Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Rural Development, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Committee

HB 2047

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Concerning carbon sequestration on natural and working lands as part of the state’s climate change response.

Sponsors: Representatives Ramos, Springer, Lekanoff, Shewmake, Doglio, Pettigrew, Fitzgibbon, Frame, Chapman, Senn, Tharinger and Leavitt; by request of Department of Natural Resources.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Directs the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to develop a more complete inventory of carbon on natural and working lands.

  • Directs the DNR to serve in a liaison role to owners of forestland concerning carbon reduction and sequestration issues.

  • Directs the DNR and the Office of the Governor to form a carbon sequestration advisory group to advise the state on carbon sequestration issues.

Hearing Date: 2/20/19

Staff: Robert Hatfield (786-7117).


Carbon Sequestration and Mitigation.In 2007 Washington enacted legislation that directed the Governor to develop policy recommendations to the Legislature on how the state can achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The recommendations were required to include, among other things, how forest sequestration and carbon sequestration can be used to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

State Regulation of Greenhouse Gases.

In 2008 Washington enacted legislation that set a series of limits on the emission of greenhouse gases within the state. The Department of Ecology is responsible for monitoring and tracking the state's progress toward the emission limits.

The state's current limits on the emission of greenhouse gases are:

Summary of Bill:

Carbon Sequestration and Release Inventory.

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is directed to build on existing efforts to conduct inventories of carbon stocks and emissions across the state's terrestrial lands. The inventory may include, but is not limited to:

The DNR must submit a report to the Legislature by December 1, 2020 that summarizes the carbon inventory, assesses further carbon inventory needs, recommends further improvements in carbon inventory activities, and recommends a schedule by which the DNR will update the carbon inventory.

The inventory and report are subject to the availability of funds.

Forestland Carbon Liaison.

The DNR is directed to serve in a liaison role to assist owners of private and other forestland to connect with carbon markets and other incentive-based carbon reducing programs.

The DNR's carbon liaison efforts may include the following actions, among others:

The DNR's liaison role and efforts are subject to the availability of funds.

Carbon Sequestration Advisory Group.

The DNR and the Office of the Governor must form a Carbon Sequestration Advisory Group to advise the state on ways to effectively advance and accelerate carbon sequestration throughout the state.

The DNR and the Office of the Governor must jointly submit recommendations of the Carbon Sequestration Advisory Group to the Legislature by December 1, 2019, and every two years thereafter.

The DNR's carbon sequestration advisory group efforts are subject to the availability of funds.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Available.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.