1144-S2 AMH GRIF HATF 102


2SHB 1144 - H AMD 268

By Representative Griffey


    On page 3, after line 15, insert the following:


    "(5)  The department of commerce is directed to submit to the legislature, no later than July 1, 2018, a report that examines the nexus between increased hydroelectric output in the state and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the state, as a result of reduced reliance on fossil-fuel based energy generation, and that makes recommendations on all available methods to incentivize increased hydroelectric output in the state in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    (6)  None of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals in this section shall have the force of law unless all recommendations of the report in subsection (5) have been enacted into law no later than December 31, 2019."  




    EFFECT:  Directs the Department of Commerce to submit to the Legislature by July 1, 2018 a report that examines the relationship between increased use of hydroelectric power in Washington and the corresponding reduction in use of fossil-fuel based energy sources in Washington, and that makes recommendations on ways in which to incentivize the increased use of hydroelectric power in Washington in order to reduce Washington's greenhouse gas emissions.  Provides that Washington's greenhouse gas emissions reductions shall be advisory only, and not binding on the State of Washington, unless Washington enacts into law by December 31, 2019 all of the recommendations made in the Department of Commerce report.  



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