5428-S AMS SALO S1930.1
SSB 5428 - S AMD TO S AMD (S-1887.1/21) 385
By Senator Salomon
On page 1, line 32, after "facility;" strike "and"
On page 2, line 4, after "jurisdiction" insert ";
(j) The facility operator must convene at least one public meeting in the neighborhood in which the facility is proposed to be sited at least 14 calendar days before any permit application for the facility is submitted; and
(k) The jurisdiction in which the facility will be located has waived the applicable requirements under this chapter for the proposed facility by affirmative vote of the jurisdiction's legislative authority or by adoption of a local ordinance as allowed under this section"
EFFECT: Adds the following requirements in order for a SEPA exemption to apply to transitional encampments and temporary shelters:
(1) Requires the facility host or operator to convene at least one public meeting in the impacted neighborhood at least 14 days before the permit application is submitted.
(2) Requires the local jurisdiction to waive any SEPA requirements for the facility by affirmative vote or ordinance adoption as allowed under the bill.
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