April 1, 2016

To the Honorable Speaker and Members,
The House of Representatives of the State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am returning herewith, without my approval as to Sections 2 and 3, Substitute House Bill No. 2900 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to prohibiting marijuana, alcohol, or other intoxicant, or a cell phone while confined or incarcerated in a state correctional institution."

Sections 2 and 3 of this bill disallow earned time on the sentences imposed under this statute, something currently only done on special sex offender sentencing alternatives. It is highly unlikely that disallowing earned time would add to the deterrent effect of this bill, but it will certainly drive additional complications in sentencing calculation. If there is a desire to change the statutes regarding earned time, we should look at this holistically rather than in piecemeal.

For these reasons I have vetoed Sections 2 and 3 of Substitute House Bill No. 2900.

With the exception of Sections 2 and 3, Substitute House Bill No. 2900 is approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Jay Inslee