulated under the federal clean water act that are subject to chemical action plans to specifically include chemicals regulated as human health criteria under the draft water quality standards rule published by the department of ecology on January 12, 2015.

·       Eliminates the authority for the department of ecology to complete chemical action plans for chemicals present in the human or natural environment and that meet other exposure, hazard, and health effect criteria, and instead authorizes the department to complete chemical action plans for chemicals identified by rule by the department as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic.

·       Requires the department of ecology, when selecting chemicals that will be subject to chemical action plans, to consider a chemical's relative risks as compared to other chemicals and whether the chemical impacts state water quality in impaired waters.


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