Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Health Care & Wellness Committee

HB 2448

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Concerning enhanced services facilities.

Sponsors: Representatives Schmick, Chambers and Cody.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Modifies admissions standards for enhanced services facilities to require that the person be medically and physically stable and updates the behavior- and history-related factors that must be considered when determining eligibility for admission.

  • Changes the scope of care provided by enhanced services facilities from a focus on treatment to support and services.

Hearing Date: 1/28/20

Staff: Chris Blake (786-7392).


Enhanced services facilities provide treatment and services to persons who do not have a medical need for acute inpatient treatment and have been determined by the Department of Social and Health Services (Department) to be inappropriate for placement in other licensed facilities because of complex needs that result in behavioral and security issues. Enhanced services facilities are licensed by the Department. There are currently four licensed enhanced services facilities with 52 beds.

Enhanced services facilities may only provide services to residents who are at least 18 years old. If an enhanced services facility serves any resident under 65 years old, the facility may not have more than 16 residents. A person may be admitted to an enhanced services facility if the person:

An enhanced services facility may only admit residents whose needs can be safely and appropriately met through its staff, services, equipment, security, and building design.

Enhanced services facilities must assure that residents have several specified rights available to them. These rights include:

Summary of Bill:

The eligibility standards for admission to an enhanced services facility are modified. The eligibility requirements related to level of care needs and type of care needs remain substantially the same, but are modified to reference "behavioral health," rather than "mental health" or "substance use disorders" separately. The eligibility requirements related to the person having two or more behavior- and history-related factors is updated in several ways. First, the person must have been assessed as being medically and physically stable. In addition, the seven factors for admission are modified as follows:

Several terms related primarily to the repealed admissions standards for enhanced services facilities are removed.

The provision of treatment is removed from the scope of care provided by enhanced services facilities and is replaced with support or services. Accordingly, references and definitions related to treatment and medical providers are removed. Each resident must receive an individualized behavior support plan, rather than treatment plan. Enhanced services facilities must have sufficient staff who are trained to provide the residents with appropriate care and support, rather than treatment. The care and support includes behavioral health support, rather than mental health treatment, and supervision, rather than security. The enhanced services facility must provide support to acquire chemical dependency treatment, rather than provide such treatment at the facility. In addition, an enhanced services facility must have skilled nursing and support to acquire medical and behavioral health treatment services, rather than have staff to provide medical or habilitative treatment at the facility.

The rights of residents are updated to provide them with involvement in their service planning, rather than treatment planning. A resident's right to receive evaluation and treatment from their choice of provider is removed. A resident's right to have physician-patient and psychologist-client privileges waived in proceedings regarding the administration of antipsychotic medications is removed. The resident's right to not consent to the administration of antipsychotic medications or performance of electroconvulsant therapy is changed to allow the refusal of any medications. The authority for antipsychotic medications to be administered over a resident's objection in certain circumstances is removed. The resident's right to not have psychosurgery performed on them is removed.

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Preliminary fiscal note available.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.