BySenators O'Ban, Wagoner, McCoy, Short, Conway, Becker, Bailey, Hobbs, Walsh, Wilson, L., Cleveland, Darneille, Brown, Das, Palumbo, Randall, Wellman, Nguyen, Salomon, Liias, Honeyford, King, and Saldaña
WHEREAS, All citizens of the United States possess the basic human right to the preservation of personal dignity; and
WHEREAS, All citizens of the United States deserve the investment of every possible resource to ensure their lasting physical, mental, and emotional well-being; and
WHEREAS, The diagnosis known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first defined by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980 to more accurately understand and treat veterans who had endured severe operational combat stress; and
WHEREAS, Combat stress injuries have historically been unjustly portrayed as a mental illness caused by a preexisting flaw of character or ability, and that the word "disorder" carries a stigma that perpetuates this misconception which can discourage the injured from seeking proper and timely medical treatment; and
WHEREAS, Referring to the complications from combat operational stress as a disorder perpetuates the stigma of and bias against mental illness; and
WHEREAS, It has been shown through electromagnetic imaging that the condition is more accurately described as an injury; and
WHEREAS, Severe post-traumatic stress is a very common, and treatable, injury to the brain which can occur following exposure to extremely traumatic events such as, but not limited to, interpersonal violence, combat, life-threatening accidents, or natural disasters; and
WHEREAS, Referring to the condition as post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI) is less stigmatizing and viewed as more honorable, and this designation can favorably influence those affected and encourage them to seek treatment without fear of retribution or shame; and
WHEREAS, All citizens suffering from a post-traumatic stress injury deserve our compassion and consideration, and those brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have received these wounds in action against an enemy of the United States further deserve our special tribute and acknowledgment; and
WHEREAS, post-traumatic stress injury is an injury that is repairable, and that timely treatment can diminish complications and prevent suicides among the injured;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize the importance of educating victims of interpersonal violence, combat, life-threatening accidents, and natural disasters and their families, as well as the general public, about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of post-traumatic stress injuries.
I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8625,
adopted by the Senate
March 18, 2019
Secretary of the Senate