6269-S2.E AMH TAYL LIPS 517


E2SSB 6269 - H AMD 1405

By Representative Taylor

NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2018

    On page 11, line 3, after "31," strike "2019" and insert "2020"


    On page 20, after line 28, insert the following:

    "(4) The department shall contract, if practicable, with eligible independent third parties to complete state and federal geographic response plans, and updates to such plans."




    EFFECT:  Delays the deadline for the Department of Ecology to update oil spill contingency plan rules to address oils that may sink or submerge in water until December 31, 2020. Requires the Department of Ecology to contract with eligible independent third parties, if practicable, to complete and update state and federal geographic response plans. 


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