1745-S2 AMH HUNS FLYN 225


2SHB 1745 - H AMD 614

By Representative Hunt, S.

ADOPTED 02/04/2016

On page 2, at the beginning of line 16, strike "(1) "At-large method of election" and insert "(1) "Alternative proportional voting method" means any at-large election that includes one of the following methods of voting for multiple members of the governing body of a political subdivision:

(a) Limiting the number of votes a voter is entitled to cast to fewer than there are positions to elect;

(b) Cumulating the number of votes a voter is entitled to cast for each position, and allowing the voter to cast the total number of votes in favor of a single candidate or to distribute the total number of votes among multiple candidates; or

(c) Voting in a single transferable vote where voters rank each candidate in order of preference, with their vote counting towards the highest ranked candidate, and preferences allocated among other candidates who are not elected on first place votes.

(2) "At-large election"


Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


On page 4, line 6, after "at-large" strike "method of"


On page 4, line 20, after "system" insert "or an alternative proportional voting method"


On page 5, after line 39, insert the following:

"(7) A political subdivision may eliminate the staggered terms of any position in order to implement an alternative proportional voting method."


On page 6, line 5, after "system" insert "or an alternative proportional voting method"


    On page 7, after line 2, insert the following:

    "(d) The remedy may provide for a political subdivision to eliminate the staggered terms of any position in order to implement an alternative proportional voting method."


    On page 9, line 20, after "election" strike "as defined in section 3(2)" and insert "system or an alternative proportional voting method as defined in section 3"


    On page 10, line 13, after "system" strike "as defined in section 3(2)" and insert "or an alternative proportional voting method as defined in section 3"


    On page 10, line 28, after "system" strike "as defined in section 3(2)" and insert "or an alternative proportional voting method as defined in section 3"





(1) Adds a definition for “alternative proportional voting methods” that includes limited, cumulative, and single transferrable voting used in multi-member at-large elections;

(2) Includes alternative proportional voting methods along with district-based elections that are referred to as permissible alternative voting systems to remedy disproportional voting issues;

(3) Allows political subdivisions to eliminate staggered terms in order to implement an alternative proportional voting method;

(4) Provides authorization for alternative proportional voting methods for certain political subdivisions where specific authorization for district-based elections is also provided.




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