1824-S.E AMS EET S2468.1
By Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications
On page 3, strike lines 30 through 39, and on page 4, strike lines 1 through 8, and insert "three years following two willful violations occurring after July 1, 2017, if the transporter, collector, or processor violated the performance standards or RCW 70.95N.240 for activities related to the export of covered electronic products, or related to the improper recycling, storage, or disposed of covered electronic products."
Beginning on page 6, line 13, strike all material through page 9, line 27
Renumber the remaining section consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.
By Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "recycling;" insert "and" and beginning on line 2, after "70.95N.060," strike all material through "70.95N.140" on line 4 and insert "and 70.95N.290"
EFFECT: Clarifies suspensions for willful violations are prospective and modifies the violations that may result in a suspension. Removes reporting requirements for contracted rates and volumes. Removes provisions related to the deposit of penalties.
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