66th Legislature - 2019 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


March 5, 2019 - Tuesday
Added 2/5/2019

Bill No. Description Prime Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1082 Massage therapists/photo Kraft,Wylie HCW DPS14
Added 2/15/2019

HB 1010 Forfeited firearms/WSP Senn,Lovick CRJ DPS9 DNP6
HB 1099 Health network adequacy Jinkins,Cody HCW DPS15
HB 1151 Education reporting Volz,Pollet ED DPS19
HB 1159 Definition of theft Griffey,Goodman PS DP11
HB 1169 Fire juris. reimbursement Peterson,Griffey LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1219 Real estate taxes/housing Walen,Springer HOUS DP6 DNP3
HB 1223 Diaper changing stations Reeves,Doglio CPB DPS9 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1225 Domestic violence/law enf. Jinkins,Peterson CRJ DPS10 DNP5
HB 1379 Political comm. disclosures Pellicciotti,Hudgins SGOV DPS9
HB 1545 Curing ballots Mead,Hudgins SGOV DPS9
HB 1647 Pilot rest periods Chapman,Boehnke LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1674 Personalized learning exp. Rude,Steele ED DP19
Added 2/22/2019

ESSB 5079 Native Americans/voting SGTE(McCoy) SGOV DPA9
Added 2/28/2019

HB 1011 Working forests/real estate Reeves,Barkis CPB DP13
HB 1031 Bulkhead obligations Walsh,Irwin ENVI DPS9 w/oRec1
HB 1047 Limited jdx. court comm'rs Jinkins,Stokesbary CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1083 Off-street parking, sale of Stonier,Vick LG DPS5 DNP1
HB 1167 Composting/nuisance lawsuits Walen,Blake RDAN DP10 w/oRec3
HB 1231 Sex offenses/modify SOL Griffey,Orwall APP DPS(PS)29
HB 1305 Notices of disqualification Walen,Irwin CRJ DP13 DNP2
HB 1375 Port district campaign cntrb Wylie,Stonier SGOV DP9
HB 1376 Mistreatment/faith exemption Sells,Klippert CRJ DP10 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1377 Housing dev./religious orgs. Walen,Barkis HOUS DPS8 DNP1
HB 1453 Residential tenants Macri,Jinkins CRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1462 Tenant notice/demolish, etc. Barkis,Reeves CRJ DP14 DNP1
HB 1576 Construction defect actions Senn,Irwin CRJ DPS15
HB 1621 Teacher prep. skills assess. Ybarra,Steele ED DPS19
HB 1630 Naturopathy DeBolt,Macri HCW DPS11 DNP4
HB 1638 Vaccine preventable diseases Harris,Stonier HCW DP10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1656 Residential tenants Macri,Jinkins CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1658 Paraeducators Paul,Steele ED DPS19
HB 1670 Fire district bid limits Eslick,Sutherland LG DP6
HB 1699 Deannexation/parks & rec. Eslick,Peterson LG DP7
HB 1706 Subminimum wage/disabilities Frame,Sells LAWS DP6 DNP1
HB 1715 Withholding of transcripts Entenman,Boehnke ED DPS12 DNP7
HB 1768 Substance use disorder prof. Davis,Macri HCW DPS15
HB 1849 Unplatted tidelands, etc. Lekanoff,Chapman ENVI DPS7 DNP3
HB 1871 Prison safety Klippert,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 1909 Industrial ins claim records Graham,Lovick LAWS DPS7
HB 1953 Sno-park recreation permits Corry,Fitzgibbon HOUS DPS9
HB 2072 County treasurer contracting Volz,Senn LG DP6
Added 3/1/2019

HB 1013 Walla Walla watershed pilot Jenkin,Blake APP DPS33
HB 1048 Small claims court judgments Goodman,Stokesbary APP DP2S(w/o sub CRJ)32
HB 1059 B&O return filing due date Van Werven,Kraft APP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)33
HB 1092 Metro. park district comm'rs Fey,Jinkins LG DP5 DNP1
HB 1105 Home foreclosure/taxes Orwall,Ryu APP DP2S(w/o sub LG)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 1117 Motor vehicle laws Valdez TR DP29
HB 1126 Distributed energy Morris,Ryu ENVI DP8 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1155 Health care employees Riccelli,Appleton APP DPS21 DNP12
HB 1158 Permanent cosmetics Ryu,Eslick CPB DPS7 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1165 Low-water landscaping Orwall,Dent CB DP14 DNP9
HB 1168 Self-help housing dev./taxes Leavitt,Barkis FIN DPS13
HB 1192 Marriage/elected officials Hudgins,Dolan CRJ DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1261 Clean water act/discharges Peterson,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1326 DNA sample collection Klippert,Goodman PS DPS11
HB 1332 Energy site eval. council Wylie,DeBolt ENVI DPS11
HB 1347 Vehicle reseller permits Barkis,Kirby FIN DP13
HB 1355 CTC counselor staffing Ortiz-Self,Orwall CWD DPS14 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1360 Driving record abstracts Irwin,Fey TR DPS29 w/oRec1
HB 1372 State guard retirement age Klippert,Ryu HOUS DP8
HB 1391 Early achievers program Senn,Dent APP DP2S(w/o sub HSEL)30 DNP3
HB 1397 Electric aircraft Slatter,Dent TR DP24 DNP5
HB 1401 Hemp production Shea,Blake APP DP2S(w/o sub COG)32 w/oRec1
HB 1430 Licensing moderniz. account MacEwen,Stanford APP DPS33
HB 1436 Snow bikes Mosbrucker,Wylie TR DPS28 w/oRec2
HB 1440 Rent increase notices Robinson,Macri CRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1444 Appliance efficiency Morris,Fitzgibbon APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)18 DNP14
HB 1456 Aviation revital. loan prg Dent,Springer TR DPS28 DNP1
HB 1469 Driving/emerg. & work zones Jenkin,Chapman TR DPS28
HB 1487 Elevators Chapman,Chandler LAWS DPS7
HB 1512 Transp. electrification Fey,Steele ENVI DPS7 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1544 GMA actions effective date Mead,Fitzgibbon ENVI DPS7 DNP3
HB 1557 Liquor licenses MacEwen,Stanford APP DPS(COG)33
HB 1582 Manuf./mobile home tenants Gregerson,Kloba CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1590 Housing tax/councilmanic Doglio,Dolan FIN DP9 DNP4
HB 1605 Foster care TBI screenings Dent,Peterson HSEL DPS13
HB 1643 Address confid./property Doglio,Walsh SGOV DPS9
HB 1646 Juvenile rehab. confinement Goodman,Eslick APP DP2S(w/o sub HSEL)24 DNP8 w/oRec1
HB 1666 Abandon/council-manager plan Vick,Walen LG DP6
HB 1676 Arts & crafts/liquor license MacEwen COG DP11
HB 1694 Tenants/installment payments Morgan,Macri CRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
HB 1723 Active transp safety council Kloba,Goodman TR DPS19 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 1732 Bias-based criminal offenses Valdez,Entenman PS DPS7 DNP4
HB 1750 County sheriff vacancies Mosbrucker,Lovick LG DP7
HB 1753 Health profession fees/rules Riccelli,Macri HCW DP15
HB 1786 Protection, etc. orders Jinkins,Wylie CRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
HB 1801 Abandoned cemeteries, entry Orcutt,DeBolt SGOV DP9
HB 1808 Nonprofit fund-raising/tax Orcutt FIN DPS13
HB 1829 Veterans' assistance levies Chapman,Goehner FIN DP11 DNP1 w/oRec1
HB 1836 Child sex crimes/fee waivers Kraft,Van Werven PS DPS10
HB 1838 Distillery information Walsh,Goehner COG DP11
HB 1839 Arena projects/taxes Sullivan,MacEwen FIN DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1841 Crew size on certain trains Riccelli,Chandler LAWS DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1856 Scleral tattooing Tharinger,Caldier HCW DPS15
HB 1879 Rx drug utilization mngmt Jinkins,Cody HCW DPS10 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1894 Wildland fire advisory comm. Dent,Griffey RDAN DP15
HB 1908 Electronic authentication Graham,Walsh ITED DP7
HB 1918 Community preservation auth. Santos HOUS DP7 w/oRec1
HB 1934 Pistol license/armed forces Caldier,Kilduff CRJ DP15
HB 2020 Employment investigations Dolan,Kretz SGOV DP9
HB 2035 In-state broadcasters, taxes Lovick,Frame FIN DP13
HB 2066 Driver's license restriction Davis,Pellicciotti PS DP9
HB 2110 Affordable workforce housing Ryu,Santos FIN DP9 DNP4
HJM 4000 Biochar Shea,Fitzgibbon RDAN DP14
HJM 4007 Regina Clark memorial bridge Orcutt,Appleton TR DPS30

SSB 5581 State tax laws WM (Rolfes) FIN DPA9 DNP4
Added 3/4/2019

HB 1033 Mobile home relocation asst. Ryu,Barkis APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)23 DNP7
HB 1049 Health care whistleblowers Macri,Stokesbary CRJ DPS15
HB 1056 Domestic violence/workplace Mosbrucker,Orwall LAWS DP7
HB 1207 Manuf. housing communities Ryu,Jenkin HOUS DPS9
HB 1220 Insurance commissioner/PEBB Dolan,Volz SGOV DP9
HB 1224 Rx drug cost transparency Robinson,Macri APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)23 DNP9
HB 1277 Bicycle definitions Shea,Irwin TR DPS30
HB 1284 Treasurer invest. portfolios Vick,Kirby APP DPS(SGOV)31
HB 1296 Retirement communities Macri,Goodman APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)19 DNP13
HB 1298 Weights and measures program Pettigrew,Chandler APP DPS(RDAN)33
HB 1302 Gambling self-exclusion Kloba,Ryu APP DPS(COG)33
HB 1324 Rural development, zones Chapman,Maycumber APP DP3S(w/o sub FIN)32
HB 1331 Opioid use disorder Cody,Caldier APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32
HB 1337 Assault 3/code enf. officers Barkis,Klippert PS DPS10 w/oRec1
HB 1344 Child care access work group Reeves,Ryu APP DP2S(w/o sub HSEL)21 DNP11
HB 1359 Local government procurement Leavitt,Irwin LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1382 Emergency aid/prostitution Pellicciotti,Kraft PS DP11
HB 1394 Behavioral health facilities Schmick,Cody APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)31
HB 1406 Affordable housing/sales tax Robinson,Macri FIN DPS(HOUS)9 DNP4
HB 1413 Optional life annuity Ormsby,Volz APP DP25 DNP8
HB 1415 Medical marijuana auth db Schmick,Cody APP DPS33
HB 1419 Emergency planning/nuclear MacEwen,Shea HOUS DP9
HB 1424 CTE course equivalencies Steele,Paul APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)31
HB 1450 Noncompetition covenants Stanford,Kloba LAWS DPS4 DNP3
HB 1494 Redistricting deadlines Walsh,Gregerson SGOV DP9
HB 1497 Foundat. public health servs Robinson,Harris APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)32 DNP1
HB 1498 Broadband service Hudgins,Dye APP DP3S(w/o sub CB)31 DNP1
HB 1510 Narrow track vehicles Shea,Riccelli TR DPS28 w/oRec2
HB 1523 Individual health ins market Cody,Macri APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)19 DNP13
HB 1524 Street rod & custom vehicles Van Werven,Chapman TR DP30
HB 1528 Recovery support services Davis,Harris APP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)29 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1532 Domestic violence TBIs Mosbrucker,Pettigrew APP DPS(PS)31
HB 1575 Collective bargaining/dues Stonier,Valdez APP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)19 DNP13 w/oRec1
HB 1583 Mosquito control districts Kraft,Pollet LG DP6
HB 1585 Brain injury fee increase Doglio,DeBolt APP DP29
HB 1589 Correctional emps/firearms Chapman,Rude CRJ DP15
HB 1593 UW behavioral health campus Chopp,Sullivan APP DP2S(w/o sub CWD)31
HB 1667 Public records request admin Springer,Walsh APP DPS31
HB 1668 Washington health corps Slatter,Jinkins APP DP2S(w/o sub CWD)31 DNP1
HB 1687 Victim identity defenses Stanford,Doglio PS DP8 DNP3
HB 1713 Native American women Mosbrucker,Gregerson APP DP2S(w/o sub PS)32
HB 1729 Subst use disorder treatment Macri,Jinkins APP DPS(HCW)18 DNP11 w/oRec1
HB 1756 Adult entertainer safety Orwall,Mosbrucker LAWS DP7
HB 1767 Arrest & jail alternatives Lovick,Leavitt APP DP2S(w/o sub PS)31 DNP1
HB 1783 Office of equity Gregerson,Morgan APP DP2S(w/o sub SGOV)19 DNP13
HB 1784 Wildfire prevention Kretz,Blake APP DP2S(w/o sub RDAN)32
HB 1787 Filipino American history Chandler,Santos SGOV DP9
HB 1788 WA state bar association Stokesbary CRJ DPS15
HB 1791 Vuln. children ed. opport. Reeves,Sullivan APP DPS28 DNP5
HB 1792 Marijuana retailer penalties Pettigrew,Appleton COG DP11
HB 1817 High hazard facilities Sells,Chapman APP DPS(LAWS)21 DNP9 w/oRec2
HB 1846 Off-road vehicle moneys Paul,Walsh TR DP29
HB 1866 Day care prof dev compliance Dent,Chapman HSEL DP13
HB 1900 Federal funding/family serv. Callan,Dent APP DP32
HB 1912 Vol. firefighter pensions Blake,Griffey APP DP32
HB 1949 Firearm background checks Hansen,Irwin APP DPS(CRJ)30
HB 1952 Building communities fund Ortiz-Self,Kilduff CB DP13 DNP9 w/oRec1
HB 1973 Dual enrollment scholarship Paul,Pollet APP DP2S(w/o sub CWD)29 DNP2
HB 1980 Federal tax lien recording Macri,Ryu APP DP33
HB 1998 Higher ed. sexual violence Pellicciotti,Leavitt CWD DPS16
HB 2040 Nonhigh school districts MacEwen APP DP32
HB 2052 Marijuana product testing Stanford,MacEwen APP DP30 DNP2
HB 2067 Vehicle & vessel owner info. Davis,Chambers TR DP30
HB 2108 K-3 class sizes/funding Callan,Stonier APP DPS28 DNP4
HB 2129 Harassment Stokesbary,Pollet APP DP32