2524-S AMH SHMK HAJE 047


SHB 2524 - H AMD 828

By Representative Schmick

NOT ADOPTED 02/25/2016

    On page 9, at the beginning of line 23, strike "Motor Vehicle AccountFederal Appropriation . . . . . . . . . $500,000"


    On page 9, line 27, correct the total.


    On page 10, beginning on line 12, strike all of subsection (3).


    Renumber the remaining subsections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.




    EFFECT:   Removes Transportation Commission appropriation authority provided to (1) conduct preparation for a road usage charge pilot project, (2) pursue any federal or other funds to fund a road usage charge pilot project, and (3) report back to the Governor and the transportation committees of the legislature with a road usage charge pilot project implementation plan.



           Reduces Motor Vehicle Acct - Federal by $500,000.



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