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House Chamber, Olympia, Thursday, April 20, 1995

             The House was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by the Speaker (Representative Horn presiding). The Clerk called the roll and a quorum was present.

             The flag was escorted to the rostrum by a Sergeant at Arms Color Guard, Pages Jeremy Scribner and Kris Keeling. Prayer was offered by Dr. Joseph Fuiten, Senior Pastor, Cedar Park Assembly of God, Bothell.

             Reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was ordered to stand approved.


             HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4665, by Representatives Honeyford, Buck, Pelesky, L. Thomas, Kremen, Mulliken and D. Schmidt

             WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize excellence in all fields of endeavor; and

             WHEREAS, The Washington Future Homemakers of America (FHA) was founded in 1945 to prepare youth to assume their responsibilities in society through home economics education and expanded in 1971 to include Home Economics Related Occupations (HERO) which has collectively become FHA/HERO; and

             WHEREAS, FHA/HERO is one of the largest vocational student organizations in the United States, and in the great state of Washington is sponsored by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Instructional Programs Section; and

             WHEREAS, FHA/HERO celebrates its 50th Anniversary in 1995, and its tradition of leadership in supporting the values of family, career, and communities through vocational home economics education is vital, strong, flourishing, and ever more essential today and in the future; and

             WHEREAS, Participation in FHA/HERO successfully and steadfastly promotes civic and social responsibility, nurtures young adult maturity, cultivates leadership talent, fosters personal character development, and inspires intellectual, scholastic, vocational, and occupational accomplishments; and

             WHEREAS, All activities and endeavors of FHA/HERO strengthen the paramount importance of the family to the individual and encourage responsible, participatory democracy in the community; and

             WHEREAS, Illustrative of the laudable and valuable endeavors of FHA/HERO is the sponsorship of STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events, which are highly competitive awards honoring and recognizing student members for superior and distinctive personal, scholastic, and community accomplishments, including exceptional attainments in interpersonal communication talents, mastery of parliamentary procedure, outstanding employment interview skills, and successful entrepreneurship, vocational, occupational, and community benefit projects;

             NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor FHA/HERO, and each present and former member of FHA/HERO, for excellence in service and contribution to the great state of Washington for all of the reasons stated in this Resolution, upon this distinctive occasion, the 50th Anniversary of the founding of FHA/HERO; and

             BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to Julie Randall, State President, FHA/HERO, and to each chapter organized thereunder.

             Representative Honeyford moved adoption of the resolution.

             Representatives Honeyford and Buck spoke in favor of adoption of the resolution.

             House Resolution No. 4665 was adopted.

             HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 95-4675, by Representatives Cole, Dickerson, G. Fisher, Poulsen, Jacobsen, Veloria, Quall, Chopp, Mason, Patterson, Radcliff, Rust, Ogden, Conway, Thibaudeau, Romero, Brown, Tokuda, Brumsickle, Grant, Cody, Huff, Talcott, Regala and D. Schmidt

             WHEREAS, This great nation was built in large part through the hard work, dedication, and enterprise of immigrants who left their homelands to begin a new life in this country; and

             WHEREAS, Washington has the nation's third fastest-growing immigrant population of any state, and the third largest refugee population of any state; and

             WHEREAS, Nearly one in ten Washington residents speaks a language other than English at home, and the number of non-English-speaking homes has increased dramatically during the last decade; and

             WHEREAS, Learning the English language has been, and continues to be, critical to new immigrants if they are to succeed and prosper in this country; and

             WHEREAS, More than thirty-six thousand students in Washington State currently receive English instruction through the state's Transitional Bilingual program, and thousands of adults receive instruction through a variety of state-supported and volunteer programs; and

             WHEREAS, These students are taught by a dedicated group of educators, many of whom volunteer their services; and

             WHEREAS, If the State of Washington is to compete successfully in international markets, having citizens who are multilingual is essential;

             NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the citizens of this state who are multilingual and the educators and other individuals who are working to help non-English-speaking immigrants learn English; and

             BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives join the Superintendent of Public Instruction in declaring the week of April 24-28 as a time to acknowledge the value and importance of bilingual and English-as-a-second language education to our nation and state.

             Representative Cole moved adoption of the resolution.

             Representatives Cole, Van Luven, Tokuda, Lisk, Chappell, Talcott, Skinner, Jacobsen and Smith spoke in favor of the resolution.

             Representative K. Schmidt demanded the previous question and the demand was sustained.

             House Resolution No. 4675 was adopted.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) declared the House to be at ease.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) called the House to order.

             There being no objection, the House considered the following bills in the following order: Substitute House Bill No. 1209, House Bill No. 1225, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724, House Bill No. 1725, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1589, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5169, Senate Bill No. 5434, Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5448 and Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5616.


April 5, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1209 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, line 1, after "motor" strike "vehicles regulated" and insert "carriers subject to economic regulation"

             On page 4, beginning with "(3)" on line 1, strike everything through "transferred." on line 4, and insert the following:

             "(3) All employees of the utilities and transportation commission engaged in performing the powers, functions, and duties transferred are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Washington state patrol. All employees classified under chapter 41.06 RCW, the state civil service law, are assigned to the Washington state patrol to perform their usual duties upon the same terms as formerly, without any loss of rights, subject to any action that may be appropriate thereafter in accordance with the laws and rules governing state civil service."

             On page 5, line 10, after "Sec. 7." strike "This act takes" and insert "Section 2 of this act becomes effective with motor vehicle registration fees due or to become due January 1, 1996. Sections 1 and 3 through 6 of this act take"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative K. Schmidt moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1209 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative K. Schmidt spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 10, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1225 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, after line 25, insert the following:

             "Sec. 2. RCW 46.68.010 and 1993 c 307 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             Whenever any license fee, paid under the provisions of this title, has been erroneously paid, either wholly or in part, the payor is entitled to have refunded the amount so erroneously paid. ((A renewal license fee paid prior to the actual expiration date of the license being renewed shall be deemed to be erroneously paid if the vehicle for which the renewal license was purchased is destroyed or permanently removed from the state prior to the beginning date of the registration period for which the renewal fee was paid.)) A license fee is refundable in one or more of the following circumstances: (1) If the vehicle for which the renewal license was purchased was destroyed before the beginning date of the registration period for which the renewal fee was paid; (2) if the vehicle for which the renewal license was purchased was permanently removed from the state before the beginning date of the registration period for which the renewal fee was paid; (3) if the vehicle license was purchased after the owner has sold the vehicle; or (4) if the vehicle is currently licensed in Washington and is subsequently licensed in another jurisdiction, any full months of Washington fees between the date of license application in the other jurisdiction and the expiration of the Washington license are refundable. Upon such refund being certified to the state treasurer by the director as correct and being claimed in the time required by law the state treasurer shall mail or deliver the amount of each refund to the person entitled thereto. No claim for refund shall be allowed for such erroneous payments unless filed with the director within three years after such claimed erroneous payment was made.

             If due to error a person has been required to pay a vehicle license fee under this title and an excise tax under Title 82 RCW that amounts to an overpayment of ten dollars or more, that person shall be entitled to a refund of the entire amount of the overpayment, regardless of whether a refund of the overpayment has been requested. If due to error the department or its agent has failed to collect the full amount of the license fee and excise tax due and the underpayment is in the amount of ten dollars or more, the department shall charge and collect such additional amount as will constitute full payment of the tax and fees.

             Any person who makes a false statement under which he or she obtains a refund to which he or she is not entitled under this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "46.12.030," insert "46.68.010,"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative K. Schmidt moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1225.


             Representative K. Schmidt: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I would request a ruling on the scope and object on the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1225.

             There being no objection, the House deferred further consideration of House Bill No. 1225 and the bill held it's place on the third reading calendar.


April 11, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1724 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature recognizes by this act that the growth management act is a fundamental building block of regulatory reform. The state and local governments have invested considerable resources in an act that should serve as the integrating framework for all other land-use related laws. The growth management act provides the means to effectively combine certainty for development decisions, reasonable environmental protection, long-range planning for cost-effective infrastructure, and orderly growth and development.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 101. The legislature finds that during project review, a county or city planning under RCW 36.70A.040 is likely to discover the need to make various improvements in comprehensive plans and development regulations. There is no current requirement or process for applicants, citizens, or agency staff to ensure that these improvements are considered in the plan review process. The legislature also finds that in the past environmental review and permitting of proposed projects have been used to reopen and make land use planning decisions that should have been made through the comprehensive planning process, in part because agency staff and hearing examiners have not been able to ensure consideration of all issues in the local planning process. The legislature further finds that, while plans and regulations should be improved and refined over time, it is unfair to penalize applicants that have submitted permit applications that meet current requirements. It is the intent of the legislature in enacting section 102 of this act to establish a means by which cities and counties will docket suggested plan or development regulation amendments and ensure their consideration during the planning process.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 102. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Project review, which shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of chapter 36.-- RCW (the new chapter created in section 431 of this act), shall be used to make individual project decisions, not land use planning decisions. If, during project review, a county or city planning under RCW 36.70A.040 identifies deficiencies in plans or regulations:

             (a) The permitting process shall not be used as a comprehensive planning process;

             (b) Project review shall continue; and

             (c) The identified deficiencies shall be docketed for possible future plan or development regulation amendments.

             (2) Each county and city planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall include in its development regulations a procedure for any interested person, including applicants, citizens, hearing examiners, and staff of other agencies, to suggest plan or development regulation amendments. The suggested amendments shall be docketed and considered on at least an annual basis, consistent with the provisions of RCW 36.70A.130.

             (3) For purposes of this section, a deficiency in a comprehensive plan or development regulation refers to the absence of required or potentially desirable contents of a comprehensive plan or development regulation. It does not refer to whether a development regulation addresses a project's probable specific adverse environmental impacts which the permitting agency could mitigate in the normal project review process.

             (4) For purposes of this section, docketing refers to compiling and maintaining a list of suggested changes to the comprehensive plan or development regulations in a manner that will ensure such suggested changes will be considered by the county or city and will be available for review by the public.

             Sec. 103. RCW 36.70A.030 and 1994 c 307 s 2 and 1994 c 257 s 5 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) "Adopt a comprehensive land use plan" means to enact a new comprehensive land use plan or to update an existing comprehensive land use plan.

             (2) "Agricultural land" means land primarily devoted to the commercial production of horticultural, viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary, vegetable, or animal products or of berries, grain, hay, straw, turf, seed, Christmas trees not subject to the excise tax imposed by RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, finfish in upland hatcheries, or livestock, and that has long-term commercial significance for agricultural production.

             (3) "City" means any city or town, including a code city.

             (4) "Comprehensive land use plan," "comprehensive plan," or "plan" means a generalized coordinated land use policy statement of the governing body of a county or city that is adopted pursuant to this chapter.

             (5) "Critical areas" include the following areas and ecosystems: (a) Wetlands; (b) areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water; (c) fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas; (d) frequently flooded areas; and (e) geologically hazardous areas.

             (6) "Department" means the department of community, trade, and economic development.

             (7) ((For purposes of RCW 36.70A.065 and 36.70A.440, "development permit application" means any application for a development proposal for a use that could be permitted under a plan adopted pursuant to this chapter and is consistent with the underlying land use and zoning, including but not limited to building permits, subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, conditional uses or other applications pertaining to land uses, but shall not include rezones, proposed amendments to comprehensive plans or the adoption or amendment of development regulations.

             (8))) "Development regulations" means ((any)) the controls placed on development or land use activities by a county or city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and binding site plan ordinances together with any amendments thereto. A development regulation does not include a decision to approve a project permit application, as defined in section 402 of this act, even though the decision may be expressed in a resolution or ordinance of the legislative body of the county or city.

             (((9))) (8) "Forest land" means land primarily devoted to growing trees for long-term commercial timber production on land that can be economically and practically managed for such production, including Christmas trees subject to the excise tax imposed under RCW 84.33.100 through 84.33.140, and that has long-term commercial significance. In determining whether forest land is primarily devoted to growing trees for long-term commercial timber production on land that can be economically and practically managed for such production, the following factors shall be considered: (a) The proximity of the land to urban, suburban, and rural settlements; (b) surrounding parcel size and the compatibility and intensity of adjacent and nearby land uses; (c) long-term local economic conditions that affect the ability to manage for timber production; and (d) the availability of public facilities and services conducive to conversion of forest land to other uses.

             (((10))) (9) "Geologically hazardous areas" means areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological events, are not suited to the siting of commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns.

             (((11))) (10) "Long-term commercial significance" includes the growing capacity, productivity, and soil composition of the land for long-term commercial production, in consideration with the land's proximity to population areas, and the possibility of more intense uses of the land.

             (((12))) (11) "Minerals" include gravel, sand, and valuable metallic substances.

             (((13))) (12) "Public facilities" include streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools.

             (((14))) (13) "Public services" include fire protection and suppression, law enforcement, public health, education, recreation, environmental protection, and other governmental services.

             (((15))) (14) "Urban growth" refers to growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible with the primary use of such land for the production of food, other agricultural products, or fiber, or the extraction of mineral resources. When allowed to spread over wide areas, urban growth typically requires urban governmental services. "Characterized by urban growth" refers to land having urban growth located on it, or to land located in relationship to an area with urban growth on it as to be appropriate for urban growth.

             (((16))) (15) "Urban growth areas" means those areas designated by a county pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110.

             (((17))) (16) "Urban governmental services" include those governmental services historically and typically delivered by cities, and include storm and sanitary sewer systems, domestic water systems, street cleaning services, fire and police protection services, public transit services, and other public utilities associated with urban areas and normally not associated with nonurban areas.

             (((18))) (17) "Wetland" or "wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities. ((However,)) Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands((, if permitted by the county or city)).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 104. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) For shorelines of the state, the goals and policies of the shoreline management act as set forth in RCW 90.58.020 are added as one of the goals of this chapter as set forth in RCW 36.70A.020. The goals and policies of a shoreline master program for a county or city approved under chapter 90.58 RCW shall be considered an element of the county or city's comprehensive plan. All other portions of the shoreline master program for a county or city adopted under chapter 90.58 RCW, including use regulations, shall be considered a part of the county or city's development regulations.

             (2) The shoreline master program shall be adopted pursuant to the procedures of chapter 90.58 RCW rather than the procedures set forth in this chapter for the adoption of a comprehensive plan or development regulations.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 105. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) In designating and protecting critical areas under this chapter, counties and cities shall include the best available science in developing policies and development regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas. In addition, counties and cities shall give special consideration to conservation or protection measures necessary to preserve or enhance anadromous fisheries.

             (2) If it determines that advice from scientific or other experts is necessary or will be of substantial assistance in reaching its decision, a growth management hearings board may retain scientific or other expert advice to assist in reviewing a petition under RCW 36.70A.290 that involves critical areas.

             Sec. 106. RCW 36.70A.130 and 1990 1st ex.s. c 17 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Each comprehensive land use plan and development regulations shall be subject to continuing evaluation and review by the county or city that adopted them.

             Any amendment or revision to a comprehensive land use plan shall conform to this chapter, and any change to development regulations shall be consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan.

             (2)(a) Each county and city shall establish and broadly disseminate to the public a public participation program identifying procedures whereby proposed amendments or revisions of the comprehensive plan are considered by the governing body of the county or city no more frequently than once every year except that amendments may be considered more frequently under the following circumstances:

             (i) The initial adoption of a subarea plan; and

             (ii) The adoption or amendment of a shoreline master program under the procedures set forth in chapter 90.58 RCW.

             (b) All proposals shall be considered by the governing body concurrently so the cumulative effect of the various proposals can be ascertained. However, after appropriate public participation a county or city may adopt amendments or revisions to its comprehensive plan that conform with this chapter whenever an emergency exists or to resolve an appeal of a comprehensive plan filed with a growth management hearings board or with the court.

             (3) Each county that designates urban growth areas under RCW 36.70A.110 shall review, at least every ten years, its designated urban growth area or areas, and the densities permitted within both the incorporated and unincorporated portions of each urban growth area. In conjunction with this review by the county, each city located within an urban growth area shall review the densities permitted within its boundaries, and the extent to which the urban growth occurring within the county has located within each city and the unincorporated portions of the urban growth areas. The county comprehensive plan designating urban growth areas, and the densities permitted in the urban growth areas by the comprehensive plans of the county and each city located within the urban growth areas, shall be revised to accommodate the urban growth projected to occur in the county for the succeeding twenty-year period.

             Sec. 107. RCW 36.70A.140 and 1990 1st ex.s. c 17 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:

             Each county and city that is required or chooses to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall establish and broadly disseminate to the public a public participation program identifying procedures providing for early and continuous public participation in the development and amendment of comprehensive land use plans and development regulations implementing such plans. The procedures shall provide for broad dissemination of proposals and alternatives, opportunity for written comments, public meetings after effective notice, provision for open discussion, communication programs, information services, and consideration of and response to public comments. In enacting legislation in response to the board's decision pursuant to RCW 36.70A.300 declaring part or all of a comprehensive plan or development regulation invalid, the county or city shall provide for public participation that is appropriate and effective under the circumstances presented by the board's order. Errors in exact compliance with the established program and procedures shall not render the comprehensive land use plan or development regulations invalid if the spirit of the program and procedures is observed.

             Sec. 108. RCW 36.70A.280 and 1994 c 249 s 31 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A growth management hearings board shall hear and determine only those petitions alleging either:

             (a) That a state agency, county, or city planning under this chapter is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, chapter 90.58 RCW as it relates to the adoption of shoreline master programs or amendments thereto, or chapter 43.21C RCW as it relates to plans, development regulations, or amendments, adopted under RCW 36.70A.040 or chapter 90.58 RCW; or

             (b) That the twenty-year growth management planning population projections adopted by the office of financial management pursuant to RCW 43.62.035 should be adjusted.

             (2) A petition may be filed only by the state, a county or city that plans under this chapter, a person who has either appeared before the county or city regarding the matter on which a review is being requested or is certified by the governor within sixty days of filing the request with the board, or a person qualified pursuant to RCW 34.05.530.

             (3) For purposes of this section "person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental subdivision or unit thereof, or public or private organization or entity of any character.

             (4) When considering a possible adjustment to a growth management planning population projection prepared by the office of financial management, a board shall consider the implications of any such adjustment to the population forecast for the entire state.

             The rationale for any adjustment that is adopted by a board must be documented and filed with the office of financial management within ten working days after adoption.

             If adjusted by a board, a county growth management planning population projection shall only be used for the planning purposes set forth in this chapter and shall be known as a "board adjusted population projection". None of these changes shall affect the official state and county population forecasts prepared by the office of financial management, which shall continue to be used for state budget and planning purposes.

             Sec. 109. RCW 36.70A.290 and 1994 c 257 s 2 and 1994 c 249 s 26 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             (1) All requests for review to a growth management hearings board shall be initiated by filing a petition that includes a detailed statement of issues presented for resolution by the board.

             (2) All petitions relating to whether or not an adopted comprehensive plan, development regulation, or permanent amendment thereto, is in compliance with the goals and requirements of this chapter or chapter 90.58 or 43.21C RCW must be filed within sixty days after publication by the legislative bodies of the county or city.

             (a) Except as provided in (c) of this subsection, the date of publication for a city shall be the date the city publishes the ordinance, or summary of the ordinance, adopting the comprehensive plan or development regulations, or amendment thereto, as is required to be published.

             (b) Promptly after adoption, a county shall publish a notice that it has adopted the comprehensive plan or development regulations, or amendment thereto.

             Except as provided in (c) of this subsection, for purposes of this section the date of publication for a county shall be the date the county publishes the notice that it has adopted the comprehensive plan or development regulations, or amendment thereto.

             (c) For local governments planning under RCW 36.70A.040, promptly after approval or disapproval of a local governmentÌ“s shoreline master program or amendment thereto by the department of ecology as provided in RCW 90.58.090, the local government shall publish a notice that the shoreline master program or amendment thereto has been approved or disapproved by the department of ecology. For purposes of this section, the date of publication for the adoption or amendment of a shoreline master program is the date the local government publishes notice that the shoreline master program or amendment thereto has been approved or disapproved by the department of ecology.

             (3) Unless the board dismisses the petition as frivolous or finds that the person filing the petition lacks standing, the board shall, within ten days of receipt of the petition, set a time for hearing the matter.

             (4) The board shall base its decision on the record developed by the city, county, or the state and supplemented with additional evidence if the board determines that such additional evidence would be necessary or of substantial assistance to the board in reaching its decision.

             (5) The board, shall consolidate, when appropriate, all petitions involving the review of the same comprehensive plan or the same development regulation or regulations.

             Sec. 110. RCW 36.70A.300 and 1991 sp.s. c 32 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The board shall issue a final order within one hundred eighty days of receipt of the petition for review, or, when multiple petitions are filed, within one hundred eighty days of receipt of the last petition that is consolidated. Such a final order shall be based exclusively on whether or not a state agency, county, or city is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, chapter 90.58 RCW as it relates to adoption or amendment of shoreline master programs, or chapter 43.21C RCW as it relates to plans, development regulations, and amendments thereto, adopted under RCW 36.70A.040 or chapter 90.58 RCW. In the final order, the board shall either: (a) Find that the state agency, county, or city is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter or chapter 90.58 RCW as it relates to the adoption or amendment of shoreline master programs; or (b) find that the state agency, county, or city is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter or chapter 90.58 RCW as it relates to the adoption or amendment of shoreline master programs, in which case the board shall remand the matter to the affected state agency, county, or city and specify a reasonable time not in excess of one hundred eighty days within which the state agency, county, or city shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.

             (2) A finding of noncompliance and an order of remand shall not affect the validity of comprehensive plans and development regulations during the period of remand, unless the board's final order also:

             (a) Includes a determination, supported by findings of fact and conclusions of law, that the continued validity of the plan or regulation would substantially interfere with the fulfillment of the goals of this chapter; and

             (b) Specifies the particular part or parts of the plan or regulation that are determined to be invalid, and the reasons for their invalidity.

             (3) A determination of invalidity shall:

             (a) Be prospective in effect and shall not extinguish rights that vested under state or local law before the date of the board's order; and

             (b) Subject any development application that would otherwise vest after the date of the board's order to the local ordinance or resolution that both is enacted in response to the order of remand and determined by the board pursuant to RCW 36.70A.330 to comply with the requirements of this chapter.

             (4) If the ordinance that adopts a plan or development regulation under this chapter includes a savings clause intended to revive prior policies or regulations in the event the new plan or regulations are determined to be invalid, the board shall determine under subsection (2) of this section whether the prior policies or regulations are valid during the period of remand.

             (5) Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the hearings board may appeal the decision to ((Thurston county)) superior court as provided in RCW 34.05.514 or 36.01.050 within thirty days of the final order of the board.

             Sec. 111. RCW 36.70A.320 and 1991 sp.s. c 32 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, comprehensive plans and development regulations, and amendments thereto, adopted under this chapter are presumed valid upon adoption. In any petition under this chapter, the board, after full consideration of the petition, shall determine whether there is compliance with the requirements of this chapter. In making its determination, the board shall consider the criteria adopted by the department under RCW 36.70A.190(4). The board shall find compliance unless it finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the state agency, county, or city erroneously interpreted or applied this chapter.

             (2) The shoreline element of a comprehensive plan and the applicable development regulations adopted by a county or city shall take effect as provided in chapter 90.58 RCW.

             Sec. 112. RCW 36.70A.330 and 1991 sp.s. c 32 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) After the time set for complying with the requirements of this chapter under RCW 36.70A.300(1)(b) has expired, or at an earlier time upon the motion of a county or city subject to a determination of invalidity under RCW 36.70A.300, the board((, on its own motion or motion of the petitioner,)) shall set a hearing for the purpose of determining whether the state agency, county, or city is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

             (2) The board shall conduct a hearing and issue a finding of compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of this chapter. A person with standing to challenge the legislation enacted in response to the board's final order may participate in the hearing along with the petitioner and the state agency, city, or county. A hearing under this subsection shall be given the highest priority of business to be conducted by the board, and a finding shall be issued within forty-five days of the filing of the motion under subsection (1) of this section with the board.

             (3) If the board finds that the state agency, county, or city is not in compliance, the board shall transmit its finding to the governor. The board may recommend to the governor that the sanctions authorized by this chapter be imposed.

             (4) The board shall also reconsider its final order and decide:

             (a) If a determination of invalidity has been made, whether such a determination should be rescinded or modified under the standards in RCW 36.70A.300(2); or

             (b) If no determination of invalidity has been made, whether one now should be made under the standards in RCW 36.70A.300(2).

             The board shall schedule additional hearings as appropriate pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) of this section.

             Sec. 113. RCW 34.05.514 and 1994 c 257 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section ((and RCW 36.70A.300(3))), proceedings for review under this chapter shall be instituted by filing a petition in the superior court, at the petitioner's option, for (a) Thurston county, (b) the county of the petitioner's residence or principal place of business, or (c) in any county where the property owned by the petitioner and affected by the contested decision is located.

             (2) For proceedings involving institutions of higher education, the petition shall be filed either in the county in which the principal office of the institution involved is located or in the county of a branch campus if the action involves such branch.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 114. (1) The legislature finds that:

             (a) As of the effective date of this section, twenty-nine counties and two hundred eight cities are conducting comprehensive planning under the growth management act, chapter 36.70A RCW, which together comprise over ninety percent of the state's population;

             (b) Comprehensive plans for many of the jurisdictions were due by July 1, 1994, and the remaining jurisdictions must complete plans under due dates ranging from October 1994 to September 1997;

             (c) Concurrently with these comprehensive planning activities, local governments must conduct several other planning requirements under the growth management act, such as the adoption of capital facilities plans, urban growth areas, and development regulations;

             (d) Local governments must also comply with the state environmental policy act, chapter 43.21C RCW, in the development of comprehensive plans and development regulations;

             (e) The combined activities of comprehensive planning and the state environmental policy act present a serious fiscal burden upon local governments; and

             (f) Detailed environmental analysis integrated with comprehensive plans, subarea plans, and development regulations will facilitate planning for and managing growth, allow greater protection of the environment, and benefit both the general public and private property owners.

             (2) In order to provide financial assistance to cities and counties planning under chapter 36.70A RCW and to improve the usefulness of plans and integrated environmental analyses, the legislature has created the fund described in section 115 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 115. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             The growth management planning and environmental review fund is hereby established in the state treasury. Moneys may be placed in the fund from the proceeds of bond sales, tax revenues, budget transfers, federal appropriations, gifts, or any other lawful source. Moneys in the fund may be spent only after appropriation. Moneys in the fund shall be used to make grants to local governments for the purposes set forth in section 202 of this act, RCW 43.21C.031, or section 116 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 116. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The department of community, trade, and economic development shall provide management services for the fund created by section 115 of this act. The department by rule shall establish procedures for fund management.

             (2) A grant may be awarded to a county or city that is required to or has chosen to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 and that is qualified pursuant to this section. The grant shall be provided to assist a county or city in paying for the cost of preparing a detailed environmental impact statement that is integrated with a comprehensive plan or subarea plan and development regulations.

             (3) In order to qualify for a grant, a county or city shall:

             (a) Demonstrate that it will prepare an environmental analysis pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW that is integrated with a comprehensive plan or subarea plan and development regulations;

             (b) Address environmental impacts and consequences, alternatives, and mitigation measures in sufficient detail to allow the analysis to be adopted in whole or in part by subsequent applicants for development permits within the geographic area analyzed in the plan;

             (c) Include mechanisms in the plan to monitor the consequences of growth as it occurs in the plan area and provide ongoing data to update the plan and environmental analysis;

             (d) Be making substantial progress towards compliance with the requirements of this chapter. A county or city that is more than six months out of compliance with a requirement of this chapter is deemed not to be making substantial progress towards compliance; and

             (e) Provide local funding, which may include financial participation by the private sector.

             (4) In awarding grants, the department shall give preference to proposals that include one or more of the following elements:

             (a) Financial participation by the private sector, or a public/private partnering approach;

             (b) Comprehensive and subarea plan proposals that are designed to identify and monitor system capacities for elements of the built environment, and to the extent appropriate, of the natural environment;

             (c) Programs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the permitting process by greater reliance on integrated plans;

             (d) Programs for effective citizen and neighborhood involvement that contribute to greater certainty that planning decisions will be implemented; and

             (e) Plans that identify environmental impacts and establish mitigation measures that provide effective means to satisfy concurrency requirements and establish project consistency with the plans.

             (5) If the local funding includes funding provided by other state functional planning programs, including open space planning and watershed or basin planning, the functional plan shall be integrated into and be consistent with the comprehensive plan.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 201. (1) The legislature finds in adopting section 202 of this act that:

             (a) Comprehensive plans and development regulations adopted by counties, cities, and towns under chapter 36.70A RCW and environmental laws and rules adopted by the state and federal government have addressed a wide range of environmental subjects and impacts. These plans, regulations, rules, and laws often provide environmental analysis and mitigation measures for project actions without the need for an environmental impact statement or further project mitigation.

             (b) Existing plans, regulations, rules, or laws provide environmental analysis and measures that avoid or otherwise mitigate the probable specific adverse environmental impacts of proposed projects should be integrated with, and should not be duplicated by, environmental review under chapter 43.21C RCW.

             (c) Proposed projects should continue to receive environmental review, which should be conducted in a manner that is integrated with and does not duplicate other requirements. Project-level environmental review should be used to: (i) Review and document consistency with comprehensive plans and development regulations; (ii) provide prompt and coordinated review by government agencies and the public on compliance with applicable environmental laws and plans, including mitigation for specific project impacts that have not been considered and addressed at the plan or development regulation level; and (iii) ensure accountability by local government to applicants and the public for requiring and implementing mitigation measures.

             (d) When a project permit application is filed, an agency should analyze the proposal's environmental impacts, as required by applicable regulations and the environmental review process required by this chapter, in one project review process. The project review process should include land use, environmental, public, and governmental review, as provided by the applicable regulations and the rules adopted under this chapter, so that documents prepared under different requirements can be reviewed together by the public and other agencies. This project review will provide an agency with the information necessary to make a decision on the proposed project.

             (e) Through this project review process: (i) If the applicable regulations require studies that adequately analyze all of the project's specific probable adverse environmental impacts, additional studies under this chapter will not be necessary on those impacts; (ii) if the applicable regulations require measures that adequately address such environmental impacts, additional measures would likewise not be required under this chapter; and (iii) if the applicable regulations do not adequately analyze or address a proposal's specific probable adverse environmental impacts, this chapter provides the authority and procedures for additional review.

             (2) The legislature intends that a primary role of environmental review under chapter 43.21C RCW is to focus on the gaps and overlaps that may exist in applicable laws and requirements related to a proposed action. The review of project actions conducted by counties, cities, and towns planning under RCW 36.70A.040 should integrate environmental review with project review. Chapter 43.21C RCW should not be used as a substitute for other land use planning and environmental requirements.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 202. A new section is added to chapter 43.21C RCW to read as follows:

             (1) If the requirements of subsection (2) of this section are satisfied, a county, city, or town reviewing a project action may determine that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures in the county, city, or town's development regulations and comprehensive plans adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws and rules provide adequate analysis of and mitigation for the specific adverse environmental impacts of the project action to which the requirements apply.

             (2) A county, city, or town may make the determination provided for in subsection (1) of this section if:

             (a) In the course of project review, including any required environmental analysis, the local government considers the specific probable adverse environmental impacts of the proposed action and determines that these specific impacts are adequately addressed by the development regulations or other applicable requirements of the comprehensive plan, subarea plan element of the comprehensive plan, or other local, state, or federal rules or laws; and

             (b) The local government bases or conditions its approval on compliance with these requirements or mitigation measures.

             (3) If a county, city, or town's comprehensive plans, subarea plans, and development regulations adequately address a project's probable specific adverse environmental impacts, as determined under subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the county, city, or town shall not impose additional mitigation under this chapter during project review. Project review shall be integrated with environmental analysis under this chapter.

             (4) A comprehensive plan, subarea plan, or development regulation shall be considered to adequately address an impact if the county, city, or town, through the planning and environmental review process under chapter 36.70A RCW and this chapter, has identified the specific adverse environmental impacts and:

             (a) The impacts have been avoided or otherwise mitigated; or

             (b) The legislative body of the county, city, or town has designated as acceptable certain levels of service, land use designations, development standards, or other land use planning required or allowed by chapter 36.70A RCW.

             (5) In deciding whether a specific adverse environmental impact has been addressed by an existing rule or law of another agency with jurisdiction with environmental expertise with regard to a specific environmental impact, the county, city, or town shall consult orally or in writing with that agency and may expressly defer to that agency. In making this deferral, the county, city, or town shall base or condition its project approval on compliance with these other existing rules or laws.

             (6) Nothing in this section limits the authority of an agency in its review or mitigation of a project to adopt or otherwise rely on environmental analyses and requirements under other laws, as provided by this chapter.

             (7) This section shall apply only to a county, city, or town planning under RCW 36.70A.040.

             Sec. 203. RCW 43.21C.031 and 1983 c 117 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) An environmental impact statement (the detailed statement required by RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c)) shall be prepared on proposals for legislation and other major actions having a probable significant, adverse environmental impact. The environmental impact statement may be combined with the recommendation or report on the proposal or issued as a separate document. The substantive decisions or recommendations shall be clearly identifiable in the combined document. Actions categorically exempt under RCW 43.21C.110(1)(a) do not require environmental review or the preparation of an environmental impact statement under this chapter. In a county, city, or town planning under RCW 36.70A.040, a planned action, as provided for in subsection (2) of this section, does not require a threshold determination or the preparation of an environmental impact statement under this chapter, but is subject to environmental review and mitigation as provided in this chapter.

             An environmental impact statement is required to analyze only those probable adverse environmental impacts which are significant. Beneficial environmental impacts may be discussed. The responsible official shall consult with agencies and the public to identify such impacts and limit the scope of an environmental impact statement. The subjects listed in RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) need not be treated as separate sections of an environmental impact statement. Discussions of significant short-term and long-term environmental impacts, significant irrevocable commitments of natural resources, significant alternatives including mitigation measures, and significant environmental impacts which cannot be mitigated should be consolidated or included, as applicable, in those sections of an environmental impact statement where the responsible official decides they logically belong.

             (2)(a) For purposes of this section, a planned action means one or more types of project action that:

             (i) Are designated planned actions by an ordinance or resolution adopted by a county, city, or town planning under RCW 36.70A.040;

             (ii) Have had the significant impacts adequately addressed in an environmental impact statement prepared in conjunction with (A) a comprehensive plan or subarea plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, or (B) a fully contained community, a master planned resort, a master planned development, or a phased project;

             (iii) Are subsequent or implementing projects for the proposals listed in (a)(ii) of this subsection;

             (iv) Are located within an urban growth area, as defined in RCW 36.70A.030;

             (v) Are not essential public facilities, as defined in RCW 36.70A.200; and

             (vi) Are consistent with a comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW.

             (b) A county, city, or town shall limit planned actions to certain types of development or to specific geographical areas that are less extensive than the jurisdictional boundaries of the county, city, or town and may limit a planned action to a time period identified in the environmental impact statement or the ordinance or resolution adopted under this subsection.

             Sec. 204. RCW 43.21C.075 and 1994 c 253 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Because a major purpose of this chapter is to combine environmental considerations with public decisions, any appeal brought under this chapter shall be linked to a specific governmental action. The State Environmental Policy Act provides a basis for challenging whether governmental action is in compliance with the substantive and procedural provisions of this chapter. The State Environmental Policy Act is not intended to create a cause of action unrelated to a specific governmental action.

             (2) Unless otherwise provided by this section:

             (a) Appeals under this chapter shall be of the governmental action together with its accompanying environmental determinations.

             (b) Appeals of environmental determinations made (or lacking) under this chapter shall be commenced within the time required to appeal the governmental action which is subject to environmental review.

             (3) If an agency has a procedure for appeals of agency environmental determinations made under this chapter, such procedure:

             (a) Shall not allow more than one agency appeal proceeding on a procedural determination (the adequacy of a determination of significance/nonsignificance or of a final environmental impact statement)((, consistent with any state statutory requirements for appeals to local legislative bodies)). The appeal proceeding on a determination of significance((/nonsignificance)) may occur before the agency's final decision on a proposed action. The appeal proceeding on a determination of nonsignificance may occur before the agency's final decision on a proposed action only if the appeal is heard at a proceeding where the hearing body or officer will render a final recommendation or decision on the proposed underlying governmental action. Such ((an)) appeals shall also be allowed for a determination of significance/nonsignificance which may be issued by the agency after supplemental review;

             (b) Shall consolidate an appeal of procedural issues and of substantive determinations made under this chapter (such as a decision to require particular mitigation measures or to deny a proposal) with a hearing or appeal on the underlying governmental action by providing for a single simultaneous ((appeal of an)) hearing before one hearing officer or body to consider the agency decision on a proposal and any environmental determinations made under this chapter, with the exception of the ((threshold determination)) appeal, if any, of a determination of significance as provided in (a) of this subsection or an appeal to the local legislative authority under RCW 43.21C.060 or other applicable state statutes;

             (c) Shall provide for the preparation of a record for use in any subsequent appeal proceedings, and shall provide for any subsequent appeal proceedings to be conducted on the record, consistent with other applicable law. An adequate record consists of findings and conclusions, testimony under oath, and taped or written transcript. An electronically recorded transcript will suffice for purposes of review under this subsection; and

             (d) Shall provide that procedural determinations made by the responsible official shall be entitled to substantial weight.

             (4) If a person aggrieved by an agency action has the right to judicial appeal and if an agency has an appeal procedure, such person shall, prior to seeking any judicial review, use such agency procedure if any such procedure is available, unless expressly provided otherwise by state statute.

             (5) ((RCW 43.21C.080 establishes an optional "notice of action" procedure which, if used, imposes a time period for appealing decisions under this chapter.)) Some statutes and ordinances contain time periods for challenging governmental actions which are subject to review under this chapter, such as various local land use approvals (the "underlying governmental action"). RCW 43.21C.080 establishes an optional "notice of action" procedure which, if used, imposes a time period for appealing decisions under this chapter. This ((section)) subsection does not modify any such time periods. ((This section governs when a judicial appeal must be brought under this chapter where a "notice of action" is used, and/or where there is another time period which is required by statute or ordinance for challenging the underlying governmental action.)) In this subsection, the term "appeal" refers to a judicial appeal only.

             (a) If there is a time period for appealing the underlying governmental action, appeals under this chapter shall be commenced within ((thirty days)) such time period. The agency shall give official notice stating the date and place for commencing an appeal. ((If there is an agency proceeding under subsection (3) of this section, the appellant shall, prior to commencing a judicial appeal, submit to the responsible official a notice of intent to commence a judicial appeal. This notice of intent shall be given within the time period for commencing a judicial appeal on the underlying governmental action.))

             (b) If there is no time period for appealing the underlying governmental action, and a notice of action under RCW 43.21C.080 ((may be used. If a notice of action)) is used, ((judicial)) appeals shall be commenced within the time period specified by RCW 43.21C.080((, unless there is a time period for appealing the underlying governmental action in which case (a) of this subsection shall apply.

             (c) Notwithstanding RCW 43.21C.080(1), if there is a time period for appealing the underlying governmental action, a notice of action may be published within such time period)).

             (6)(a) Judicial review under subsection (5) of this section of an appeal decision made by an agency under ((RCW 43.21C.075(5))) subsection (3) of this section shall be on the record, consistent with other applicable law.

             (b) A taped or written transcript may be used. If a taped transcript is to be reviewed, a record shall identify the location on the taped transcript of testimony and evidence to be reviewed. Parties are encouraged to designate only those portions of the testimony necessary to present the issues raised on review, but if a party alleges that a finding of fact is not supported by evidence, the party should include in the record all evidence relevant to the disputed finding. Any other party may designate additional portions of the taped transcript relating to issues raised on review. A party may provide a written transcript of portions of the testimony at the party's own expense or apply to that court for an order requiring the party seeking review to pay for additional portions of the written transcript.

             (c) Judicial review under this chapter shall without exception be of the governmental action together with its accompanying environmental determinations.

             (7) Jurisdiction over the review of determinations under this chapter in an appeal before an agency or superior court shall upon consent of the parties be transferred in whole or part to the shorelines hearings board. The shorelines hearings board shall hear the matter and sign the final order expeditiously. The superior court shall certify the final order of the shorelines hearings board and said certified final order may only be appealed to an appellate court. In the case of an appeal under this chapter regarding a project or other matter that is also the subject of an appeal to the shorelines hearings board under chapter 90.58 RCW, the shorelines hearings board shall have sole jurisdiction over both the appeal under this section and the appeal under chapter 90.58 RCW, shall consider them together, and shall issue a final order within one hundred eighty days as provided in RCW 90.58.180.

             (8) For purposes of this section and RCW 43.21C.080, the words "action", "decision", and "determination" mean substantive agency action including any accompanying procedural determinations under this chapter (except where the word "action" means "appeal" in RCW 43.21C.080(2) ((and (3)))). The word "action" in this section and RCW 43.21C.080 does not mean a procedural determination by itself made under this chapter. The word "determination" includes any environmental document required by this chapter and state or local implementing rules. The word "agency" refers to any state or local unit of government. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, the word "appeal" refers to administrative, legislative, or judicial appeals.

             (9) The court in its discretion may award reasonable attorney's fees of up to one thousand dollars in the aggregate to the prevailing party, including a governmental agency, on issues arising out of this chapter if the court makes specific findings that the legal position of a party is frivolous and without reasonable basis.

             Sec. 205. RCW 43.21C.080 and 1977 ex.s. c 278 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Notice of any action taken by a governmental agency may be publicized by the acting governmental agency, the applicant for, or the proponent of such action, in substantially the form as set forth in ((subsection (3) of this section and in the following manner)) rules adopted under RCW 43.21C.110:

             (a) By publishing notice on the same day of each week for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the area where the property which is the subject of the action is located;

             (b) By filing notice of such action with the department of ecology at its main office in Olympia prior to the date of the last newspaper publication; and

             (c) Except for those actions which are of a nonproject nature, by one of the following methods which shall be accomplished prior to the date of ((last)) first newspaper publication;

             (i) Mailing to the latest recorded real property owners, as shown by the records of the county treasurer, who share a common boundary line with the property upon which the project is proposed through United States mail, first class, postage prepaid.

             (ii) Posting of the notice in a conspicuous manner on the property upon which the project is to be constructed.

             (2)(a) Except as otherwise provided in RCW 43.21C.075(5)(a), any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge any such governmental action or subsequent governmental action for which notice is given as provided in subsection (1) of this section on grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be commenced within ((thirty)) twenty-one days from the date of last newspaper publication of the notice pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, or be barred((: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the time period within which an action shall be commenced shall be ninety days (i) for projects to be performed by a governmental agency or to be performed under government contract, or (ii) for thermal power plant projects: PROVIDED FURTHER, That)).

             (b) Any subsequent governmental action on the proposal for which notice has been given as provided in subsection (1) of this section shall not be set aside, enjoined, reviewed, or otherwise challenged on grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of RCW 43.21C.030(2)(a) through (h) unless there has been a substantial change in the proposal between the time of the first governmental action and the subsequent governmental action that is likely to have adverse environmental impacts beyond the range of impacts previously analyzed, or unless the action now being considered was identified in an earlier detailed statement or declaration of nonsignificance as being one which would require further environmental evaluation.

             (((b) Any action to challenge a subsequent governmental action based upon any provisions of this chapter shall be commenced within thirty days from the date of last newspaper publication of the subsequent governmental action except (i) for projects to be performed by a governmental agency or to be performed under governmental contract, or (ii) for thermal power plant projects which shall be challenged within ninety days from the date of last newspaper publication of the subsequent governmental action, or be barred.

             (3) The form for such notice of action shall be issued by the department of ecology and shall be made available by the governmental agency taking an action subject to being publicized pursuant to this section, by the county auditor, and/or the city clerk to the project applicant or proposer. The form of such notice shall be substantially as follows:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Government agency or entity)

             Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW, notice is hereby given that:

             The . . . . . . . . . (Government agency or entity) did on . . . . . . (date), take the action described below.

             Any action to set aside, enjoin, review, or otherwise challenge such action on the grounds of noncompliance with the provisions of chapter 43.21C RCW (State Environmental Policy Act) shall be commenced within . . . . days or be barred.

             The action taken by . . . . . . . . . (Government agency or entity), notice of which is hereby given, was as follows:

             (1) . . . . . . . . . (Here insert description of action taken such as: Adoption Ordinance No. . . . .; Issued Building Permit; Approved preliminary (or final) plat, etc.)

             (2) . . . . . . . . . (Here insert brief description of the complete project or proposal.)

             (3) Said action pertained to property commonly known as:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Sufficient description to locate property, but complete legal description not required)

             (4) Pertinent documents may be examined during regular business hours at the office of: . . . . . . located at:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Location, including room number)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Name of government agency, proponent, or applicant giving notice)

Filed by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Signature of individual and capacity in which such individual is signing)))

             Sec. 206. RCW 43.21C.110 and 1983 c 117 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             It shall be the duty and function of the department of ecology((, which may utilize proposed rules developed by the environmental policy commission)):

             (1) To adopt and amend thereafter rules of interpretation and implementation of this chapter (((the state environmental policy act of 1971))), subject to the requirements of chapter 34.05 RCW, for the purpose of providing uniform rules and guidelines to all branches of government including state agencies, political subdivisions, public and municipal corporations, and counties. The proposed rules shall be subject to full public hearings requirements associated with rule promulgation. Suggestions for modifications of the proposed rules shall be considered on their merits, and the department shall have the authority and responsibility for full and appropriate independent promulgation and adoption of rules, assuring consistency with this chapter as amended and with the preservation of protections afforded by this chapter. The rule making powers authorized in this section shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following phases of interpretation and implementation of this chapter (((the state environmental policy act of 1971))):

             (a) Categories of governmental actions which are not to be considered as potential major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment, including categories pertaining to applications for water right permits pursuant to chapters 90.03 and 90.44 RCW. The types of actions included as categorical exemptions in the rules shall be limited to those types which are not major actions significantly affecting the quality of the environment. The rules shall provide for certain circumstances where actions which potentially are categorically exempt require environmental review. An action that is categorically exempt under the rules adopted by the department may not be conditioned or denied under this chapter.

             (b) Rules for criteria and procedures applicable to the determination of when an act of a branch of government is a major action significantly affecting the quality of the environment for which a detailed statement is required to be prepared pursuant to RCW 43.21C.030.

             (c) Rules and procedures applicable to the preparation of detailed statements and other environmental documents, including but not limited to rules for timing of environmental review, obtaining comments, data and other information, and providing for and determining areas of public participation which shall include the scope and review of draft environmental impact statements.

             (d) Scope of coverage and contents of detailed statements assuring that such statements are simple, uniform, and as short as practicable; statements are required to analyze only reasonable alternatives and probable adverse environmental impacts which are significant, and may analyze beneficial impacts.

             (e) Rules and procedures for public notification of actions taken and documents prepared.

             (f) Definition of terms relevant to the implementation of this chapter including the establishment of a list of elements of the environment. Analysis of environmental considerations under RCW 43.21C.030(2) may be required only for those subjects listed as elements of the environment (or portions thereof). The list of elements of the environment shall consist of the "natural" and "built" environment. The elements of the built environment shall consist of public services and utilities (such as water, sewer, schools, fire and police protection), transportation, environmental health (such as explosive materials and toxic waste), and land and shoreline use (including housing, and a description of the relationships with land use and shoreline plans and designations, including population).

             (g) Rules for determining the obligations and powers under this chapter of two or more branches of government involved in the same project significantly affecting the quality of the environment.

             (h) Methods to assure adequate public awareness of the preparation and issuance of detailed statements required by RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c).

             (i) To prepare rules for projects setting forth the time limits within which the governmental entity responsible for the action shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.

             (j) Rules for utilization of a detailed statement for more than one action and rules improving environmental analysis of nonproject proposals and encouraging better interagency coordination and integration between this chapter and other environmental laws.

             (k) Rules relating to actions which shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter in situations of emergency.

             (l) Rules relating to the use of environmental documents in planning and decision making and the implementation of the substantive policies and requirements of this chapter, including procedures for appeals under this chapter.

             (m) Rules and procedures that provide for the integration of environmental review with project review as provided in section 202 of this act. The rules and procedures shall be jointly developed with the department of community, trade, and economic development and shall be applicable to the preparation of environmental documents for actions in counties, cities, and towns planning under RCW 36.70A.040. The rules and procedures shall also include criteria to analyze the consistency of project actions, including planned actions under RCW 43.21C.031(2), with development regulations adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, or in the absence of applicable development regulations, the appropriate elements of a comprehensive plan or subarea plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW. Ordinances or procedures adopted by a county, city, or town to implement the provisions of section 202 of this act prior to the effective date of rules adopted under this subsection (1)(m) shall continue to be effective until the adoption of any new or revised ordinances or procedures that may be required. If any revisions are required as a result of rules adopted under this subsection (1)(m), those revisions shall be made within the time limits specified in RCW 43.21C.120.

             (2) In exercising its powers, functions, and duties under this section, the department may:

             (a) Consult with the state agencies and with representatives of science, industry, agriculture, labor, conservation organizations, state and local governments and other groups, as it deems advisable; and

             (b) Utilize, to the fullest extent possible, the services, facilities, and information (including statistical information) of public and private agencies, organizations, and individuals, in order to avoid duplication of effort and expense, overlap, or conflict with similar activities authorized by law and performed by established agencies.

             (3) Rules adopted pursuant to this section shall be subject to the review procedures of chapter 34.05 RCW ((34.05.538 and 34.05.240)).

             Sec. 207. RCW 43.21C.900 and 1971 ex.s. c 109 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "State Environmental Policy Act ((of 1971))" or "SEPA".


             Sec. 301. RCW 90.58.020 and 1992 c 105 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             The legislature finds that the shorelines of the state are among the most valuable and fragile of its natural resources and that there is great concern throughout the state relating to their utilization, protection, restoration, and preservation. In addition it finds that ever increasing pressures of additional uses are being placed on the shorelines necessitating increased coordination in the management and development of the shorelines of the state. The legislature further finds that much of the shorelines of the state and the uplands adjacent thereto are in private ownership; that unrestricted construction on the privately owned or publicly owned shorelines of the state is not in the best public interest; and therefore, coordinated planning is necessary in order to protect the public interest associated with the shorelines of the state while, at the same time, recognizing and protecting private property rights consistent with the public interest. There is, therefor, a clear and urgent demand for a planned, rational, and concerted effort, jointly performed by federal, state, and local governments, to prevent the inherent harm in an uncoordinated and piecemeal development of the state's shorelines.

             It is the policy of the state to provide for the management of the shorelines of the state by planning for and fostering all reasonable and appropriate uses. This policy is designed to insure the development of these shorelines in a manner which, while allowing for limited reduction of rights of the public in the navigable waters, will promote and enhance the public interest. This policy contemplates protecting against adverse effects to the public health, the land and its vegetation and wildlife, and the waters of the state and their aquatic life, while protecting generally public rights of navigation and corollary rights incidental thereto.

             The legislature declares that the interest of all of the people shall be paramount in the management of shorelines of state-wide significance. The department, in adopting guidelines for shorelines of state-wide significance, and local government, in developing master programs for shorelines of state-wide significance, shall give preference to uses in the following order of preference which:

             (1) Recognize and protect the state-wide interest over local interest;

             (2) Preserve the natural character of the shoreline;

             (3) Result in long term over short term benefit;

             (4) Protect the resources and ecology of the shoreline;

             (5) Increase public access to publicly owned areas of the shorelines;

             (6) Increase recreational opportunities for the public in the shoreline;

             (7) Provide for any other element as defined in RCW 90.58.100 deemed appropriate or necessary.

             In the implementation of this policy the public's opportunity to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of natural shorelines of the state shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible consistent with the overall best interest of the state and the people generally. To this end uses shall be preferred which are consistent with control of pollution and prevention of damage to the natural environment, or are unique to or dependent upon use of the state's shoreline. Alterations of the natural condition of the shorelines of the state, in those limited instances when authorized, shall be given priority for single family residences and their appurtenant structures, ports, shoreline recreational uses including but not limited to parks, marinas, piers, and other improvements facilitating public access to shorelines of the state, industrial and commercial developments which are particularly dependent on their location on or use of the shorelines of the state and other development that will provide an opportunity for substantial numbers of the people to enjoy the shorelines of the state. Alterations of the natural condition of the shorelines and ((wetlands)) shorelands of the state shall be recognized by the department. Shorelines and ((wetlands)) shorelands of the state shall be appropriately classified and these classifications shall be revised when circumstances warrant regardless of whether the change in circumstances occurs through man-made causes or natural causes. Any areas resulting from alterations of the natural condition of the shorelines and ((wetlands)) shorelands of the state no longer meeting the definition of "shorelines of the state" shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter 90.58 RCW.

             Permitted uses in the shorelines of the state shall be designed and conducted in a manner to minimize, insofar as practical, any resultant damage to the ecology and environment of the shoreline area and any interference with the public's use of the water.

             Sec. 302. RCW 90.58.030 and 1987 c 474 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions and concepts apply:

             (1) Administration:

             (a) "Department" means the department of ecology;

             (b) "Director" means the director of the department of ecology;

             (c) "Local government" means any county, incorporated city, or town which contains within its boundaries any lands or waters subject to this chapter;

             (d) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, organization, cooperative, public or municipal corporation, or agency of the state or local governmental unit however designated;

             (e) "Hearing board" means the shoreline hearings board established by this chapter.

             (2) Geographical:

             (a) "Extreme low tide" means the lowest line on the land reached by a receding tide;

             (b) "Ordinary high water mark" on all lakes, streams, and tidal water is that mark that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the department: PROVIDED, That in any area where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high water mark adjoining salt water shall be the line of mean higher high tide and the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water;

             (c) "Shorelines of the state" are the total of all "shorelines" and "shorelines of state-wide significance" within the state;

             (d) "Shorelines" means all of the water areas of the state, including reservoirs, and their associated ((wetlands)) shorelands, together with the lands underlying them; except (i) shorelines of state-wide significance; (ii) shorelines on segments of streams upstream of a point where the mean annual flow is twenty cubic feet per second or less and the wetlands associated with such upstream segments; and (iii) shorelines on lakes less than twenty acres in size and wetlands associated with such small lakes;

             (e) "Shorelines of state-wide significance" means the following shorelines of the state:

             (i) The area between the ordinary high water mark and the western boundary of the state from Cape Disappointment on the south to Cape Flattery on the north, including harbors, bays, estuaries, and inlets;

             (ii) Those areas of Puget Sound and adjacent salt waters and the Strait of Juan de Fuca between the ordinary high water mark and the line of extreme low tide as follows:

             (A) Nisqually Delta--from DeWolf Bight to Tatsolo Point,

             (B) Birch Bay--from Point Whitehorn to Birch Point,

             (C) Hood Canal--from Tala Point to Foulweather Bluff,

             (D) Skagit Bay and adjacent area--from Brown Point to Yokeko Point, and

             (E) Padilla Bay--from March Point to William Point;

             (iii) Those areas of Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent salt waters north to the Canadian line and lying seaward from the line of extreme low tide;

             (iv) Those lakes, whether natural, artificial, or a combination thereof, with a surface acreage of one thousand acres or more measured at the ordinary high water mark;

             (v) Those natural rivers or segments thereof as follows:

             (A) Any west of the crest of the Cascade range downstream of a point where the mean annual flow is measured at one thousand cubic feet per second or more,

             (B) Any east of the crest of the Cascade range downstream of a point where the annual flow is measured at two hundred cubic feet per second or more, or those portions of rivers east of the crest of the Cascade range downstream from the first three hundred square miles of drainage area, whichever is longer;

             (vi) Those ((wetlands)) shorelands associated with (i), (ii), (iv), and (v) of this subsection (2)(e);

             (f) "((Wetlands)) Shorelands" or "((wetland)) shoreland areas" means those lands extending landward for two hundred feet in all directions as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward two hundred feet from such floodways; and all ((marshes, bogs, swamps,)) wetlands and river deltas associated with the streams, lakes, and tidal waters which are subject to the provisions of this chapter; the same to be designated as to location by the department of ecology((: PROVIDED, That)). Any county or city may determine that portion of a one-hundred-year-flood plain to be included in its master program as long as such portion includes, as a minimum, the floodway and the adjacent land extending landward two hundred feet therefrom;

             (g) "Floodway" means those portions of the area of a river valley lying streamward from the outer limits of a watercourse upon which flood waters are carried during periods of flooding that occur with reasonable regularity, although not necessarily annually, said floodway being identified, under normal condition, by changes in surface soil conditions or changes in types or quality of vegetative ground cover condition. The floodway shall not include those lands that can reasonably be expected to be protected from flood waters by flood control devices maintained by or maintained under license from the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state;

             (h) "Wetlands" means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas to mitigate the conversion of wetlands.

             (3) Procedural terms:

             (a) "Guidelines" means those standards adopted to implement the policy of this chapter for regulation of use of the shorelines of the state prior to adoption of master programs. Such standards shall also provide criteria to local governments and the department in developing master programs;

             (b) "Master program" shall mean the comprehensive use plan for a described area, and the use regulations together with maps, diagrams, charts, or other descriptive material and text, a statement of desired goals, and standards developed in accordance with the policies enunciated in RCW 90.58.020;

             (c) "State master program" is the cumulative total of all master programs approved or adopted by the department of ecology;

             (d) "Development" means a use consisting of the construction or exterior alteration of structures; dredging; drilling; dumping; filling; removal of any sand, gravel, or minerals; bulkheading; driving of piling; placing of obstructions; or any project of a permanent or temporary nature which interferes with the normal public use of the surface of the waters overlying lands subject to this chapter at any state of water level;

             (e) "Substantial development" shall mean any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds two thousand five hundred dollars, or any development which materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state; except that the following shall not be considered substantial developments for the purpose of this chapter:

             (i) Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire, or elements;

             (ii) Construction of the normal protective bulkhead common to single family residences;

             (iii) Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the elements;

             (iv) Construction and practices normal or necessary for farming, irrigation, and ranching activities, including agricultural service roads and utilities on ((wetlands)) shorelands, and the construction and maintenance of irrigation structures including but not limited to head gates, pumping facilities, and irrigation channels((: PROVIDED, That)). A feedlot of any size, all processing plants, other activities of a commercial nature, alteration of the contour of the ((wetlands)) shorelands by leveling or filling other than that which results from normal cultivation, shall not be considered normal or necessary farming or ranching activities. A feedlot shall be an enclosure or facility used or capable of being used for feeding livestock hay, grain, silage, or other livestock feed, but shall not include land for growing crops or vegetation for livestock feeding and/or grazing, nor shall it include normal livestock wintering operations;

             (v) Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys;

             (vi) Construction on ((wetlands)) shorelands by an owner, lessee, or contract purchaser of a single family residence for his own use or for the use of his family, which residence does not exceed a height of thirty-five feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the state agency or local government having jurisdiction thereof, other than requirements imposed pursuant to this chapter;

             (vii) Construction of a dock, including a community dock, designed for pleasure craft only, for the private noncommercial use of the owner, lessee, or contract purchaser of single and multiple family residences, the cost of which does not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars;

             (viii) Operation, maintenance, or construction of canals, waterways, drains, reservoirs, or other facilities that now exist or are hereafter created or developed as a part of an irrigation system for the primary purpose of making use of system waters, including return flow and artificially stored ground water for the irrigation of lands;

             (ix) The marking of property lines or corners on state owned lands, when such marking does not significantly interfere with normal public use of the surface of the water;

             (x) Operation and maintenance of any system of dikes, ditches, drains, or other facilities existing on September 8, 1975, which were created, developed, or utilized primarily as a part of an agricultural drainage or diking system((;

             (xi) Any action commenced prior to December 31, 1982, pertaining to (A) the restoration of interim transportation services as may be necessary as a consequence of the destruction of the Hood Canal bridge, including, but not limited to, improvements to highways, development of park and ride facilities, and development of ferry terminal facilities until a new or reconstructed Hood Canal bridge is open to traffic; and (B) the reconstruction of a permanent bridge at the site of the original Hood Canal bridge)).

             Sec. 303. RCW 90.58.050 and 1971 ex.s. c 286 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             This chapter establishes a cooperative program of shoreline management between local government and the state. Local government shall have the primary responsibility for initiating the planning required by this chapter and administering the regulatory program consistent with the policy and provisions of this chapter. The department shall act primarily in a supportive and review capacity with ((primary)) an emphasis on providing assistance to local government and on insuring compliance with the policy and provisions of this chapter.

             Sec. 304. RCW 90.58.060 and 1971 ex.s. c 286 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) ((Within one hundred twenty days from June 1, 1971,)) The department shall ((submit to local governments proposed)) periodically review and adopt guidelines consistent with RCW 90.58.020, containing the elements specified in RCW 90.58.100 for:

             (a) Development of master programs for regulation of the uses of shorelines; and

             (b) Development of master programs for regulation of the uses of shorelines of state-wide significance.

             (2) Before adopting or amending guidelines under this section, the department shall provide an opportunity for public review and comment as follows:

             (a) The department shall mail copies of the proposal to all cities, counties, and federally recognized Indian tribes, and to any other person who has requested a copy, and shall publish the proposed guidelines in the Washington state register. Comments shall be submitted in writing to the department within sixty days from ((receipt of such proposed guidelines, local governments shall submit to the department in writing proposed changes, if any, and comments upon the proposed guidelines.

             (3) Thereafter and within one hundred twenty days from the submission of such proposed guidelines to local governments, the department, after review and consideration of the comments and suggestions submitted to it, shall resubmit final proposed guidelines.

             (4) Within sixty days thereafter public hearings shall be held by)) the date the proposal has been published in the register.

             (b) The department ((in Olympia and Spokane, at which interested public and private parties shall have the opportunity)) shall hold at least four public hearings on the proposal in different locations throughout the state to provide a reasonable opportunity for residents in all parts of the state to present statements and views on the proposed guidelines. Notice of ((such)) the hearings shall be published at least once in each of the three weeks immediately preceding the hearing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in each county of the state. If an amendment to the guidelines addresses an issue limited to one geographic area, the number and location of hearings may be adjusted consistent with the intent of this subsection to assure all parties a reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed amendment. The department shall accept written comments on the proposal during the sixty-day public comment period and for seven days after the final public hearing.

             (c) At the conclusion of the public comment period, the department shall review the comments received and modify the proposal consistent with the provisions of this chapter. The proposal shall then be published for adoption pursuant to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW.

             (((5) Within ninety days following such public hearings, the department at a public hearing to be held in Olympia shall adopt guidelines.)) (3) The department may propose amendments to the guidelines not more than once each year. At least once every five years the department shall conduct a review of the guidelines pursuant to the procedures outlined in subsection (2) of this section.

             Sec. 305. RCW 90.58.080 and 1974 ex.s. c 61 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             Local governments ((are directed with regard to shorelines of the state within their various jurisdictions as follows:

             (1) To complete within eighteen months after June 1, 1971, a comprehensive inventory of such shorelines. Such inventory shall include but not be limited to the general ownership patterns of the lands located therein in terms of public and private ownership, a survey of the general natural characteristics thereof, present uses conducted therein and initial projected uses thereof;

             (2) To)) shall develop or amend, within twenty-four months after the adoption of guidelines as provided in RCW 90.58.060, a master program for regulation of uses of the shorelines of the state consistent with the required elements of the guidelines adopted by the department.

             Sec. 306. RCW 90.58.090 and 1971 ex.s. c 286 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A master program((s or segments thereof)), segment of a master program, or an amendment to a master program shall become effective when ((adopted or)) approved by the department ((as appropriate)). Within the time period provided in RCW 90.58.080, each local government shall have submitted a master program, either totally or by segments, for all shorelines of the state within its jurisdiction to the department for review and approval.

             (2) Upon receipt of a proposed master program or amendment, the department shall:

             (a) Provide notice to and opportunity for written comment by all interested parties of record as a part of the local government review process for the proposal and to all persons, groups, and agencies that have requested in writing notice of proposed master programs or amendments generally or for a specific area, subject matter, or issue. The comment period shall be at least thirty days, unless the department determines that the level of complexity or controversy involved supports a shorter period;

             (b) In the department's discretion, conduct a public hearing during the thirty-day comment period in the jurisdiction proposing the master program or amendment;

             (c) Within fifteen days after the close of public comment, request the local government to review the issues identified by the public, interested parties, groups, and agencies and provide a written response as to how the proposal addresses the identified issues;

             (d) Within thirty days after receipt of the local government response pursuant to (c) of this subsection, make written findings and conclusions regarding the consistency of the proposal with the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines, provide a response to the issues identified in (c) of this subsection, and either approve the proposal as submitted, recommend specific changes necessary to make the proposal approvable, or deny approval of the proposal in those instances where no alteration of the proposal appears likely to be consistent with the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines. The written findings and conclusions shall be provided to the local government, all interested persons, parties, groups, and agencies of record on the proposal;

             (e) If the department recommends changes to the proposed master program or amendment, within thirty days after the department mails the written findings and conclusions to the local government, the local government may:

             (i) Agree to the proposed changes. The receipt by the department of the written notice of agreement constitutes final action by the department approving the amendment; or

             (ii) Submit an alternative proposal. If, in the opinion of the department, the alternative is consistent with the purpose and intent of the changes originally submitted by the department and with this chapter it shall approve the changes and provide written notice to all recipients of the written findings and conclusions. If the department determines the proposal is not consistent with the purpose and intent of the changes proposed by the department, the department may resubmit the proposal for public and agency review pursuant to this section or reject the proposal.

             (((1) As to those segments of the master program relating to shorelines, they shall be approved by))

             (3) The department shall approve the segment of a master program relating to shorelines unless it determines that the submitted segments are not consistent with the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines. ((If approval is denied, the department shall state within ninety days from the date of submission in detail the precise facts upon which that decision is based, and shall submit to the local government suggested modifications to the program to make it consistent with said policy and guidelines. The local government shall have ninety days after it receives recommendations from the department to make modifications designed to eliminate the inconsistencies and to resubmit the program to the department for approval. Any resubmitted program shall take effect when and in such form and content as is approved by the department.

             (2) As to)) (4) The department shall approve those segments of the master program relating to shorelines of state-wide significance ((the department shall have full authority following review and evaluation of the submission by local government to develop and adopt an alternative to the local government's proposal if in the department's opinion the program submitted does not)) only after determining the program provides the optimum implementation of the policy of this chapter to satisfy the state-wide interest. ((If the submission by local government is not approved, the department shall suggest modifications to the local government within ninety days from receipt of the submission. The local government shall have ninety days after it receives said modifications to consider the same and resubmit a master program to the department. Thereafter, the department shall adopt the resubmitted program or, if the department determines that said program does not provide for optimum implementation, it may develop and adopt an alternative as hereinbefore provided.)) If the department does not approve a segment of a local government master program relating to a shoreline of state-wide significance, the department may develop and by rule adopt an alternative to the local governmentÌ“s proposal.

             (((3))) (5) In the event a local government has not complied with the requirements of RCW 90.58.070 it may thereafter upon written notice to the department elect to adopt a master program for the shorelines within its jurisdiction, in which event it shall comply with the provisions established by this chapter for the adoption of a master program for such shorelines.

             Upon approval of such master program by the department it shall supersede such master program as may have been adopted by the department for such shorelines.

             (6) A master program or amendment to a master program takes effect when and in such form as approved or adopted by the department. The department shall maintain a record of each master program, the action taken on any proposal for adoption or amendment of the master program, and any appeal of the department's action. The department's approved document of record constitutes the official master program.

             Sec. 307. RCW 90.58.100 and 1992 c 105 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The master programs provided for in this chapter, when adopted ((and)) or approved by the department((, as appropriate,)) shall constitute use regulations for the various shorelines of the state. In preparing the master programs, and any amendments thereto, the department and local governments shall to the extent feasible:

             (a) Utilize a systematic interdisciplinary approach which will insure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts;

             (b) Consult with and obtain the comments of any federal, state, regional, or local agency having any special expertise with respect to any environmental impact;

             (c) Consider all plans, studies, surveys, inventories, and systems of classification made or being made by federal, state, regional, or local agencies, by private individuals, or by organizations dealing with pertinent shorelines of the state;

             (d) Conduct or support such further research, studies, surveys, and interviews as are deemed necessary;

             (e) Utilize all available information regarding hydrology, geography, topography, ecology, economics, and other pertinent data;

             (f) Employ, when feasible, all appropriate, modern scientific data processing and computer techniques to store, index, analyze, and manage the information gathered.

             (2) The master programs shall include, when appropriate, the following:

             (a) An economic development element for the location and design of industries, transportation facilities, port facilities, tourist facilities, commerce and other developments that are particularly dependent on their location on or use of the shorelines of the state;

             (b) A public access element making provision for public access to publicly owned areas;

             (c) A recreational element for the preservation and enlargement of recreational opportunities, including but not limited to parks, tidelands, beaches, and recreational areas;

             (d) A circulation element consisting of the general location and extent of existing and proposed major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals, and other public utilities and facilities, all correlated with the shoreline use element;

             (e) A use element which considers the proposed general distribution and general location and extent of the use on shorelines and adjacent land areas for housing, business, industry, transportation, agriculture, natural resources, recreation, education, public buildings and grounds, and other categories of public and private uses of the land;

             (f) A conservation element for the preservation of natural resources, including but not limited to scenic vistas, aesthetics, and vital estuarine areas for fisheries and wildlife protection;

             (g) An historic, cultural, scientific, and educational element for the protection and restoration of buildings, sites, and areas having historic, cultural, scientific, or educational values;

             (h) An element that gives consideration to the state-wide interest in the prevention and minimization of flood damages; and

             (i) Any other element deemed appropriate or necessary to effectuate the policy of this chapter.

             (3) The master programs shall include such map or maps, descriptive text, diagrams and charts, or other descriptive material as are necessary to provide for ease of understanding.

             (4) Master programs will reflect that state-owned shorelines of the state are particularly adapted to providing wilderness beaches, ecological study areas, and other recreational activities for the public and will give appropriate special consideration to same.

             (5) Each master program shall contain provisions to allow for the varying of the application of use regulations of the program, including provisions for permits for conditional uses and variances, to insure that strict implementation of a program will not create unnecessary hardships or thwart the policy enumerated in RCW 90.58.020. Any such varying shall be allowed only if extraordinary circumstances are shown and the public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect. The concept of this subsection shall be incorporated in the rules adopted by the department relating to the establishment of a permit system as provided in RCW 90.58.140(3).

             (6) Each master program shall contain standards governing the protection of single family residences and appurtenant structures against damage or loss due to shoreline erosion. The standards shall govern the issuance of substantial development permits for shoreline protection, including structural methods such as construction of bulkheads, and nonstructural methods of protection. The standards shall provide for methods which achieve effective and timely protection against loss or damage to single family residences and appurtenant structures due to shoreline erosion. The standards shall provide a preference for permit issuance for measures to protect single family residences occupied prior to January 1, 1992, where the proposed measure is designed to minimize harm to the shoreline natural environment.

             Sec. 308. RCW 90.58.120 and 1989 c 175 s 182 are each amended to read as follows:

             All rules, regulations, ((master programs,)) designations, and guidelines, issued by the department, and master programs and amendments adopted by the department pursuant to RCW 90.58.070(2) or 90.58.090(4) shall be adopted or approved in accordance with the provisions of RCW 34.05.310 through 34.05.395 insofar as such provisions are not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. In addition:

             (1) Prior to the ((approval or)) adoption by the department of a master program, or portion thereof pursuant to RCW 90.58.070(2) or 90.58.090(4), at least one public hearing shall be held in each county affected by a program or portion thereof for the purpose of obtaining the views and comments of the public. Notice of each such hearing shall be published at least once in each of the three weeks immediately preceding the hearing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the county in which the hearing is to be held.

             (2) All guidelines, regulations, designations, or master programs adopted or approved under this chapter shall be available for public inspection at the office of the department or the appropriate county ((auditor)) and city ((clerk)). The terms "adopt" and "approve" for purposes of this section, shall include modifications and rescission of guidelines.

             Sec. 309. RCW 90.58.140 and 1992 c 105 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A development shall not be undertaken on the shorelines of the state unless it is consistent with the policy of this chapter and, after adoption or approval, as appropriate, the applicable guidelines, rules, or master program.

             (2) A substantial development shall not be undertaken on shorelines of the state without first obtaining a permit from the government entity having administrative jurisdiction under this chapter.

             A permit shall be granted:

             (a) From June 1, 1971, until such time as an applicable master program has become effective, only when the development proposed is consistent with: (i) The policy of RCW 90.58.020; and (ii) after their adoption, the guidelines and rules of the department; and (iii) so far as can be ascertained, the master program being developed for the area;

             (b) After adoption or approval, as appropriate, by the department of an applicable master program, only when the development proposed is consistent with the applicable master program and ((the provisions of)) this chapter ((90.58 RCW)).

             (3) The local government shall establish a program, consistent with rules adopted by the department, for the administration and enforcement of the permit system provided in this section. The administration of the system so established shall be performed exclusively by the local government.

             (4) Except as otherwise specifically provided in subsection (((13))) (11) of this section, the local government shall require notification of the public of all applications for permits governed by any permit system established pursuant to subsection (3) of this section by ensuring that((:

             (a) A notice of such an application is published at least once a week on the same day of the week for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation within the area in which the development is proposed; and

             (b) Additional)) notice of ((such an)) the application is given by at least one of the following methods:

             (((i))) (a) Mailing of the notice to the latest recorded real property owners as shown by the records of the county assessor within at least three hundred feet of the boundary of the property upon which the substantial development is proposed;

             (((ii))) (b) Posting of the notice in a conspicuous manner on the property upon which the project is to be constructed; or

             (((iii))) (c) Any other manner deemed appropriate by local authorities to accomplish the objectives of reasonable notice to adjacent landowners and the public.

             The notices shall include a statement that any person desiring to submit written comments concerning an application, or desiring to receive ((a copy)) notification of the final ((order)) decision concerning an application as expeditiously as possible after the issuance of the ((order)) decision, may submit the comments or requests for ((orders)) decisions to the local government within thirty days of the last date the notice is to be published pursuant to ((subsection (a) of)) this subsection. The local government shall forward, in a timely manner following the issuance of ((an order)) a decision, a copy of the ((order)) decision to each person who submits a request for the ((order)) decision.

             If a hearing is to be held on an application, notices of such a hearing shall include a statement that any person may submit oral or written comments on an application at the hearing.

             (5) The system shall include provisions to assure that construction pursuant to a permit will not begin or be authorized until ((thirty)) twenty-one days from the date the ((final order)) permit decision was filed as provided in subsection (6) of this section; or until all review proceedings are terminated if the proceedings were initiated within ((thirty)) twenty-one days from the date of filing as defined in subsection (6) of this section except as follows:

             (a) In the case of any permit issued to the state of Washington, department of transportation, for the construction and modification of SR 90 (I-90) on or adjacent to Lake Washington, the construction may begin after thirty days from the date of filing, and the permits are valid until December 31, 1995;

             (b) Construction may be commenced no sooner than thirty days after the date of the appeal of the board's decision is filed if a permit is granted by the local government and (i) the granting of the permit is appealed to the shorelines hearings board within ((thirty)) twenty-one days of the date of filing, (ii) the hearings board approves the granting of the permit by the local government or approves a portion of the substantial development for which the local government issued the permit, and (iii) an appeal for judicial review of the hearings board decision is filed pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW((, the permittee)). The appellant may request, within ten days of the filing of the appeal with the court, a hearing before the court to determine whether construction ((may begin)) pursuant to the permit approved by the hearings board or to a revised permit issued pursuant to the order of the hearings board should not commence. If, at the conclusion of the hearing, the court finds that construction pursuant to such a permit would ((not)) involve a significant, irreversible damaging of the environment, the court ((may allow)) shall prohibit the permittee ((to begin)) from commencing the construction pursuant to the approved or revised permit ((as the court deems appropriate. The court may require the permittee to post bonds, in the name of the local government that issued the permit, sufficient to remove the substantial development or to restore the environment if the permit is ultimately disapproved by the courts, or to alter the substantial development if the alteration is ultimately ordered by the courts)) until all review proceedings are final. Construction pursuant to a permit revised at the direction of the hearings board may begin only on that portion of the substantial development for which the local government had originally issued the permit, and construction pursuant to such a revised permit on other portions of the substantial development may not begin until after all review proceedings are terminated. In such a hearing before the court, the burden of proving whether the construction may involve significant irreversible damage to the environment and demonstrating whether such construction would or would not be appropriate is on the appellant;

             (c) ((If a permit is granted by the local government and the granting of the permit is appealed directly to the superior court for judicial review pursuant to the proviso in RCW 90.58.180(1), the permittee may request the court to remand the appeal to the shorelines hearings board, in which case the appeal shall be so remanded and construction pursuant to such a permit shall be governed by the provisions of subsection (b) of this subsection or may otherwise begin after review proceedings before the hearings board are terminated if judicial review is not thereafter requested pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW;

             (d))) If the permit is for a substantial development meeting the requirements of subsection (((13))) (11) of this section, construction pursuant to that permit may not begin or be authorized until ((thirty)) twenty-one days from the date the ((final order)) permit decision was filed as provided in subsection (6) of this section.

             If a permittee begins construction pursuant to subsections (a), (b), or (c)((, or (d))) of this subsection, the construction is begun at the permittee's own risk. If, as a result of judicial review, the courts order the removal of any portion of the construction or the restoration of any portion of the environment involved or require the alteration of any portion of a substantial development constructed pursuant to a permit, the permittee is barred from recovering damages or costs involved in adhering to such requirements from the local government that granted the permit, the hearings board, or any appellant or intervener.

             (6) Any ((ruling)) decision on an application for a permit under the authority of this section, whether it is an approval or a denial, shall, concurrently with the transmittal of the ruling to the applicant, be filed with the department and the attorney general. With regard to a permit other than a permit governed by subsection (((12))) (10) of this section, "date of filing" as used herein means the date of actual receipt by the department. With regard to a permit for a variance or a conditional use, "date of filing" means the date a decision of the department rendered on the permit pursuant to subsection (((12))) (10) of this section is transmitted by the department to the local government. The department shall notify in writing the local government and the applicant of the date of filing.

             (7) Applicants for permits under this section have the burden of proving that a proposed substantial development is consistent with the criteria that must be met before a permit is granted. In any review of the granting or denial of an application for a permit as provided in RCW 90.58.180 (1) and (2), the person requesting the review has the burden of proof.

             (8) Any permit may, after a hearing with adequate notice to the permittee and the public, be rescinded by the issuing authority upon the finding that a permittee has not complied with conditions of a permit. If the department is of the opinion that noncompliance exists, the department shall provide written notice to the local government and the permittee. If the department is of the opinion that the noncompliance continues to exist thirty days after the date of the notice, and the local government has taken no action to rescind the permit, the department may petition the hearings board for a rescission of the permit upon written notice of the petition to the local government and the permittee if the request by the department is made to the hearings board within fifteen days of the termination of the thirty-day notice to the local government.

             (9) The holder of a certification from the governor pursuant to chapter 80.50 RCW shall not be required to obtain a permit under this section.

             (10) ((A permit shall not be required for any development on shorelines of the state included within a preliminary or final plat approved by the applicable state agency or local government before April 1, 1971, if:

             (a) The final plat was approved after April 13, 1961, or the preliminary plat was approved after April 30, 1969; and

             (b) The development is completed within two years after June 1, 1971.

             (11) The applicable state agency or local government is authorized to approve a final plat with respect to shorelines of the state included within a preliminary plat approved after April 30, 1969, and before April 1, 1971: PROVIDED, That any substantial development within the platted shorelines of the state is authorized by a permit granted pursuant to this section, or does not require a permit as provided in subsection (10) of this section, or does not require a permit because of substantial development occurred before June 1, 1971.

             (12))) Any permit for a variance or a conditional use by local government under approved master programs must be submitted to the department for its approval or disapproval.

             (((13))) (11)(a) An application for a substantial development permit for a limited utility extension or for the construction of a bulkhead or other measures to protect a single family residence and its appurtenant structures from shoreline erosion shall be subject to the following procedures:

             (i) The public comment period under subsection (4) of this section shall be twenty days. The notice provided under subsection (4) of this section shall state the manner in which the public may obtain a copy of the local government decision on the application no later than two days following its issuance;

             (ii) The local government shall issue its decision to grant or deny the permit within twenty-one days of the last day of the comment period specified in (i) of this subsection; and

             (iii) If there is an appeal of the decision to grant or deny the permit to the local government legislative authority, the appeal shall be finally determined by the legislative authority within thirty days.

             (b) For purposes of this section, a limited utility extension means the extension of a utility service that:

             (i) Is categorically exempt under chapter 43.21C RCW for one or more of the following: Natural gas, electricity, telephone, water, or sewer;

             (ii) Will serve an existing use in compliance with this chapter; and

             (iii) Will not extend more than twenty-five hundred linear feet within the shorelines of the state.

             Sec. 310. RCW 90.58.180 and 1994 c 253 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Any person aggrieved by the granting, denying, or rescinding of a permit on shorelines of the state pursuant to RCW 90.58.140 may seek review from the shorelines hearings board by filing a ((request for the same)) petition for review within ((thirty)) twenty-one days of the date of filing as defined in RCW 90.58.140(6).

             ((Concurrently with)) Within seven days of the filing of any ((request)) petition for review with the board as provided in this section pertaining to a final ((order)) decision of a local government, the ((requestor)) petitioner shall ((file a copy)) serve copies of ((his or her request with)) the petition on the department and the office of the attorney general. ((If it appears to the department or the attorney general that the requestor has valid reasons to seek review, either the department or the attorney general may certify the request within thirty days after its receipt to the shorelines hearings board following which the board shall then, but not otherwise, review the matter covered by the requestor. The failure to obtain such certification shall not preclude the requestor from obtaining a review in the superior court under any right to review otherwise available to the requestor.)) The department and the attorney general may intervene to protect the public interest and insure that the provisions of this chapter are complied with at any time within fifteen days from the date of the receipt by the department or the attorney general of a copy of the ((request)) petition for review filed pursuant to this section. The shorelines hearings board shall ((initially)) schedule review proceedings on ((such requests)) the petition for review without regard as to whether ((such requests have or have not been certified or as to whether)) the period for the department or the attorney general to intervene has or has not expired((, unless such review is to begin within thirty days of such scheduling. If at the end of the thirty day period for certification neither the department nor the attorney general has certified a request for review, the hearings board shall remove the request from its review schedule)).

             (2) The department or the attorney general may obtain review of any final ((order)) decision granting a permit, or granting or denying an application for a permit issued by a local government by filing a written ((request)) petition with the shorelines hearings board and the appropriate local government within ((thirty)) twenty-one days from the date the final ((order)) decision was filed as provided in RCW 90.58.140(6).

             (3) The review proceedings authorized in subsections (1) and (2) of this section are subject to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW pertaining to procedures in adjudicative proceedings. Judicial review of such proceedings of the shorelines hearings board is governed by chapter 34.05 RCW. The board shall issue its decision on the appeal authorized under subsections (1) and (2) of this section within one hundred eighty days after the date the petition is filed with the board or a petition to intervene is filed by the department or the attorney general, whichever is later. The time period may be extended by the board for a period of thirty days upon a showing of good cause or may be waived by the parties.

             (4) ((A local government may appeal to the shorelines hearings board)) Any person may appeal any rules, regulations, or guidelines adopted or approved by the department within thirty days of the date of the adoption or approval. The board shall make a final decision within sixty days following the hearing held thereon.

             ((If the board)) (5) The board shall find the rule, regulation, or guideline to be valid and enter a final decision to that effect unless it determines that the rule, regulation, or guideline:

             (a) Is clearly erroneous in light of the policy of this chapter; or

             (b) Constitutes an implementation of this chapter in violation of constitutional or statutory provisions; or

             (c) Is arbitrary and capricious; or

             (d) Was developed without fully considering and evaluating all material submitted to the department ((by the local government)) during public review and comment; or

             (e) Was not adopted in accordance with required procedures((;)).

             (6) If the board makes a determination under subsection (5) (a) through (e) of this section, it shall enter a final decision declaring the rule, regulation, or guideline invalid, remanding the rule, regulation, or guideline to the department with a statement of the reasons in support of the determination, and directing the department to adopt, after a thorough consultation with the affected local government and any other interested party, a new rule, regulation, or guideline consistent with the board's decision. ((Unless the board makes one or more of the determinations as hereinbefore provided, the board shall find the rule, regulation, or guideline to be valid and enter a final decision to that effect.

             (5) Rules, regulations, and guidelines)) (7) A decision of the board on the validity of a rule, regulation, or guideline shall be subject to review in superior court, if authorized pursuant to ((RCW 34.05.570(2). No review shall be granted by a superior court on petition from a local government unless the local government shall first have obtained review under subsection (4) of this section and the petition for court review is)) chapter 34.05 RCW. A petition for review of the decision of the shorelines hearings board on a rule, regulation, or guideline shall be filed within ((three months)) thirty days after the date of final decision by the shorelines hearings board.

             Sec. 311. RCW 90.58.190 and 1989 c 175 s 184 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) ((The department and each local government shall periodically review any master programs under its jurisdiction and make such adjustments thereto as are necessary. Any adjustments proposed by a local government to its master program shall be forwarded to the department for review. The department shall approve, reject, or propose modification to the adjustment. If the department either rejects or proposes modification to the master program adjustment, it shall provide substantive written comments as to why the proposal is being rejected or modified.)) The appeal of the departmentÌ“s decision to adopt a master program or amendment pursuant to RCW 90.58.070(2) or 90.58.090(4) is governed by RCW 34.05.510 through 34.05.598.

             (2)(a) The department's decision to approve, reject, or modify a proposed master program or amendment adopted by a local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall be appealed to the growth management hearings board with jurisdiction over the local government. The appeal shall be initiated by filing a petition as provided in RCW 36.70A.250 through 36.70A.320.

             (b) If the appeal to the growth management hearings board concerns shorelines, the growth management hearings board shall review the proposed master program or amendment for compliance with the requirements of this chapter and chapter 36.70A RCW, the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines, and chapter 43.21C RCW as it relates to the adoption of master programs and amendments under chapter 90.58 RCW.

             (c) If the appeal to the growth management hearings board concerns a shoreline of state-wide significance, the board shall uphold the decision by the department unless the board, by clear and convincing evidence, determines that the decision of the department is inconsistent with the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines.

             (d) The appellant has the burden of proof in all appeals to the growth management hearings board under this subsection.

             (e) Any party aggrieved by a final decision of a growth management hearings board under this subsection may appeal the decision to superior court as provided in RCW 36.70A.300.

             ((Any local government aggrieved by)) (3)(a) The department's decision to approve, reject, or modify a proposed master program or master program ((adjustment may appeal the department's decision)) amendment by a local government not planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall be appealed to the shorelines hearings board by filing a petition within thirty days of the date of the departmentÌ“s written notice to the local government of the departmentÌ“s decision to approve, reject, or modify a proposed master program or master program amendment as provided in RCW 90.58.090(2).

             (b) In an appeal relating to shorelines, the shorelines hearings board shall review the proposed master program or master program ((adjustment)) amendment and, after full consideration of the presentations of the local government and the department, shall determine the validity of the local government's ((adjustment)) master program or amendment in light of the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines.

             (c) In an appeal relating to shorelines of state-wide significance, the shorelines hearings board shall uphold the decision by the department unless ((a local government shall)) the board determines, by clear and convincing evidence ((and argument, persuade the board)) that the decision of the department is inconsistent with the policy of RCW 90.58.020 and the applicable guidelines.

             (d) Review by the shorelines hearings board shall be considered an adjudicative proceeding under chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. The aggrieved local government shall have the burden of proof in all such reviews.

             (e) Whenever possible, the review by the shorelines hearings board shall be heard within the county where the land subject to the proposed master program or master program ((adjustment)) amendment is primarily located. The department and any local government aggrieved by a final decision of the hearings board may appeal the decision to ((the)) superior court ((of Thurston county)) as provided in chapter 34.05 RCW.

             (((3))) (4) A master program amendment shall become effective after the approval of the department or after the decision of the shorelines hearings board to uphold the master program or master program ((adjustment)) amendment, provided that the board may remand the master program or master program adjustment to the local government or the department for modification prior to the final adoption of the master program or master program ((adjustment)) amendment.

             Sec. 312. RCW 34.05.461 and 1989 c 175 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section:

             (a) If the presiding officer is the agency head or one or more members of the agency head, the presiding officer may enter an initial order if further review is available within the agency, or a final order if further review is not available;

             (b) If the presiding officer is a person designated by the agency to make the final decision and enter the final order, the presiding officer shall enter a final order; and

             (c) If the presiding officer is one or more administrative law judges, the presiding officer shall enter an initial order.

             (2) With respect to agencies exempt from chapter 34.12 RCW or an institution of higher education, the presiding officer shall transmit a full and complete record of the proceedings, including such comments upon demeanor of witnesses as the presiding officer deems relevant, to each agency official who is to enter a final or initial order after considering the record and evidence so transmitted.

             (3) Initial and final orders shall include a statement of findings and conclusions, and the reasons and basis therefor, on all the material issues of fact, law, or discretion presented on the record, including the remedy or sanction and, if applicable, the action taken on a petition for a stay of effectiveness. Any findings based substantially on credibility of evidence or demeanor of witnesses shall be so identified. Findings set forth in language that is essentially a repetition or paraphrase of the relevant provision of law shall be accompanied by a concise and explicit statement of the underlying evidence of record to support the findings. The order shall also include a statement of the available procedures and time limits for seeking reconsideration or other administrative relief. An initial order shall include a statement of any circumstances under which the initial order, without further notice, may become a final order.

             (4) Findings of fact shall be based exclusively on the evidence of record in the adjudicative proceeding and on matters officially noticed in that proceeding. Findings shall be based on the kind of evidence on which reasonably prudent persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of their affairs. Findings may be based on such evidence even if it would be inadmissible in a civil trial. However, the presiding officer shall not base a finding exclusively on such inadmissible evidence unless the presiding officer determines that doing so would not unduly abridge the parties' opportunities to confront witnesses and rebut evidence. The basis for this determination shall appear in the order.

             (5) Where it bears on the issues presented, the agency's experience, technical competency, and specialized knowledge may be used in the evaluation of evidence.

             (6) If a person serving or designated to serve as presiding officer becomes unavailable for any reason before entry of the order, a substitute presiding officer shall be appointed as provided in RCW 34.05.425. The substitute presiding officer shall use any existing record and may conduct any further proceedings appropriate in the interests of justice.

             (7) The presiding officer may allow the parties a designated time after conclusion of the hearing for the submission of memos, briefs, or proposed findings.

             (8)(a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this subsection, initial or final orders shall be served in writing within ninety days after conclusion of the hearing or after submission of memos, briefs, or proposed findings in accordance with subsection (7) of this section unless this period is waived or extended for good cause shown.

             (b) This subsection does not apply to the final order of the shorelines hearings board on appeal under RCW 90.58.180(3).

             (9) The presiding officer shall cause copies of the order to be served on each party and the agency.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 313. RCW 90.58.145 and 1979 ex.s. c 84 s 4 are each repealed.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 401. The legislature finds and declares the following:

             (1) As the number of environmental laws and development regulations has increased for land uses and development, so has the number of required local land use permits, each with its own separate approval process.

             (2) The increasing number of local and state land use permits and separate environmental review processes required by agencies has generated continuing potential for conflict, overlap, and duplication between the various permit and review processes.

             (3) This regulatory burden has significantly added to the cost and time needed to obtain local and state land use permits and has made it difficult for the public to know how and when to provide timely comments on land use proposals that require multiple permits and have separate environmental review processes.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 402. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) "Closed record appeal" means an administrative appeal on the record to a local government body or officer, including the legislative body, following an open record hearing on a project permit application when the appeal is on the record with no or limited new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed.

             (2) "Local government" means a county, city, or town.

             (3) "Open record hearing" means a hearing, conducted by a single hearing body or officer authorized by the local government to conduct such hearings, that creates the local government's record through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by the local government by ordinance or resolution. An open record hearing may be held prior to a local government's decision on a project permit to be known as an "open record predecision hearing." An open record hearing may be held on an appeal, to be known as an "open record appeal hearing," if no open record predecision hearing has been held on the project permit.

             (4) "Project permit" or "project permit application" means any land use or environmental permit or license required from a local government for a project action, including but not limited to building permits, subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, conditional uses, shoreline substantial development permits, site plan review, permits or approvals required by critical area ordinances, site-specific rezones authorized by a comprehensive plan or subarea plan, but excluding the adoption or amendment of a comprehensive plan, subarea plan, or development regulations except as otherwise specifically included in this subsection.

             (5) "Public meeting" means an informal meeting, hearing, workshop, or other public gathering of people to obtain comments from the public or other agencies on a proposed project permit prior to the local governmentÌ“s decision. A public meeting may include, but is not limited to, a design review or architectural control board meeting, a special review district or community council meeting, or a scoping meeting on a draft environmental impact statement. A public meeting does not include an open record hearing. The proceedings at a public meeting may be recorded and a report or recommendation may be included in the local governmentÌ“s project permit application file.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 403. In enacting sections 404 and 405 of this act, the legislature intends to establish a mechanism for implementing the provisions of chapter 36.70A RCW regarding compliance, conformity, and consistency of proposed projects with adopted comprehensive plans and development regulations. In order to achieve this purpose the legislature finds that:

             (1) Given the extensive investment that public agencies and a broad spectrum of the public are making and will continue to make in comprehensive plans and development regulations for their communities, it is essential that project review start from the fundamental land use planning choices made in these plans and regulations. If the applicable regulations or plans identify the type of land use, specify residential density in urban growth areas, and identify and provide for funding of public facilities needed to serve the proposed development and site, these decisions at a minimum provide the foundation for further project review unless there is a question of code interpretation. The project review process, including the environmental review process under chapter 43.21C RCW and the consideration of consistency, should start from this point and should not reanalyze these land use planning decisions in making a permit decision.

             (2) Comprehensive plans and development regulations adopted by local governments under chapter 36.70A RCW and environmental laws and rules adopted by the state and federal government have addressed a wide range of environmental subjects and impacts. These provisions typically require environmental studies and contain specific standards to address various impacts associated with a proposed development, such as building size and location, drainage, transportation requirements, and protection of critical areas. When a permitting agency applies these existing requirements to a proposed project, some or all of a project's potential environmental impacts will be avoided or otherwise mitigated. Through the integrated project review process described in subsection (1) of this section, the local government will determine whether existing requirements, including the applicable regulations or plans, adequately analyze and address a project's environmental impacts. Section 202 of this act provides that project review should not require additional studies or mitigation under chapter 43.21C RCW where existing regulations have adequately addressed a proposed project's probable specific adverse environmental impacts.

             (3) Given the hundreds of jurisdictions and agencies in the state and the numerous communities and applicants affected by development regulations and comprehensive plans adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, it is essential to establish a uniform framework for considering the consistency of a proposed project with the applicable regulations or plan. Consistency should be determined in the project review process by considering four factors found in applicable regulations or plans: The type of land use allowed; the level of development allowed, such as units per acre or other measures of density; infrastructure, such as the adequacy of public facilities and services to serve the proposed project; and the character of the proposed development, such as compliance with specific development standards. This uniform approach corresponds to existing project review practices and will not place a burden on applicants or local government. The legislature intends that this approach should be largely a matter of checking compliance with existing requirements for most projects, which are simple or routine, while more complex projects may require more analysis. Sections 202 and 404 of this act establish this uniform framework and also direct state agencies to consult with local government and the public to develop a better format than the current environmental checklist to meet this objective.

             (4) When an applicant applies for a project permit, consistency between the proposed project and applicable regulations or plan should be determined through a project review process that integrates land use and environmental impact analysis, so that governmental and public review of the proposed project as required by this chapter, by development regulations under chapter 36.70A RCW, and by the environmental process under chapter 43.21C RCW run concurrently and not separately.

             (5) Sections 404 and 405 of this act address three related needs with respect to how the project review process should address consistency between a proposed project and the applicable regulations or plan:

             (a) A uniform framework for the meaning of consistency;

             (b) An emphasis on relying on existing requirements and adopted standards, with the use of supplemental authority as specified by chapter 43.21C RCW to the extent that existing requirements do not adequately address a project's specific probable adverse environmental impacts; and

             (c) The identification of three basic land use planning choices made in applicable regulations or plans that, at a minimum, serve as a foundation for project review and that should not be reanalyzed during project permitting.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 404. (1) Fundamental land use planning choices made in adopted comprehensive plans and development regulations shall serve as the foundation for project review. The review of a proposed project's consistency with applicable development regulations, or in the absence of applicable regulations the adopted comprehensive plan, under section 405 of this act shall incorporate the determinations under this section.

             (2) During project review, a local government or any subsequent reviewing body shall determine whether the items listed in this subsection are defined in the development regulations applicable to the proposed project or, in the absence of applicable regulations the adopted comprehensive plan. At a minimum, such applicable regulations or plans shall be determinative of the:

             (a) Type of land use permitted at the site, including uses that may be allowed under certain circumstances, such as planned unit developments and conditional and special uses, if the criteria for their approval have been satisfied;

             (b) Density of residential development in urban growth areas; and

             (c) Availability and adequacy of public facilities identified in the comprehensive plan, if the plan or development regulations provide for funding of these facilities as required by chapter 36.70A RCW.

             (3) During project review, the local government or any subsequent reviewing body shall not reexamine alternatives to or hear appeals on the items identified in subsection (2) of this section, except for issues of code interpretation. As part of its project review process, a local government shall provide a procedure for obtaining a code interpretation as provided in section 415 of this act.

             (4) Pursuant to section 202 of this act, a local government may determine that the requirements for environmental analysis and mitigation measures in development regulations and other applicable laws provide adequate mitigation for some or all of the project's specific adverse environmental impacts to which the requirements apply.

             (5) Nothing in this section limits the authority of a permitting agency to approve, condition, or deny a project as provided in its development regulations adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW and in its policies adopted under RCW 43.21C.060. Project review shall be used to identify specific project design and conditions relating to the character of development, such as the details of site plans, curb cuts, drainage swales, transportation demand management, the payment of impact fees, or other measures to mitigate a proposal's probable adverse environmental impacts, if applicable.

             (6) Subsections (1) through (4) of this section apply only to local governments planning under RCW 36.70A.040.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 405. (1) A proposed project's consistency with a local government's development regulations adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, or, in the absence of applicable development regulations, the appropriate elements of the comprehensive plan or subarea plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW shall be determined by consideration of:

             (a) The type of land use;

             (b) The level of development, such as units per acre or other measures of density;

             (c) Infrastructure, including public facilities and services needed to serve the development; and

             (d) The character of the development, such as development standards.

             (2) In determining consistency, the determinations made pursuant to section 404(2) of this act shall be controlling.

             (3) For purposes of this section, the term "consistency" shall include all terms used in this chapter and chapter 36.70A RCW to refer to performance in accordance with this chapter and chapter 36.70A RCW, including but not limited to compliance, conformity, and consistency.

             (4) Nothing in this section requires documentation, dictates an agency's procedures for considering consistency, or limits a unit of government from asking more specific or related questions with respect to any of the four main categories listed in subsection (1) (a) through (d) of this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 406. Not later than March 31, 1996, each local government shall provide by ordinance or resolution for review of project permit applications to achieve the following objectives:

             (1) Combine the environmental review process, both procedural and substantive, with the procedure for review of project permits; and

             (2) Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, provide for no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 407. Not later than March 31, 1996, each local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall establish by ordinance or resolution an integrated and consolidated project permit process that may be included in its development regulations. In addition to the elements required by section 406 of this act, the process shall include the following elements:

             (1) A determination of completeness to the applicant as required by RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act);

             (2) A notice of application to the public and agencies with jurisdiction as required by section 415 of this act;

             (3) Except as provided in section 418 of this act, an optional consolidated project permit review process as provided in section 416 of this act. The review process shall provide for no more than one consolidated open record hearing and one closed record appeal. If an open record predecision hearing is provided prior to the decision on a project permit, the process shall not allow a subsequent open record appeal hearing;

             (4) Provision allowing for any public meeting or required open record hearing to be combined with any public meeting or open record hearing that may be held on the project by another local, state, regional, federal, or other agency, in accordance with provisions of sections 413 and 415 of this act;

             (5) A single report stating all the decisions made as of the date of the report on all project permits included in the consolidated permit process that do not require an open record predecision hearing and any recommendations on project permits that do not require an open record predecision hearing. The report shall state any mitigation required or proposed under the development regulations or the agency's authority under RCW 43.21C.060. The report may be the local permit. If a threshold determination other than a determination of significance has not been issued previously by the local government, the report shall include or append this determination.

             (6) Except for the appeal of a determination of significance as provided in RCW 43.21C.075, if a local government elects to provide an appeal of its threshold determinations or project permit decisions, the local government shall provide for no more than one consolidated open record hearing on such appeal. The local government need not provide for any further appeal and may provide an appeal for some but not all project permit decisions. If an appeal is provided after the open record hearing, it shall be a closed record appeal before a single decision-making body or officer;

             (7) A notice of decision as required by section 417 of this act and issued within the time period provided in RCW 36.70A.065 (as recodified by this act) and section 413 of this act;

             (8) Completion of project review by the local government, including environmental review and public review and any appeals to the local government, within any applicable time periods under section 413 of this act; and

             (9) Any other provisions not inconsistent with the requirements of this chapter or chapter 43.21C RCW.

             Sec. 408. RCW 36.70A.440 and 1994 c 257 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             ((Each city and county)) (1) Within twenty-eight days after receiving a project permit application, a local government planning pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 shall((, within twenty working days of receiving a development permit application as defined in RCW 36.70A.030(7),)) mail or provide in person a written ((notice)) determination to the applicant, stating either:

             (a) That the application is complete; or

             (b) That the application is incomplete and what is necessary to make the application complete.

             To the extent known by the ((city or county)) local government, the ((notice)) local government shall identify other agencies of local, state, or federal governments that may have jurisdiction over some aspect of the application.

             (2) A project permit application is complete for purposes of this section when it meets the procedural submission requirements of the local government and is sufficient for continued processing even though additional information may be required or project modifications may be undertaken subsequently. The determination of completeness shall not preclude the local government from requesting additional information or studies either at the time of the notice of completeness or subsequently if new information is required or substantial changes in the proposed action occur.

             (3) The determination of completeness may include the following as optional information:

             (a) A preliminary determination of those development regulations that will be used for project mitigation;

             (b) A preliminary determination of consistency, as provided under section 405 of this act; or

             (c) Other information the local government chooses to include.

             (4)(a) An application shall be deemed complete under this section if the local government does not provide a written determination to the applicant that the application is incomplete as provided in subsection (1)(b) of this section.

             (b) Within fourteen days after an applicant has submitted to a local government additional information identified by the local government as being necessary for a complete application, the local government shall notify the applicant whether the application is complete or what additional information is necessary.

             Sec. 409. RCW 36.70A.065 and 1994 c 257 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Development regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 shall establish time periods consistent with section 413 of this act for local government actions on specific ((development)) project permit applications and provide timely and predictable procedures to determine whether a completed ((development)) project permit application meets the requirements of those development regulations. Such development regulations shall specify the contents of a completed ((development)) project permit application necessary for the application of such time periods and procedures.

             Sec. 410. RCW 36.70A.065 and 1994 c 257 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Development regulations adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 shall establish time periods for local government actions on specific ((development)) project permit applications and provide timely and predictable procedures to determine whether a completed ((development)) project permit application meets the requirements of those development regulations. Such development regulations shall specify the contents of a completed ((development)) project permit application necessary for the application of such time periods and procedures.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 411. The amendments to RCW 36.70A.065 contained in section 409 of this act shall expire July 1, 1998.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 412. Section 410 of this act shall take effect July 1, 1998.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 413. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, a local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall issue its notice of final decision on a project permit application within one hundred twenty days after the local government notifies the applicant that the application is complete, as provided in RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act). In determining the number of days that have elapsed after the local government has notified the applicant that the application is complete, the following periods shall be excluded:

             (a)(i) Any period during which the applicant has been requested by the local government to correct plans, perform required studies, or provide additional required information. The period shall be calculated from the date the local government notifies the applicant of the need for additional information until the earlier of the date the local government determines whether the additional information satisfies the request for information or fourteen days after the date the information has been provided to the local government.

             (ii) If the local government determines that the information submitted by the applicant under (a)(i) of this subsection is insufficient, it shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies and the procedures under (a)(i) of this subsection shall apply as if a new request for studies had been made;

             (b) Any period during which an environmental impact statement is being prepared following a determination of significance pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW, if the local government by ordinance or resolution has established time periods for completion of environmental impact statements, or if the local government and the applicant in writing agree to a time period for completion of an environmental impact statement;

             (c) Any period for administrative appeals of project permits, if an open record appeal hearing or a closed record appeal, or both, are allowed. The local government by ordinance or resolution shall establish a time period to consider and decide such appeals. The time period shall not exceed: (i) Ninety days for an open record appeal hearing; and (ii) sixty days for a closed record appeal. The parties to an appeal may agree to extend these time periods; and

             (d) Any extension of time mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the local government.

             (2) The time limits established by subsection (1) of this section do not apply if a project permit application:

             (a) Requires an amendment to the comprehensive plan or a development regulation;

             (b) Requires approval of a new fully contained community as provided in RCW 36.70A.350, a master planned resort as provided in RCW 36.70A.360, or the siting of an essential public facility as provided in RCW 36.70A.200; or

             (c) Is substantially revised by the applicant, in which case the time period shall start from the date at which the revised project application is determined to be complete under RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act).

             (3) If the local government is unable to issue its final decision within the time limits provided for in this section, it shall provide written notice of this fact to the project applicant. The notice shall include a statement of reasons why the time limits have not been met and an estimated date for issuance of the notice of final decision.

             (4) This section shall apply to project permit applications filed on or after April 1, 1996.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 414. A local government may require the applicant for a project permit to designate a single person or entity to receive determinations and notices required by this chapter.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 415. (1) Not later than April 1, 1996, a local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall provide a notice of application to the public and the departments and agencies with jurisdiction as provided in this section. If a local government has made a determination of significance under chapter 43.21C RCW concurrently with the notice of application, the notice of application shall be combined with the determination of significance and scoping notice. Nothing in this section prevents a determination of significance and scoping notice from being issued prior to the notice of application.

             (2) The notice of application shall be provided within fourteen days after the determination of completeness as provided in RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act) and include the following in whatever sequence or format the local government deems appropriate:

             (a) The date of application, the date of the notice of completion for the application, and the date of the notice of application;

             (b) A description of the proposed project action and a list of the project permits included in the application and, if applicable, a list of any studies requested under RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act) or section 413 of this act;

             (c) The identification of other permits not included in the application to the extent known by the local government;

             (d) The identification of existing environmental documents that evaluate the proposed project, and, if not otherwise stated on the document providing the notice of application, such as a city land use bulletin, the location where the application and any studies can be reviewed;

             (e) A statement of the public comment period, which shall be not less than fourteen nor more than thirty days following the date of notice of application, and statements of the right of any person to comment on the application, receive notice of and participate in any hearings, request a copy of the decision once made, and any appeal rights. A local government may accept public comments at any time prior to the closing of the record of an open record predecision hearing, if any, or, if no open record predecision hearing is provided, prior to the decision on the project permit;

             (f) The date, time, place, and type of hearing, if applicable and scheduled at the date of notice of the application;

             (g) A statement of the preliminary determination, if one has been made at the time of notice, of those development regulations that will be used for project mitigation and of consistency as provided in section 405 of this act; and

             (h) Any other information determined appropriate by the local government.

             (3) If an open record predecision hearing is required for the requested project permits, the notice of application shall be provided at least fifteen days prior to the open record hearing.

             (4) A local government shall use reasonable methods to give the notice of application to the public and agencies with jurisdiction and may use its existing notice procedures. A local government may use different types of notice for different categories of project permits or types of project actions. If a local government by resolution or ordinance does not specify its method of public notice, the local government shall use the methods provided for in (a) and (b) of this subsection. Examples of reasonable methods to inform the public are:

             (a) Posting the property for site-specific proposals;

             (b) Publishing notice, including at least the project location, description, type of permit(s) required, comment period dates, and location where the complete application may be reviewed, in the newspaper of general circulation in the general area where the proposal is located or in a local land use newsletter published by the local government;

             (c) Notifying public or private groups with known interest in a certain proposal or in the type of proposal being considered;

             (d) Notifying the news media;

             (e) Placing notices in appropriate regional or neighborhood newspapers or trade journals;

             (f) Publishing notice in agency newsletters or sending notice to agency mailing lists, either general lists or lists for specific proposals or subject areas; and

             (g) Mailing to neighboring property owners.

             (5) A notice of application shall not be required for project permits that are categorically exempt under chapter 43.21C RCW, unless a public comment period or an open record predecision hearing is required.

             (6) A local government shall integrate the permit procedures in this section with environmental review under chapter 43.21C RCW as follows:

             (a) Except for a determination of significance, the local government may not issue its threshold determination, or issue a decision or a recommendation on a project permit until the expiration of the public comment period on the notice of application.

             (b) If an open record predecision hearing is required and the local government's threshold determination requires public notice under chapter 43.21C RCW, the local government shall issue its threshold determination at least fifteen days prior to the open record predecision hearing.

             (c) Comments shall be as specific as possible.

             (7) A local government may combine any hearing on a project permit with any hearing that may be held by another local, state, regional, federal, or other agency provided that the hearing is held within the geographic boundary of the local government. Hearings shall be combined if requested by an applicant, as long as the joint hearing can be held within the time periods specified in section 413 of this act or the applicant agrees to the schedule in the event that additional time is needed in order to combine the hearings. All agencies of the state of Washington, including municipal corporations and counties participating in a combined hearing, are hereby authorized to issue joint hearing notices and develop a joint format, select a mutually acceptable hearing body or officer, and take such other actions as may be necessary to hold joint hearings consistent with each of their respective statutory obligations.

             (8) All state and local agencies shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the local government in holding a joint hearing if requested to do so, as long as:

             (a) The agency is not expressly prohibited by statute from doing so;

             (b) Sufficient notice of the hearing is given to meet each of the agencies' adopted notice requirements as set forth in statute, ordinance, or rule; and

             (c) The agency has received the necessary information about the proposed project from the applicant to hold its hearing at the same time as the local government hearing.

             (9) A local government is not required to provide for administrative appeals. If provided, an administrative appeal of the project decision, combined with any environmental determinations, shall be filed within fourteen days after the notice of the decision or after other notice that the decision has been made and is appealable. The local government shall extend the appeal period for an additional seven days, if state or local rules adopted pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW allow public comment on a determination of nonsignificance issued as part of the appealable project permit decision.

             (10) The applicant for a project permit is deemed to be a participant in any comment period, open record hearing, or closed record appeal.

             (11) Each local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall adopt procedures for administrative interpretation of its development regulations.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 416. (1) Each local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall establish a permit review process that provides for the integrated and consolidated review and decision on two or more project permits relating to a proposed project action, including a single application review and approval process covering all project permits requested by an applicant for all or part of a project action and a designated permit coordinator. If an applicant elects the consolidated permit review process, the determination of completeness, notice of application, and notice of final decision must include all project permits being reviewed through the consolidated permit review process.

             (2) Consolidated permit review may provide different procedures for different categories of project permits, but if a project action requires project permits from more than one category, the local government shall provide for consolidated permit review with a single open record hearing and no more than one closed record appeal as provided in section 407 of this act. Each local government shall determine which project permits are subject to an open record hearing and a closed record appeal. Examples of categories of project permits include but are not limited to:

             (a) Proposals that are categorically exempt from chapter 43.21C RCW, such as construction permits, that do not require environmental review or public notice;

             (b) Permits that require environmental review, but no open record predecision hearing; and

             (c) Permits that require a threshold determination and an open record predecision hearing and may provide for a closed record appeal to a hearing body or officer or to the local government legislative body.

             (3) A local government may provide by ordinance or resolution for the same or a different decision maker or hearing body or officer for different categories of project permits. In the case of consolidated project permit review, the local government shall specify which decision makers shall make the decision or recommendation, conduct the hearing, or decide the appeal to ensure that consolidated permit review occurs as provided in this section. The consolidated permit review may combine an open record predecision hearing on one or more permits with an open record appeal hearing on other permits. In such cases, the local government by ordinance or resolution shall specify which project permits, if any, shall be subject to a closed record appeal.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 417. A local government planning under RCW 36.70A.040 shall provide a notice of decision that also includes a statement of any threshold determination made under chapter 43.21C RCW and the procedures for administrative appeal, if any. The notice of decision may be a copy of the report or decision on the project permit application. The notice shall be provided to the applicant and to any person who, prior to the rendering of the decision, requested notice of the decision or submitted substantive comments on the application. The local government shall provide for notice of its decision as provided in section 415(4) of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 418. (1) A local government by ordinance or resolution may exclude the following project permits from the provisions of RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act), 36.70A.065 (as recodified by this act), and sections 407, 413, and 415 through 417 of this act: Landmark designations, street vacations, or other approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities, or other project permits, whether administrative or quasi-judicial, that the local government by ordinance or resolution has determined present special circumstances that warrant a review process different from that provided in RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act), 36.70A.065 (as recodified by this act), and sections 407, 413, and 415 through 417 of this act.

             (2) A local government by ordinance or resolution also may exclude the following project permits from the provisions of sections 407 and 415 through 417 of this act: Lot line or boundary adjustments and building and other construction permits, or similar administrative approvals, categorically exempt from environmental review under chapter 43.21C RCW, or for which environmental review has been completed in connection with other project permits.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 419. A local government not planning under RCW 36.70A.040 may incorporate some or all of the provisions of sections 407, 413, and 415 through 417 of this act and RCW 36.70A.065 and 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act) into its procedures for review of project permits or other project actions.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 420. (1) Each local government is encouraged to adopt further project review provisions to provide prompt, coordinated review and ensure accountability to applicants and the public, including expedited review for project permit applications for projects that are consistent with adopted development regulations and within the capacity of system-wide infrastructure improvements.

             (2) Nothing in this chapter is intended or shall be construed to prevent a local government from requiring a preapplication conference or a public meeting by rule, ordinance, or resolution.

             (3) Each local government shall adopt procedures to monitor and enforce permit decisions and conditions.

             (4) Nothing in this chapter modifies any independent statutory authority for a government agency to appeal a project permit issued by a local government.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 421. A new section is added to chapter 64.40 RCW to read as follows:

             A local government is not liable for damages under this chapter due to the local governmentÌ“s failure to make a final decision within the time limits established in section 413 of this act.

             Sec. 422. RCW 43.21C.033 and 1992 c 208 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the responsible official shall make a threshold determination on a completed application within ninety days after the application and supporting documentation are complete. The applicant may request an additional thirty days for the threshold determination. The governmental entity responsible for making the threshold determination shall by rule, resolution, or ordinance adopt standards, consistent with rules adopted by the department to implement this chapter, for determining when an application and supporting documentation are complete.

             (2) This section shall not apply to a city, town, or county that:

             (a) By ordinance adopted prior to April 1, 1992, has adopted procedures to integrate permit and land use decisions with the requirements of this chapter; or

             (b) Is planning under RCW 36.70A.040 and is subject to the requirements of section 413 of this act.

             Sec. 423. RCW 35.63.130 and 1994 c 257 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter relating to powers or duties of the planning commission to hear and report on any proposal to amend a zoning ordinance, the legislative body of a city or county may adopt a hearing examiner system under which a hearing examiner or hearing examiners may hear and decide applications for amending the zoning ordinance when the amendment which is applied for is not of general applicability. In addition, the legislative body may vest in a hearing examiner the power to hear and decide those issues it believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner, including but not limited to:

             (a) Applications for conditional uses, variances, subdivisions, shoreline permits, or any other class of applications for or pertaining to development of land or land use((s which the legislative body believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner));

             (b) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations; and

             (c) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW.

             The legislative body shall prescribe procedures to be followed by the hearing examiner.

             (2) Each city or county legislative body electing to use a hearing examiner pursuant to this section shall by ordinance specify the legal effect of the decisions made by the examiner. ((Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) The legal effect of such decisions may vary for the different classes of applications decided by the examiner but shall include one of the following:

             (a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body;

             (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decision appealable within a specified time limit to the legislative body((.

             (2) The legislative body may specify the legal effect of a hearing examiner's procedural determination under the state environmental policy act, as defined in RCW 43.21C.075(3)(a). It may have the effect under subsection (1) (a) or (b) of this section, or)); or

             (c) Except in the case of a rezone, the decision may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative body.

             (3) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in writing and shall include findings and conclusions, based on the record, to support the decision. Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner in which the decision would carry out and conform to the city's or county's comprehensive plan and the city's or county's development regulations. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to in writing by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings.

             Sec. 424. RCW 35A.63.170 and 1994 c 257 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter relating to powers or duties of the planning commission to hear and report on any proposal to amend a zoning ordinance, the legislative body of a city may adopt a hearing examiner system under which a hearing examiner or hearing examiners may hear and decide applications for amending the zoning ordinance when the amendment which is applied for is not of general applicability. In addition, the legislative body may vest in a hearing examiner the power to hear and decide those issues it believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner, including but not limited to:

             (a) Applications for conditional uses, variances, subdivisions, shoreline permits, or any other class of applications for or pertaining to development of land or land use((s which the legislative body believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner));

             (b) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations; and

             (c) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW.

             The legislative body shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a hearing examiner. If the legislative authority vests in a hearing examiner the authority to hear and decide variances, then the provisions of RCW 35A.63.110 shall not apply to the city.

             (2) Each city legislative body electing to use a hearing examiner pursuant to this section shall by ordinance specify the legal effect of the decisions made by the examiner. ((Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) The legal effect of such decisions may vary for the different classes of applications decided by the examiner but shall include one of the following:

             (a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body;

             (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decision appealable within a specified time limit to the legislative body((.

             (2) The legislative body shall specify the legal effect of a hearing examiner's procedural determination under the state environmental policy act, as defined in RCW 43.21C.075(3)(a). It may have the effect under subsection (1) (a) or (b) of this section, or)); or

             (c) Except in the case of a rezone, the decision may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative body.

             (3) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in writing and shall include findings and conclusions, based on the record, to support the decision. Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner in which the decision would carry out and conform to the city's comprehensive plan and the city's development regulations. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to in writing by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings.

             Sec. 425. RCW 36.70.970 and 1994 c 257 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter relating to powers or duties of the planning commission to hear and issue recommendations on applications for plat approval and applications for amendments to the zoning ordinance, the county legislative authority may adopt a hearing examiner system under which a hearing examiner or hearing examiners may hear and issue decisions on proposals for plat approval and for amendments to the zoning ordinance when the amendment which is applied for is not of general applicability. In addition, the legislative authority may vest in a hearing examiner the power to hear and decide those issues it believes should be reviewed and decided by a hearing examiner, including but not limited to:

             (a) Applications for conditional uses ((applications)), variances ((applications)), ((applications for)) shoreline permits, or any other class of applications for or pertaining to development of land or land use((s));

             (b) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations; and

             (c) Appeals of administrative decisions or determinations pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW.

             The legislative authority shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a hearing examiner.

             Any county which vests in a hearing examiner the authority to hear and decide conditional uses and variances shall not be required to have a zoning adjuster or board of adjustment.

             (2) Each county legislative authority electing to use a hearing examiner pursuant to this section shall by ordinance specify the legal effect of the decisions made by the examiner. ((Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) Such legal effect may vary for the different classes of applications decided by the examiner but shall include one of the following:

             (a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative authority;

             (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decision appealable within a specified time limit to the legislative authority((.

             (2) The legislative authority may specify the legal effect of a hearing examiner's procedural determination under the state environmental policy act, as defined in RCW 43.21C.075(3)(a). It may have the effect under subsection (1) (a) or (b) of this section, or)); or

             (c) Except in the case of a rezone, the decision may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative authority.

             (3) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in writing and shall include findings and conclusions, based on the record, to support the decision. Such findings and conclusions shall also set forth the manner in which the decision would carry out and conform to the county's comprehensive plan and the county's development regulations. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to in writing by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings.

             Sec. 426. RCW 58.17.090 and 1981 c 293 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Upon receipt of an application for preliminary plat approval the administrative officer charged by ordinance with responsibility for administration of regulations pertaining to platting and subdivisions shall provide public notice and set a date for a public hearing. Except as provided in section 415 of this act, at a minimum, notice of the hearing shall be given in the following manner:

             (((1))) (a) Notice shall be published not less than ten days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the county and a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the real property which is proposed to be subdivided is located; and

             (((2))) (b) Special notice of the hearing shall be given to adjacent landowners by any other reasonable method local authorities deem necessary. Adjacent landowners are the owners of real property, as shown by the records of the county assessor, located within three hundred feet of any portion of the boundary of the proposed subdivision. If the owner of the real property which is proposed to be subdivided owns another parcel or parcels of real property which lie adjacent to the real property proposed to be subdivided, notice under this subsection (1)(b) shall be given to owners of real property located within three hundred feet of any portion of the boundaries of such adjacently located parcels of real property owned by the owner of the real property proposed to be subdivided.

             (2) All hearings shall be public. All hearing notices shall include a description of the location of the proposed subdivision. The description may be in the form of either a vicinity location sketch or a written description other than a legal description.

             Sec. 427. RCW 58.17.092 and 1988 c 168 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:

             Any notice made under chapter 58.17 or 36.-- (the new chapter created in section 431 of this act) RCW that identifies affected property may identify this affected property without using a legal description of the property including, but not limited to, identification by an address, written description, vicinity sketch, or other reasonable means.

             Sec. 428. RCW 58.17.100 and 1981 c 293 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             If a city, town or county has established a planning commission or planning agency in accordance with state law or local charter, such commission or agency shall review all preliminary plats and make recommendations thereon to the city, town or county legislative body to assure conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan and to planning standards and specifications as adopted by the city, town or county. Reports of the planning commission or agency shall be advisory only: PROVIDED, That the legislative body of the city, town or county may, by ordinance, assign to such commission or agency, or any department official or group of officials, such administrative functions, powers and duties as may be appropriate, including the holding of hearings, and recommendations for approval or disapproval of preliminary plats of proposed subdivisions.

             Such recommendation shall be submitted to the legislative body not later than fourteen days following action by the hearing body. Upon receipt of the recommendation on any preliminary plat the legislative body shall at its next public meeting set the date for the public meeting where it shall consider the recommendations of the hearing body and may adopt or reject the recommendations of such hearing body based on the record established at the public hearing. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the legislative body deems a change in the planning commission's or planning agency's recommendation approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, ((the change of the recommendation shall not be made until)) the legislative body shall ((conduct a public hearing and thereupon)) adopt its own recommendations and approve or disapprove the preliminary plat. ((Such public hearing may be held before a committee constituting a majority of the legislative body. If the hearing is before a committee, the committee shall report its recommendations on the matter to the legislative body for final action.))

             Every decision or recommendation made under this section shall be in writing and shall include findings of fact and conclusions to support the decision or recommendation.

             A record of all public meetings and public hearings shall be kept by the appropriate city, town or county authority and shall be open to public inspection.

             Sole authority to approve final plats, and to adopt or amend platting ordinances shall reside in the legislative bodies.

             Sec. 429. RCW 58.17.330 and 1994 c 257 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter requiring a planning commission to hear and issue recommendations for plat approval, the county or city legislative body may adopt a hearing examiner system and shall specify by ordinance the legal effect of the decisions made by the examiner. ((Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) The legal effect of such decisions shall include one of the following:

             (a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body;

             (b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decision appealable within a specified time limit to the legislative body; or

             (c) The decision may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative body.

The legislative authority shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a hearing examiner.

             (2) ((The legislative body shall specify the legal effect of a hearing examiner's procedural determination under the state environmental policy act, as defined in RCW 43.21C.075(3)(a). It may have the effect under subsection (1) (a) or (b) of this section, or may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative body.

             (3))) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in writing and shall include findings and conclusions, based on the record, to support the decision. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 430. The department of community, trade, and economic development shall provide training and technical assistance to counties and cities to assist them in fulfilling the requirements of chapter 36.-- RCW (the new chapter created in section 431 of this act).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 431. Sections 401, 402, 404 through 407, 413 through 420, and 502 through 506 of this act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 36 RCW.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 432. RCW 36.70A.065 and 36.70A.440 are recodified as sections within the new chapter created in section 431 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 433. Sections 413 and 421 of this act shall expire June 30, 1998. The provisions of sections 413 and 421 of this act shall apply to project permit applications determined to be complete pursuant to RCW 36.70A.440 (as recodified by this act) on or before June 30, 1998.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. The legislature finds that the lack of certainty in the approval of development projects can result in a waste of public and private resources, escalate housing costs for consumers and discourage the commitment to comprehensive planning which would make maximum efficient use of resources at the least economic cost to the public. Assurance to a development project applicant that upon government approval the project may proceed in accordance with existing policies and regulations, and subject to conditions of approval, all as set forth in a development agreement, will strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation and comprehensive planning, and reduce the economic costs of development. Further, the lack of public facilities and services is a serious impediment to development of new housing and commercial uses. Project applicants and local governments may include provisions and agreements whereby applicants are reimbursed over time for financing public facilities. It is the intent of the legislature by sections 502 through 506 of this act to allow local governments and owners and developers of real property to enter into development agreements.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. (1) A local government may enter into a development agreement with a person having ownership or control of real property within its jurisdiction. A city may enter into a development agreement for real property outside its boundaries as part of a proposed annexation or a service agreement. A development agreement must set forth the development standards and other provisions that shall apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for the duration specified in the agreement. A development agreement shall be consistent with applicable development regulations adopted by a local government planning under chapter 36.70A RCW.

             (2) Sections 501 through 504 of this act do not affect the validity of a contract rezone, concomitant agreement, annexation agreement, or other agreement in existence on the effective date of sections 501 through 504 of this act, or adopted under separate authority, that includes some or all of the development standards provided in subsection (3) of this section.

             (3) For the purposes of this section, "development standards" includes, but is not limited to:

             (a) Project elements such as permitted uses, residential densities, and nonresidential densities and intensities or building sizes;

             (b) The amount and payment of impact fees imposed or agreed to in accordance with any applicable provisions of state law, any reimbursement provisions, other financial contributions by the property owner, inspection fees, or dedications;

             (c) Mitigation measures, development conditions, and other requirements under chapter 43.21C RCW;

             (d) Design standards such as maximum heights, setbacks, drainage and water quality requirements, landscaping, and other development features;

             (e) Affordable housing;

             (f) Parks and open space preservation;

             (g) Phasing;

             (h) Review procedures and standards for implementing decisions;

             (i) A build-out or vesting period for applicable standards; and

             (j) Any other appropriate development requirement or procedure.

             (4) The execution of a development agreement is a proper exercise of county and city police power and contract authority. A development agreement may obligate a party to fund or provide services, infrastructure, or other facilities. A development agreement shall reserve authority to impose new or different regulations to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 503. Unless amended or terminated, a development agreement is enforceable during its term by a party to the agreement. A development agreement and the development standards in the agreement govern during the term of the agreement, or for all or that part of the build-out period specified in the agreement, and may not be subject to an amendment to a zoning ordinance or development standard or regulation or a new zoning ordinance or development standard or regulation adopted after the effective date of the agreement. A permit or approval issued by the county or city after the execution of the development agreement must be consistent with the development agreement.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 504. A development agreement shall be recorded with the real property records of the county in which the property is located. During the term of the development agreement, the agreement is binding on the parties and their successors, including a city that assumes jurisdiction through incorporation or annexation of the area covering the property covered by the development agreement.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 505. A county or city shall only approve a development agreement by ordinance or resolution after a public hearing. The county or city legislative body or a planning commission, hearing examiner, or other body designated by the legislative body to conduct the public hearing may conduct the hearing. If the development agreement relates to a project permit application, the provisions of chapter 36.-- RCW (sections 701 through 715 of this act) shall apply to the appeal of the decision on the development agreement.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 506. Nothing in sections 501 through 505 of this act is intended to authorize local governments to impose impact fees, inspection fees, or dedications or to require any other financial contributions or mitigation measures except as expressly authorized by other applicable provisions of state law.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 601. The legislature hereby finds and declares:

             (1) Washington's environmental protection programs have established strict standards to reduce pollution and protect the public health and safety and the environment. The single-purpose programs instituted to achieve these standards have been successful in many respects, and have produced significant gains in protecting Washington's environment in the face of substantial population growth.

             (2) Continued progress to achieve the environmental standards in the face of continued population growth will require greater coordination between the single-purpose environmental programs and more efficient operation of these programs overall. Pollution must be prevented and controlled and not simply transferred to another media or another place. This goal can only be achieved by maintaining the current environmental protection standards and by greater integration of the existing programs.

             (3) As the number of environmental laws and regulations have grown in Washington, so have the number of permits required of business and government. This regulatory burden has significantly added to the cost and time needed to obtain essential permits in Washington. The increasing number of individual permits and permit authorities has generated the continuing potential for conflict, overlap, and duplication between the various state, local, and federal permits.

             (4) The purpose of this chapter is to institute new, efficient procedures that will assist businesses and public agencies in complying with the environmental quality laws in an expedited fashion, without reducing protection of public health and safety and the environment.

             (5) Those procedures need to provide a permit process that promotes effective dialogue and ensures ease in the transfer and clarification of technical information, while preventing duplication. It is necessary that the procedures establish a process for preliminary and ongoing meetings between the applicant, the coordinating permit agency, and the participating permit agencies, but do not preclude the applicant or participating permit agencies from individually coordinating with each other.

             (6) It is necessary, to the maximum extent practicable, that the procedures established in this chapter ensure that the coordinated permit agency process and applicable permit requirements and criteria are integrated and run concurrently, rather than consecutively.

             (7) It is necessary to provide a reliable and consolidated source of information concerning federal, state, and local environmental and land use laws and procedures that apply to any given proposal.

             (8) It is the intent of this chapter to provide an optional process by which a project proponent may obtain active coordination of all applicable regulatory and land-use permitting procedures. This process is not to replace individual laws, or diminish the substantive decision-making role of individual jurisdictions. Rather it is to provide predictability, administrative consolidation, and, where possible, consolidation of appeal processes.

             (9) It is also the intent of this chapter to provide consolidated, effective, and easier opportunities for members of the public to receive information and present their views about proposed projects.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 602. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) "Center" means the permit assistance center established in the commission by section 603 of this act.

             (2) "Coordinating permit agency" means the permit agency that has the greatest overall jurisdiction over a project.

             (3) "Department" means the department of ecology.

             (4) "Participating permit agency" means a permit agency, other than the coordinating permit agency, that is responsible for the issuance of a permit for a project.

             (5) "Permit" means any license, certificate, registration, permit, or other form of authorization required by a permit agency to engage in a particular activity.

             (6) "Permit agency" means:

             (a) The department of ecology, an air pollution control authority, the department of natural resources, the department of fish and wildlife, and the department of health; and

             (b) Any other state or federal agency or county, city, or town that participates at the request of the permit applicant and upon the agency's agreement to be subject to this chapter.

             (7) "Project" means an activity, the conduct of which requires permits from one or more permit agencies.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 603. The permit assistance center is established within the department. The center shall:

             (1) Publish and keep current one or more handbooks containing lists and explanations of all permit laws. The center shall coordinate with the business assistance center in providing and maintaining this information to applicants and others. To the extent possible, the handbook shall include relevant federal and tribal laws. A state agency or local government shall provide a reasonable number of copies of application forms, statutes, ordinances, rules, handbooks, and other informational material requested by the center and shall otherwise fully cooperate with the center. The center shall seek the cooperation of relevant federal agencies and tribal governments;

             (2) Establish, and make known, a point of contact for distribution of the handbook and advice to the public as to its interpretation in any given case;

             (3) Work closely and cooperatively with the business license center and the business assistance center in providing efficient and nonduplicative service to the public;

             (4) Seek the assignment of employees from the permit agencies listed under section 602(6)(a) of this act to serve on a rotating basis in staffing the center; and

             (5) Provide an annual report to the legislature on potential conflicts and perceived inconsistencies among existing statutes. The first report shall be submitted to the appropriate standing committees of the house of representatives and senate by December 1, 1996.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 604. (1) Not later than January 1, 1996, the center shall establish by rule an administrative process for the designation of a coordinating permit agency for a project.

             (2) The administrative process shall consist of the establishment of guidelines for designating the coordinating permit agency for a project. If a permit agency is the lead agency for purposes of chapter 43.21C RCW, that permit agency shall be the coordinating permit agency. In other cases, the guidelines shall require that at least the following factors be considered in determining which permit agency has the greatest overall jurisdiction over the project:

             (a) The types of facilities or activities that make up the project;

             (b) The types of public health and safety and environmental concerns that should be considered in issuing permits for the project;

             (c) The environmental medium that may be affected by the project, the extent of those potential effects, and the environmental protection measures that may be taken to prevent the occurrence of, or to mitigate, those potential effects;

             (d) The regulatory activity that is of greatest importance in preventing or mitigating the effects that the project may have on public health and safety or the environment; and

             (e) The statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to the project and the complexity of those requirements.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 605. Upon the request of a project applicant, the center shall appoint a project facilitator to assist the applicant in determining which regulatory requirements, processes, and permits may be required for development and operation of the proposed project. The project facilitator shall provide the information to the applicant and explain the options available to the applicant in obtaining the required permits. If the applicant requests, the center shall designate a coordinating permit agency as provided in section 606 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 606. (1) A permit applicant who requests the designation of a coordinating permit agency shall provide the center with a description of the project, a preliminary list of the permits that the project may require, the identity of any public agency that has been designated the lead agency for the project pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW, and the identity of the participating permit agencies. The center may request any information from the permit applicant that is necessary to make the designation under this section, and may convene a scoping meeting of the likely coordinating permit agency and participating permit agencies in order to make that designation.

             (2) The coordinating permit agency shall serve as the main point of contact for the permit applicant with regard to the coordinated permit process for the project and shall manage the procedural aspects of that processing consistent with existing laws governing the coordinating permit agency and participating permit agencies, and with the procedures agreed to by those agencies in accordance with section 607 of this act. In carrying out these responsibilities, the coordinating permit agency shall ensure that the permit applicant has all the information needed to apply for all the component permits that are incorporated in the coordinated permit process for the project, coordinate the review of those permits by the respective participating permit agencies, ensure that timely permit decisions are made by the participating permit agencies, and assist in resolving any conflict or inconsistency among the permit requirements and conditions that are to be imposed by the participating permit agencies with regard to the project. The coordinating permit agency shall keep in contact with the applicant as well as other permit agencies in order to assure that the process is progressing as scheduled. The coordinating permit agency shall also make contact, at least once, with any local jurisdiction that is responsible for issuing a permit for the project if the local jurisdiction has not agreed to be a participating permit agency as provided in section 602(6) of this act.

             (3) This chapter shall not be construed to limit or abridge the powers and duties granted to a participating permit agency under the law that authorizes or requires the agency to issue a permit for a project. Each participating permit agency shall retain its authority to make all decisions on all nonprocedural matters with regard to the respective component permit that is within its scope of its responsibility, including, but not limited to, the determination of permit application completeness, permit approval or approval with conditions, or permit denial. The coordinating permit agency may not substitute its judgment for that of a participating permit agency on any such nonprocedural matters.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 607. (1) Within twenty-one days of the date that the coordinating permit agency is designated, it shall convene a meeting with the permit applicant for the project and the participating permit agencies. The meeting agenda shall include at least all of the following matters:

             (a) A determination of the permits that are required for the project;

             (b) A review of the permit application forms and other application requirements of the agencies that are participating in the coordinated permit process;

             (c)(i) A determination of the timelines that will be used by the coordinating permit agency and each participating permit agency to make permit decisions, including the time periods required to determine if the permit applications are complete, to review the application or applications, and to process the component permits. In the development of this timeline, full attention shall be given to achieving the maximum efficiencies possible through concurrent studies, consolidated applications, hearings, and comment periods. Except as provided in (c)(ii) of this subsection, the timelines established under this subsection, with the assent of the coordinating permit agency and each participating permit agency, shall commit the coordinating permit agency and each participating permit agency to act on the component permit within time periods that are different than those required by other applicable provisions of law.

             (ii) An accelerated time period for the consideration of a permit application may not be set if that accelerated time period would be inconsistent with, or in conflict with, any time period or series of time periods set by statute for that consideration, or with any statute, rule, or regulation, or adopted state policy, standard, or guideline that requires any of the following:

             (A) Other agencies, interested persons, federally recognized Indian tribes, or the public to be given adequate notice of the application;

             (B) Other agencies to be given a role in, or be allowed to participate in, the decision to approve or disapprove the application; or

             (C) Interested persons or the public to be provided the opportunity to challenge, comment on, or otherwise voice their concerns regarding the application;

             (d) The scheduling of any public hearings that are required to issue permits for the project and a determination of the feasibility of coordinating or consolidating any of those required public hearings; and

             (e) A discussion of fee arrangements for the coordinated permit process, including an estimate of the costs allowed under section 610 of this act and the billing schedule.

             (2) Each agency shall send at least one representative qualified to make decisions concerning the applicability and timelines associated with all permits administered by that jurisdiction. At the request of the applicant, the coordinating permit agency shall notify any relevant federal agency or federally recognized tribe of the date of the meeting and invite that agency's participation in the process.

             (3) If a permit agency or the applicant foresees, at any time, that it will be unable to meet its obligations under the agreement, it shall notify the coordinating permit agency of the problem. The coordinating permit agency shall notify the participating permit agencies and the applicant and, upon agreement of all parties, adjust the schedule, or, if necessary, schedule another work plan meeting.

             (4) The coordinating permit agency may request any information from the applicant that is necessary to comply with its obligations under this section, consistent with the timelines set pursuant to this section.

             (5) A summary of the decisions made under this section shall be made available for public review upon the filing of the coordinated permit process application or permit applications.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 608. (1) The permit applicant may withdraw from the coordinated permit process by submitting to the coordinating permit agency a written request that the process be terminated. Upon receipt of the request, the coordinating permit agency shall notify the center and each participating permit agency that a coordinated permit process is no longer applicable to the project.

             (2) The permit applicant may submit a written request to the coordinating permit agency that the permit applicant wishes a participating permit agency to withdraw from participation on the basis of a reasonable belief that the issuance of the coordinated permit process would be accelerated if the participating permit agency withdraws. In that event, the participating permit agency shall withdraw from participation if the coordinating permit agency approves the request.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 609. The coordinating permit agency shall ensure that the participating permit agencies make all the permit decisions that are necessary for the incorporation of the permits into the coordinated permit process and act on the component permits within the time periods established pursuant to section 607 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 610. (1) The coordinating permit agency may enter into a written agreement with the applicant to recover from the applicant the reasonable costs incurred by the coordinating permit agency in carrying out the requirements of this chapter.

             (2) The coordinating permit agency may recover only the costs of performing those coordinated permit services and shall be negotiated with the permit applicant in the meeting required pursuant to section 607 of this act. The billing process shall provide for accurate time and cost accounting and may include a billing cycle that provides for progress payments.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 611. A petition by the permit applicant for review of an agency action in issuing, denying, or amending a permit, or any portion of a coordinating permit agency permit, shall be submitted by the permit applicant to the coordinating permit agency or the participating permit agency having jurisdiction over that permit and shall be processed in accordance with the procedures of that permit agency. Within thirty days of receiving the petition, the coordinating permit agency shall notify the other environmental agencies participating in the original coordinated permit process.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 612. If an applicant petitions for a significant amendment or modification to a coordinated permit process application or any of its component permit applications, the coordinating permit agency shall reconvene a meeting of the participating permit agencies, conducted in accordance with section 607 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 613. If an applicant fails to provide information required for the processing of the component permit applications for a coordinated permit process or for the designation of a coordinating permit agency, the time requirements of this chapter shall be held in abeyance until such time as the information is provided.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 614. (1) The center, by rule, shall establish an expedited appeals process by which a petitioner or applicant may appeal any failure by a permit agency to take timely action on the issuance or denial of a permit in accordance with the time limits established under this chapter.

             (2) If the center finds that the time limits under appeal have been violated without good cause, it shall establish a date certain by which the permit agency shall act on the permit application with adequate provision for the requirements of section 607(1)(c)(ii) (A) through (C) of this act, and provide for the full reimbursement of any filing or permit processing fees paid by the applicant to the permit agency for the permit application under appeal.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 615. Nothing in this chapter affects the jurisdiction of the energy facility site evaluation council as provided in chapter 80.50 RCW.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 616. By December 1, 1997, the center shall submit a report to the appropriate committees of both houses of the legislature detailing the following information:

             (1) The number of instances in which a coordinating permit agency has been requested and used, and the disposition of those cases;

             (2) The amount of time elapsed between an initial request by a permit applicant for a coordinated permit process and the ultimate approval or disapproval of the permits included in the process; and

             (3) The number of instances in which the expedited appeals process was requested, and the disposition of those cases.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 617. A new section is added to chapter 43.131 RCW to read as follows:

             The permit assistance center and its powers and duties shall be terminated June 30, 1999, as provided in section 618 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 618. A new section is added to chapter 43.131 RCW to read as follows:

             The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective June 30, 2000:

             (1) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 601 (section 601 of this act);

             (2) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 602 (section 602 of this act);

             (3) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 603 (section 603 of this act);

             (4) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 604 (section 604 of this act);

             (5) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 605 (section 605 of this act);

             (6) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 606 (section 606 of this act);

             (7) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 607 (section 607 of this act);

             (8) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 608 (section 608 of this act);

             (9) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 609 (section 609 of this act);

             (10) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 610 (section 610 of this act);

             (11) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 611 (section 611 of this act);

             (12) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 612 (section 612 of this act);

             (13) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 613 (section 613 of this act);

             (14) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 614 (section 614 of this act);

             (15) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 615 (section 615 of this act); and

             (16) RCW 90.--.--- and 1995 c -- s 616 (section 616 of this act).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 619. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:

             (1) RCW 90.62.010 and 1982 c 179 s 1, 1977 c 54 s 1, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 1;

             (2) RCW 90.62.020 and 1994 c 264 s 96, 1988 c 36 s 71, 1977 c 54 s 2, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 2;

             (3) RCW 90.62.030 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 3;

             (4) RCW 90.62.040 and 1990 c 137 s 1, 1977 c 54 s 3, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 4;

             (5) RCW 90.62.050 and 1977 c 54 s 4 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 5;

             (6) RCW 90.62.060 and 1982 c 179 s 2, 1977 c 54 s 5, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 6;

             (7) RCW 90.62.070 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 7;

             (8) RCW 90.62.080 and 1987 c 109 s 156, 1977 c 54 s 6, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 8;

             (9) RCW 90.62.090 and 1977 c 54 s 7 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 9;

             (10) RCW 90.62.100 and 1977 c 54 s 8 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 10;

             (11) RCW 90.62.110 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 11;

             (12) RCW 90.62.120 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 12;

             (13) RCW 90.62.130 and 1977 c 54 s 9;

             (14) RCW 90.62.900 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 13;

             (15) RCW 90.62.901 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 14;

             (16) RCW 90.62.904 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 15;

             (17) RCW 90.62.905 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 16;

             (18) RCW 90.62.906 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 18;

             (19) RCW 90.62.907 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 185 s 19; and

             (20) RCW 90.62.908 and 1977 c 54 s 10.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 620. Sections 601 through 616 of this act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 90 RCW.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 701. This chapter may be known and cited as the land use petition act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 702. The purpose of this chapter is to reform the process for judicial review of land use decisions made by local jurisdictions, by establishing uniform, expedited appeal procedures and uniform criteria for reviewing such decisions, in order to provide consistent, predictable, and timely judicial review.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 703. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) "Land use decision" means a final determination by a local jurisdiction's body or officer with the highest level of authority to make the determination, including those with authority to hear appeals, on:

             (a) An application for a project permit or other governmental approval required by law before real property may be improved, developed, modified, sold, transferred, or used, but excluding applications for permits or approvals to use, vacate, or transfer streets, parks, and similar types of public property; excluding applications for legislative approvals such as area-wide rezones and annexations; and excluding applications for business licenses;

             (b) An interpretative or declaratory decision regarding the application to a specific property of zoning or other ordinances or rules regulating the improvement, development, modification, maintenance, or use of real property; and

             (c) The enforcement by a local jurisdiction of ordinances regulating the improvement, development, modification, maintenance, or use of real property. However, when a local jurisdiction is required by law to enforce the ordinances in a court of limited jurisdiction, a petition may not be brought under this chapter.

             (2) "Local jurisdiction" means a county, city, or incorporated town.

             (3) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, public or private organization, or governmental entity or agency.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 704. (1) This chapter replaces the writ of certiorari for appeal of land use decisions and shall be the exclusive means of judicial review of land use decisions, except that this chapter does not apply to:

             (a) Judicial review of:

             (i) Land use decisions made by bodies that are not part of a local jurisdiction;

             (ii) Land use decisions of a local jurisdiction that are subject to review by a quasi-judicial body created by state law, such as the shorelines hearings board or the growth management hearings board;

             (b) Judicial review of applications for a writ of mandamus or prohibition; or

             (c) Claims provided by any law for monetary damages or compensation. If one or more claims for damages or compensation are set forth in the same complaint with a land use petition brought under this chapter, the claims are not subject to the procedures and standards, including deadlines, provided in this chapter for review of the petition. The judge who hears the land use petition may, if appropriate, preside at a trial for damages or compensation.

             (2) The superior court civil rules govern procedural matters under this chapter to the extent that the rules are consistent with this chapter.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 705. (1) Proceedings for review under this chapter shall be commenced by filing a land use petition in superior court.

             (2) A land use petition is barred, and the court may not grant review, unless the petition is timely filed with the court and timely served on the following persons who shall be parties to the review of the land use petition:

             (a) The local jurisdiction, which for purposes of the petition shall be the jurisdiction's corporate entity and not an individual decision maker or department;

             (b) Each of the following persons if the person is not the petitioner:

             (i) Each person identified by name and address in the local jurisdiction's written decision as an applicant for the permit or approval at issue; and

             (ii) Each person identified by name and address in the local jurisdiction's written decision as an owner of the property at issue;

             (c) If no person is identified in a written decision as provided in (b) of this subsection, each person identified by name and address as a taxpayer for the property at issue in the records of the county assessor, based upon the description of the property in the application; and

             (d) Each person named in the written decision who filed an appeal to a local jurisdiction quasi-judicial decision maker regarding the land use decision at issue, unless the person has abandoned the appeal or the person's claims were dismissed before the quasi-judicial decision was rendered. Persons who later intervened or joined in the appeal are not required to be made parties under this subsection.

             (3) The petition is timely if it is filed and served on all parties listed in subsection (2) of this section within twenty-one days of the issuance of the land use decision.

             (4) For the purposes of this section, the date on which a land use decision is issued is:

             (a) Three days after a written decision is mailed by the local jurisdiction or, if not mailed, the date on which the local jurisdiction provides notice that a written decision is publicly available;

             (b) If the land use decision is made by ordinance or resolution by a legislative body sitting in a quasi-judicial capacity, the date the body passes the ordinance or resolution; or

             (c) If neither (a) nor (b) of this subsection applies, the date the decision is entered into the public record.

             (5) Service on the local jurisdiction must be by delivery of a copy of the petition to the persons identified by or pursuant to RCW 4.28.080 to receive service of process. Service on other parties must be in accordance with the superior court civil rules or by first class mail to:

             (a) The address stated in the written decision of the local jurisdiction for each person made a party under subsection (2)(b) of this section;

             (b) The address stated in the records of the county assessor for each person made a party under subsection (2)(c) of this section; and

             (c) The address stated in the appeal to the quasi-judicial decision maker for each person made a party under subsection (2)(d) of this section.

             (6) Service by mail is effective on the date of mailing and proof of service shall be by affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 706. If the applicant for the land use approval is not the owner of the real property at issue, and if the owner is not accurately identified in the records referred to in section 705(2) (b) and (c) of this act, the applicant shall be responsible for promptly securing the joinder of the owners. In addition, within fourteen days after service each party initially named by the petitioner shall disclose to the other parties the name and address of any person whom such party knows may be needed for just adjudication of the petition, and the petitioner shall promptly name and serve any such person whom the petitioner agrees may be needed for just adjudication. If such a person is named and served before the initial hearing, leave of court for the joinder is not required, and the petitioner shall provide the newly joined party with copies of the pleadings filed before the party's joinder. Failure by the petitioner to name or serve, within the time required by section 705(3) of this act, persons who are needed for just adjudication but who are not identified in the records referred to in section 705(2)(b) of this act, or in section 705(2)(c) of this act if applicable, shall not deprive the court of jurisdiction to hear the land use petition.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 707. Standing to bring a land use petition under this chapter is limited to the following persons:

             (1) The applicant and the owner of property to which the land use decision is directed;

             (2) Another person aggrieved or adversely affected by the land use decision, or who would be aggrieved or adversely affected by a reversal or modification of the land use decision. A person is aggrieved or adversely affected within the meaning of this section only when all of the following conditions are present:

             (a) The land use decision has prejudiced or is likely to prejudice that person;

             (b) That person's asserted interests are among those that the local jurisdiction was required to consider when it made the land use decision;

             (c) A judgment in favor of that person would substantially eliminate or redress the prejudice to that person caused or likely to be caused by the land use decision; and

             (d) The petitioner has exhausted his or her administrative remedies to the extent required by law.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 708. A land use petition must set forth:

             (1) The name and mailing address of the petitioner;

             (2) The name and mailing address of the petitioner's attorney, if any;

             (3) The name and mailing address of the local jurisdiction whose land use decision is at issue;

             (4) Identification of the decision-making body or officer, together with a duplicate copy of the decision, or, if not a written decision, a summary or brief description of it;

             (5) Identification of each person to be made a party under section 705(2) (b) through (d) of this act;

             (6) Facts demonstrating that the petitioner has standing to seek judicial review under section 707 of this act;

             (7) A separate and concise statement of each error alleged to have been committed;

             (8) A concise statement of facts upon which the petitioner relies to sustain the statement of error; and

             (9) A request for relief, specifying the type and extent of relief requested.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 709. (1) Within seven days after the petition is served on the parties identified in section 705(2) of this act, the petitioner shall note, according to the local rules of superior court, an initial hearing on jurisdictional and preliminary matters. This initial hearing shall be set no sooner than thirty-five days and no later than fifty days after the petition is served on the parties identified in section 705(2) of this act.

             (2) The parties shall note all motions on jurisdictional and procedural issues for resolution at the initial hearing, except that a motion to allow discovery may be brought sooner. Where confirmation of motions is required, each party shall be responsible for confirming its own motions.

             (3) The defenses of lack of standing, untimely filing or service of the petition, and failure to join persons needed for just adjudication are waived if not raised by timely motion noted to be heard at the initial hearing, unless the court allows discovery on such issues.

             (4) The petitioner shall move the court for an order at the initial hearing that sets the date on which the record must be submitted, sets a briefing schedule, sets a discovery schedule if discovery is to be allowed, and sets a date for the hearing or trial on the merits.

             (5) The parties may waive the initial hearing by scheduling with the court a date for the hearing or trial on the merits and filing a stipulated order that resolves the jurisdictional and procedural issues raised by the petition, including the issues identified in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.

             (6) A party need not file an answer to the petition.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 710. The court shall provide expedited review of petitions filed under this chapter. The matter must be set for hearing within sixty days of the date set for submitting the local jurisdiction's record, absent a showing of good cause for a different date or a stipulation of the parties.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 711. (1) A petitioner or other party may request the court to stay or suspend an action by the local jurisdiction or another party to implement the decision under review. The request must set forth a statement of grounds for the stay and the factual basis for the request.

             (2) A court may grant a stay only if the court finds that:

             (a) The party requesting the stay is likely to prevail on the merits;

             (b) Without the stay the party requesting it will suffer irreparable harm;

             (c) The grant of a stay will not substantially harm other parties to the proceedings; and

             (d) The request for the stay is timely in light of the circumstances of the case.

             (3) The court may grant the request for a stay upon such terms and conditions, including the filing of security, as are necessary to prevent harm to other parties by the stay.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 712. (1) Within forty-five days after entry of an order to submit the record, or within such a further time as the court allows or as the parties agree, the local jurisdiction shall submit to the court a certified copy of the record for judicial review of the land use decision, except that the petitioner shall prepare at the petitioner's expense and submit a verbatim transcript of any hearings held on the matter.

             (2) If the parties agree, or upon order of the court, the record shall be shortened or summarized to avoid reproduction and transcription of portions of the record that are duplicative or not relevant to the issues to be reviewed by the court.

             (3) The petitioner shall pay the local jurisdiction the cost of preparing the record before the local jurisdiction submits the record to the court. Failure by the petitioner to timely pay the local jurisdiction relieves the local jurisdiction of responsibility to submit the record and is grounds for dismissal of the petition.

             (4) If the relief sought by the petitioner is granted in whole or in part the court shall equitably assess the cost of preparing the record among the parties. In assessing costs the court shall take into account the extent to which each party prevailed and the reasonableness of the parties' conduct in agreeing or not agreeing to shorten or summarize the record under subsection (2) of this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 713. (1) When the land use decision being reviewed was made by a quasi-judicial body or officer who made factual determinations in support of the decision and the parties to the quasi-judicial proceeding had an opportunity consistent with due process to make a record on the factual issues, judicial review of factual issues and the conclusions drawn from the factual issues shall be confined to the record created by the quasi-judicial body or officer, except as provided in subsections (2) through (4) of this section.

             (2) For decisions described in subsection (1) of this section, the record may be supplemented by additional evidence only if the additional evidence relates to:

             (a) Grounds for disqualification of a member of the body or of the officer that made the land use decision, when such grounds were unknown by the petitioner at the time the record was created;

             (b) Matters that were improperly excluded from the record after being offered by a party to the quasi-judicial proceeding; or

             (c) Matters that were outside the jurisdiction of the body or officer that made the land use decision.

             (3) For land use decisions other than those described in subsection (1) of this section, the record for judicial review may be supplemented by evidence of material facts that were not made part of the local jurisdiction's record.

             (4) The court may require or permit corrections of ministerial errors or inadvertent omissions in the preparation of the record.

             (5) The parties may not conduct pretrial discovery except with the prior permission of the court, which may be sought by motion at any time after service of the petition. The court shall not grant permission unless the party requesting it makes a prima facie showing of need. The court shall strictly limit discovery to what is necessary for equitable and timely review of the issues that are raised under subsections (2) and (3) of this section. If the court allows the record to be supplemented, the court shall require the parties to disclose before the hearing or trial on the merits the specific evidence they intend to offer. If any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, requests records under chapter 42.17 RCW relating to the matters at issue, a copy of the request shall simultaneously be given to all other parties and the court shall take such request into account in fashioning an equitable discovery order under this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 714. (1) The superior court, acting without a jury, shall review the record and such supplemental evidence as is permitted under section 713 of this act. The court may grant relief only if the party seeking relief has carried the burden of establishing that one of the standards set forth in (a) through (f) of this subsection has been met. The standards are:

             (a) The body or officer that made the land use decision engaged in unlawful procedure or failed to follow a prescribed process, unless the error was harmless;

             (b) The land use decision is an erroneous interpretation of the law, after allowing for such deference as is due the construction of a law by a local jurisdiction with expertise;

             (c) The land use decision is not supported by evidence that is substantial when viewed in light of the whole record before the court;

             (d) The land use decision is a clearly erroneous application of the law to the facts;

             (e) The land use decision is outside the authority or jurisdiction of the body or officer making the decision; or

             (f) The land use decision violates the constitutional rights of the party seeking relief.

             (2) In order to grant relief under this chapter, it is not necessary for the court to find that the local jurisdiction engaged in arbitrary and capricious conduct. A grant of relief by itself may not be deemed to establish liability for monetary damages or compensation.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 715. The court may affirm or reverse the land use decision under review or remand it for modification or further proceedings. If the decision is remanded for modification or further proceedings, the court may make such an order as it finds necessary to preserve the interests of the parties and the public, pending further proceedings or action by the local jurisdiction.

             Sec. 716. RCW 7.16.360 and 1989 c 175 s 38 are each amended to read as follows:

             This chapter does not apply to state agency action reviewable under chapter 34.05 RCW or to land use decisions of local jurisdictions reviewable under chapter 36.-- RCW (sections 701 through 715 of this act).

             Sec. 717. RCW 58.17.180 and 1983 c 121 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             Any decision approving or disapproving any plat shall be reviewable ((for unlawful, arbitrary, capricious or corrupt action or nonaction by writ of review before the superior court of the county in which such matter is pending. Standing to bring the action is limited to the following parties:

             (1) The applicant or owner of the property on which the subdivision is proposed;

             (2) Any property owner entitled to special notice under RCW 58.17.090;

             (3) Any property owner who deems himself aggrieved thereby and who will suffer direct and substantial impacts from the proposed subdivision.

             Application for a writ of review shall be made to the court within thirty days from any decision so to be reviewed. The cost of transcription of all records ordered certified by the court for such review shall be borne by the appellant)) under chapter 36.-- RCW (sections 701 through 715 of this act).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 718. A new section is added to chapter 4.84 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, reasonable attorneysÌ“ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing party or substantially prevailing party on appeal before the court of appeals or the supreme court of a decision by a county, city, or town to issue, condition, or deny a development permit involving a site-specific rezone, zoning, plat, conditional use, variance, shoreline permit, building permit, site plan, or similar land use approval or decision. The court shall award and determine the amount of reasonable attorneysÌ“ fees and costs under this section if:

             (a) The prevailing party on appeal was the prevailing or substantially prevailing party before the county, city, or town, or in a decision involving a substantial development permit under chapter 90.58 RCW, the prevailing party on appeal was the prevailing party or the substantially prevailing party before the shoreline hearings board; and

             (b) The prevailing party on appeal was the prevailing party or substantially prevailing party in all prior judicial proceedings.

             (2) In addition to the prevailing party under subsection (1) of this section, the county, city, or town whose decision is on appeal is considered a prevailing party if its decision is upheld at superior court and on appeal.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 719. Sections 701 through 715 of this act shall constitute a new chapter in Title 36 RCW.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 801. The land use study commission is hereby established. The commissionÌ“s goal shall be the integration and consolidation of the stateÌ“s land use and environmental laws into a single, manageable statute. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the commission shall evaluate the effectiveness of the growth management act, the state environmental policy act, the shoreline management act, and other state land use, planning, environmental, and permitting statutes in achieving their stated goals.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 802. The commission shall consist of not more than fourteen members. Eleven members of the commission shall be appointed by the governor. Membership shall reflect the interests of business, agriculture, labor, the environment, neighborhood groups, other citizens, the legislature, cities, counties, and federally recognized Indian tribes. Members shall have substantial experience in matters relating to land use and environmental planning and regulation, and shall have the ability to work toward cooperative solutions among diverse interests. The director of the department of community, trade, and economic development, or the directorÌ“s designee, shall be a member and shall serve as chair of the commission. The director of the department of ecology, or the directorÌ“s designee, and the secretary of the department of transportation, or the secretary's designee, shall also be members of the commission. Staff for the commission shall be provided by the department of community, trade, and economic development, with additional staff to be provided by other state agencies and the legislature, as may be required. State agencies shall provide the commission with information and assistance as needed.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 803. The commission shall convene commencing June 1, 1995, and shall complete its work by June 30, 1998. The commission shall submit a report to the governor and the legislature stating its findings, conclusions, and recommendations not later than November 1 of each year. The commission shall submit its final report to the governor and the legislature not later than November 1, 1997.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 804. The commission shall:

             (1) Consider the effectiveness of state and local government efforts to consolidate and integrate the growth management act, the state environmental policy act, the shoreline management act, and other land use, planning, environmental, and permitting laws.

             (2) Identify the revisions and modifications needed in state land use, planning, and environmental law and practice to adequately plan for growth and achieve economically and environmentally sustainable development, to adequately assess environmental impacts of comprehensive plans, development regulations, and growth, and to reduce the time and cost of obtaining project permits.

             (3) Draft a consolidated land use procedure, following these guidelines:

             (a) Conduct land use planning through the comprehensive planning process under chapter 36.70A RCW rather than through review of individual projects;

             (b) Involve diverse sectors of the public in the planning process. Early and informal environmental analysis should be incorporated into planning and decision making;

             (c) Recognize that different questions need to be answered and different levels of detail applied at each planning phase, from the initial development of plan concepts or plan elements to implementation programs;

             (d) Integrate and combine to the fullest extent possible the processes, analysis, and documents currently required under chapters 36.70A and 43.21C RCW, so that subsequent plan decisions and subsequent implementation will incorporate measures to promote the environmental, economic, and other goals and to mitigate undesirable or unintended adverse impacts on a community's quality of life;

             (e) Focus environmental review and the level of detail needed for different stages of plan and project decisions on the environmental considerations most relevant to that stage of the process;

             (f) Avoid duplicating review that has occurred for plan decisions when specific projects are proposed;

             (g) Use environmental review on projects to: (i) Review and document consistency with comprehensive plans and development regulations; (ii) provide prompt and coordinated review by agencies, tribes, and the public on compliance with applicable environmental laws and plans, including mitigation for site specific project impacts that have not been considered and addressed at the plan or development regulation level; and (iii) ensure accountability by local government to applicants and the public for requiring and implementing mitigation measures;

             (h) Maintain or improve the quality of environmental analysis both for plan and for project decisions, while integrating these analyses with improved state and local planning and permitting processes;

             (i) Examine existing land use and environmental permits for necessity and utility. To the extent possible, existing permits should be combined into fewer permits, assuring that the values and principles intended to be protected by those permits remain protected; and

             (j) Consolidate local government appeal processes to allow a single appeal of permits at local government levels, a single state level administrative appeal, and a final judicial appeal.

             (4) Monitor instances state-wide of the vesting of project permit applications during the period that an appeal is pending before a growth management hearings board, as authorized under RCW 36.70A.300. The commission shall also review the extent to which such vesting results in the approval of projects that are inconsistent with a comprehensive plan or development regulation provision ultimately found to be in compliance with a board's order or remand. The commission shall analyze the impact of such approvals on ensuring the attainment of the goals and policies of chapter 36.70A RCW, and make recommendations to the governor and the legislature on statutory changes to address any adverse impacts from the provisions of RCW 36.70A.300. The commission shall provide an initial report on its findings and recommendations by November 1, 1995, and submit its further findings and recommendations subsequently in the reports required under section 803 of this act.

             (5) Monitor local government consolidated permit procedures and the effectiveness of the timelines established by section 413 of this act. The commission shall include in its report submitted to the governor and the legislature on November 1, 1997, its recommendation about what timelines, if any, should be imposed on the local government consolidated permit process required by chapter 36.-- RCW (the new chapter created in section 431 of this act).

             (6) Evaluate funding mechanisms that will enable local governments to pay for and recover the costs of conducting integrated planning and environmental analysis. The commission shall include its conclusions in its first report to the legislature on November 1, 1995, and include any recommended statutory changes.

             (7) Study, in cooperation with the state board for registration of professional engineers and the state building code council, ways in which state agencies and local governments could authorize professionals with appropriate qualifications to certify a project's compliance with certain state and local land use and environmental requirements. The commission shall report to the legislature on measures necessary to implement such a system of professional certification.

             These guidelines are intended to guide the work of the commission, without limiting its charge to integrate and consolidate Washington's land use and environmental laws into a single, manageable statutory framework.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 805. Members of the commission shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 806. Sections 801 through 805 of this act shall expire June 30, 1998.


             NEW SECTION. Sec. 901. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 902. Part headings and the table of contents as used in this act do not constitute any part of the law.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 903. If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act shall be null and void.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 904. Sections 801 through 806 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect June 1, 1995."

             On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "review;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 36.70A.130, 36.70A.140, 36.70A.280, 36.70A.300, 36.70A.320, 36.70A.330, 34.05.514, 43.21C.031, 43.21C.075, 43.21C.080, 43.21C.110, 43.21C.900, 90.58.020, 90.58.030, 90.58.050, 90.58.060, 90.58.080, 90.58.090, 90.58.100, 90.58.120, 90.58.140, 90.58.180, 90.58.190, 34.05.461, 36.70A.440, 36.70A.065, 36.70A.065, 43.21C.033, 35.63.130, 35A.63.170, 36.70.970, 58.17.090, 58.17.092, 58.17.100, 58.17.330, 7.16.360, and 58.17.180; reenacting and amending RCW 36.70A.030 and 36.70A.290; adding new sections to chapter 36.70A RCW; adding a new section to chapter 43.21C RCW; adding a new section to chapter 64.40 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 43.131 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 4.84 RCW; adding new chapters to Title 36 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 90 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 82 RCW; creating new sections; recodifying RCW 36.70A.065 and 36.70A.440; repealing RCW 90.58.145, 90.62.010, 90.62.020, 90.62.030, 90.62.040, 90.62.050, 90.62.060, 90.62.070, 90.62.080, 90.62.090, 90.62.100, 90.62.110, 90.62.120, 90.62.130, 90.62.900, 90.62.901, 90.62.904, 90.62.905, 90.62.906, 90.62.907, and 90.62.908; providing effective dates; providing expiration dates; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Goldsmith moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.


             Representative Rust moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Rust demanded an electronic roll call vote and the demand was sustained.


             On motion of Representative Brown, Representatives Sommers and Patterson were excused.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be the motion to concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724.

             Representatives Cairnes and L. Thomas spoke against the motion to concur in the Senate amendments.

             Representative Rust spoke in favor of the motion to concur in the Senate amendments.


             The Clerk called the roll on the motion to concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724 and the motion failed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 30, Nays - 60, Absent - 1, Excused - 7.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Brown, Chappell, Chopp, Cody, Cole, Conway, Costa, Dellwo, Dickerson, Ebersole, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Grant, Jacobsen, Mason, Mastin, Morris, Ogden, Poulsen, Quall, Regala, Romero, Rust, Scott, Thibaudeau, Tokuda, Valle, Veloria and Wolfe - 30.

             Voting nay: Representatives Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Clements, Crouse, Delvin, Dyer, Elliot, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Hankins, Hargrove, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Hymes, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Mulliken, Pelesky, Pennington, Radcliff, Reams, Robertson, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Skinner, Smith, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Van Luven and Mr. Speaker - 60.

             Absent: Representative Hatfield - 1.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Cooke, Foreman, Huff, Patterson, Silver and Sommers - 7.


             I intended to vote NAY on the motion to concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724.

BRIAN HATFIELD, 19th District

             The motion to not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724 was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) appointed Representatives Reams, Cairnes and Rust as Conferees on Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1724.


April 7, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1725 with the following amendments:

             On page 4, after line 5, insert the following:

             "Sec. 3. RCW 69.50.435 and 1991 c 32 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             (a) Any person who violates RCW 69.50.401(a) by manufacturing, selling, delivering, or possessing with the intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver a controlled substance listed under that subsection or who violates RCW 69.50.410 by selling for profit any controlled substance or counterfeit substance classified in schedule I, RCW 69.50.204, except leaves and flowering tops of marihuana to a person:

             (1) In a school ((or));

             (2) On a school bus ((or));

             (3) Within one thousand feet of a school bus route stop designated by the school district ((or));

             (4) Within one thousand feet of the perimeter of the school grounds((,));

             (5) In a public park ((or));

             (6) In a public housing project designated by a local governing authority as a drug-free zone;

             (7) On a public transit vehicle((,)); or

             (8) In a public transit stop shelter may be punished by a fine of up to twice the fine otherwise authorized by this chapter, but not including twice the fine authorized by RCW 69.50.406, or by imprisonment of up to twice the imprisonment otherwise authorized by this chapter, but not including twice the imprisonment authorized by RCW 69.50.406, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The provisions of this section shall not operate to more than double the fine or imprisonment otherwise authorized by this chapter for an offense.

             (b) It is not a defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section that the person was unaware that the prohibited conduct took place while in a school or school bus or within one thousand feet of the school or school bus route stop, in a public park, on a public transit vehicle, ((or)) in a public transit stop shelter, or in a public housing project designated by a local governing authority as a drug-free zone.

             (c) It is not a defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section or any other prosecution under this chapter that persons under the age of eighteen were not present in the school, the school bus, the public park, or the public transit vehicle, or at the school bus route stop or the public transit vehicle stop shelter, or in a public housing project designated by a local governing authority as a drug-free zone at the time of the offense or that school was not in session.

             (d) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section that the prohibited conduct took place entirely within a private residence, that no person under eighteen years of age or younger was present in such private residence at any time during the commission of the offense, and that the prohibited conduct did not involve delivering, manufacturing, selling, or possessing with the intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver any controlled substance in RCW 69.50.401(a) for profit. The affirmative defense established in this section shall be proved by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence. This section shall not be construed to establish an affirmative defense with respect to a prosecution for an offense defined in any other section of this chapter.

             (e) In a prosecution under this section, a map produced or reproduced by any ((municipal)) municipality, school district, county, ((or)) transit authority engineer, or public housing authority for the purpose of depicting the location and boundaries of the area on or within one thousand feet of any property used for a school, school bus route stop, public park, ((or)) public transit vehicle stop shelter, or public housing project designated by a local governing authority as a drug-free zone, or a true copy of such a map, shall under proper authentication, be admissible and shall constitute prima facie evidence of the location and boundaries of those areas if the governing body of the municipality, school district, county, or transit authority has adopted a resolution or ordinance approving the map as the official location and record of the location and boundaries of the area on or within one thousand feet of the school, school bus route stop, public park, ((or)) public transit vehicle stop shelter, or public housing project designated by a local governing authority as a drug-free zone. Any map approved under this section or a true copy of the map shall be filed with the clerk of the municipality or county, and shall be maintained as an official record of the municipality or county. This section shall not be construed as precluding the prosecution from introducing or relying upon any other evidence or testimony to establish any element of the offense. This section shall not be construed as precluding the use or admissibility of any map or diagram other than the one which has been approved by the governing body of a municipality, school district, county, ((or)) transit authority, or public housing authority if the map or diagram is otherwise admissible under court rule.

             (f) As used in this section the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

             (1) "School" has the meaning under RCW 28A.150.010 or 28A.150.020. The term "school" also includes a private school approved under RCW 28A.195.010;

             (2) "School bus" means a school bus as defined by the superintendent of public instruction by rule which is owned and operated by any school district and all school buses which are privately owned and operated under contract or otherwise with any school district in the state for the transportation of students. The term does not include buses operated by common carriers in the urban transportation of students such as transportation of students through a municipal transportation system;

             (3) "School bus route stop" means a school bus stop as designated on maps submitted by school districts to the office of the superintendent of public instruction;

             (4) "Public park" means land, including any facilities or improvements on the land, that is operated as a park by the state or a local government;

             (5) "Public transit vehicle" means any motor vehicle, street car, train, trolley vehicle, or any other device, vessel, or vehicle which is owned or operated by a transit authority and which is used for the purpose of carrying passengers on a regular schedule;

             (6) "Transit authority" means a city, county, or state transportation system, transportation authority, public transportation benefit area, public transit authority, or metropolitan municipal corporation within the state that operates public transit vehicles;

             (7) "Stop shelter" means a passenger shelter designated by a transit authority;

             (8) "Public housing project" means the same as defined in RCW 35.82.020(9)."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, strike "and 35.82 130" and insert ", 35.82.130, and 69.50.435"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Brumsickle moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1725.


             Representative Brumsickle: Thank you Mr. Speaker. I would request a ruling on the scope and object on the Senate amendments to House Bill no. 1725.

             There being no objection, the House deferred further consideration of House Bill No. 1725 and the bill held it's place on today's calendar.

             There being no objection, the House deferred consideration of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1589 and the bill held it's place on the third reading calendar.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5169 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Brumsickle moved that the House insists on it position regarding the House amendments to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5169 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.

             Representatives Brumsickle and Cole spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) appointed Representatives Brumsickle, Radcliff and Cole as Conferees on Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5169.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SENATE BILL NO. 5434 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative L. Thomas moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Senate Bill No. 5434 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.

             Representatives L. Thomas and Smith spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             On motion of Representative Talcott, Representatives Mulliken and Reams were excused.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) appointed Representatives L. Thomas, Smith and Wolfe as Conferees on Senate Bill No. 5434.


April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1630. The President appoints the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Pelz, Palmer and Sutherland

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1821. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Pelz, Newhouse and Kohl

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2080. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Owen, Prince and Heavey

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as Conferees on ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5439:

             Senators Hargrove, Long and Kohl

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 18, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5448, and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Koster moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5448 and again ask the Senate to concur thereon.

             Representative Koster spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 18, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5616, and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Fuhrman moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5616 and again asks the Senate to concur thereon.

             Representatives Fuhrman and Basich spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 7, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1250 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 51.32 RCW to read as follows:

             (1)(a) If the worker or beneficiary in a state fund claim prevails in an appeal by any party to the board or the court, the department shall comply with the board or court's order with respect to the payment of compensation within the later of the following time periods:

             (i) Sixty days after the compensation order is entered; or

             (ii) If, after the order has been entered and the department has, within the period specified in (a)(i) of this subsection, requested the filing by the worker or beneficiary of documents necessary to make payment of compensation, sixty days after all requested documents are filed with the department.

             The department may extend the sixty-day time period for an additional thirty days for good cause.

             (b) If the department fails to comply with (a) of this subsection, any person entitled to compensation under the order may institute proceedings for injunctive or other appropriate relief for enforcement of the order. These proceedings may be instituted in the superior court for the county in which the claimant resides, or, if the claimant is not then a resident of this state, in the superior court for Thurston county.

             (2) In a proceeding under this section, the court shall enforce obedience to the order by proper means, enjoining compliance upon the person obligated to comply with the compensation order. The court may issue such writs and processes as are necessary to carry out its orders and may award a penalty of up to five hundred dollars to the person entitled to compensation under the order and reasonable costs and attorneys' fees. The court may award an additional penalty of five hundred dollars for each month that payment is not received beyond the time period allowed in subsection (1) of this section.

             (3) A proceeding under this section does not preclude other methods of enforcement provided for in this title.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. This act applies to all appeals in state fund claims determined under Title 51 RCW on or after the effective date of this act, regardless of the date of filing of the claim."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "awards;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "adding a new section to chapter 51.32 RCW; creating a new section; and prescribing penalties."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1250 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.


             Representative Romero moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1250 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be the motion to concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1250.

             Representatives Romero and Conway spoke in favor of the motion to concur and Representative Lisk spoke against the motion.

             The motion to concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1250 failed.

             The motion to not concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1250 was carried.


April 5, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1770, with the following amendments:

             On page 1, after line 3, insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 18.106 RCW to read as follows:

             It is the intent of the legislature that the department of labor and industries be authorized to enter into agreements with cities and counties to allow the cities and counties to perform compliance inspections in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The legislature intends that enforcement responsibilities contained in the chapter remain with the department and not be assumed by the cities and counties."

             On page 1, line 14, after "Washington." insert "Nothing in this section prevents the department from entering into similar agreements with other cities and counties regarding compliance inspections by the city or county to enforce this chapter."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, strike "and" and after "18.106.280" insert "; and adding a new section to chapter 18.106 RCW"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 1770 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative Romero spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2010 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the increasing number of inmates incarcerated in state correctional institutions, and the expenses associated with their incarceration, require expanded efforts to contain corrections costs. Cost containment requires improved planning and oversight, and increased accountability and responsibility on the part of both inmates and the department.

             The legislature further finds that motivating inmates to participate in meaningful education and work programs in order to learn transferable skills and earn basic privileges is an effective and efficient way to meet the penological objectives of the corrections system.

             The purpose of this act is to assist the department in fulfilling its mission, specifically to reduce offender recidivism, to mirror the values of the community by clearly linking inmate behavior to the receipt of privileges, and to prudently manage the resources it receives through the tax dollars of law-abiding citizens. This purpose is accomplished through the implementation of specific cost-control measures and the creation of a planning and oversight process that will improve the department's effectiveness and efficiency.

             Sec. 2. RCW 72.09.010 and 1981 c 136 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             It is the intent of the legislature to establish a comprehensive system of corrections for convicted law violators within the state of Washington to accomplish the following objectives.

             (1) The system should ensure the public safety. The system should be designed and managed to provide the maximum feasible safety for the persons and property of the general public, the staff, and the inmates.

             (2) The system should punish the offender for violating the laws of the state of Washington. This punishment should generally be limited to the denial of liberty of the offender.

             (3) The system should positively impact offenders by stressing personal responsibility and accountability and by discouraging recidivism.

             (4) The system should treat all offenders fairly and equitably without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, residence, or social condition.

             (((4))) (5) The system, as much as possible, should reflect the values of the community including:

             (a) Avoiding idleness. Idleness is not only wasteful but destructive to the individual and to the community.

             (b) Adoption of the work ethic. It is the community expectation that all citizens should work and through their efforts benefit both themselves and the community.

             (c) Providing opportunities for self improvement. All individuals should have opportunities to grow and expand their skills and abilities so as to fulfill their role in the community.

             (d) ((Providing tangible rewards for accomplishment.)) Linking the receipt or denial of privileges to responsible behavior and accomplishments. The individual who works to improve himself or herself and the community should be rewarded for these efforts. As a corollary, there should be no rewards for no effort.

             (e) Sharing in the obligations of the community. All citizens, the public and inmates alike, have a personal and fiscal obligation in the corrections system. All communities must share in the responsibility of the corrections system.

             (((5))) (6) The system should provide for prudent management of resources. The avoidance of unnecessary or inefficient public expenditures on the part of offenders and the department is essential. Offenders must be accountable to the department, and the department must be accountable to the public and the legislature. The human and fiscal resources of the community are limited. The management and use of these resources can be enhanced by wise investment, productive programs, the reduction of duplication and waste, and the joining together of all involved parties in a common endeavor. Since virtually all offenders return to the community, it is wise for the state and the communities to make an investment in effective rehabilitation programs for offenders and the wise use of resources.

             (((6))) (7) The system should provide for restitution. Those who have damaged others, persons or property, have a responsibility to make restitution for these damages.

             (((7))) (8) The system should be accountable to the citizens of the state. In return, the individual citizens and local units of government must meet their responsibilities to make the corrections system effective.

             (((8))) (9) The system should meet those national standards which the state determines to be appropriate.

             Sec. 3. RCW 72.09.015 and 1987 c 312 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) (("Department" means the department of corrections.

             (2) "Secretary" means the secretary of corrections.

             (3) "County" refers to a county or combination of counties.

             (4))) "Base level of correctional services" means the minimum level of field services the department of corrections is required by statute to provide for the supervision and monitoring of offenders.

             (2) "Contraband" means any object or communication that the secretary determines shall not be allowed to be (a) brought into; (b) possessed while on the grounds of; or (c) sent from any institution under the control of the secretary.

             (3) "County" refers to a county or combination of counties.

             (4) "Department" means the department of corrections.

             (5) "Earned early release" means earned early release as authorized by RCW 9.94A.150.

             (6) "Extended family visit" means an authorized visit between an inmate and a member or members of his or her immediate family that occurs in a private visiting unit located at the correctional facility where the inmate is confined.

             (7) "Good conduct" means compliance with department rules and standards.

             (8) "Good performance" means successful completion of any program required by the department, including an education, work, or other program.

             (9) "Immediate family" means the inmate's children, stepchildren, grandchildren, great grandchildren, parents, stepparents, grandparents, great grandparents, siblings, and a person legally married to an inmate. "Immediate family" does not include an inmate adopted by another inmate or the immediate family of the adopted or adopting inmate.

             (10) "Privilege" means any goods or services, education or work programs, or earned early release days, the receipt of which is directly linked to the good conduct or good performance of an inmate confined in an institution under the jurisdiction of the department. Privileges do not include any goods or services that the department is required to provide under the state or federal Constitution or under state or federal law.

             (11) "Secretary" means the secretary of corrections.

             (12) "Work programs" means all classes of correctional industries jobs authorized by RCW 72.09.100.

             Sec. 4. RCW 72.09.020 and 1988 c 153 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             For purposes of this chapter, "inmate" means any person committed to the custody of the department, including but not limited to persons residing in a correctional institution or facility ((and)), persons released on furlough, work release, or community custody, and persons received from another state, state agency, county, or federal jurisdiction.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The legislature intends that all inmates be required to participate in department-approved education programs, work programs, or both, unless exempted from participation under subsection (2) of this section. Eligible inmates who refuse to participate in available education or work programs shall lose inmate privileges according to the system established under RCW 72.09.130. The legislature recognizes that more inmates may agree to participate in education and work programs than are currently available. Accordingly, the department must give priority to placing inmates in available education and work programs who will be most likely to achieve significant personal and public benefit from the programs, and the department must prioritize available resources to work toward the goal of full participation as soon as possible.

             (2) The department shall establish, in rule, objective medical standards to determine when an inmate is physically or mentally unable to participate in available education or work programs. When the department determines that an inmate is permanently unable to participate in any available education or work program due to a medical condition, the inmate is exempt from the requirement of subsection (1) of this section. When the department determines that an inmate is temporarily unable to participate in an education or work program due to a medical condition, the inmate is exempt from the requirement of subsection (1) of this section for the period of time he or she is temporarily disabled. The department shall periodically review the medical conditions of all temporarily disabled inmates to ensure the earliest possible entry or reentry by inmates into available programming.

             (3) The department shall establish, in rule, the standards for participation in department-approved education and work programs. The standards shall address the following areas:

             (a) Assessment. The department shall assess all inmates for their educational history, basic skills and literacy level, work history, and vocational or work skills. The initial assessment shall be conducted, whenever possible, within the first thirty days of an inmate's entry into the correctional system, except that initial assessments are not required for inmates who are sentenced to life without the possibility of release, assigned to an intensive management unit within the first thirty days after entry into the corrections system, are returning to the corrections system within one year of a prior release, or whose physical or mental condition renders them unable to complete the assessment process. The department shall periodically reassess the basic skills, literacy level, and vocational or work skills of inmates to ensure that they are participating in programming appropriate to their level of academic and technical competency.

             (b) Placement. The department shall place inmates in appropriate education and work programs utilizing criteria to evaluate an inmate's likelihood of achieving significant benefit from the programming. The placement criteria shall include at least the following factors:

             (i) An inmate's release date and custody level;

             (ii) An inmate's educational history, basic skills, and literacy level;

             (iii) An inmate's work history, and vocational or work skills;

             (iv) An inmate's economic circumstances, including but not limited to an inmate's family support obligations; and

             (v) Where applicable, an inmate's prior performance in department-approved education or work programs.

             (c) Performance and goals. The department shall establish inmate behavior standards and program goals for all education or work programs. Inmates shall be notified of applicable behavior standards and program goals prior to placement in an education or work program and shall be removed from the education or work program if they consistently fail to meet the standards or goals.

             (d) Financial responsibility. The department shall establish a formula by which inmates will pay all or a portion of the costs of participating in community college associate of arts degree programs, baccalaureate degree programs, and postbaccalaureate degree programs, including tuition, books, and fees. The formula will consider the inmates' ability to pay and the department's efforts to maintain a cost-efficient level of enrollment in programs for which it contracts with community colleges. When an inmate voluntarily chooses to participate in a postsecondary education program into which he or she has not been placed by the department under (b) of this subsection, the inmate must pay the full tuition costs of the postsecondary education program charged by the community colleges under contract with the department.

             (e) An inmate sentenced to life without the possibility of release may participate in education programs, including English as a second language, adult basic education, general equivalency degree, high school diploma, or any associate, baccalaureate, or post-baccalaureate degree, only if he or she pays all tuition costs and fees of the program and only if space is available in the program after all other eligible inmates have been offered the opportunity to participate, except that inmates sentenced to life without the possibility of release who require vocational training to participate in a correctional industries job may participate in the vocational training under the same placement, performance, and financial responsibility standards as other inmates.

             (4) The department shall coordinate educational and work programming opportunities among its several institutions, to the greatest extent possible, to facilitate continuity of programming for inmates who are transferred between institutions. Prior to transferring inmates enrolled in programs, the department shall consider the effect the transfer will have on an inmate's ability to continue or complete a program. This subsection shall not be used to delay or prohibit any transfer that is necessary for legitimate safety or security reasons.

             (5) Before the construction of any new correctional institution or the expansion of any existing correctional institution, the department shall adopt a plan demonstrating how cable, closed-circuit, and satellite television will be used for educational and training purposes in the institution. The plan shall specify how the use of television in the educational and training programs will improve inmates' preparedness for available correctional industries jobs and job opportunities for which inmates may qualify upon release.

             Sec. 6. RCW 72.09.130 and 1981 c 136 s 17 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The department shall adopt, in rule, a system ((providing incentives for good conduct and disincentives for poor conduct)) that clearly links an inmate's behavior and participation in available education and work programs with the receipt or denial of earned early release days and other privileges. The system ((may)) shall include increases or decreases in the degree of liberty granted the inmate within the programs operated by the department, access to or withholding of privileges available within correctional institutions, and recommended increases or decreases in the number of earned early release days that an inmate can earn for good conduct and good performance.

             (2) Earned early release days shall be recommended by the department as a form of tangible reward for accomplishment. The system shall be fair, measurable, and understandable to offenders, staff, and the public. At least once in each twelve-month period, the department shall inform the offender in writing as to his or her conduct and performance. This written evaluation shall include reasons for awarding or not awarding recommended earned early release days for good conduct and good performance. ((The term "good performance" as used in this section means successfully performing a work, work training, or educational task to levels of expectation as specified in writing by the department. The term "good conduct" as used in this section refers to compliance with department rules.

             Within one year after July 1, 1981, the department shall adopt, and provide a written description of, the system.)) An inmate is not eligible to receive earned early release days during any time in which he or she refuses to participate in an available education or work program into which he or she has been placed by the department pursuant to section 5 of this act.

             (3) The department shall provide a ((copy of this)) written description of the system to each offender in its custody.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             To the greatest extent practical, all inmates shall contribute to the cost of inmate privileges provided by the department. The department shall establish standards by which inmates will pay a significant portion of the department's capital and operating costs of providing all inmate privileges, including but not limited to television cable access, extended family visitation, weight lifting and other recreational sports equipment and supplies, and associated staff supervision costs. Inmate contributions may be in the form of individual user fees assessed against an inmate's institution account, deductions from an inmate's gross wages or gratuities, or inmates' collective contributions to the institutional welfare/betterment fund. The contribution standards shall consider the assets available to inmates, the costs of administrating compliance with the contribution requirements, and shall not be unduly destructive of the work ethic.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             The secretary shall adopt in rule a uniform policy that prohibits receipt or possession of anything that is determined to be contraband. The rule shall provide maximum protection of legitimate penological interests, including prison security and order. The rule shall protect the legitimate interests of the public and inmates in the exchange of ideas. The secretary shall establish a method of reviewing all incoming and outgoing material, consistent with constitutional constraints, for the purpose of confiscating anything determined to be contraband.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The extended family visitation program is a privilege that the department may allow an inmate to participate in only after the superintendent determines an inmate is eligible. All extended family visits must be approved in advance by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee, who may cancel, interrupt, suspend, or terminate any visit for good cause.

             (2) The department shall adopt, in rule, standards for participation in the extended family visitation program. The standards shall provide eligible inmates the opportunity, subject to the approval of the superintendent or the superintendent's designee, to maintain relationships with authorized family members, to maintain marriages and relationships that existed prior to incarceration, and to provide an incentive for inmates to maintain positive attitudes and behaviors while incarcerated. The standards shall address at least the following areas:

             (a) Eligibility. The eligibility standards for inmates and their proposed visitors shall include at least the following factors for consideration:

             (i) An inmate's release date and custody level. An inmate confined in maximum or close custody, in an intensive management unit, or in disciplinary or administrative segregation is not eligible to participate in an extended family visit;

             (ii) An inmate's infraction history while incarcerated;

             (iii) An inmate's prior criminal offense history;

             (iv) The nature of the offense for which the inmate is incarcerated and whether the proposed visitor was a victim of the inmate's offense;

             (v) When available, the opinion of a licensed medical practitioner or mental health professional as to the appropriateness of an extended family visit between an inmate and the proposed visitor or visitors;

             (vi) The criminal history of the proposed visitor or visitors;

             (vii) Where applicable, the conduct of the inmate and the proposed visitor or visitors during prior extended family visits.

             (b) Conduct during visits. The department shall establish standards for the conduct of inmates and visitors participating in the extended family visitation program that protect the safety of visitors and preserve the orderly operation of the correctional institution.

             Sec. 10. RCW 4.24.130 and 1992 c 30 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Any person desiring a change of his or her name or that of his or her child or ward, may apply therefor to the district court of the judicial district in which he or she resides, by petition setting forth the reasons for such change; thereupon such court in its discretion may order a change of the name and thenceforth the new name shall be in place of the former.

             (2) An offender under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections who applies to change his or her name under subsection (1) of this section shall submit a copy of the application to the department of corrections no less than five days prior to the entry of an order granting the name change. No offender under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections at the time of application shall be granted an order changing his or her name if the court finds that doing so will interfere with legitimate penological goals, except that no order shall be denied when the name change is requested for religious or legitimate cultural reasons or in recognition of marriage or dissolution of marriage. An offender under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections who receives an order changing his or her name shall submit a copy of the order to the department of corrections within five days of the entry of the order. Violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.

             (3) The district court shall collect the fees authorized by RCW 36.18.010 for filing and recording a name change order, and transmit the fee and the order to the county auditor. The court may collect a reasonable fee to cover the cost of transmitting the order to the county auditor.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             The department may require an offender who obtains an order under RCW 4.24.130 changing his or her name to use the name under which he or she was committed to the department during all official communications with department personnel and in all matters relating to the offender's incarceration or community supervision. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Milk and milk products produced by correctional industries shall be consumed or used, to the greatest extent possible, within the correctional system. Milk and milk products surplus to such consumption or use may be sold to local correctional facilities. Raw, bulk milk may be disposed of as prescribed in RCW 72.09.100.

             (2) In order for correctional industries to dispose of milk or milk products in a manner other than provided for in subsection (1) of this section, correctional industries shall: (a) Market milk in accordance with the provisions applicable to producers under the federal milk marketing order of the United States department of agriculture, or its successor marketing arrangement; and, (b) dispose of milk and milk products processed by correctional industries as a fully regulated handler under the federal order, or its successor marketing arrangement.

             Sec. 13. RCW 72.10.020 and 1989 c 157 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The department may develop and implement a health services plan for the delivery of health care services to ((inmates)) offenders in the department's ((custody)) correctional facilities, at the discretion of the secretary, and in conformity with state and federal law.

             (2) In order to discourage the unwarranted use of health care services caused by unnecessary visits to health care providers, offenders shall participate in the costs of their health care services by paying a nominal amount of no less than three dollars per visit, determined by the secretary. Pursuant to the authority granted in RCW 72.01.050(2), the secretary may authorize the superintendent to collect this amount for health care services directly from an offender's institution account. All copayments collected from offenders' institution accounts shall be deposited into the general fund.

             (3) Offenders are required to make copayments for health care visits that are offender initiated. Offenders are not required to pay for emergency treatment or for visits initiated by health care staff or treatment of those conditions that constitute a serious health care need.

             (4) No offender may be refused any health care service because of indigence.

             (5) At no time shall the withdrawal of funds for the payment of a medical service copayment result in reducing an offender's institution account to an amount less than the defined level of indigency as determined by the department. When an offender's institution account contains less money than the defined level of indigency at the time a copayment is assessed, the assessment shall be recorded as an outstanding debt and may be collected from an offender's institution account at any time sufficient funds become available.

             Sec. 14. RCW 72.10.010 and 1989 c 157 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             As used in this chapter:

             (1) "Department" means the department of corrections.

             (2) "Health care practitioner" means an individual or firm licensed or certified to actively engage in a regulated health profession.

             (3) "Health profession" means ((and includes)) those licensed or regulated professions set forth in RCW 18.120.020(4).

             (4) "Health care facility" means any hospital, hospice care center, licensed or certified health care facility, health maintenance organization regulated under chapter 48.46 RCW, federally qualified health maintenance organization, federally approved renal dialysis center or facility ((federally approved under 42 CFR 405.2100)), or federally licensed blood bank ((federally licensed under 21 CFR 607)).

             (5) "Health care services" means ((and includes)) medical, dental, and mental health care services.

             (6) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of corrections.

             (7) "Superintendent" means the superintendent of a correctional facility under the jurisdiction of the Washington state department of corrections.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. A new section is added to chapter 72.10 RCW to read as follows:

             No later than October 1, 1996, and every year thereafter, the department shall report to the legislature the following information for the preceding fiscal year: (1) The total number of health care visits made by offenders; (2) the total number of copayments assessed; (3) the total dollar amount of copayments collected; (4) the total number of copayments that were not assessed or collected due to an offender's indigence; and (5) the total number of copayments that were not assessed due to the serious or emergent nature of the health care treatment, or because the health care visit was not offender initiated. The first report prepared by the department shall include, at a minimum, all available information collected during the second half of fiscal year 1996.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. A new section is added to chapter 72.10 RCW to read as follows:

             Upon entry into the adult correctional system, offenders shall receive an initial medical examination. The department shall prepare a health profile for each offender that includes at least the following information: (1) An identification of the offender's serious medical and dental needs; (2) an evaluation of the offender's capacity for work and recreation; and (3) a financial assessment of the offender's ability to pay for all or a portion of his or her health care services from personal resources or private insurance.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. The department shall adopt rules to implement sections 13 through 16 of this act.

             Sec. 18. RCW 72.10.030 and 1989 c 157 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the secretary may enter into contracts with health care practitioners, health care facilities, and other entities or agents as may be necessary to provide basic medical care to inmates. The contracts shall not cause the termination of classified employees of the department rendering the services at the time the contract is executed.

             (2) In contracting for services, the secretary is authorized to provide for indemnification of health care practitioners who cannot obtain professional liability insurance through reasonable effort, from liability on any action, claim, or proceeding instituted against them arising out of the good faith performance or failure of performance of services on behalf of the department. The contracts may provide that for the purposes of chapter 4.92 RCW only, those health care practitioners with whom the department has contracted shall be considered state employees. The Washington state health care authority shall contract with a private research company to conduct a review of corrections health services to determine if certain components of the health services system such as dental care, eye care, or laboratory work, could be provided more efficiently by contracting out for the services. The review shall be submitted to the legislature by December 1, 1996. The decision to implement any recommendations made in the report regarding contracting out any or all components of the health services system shall be made by the legislature and not by the secretary.

             Sec. 19. RCW 9.94A.137 and 1993 c 338 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1)(a) An offender is eligible to be sentenced to a work ethic camp if the offender:

             (((a))) (i) Is sentenced to a term of total confinement of not less than ((twenty-two)) sixteen months or more than thirty-six months;

             (((b))) (ii) Is ((between the ages of)) eighteen ((and twenty-eight)) years of age or older; and

             (((c))) (iii) Has no current or prior convictions for any sex offenses or for violent offenses other than drug offenses for manufacturing, possession, delivery, or intent to deliver a controlled substance.

             (b) An offender is not eligible to participate in the work ethic camp if the offender is found, at any time, to be an illegal alien or the subject of a hard detainer or deportation order. Any offender who is found to be an illegal alien or becomes the subject of a hard detainer or deportation order after being sentenced to or beginning the work ethic camp shall be immediately removed from the work ethic camp program.

             (c) The length of the work ethic camp program shall be at least one hundred twenty days and not more than one hundred eighty days. Because of the conversion ratio, earned early release time shall not accrue to offenders who successfully complete the program.

             (2) If the sentencing judge determines that the offender is eligible for the work ethic camp and is likely to qualify under subsection (3) of this section, the judge shall impose a sentence within the standard range and may recommend that the offender serve the sentence at a work ethic camp. The sentence shall provide that if the offender successfully completes the program, the department shall convert the period of work ethic camp confinement at the rate of one day of work ethic camp confinement to three days of total standard confinement. ((The court shall also provide that upon completion of the work ethic camp program, the offender shall be released on community custody for any remaining time of total confinement.)) In sentencing an offender to the work ethic camp, the court shall specify: (i) That upon completion of the work ethic camp program, the offender shall be released on community custody for any remaining time of total confinement; (ii) the applicable conditions of supervision on community custody status as authorized by RCW 9.94A.120(8)(b) and (c); and (iii) which conditions, if violated, may result in a return to total confinement for the balance of the offender's remaining time of confinement. The department may identify offenders who are eligible for the work ethic camp and, with concurrence from the sentencing judge, may refer the offender to the work ethic camp and adjust time served and community custody requirements as prescribed in this section.

             (3) The department shall place the offender in the work ethic camp program, subject to capacity, unless (a) the department determines that the offender has physical or mental impairments that would prevent participation and completion of the program, (b) the department determines that the offender's custody level prevents placement in the program, or (c) the offender refuses to agree to the terms and conditions of the program.

             (((4))) (5) An ((inmate)) offender who fails to complete the work ethic camp program, who is administratively terminated from the program, or who otherwise violates any conditions of supervision, as defined by the department, shall be reclassified to serve the unexpired term of his or her sentence as ordered by the sentencing judge and shall be subject to all rules relating to earned early release time.

             (((5) The length of the work ethic camp program shall be at least one hundred twenty days and not more than one hundred eighty days. Because of the conversion ratio, earned early release time shall not accrue to offenders who successfully complete the program.))

             (6) During the last two weeks prior to release from the work ethic camp program the department shall provide the offender with comprehensive transition training.

             Sec. 20. RCW 9.94A.120 and 1994 c 1 s 2 (Initiative Measure No. 593) and 1993 c 31 s 3 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             When a person is convicted of a felony, the court shall impose punishment as provided in this section.

             (1) Except as authorized in subsections (2), (4), (5), and (7) of this section, the court shall impose a sentence within the sentence range for the offense.

             (2) The court may impose a sentence outside the standard sentence range for that offense if it finds, considering the purpose of this chapter, that there are substantial and compelling reasons justifying an exceptional sentence.

             (3) Whenever a sentence outside the standard range is imposed, the court shall set forth the reasons for its decision in written findings of fact and conclusions of law. A sentence outside the standard range shall be a determinate sentence.

             (4) A persistent offender shall be sentenced to a term of total confinement for life without the possibility of parole or, when authorized by RCW 10.95.030 for the crime of aggravated murder in the first degree, sentenced to death, notwithstanding the maximum sentence under any other law. An offender convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree shall be sentenced to a term of total confinement not less than twenty years. An offender convicted of the crime of assault in the first degree or assault of a child in the first degree where the offender used force or means likely to result in death or intended to kill the victim shall be sentenced to a term of total confinement not less than five years. An offender convicted of the crime of rape in the first degree shall be sentenced to a term of total confinement not less than five years. The foregoing minimum terms of total confinement are mandatory and shall not be varied or modified as provided in subsection (2) of this section. In addition, all offenders subject to the provisions of this subsection shall not be eligible for community custody, earned early release time, furlough, home detention, partial confinement, work crew, work release, or any other form of early release as defined under RCW 9.94A.150 (1), (2), (3), (5), (7), or (8), or any other form of authorized leave of absence from the correctional facility while not in the direct custody of a corrections officer or officers during such minimum terms of total confinement except in the case of an offender in need of emergency medical treatment or for the purpose of commitment to an inpatient treatment facility in the case of an offender convicted of the crime of rape in the first degree.

             (5) In sentencing a first-time offender the court may waive the imposition of a sentence within the sentence range and impose a sentence which may include up to ninety days of confinement in a facility operated or utilized under contract by the county and a requirement that the offender refrain from committing new offenses. The sentence may also include up to two years of community supervision, which, in addition to crime-related prohibitions, may include requirements that the offender perform any one or more of the following:

             (a) Devote time to a specific employment or occupation;

             (b) Undergo available outpatient treatment for up to two years, or inpatient treatment not to exceed the standard range of confinement for that offense;

             (c) Pursue a prescribed, secular course of study or vocational training;

             (d) Remain within prescribed geographical boundaries and notify the court or the community corrections officer prior to any change in the offender's address or employment;

             (e) Report as directed to the court and a community corrections officer; or

             (f) Pay all court-ordered legal financial obligations as provided in RCW 9.94A.030 and/or perform community service work.

             (6) If a sentence range has not been established for the defendant's crime, the court shall impose a determinate sentence which may include not more than one year of confinement, community service work, a term of community supervision not to exceed one year, and/or other legal financial obligations. The court may impose a sentence which provides more than one year of confinement if the court finds, considering the purpose of this chapter, that there are substantial and compelling reasons justifying an exceptional sentence.

             (7)(a)(i) When an offender is convicted of a sex offense other than a violation of RCW 9A.44.050 or a sex offense that is also a serious violent offense and has no prior convictions for a sex offense or any other felony sex offenses in this or any other state, the sentencing court, on its own motion or the motion of the state or the defendant, may order an examination to determine whether the defendant is amenable to treatment.

             The report of the examination shall include at a minimum the following: The defendant's version of the facts and the official version of the facts, the defendant's offense history, an assessment of problems in addition to alleged deviant behaviors, the offender's social and employment situation, and other evaluation measures used. The report shall set forth the sources of the evaluator's information.

             The examiner shall assess and report regarding the defendant's amenability to treatment and relative risk to the community. A proposed treatment plan shall be provided and shall include, at a minimum:

             (A) Frequency and type of contact between offender and therapist;

             (B) Specific issues to be addressed in the treatment and description of planned treatment modalities;

             (C) Monitoring plans, including any requirements regarding living conditions, lifestyle requirements, and monitoring by family members and others;

             (D) Anticipated length of treatment; and

             (E) Recommended crime-related prohibitions.

             The court on its own motion may order, or on a motion by the state shall order, a second examination regarding the offender's amenability to treatment. The evaluator shall be selected by the party making the motion. The defendant shall pay the cost of any second examination ordered unless the court finds the defendant to be indigent in which case the state shall pay the cost.

             (ii) After receipt of the reports, the court shall consider whether the offender and the community will benefit from use of this special sexual offender sentencing alternative and consider the victim's opinion whether the offender should receive a treatment disposition under this subsection. If the court determines that this special sex offender sentencing alternative is appropriate, the court shall then impose a sentence within the sentence range. If this sentence is less than eight years of confinement, the court may suspend the execution of the sentence and impose the following conditions of suspension:

             (A) The court shall place the defendant on community supervision for the length of the suspended sentence or three years, whichever is greater; and

             (B) The court shall order treatment for any period up to three years in duration. The court in its discretion shall order outpatient sex offender treatment or inpatient sex offender treatment, if available. A community mental health center may not be used for such treatment unless it has an appropriate program designed for sex offender treatment. The offender shall not change sex offender treatment providers or treatment conditions without first notifying the prosecutor, the community corrections officer, and the court, and shall not change providers without court approval after a hearing if the prosecutor or community corrections officer object to the change. In addition, as conditions of the suspended sentence, the court may impose other sentence conditions including up to six months of confinement, not to exceed the sentence range of confinement for that offense, crime-related prohibitions, and requirements that the offender perform any one or more of the following:

             (I) Devote time to a specific employment or occupation;

             (II) Remain within prescribed geographical boundaries and notify the court or the community corrections officer prior to any change in the offender's address or employment;

             (III) Report as directed to the court and a community corrections officer;

             (IV) Pay all court-ordered legal financial obligations as provided in RCW 9.94A.030, perform community service work, or any combination thereof; or

             (V) Make recoupment to the victim for the cost of any counseling required as a result of the offender's crime.

             (iii) The sex offender therapist shall submit quarterly reports on the defendant's progress in treatment to the court and the parties. The report shall reference the treatment plan and include at a minimum the following: Dates of attendance, defendant's compliance with requirements, treatment activities, the defendant's relative progress in treatment, and any other material as specified by the court at sentencing.

             (iv) At the time of sentencing, the court shall set a treatment termination hearing for three months prior to the anticipated date for completion of treatment. Prior to the treatment termination hearing, the treatment professional and community corrections officer shall submit written reports to the court and parties regarding the defendant's compliance with treatment and monitoring requirements, and recommendations regarding termination from treatment, including proposed community supervision conditions. Either party may request and the court may order another evaluation regarding the advisability of termination from treatment. The defendant shall pay the cost of any additional evaluation ordered unless the court finds the defendant to be indigent in which case the state shall pay the cost. At the treatment termination hearing the court may: (A) Modify conditions of community supervision, and either (B) terminate treatment, or (C) extend treatment for up to the remaining period of community supervision.

             (v) The court may revoke the suspended sentence at any time during the period of community supervision and order execution of the sentence if: (A) The defendant violates the conditions of the suspended sentence, or (B) the court finds that the defendant is failing to make satisfactory progress in treatment. All confinement time served during the period of community supervision shall be credited to the offender if the suspended sentence is revoked.

             (vi) Except as provided in (a)(vii) of this subsection, after July 1, 1991, examinations and treatment ordered pursuant to this subsection shall only be conducted by sex offender treatment providers certified by the department of health pursuant to chapter 18.155 RCW.

             (vii) A sex offender therapist who examines or treats a sex offender pursuant to this subsection (7) does not have to be certified by the department of health pursuant to chapter 18.155 RCW if the court finds that: (A) The offender has already moved to another state or plans to move to another state for reasons other than circumventing the certification requirements; (B) no certified providers are available for treatment within a reasonable geographical distance of the offender's home; and (C) the evaluation and treatment plan comply with this subsection (7) and the rules adopted by the department of health.

             For purposes of this subsection, "victim" means any person who has sustained emotional, psychological, physical, or financial injury to person or property as a result of the crime charged. "Victim" also means a parent or guardian of a victim who is a minor child unless the parent or guardian is the perpetrator of the offense.

             (b) When an offender is convicted of any felony sex offense committed before July 1, 1987, and is sentenced to a term of confinement of more than one year but less than six years, the sentencing court may, on its own motion or on the motion of the offender or the state, order the offender committed for up to thirty days to the custody of the secretary of social and health services for evaluation and report to the court on the offender's amenability to treatment at these facilities. If the secretary of social and health services cannot begin the evaluation within thirty days of the court's order of commitment, the offender shall be transferred to the state for confinement pending an opportunity to be evaluated at the appropriate facility. The court shall review the reports and may order that the term of confinement imposed be served in the sexual offender treatment program at the location determined by the secretary of social and health services or the secretary's designee, only if the report indicates that the offender is amenable to the treatment program provided at these facilities. The offender shall be transferred to the state pending placement in the treatment program. Any offender who has escaped from the treatment program shall be referred back to the sentencing court.

             If the offender does not comply with the conditions of the treatment program, the secretary of social and health services may refer the matter to the sentencing court. The sentencing court shall commit the offender to the department of corrections to serve the balance of the term of confinement.

             If the offender successfully completes the treatment program before the expiration of the term of confinement, the court may convert the balance of confinement to community supervision and may place conditions on the offender including crime-related prohibitions and requirements that the offender perform any one or more of the following:

             (i) Devote time to a specific employment or occupation;

             (ii) Remain within prescribed geographical boundaries and notify the court or the community corrections officer prior to any change in the offender's address or employment;

             (iii) Report as directed to the court and a community corrections officer;

             (iv) Undergo available outpatient treatment.

             If the offender violates any of the terms of community supervision, the court may order the offender to serve out the balance of the community supervision term in confinement in the custody of the department of corrections.

             After June 30, 1993, this subsection (b) shall cease to have effect.

             (c) When an offender commits any felony sex offense on or after July 1, 1987, and is sentenced to a term of confinement of more than one year but less than six years, the sentencing court may, on its own motion or on the motion of the offender or the state, request the department of corrections to evaluate whether the offender is amenable to treatment and the department may place the offender in a treatment program within a correctional facility operated by the department.

             Except for an offender who has been convicted of a violation of RCW 9A.44.040 or 9A.44.050, if the offender completes the treatment program before the expiration of his or her term of confinement, the department of corrections may request the court to convert the balance of confinement to community supervision and to place conditions on the offender including crime-related prohibitions and requirements that the offender perform any one or more of the following:

             (i) Devote time to a specific employment or occupation;

             (ii) Remain within prescribed geographical boundaries and notify the court or the community corrections officer prior to any change in the offender's address or employment;

             (iii) Report as directed to the court and a community corrections officer;

             (iv) Undergo available outpatient treatment.

             If the offender violates any of the terms of his or her community supervision, the court may order the offender to serve out the balance of his or her community supervision term in confinement in the custody of the department of corrections.

             Nothing in (c) of this subsection shall confer eligibility for such programs for offenders convicted and sentenced for a sex offense committed prior to July 1, 1987. This subsection (c) does not apply to any crime committed after July 1, 1990.

             (d) Offenders convicted and sentenced for a sex offense committed prior to July 1, 1987, may, subject to available funds, request an evaluation by the department of corrections to determine whether they are amenable to treatment. If the offender is determined to be amenable to treatment, the offender may request placement in a treatment program within a correctional facility operated by the department. Placement in such treatment program is subject to available funds.

             (8)(a) When a court sentences a person to a term of total confinement to the custody of the department of corrections for an offense categorized as a sex offense or a serious violent offense committed after July 1, 1988, but before July 1, 1990, assault in the second degree, assault of a child in the second degree, any crime against a person where it is determined in accordance with RCW 9.94A.125 that the defendant or an accomplice was armed with a deadly weapon at the time of commission, or any felony offense under chapter 69.50 or 69.52 RCW, committed on or after July 1, 1988, the court shall in addition to the other terms of the sentence, sentence the offender to a one-year term of community placement beginning either upon completion of the term of confinement or at such time as the offender is transferred to community custody in lieu of earned early release in accordance with RCW 9.94A.150 (1) and (2). When the court sentences an offender under this subsection to the statutory maximum period of confinement then the community placement portion of the sentence shall consist entirely of such community custody to which the offender may become eligible, in accordance with RCW 9.94A.150 (1) and (2). Any period of community custody actually served shall be credited against the community placement portion of the sentence.

             (b) When a court sentences a person to a term of total confinement to the custody of the department of corrections for an offense categorized as a sex offense or serious violent offense committed on or after July 1, 1990, the court shall in addition to other terms of the sentence, sentence the offender to community placement for two years or up to the period of earned early release awarded pursuant to RCW 9.94A.150 (1) and (2), whichever is longer. The community placement shall begin either upon completion of the term of confinement or at such time as the offender is transferred to community custody in lieu of earned early release in accordance with RCW 9.94A.150 (1) and (2). When the court sentences an offender under this subsection to the statutory maximum period of confinement then the community placement portion of the sentence shall consist entirely of the community custody to which the offender may become eligible, in accordance with RCW 9.94A.150 (1) and (2). Any period of community custody actually served shall be credited against the community placement portion of the sentence. Unless a condition is waived by the court, the terms of community placement for offenders sentenced pursuant to this section shall include the following conditions:

             (i) The offender shall report to and be available for contact with the assigned community corrections officer as directed;

             (ii) The offender shall work at department of corrections-approved education, employment, and/or community service;

             (iii) The offender shall not consume controlled substances except pursuant to lawfully issued prescriptions;

             (iv) An offender in community custody shall not unlawfully possess controlled substances;

             (v) The offender shall pay supervision fees as determined by the department of corrections; and

             (vi) The residence location and living arrangements are subject to the prior approval of the department of corrections during the period of community placement.

             (c) The court may also order any of the following special conditions:

             (i) The offender shall remain within, or outside of, a specified geographical boundary;

             (ii) The offender shall not have direct or indirect contact with the victim of the crime or a specified class of individuals;

             (iii) The offender shall participate in crime-related treatment or counseling services;

             (iv) The offender shall not consume alcohol; or

             (v) The offender shall comply with any crime-related prohibitions.

             (d) As a part of any sentence providing for conversion from total confinement to community custody pursuant to RCW 9.94A.137(2) after successful completion of a work ethic camp program, the court shall impose and enforce the conditions enumerated in (b) of this subsection and may order any of the special conditions enumerated in (c) of this subsection, including a prohibition against new felony convictions. The court shall specify which of the conditions, if violated, may result in a return to total confinement for the balance of the offender's remaining term of confinement.

             (e) Prior to transfer to, or during, community placement, any conditions of community placement may be removed or modified so as not to be more restrictive by the sentencing court, upon recommendation of the department of corrections.

             (9) If the court imposes a sentence requiring confinement of thirty days or less, the court may, in its discretion, specify that the sentence be served on consecutive or intermittent days. A sentence requiring more than thirty days of confinement shall be served on consecutive days. Local jail administrators may schedule court-ordered intermittent sentences as space permits.

             (10) If a sentence imposed includes payment of a legal financial obligation, the sentence shall specify the total amount of the legal financial obligation owed, and shall require the offender to pay a specified monthly sum toward that legal financial obligation. Restitution to victims shall be paid prior to any other payments of monetary obligations. Any legal financial obligation that is imposed by the court may be collected by the department, which shall deliver the amount paid to the county clerk for credit. The offender's compliance with payment of legal financial obligations shall be supervised by the department. All monetary payments ordered shall be paid no later than ten years after the last date of release from confinement pursuant to a felony conviction or the date the sentence was entered. Independent of the department, the party or entity to whom the legal financial obligation is owed shall have the authority to utilize any other remedies available to the party or entity to collect the legal financial obligation. Nothing in this section makes the department, the state, or any of its employees, agents, or other persons acting on their behalf liable under any circumstances for the payment of these legal financial obligations. If an order includes restitution as one of the monetary assessments, the county clerk shall make disbursements to victims named in the order.

             (11) Except as provided under RCW 9.94A.140(1) and 9.94A.142(1), a court may not impose a sentence providing for a term of confinement or community supervision or community placement which exceeds the statutory maximum for the crime as provided in chapter 9A.20 RCW.

             (12) All offenders sentenced to terms involving community supervision, community service, community placement, or legal financial obligation shall be under the supervision of the secretary of the department of corrections or such person as the secretary may designate and shall follow explicitly the instructions of the secretary including reporting as directed to a community corrections officer, remaining within prescribed geographical boundaries, notifying the community corrections officer of any change in the offender's address or employment, and paying the supervision fee assessment. The department may require offenders to pay for special services rendered on or after July 25, 1993, including electronic monitoring, day reporting, and telephone reporting, dependent upon the offender's ability to pay. The department may pay for these services for offenders who are not able to pay.

             (13) All offenders sentenced to terms involving community supervision, community service, or community placement under the supervision of the department of corrections shall not own, use, or possess firearms or ammunition. Offenders who own, use, or are found to be in actual or constructive possession of firearms or ammunition shall be subject to the appropriate violation process and sanctions. "Constructive possession" as used in this subsection means the power and intent to control the firearm or ammunition. "Firearm" as used in this subsection means a weapon or device from which a projectile may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder.

             (14) The sentencing court shall give the offender credit for all confinement time served before the sentencing if that confinement was solely in regard to the offense for which the offender is being sentenced.

             (15) A departure from the standards in RCW 9.94A.400 (1) and (2) governing whether sentences are to be served consecutively or concurrently is an exceptional sentence subject to the limitations in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, and may be appealed by the defendant or the state as set forth in RCW 9.94A.210 (2) through (6).

             (16) The court shall order restitution whenever the offender is convicted of a felony that results in injury to any person or damage to or loss of property, whether the offender is sentenced to confinement or placed under community supervision, unless extraordinary circumstances exist that make restitution inappropriate in the court's judgment. The court shall set forth the extraordinary circumstances in the record if it does not order restitution.

             (17) As a part of any sentence, the court may impose and enforce an order that relates directly to the circumstances of the crime for which the offender has been convicted, prohibiting the offender from having any contact with other specified individuals or a specific class of individuals for a period not to exceed the maximum allowable sentence for the crime, regardless of the expiration of the offender's term of community supervision or community placement.

             (18) In any sentence of partial confinement, the court may require the defendant to serve the partial confinement in work release, in a program of home detention, on work crew, or in a combined program of work crew and home detention.

             (19) All court-ordered legal financial obligations collected by the department and remitted to the county clerk shall be credited and paid where restitution is ordered. Restitution shall be paid prior to any other payments of monetary obligations.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 21. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The department shall establish an illegal alien offender transition camp and be ready to assign inmates to the camp no later than July 1, 1996. The secretary shall locate the illegal alien offender transition camp within an already existing department compound or facility.

             (2) The department shall develop all aspects of the illegal alien offender transition camp program including, but not limited to, residential arrangements, program standards, conduct standards, individual and team work goals, and measures to hold the offender accountable for his or her behavior. The secretary shall define successful completion of the program, based on successful attendance, participation, and performance. The illegal alien offender transition camp shall be designed and implemented so that offenders are engaged in work activities and unstructured time is kept to a minimum. The standards for work performance, physical work activities, and offenders' rights and responsibilities shall be equivalent to those of the work ethic camp for general inmates.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 22. A new section is added to chapter 9.94A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) An offender is eligible to be sentenced to an illegal alien offender transition camp if the offender:

             (a) Is an illegal alien who can be released to the United States immigration and naturalization service for deportation at the time of the offender's release from the camp;

             (b) Is sentenced to a term of total confinement of not less than sixteen or more than thirty-six months;

             (c) Is eighteen years of age or older;

             (d) Has no current or prior convictions for any sex offenses or violent offenses other than drug offenses for manufacturing, possession, delivery, or intent to deliver a controlled substance; and

             (e) Agrees in writing as required by subsection (5) of this section to the terms and conditions for participation.

             (2) The length of the illegal alien offender transition camp program shall be at least one hundred twenty days and not more than one hundred eighty days.

             (3) If the sentencing judge determines that an offender is potentially eligible for the illegal alien offender transition camp and is likely to meet the requirements of subsection (6) of this section, the judge shall impose a sentence of total standard confinement within the standard range and shall recommend that the offender serve the sentence at an illegal alien offender transition camp. The sentence shall provide that the offender shall serve one day in the transition camp for every three days of total standard confinement. In sentencing an offender to the illegal alien offender transition camp, the court shall specify that: (a) Upon completion of the illegal alien offender transition camp program, the offender shall be released within ten days to the custody of the immigration and naturalization service to be deported to his or her native country; and (b) in the event an offender cannot be released to the custody of the immigration and naturalization service within ten days, the department may detain the offender in the illegal alien offender transition camp for up to sixty days.

             (4) The department may identify offenders under its jurisdiction who are or become eligible for the illegal alien offender transition camp and, with concurrence from the sentencing judge and the prosecuting attorney, may refer the offenders to the illegal alien offender transition camp and adjust time served as prescribed in subsection (2) of this section.

             (5) The department shall notify the immigration and naturalization service of all suspected illegal alien offenders under its jurisdiction and request that the immigration and naturalization service begin deportation proceedings as expeditiously as possible. The department, in cooperation with the immigration and naturalization service, shall seek accelerated hearings for all suspected illegal aliens under its jurisdiction to facilitate their removal from the country upon their release by the department as soon as possible.

             (6) An illegal alien offender who meets the eligibility requirements of subsection (1)(a) through (d) of this section shall be informed by the sentencing court or the department of his or her potential for participating in the illegal alien offender transition camp. The terms and conditions of the illegal alien offender transition camp shall be provided to the illegal alien offender, both verbally and in writing, in his or her native language. An illegal alien offender must agree in writing to the terms and conditions of the illegal alien offender transition camp at the time of sentencing or at the time of transfer to the camp.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The secretary shall establish, at each institution with an inmate population of more than one hundred, a corrections advisory team. The team shall consist of two representatives from management personnel, two representatives from personnel represented by an exclusive bargaining unit selected by those personnel, and not more than three persons from among the education or work programs operating within the institution. The secretary shall invite other groups to select a representative to serve on the team, including but not limited to the following:

             (a) The superior court judges in the county in which the institution is located;

             (b) The prosecuting attorney for the county in which the institution is located;

             (c) An organization whose primary purpose is legal representation of persons accused or convicted of crimes;

             (d) A sheriff or police chief whose jurisdiction includes or is in close proximity of the institution; and

             (e) An organization whose primary purpose is advocacy of the interests of crime victims.

             (2) The team shall have the following duties:

             (a) Review existing or proposed work and education programs for the purpose of commenting on the program's cost-effectiveness and impact on recidivism;

             (b) Suggest revisions in existing, or addition of new, programs in the institution; and

             (c) Identify cost-saving opportunities in institution operations.

             (3) The superintendent of each institution identified in this section shall annually prepare a report to the secretary on the work of the team in his or her institution. The report shall include the superintendent's response to recommendations made by the team. The secretary shall collect and forward the reports to the legislature not later than December 1 of each year, together with such recommendations as the secretary finds appropriate.

             (4) The secretary shall provide reasonably necessary support, within available funds, for the teams to carry out their duties under this section.

             (5) Members of a team shall be eligible for travel expenses and per diem under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 24. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) There is hereby created a joint committee on corrections cost-efficiencies oversight. The committee shall consist of: (a) Two members of the senate appointed by the president of the senate, one of whom shall be a member of the majority party and one of whom shall be a member of the minority party; and (b) two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the majority party and one of whom shall be a member of the minority party.

             (2) The committee shall elect a chair and a vice-chair. The chair shall be a member of the senate in even-numbered years and a member of the house of representatives in odd-numbered years.

             (3) The committee shall have the following powers and duties:

             (a) Review all reports required under section 29 of this act;

             (b) Review all reports and recommendations submitted by the corrections advisory teams under section 23 of this act;

             (c) Initiate or review studies relevant to the issues of corrections cost-efficiencies and programmatic improvements;

             (d) Review all rules proposed by the department of corrections to ensure consistency with the purpose of chapter . . ., Laws of 1995 (this act);

             (e) Periodically make recommendations to the legislature and the governor regarding corrections cost-efficiencies and programmatic improvements; and

             (f) By December 1, 1996, report to the legislature on the amount of actual and projected cost savings within the department during the 1995-97 biennium and report its further recommendations to address expenditure growth in the department.

             (4) The joint committee on corrections oversight shall terminate on July 1, 1997.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 25. The legislature finds that the responsibility for criminal activity should fall squarely on the criminal. To the greatest extent possible society should not be expected to have to pay the price for crimes twice, once for the criminal activity and again by feeding, clothing, and housing the criminal. The corrections system should be the first place criminals are given the opportunity to be responsible for paying for their criminal act, not just through the loss of their personal freedom, but by making financial contributions to alleviate the pain and suffering of victims of crime.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 26. A new section is added to chapter 72.09 RCW to read as follows:

             Each year the department shall transfer twenty-five percent of the total annual revenues and receipts received in each institutional betterment fund subaccount to the department of labor and industries for the purpose of providing direct benefits to crime victims through the crime victims' compensation program as outlined in chapter 7.68 RCW. This transfer takes priority over any expenditure of betterment funds and shall be reflected on the monthly financial statements of each institution's betterment fund subaccount.

             Any funds so transferred to the department of labor and industries shall be in addition to the crime victims' compensation amount provided in an omnibus appropriation bill. It is the intent of the legislature that the funds forecasted or transferred pursuant to this section shall not reduce the funding levels provided by appropriation.

             Sec. 27. RCW 7.68.090 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 122 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

             The director shall establish such fund or funds, separate from existing funds, necessary to administer this chapter, and payment to these funds shall be from legislative appropriation, statutory provision, reimbursement and subrogation as provided in this chapter, and from any contributions or grants specifically so directed.

             Sec. 28. RCW 43.17.200 and 1983 c 204 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             All state agencies including all state departments, boards, councils, commissions, and quasi public corporations shall allocate, as a nondeductible item, out of any moneys appropriated for the original construction of any public building, an amount of one-half of one percent of the appropriation to be expended by the Washington state arts commission for the acquisition of works of art created by Washington state artists. The works of art may be placed on public lands, integral to or attached to a public building or structure, detached within or outside a public building or structure, part of a portable exhibition or collection, part of a temporary exhibition, or loaned or exhibited in other public facilities. In addition to the cost of the works of art the one-half of one percent of the appropriation as provided herein shall be used to provide for the administration of the visual arts program by the Washington state arts commission and all costs for installation of the works of art. For the purpose of this section building shall not include highway construction sheds, warehouses, or other buildings of a temporary nature.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 29. The department of corrections shall conduct the following reviews and prepare the following reports:

             (1) The secretary shall review the feasibility and desirability of reducing the use of paid educational and vocational instructors by increasing the use of volunteer instructors and implementing technological efficiencies. Upon completion of the review, the secretary shall submit a report of the secretary's findings and recommendations to the legislature and the joint committee on corrections cost-efficiencies oversight by December 1, 1995.

             (2) The secretary shall seek federal funding for the incarceration of undocumented felons. The secretary shall also pursue amendments to the federal transfer treaty program to facilitate deportation of undocumented alien offenders, specifically current treaties that require voluntary participation by the offender and loss of jurisdiction by the sending agency. The secretary shall seek enforcement of and pursue amendments to current federal sanctions for alien reentry, specifically amendments to the allowance of at least two prior felony convictions and at least two prior deportations before indictment for reentry is considered. The secretary shall submit a report on the secretary's progress to the legislature and the joint committee on corrections cost-efficiencies oversight by December 1, 1995.

             (3) The secretary shall review current perimeter security technologies and designs that could minimize or eliminate the need for staffed perimeter guard towers at medium and maximum custody correctional institutions. Upon completion of the review, the secretary shall submit a report to the legislature and the joint committee on corrections cost-efficiencies oversight on the secretary's findings and recommendations by December 1, 1995.

             (4) The secretary shall review the feasibility and desirability of implementing a "hot bunking" or "stacking" system that would allow prison beds to be used on a rotational basis. The review shall include at least the following: (a) A fiscal analysis of the capital and operating costs of implementing a twelve-hour scheduled rotation where each prison cell and bed could be used by multiple inmates; and (b) an analysis of how the department would address safety issues that might arise from a rotation system that increases the amount of time inmates would spend out of their cells. Upon completion of the review, the secretary shall submit a report to the legislature and the joint committee on corrections cost-efficiencies oversight on the secretary's findings and recommendations by December 1, 1995.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 30. The department shall cooperate in the preparation of the following reviews and reports:

             (1) The legislative budget committee shall review staffing ratios within the department. The review shall identify the ratio of management to nonmanagement staff and the distribution of management and nonmanagement staff throughout each of the department's divisions, institutions, and programs. Upon completion of the review, the legislative budget committee shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature and the advisory team by December 1, 1995. If specific funding for the purpose of this subsection is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this section is null and void.

             (2) The office of the state auditor shall review the department's budgeting process and operating budget request to the governor for the 1995-97 biennium. Upon completion of the review, the office of the state auditor shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature and the advisory team by December 1, 1995. If specific funding for the purpose of this subsection is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this section is null and void.

             (3) The correctional industries board of directors and the secretary shall jointly review all current and proposed education and vocational training programs provided by the department. The review shall identify whether the curriculum corresponds to current and proposed correctional industries jobs and whether the curriculum teaches skills relevant to employment opportunities inmates may qualify for after they are released. Upon completion of the review, the board and the secretary shall submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to the legislature and the secretary by December 1, 1995.

             (4) The correctional industries board of directors shall review the feasibility and desirability of establishing a recreational, health, and fitness program that employs inmates to support department recreational, health, and fitness activities. Upon completion of the review, the board shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature and the secretary by December 1, 1995.

             (5) The department of transportation shall review the feasibility and desirability of privatizing the department of corrections marine transportation fleet, operation, or both. The review shall include a comparison of department employee salaries with equivalent private marine positions salaries. Upon completion of the review, the department of transportation shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature and the advisory team by December 1, 1995.

             (6) The office of financial management and the department of general administration shall jointly review the food planning model developed by the department of corrections for possible extrapolation to a uniform, state-wide planning, purchasing, and distribution of food and food products for state institutions, including but not limited to prisons, juvenile correctional institutions, and state hospitals. Upon completion of the review, the office of financial management and the department of general administration shall submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to the legislature and the advisory team by December 1, 1995.

             (7) The printing and duplicating management center in the department of general administration shall review the feasibility and desirability of establishing as a class II correctional industry within one or more correctional institutions, a print shop and printers apprenticeship program. Upon completion of the review, the center shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature and the secretary by December 1, 1995.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 31. This act shall be known as the department of corrections cost-efficiency and inmate responsibility and accountability omnibus act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 32. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 33. If specific funding for the purpose of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act shall be null and void."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "corrections;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 72.09.010, 72.09.015, 72.09.020, 72.09.130, 4.24.130, 72.10.020, 72.10.010, 72.10.030, 9.94A.137, 7.68.090, and 43.17.200; reenacting and amending RCW 9.94A.120; adding new sections to chapter 72.09 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 72.10 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 9.94A RCW; creating new sections; and prescribing penalties."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Ballasiotes moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2010 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) appointed Representatives Ballasiotes, Schoesler and Quall as Conferees on Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2010.

             There being no objection, all bills passed today will be immediately transmitted to the Senate.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) declared the House to be at ease.

             The Speaker called the House to order.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5162 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             On motion of Representative Carlson, the rules were suspended and Substitute Senate Bill No. 5162 was returned to second reading for the purpose of an amendment.

             There being no objection, the House reverted to the sixth order of business.


             SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5162, by Senate Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Senators Bauer, Oke, Snyder, Hargrove, Haugen, Kohl, C. Anderson and Winsley)


Changing the Vietnam veterans' tuition exemption.

             The bill was read the second time.

             Representative Carlson moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Carlson:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause, set aside all previous amendments to the bill, and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 28B.15.620 and 1994 c 208 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The legislature finds that military and naval veterans who have served their country in wars on foreign soil have risked their own lives to defend both the lives of all Americans and the freedoms that define and distinguish our nation. The legislature also finds that veterans of the Vietnam conflict suffered during and after the war as the country anguished over its involvement in the conflict. It is the intent of the legislature to honor Vietnam veterans for the public service they have provided to their country. It is the further intent of the legislature that, for eligible Vietnam veterans, colleges and universities waive tuition and fee increases that have occurred since October 1, 1977.

             (2) Subject to the limitations of RCW 28B.15.910, the governing boards of the state universities, the regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and the community colleges may exempt veterans of the Vietnam conflict who have served in the southeast Asia theater of operations from the payment of all or a portion of any increase in tuition and fees that occur after October 1, 1977, if the veteran qualifies as a resident student under RCW 28B.15.012((, was enrolled in state institutions of higher education on or before May 7, 1990, and meets the requirements of subsection (2) of this section)).

             (((2) Beginning with the fall academic term of 1994, veterans receiving the exemption under subsection (1) of this section must meet these additional requirements:

             (a) Remain continuously enrolled for seven or more quarter credits per academic term or their equivalent, except summer term and not including community service courses;

             (b) Have an adjusted gross family income as most recently reported to the internal revenue service that does not exceed Washington state's median family income as established by the federal bureau of the census; and

             (c) Have exhausted all entitlement to federal vocational or educational benefits conferred by virtue of their military service.))

             (3) For the purposes of this section, "veterans of the Vietnam conflict" shall be those persons who have been on active federal service as a member of the armed military or ((navel)) naval forces of the United States between a period commencing August 5, 1964, and ending on May 7, 1975.

             (4) This section shall expire June 30, ((1997)) 1999."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "veterans;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 28B.15.620."

             Representatives Carlson and Jacobsen spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             There being no objection, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.


             On motion of Representative Talcott, Representative Lambert was excused.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5162 as amended by the House.

             Representative Carlson spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5162 as amended by the House, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 94, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 94.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Foreman, Lambert and Patterson - 4.

             Substitute Senate Bill No. 5162, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             There being no objection, the House advanced to the seventh order of business.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5121 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

             There being no objection, the House deferred further consideration of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121 and the bill held it's place on today's calendar.


April 18, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5157 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             On motion of Representative Fuhrman, the rules were suspended and Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5157 was returned to second reading for the purpose of an amendment.

             Representatives Fuhrman and Hatfield spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.

             There being no objection, the House reverted to the sixth order of business.


             SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5157, by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Owen, Drew, Sutherland, Hargrove, Oke and Haugen)


Providing for conspicuous external marking of hatchery produced chinook salmon and coho salmon.

             The bill was read the second time.

             Representative Fuhrman moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Fuhrman:

             On page 1, after line 14, insert the following:

             "The legislature further declares that the establishment of other incentives for commercial fishing and fish processing in Washington will complement the program of selective harvest in mixed stock fisheries anticipated by this legislation."

             On page 2, after line 28, insert the following:

             "Sec. 4. RCW 82.27.010 and 1985 c 413 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

             (1) "Enhanced food fish" includes all species of food fish, except all species of tuna, mackerel, and jack; shellfish((,)); and anadromous game fish, including byproducts and parts thereof, originating within the territorial and adjacent waters of Washington and salmon originating from within the territorial and adjacent waters of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, and all troll-caught Chinook salmon originating from within the territorial and adjacent waters of southeast Alaska. As used in this subsection, "adjacent" waters of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska are those comprising the United States fish conservation zone; "adjacent" waters of British Columbia are those comprising the Canadian two hundred mile exclusive economic zone; and "southeast Alaska" means that portion of Alaska south and east of Cape Suckling to the Canadian border. For purposes of this chapter, point of origination is established by a document which identifies the product and state or province in which it originates, including, but not limited to fish tickets, bills of lading, invoices, or other documentation required to be kept by governmental agencies.

             (2) "Commercial" means related to or connected with buying, selling, bartering, or processing.

             (3) "Possession" means the control of enhanced food fish by the owner and includes both actual and constructive possession. Constructive possession occurs when the person has legal ownership but not actual possession of the enhanced food fish.

             (4) "Anadromous game fish" means steelhead trout and anadromous cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden char and includes byproducts and also parts of anadromous game fish, whether fresh, frozen, canned, or otherwise.

             (5) "Landed" means the act of physically placing enhanced food fish (a) on a tender in the territorial waters of Washington; or (b) on any land within or without the state of Washington including wharves, piers, or any such extensions therefrom."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "salmon;" insert "amending RCW 82.27.010;"

             Representative Fuhrman spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             There being no objection, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

             Representatives Fuhrman and Basich spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5157 as amended by the House.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5157 as amended by the House, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 94, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 94.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Foreman, Lambert and Patterson - 4.

             Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5157, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             The Speaker called on Representative Horn to preside.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5011 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Buck moved that the House grant the request for a conference on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5011.

             Representatives Buck and Basich spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) appointed Representatives Buck, Beeksma and Sheldon as Conferees on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5011.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) declared the House to be at ease.

             The Speaker called the House to order.

             The Speaker called on Representative Horn to preside.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1589 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 43.70 RCW to read as follows:

             QUALITY ASSURANCE--INTERAGENCY COOPERATION--ELIMINATION AND COORDINATION OF DUPLICATE STATE PROGRAMS. No later than July 1, 1995, the department of health together with the health care authority, the department of social and health services, the office of the insurance commissioner, and the department of labor and industries shall form an interagency group for coordination and consultation on quality assurance activities. By December 31, 1996, the group shall review all state agency programs governing health service quality assurance and shall recommend to the legislature, the consolidation, coordination, or elimination of rules and programs that would be made unnecessary pursuant to the development of a uniform quality assurance and improvement program.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 48.43 RCW to read as follows:

             No public or private health care payer subject to the jurisdiction of the state of Washington shall propose, issue, sign, or renew a provider agreement or enrollee service agreement that contains a clause whose effect, in any way, is to disclaim liability for the care delivered or not delivered to an enrollee because of a decision of the payer as to whether the care was a covered service, medically necessary, economically provided, medically appropriate, or similar consideration. Similarly, no clause shall attempt to shift liability for harm caused by such payer decision as to whether care should be delivered, as opposed to paid for, is between the provider and patient alone as if the fact of whether or not care is paid for played little or no role in a patient's decision to obtain care. Nothing in this section shall be inferred to result in liability to anyone for the payer's payment decisions that are consistent with the language of the applicable service agreement or consistent with the cost-effective delivery of health care. The intent of this section is only to prevent payers from shifting their liability for payment decisions to either providers, or enrollees, or both.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. MANAGED COMPETITION--FINDINGS AND INTENT. (1) The legislature recognizes that competition among health care providers, facilities, payers, and purchasers will yield the best allocation of health care resources, the lowest prices for health care, and the highest quality of health care when there exists a large number of buyers and sellers, easily comparable health care plans and services, minimal barriers to entry and exit into the health care market, and adequate information for buyers and sellers to base purchasing and production decisions. However, the legislature finds that purchasers of health care services and health care coverage do not have adequate information upon which to base purchasing decisions; that health care facilities and providers of health care services face legal and market disincentives to develop economies of scale or to provide the most cost-efficient and efficacious service; that health carriers face market disincentives in providing health care coverage to those Washington residents with the most need for health care coverage; and that potential competitors in the provision of health care coverage bear unequal burdens in entering the market for health care coverage.

             (2) The legislature therefore intends to exempt from state anti-trust laws, and to provide immunity from federal anti-trust laws through the state action doctrine for activities approved under this chapter that might otherwise be constrained by such laws and intends to displace competition in the health care market: To contain the aggregate cost of health care services; to promote the development of comprehensive, integrated, and cost-effective health care delivery systems through cooperative activities among health care providers and facilities; to promote comparability of health care coverage; to improve the cost-effectiveness in providing health care coverage relative to health promotion, disease prevention, and the amelioration or cure of illness; to assure universal access to a publicly determined, standard package of health care benefits; and to create reasonable equity in the distribution of funds, treatment, and medical risk among purchasers of health care coverage, payers of health care services, providers of health care services, health care facilities, and Washington residents. To these ends, any lawful action taken pursuant to chapter 492, Laws of 1993, by any person or entity created or regulated by chapter 492, Laws of 1993, are declared to be taken pursuant to state statute and in furtherance of the public purposes of the state of Washington.

             (3) The legislature does not intend and unless explicitly permitted in accordance with section 4 of this act or under rules adopted pursuant to chapter 492, Laws of 1993, does not authorize any person or entity to engage in activities or to conspire to engage in activities that would constitute per se violations of state and federal anti-trust laws including but not limited to conspiracies or agreements:

             (a) Among competing health care providers not to grant discounts, not to provide services, or to fix the price of their services;

             (b) Among health carriers as to the price or level of reimbursement for health care services;

             (c) Among health carriers to boycott a group or class of health care service providers;

             (d) Among purchasers of health plans to boycott a particular carrier or class of carriers;

             (e) Among health carriers to divide the market for health care coverage; or

             (f) Among health carriers and purchasers to attract or discourage enrollment of any Washington resident or groups of residents in a health carrier based upon the perceived or actual risk of loss in including such resident or group of residents in a health carrier or subscriber purchasing group.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. MANAGED COMPETITION--COMPETITIVE OVERSIGHT--ATTORNEY GENERAL DUTIES--ANTI-TRUST IMMUNITY. (1) A health carrier, health care facility, health care provider, or other person involved in the development, delivery, or marketing of health care or health plans may request, in writing, that the insurance commissioner obtain an informal opinion from the attorney general as to whether particular conduct is lawful under federal and state anti-trust and similar statutes. Trade secret or proprietary information contained in a request for informal opinion shall be identified as such and shall not be disclosed other than to an authorized employee of the insurance commissioner or attorney general without the consent of the party making the request, except that information in summary or aggregate form and market share data may be contained in the informal opinion issued by the attorney general. The attorney general shall issue such opinion within thirty days of receipt of a written request for an opinion or within thirty days of receipt of any additional information requested by the attorney general necessary for rendering an opinion unless extended by the attorney general for good cause shown. If the attorney general concludes that such conduct is not lawful, the person or organization making the request may petition the commissioner for review and approval of such conduct in accordance with subsection (3) of this section.

             (2) After obtaining the written opinion of the attorney general and subject to the approval of the attorney general, the insurance commissioner:

             (a) May authorize conduct by a health carrier, health care facility, health care provider, or any other person that could tend to lessen competition in the relevant market upon a strong showing that the conduct is likely to achieve the policy goals of health care reform and a more competitive alternative is impractical;

             (b) Shall adopt rules governing conduct among providers, health care facilities, and health carriers including rules governing provider and facility contracts with health carriers, rules governing the use of "most favored nation" clauses and exclusive dealing clauses in such contracts, and rules providing that health carriers offering managed care health plans in rural areas contract with a sufficient number and type of health care providers and facilities to ensure consumer access to local health care services;

             (c) Shall adopt rules permitting health care providers within the service area of a plan to collectively negotiate the terms and conditions of contracts with the carrier including the ability of providers to meet and communicate for the purposes of these negotiations; and

             (d) Shall adopt rules governing cooperative activities among health care facilities and providers.

             (3) A health carrier, health care facility, health care provider, or any other person involved in the development, delivery, and marketing of health services or health plans may file a written petition with the insurance commissioner requesting approval of conduct that could tend to lessen competition in the relevant market. Such petition shall be filed in a form and manner prescribed by rule of the insurance commissioner. Trade secret or proprietary information contained in a written petition shall be identified as such and shall not be disclosed other than to an authorized employee of the commissioner or the attorney general without the consent of the party filing the written petition, except that information in summary or aggregate form and market share data may be contained in the written decision issued by the commissioner.

             Subject to the approval of the attorney general, the insurance commissioner shall issue a written decision approving or denying a petition filed under this section within ninety days of receipt of a properly completed written petition unless extended by the commissioner for good cause shown. The decision shall set forth findings as to benefits and disadvantages and conclusions as to whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

             (4)(a) In authorizing conduct and adopting rules of conduct under this section, the insurance commissioner with the advice of the attorney general, shall consider the benefits of such conduct in furthering the goals of health care reform including but not limited to:

             (i) Enhancement of the quality of health services to consumers;

             (ii) Gains in cost-efficiency of health services;

             (iii) Improvements in utilization of health services and equipment;

             (iv) Avoidance of duplication of health services resources; or

             (v) And as to (a) (ii) and (iii) of this subsection: (A) Facilitates the exchange of information relating to performance expectations; (B) simplifies the negotiation of delivery arrangements and relationships; and (C) reduces the transactions costs on the part of health carriers and providers in negotiating more cost-effective delivery arrangements.

             (b) These benefits must outweigh disadvantages including and not limited to:

             (i) Reduced competition among health carriers, health care providers, or health care facilities;

             (ii) Adverse impact on quality, availability, or price of health care services to consumers; or

             (iii) The availability of arrangements less restrictive to competition that achieve the same benefits.

             (5) Conduct authorized by the insurance commissioner shall be deemed taken pursuant to state statute and in the furtherance of the public purposes of the state of Washington.

             (6) With the assistance of the attorney general's office, the insurance commissioner shall actively supervise any conduct authorized under this section to determine whether such conduct or rules permitting certain conduct should be continued and whether a more competitive alternative is practical. The commissioner shall periodically review petitioned conduct through, at least, annual progress reports from petitioners, annual or more frequent reviews by the commissioner that evaluate whether the conduct is consistent with the petition, and whether the benefits continue to outweigh any disadvantages. Subject to the advice and approval of the attorney general, the commissioner may determine that the likely benefits of any conduct approved through rule, petition, or otherwise by the commissioner no longer outweigh the disadvantages attributable to potential reduction in competition and the commissioner shall order a modification or discontinuance of such conduct. Conduct ordered discontinued by the commissioner shall no longer be deemed to be taken pursuant to state statute and in the furtherance of the public purposes of the state of Washington.

             (7) Nothing contained in this act is intended to in any way limit the ability of rural hospital districts to enter into cooperative agreements and contracts pursuant to RCW 70.44.450 and chapter 39.34 RCW.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. RCW 70.170.080 and 1993 sp.s. c 24 s 925, 1991 sp.s. c 13 s 71, & 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 s 508 are each repealed.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. If specific funding through the health services account to continue the comprehensive hospital abstract reporting system is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, section 5 of this act is null and void.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. CAPTIONS. Captions as used in this act constitute no part of the law.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. EMERGENCY CLAUSE--EFFECTIVE DATE. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1995."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "assurance;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "adding a new section to chapter 43.70 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 48.43 RCW; creating new sections; repealing RCW 70.170.080; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Dyer moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1589 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative Dyer spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 10, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1144 with the following amendments:

             On page 3, line 14, after "implanting" insert "in their own animals"

             On page 3, line 18, after "veterinarian" insert ";

             (10) The implanting of any electronic device by a public fish and wildlife agency for the identification of fish or wildlife"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Dyer moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1144 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Dyer spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1144 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1144 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: 1205Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1144, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 11, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1205 with the following amendments:

             On page 3, after line 13, insert the following:

             "Sec. 2. RCW 18.64.011 and 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 s 412 are each amended to read as follows:

             Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, definitions of terms shall be as indicated when used in this chapter.

             (1) "Person" means an individual, corporation, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, or any other legal entity.

             (2) "Board" means the Washington state board of pharmacy.

             (3) "Drugs" means:

             (a) Articles recognized in the official United States pharmacopoeia or the official homeopathic pharmacopoeia of the United States;

             (b) Substances intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals;

             (c) Substances (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals; or

             (d) Substances intended for use as a component of any substances specified in (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection, but not including devices or their component parts or accessories.

             (4) "Device" means instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, including their components, parts, and accessories, intended (a) for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals, or (b) to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals.

             (5) "Nonlegend" or "nonprescription" drugs means any drugs which may be lawfully sold without a prescription.

             (6) "Legend drugs" means any drugs which are required by any applicable federal or state law or regulation to be dispensed on prescription only or are restricted to use by practitioners only.

             (7) "Controlled substance" means a drug or substance, or an immediate precursor of such drug or substance, so designated under or pursuant to the provisions of chapter 69.50 RCW.

             (8) "Prescription" means an order for drugs or devices issued by a practitioner duly authorized by law or rule in the state of Washington to prescribe drugs or devices in the course of his or her professional practice for a legitimate medical purpose.

             (9) "Practitioner" means a physician, dentist, veterinarian, nurse, or other person duly authorized by law or rule in the state of Washington to prescribe drugs.

             (10) "Pharmacist" means a person duly licensed by the Washington state board of pharmacy to engage in the practice of pharmacy.

             (11) "Practice of pharmacy" includes the practice of and responsibility for: Interpreting prescription orders; the compounding, dispensing, labeling, administering, and distributing of drugs and devices; the monitoring of drug therapy and use; the initiating or modifying of drug therapy in accordance with written guidelines or protocols previously established and approved for his or her practice by a practitioner authorized to prescribe drugs; the participating in drug utilization reviews and drug product selection; the proper and safe storing and distributing of drugs and devices and maintenance of proper records thereof; the providing of information on legend drugs which may include, but is not limited to, the advising of therapeutic values, hazards, and the uses of drugs and devices.

             (12) "Pharmacy" means every place properly licensed by the board of pharmacy where the practice of pharmacy is conducted.

             (13) The words "drug" and "devices" shall not include surgical or dental instruments or laboratory materials, gas and oxygen, therapy equipment, X-ray apparatus or therapeutic equipment, their component parts or accessories, or equipment, instruments, apparatus, or contrivances used to render such articles effective in medical, surgical, or dental treatment, or for use or consumption in or for mechanical, industrial, manufacturing, or scientific applications or purposes, nor shall the word "drug" include any article or mixture covered by the Washington pesticide control act (chapter 15.58 RCW), as enacted or hereafter amended, nor medicated feed intended for and used exclusively as a feed for animals other than man.

             (14) The word "poison" shall not include any article or mixture covered by the Washington pesticide control act (chapter 15.58 RCW), as enacted or hereafter amended.

             (15) "Deliver" or "delivery" means the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer from one person to another of a drug or device, whether or not there is an agency relationship.

             (16) "Dispense" means the interpretation of a prescription or order for a drug, biological, or device and, pursuant to that prescription or order, the proper selection, measuring, compounding, labeling, or packaging necessary to prepare that prescription or order for delivery.

             (17) "Distribute" means the delivery of a drug or device other than by administering or dispensing.

             (18) "Compounding" shall be the act of combining two or more ingredients in the preparation of a prescription.

             (19) "Wholesaler" shall mean a corporation, individual, or other entity which buys drugs or devices for resale and distribution to corporations, individuals, or entities other than consumers.

             (20) "Manufacture" means the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug or other substance or device or the packaging or repackaging of such substance or device, or the labeling or relabeling of the commercial container of such substance or device, but does not include the activities of a practitioner who, as an incident to his or her administration or dispensing such substance or device in the course of his or her professional practice, prepares, compounds, packages, or labels such substance or device.

             (21) "Manufacturer" shall mean a person, corporation, or other entity engaged in the manufacture of drugs or devices.

             (22) "Labeling" shall mean the process of preparing and affixing a label to any drug or device container. The label must include all information required by current federal and state law and pharmacy rules.

             (23) "Administer" means the direct application of a drug or device, whether by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other means, to the body of a patient or research subject.

             (24) "Master license system" means the mechanism established by chapter 19.02 RCW by which master licenses, endorsed for individual state-issued licenses, are issued and renewed utilizing a master application and a master license expiration date common to each renewable license endorsement.

             (25) "Department" means the department of health.

             (26) "Secretary" means the secretary of health or the secretary's designee.

             (27) "Health care entity" means an organization that provides health care services in a setting that is not otherwise licensed by the state. Health care entity includes a free-standing outpatient surgery center, a free-standing cardiac care center, or a kidney dialysis center. It does not include an individual practitioner's office or a multipractitioner clinic.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 18.64 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) In order for a health care entity to purchase, administer, dispense, and deliver legend drugs, the health care entity must be licensed by the department.

             (2) In order for a health care entity to purchase, administer, dispense, and deliver controlled substances, the health care entity must annually obtain a license from the department in accordance with the board's rules.

             (3) The receipt, administration, dispensing, and delivery of legend drugs or controlled substances by a health care entity must be performed under the supervision or at the direction of a pharmacist.

             (4) A health care entity may only administer, dispense, or deliver legend drugs and controlled substances to patients who receive care within the health care entity and in compliance with rules of the board. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a practitioner, in carrying out his or her licensed responsibilities within a health care entity, from dispensing or delivering to a patient of the health care entity drugs for that patient's personal use in an amount not to exceed seventy-two hours of usage.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 18.64 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The owner of a health care entity shall pay an original license fee to be determined by the secretary, and annually thereafter, on or before a date to be determined by the secretary, a fee to be determined by the secretary, for which he or she shall receive a license of location, which shall entitle the owner to purchase legend drugs or controlled substances at the location specified for the period ending on a date to be determined by the secretary. A declaration of ownership and location filed with the department under this section shall be deemed presumptive evidence of ownership of the health care entity.

             (2) The owner shall immediately notify the department of any change of location or ownership in which case a new application and fee shall be submitted.

             (3) It shall be the duty of the owner to keep the license of location or the renewal license properly exhibited in the health care entity.

             (4) Failure to comply with this section is a misdemeanor and each day that the failure continues is a separate offense.

             (5) In the event that a license fee remains unpaid after the date due, no renewal or new license may be issued except upon payment of the license renewal fee and a penalty fee equal to the original license fee.

             Sec. 5. RCW 18.64.165 and 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 s 404 and 1989 c 352 s 4 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             The board shall have the power to refuse, suspend, or revoke the license of any manufacturer, wholesaler, pharmacy, shopkeeper, itinerant vendor, peddler, poison distributor, health care entity, or precursor chemical distributor upon proof that:

             (1) The license was procured through fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit;

             (2) The licensee has violated or has permitted any employee to violate any of the laws of this state or the United States relating to drugs, controlled substances, cosmetics, or nonprescription drugs, or has violated any of the rules and regulations of the board of pharmacy or has been convicted of a felony.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 18.64 RCW to read as follows:

             Every proprietor or manager of a health care entity shall keep readily available a suitable record of drugs, which shall preserve for a period of not less than two years the record of every drug used at such health care entity. The record shall be maintained either separately from all other records of the health care entity or in such form that the information required is readily retrievable from ordinary business records of the health care entity. All record-keeping requirements for controlled substances must be complied with. Such record of drugs shall be for confidential use in the health care entity, only. The record of drugs shall be open for inspection by the board of pharmacy, who is authorized to enforce chapter 18.64, 69.41, or 69.50 RCW.

             Sec. 7. RCW 18.64.255 and 1984 c 153 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:

             Nothing in this chapter shall operate in any manner:

             (1) To restrict the scope of authorized practice of any practitioner other than a pharmacist, duly licensed as such under the laws of this state. However, a health care entity shall comply with all state and federal laws and rules relating to the dispensing of drugs and the practice of pharmacy; or

             (2) In the absence of the pharmacist from the hospital pharmacy, to prohibit a registered nurse designated by the hospital and the responsible pharmacist from obtaining from the hospital pharmacy such drugs as are needed in an emergency: PROVIDED, That proper record is kept of such emergency, including the date, time, name of prescriber, the name of the nurse obtaining the drugs, and a list of what drugs and quantities of same were obtained; or

             (3) To prevent shopkeepers, itinerant vendors, peddlers, or salesmen from dealing in and selling nonprescription drugs, if such drugs are sold in the original packages of the manufacturer, or in packages put up by a licensed pharmacist in the manner provided by the state board of pharmacy, if such shopkeeper, itinerant vendor, salesman, or peddler shall have obtained a registration."


             On page 1, line 1 of the title, strike "and"

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, before the period insert ", 18.64.011 and 18.64.255; reenacting and amending RCW 18.64.165; and adding new sections to chapter 18.64 RCW"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Dyer moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1205 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Dyer spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1205 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1205 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1205, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 13, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1383 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 56.24.205 and 1987 c 449 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

             When there is unincorporated territory containing less than one hundred acres and having at least eighty percent of the boundaries of such area contiguous to two ((sewer districts or contiguous to a sewer district and a water)) municipal corporations providing sewer service, one of which is either a sewer or water district, the ((board of commissioners of one)) legislative authority of either of the ((districts)) contiguous municipal corporations may resolve to annex such territory to that ((district)) municipal corporation, provided a majority of the ((board of commissioners)) legislative authority of the other ((sewer or water district)) contiguous municipal corporation concurs. The ((district)) municipal corporation resolving to annex such territory may proceed to effect the annexation by complying with RCW 56.24.180 through 56.24.200. For purposes of this section, "municipal corporation" means a water district, sewer district, city, or town.

             Sec. 2. RCW 57.24.210 and 1987 c 449 s 17 are each amended to read as follows:

             When there is unincorporated territory containing less than one hundred acres and having at least eighty percent of the boundaries of such area contiguous to two ((water districts or contiguous to a water district and a sewer)) municipal corporations providing water service, one of which is either a water or sewer district, the ((board of commissioners of one)) legislative authority of either of the ((districts)) contiguous municipal corporations may resolve to annex such territory to that ((district)) municipal corporation, provided a majority of the ((board of commissioners)) legislative authority of the other ((water or sewer district)) contiguous municipal corporation concurs. In such event, the ((district)) municipal corporation resolving to annex such territory may proceed to effect the annexation by complying with RCW 57.24.170 through 57.24.190. For purposes of this section, "municipal corporation" means a water district, sewer district, city, or town.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 35.13 RCW to read as follows:

             Nothing in this chapter precludes or otherwise applies to an annexation by a city or town of unincorporated territory as authorized by RCW 56.24.180, 56.24.200, and 56.24.205, or RCW 57.24.170, 57.24.190, and 57.24.210.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 35A.14 RCW to read as follows:

             Nothing in this chapter precludes or otherwise applies to an annexation by a code city of unincorporated territory as authorized by RCW 56.24.180, 56.24.200, and 56.24.205, or RCW 57.24.170, 57.24.190, and 57.24.210."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "service;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 56.24.205 and 57.24.210; adding a new section to chapter 35.13 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 35A.14 RCW."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1383 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1383 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Reams spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1383 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1383, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 13, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1387 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 18.108.040 and 1991 c 3 s 255 are each amended to read as follows:

             It shall be unlawful to advertise the practice of massage using the term massage or any other term that implies a massage technique or method in any public or private publication or communication by a person not licensed by the secretary as a massage practitioner or without printing in display advertisement the license number of the massage practitioner. Any person who holds a license to practice as a massage practitioner in this state may use the title "licensed massage practitioner" and the abbreviation "L.M.P.". No other persons may assume such title or use such abbreviation or any other word, letters, signs, or figures to indicate that the person using the title is a licensed massage practitioner.

             Sec. 2. RCW 18.108.085 and 1991 c 3 s 259 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) In addition to any other authority provided by law, the secretary may:

             (a) Adopt rules, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW necessary to implement this chapter;

             (b) Set all license, examination, and renewal fees in accordance with RCW 43.70.250;

             (c) Establish forms and procedures necessary to administer this chapter;

             (d) Issue a license to any applicant who has met the education, training, and examination requirements for licensure; and

             (e) Hire clerical, administrative, and investigative staff as necessary to implement this chapter, and hire individuals licensed under this chapter to serve as examiners for any practical examinations.

             (2) The uniform disciplinary act, chapter 18.130 RCW, governs the issuance and denial of licenses and the disciplining of persons under this chapter. The secretary shall be the disciplining authority under this chapter.

             (3) Any license issued under this chapter to a person who is or has been convicted of violating RCW 9A.88.030, 9A.88.070, 9A.88.080, or 9A.88.090 or equivalent local ordinances shall automatically be revoked by the secretary upon receipt of a certified copy of the court documents reflecting such conviction. No further hearing or procedure is required, and the secretary has no discretion with regard to the revocation of the license. The revocation shall be effective even though such conviction may be under appeal, or the time period for such appeal has not elapsed. However, upon presentation of a final appellate decision overturning such conviction or upon completion of a prostitution prevention and intervention program under sections 7 through 15 of this act, the license shall be reinstated, unless grounds for disciplinary action have been found pursuant to chapter 18.130 RCW. Unless an applicant demonstrates that he or she has completed a prostitution prevention and intervention program under sections 7 through 15 of this act, no license may be granted under this chapter to any person who has been convicted of violating RCW 9A.88.030, 9A.88.070, 9A.88.080, or 9A.88.090 or equivalent local ordinances within the eight years immediately preceding the date of application. For purposes of this subsection, "convicted" does not include a conviction that has been the subject of a pardon, annulment, or other equivalent procedure based on a finding of innocence, but does include convictions for offenses for which the defendant received a deferred or suspended sentence, unless the record has been expunged according to law.

             (4) The secretary shall keep an official record of all proceedings under this chapter, a part of which record shall consist of a register of all applicants for licensure under this chapter, with the result of each application.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 18.130 RCW to read as follows:

             RCW 18.108.085 shall govern the issuance and revocation of licenses issued or applied for under chapter 18.108 RCW to or by persons convicted of violating RCW 9A.88.030, 9A.88.070, 9A.88.080, or 9A.88.090 or equivalent local ordinances.

             Sec. 4. RCW 35.21.692 and 1991 c 182 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A state licensed massage practitioner seeking a city or town license to operate a massage business must provide verification of his or her state massage license as provided for in RCW 18.108.030.

             (2) The city or town may charge a licensing or operating fee, but the fee charged a state licensed massage practitioner shall not exceed the licensing or operating fee imposed on ((similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists,)) other licensees operating within the same city or town and such fees shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs of the processing and administration of the licensing procedure.

             (3) A state licensed massage practitioner ((is not)) may be subject to additional licensing requirements ((not currently imposed on similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists)) under RCW 18.108.100.

             Sec. 5. RCW 35A.82.025 and 1991 c 182 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A state licensed massage practitioner seeking a city license to operate a massage business must provide verification of his or her state massage license as provided for in RCW 18.108.030.

             (2) The city may charge a licensing or operating fee, but the fee charged a state licensed massage practitioner shall not exceed the licensing or operating fee imposed on ((similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists,)) other licensees operating within the same city and such fees shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs of the processing and administration of the licensing procedure.

             (3) A state licensed massage practitioner ((is not)) may be subject to additional licensing requirements ((not currently imposed on similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists)) under RCW 18.108.100.

             Sec. 6. RCW 36.32.122 and 1991 c 182 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A state licensed massage practitioner seeking a county license to operate a massage business must provide verification of his or her state massage license as provided for in RCW 18.108.030.

             (2) The county may charge a licensing or operating fee, but the fee charged a state licensed massage practitioner shall not exceed the licensing or operating fee imposed on ((similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists,)) other licensees operating within the same county and such fees shall be reasonable and shall not exceed the costs of the processing and administration of the licensing procedure.

             (3) A state licensed massage practitioner ((is not)) may be subject to additional licensing requirements ((not currently imposed on similar health care providers, such as physical therapists or occupational therapists)) under RCW 18.108.100.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter 43.63A RCW to read as follows:

             There is established in the department of community, trade, and economic development a grant program to enhance funding for prostitution prevention and intervention services. Activities that can be funded through this grant program shall provide effective prostitution prevention and intervention services, such as counseling, parenting, housing relief, education, and vocational training, that:

             (1) Comprehensively address the problems of persons who are prostitutes; and

             (2) Enhance the ability of persons to leave or avoid prostitution.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter 43.63A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Applications for funding under this chapter must:

             (a) Meet the criteria in section 7 of this act; and

             (b) Contain evidence of active participation of the community and its commitment to providing effective prevention and intervention services for prostitutes through the participation of local governments, tribal governments, networks under chapter 70.190 RCW, human service and health organizations, and treatment entities and through meaningful involvement of others, including citizen groups.

             (2) Local governments, networks under chapter 70.190 RCW, nonprofit community groups, and nonprofit treatment providers including organizations that provide services, such as emergency housing, counseling, and crisis intervention shall, among others, be eligible for grants established under section 7 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. A new section is added to chapter 43.63A RCW to read as follows:

             At a minimum, grant applications must include the following:

             (1) The proposed geographic service area;

             (2) A description of the extent and effect of the needs for prostitution prevention and intervention within the relevant geographic area;

             (3) An explanation of how the funds will be used, their relationship to existing services available within the community, and the need that they will fulfill;

             (4) An explanation of what organizations were involved in the development of the proposal; and

             (5) The methods that will be employed to measure the success of the program.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. A new section is added to chapter 43.63A RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Subject to funds appropriated by the legislature, including funds in the prostitution prevention and intervention account, the department of community, trade, and economic development shall make awards under the grant program established by section 7 of this act.

             (2) Awards shall be made competitively based on the purposes of and criteria in sections 7 through 9 of this act.

             (3) Activities funded under this section may be considered for funding in future years, but shall be considered under the same terms and criteria as new activities. Funding of a program or activity under this chapter shall not constitute an obligation by the state of Washington to provide ongoing funding.

             (4) The department of community, trade, and economic development may receive such gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources as may be made from time to time, in trust or otherwise, for the use and benefit of the purposes of the grant program established under section 7 of this act and expend the same or any income from these sources according to the terms of the gifts, grants, or endowments.

             (5) The department of community, trade, and economic development may expend up to five percent of the funds appropriated for the grant program for administrative costs and grant supervision.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. A new section is added to chapter 43.63A RCW to read as follows:

             The prostitution prevention and intervention account is created in the state treasury. All designated receipts from fees under sections 12 and 13 of this act shall be deposited into the account. Expenditures from the account may be used only for funding the grant program to enhance prostitution prevention and intervention services under section 7 of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. A new section is added to chapter 9.68A RCW to read as follows:

             (1)(a) In addition to penalties set forth in RCW 9.68A.100, a person who is either convicted or given a deferred sentence or a deferred prosecution as a result of an arrest for violating RCW 9.68A.100 or a comparable county or municipal ordinance shall be assessed a two hundred fifty dollar fee.

             (b) The court may not suspend payment of all or part of the fee unless it finds that the person does not have the ability to pay.

             (c) When a minor has been adjudicated a juvenile offender for an offense which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a violation of RCW 9.68A.100 or a comparable county or municipal ordinance, the court shall assess the fee under (a) of this subsection. The court may not suspend payment of all or part of the fee unless it finds that the minor does not have the ability to pay the fee.

             (2) The fee assessed under subsection (1) of this section shall be collected by the clerk of the court and distributed each month to the state treasurer for deposit in the prostitution prevention and intervention account under section 11 of this act for the purpose of funding prostitution prevention and intervention activities.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 13. A new section is added to chapter 9A.88 RCW to read as follows:

             (1)(a) In addition to penalties set forth in RCW 9A.88.010, 9A.88.030, and 9A.88.090, a person who is either convicted or given a deferred sentence or a deferred prosecution as a result of an arrest for violating RCW 9A.88.010, 9A.88.030, 9A.88.090, or comparable county or municipal ordinances shall be assessed a fifty dollar fee.

             (b) In addition to penalties set forth in RCW 9A.88.110, a person who is either convicted or given a deferred sentence or a deferred prosecution as a result of an arrest for violating RCW 9A.88.110 or a comparable county or municipal ordinance shall be assessed a one hundred fifty dollar fee.

             (c) In addition to penalties set forth in RCW 9A.88.070 and 9A.88.080, a person who is either convicted or given a deferred sentence or a deferred prosecution as a result of an arrest for violating RCW 9A.88.070, 9A.88.080, or comparable county or municipal ordinances shall be assessed a three hundred dollar fee.

             (2) The court may not suspend payment of all or part of the fee unless it finds that the person does not have the ability to pay.

             (3) When a minor has been adjudicated a juvenile offender for an offense which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a violation under this chapter or comparable county or municipal ordinances, the court shall assess the fee as specified under subsection (1) of this section. The court may not suspend payment of all or part of the fee unless it finds that the minor does not have the ability to pay the fee.

             (4) Any fee assessed under this section shall be collected by the clerk of the court and distributed each month to the state treasurer for deposit in the prostitution prevention and intervention account under section 11 of this act for the purpose of funding prostitution prevention and intervention activities.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. The amendments to RCW 35.21.692, 35A.82.025, and 36.32.122 contained in sections 4 through 6 of this act shall expire July 1, 1997."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "36.32.122;" strike "and"

             On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "18.130 RCW;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "adding new sections to chapter 43.63A RCW; adding a new section to chapter 9.68A RCW; adding a new section to chapter 9A.88 RCW; prescribing penalties; and providing an expiration date."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Delvin moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1387 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Delvin spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1387 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1387 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 81, Nays - 15, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Kremen, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Silver, Skinner, Sommers, Sterk, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 81.

             Voting nay: Representatives Backlund, Cairnes, Casada, Cooke, Goldsmith, Hargrove, Koster, Lambert, McMahan, Mulliken, Schmidt, D., Sherstad, Smith, Stevens and Thompson - 15.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1387, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 12, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1398 with the following amendments:

             On page 5, beginning on line 11, after "practice" strike all material through "services" on line 14

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Hymes moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1398 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1398 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1398 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1398, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 10, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1461 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, beginning on line 16, strike "twenty-four hours" and insert "((twenty-four hours)) five days"

             On page 3, beginning on line 21, strike "seven" and insert "one thousand"

             On page 3, beginning on line 28, strike all material through "41.29.060." on line 31.

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative K. Schmidt moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 1461 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom. The motion was carried.


April 12, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1471 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The intent of this chapter is to provide consistent laws regarding the formation and legal administration of homeowners' associations.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. For purposes of this chapter:

             (1) "Homeowners' association" or "association" means a corporation, unincorporated association, or other legal entity, each member of which is an owner of residential real property located within the association's jurisdiction, as described in the governing documents, and by virtue of membership or ownership of property is obligated to pay real property taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance costs, or for improvement of real property other than that which is owned by the member. "Homeowners' association" does not mean an association created under chapter 64.32 or 64.34 RCW.

             (2) "Governing documents" means the articles of incorporation, bylaws, plat, declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions, rules and regulations of the association, or other written instrument by which the association has the authority to exercise any of the powers provided for in this chapter or to manage, maintain, or otherwise affect the property under its jurisdiction.

             (3) "Board of directors" or "board" means the body, regardless of name, with primary authority to manage the affairs of the association.

             (4) "Common areas" means property owned, or otherwise maintained, repaired or administered by the association.

             (5) "Common expense" means the costs incurred by the association to exercise any of the powers provided for in this chapter.

             (6) "Residential real property" means any real property, the use of which is limited by law, covenant or otherwise to primarily residential or recreational purposes.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The membership of an association at all times shall consist exclusively of the owners of all real property over which the association has jurisdiction, both developed and undeveloped.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Unless otherwise provided in the governing documents, an association may:

             (1) Adopt and amend bylaws, rules, and regulations;

             (2) Adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures, and reserves, and impose and collect assessments for common expenses from owners;

             (3) Hire and discharge or contract with managing agents and other employees, agents, and independent contractors;

             (4) Institute, defend, or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more owners on matters affecting the homeowners' association, but not on behalf of owners involved in disputes that are not the responsibility of the association;

             (5) Make contracts and incur liabilities;

             (6) Regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and modification of common areas;

             (7) Cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common areas;

             (8) Acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in its own name any right, title, or interest to real or personal property;

             (9) Grant easements, leases, licenses, and concessions through or over the common areas and petition for or consent to the vacation of streets and alleys;

             (10) Impose and collect any payments, fees, or charges for the use, rental, or operation of the common areas;

             (11) Impose and collect charges for late payments of assessments and, after notice and an opportunity to be heard by the board of directors or by the representative designated by the board of directors and in accordance with the procedures as provided in the bylaws or rules and regulations adopted by the board of directors, levy reasonable fines in accordance with a previously established schedule adopted by the board of directors and furnished to the owners for violation of the bylaws, rules, and regulations of the association;

             (12) Exercise any other powers conferred by the bylaws;

             (13) Exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by the same type of corporation as the association; and

             (14) Exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the governance and operation of the association.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. (1) Except as provided in the association's governing documents or this chapter, the board of directors shall act in all instances on behalf of the association. In the performance of their duties, the officers and members of the board of directors shall exercise the degree of care and loyalty required of an officer or director of a corporation organized under chapter 24.03 RCW.

             (2) The board of directors shall not act on behalf of the association to amend the articles of incorporation, to take any action that requires the vote or approval of the owners, to terminate the association, to elect members of the board of directors, or to determine the qualifications, powers, and duties, or terms of office of members of the board of directors; but the board of directors may fill vacancies in its membership of the unexpired portion of any term.

             (3) Within thirty days after adoption by the board of directors of any proposed regular or special budget of the association, the board shall set a date for a meeting of the owners to consider ratification of the budget not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting the owners of a majority of the votes in the association are allocated or any larger percentage specified in the governing documents reject the budget, in person or by proxy, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the owners shall be continued until such time as the owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the board of directors.

             (4) The owners by a majority vote of the voting power in the association present, in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at any meeting of the owners at which a quorum is present, may remove any member of the board of directors with or without cause.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. Unless provided for in the governing documents, the bylaws of the association shall provide for:

             (1) The number, qualifications, powers and duties, terms of office, and manner of electing and removing the board of directors and officers and filling vacancies;

             (2) Election by the board of directors of the officers of the association as the bylaws specify;

             (3) Which, if any, of its powers the board of directors or officers may delegate to other persons or to a managing agent;

             (4) Which of its officers may prepare, execute, certify, and record amendments to the governing documents on behalf of the association;

             (5) The method of amending the bylaws; and

             (6) Subject to the provisions of the governing documents, any other matters the association deems necessary and appropriate.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. (1) A meeting of the association must be held at least once each year. Special meetings of the association may be called by the president, a majority of the board of directors, or by owners having ten percent of the votes in the association. Not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days in advance of any meeting, the secretary or other officers specified in the bylaws shall cause notice to be hand-delivered or sent prepaid by first class United States mail to the mailing address of each owner or to any other mailing address designated in writing by the owner. The notice of any meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting and the business to be placed on the agenda by the board of directors for a vote by the owners, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation, bylaws, any budget or changes in the previously approved budget that result in a change in assessment obligation, and any proposal to remove a director.

             (2) Except as provided in this subsection, all meetings of the board of directors shall be open for observation by all owners of record and their authorized agents. The board of directors shall keep minutes of all actions taken by the board, which shall be available to all owners. Upon the affirmative vote in open meeting to assemble in closed session, the board of directors may convene in closed executive session to consider personnel matters; consult with legal counsel or consider communications with legal counsel; and discuss likely or pending litigation, matters involving possible violations of the governing documents of the association, and matters involving the possible liability of an owner to the association. The motion shall state specifically the purpose for the closed session. Reference to the motion and the stated purpose for the closed session shall be included in the minutes. The board of directors shall restrict the consideration of matters during the closed portions of meetings only to those purposes specifically exempted and stated in the motion. No motion, or other action adopted, passed, or agreed to in closed session may become effective unless the board of directors, following the closed session, reconvenes in open meeting and votes in the open meeting on such motion, or other action which is reasonably identified. The requirements of this subsection shall not require the disclosure of information in violation of law or which is otherwise exempt from disclosure.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. Unless the governing documents specify a different percentage, a quorum is present throughout any meeting of the association if the owners to which thirty-four percent of the votes of the association are allocated are present in person or by proxy at the beginning of the meeting.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. (1) The association or its managing agent shall keep financial and other records sufficiently detailed to enable the association to fully declare to each owner the true statement of its financial status. All financial and other records of the association, including but not limited to checks, bank records, and invoices, in whatever form they are kept, are the property of the association. Each association managing agent shall turn over all original books and records to the association immediately upon termination of the management relationship with the association, or upon such other demand as is made by the board of directors. An association managing agent is entitled to keep copies of association records. All records which the managing agent has turned over to the association shall be made reasonably available for the examination and copying by the managing agent.

             (2) All records of the association, including the names and addresses of owners and other occupants of the lots, shall be available for examination by all owners, holders of mortgages on the lots, and their respective authorized agents on reasonable advance notice during normal working hours at the offices of the association or its managing agent. The association shall not release the unlisted telephone number of any owner. The association may impose and collect a reasonable charge for copies and any reasonable costs incurred by the association in providing access to records.

             (3) At least annually, the association shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a financial statement of the association. The financial statements of associations with annual assessments of fifty thousand dollars or more shall be audited at least annually by an independent certified public accountant, but the audit may be waived if sixty-seven percent of the votes cast by owners, in person or by proxy, at a meeting of the association at which a quorum is present, vote each year to waive the audit.

             (4) The funds of the association shall be kept in accounts in the name of the association and shall not be commingled with the funds of any other association, nor with the funds of any manager of the association or any other person responsible for the custody of such funds.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. (1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (2) of this section, any violation of the provisions of this chapter entitles an aggrieved party to any remedy provided by law or in equity. The court, in an appropriate case, may award reasonable attorneys' fees to the prevailing party.

             (2) Claims based on any violation of this chapter shall be brought within six months from the occurrence of the violation.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. Sections 1 through 10 of this act constitute a new chapter in Title 64 RCW."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1471 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representatives Sheahan and Costa spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 12, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1497 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 40.14.020 and 1991 c 237 s 4 and 1991 c 184 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             All public records shall be and remain the property of the state of Washington. They shall be delivered by outgoing officials and employees to their successors and shall be preserved, stored, transferred, destroyed or disposed of, and otherwise managed, only in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. In order to insure the proper management and safeguarding of public records, the division of archives and records management is established in the office of the secretary of state. The state archivist, who shall administer the division and have reasonable access to all public records, wherever kept, for purposes of information, surveying, or cataloguing, shall undertake the following functions, duties, and responsibilities:

             (1) To manage the archives of the state of Washington;

             (2) To centralize the archives of the state of Washington, to make them available for reference and scholarship, and to insure their proper preservation;

             (3) To inspect, inventory, catalog, and arrange retention and transfer schedules on all record files of all state departments and other agencies of state government;

             (4) To insure the maintenance and security of all state public records and to establish safeguards against unauthorized removal or destruction;

             (5) To establish and operate such state record centers as may from time to time be authorized by appropriation, for the purpose of preserving, servicing, screening and protecting all state public records which must be preserved temporarily or permanently, but which need not be retained in office space and equipment;

             (6) To adopt rules under chapter 34.05 RCW:

             (a) Setting standards for the durability and permanence of public records maintained by state and local agencies;

             (b) Governing procedures for the creation, maintenance, transmission, cataloging, indexing, storage, or reproduction of photographic, optical, electronic, or other images of public documents or records in a manner consistent with current standards, policies, and procedures of the department of information services for the acquisition of information technology;

             (c) Governing the accuracy and durability of, and facilitating access to, photographic, optical, electronic, or other images used as public records; or

             (d) To carry out any other provision of this chapter;

             (7) To gather and disseminate to interested agencies information on all phases of records management and current practices, methods, procedures, techniques, and devices for efficient and economical management and preservation of records;

             (8) To operate a central microfilming bureau which will microfilm, at cost, records approved for filming by the head of the office of origin and the archivist; to approve microfilming projects undertaken by state departments and all other agencies of state government; and to maintain proper standards for this work; ((and))

             (9) To maintain necessary facilities for the review of records approved for destruction and for their economical disposition by sale or burning; directly to supervise such destruction of public records as shall be authorized by the terms of this chapter;

             (10) To assist and train state and local agencies in the proper methods of creating, maintaining, cataloging, indexing, transmitting, storing, and reproducing photographic, optical, electronic, or other images used as public records.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act shall be null and void."

             In line 2 of the title, beginning with "and" strike the remainder of the title and insert "reenacting and amending RCW 40.14.020; and creating a new section."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1497 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative B. Thomas spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1497 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1497 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1497, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 13, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1700 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 84.33.120 and 1992 c 69 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) In preparing the assessment rolls as of January 1, 1982, for taxes payable in 1983 and each January 1st thereafter, the assessor shall list each parcel of forest land at a value with respect to the grade and class provided in this subsection and adjusted as provided in subsection (2) of this section and shall compute the assessed value of the land by using the same assessment ratio he or she applies generally in computing the assessed value of other property in his or her county. Values for the several grades of bare forest land shall be as follows.

             LAND                            OPERABILITY                                                                                         VALUES

             GRADE                                             CLASS                                                                               PER ACRE

                                                                            1                                                                                                $141

                        1                                                  2                                                                                                  136

                                                                            3                                                                                                  131

                                                                            4                                                                                                    95

                                                                            1                                                                                                  118

                        2                                                  2                                                                                                  114

                                                                            3                                                                                                  110

                                                                            4                                                                                                    80

                                                                            1                                                                                                    93

                        3                                                  2                                                                                                    90

                                                                            3                                                                                                    87

                                                                            4                                                                                                    66

                                                                            1                                                                                                    70

                        4                                                  2                                                                                                    68

                                                                            3                                                                                                    66

                                                                            4                                                                                                    52

                                                                            1                                                                                                    51

                        5                                                  2                                                                                                    48

                                                                            3                                                                                                    46

                                                                            4                                                                                                    31

                                                                            1                                                                                                    26

                        6                                                  2                                                                                                    25

                                                                            3                                                                                                    25

                                                                            4                                                                                                    23

                                                                            1                                                                                                    12

                        7                                                  2                                                                                                    12

                                                                            3                                                                                                    11

                                                                            4                                                                                                    11

                        8                                                                                                                                                           1

             (2) On or before December 31, 1981, the department shall adjust, by rule under chapter 34.05 RCW, the forest land values contained in subsection (1) of this section in accordance with this subsection, and shall certify these adjusted values to the county assessor for his or her use in preparing the assessment rolls as of January 1, 1982. For the adjustment to be made on or before December 31, 1981, for use in the 1982 assessment year, the department shall:

             (a) Divide the aggregate value of all timber harvested within the state between July 1, 1976, and June 30, 1981, by the aggregate harvest volume for the same period, as determined from the harvester excise tax returns filed with the department under RCW 82.04.291 and 84.33.071; and

             (b) Divide the aggregate value of all timber harvested within the state between July 1, 1975, and June 30, 1980, by the aggregate harvest volume for the same period, as determined from the harvester excise tax returns filed with the department under RCW 82.04.291 and 84.33.071; and

             (c) Adjust the forest land values contained in subsection (1) of this section by a percentage equal to one-half of the percentage change in the average values of harvested timber reflected by comparing the resultant values calculated under (a) and (b) of this subsection.

             For the adjustments to be made on or before December 31, 1982, and each succeeding year thereafter, the same procedure shall be followed as described in this subsection utilizing harvester excise tax returns filed under RCW 82.04.291 and this chapter except that this adjustment shall be made to the prior year's adjusted value, and the five-year periods for calculating average harvested timber values shall be successively one year more recent.

             (3) In preparing the assessment roll for 1972 and each year thereafter, the assessor shall enter as the true and fair value of each parcel of forest land the appropriate grade value certified to him or her by the department of revenue, and he or she shall compute the assessed value of such land by using the same assessment ratio he or she applies generally in computing the assessed value of other property in his or her county. In preparing the assessment roll for 1975 and each year thereafter, the assessor shall assess and value as classified forest land all forest land that is not then designated pursuant to RCW 84.33.120(4) or 84.33.130 and shall make a notation of such classification upon the assessment and tax rolls. On or before January 15 of the first year in which such notation is made, the assessor shall mail notice by certified mail to the owner that such land has been classified as forest land and is subject to the compensating tax imposed by this section. If the owner desires not to have such land assessed and valued as classified forest land, he or she shall give the assessor written notice thereof on or before March 31 of such year and the assessor shall remove from the assessment and tax rolls the classification notation entered pursuant to this subsection, and shall thereafter assess and value such land in the manner provided by law other than this chapter 84.33 RCW.

             (4) In any year commencing with 1972, an owner of land which is assessed and valued by the assessor other than pursuant to the procedures set forth in RCW 84.33.110 and this section, and which has, in the immediately preceding year, been assessed and valued by the assessor as forest land, may appeal to the county board of equalization by filing an application with the board in the manner prescribed in subsection (2) of RCW 84.33.130. The county board shall afford the applicant an opportunity to be heard if the application so requests and shall act upon the application in the manner prescribed in subsection (3) of RCW 84.33.130.

             (5) Land that has been assessed and valued as classified forest land as of any year commencing with 1975 assessment year or earlier shall continue to be so assessed and valued until removal of classification by the assessor only upon the occurrence of one of the following events:

             (a) Receipt of notice from the owner to remove such land from classification as forest land;

             (b) Sale or transfer to an ownership making such land exempt from ad valorem taxation;

             (c) Determination by the assessor, after giving the owner written notice and an opportunity to be heard, that, because of actions taken by the owner, such land is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber. However, land shall not be removed from classification if a governmental agency, organization, or other recipient identified in subsection (9) of this section as exempt from the payment of compensating tax has manifested its intent in writing or by other official action to acquire a property interest in classified forest land by means of a transaction that qualifies for an exemption under subsection (9) of this section. The governmental agency, organization, or recipient shall annually provide the assessor of the county in which the land is located reasonable evidence in writing of the intent to acquire the classified land as long as the intent continues or within sixty days of a request by the assessor. The assessor may not request this evidence more than once in a calendar year;

             (d) Determination that a higher and better use exists for such land than growing and harvesting timber after giving the owner written notice and an opportunity to be heard;

             (e) Sale or transfer of all or a portion of such land to a new owner, unless the new owner has signed a notice of forest land classification continuance(([,])), except transfer to an owner who is an heir or devisee of a deceased owner, shall not, by itself, result in removal of classification. The signed notice of continuance shall be attached to the real estate excise tax affidavit provided for in RCW ((82.45.120, as now or hereafter amended)) 82.45.150. The notice of continuance shall be on a form prepared by the department of revenue. If the notice of continuance is not signed by the new owner and attached to the real estate excise tax affidavit, all compensating taxes calculated pursuant to subsection (7) of this section shall become due and payable by the seller or transferor at time of sale. The county auditor shall not accept an instrument of conveyance of classified forest land for filing or recording unless the new owner has signed the notice of continuance or the compensating tax has been paid. The seller, transferor, or new owner may appeal the new assessed valuation calculated under subsection (7) of this section to the county board of equalization. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the county board of equalization to hear these appeals.

             The assessor shall remove classification pursuant to ((subsections)) (c) or (d) ((above)) of this subsection prior to September 30 of the year prior to the assessment year for which termination of classification is to be effective. Removal of classification as forest land upon occurrence of ((subsection)) (a), (b), (d), or (e) ((above)) of this subsection shall apply only to the land affected, and upon occurrence of ((subsection)) (c) of this subsection shall apply only to the actual area of land no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber: PROVIDED, That any remaining classified forest land meets necessary definitions of forest land pursuant to RCW 84.33.100 as now or hereafter amended.

             (6) Within thirty days after such removal of classification as forest land, the assessor shall notify the owner in writing setting forth the reasons for such removal. The owner of such land shall thereupon have the right to apply for designation of such land as forest land pursuant to subsection (4) of this section or RCW 84.33.130. The seller, transferor, or owner may appeal such removal to the county board of equalization.

             (7) Unless the owner successfully applies for designation of such land or unless the removal is reversed on appeal, notation of removal from classification shall immediately be made upon the assessment and tax rolls, and commencing on January 1 of the year following the year in which the assessor made such notation, such land shall be assessed on the same basis as real property is assessed generally in that county. Except as provided in subsections (5)(e) and (9) of this section and unless the assessor shall not have mailed notice of classification pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, a compensating tax shall be imposed which shall be due and payable to the county treasurer thirty days after the owner is notified of the amount of the compensating tax. As soon as possible, the assessor shall compute the amount of such compensating tax and mail notice to the owner of the amount thereof and the date on which payment is due. The amount of such compensating tax shall be equal to((: (a))) the difference, if any, between the amount of tax last levied on such land as forest land and an amount equal to the new assessed valuation of such land multiplied by the dollar rate of the last levy extended against such land, multiplied by (((b))) a number, in no event greater than ten, equal to the number of years, commencing with assessment year 1975, for which such land was assessed and valued as forest land.

             (8) Compensating tax, together with applicable interest thereon, shall become a lien on such land which shall attach at the time such land is removed from classification as forest land and shall have priority to and shall be fully paid and satisfied before any recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation or responsibility to or with which such land may become charged or liable. Such lien may be foreclosed upon expiration of the same period after delinquency and in the same manner provided by law for foreclosure of liens for delinquent real property taxes as provided in RCW 84.64.050. Any compensating tax unpaid on its due date shall thereupon become delinquent. From the date of delinquency until paid, interest shall be charged at the same rate applied by law to delinquent ad valorem property taxes.

             (9) The compensating tax specified in subsection (7) of this section shall not be imposed if the removal of classification as forest land pursuant to subsection (5) of this section resulted solely from:

             (a) Transfer to a government entity in exchange for other forest land located within the state of Washington;

             (b) A taking through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or sale or transfer to an entity having the power of eminent domain in anticipation of the exercise of such power;

             (c) A donation of fee title, development rights, or the right to harvest timber, to a government agency or organization qualified under RCW 84.34.210 and 64.04.130 for the purposes enumerated in those sections, or the sale or transfer of fee title to a governmental entity or a nonprofit nature conservancy corporation, as defined in RCW 64.04.130, exclusively for the protection and conservation of lands recommended for state natural area preserve purposes by the natural heritage council and natural heritage plan as defined in chapter 79.70 RCW: PROVIDED, That at such time as the land is not used for the purposes enumerated, the compensating tax specified in subsection (7) of this section shall be imposed upon the current owner;

             (d) The sale or transfer of fee title to the parks and recreation commission for park and recreation purposes.

             (10) With respect to any land that has been designated prior to May 6, 1974, pursuant to RCW 84.33.120(4) or 84.33.130, the assessor may, prior to January 1, 1975, on his or her own motion or pursuant to petition by the owner, change, without imposition of the compensating tax provided under RCW 84.33.140, the status of such designated land to classified forest land.

             Sec. 2. RCW 84.33.140 and 1992 c 69 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) When land has been designated as forest land pursuant to RCW 84.33.120(4) or 84.33.130, a notation of such designation shall be made each year upon the assessment and tax rolls, a copy of the notice of approval together with the legal description or assessor's tax lot numbers for such land shall, at the expense of the applicant, be filed by the assessor in the same manner as deeds are recorded, and such land shall be graded and valued pursuant to RCW 84.33.110 and 84.33.120 until removal of such designation by the assessor upon occurrence of any of the following:

             (a) Receipt of notice from the owner to remove such designation;

             (b) Sale or transfer to an ownership making such land exempt from ad valorem taxation;

             (c) Sale or transfer of all or a portion of such land to a new owner, unless the new owner has signed a notice of forest land designation continuance(([,])), except transfer to an owner who is an heir or devisee of a deceased owner, shall not, by itself, result in removal of classification. The signed notice of continuance shall be attached to the real estate excise tax affidavit provided for in RCW ((82.45.120, as now or hereafter amended)) 82.45.150. The notice of continuance shall be on a form prepared by the department of revenue. If the notice of continuance is not signed by the new owner and attached to the real estate excise tax affidavit, all compensating taxes calculated pursuant to subsection (3) of this section shall become due and payable by the seller or transferor at time of sale. The county auditor shall not accept an instrument of conveyance of designated forest land for filing or recording unless the new owner has signed the notice of continuance or the compensating tax has been paid. The seller, transferor, or new owner may appeal the new assessed valuation calculated under subsection (3) of this section to the county board of equalization. Jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the county board of equalization to hear these appeals;

             (d) Determination by the assessor, after giving the owner written notice and an opportunity to be heard, that: (i) Such land is no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber((,)). However, land shall not be removed from designation if a governmental agency, organization, or other recipient identified in subsection (5) of this section as exempt from the payment of compensating tax has manifested its intent in writing or by other official action to acquire a property interest in designated forest land by means of a transaction that qualifies for an exemption under subsection (5) of this section. The governmental agency, organization, or recipient shall annually provide the assessor of the county in which the land is located reasonable evidence in writing of the intent to acquire the designated land as long as the intent continues or within sixty days of a request by the assessor. The assessor may not request this evidence more than once in a calendar year;

             (ii) ((such)) The owner has failed to comply with a final administrative or judicial order with respect to a violation of the restocking, forest management, fire protection, insect and disease control and forest debris provisions of Title 76 RCW or any applicable regulations thereunder((,)); or

             (iii) Restocking has not occurred to the extent or within the time specified in the application for designation of such land.

Removal of designation upon occurrence of any of ((subsections)) (a) through (c) ((above)) of this subsection shall apply only to the land affected, and upon occurrence of ((subsection)) (d) of this subsection shall apply only to the actual area of land no longer primarily devoted to and used for growing and harvesting timber, without regard to other land that may have been included in the same application and approval for designation: PROVIDED, That any remaining designated forest land meets necessary definitions of forest land pursuant to RCW 84.33.100 as now or hereafter amended.

             (2) Within thirty days after such removal of designation of forest land, the assessor shall notify the owner in writing, setting forth the reasons for such removal. The seller, transferor, or owner may appeal such removal to the county board of equalization.

             (3) Unless the removal is reversed on appeal a copy of the notice of removal with notation of the action, if any, upon appeal, together with the legal description or assessor's tax lot numbers for the land removed from designation shall, at the expense of the applicant, be filed by the assessor in the same manner as deeds are recorded, and commencing on January 1 of the year following the year in which the assessor mailed such notice, such land shall be assessed on the same basis as real property is assessed generally in that county. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, a compensating tax shall be imposed which shall be due and payable to the county treasurer thirty days after the owner is notified of the amount of the compensating tax. As soon as possible, the assessor shall compute the amount of such compensating tax and mail notice to the owner of the amount thereof and the date on which payment is due. The amount of such compensating tax shall be equal to((: (a))) the difference between the amount of tax last levied on such land as forest land and an amount equal to the new assessed valuation of such land multiplied by the dollar rate of the last levy extended against such land, multiplied by (((b))) a number, in no event greater than ten, equal to the number of years for which such land was designated as forest land.

             (4) Compensating tax, together with applicable interest thereon, shall become a lien on such land which shall attach at the time such land is removed from designation as forest land and shall have priority to and shall be fully paid and satisfied before any recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation or responsibility to or with which such land may become charged or liable. Such lien may be foreclosed upon expiration of the same period after delinquency and in the same manner provided by law for foreclosure of liens for delinquent real property taxes as provided in RCW 84.64.050. Any compensating tax unpaid on its due date shall thereupon become delinquent. From the date of delinquency until paid, interest shall be charged at the same rate applied by law to delinquent ad valorem property taxes.

             (5) The compensating tax specified in subsection (3) of this section shall not be imposed if the removal of designation pursuant to subsection (1) of this section resulted solely from:

             (a) Transfer to a government entity in exchange for other forest land located within the state of Washington;

             (b) A taking through the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or sale or transfer to an entity having the power of eminent domain in anticipation of the exercise of such power;

             (c) A donation of fee title, development rights, or the right to harvest timber, to a government agency or organization qualified under RCW 84.34.210 and 64.04.130 for the purposes enumerated in those sections, or the sale or transfer of fee title to a governmental entity or a nonprofit nature conservancy corporation, as defined in RCW 64.04.130, exclusively for the protection and conservation of lands recommended for state natural area preserve purposes by the natural heritage council and natural heritage plan as defined in chapter 79.70 RCW: PROVIDED, That at such time as the land is not used for the purposes enumerated, the compensating tax specified in subsection (3) of this section shall be imposed upon the current owner;

             (d) The sale or transfer of fee title to the parks and recreation commission for park and recreation purposes.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "provisions;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 84.33.120 and 84.33.140; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1700 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Sehlin spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1700 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1700 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 77, Nays - 19, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Carlson, Carrell, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Ogden, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Silver, Skinner, Sommers, Sterk, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 77.

             Voting nay: Representatives Campbell, Casada, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Hargrove, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, McMahan, McMorris, Mulliken, Pelesky, Pennington, Robertson, Sheldon, Sherstad, Smith, Stevens and Thomas, L. - 19.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1700, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


             I intended to vote NAY on Substitute House Bill No. 1700 as amended by the Senate.

IAN ELLIOT, 1st District


April 10, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1722 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 34.12.020 and 1994 c 257 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:

             Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.

             (1) "Office" means the office of administrative hearings.

             (2) "Administrative law judge" means any person appointed by the chief administrative law judge to conduct or preside over hearings as provided in this chapter.

             (3) "Hearing" means an adjudicative proceeding within the meaning of RCW 34.05.010(1) conducted by a state agency under RCW 34.05.413 through 34.05.476.

             (4) "State agency" means any state board, commission, department, or officer authorized by law to make rules or to conduct adjudicative proceedings, except those in the legislative or judicial branches, the growth ((planning)) management hearings boards, the utilities and transportation commission, the pollution control hearings board, the shorelines hearings board, the forest practices appeals board, the environmental hearings office, the board of industrial insurance appeals, the Washington personnel resources board, the public employment relations commission, the personnel appeals board, and the board of tax appeals.

             Sec. 2. RCW 80.01.050 and 1961 c 14 s 80.01.050 are each amended to read as follows:

             A majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, for the performance of any duty, or for the exercise of any power of the commission, and may hold hearings at any time or place within or without the state. Any investigation, inquiry, or hearing which the commission has power to undertake or to hold may be undertaken or held by or before any commissioner or any ((examiner)) employee designated and authorized by the commission as provided in RCW 80.01.060. All investigations, inquiries, and hearings of the commission, and all findings, orders, or decisions, made by a commissioner, when approved and confirmed by the commission and filed in its office, shall be and be deemed to be the orders or decisions of the commission.

             Sec. 3. RCW 80.01.060 and 1991 c 48 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The commission ((shall have the power to request the appointment of)) may designate employees of the commission as hearing examiners, administrative law judges ((under chapter 34.12 RCW)), and review judges when it deems such action necessary for its general administration. ((Such administrative law judges shall)) The designated employees have power to administer oaths, to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, waybills, books, accounts, documents, and testimony, to examine witnesses, and to receive testimony in any inquiry, investigation, hearing, or proceeding in any part of the state, under such rules as the commission may adopt.             (2) In general rate increase filings by a natural gas, electric, or telecommunications company, the designated employee may preside, but may not enter an initial order unless expressly agreed to in writing by the company making the filing. In all other cases, the designated employee may enter an initial order including findings of fact and conclusions of law in accordance with RCW 34.05.461(1)(a) and (c) and (3) through (9) or 34.05.485. RCW 34.05.461 (1)(b) and (2) do not apply to entry of orders under this section. The designated employee may not enter final orders, except that the commission may designate persons by rule to preside and enter final orders in emergency adjudications under RCW 34.05.479.

             (3) If the designated employee does not enter an initial order as provided in subsection (2) of this section, then a majority of the members of the commission who are to enter the final order must hear or review substantially all of the record submitted by any party.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. RCW 34.12.042 and 1982 c 189 s 13 are each repealed."

             In line 2 of the title, after "commission;" strike the remainder of the title, and insert "amending RCW 34.12.020, 81.01.050, and 80.01.060; and repealing RCW 34.12.042."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1722 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Sheahan spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1722 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1722 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 95, Nays - 1, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 95.

             Voting nay: Representative Mastin - 1.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1722, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 13, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1809 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, after line 26, insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. By July 31, 1996, the Washington state nursing care quality assurance commission shall develop rules for nursing practice under the direction of naturopathic physicians.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect August 1, 1996."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "18.79 RCW;" strike "and"

             On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "18.79.270" insert "; creating a new section; and providing an effective date"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Hymes moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1809 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1809 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1809 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1809, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 12, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1872 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, after line 5, strike all material on lines 6 through 8 and insert the following:

             "(7) To adopt rules to define and specify the education and training requirements for physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Backlund moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1872 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Crouse and Valle spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of House Bill No. 1872 as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Crouse and Backlund spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1872 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             House Bill No. 1872, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 12, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1889 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 43.09.010 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.010 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor shall reside and keep his or her office at the seat of government. Before entering upon his or her duties he or she shall execute and deliver to the secretary of state a bond to the state in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be approved by the governor, conditioned for the faithful performance of all duties required ((of him)) by law. He or she shall take an oath of office before any person authorized to administer oaths, and file a copy thereof, together with ((his)) the required bond, in the office of the secretary of state.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. The state auditor may appoint deputies and assistant directors as necessary to carry out the duties of the office of the state auditor. These individuals serve at the pleasure of the state auditor and are exempt from the provisions of chapter 41.06 RCW as stated in RCW 41.06.070(1)(y).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The state auditor may appoint and employ other assistants and personnel necessary to carry out the work of the office of the state auditor.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. The state auditor may contract with public accountants certified in Washington to carry out those portions of the duties of auditing state agencies and local governments as the state auditor may determine.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. The state auditor, his or her employees and every person legally appointed to perform such service, may issue subpoenas and compulsory process and direct the service thereof by any constable or sheriff, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers before him or her at any designated time and place, and may administer oaths.

             When any person summoned to appear and give testimony neglects or refuses to do so, or neglects or refuses to answer any question that may be put to him or her touching any matter under examination, or to produce any books or papers required, the person making such examination shall apply to a superior court judge of the proper county to issue a subpoena for the appearance of such person before him or her; and the judge shall order the issuance of a subpoena for the appearance of such person forthwith before him or her to give testimony; and if any person so summoned fails to appear, or appearing, refuses to testify, or to produce any books or papers required, he or she shall be subject to like proceedings and penalties for contempt as witnesses in the superior court. Willful false swearing in any such examination shall be perjury and punishable as such.

             Sec. 6. RCW 43.09.170 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.170 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor may administer all oaths required by law in matters pertaining to the duties of his or her office.

             Sec. 7. RCW 43.09.180 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.180 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor shall keep a seal of office for the identification of all papers, writings, and documents required by law to be certified by him or her, and copies authenticated and certified of all papers and documents lawfully deposited in his or her office shall be received in evidence with the same effect as the originals.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. State agencies and local governments shall immediately report to the state auditor's office known or suspected loss of public funds or assets or other illegal activity.

             Sec. 9. RCW 43.09.200 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.200 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor((, through such division,)) shall formulate, prescribe, and install a system of accounting and reporting for all local governments, which shall be uniform for every public institution, and every public office, and every public account of the same class.

             The system shall exhibit true accounts and detailed statements of funds collected, received, and expended for account of the public for any purpose whatever, and by all public officers, employees, or other persons.

             The accounts shall show the receipt, use, and disposition of all public property, and the income, if any, derived therefrom; all sources of public income, and the amounts due and received from each source; all receipts, vouchers, and other documents kept, or required to be kept, necessary to isolate and prove the validity of every transaction; all statements and reports made or required to be made, for the internal administration of the office to which they pertain; and all reports published or required to be published, for the information of the people regarding any and all details of the financial administration of public affairs.

             Sec. 10. RCW 43.09.205 and 1987 c 120 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor((, through the division of municipal corporations,)) shall prescribe a standard form with which the accounts and records of costs of all local governments shall be maintained as required under RCW 39.04.070.

             Sec. 11. RCW 43.09.220 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.220 are each amended to read as follows:

             Separate accounts shall be kept for every public service industry of every local government, which shall show the true and entire cost of the ownership and operation thereof, the amount collected annually by general or special taxation for service rendered to the public, and the amount and character of the service rendered therefor, and the amount collected annually from private users for service rendered to them, and the amount and character of the service rendered therefor.

             Sec. 12. RCW 43.09.230 and 1993 c 18 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor shall require from every ((taxing district and other political subdivisions)) local government financial reports covering the full period of each fiscal year, in accordance with the forms and methods prescribed by the state auditor, which shall be uniform for all accounts of the same class.

             Such reports shall be prepared, certified, and filed with the ((division)) state auditor within one hundred fifty days after the close of each fiscal year.

             The reports shall contain accurate statements, in summarized form, of all collections made, or receipts received, by the officers from all sources; all accounts due the public treasury, but not collected; and all expenditures for every purpose, and by what authority authorized; and also: (1) A statement of all costs of ownership and operation, and of all income, of each and every public service industry owned and operated by a ((municipality)) local government; (2) a statement of the entire public debt of every ((taxing district)) local government, to which power has been delegated by the state to create a public debt, showing the purpose for which each item of the debt was created, and the provisions made for the payment thereof; (3) a classified statement of all receipts and expenditures by any public institution; and (4) a statement of all expenditures for labor relations consultants, with the identification of each consultant, compensation, and the terms and conditions of each agreement or arrangement; together with such other information as may be required by the state auditor.

             The reports shall be certified as to their correctness by the state auditor, the state auditor's deputies, or other person legally authorized to make such ((certificate)) certification.

             Their substance shall be published in an annual volume of comparative statistics at the expense of the state as a public document.

             Sec. 13. RCW 43.09.240 and 1991 c 245 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:

             Every public officer and employee of a local government shall keep all accounts of his or her office in the form prescribed and make all reports required by the state auditor. Any public officer or employee who refuses or willfully neglects to perform such duties shall be subject to removal from office in an appropriate proceeding for that purpose brought by the attorney general or by any prosecuting attorney.

             Every public officer and employee, whose duty it is to collect or receive payments due or for the use of the public shall deposit such moneys collected or received by him or her with the treasurer of the ((taxing district)) local government once every twenty-four consecutive hours. The treasurer may in his or her discretion grant an exception where such daily transfers would not be administratively practical or feasible.

             In case a public officer or employee collects or receives funds for the account of a ((taxing district)) local government of which he or she is an officer or employee, the treasurer shall, by Friday of each week, pay to the proper officer of the ((taxing district)) local government for the account of which the collection was made or payment received, the full amount collected or received during the current week for the account of the district.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. The state auditor has the power to examine all the financial affairs of every local government and its officers and employees.

             Sec. 15. RCW 43.09.260 and 1991 sp.s. c 30 s 26 are each amended to read as follows:

             ((The state auditor, the chief examiner, and every state examiner shall have power by himself or herself or by any person legally appointed to perform the service, to examine into all financial affairs of every public office and officer.))

             The examination of the financial affairs of all ((taxing districts)) local governments shall be made at such reasonable, periodic intervals as the state auditor shall determine. However, an examination of the financial affairs of all ((taxing districts)) local governments shall be made at least once in every three years, and an examination of individual local government health and welfare benefit plans and local government self-insurance programs shall be made at least once every two years. The term (("taxing districts")) local governments for purposes of ((RCW 43.09.190 through 43.09.285)) this chapter includes but is not limited to all counties, cities, and other political subdivisions, municipal corporations, and quasi-municipal corporations, however denominated.

             The state auditor shall establish a schedule to govern the auditing of ((taxing districts)) local governments which shall include: A designation of the various classifications of ((taxing districts)) local governments; a designation of the frequency for auditing each type of ((taxing district)) local government; and a description of events which cause a more frequent audit to be conducted.

             On every such examination, inquiry shall be made as to the financial condition and resources of the ((taxing district)) local government; whether the Constitution and laws of the state, the ordinances and orders of the ((taxing district)) local government, and the requirements of the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor have been properly complied with; and into the methods and accuracy of the accounts and reports.

             ((The state auditor, his or her deputies, every state examiner and every person legally appointed to perform such service, may issue subpoenas and compulsory process and direct the service thereof by any constable or sheriff, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers before him or her at any designated time and place, and may administer oaths.

             When any person summoned to appear and give testimony neglects or refuses so to do, or neglects or refuses to answer any question that may be put to him or her touching any matter under examination, or to produce any books or papers required, the person making such examination shall apply to a superior court judge of the proper county to issue a subpoena for the appearance of such person before him or her; and the judge shall order the issuance of a subpoena for the appearance of such person forthwith before him to give testimony; and

 if any person so summoned fails to appear, or appearing, refuses to testify, or to produce any books or papers required, he or she shall be subject to like proceedings and penalties for contempt as witnesses in the superior court. Willful false swearing in any such examination shall be perjury and punishable as such.))

             A report of such examination shall be made ((in triplicate, one copy to be)) and filed in the office of ((the)) state auditor, and one ((in)) copy shall be transmitted to the ((auditing department of the taxing district reported upon, and one in the office of the attorney general)) local government. A copy of any report containing findings of noncompliance with state law shall be transmitted to the attorney general. If any such report discloses malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office on the part of any public officer or employee, within thirty days from the receipt of his or her copy of the report, the attorney general shall institute, in the proper county, such legal action as is proper in the premises by civil process and prosecute the same to final determination to carry into effect the findings of the examination.

             It shall be unlawful for ((the county commissioners or any board or officer)) any local government or the responsible head thereof, to make a settlement or compromise of any claim arising out of such malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance, or any action commenced therefor, or for any court to enter upon any compromise or settlement of such action, without the written approval and consent of the attorney general and the state auditor.

             Sec. 16. RCW 43.09.265 and 1979 ex.s. c 218 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor((, through the division of municipal corporations,)) shall review the tax levies of all ((municipal corporations)) local governments in the regular examinations under RCW 43.09.260.

             Sec. 17. RCW 43.09.270 and 1993 c 315 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             The expense of ((maintaining and operating the division of municipal corporations)) auditing local governments and those expenses directly related to ((the)) prescribing ((of)) accounting systems, training, maintenance of working capital including reserves for late and ((uncollectible)) uncollectible accounts and necessary adjustments to billings, and field audit supervision, shall be considered ((as)) expenses of auditing public accounts within the meaning of RCW 43.09.280 and 43.09.282, and shall be prorated for that purpose equally among all entities directly affected by such service.

             Sec. 18. RCW 43.09.280 and 1979 c 71 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             The expense of auditing public accounts shall be borne by each entity subject to such audit for the auditing of all accounts under its jurisdiction and the state auditor shall certify the expense of such audit to the fiscal or warrant-issuing officer of such entity, who shall immediately make payment to the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor. If the expense as certified is not paid by any ((taxing district)) local government within thirty days from the date of certification, the state auditor may certify the expense to the auditor of the county in which the ((taxing district)) local government is situated, who shall promptly issue his or her warrant on the county treasurer payable out of the current expense fund of the county, which fund, except as to auditing the financial affairs and making inspection and examination of the county, shall be reimbursed by the county auditor or chief financial officer out of the money due ((said taxing district)) the local government at the next monthly settlement of the collection of taxes and shall be transferred to the current expense fund.

             Sec. 19. RCW 43.09.2801 and 1992 c 44 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) From July 1, 1992, to June 30, 1995, the state auditor shall charge an entity subject to an audit an additional ten cents per hour billed under RCW 43.09.270 and 43.09.280, to be deposited in the local government administrative ((hearing[s])) hearings account.

             (2) After June 30, 1995, the state auditor shall base the amount to be collected and deposited into the local government administrative ((hearing[s])) hearings account on the funds remaining in the account on June 30, 1995, and the anticipated caseload for the future.

             (3) The state auditor may exempt a local government that ((complies)) certifies that it is in compliance with RCW 42.41.050 from a charge added under subsection (1) or (2) of this section.

             Sec. 20. RCW 43.09.282 and 1982 c 206 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             For the purposes of centralized funding, accounting, and distribution of the costs of the audits performed on ((taxing districts)) local governments by the state auditor, there is hereby created ((a fund)) an account entitled the municipal revolving ((fund)) account. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the ((fund)) account. All moneys received by the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor or by any officer or employee thereof shall be deposited with the state treasurer and credited to the municipal revolving ((fund)) account. ((Funds in the municipal revolving fund will be spent only after appropriation by the legislature. Such appropriated funds shall be administered by the division of municipal corporations.)) Only the state auditor or the auditor's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. No appropriation is required for expenditures. The ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor shall keep such records as are necessary to detail the auditing costs attributable to the various types of ((taxing districts)) local governments.

             Sec. 21. RCW 43.09.290 and 1981 c 336 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             For the purposes of RCW 43.09.290 through 43.09.340 and 43.09.410 through 43.09.418, post-audit means an ((annual)) audit of the books, records, funds, accounts, and financial transactions of a state ((department)) agency for a complete fiscal period; pre-audit means all other audits and examinations; state ((department)) agency means elective officers and offices, and every other office, officer, department, board, council, committee, commission, or authority((, or agency)) of the state government now existing or hereafter created, supported, wholly or in part, by appropriations from the state treasury or funds under its control, or by the levy, assessment, collection, or receipt of fines, penalties, fees, licenses, sales of commodities, service charges, rentals, grants-in-aid, or other income provided by law, and all state educational, penal, reformatory, charitable, eleemosynary, or other institutions, supported, wholly or in part, by appropriations from the state treasury or funds under its control.

             Sec. 22. RCW 43.09.310 and 1981 c 217 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor((, through the division of departmental audits,)) shall annually audit the state-wide combined financial statements prepared by the office of financial management and make post-audits of state agencies. Post-audits of state agencies shall be made at such periodic intervals as is determined by the state auditor. Audits of combined financial statements shall include determinations as to the validity and accuracy of accounting methods, procedures and standards utilized in their preparation, as well as the accuracy of the financial statements themselves. A report shall be made of each such audit and post-audit upon completion thereof, and one copy shall be transmitted to the governor, one to the director of financial management, ((one to the attorney general,)) one to the state ((department)) agency audited, one to the legislative budget committee, one each to the standing committees on ways and means of the house and senate, one to the chief clerk of the house, one to the secretary of the senate, and at least one shall be kept on file in the office of the state auditor. ((For purposes of reporting the annual audit of state-wide combined financial statements, "state department audited" refers solely to the office of financial management.)) A copy of any report containing findings of noncompliance with state law shall be transmitted to the attorney general.

             Sec. 23. RCW 43.09.330 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.330 are each amended to read as follows:

             ((The state auditor, the chief examiner, and every state examiner of the division of departmental audits, for the purpose of making post-audits, may issue subpoenas and compulsory process and direct the service thereof by any constable or sheriff to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers before him at any designated time and place, and may administer oaths.

             If any person summoned neglects or refuses to appear, or neglects or refuses to answer any question that may be put to him touching any matter under audit, or to produce any books or papers required, the person making such audit shall apply to a superior court judge of the county where the hearing arose to issue a subpoena for the appearance of such person before him; and the judge shall order the issuance of a subpoena for the appearance of such person forthwith before him to give testimony; and if any person so summoned fails to appear, or appearing refuses to testify or to produce any books or papers required, he shall be subject to like proceedings and penalties for contempt as witnesses in the superior court. Wilful false swearing in any such examination shall be perjury and punishable as such.))

             If any audit of a state agency discloses malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office on the part of any public officer or employee, within thirty days from the receipt of his or her copy of the report, the attorney general shall institute and prosecute in the proper county, appropriate legal action to carry into effect the findings of such post-audit. It shall be unlawful for any state ((department)) agency or the responsible head thereof, to make a settlement or compromise of any claim arising out of such malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance, or any action commenced therefor, or for any court to enter upon any compromise or settlement of such action without the written approval and consent of the attorney general and the state auditor.

             Sec. 24. RCW 43.09.340 and 1979 c 151 s 93 are each amended to read as follows:

             The governor ((may, from time to time)) shall, at least every two years, provide for a post-audit of the books, accounts, and records of the state auditor, and the funds under his or her control, to be made either by independent qualified public accountants or the director of financial management, as he or she may determine. The expense of making such audit shall be paid from appropriations made therefor from the general fund.

             Sec. 25. RCW 43.09.410 and 1981 c 336 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             An auditing services revolving ((fund)) account is hereby created in the state treasury for the purpose of a centralized funding, accounting, and distribution of the actual costs of the audits provided to state ((departments)) agencies by the state auditor.

             Sec. 26. RCW 43.09.412 and 1987 c 165 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             The amounts to be disbursed from the auditing services revolving ((fund)) account shall ((be transferred thereto by the state treasurer)) be paid from funds appropriated to any and all state ((departments)) agencies for auditing services or administrative expenses ((on a monthly basis)). State ((departments)) agencies operating in whole or in part from nonappropriated funds shall pay into the auditing services revolving ((fund)) account such funds as will fully reimburse funds appropriated to the state auditor ((for any auditing services provided activities financed by nonappropriated funds)) for auditing services provided.

             The director of financial management shall allot all such funds to the state auditor for the operation of his or her office, pursuant to appropriation, in the same manner as appropriated funds are allocated to other state ((departments)) agencies headed by elected officers under chapter 43.88 RCW.

             Sec. 27. RCW 43.09.414 and 1981 c 336 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Disbursements from the auditing services revolving ((fund)) account shall be made pursuant to vouchers executed by the state auditor or his or her designee in accordance with RCW 43.09.412.

             Sec. 28. RCW 43.09.416 and 1987 c 165 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor shall keep such records as are necessary to facilitate proper allocation of costs to funds and accounts and state ((departments)) agencies served and the director of financial management shall prescribe appropriate accounting procedures to accurately allocate costs to funds and accounts and state ((departments)) agencies served. The billing rate shall be established based on costs incurred in the prior biennium and anticipated costs in the new biennium. Those expenses related to training, maintenance of working capital including reserves for late and uncollectible accounts, and necessary adjustments to billings, shall be considered as expenses of auditing public accounts. Working capital shall not exceed five percent of the auditing services revolving ((fund)) account appropriation. ((The director of the office of financial management shall establish a committee of at least three certified public accountants with private sector audit experience to prepare general guidelines governing procedures to be used in determining audit costs and standards for measuring auditor productivity. These proposed procedures and productivity standards shall be presented for review by the house and senate committees on ways and means prior to the 1982 regular session of the legislature.))

             Sec. 29. RCW 43.09.418 and 1981 c 336 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             In cases where there are unanticipated demands for auditing services or where there are insufficient funds on hand or available for payment through the auditing services revolving ((fund)) account or in other cases of necessity, the state auditor may request payment for auditing services directly from state ((departments)) agencies for whom the services are performed to the extent that revenues or other funds are available. Upon approval by the director of financial management the state ((department)) agency shall make the requested payment. The payment may be made on either an advance or reimbursable basis as approved by the director of financial management.

             Sec. 30. RCW 3.30.070 and 1971 c 73 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             The clerk of each district court shall keep uniform records of each case filed and the proceedings had therein including an accounting for all funds received and disbursed. Financial reporting shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the ((office of the)) state auditor((, division of municipal corporations)). The form of other records may be prescribed by the supreme court.

             Sec. 31. RCW 3.62.020 and 1988 c 169 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, all costs, fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties assessed and collected in whole or in part by district courts, except costs, fines, forfeitures and penalties assessed and collected, in whole or in part, because of the violation of city ordinances, shall be remitted by the clerk of the district court to the county treasurer at least monthly, together with a financial statement as required by the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor, noting the information necessary for crediting of such funds as required by law.

             (2) The county treasurer shall remit thirty-two percent of the money received under subsection (1) of this section except certain costs to the state treasurer. "Certain costs" as used in this subsection, means those costs awarded to prevailing parties in civil actions under RCW 4.84.010 or 36.18.040, or those costs awarded against convicted defendants in criminal actions under RCW 10.01.160, 10.46.190, or 36.18.040, or other similar statutes if such costs are specifically designated as costs by the court and are awarded for the specific reimbursement of costs incurred by the state or county in the prosecution of the case, including the fees of defense counsel. Money remitted under this subsection to the state treasurer shall be deposited as provided in RCW 43.08.250.

             (3) The balance of the money received by the county treasurer under subsection (1) of this section shall be deposited in the county current expense fund.

             (4) All money collected for county parking infractions shall be remitted by the clerk of the district court at least monthly, with the information required under subsection (1) of this section, to the county treasurer for deposit in the county current expense fund.

             Sec. 32. RCW 14.08.090 and 1984 c 7 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             Any bonds to be issued by any municipality pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be authorized and issued in the manner and within the limitation prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this state or the charter of the municipality for the issuance and authorization of bonds thereof for public purposes generally, secured by the revenues of the airport, a mortgage on facilities, or a general tax levy as allowed by law, if the plan and system resolution are approved by the secretary of transportation or the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor.

             Sec. 33. RCW 35.02.132 and 1991 c 360 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             The newly elected officials shall adopt an interim budget for the interim period or until January 1 of the following year, whichever occurs first. A second interim budget shall be adopted for any period between January 1 and the official date of incorporation. These interim budgets shall be adopted in consultation with the ((office of the)) state auditor((, division of municipal corporations)).

             The governing body shall adopt a budget for the newly incorporated city or town for the period between the official date of incorporation and January 1 of the following year. The mayor or governing body, whichever is appropriate shall prepare or the governing body may direct the interim city manager to prepare a preliminary budget in detail to be made public at least sixty days before the official date of incorporation as a recommendation for the final budget. The mayor, governing body, or the interim city manager shall submit as a part of the preliminary budget a budget message that contains an explanation of the budget document, an outline of the recommended financial policies and programs of the city or town for the ensuing fiscal year, and a statement of the relation of the recommended appropriation to such policies and programs. Immediately following the release of the preliminary budget, the governing body shall cause to be published a notice once each week for two consecutive weeks of a public hearing to be held at least twenty days before the official date of incorporation on the fixing of the final budget. Any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. The governing body may make such adjustments and changes as it deems necessary and may adopt the final budget at the conclusion of the public hearing or at any time before the official date of incorporation.

             Sec. 34. RCW 35.07.230 and 1965 c 7 s 35.07.230 are each amended to read as follows:

             If any town fails for two successive years to hold its regular municipal election, or if the officers elected at the regular election of any town fail for two successive years to qualify and the government of the town ceases to function by reason thereof, the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) may petition the superior court of the county for an order, dissolving the town. In addition to stating the facts which would justify the entry of such an order, the petition shall set forth a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities of the town insofar as they can be ascertained.

             Sec. 35. RCW 35.21.270 and 1984 c 7 s 20 are each amended to read as follows:

             The city engineer or the city clerk of each city or town shall maintain records of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys used for construction, repair, or maintenance of streets and arterial highways.

             To assist in maintaining uniformity in such records, the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor, with the advice and assistance of the department of transportation, shall prescribe forms and types of records to be so maintained.

             Sec. 36. RCW 35.23.121 and 1965 c 7 s 35.24.120 are each amended to read as follows:

             The city clerk shall keep a full and true record of every act and proceeding of the city council and keep such books, accounts and make such reports as may be required by ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor. The city clerk shall record all ordinances, annexing thereto his or her certificate giving the number and title of the ordinance, stating that the ordinance was published and posted according to law and that the record is a true and correct copy thereof. The record copy with the clerk's certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the contents of the ordinance and of its passage and publication and shall be admissible as such evidence in any court or proceeding.

             The city clerk shall be custodian of the seal of the city and shall have authority to acknowledge the execution of all instruments by the city which require acknowledgment.

             The city clerk may appoint a deputy for whose acts he or she and his or her bondsmen shall be responsible, and he or she and his or her deputy shall have authority to take all necessary affidavits to claims against the city and certify them without charge.

             The city clerk shall perform such other duties as may be required by statute or ordinance.

             Sec. 37. RCW 35.23.535 and 1965 c 7 s 35.24.430 are each amended to read as follows:

             No taxes shall be imposed for maintenance and operating charges of city owned water, light, power, or heating works or systems.

             Rates shall be fixed by ordinance for supplying water, light, power, or heat for commercial, domestic, or irrigation purposes sufficient to pay for all operating and maintenance charges. If the rates in force produce a greater amount than is necessary to meet operating and maintenance charges, the rates may be reduced or the excess income may be transferred to the city's current expense fund.

             Complete separate accounts for municipal utilities must be kept under the system and on forms prescribed by the ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor.

             The term "maintenance and operating charges," as used in this section includes all necessary repairs, replacement, interest on any debts incurred in acquiring, constructing, repairing and operating plants and departments and all depreciation charges. This term shall also include an annual charge equal to four percent on the cost of the plant or system, as determined by ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor to be paid into the current expense fund, except that where utility bonds have been or may hereafter be issued and are unpaid no payment shall be required into the current expense fund until such bonds are paid.

             Sec. 38. RCW 35.27.510 and 1965 c 7 s 35.27.510 are each amended to read as follows:

             When any special fund of a public utility department of a town has retired all bond and warrant indebtedness and is on a cash basis, if a reserve or depreciation fund has been created in an amount satisfactory to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor and if the fixing of the rates of the utility is governed by contract with the supplier of water, electrical energy, or other commodity sold by the town to its inhabitants, and the rates are at the lowest possible figure, the town council may set aside such portion of the net earnings of the utility as it may deem advisable and transfer it to the town's current expense fund: PROVIDED, That no amount in excess of fifty percent of the net earnings shall be so set aside and transferred except with the unanimous approval of the council and mayor.

             Sec. 39. RCW 35.33.031 and 1969 ex.s. c 95 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             On or before the second Monday of the fourth month prior to the beginning of the city's or town's next fiscal year, or at such other time as the city or town may provide by ordinance or charter, the clerk shall notify in writing the head of each department of a city or town to file with the clerk within fourteen days of the receipt of such notification, detailed estimates of the probable revenue from sources other than ad valorem taxation and of all expenditures required by his or her department for the ensuing fiscal year. The notice shall be accompanied by the proper forms provided by the clerk, prepared in accordance with the requirements and classification established by ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor. The clerk shall prepare the estimates for interest and debt redemption requirements and all other estimates, the preparation of which falls properly within the duties of his or her office. The chief administrative officers of the city or town shall submit to the clerk detailed estimates of all expenditures proposed to be financed from the proceeds of bonds or warrants not yet authorized, together with a statement of the proposed method of financing them. In the absence or disability of the official or person regularly in charge of a department, the duties herein required shall devolve upon the person next in charge of such department.

             Sec. 40. RCW 35.33.041 and 1969 ex.s. c 95 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             All estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing year shall be fully detailed in the annual budget and shall be classified and segregated according to a standard classification of accounts to be adopted and prescribed by the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) after consultation with the Washington finance officers association, the association of Washington cities and the association of Washington city managers.

             Sec. 41. RCW 35.33.075 and 1969 ex.s. c 95 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:

             Following conclusion of the hearing, and prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the legislative body shall make such adjustments and changes as it deems necessary or proper and after determining the allowance in each item, department, classification and fund, and shall by ordinance, adopt the budget in its final form and content. Appropriations shall be limited to the total estimated revenues contained therein including the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes and the unencumbered fund balances estimated to be available at the close of the current fiscal year. Such ordinances may adopt the final budget by reference: PROVIDED, That the ordinance adopting such budget shall set forth in summary form the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined.

             A complete copy of the final budget as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of the state auditor, and to)) the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 42. RCW 35.33.111 and 1969 ex.s. c 95 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor is empowered to make and install the forms and classifications required by this chapter to define what expenditures are chargeable to each budget class and to establish the accounting and cost systems necessary to secure accurate budget information.

             Sec. 43. RCW 35.34.050 and 1985 c 175 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

             On or before the second Monday of the fourth month prior to the beginning of the city's or town's next fiscal biennium, or at such other time as the city or town may provide by ordinance or charter, the clerk shall notify in writing the head of each department of a city or town to file with the clerk within fourteen days of the receipt of such notification, detailed estimates of the probable revenue from sources other than ad valorem taxation and of all expenditures required by the department for the ensuing fiscal biennium. The notice shall be accompanied by the proper forms provided by the clerk, prepared in accordance with the requirements and classification established by ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor. The clerk shall prepare the estimates for interest and debt redemption requirements and all other estimates, the preparation of which falls properly within the duties of the clerk's office. The chief administrative officers of the city or town shall submit to the clerk detailed estimates of all expenditures proposed to be financed from the proceeds of bonds or warrants not yet authorized, together with a statement of the proposed method of financing them. In the absence or disability of the official or person regularly in charge of a department, the duties required by this section shall devolve upon the person next in charge of such department.

             Sec. 44. RCW 35.34.060 and 1985 c 175 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

             All estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal biennium shall be fully detailed in the biennial budget and shall be classified and segregated according to a standard classification of accounts to be adopted and prescribed by the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) after consultation with the Washington finance officers association, the association of Washington cities, and the association of Washington city managers.

             Sec. 45. RCW 35.34.120 and 1985 c 175 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:

             Following conclusion of the hearing, and prior to the beginning of the fiscal biennium, the legislative body shall make such adjustments and changes as it deems necessary or proper and, after determining the allowance in each item, department, classification, and fund, shall by ordinance adopt the budget in its final form and content. Appropriations shall be limited to the total estimated revenues contained therein including the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes and the unencumbered fund balances estimated to be available at the close of the current fiscal biennium. Such ordinances may adopt the final budget by reference. However, the ordinance adopting the budget shall set forth in summary form the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined.

             A complete copy of the final budget as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor and to the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 46. RCW 35.34.130 and 1985 c 175 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:

             The legislative authority of a city or town having adopted the provisions of this chapter shall provide by ordinance for a mid-biennial review and modification of the biennial budget. The ordinance shall provide that such review and modification shall occur no sooner than eight months after the start nor later than conclusion of the first year of the fiscal biennium. The chief administrative officer shall prepare the proposed budget modification and shall provide for publication of notice of hearings consistent with publication of notices for adoption of other city or town ordinances. City or town ordinances providing for a mid-biennium review and modification shall establish procedures for distribution of the proposed modification to members of the city or town legislative authority, procedures for making copies available to the public, and shall provide for public hearings on the proposed budget modification. The budget modification shall be by ordinance approved in the same manner as are other ordinances of the city or town.

             A complete copy of the budget modification as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor and to the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 47. RCW 35.34.190 and 1985 c 175 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor is empowered to make and install the forms and classifications required by this chapter to define what expenditures are chargeable to each budget class and to establish the accounting and cost systems necessary to secure accurate budget information.

             Sec. 48. RCW 35.76.020 and 1965 c 7 s 35.76.020 are each amended to read as follows:

             The state auditor((, through the division of municipal corporations,)) shall formulate, prescribe, and install a system of cost accounting and reporting for each city having a population of more than eight thousand, according to the last official census, which will correctly show all street expenditures by functional categories. The system shall also provide for reporting all revenues available for street purposes from whatever source including local improvement district assessments and state and federal aid.

             Sec. 49. RCW 35.76.030 and 1965 c 7 s 35.76.030 are each amended to read as follows:

             Consistent with the intent of this chapter as stated in RCW 35.76.010, the state auditor, from and after July 1, 1965, ((through the division of municipal corporations,)) is authorized and directed to prescribe accounting and reporting procedures for street expenditures for cities and towns having a population of eight thousand or less, according to the last official census.

             Sec. 50. RCW 35.76.050 and 1984 c 7 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor shall annually make a cost-audit examination of street records for each city and town and make a written report thereon to the legislative body of each city and town. The expense of the examination shall be paid out of that portion of the motor vehicle fund allocated to the cities and towns and withheld for use by the state department of transportation under the terms of RCW 46.68.110(1).

             Sec. 51. RCW 35A.33.030 and 1967 ex.s. c 119 s 35A.33.030 are each amended to read as follows:

             On or before the second Monday of the fourth month prior to the beginning of the city's next fiscal year, or at such other time as the city may provide by ordinance or charter, the clerk shall notify in writing the head of each department of a code city to file with the clerk within fourteen days of the receipt of such notification, detailed estimates of the probable revenue from sources other than ad valorem taxation and of all expenditures required by his or her department for the ensuing fiscal year. The notice shall be accompanied by the proper forms provided by the clerk, prepared in accordance with the requirements and classification established by the ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor. The clerk shall prepare the estimates for interest and debt redemption requirements and all other estimates, the preparation of which falls properly within the duties of his or her office. The chief administrative officers of the city shall submit to the clerk detailed estimates of all expenditures proposed to be financed from the proceeds of bonds or warrants not yet authorized, together with a statement of the proposed method of financing them. In the absence or disability of the official or person regularly in charge of a department, the duties herein required shall devolve upon the person next in charge of such department.

             Sec. 52. RCW 35A.33.040 and 1967 ex.s. c 119 s 35A.33.040 are each amended to read as follows:

             All estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing year shall be fully detailed in the annual budget and shall be classified and segregated according to a standard classification of accounts to be adopted and prescribed by the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) after consultation with the Washington finance officers association, the association of Washington cities and the association of Washington city managers.

             Sec. 53. RCW 35A.33.075 and 1969 ex.s. c 81 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Following conclusion of the hearing, and prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the legislative body shall make such adjustments and changes as it deems necessary or proper and after determining the allowance in each item, department, classification and fund, and shall by ordinance, adopt the budget in its final form and content. Appropriations shall be limited to the total estimated revenues contained therein including the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes and the unencumbered fund balances estimated to be available at the close of the current fiscal year. Such ordinances may adopt the final budget by reference: PROVIDED, That the ordinance adopting such budget shall set forth in summary form the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined.

             A complete copy of the final budget as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor, and to the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 54. RCW 35A.33.110 and 1967 ex.s. c 119 s 35A.33.110 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor is empowered to make and install the forms and classifications required by this chapter to define what expenditures are chargeable to each budget class and to establish the accounting and cost systems necessary to secure accurate budget information.

             Sec. 55. RCW 35A.34.050 and 1985 c 175 s 37 are each amended to read as follows:

             On or before the second Monday of the fourth month prior to the beginning of the city's next fiscal biennium, or at such other time as the city may provide by ordinance or charter, the clerk shall notify in writing the head of each department of a city to file with the clerk within fourteen days of the receipt of such notification, detailed estimates of the probable revenue from sources other than ad valorem taxation and of all expenditures required by the department for the ensuing fiscal biennium. The notice shall be accompanied by the proper forms provided by the clerk, prepared in accordance with the requirements and classification established by the ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor. The clerk shall prepare the estimates for interest and debt redemption requirements and all other estimates, the preparation of which falls properly within the duties of the clerk's office. The chief administrative officers of the city shall submit to the clerk detailed estimates of all expenditures proposed to be financed from the proceeds of bonds or warrants not yet authorized, together with a statement of the proposed method of financing them. In the absence or disability of the official or person regularly in charge of a department, the duties required by this section shall devolve upon the person next in charge of such department.

             Sec. 56. RCW 35A.34.060 and 1985 c 175 s 38 are each amended to read as follows:

             All estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal biennium shall be fully detailed in the biennial budget and shall be classified and segregated according to a standard classification of accounts to be adopted and prescribed by the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) after consultation with the Washington finance officers association, the association of Washington cities, and the association of Washington city managers.

             Sec. 57. RCW 35A.34.120 and 1985 c 175 s 44 are each amended to read as follows:

             Following conclusion of the hearing, and prior to the beginning of the fiscal biennium, the legislative body shall make such adjustments and changes as it deems necessary or proper and, after determining the allowance in each item, department, classification, and fund, shall by ordinance adopt the budget in its final form and content. Appropriations shall be limited to the total estimated revenues contained therein including the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes and the unencumbered fund balances estimated to be available at the close of the current fiscal biennium. Such ordinances may adopt the final budget by reference. However, the ordinance adopting the budget shall set forth in summary form the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined.

             A complete copy of the final budget as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor and to the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 58. RCW 35A.34.130 and 1985 c 175 s 45 are each amended to read as follows:

             The legislative authority of a city having adopted the provisions of this chapter shall provide by ordinance for a mid-biennial review and modification of the biennial budget. The ordinance shall provide that such review and modification shall occur no sooner than eight months after the start nor later than conclusion of the first year of the fiscal biennium. The chief administrative officer shall prepare the proposed budget modification and shall provide for publication of notice of hearings consistent with publication of notices for adoption of other city ordinances. City ordinances providing for a mid-biennium review and modification shall establish procedures for distribution of the proposed modification to members of the city legislative authority, procedures for making copies available to the public, and shall provide for public hearings on the proposed budget modification. The budget modification shall be by ordinance approved in the same manner as are other ordinances of the city.

             A complete copy of the budget modification as adopted shall be transmitted to ((the division of municipal corporations in the office of)) the state auditor and to the association of Washington cities.

             Sec. 59. RCW 35A.34.190 and 1985 c 175 s 51 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor is empowered to make and install the forms and classifications required by this chapter to define what expenditures are chargeable to each budget class and to establish the accounting and cost systems necessary to secure accurate budget information.

             Sec. 60. RCW 35A.37.010 and 1983 c 3 s 62 are each amended to read as follows:

             Code cities shall establish such funds for the segregation, budgeting, expenditure and accounting for moneys received for special purposes as are required by general law applicable to such cities' activities and the officers thereof shall pay into, expend from, and account for such moneys in the manner provided therefor including but not limited to the requirements of the following:

             (1) Accounting funds as required by RCW 35.37.010;

             (2) Annexation and consolidation fund as required by chapters 35.10 and 35.13 RCW;

             (3) Assessment fund as required by RCW 8.12.480;

             (4) Equipment rental fund as authorized by RCW 35.21.088;

             (5) Current expense fund as required by RCW 35.37.010, usually referred to as the general fund;

             (6) Local improvement guaranty fund as required by RCW 35.54.010;

             (7) An indebtedness and sinking fund, together with separate funds for utilities and institutions as required by RCW 35.37.020;

             (8) Local improvement district fund and revolving fund as required by RCW 35.45.130 and 35.48.010;

             (9) City street fund as required by chapter 35.76 RCW and RCW 47.24.040;

             (10) Firemen's relief and pension fund as required by chapters 41.16 and 41.18 RCW;

             (11) Policemen's relief and pension fund as required by RCW 41.20.130 and 63.32.030;

             (12) First class cities' employees retirement and pension system as authorized by chapter 41.28 RCW;

             (13) Applicable rules of the ((division of municipal corporations office of)) state auditor. ((RCW 43.09.190 through 43.09.282.))

             Sec. 61. RCW 36.22.140 and 1963 c 4 s 36.22.140 are each amended to read as follows:

             Each county auditor or chief financial officer shall be ex officio deputy ((supervisor)) of the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor for the purpose of accounting and reporting on municipal corporations and in such capacity shall be under the direction of the ((chief supervisor)) state auditor, but he or she shall receive no additional salary or compensation by virtue thereof and shall perform no duties as such, except in connection with county business.

             Sec. 62. RCW 36.40.030 and 1963 c 4 s 36.40.030 are each amended to read as follows:

             The estimates required in RCW 36.40.010 and 36.40.020 shall be submitted on forms provided by the county auditor or chief financial officer and classified according to the classification established by the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor. The county auditor or chief financial officer shall provide such forms. He or she shall also prepare the estimates for interest and debt redemption requirements and any other estimates the preparation of which properly falls within the duties of his or her office.

             Each such official shall file his or her estimates within the time and in the manner provided in the notice and form and the county auditor or chief financial officer shall deduct and withhold as a penalty from the salary of each official failing or refusing to file such estimates as herein provided, the sum of ten dollars for each day of delay: PROVIDED, That the total penalty against any one official shall not exceed fifty dollars in any one year.

             In the absence or disability of any official the duties required herein shall devolve upon the official or employee in charge of the office, department, service, or institution for the time being. The notice shall contain a copy of this penalty clause.

             Sec. 63. RCW 36.40.040 and 1973 c 39 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             Upon receipt of the estimates the county auditor or chief financial officer shall prepare the county budget which shall set forth the complete financial program of the county for the ensuing fiscal year, showing the expenditure program and the sources of revenue by which it is to be financed.

             The revenue section shall set forth the estimated receipts from sources other than taxation for each office, department, service, or institution for the ensuing fiscal year, the actual receipts for the first six months of the current fiscal year and the actual receipts for the last completed fiscal year, the estimated surplus at the close of the current fiscal year and the amount proposed to be raised by taxation.

             The expenditure section shall set forth in comparative and tabular form by offices, departments, services, and institutions the estimated expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, the appropriations for the current fiscal year, the actual expenditures for the first six months of the current fiscal year including all contracts or other obligations against current appropriations, and the actual expenditures for the last completed fiscal year.

             All estimates of receipts and expenditures for the ensuing year shall be fully detailed in the annual budget and shall be classified and segregated according to a standard classification of accounts to be adopted and prescribed by the state auditor ((through the division of municipal corporations)) after consultation with the Washington state association of counties and the Washington state association of ((elected)) county officials.

             The county auditor or chief financial officer shall set forth separately in the annual budget to be submitted to the ((board of)) county ((commissioners)) legislative authority the total amount of emergency warrants issued during the preceding fiscal year, together with a statement showing the amount issued for each emergency, and the board shall include in the annual tax levy, a levy sufficient to raise an amount equal to the total of such warrants: PROVIDED, That the board may fund the warrants or any part thereof into bonds instead of including them in the budget levy.

             Sec. 64. RCW 36.40.080 and 1963 c 4 s 36.40.080 are each amended to read as follows:

             Upon the conclusion of the budget hearing the ((board of)) county ((commissioners)) legislative authority shall fix and determine each item of the budget separately and shall by resolution adopt the budget as so finally determined and enter the same in detail in the official minutes of the board, a copy of which budget shall be forwarded to the ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor.

             Sec. 65. RCW 36.40.220 and 1963 c 4 s 36.40.220 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor may make such rules, classifications, and forms as may be necessary to carry out the provisions in respect to county budgets, define what expenditures shall be chargeable to each budget account, and establish such accounting and cost systems as may be necessary to provide accurate budget information.

             Sec. 66. RCW 36.47.060 and 1969 ex.s. c 5 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             The financial records of the Washington state association of county officials shall be subject to audit by the ((Washington)) state ((division of municipal corporations)) auditor.

             Sec. 67. RCW 36.68.530 and 1981 c 210 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:

             The governing body of each park and recreation service area shall annually compile a budget for each service area in a form prescribed by the state ((division of municipal corporations)) auditor for the ensuing calendar year which shall, to the extent that anticipated income is actually realized, constitute the appropriations for the service area. The budget may include an amount to accumulate a reserve for a stated capital purpose. In compiling the budget, all available funds and anticipated income shall be taken into consideration, including contributions or contractual payments from school districts, cities, or towns, county or any other governmental entity, gifts and donations, special tax levy, fees and charges, proceeds of bond issues, and cumulative reserve funds.

             Sec. 68. RCW 36.69.160 and 1963 c 4 s 36.69.160 are each amended to read as follows:

             The board of park and recreation commissioners of each park and recreation district shall annually compile a budget, in form prescribed by the state ((division of municipal corporations)) auditor, for the ensuing calendar year, and which shall, to the extent that anticipated income is actually realized, constitute the appropriations for the district. The budget may include an amount to accumulate a reserve for a stated capital purpose. In compiling the budget, all available funds and anticipated income shall be taken into consideration, including contributions or contractual payments from school districts, cities or towns, county, or any other governmental unit; gifts and donations; special tax levy; assessments; fees and charges; proceeds of bond issues; cumulative reserve funds.

             Sec. 69. RCW 36.80.080 and 1985 c 120 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             The ((division of municipal corporations)) state auditor shall annually make a cost-audit examination of the books and records of the county road engineer and make a written report thereon to the county legislative authority. The expense of the examination shall be paid from the county road fund.

             Sec. 70. RCW 36.82.200 and 1963 c 4 s 36.82.200 are each amended to read as follows:

             The board shall hold such hearing at the time and place designated in the notice, and it may be continued from day to day until concluded but not to exceed a total of five days. Upon the conclusion of the hearing the board shall fix and determine the supplemental budget and by resolution adopt it as finally determined and enter it in detail in the official minutes of the board, ((copies)) a copy of which supplemental budget shall be forwarded((, one)) to the director ((and one to the division of municipal corporations)).

             Sec. 71. RCW 40.14.070 and 1982 c 36 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             County, municipal, and other local government agencies may request authority to destroy noncurrent public records having no further administrative or legal value by submitting to the division of archives and records management lists of such records on forms prepared by the division. The archivist ((and the chief examiner of the division of municipal corporations of the office of)), a representative appointed by the state auditor, and a representative appointed by the attorney general shall constitute a committee, known as the local records committee, which shall review such lists and which may veto the destruction of any or all items contained therein.

             A local government agency, as an alternative to submitting lists, may elect to establish a records control program based on recurring disposition schedules recommended by the agency to the local records committee. The schedules are to be submitted on forms provided by the division of archives and records management to the local records committee, which may either veto, approve, or amend the schedule. Approval of such schedule or amended schedule shall be by unanimous vote of the local records committee. Upon such approval, the schedule shall constitute authority for the local government agency to destroy the records listed thereon, after the required retention period, on a recurring basis until the schedule is either amended or revised by the committee.

              Except as otherwise provided by law, no public records shall be destroyed until approved for destruction by the local records committee. Official public records shall not be destroyed unless:

             (1) The records are six or more years old;

             (2) The department of origin of the records has made a satisfactory showing to the state records committee that the retention of the records for a minimum of six years is both unnecessary and uneconomical, particularly where lesser federal retention periods for records generated by the state under federal programs have been established; or

             (3) The originals of official public records less than six years old have been copied or reproduced by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, miniature photographic, or other process approved by the state archivist which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for so reproducing the original.

             An automatic reduction of retention periods from seven to six years for official public records on record retention schedules existing on June 10, 1982, shall not be made, but the same shall be reviewed individually by the local records committee for approval or disapproval of the change to a retention period of six years.

             The state archivist may furnish appropriate information, suggestions, and guidelines to local government agencies for their assistance in the preparation of lists and schedules or any other matter relating to the retention, preservation, or destruction of records under this chapter. The local records committee may adopt appropriate regulations establishing procedures to be followed in such matters.

             Records of county, municipal, or other local government agencies, designated by the archivist as of primarily historical interest, may be transferred to a recognized depository agency.

             Sec. 72. RCW 42.24.080 and 1965 c 116 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             All claims presented against any county, city, district or other municipal corporation or political subdivision by persons furnishing materials, rendering services or performing labor, or for any other contractual purpose, shall be audited, before payment, by an auditing officer elected or appointed pursuant to statute or, in the absence of statute, an appropriate charter provision, ordinance or resolution of the municipal corporation or political subdivision. Such claims shall be prepared for audit and payment on a form and in the manner prescribed by the ((division of municipal corporations in the)) state auditor(('s office)). The form shall provide for the authentication and certification by such auditing officer that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the municipal corporation or political subdivision; and no claim shall be paid without such authentication and certification: PROVIDED, That the certificates as to claims of officers and employees of a county, city, district or other municipal corporation or political subdivision, for services rendered, shall be made by the person charged with the duty of preparing and submitting vouchers for the payment of services, and he or she shall certify that the claim is just, true and unpaid, which certificate shall be part of the voucher.

             Sec. 73. RCW 42.24.090 and 1981 c 56 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             No claim for reimbursement of any expenditures by officers or employees of any municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state for transportation, lodging, meals or any other purpose shall be allowed by any officer, employee or board charged with auditing accounts unless the same shall be presented in a detailed account: PROVIDED, That, unless otherwise authorized by law, the legislative body of any municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state may prescribe by ordinance or resolution the amounts to be paid officers or employees thereof as reimbursement for the use of their personal automobiles or other transportation equipment in connection with officially assigned duties and other travel for approved public purposes, or as reimbursement to such officers or employees in lieu of actual expenses incurred for lodging, meals or other purposes. The rates for such reimbursements may be computed on a mileage, hourly, per diem, monthly, or other basis as the respective legislative bodies shall determine to be proper in each instance: PROVIDED, That in lieu of such reimbursements, payments for the use of personal automobiles for official travel may be established if the legislative body determines that these payments would be less costly to the municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state than providing automobiles for official travel.

             All claims authorized under this section shall be duly certified by the officer or employee submitting such claims on forms and in the manner prescribed by the ((division of municipal corporations in the office of the)) state auditor.

             Sec. 74. RCW 53.06.060 and 1961 c 31 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             The financial records of the Washington public ports association shall be subject to audit by the ((Washington state division of municipal corporations of the)) state auditor.

             Sec. 75. RCW 56.08.110 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 195 s 62 are each amended to read as follows:

             To improve the organization and operation of sewer districts, the commissioners of two or more such districts may form an association thereof, for the purpose of securing and disseminating information of value to the members of the association and for the purpose of promoting the more economical and efficient operation of the comprehensive plans of sewer systems in their respective districts. The commissioners of sewer districts so associated shall adopt articles of association, select such officers as they may determine, and employ and discharge such agents and employees as shall be deemed convenient to carry out the purposes of the association. Sewer district commissioners and their employees are authorized to attend meetings of the association. The expense of the association may be paid from the maintenance or general funds of the associated districts in such manner as shall be provided in the articles of association: PROVIDED, That the aggregate contributions made to the association by the district in any calendar year shall not exceed the amount which would be raised by a levy of two and one-half cents per thousand dollars of assessed value against the taxable property of the district. The financial records of such association shall be subject to audit by the ((Washington state division of municipal corporations of the)) state auditor.

             Sec. 76. RCW 57.08.110 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 195 s 68 are each amended to read as follows:

             To improve the organization and operation of water districts, the commissioners of two or more such districts may form an association thereof, for the purpose of securing and disseminating information of value to the members of the association and for the purpose of promoting the more economical and efficient operation of the comprehensive plans of water supply in their respective districts. The commissioners of water districts so associated shall adopt articles of association, select such officers as they may determine, and employ and discharge such agents and employees as shall be deemed convenient to carry out the purposes of the association. Water district commissioners and employees are authorized to attend meetings of the association. The expense of the association may be paid from the maintenance or general funds of the associated districts in such manner as shall be provided in the articles of association: PROVIDED, That the aggregate contributions made to the association by the district in any calendar year shall not exceed the amount which would be raised by a levy of two and one-half cents per thousand dollars of assessed value against the taxable property of the district. The financial records of such association shall be subject to audit by the ((Washington state division of municipal corporations of the)) state auditor.

             Sec. 77. RCW 70.12.070 and 1991 c 3 s 316 are each amended to read as follows:

             The public health pool fund shall be subject to audit by the ((division of departmental audits)) state auditor and shall be subject to check by the state department of health.

             Sec. 78. RCW 26.04.210 and 1985 c 82 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The county auditor, before a marriage license is issued, upon the payment of a license fee as fixed in RCW 36.18.010 shall require each applicant therefor to make and file in ((his)) the auditor's office upon blanks to be provided by the county for that purpose, an affidavit showing that ((they are not)) if an applicant is afflicted with any contagious ((venereal)) sexually transmitted disease, the condition is known to both applicants, and that the applicants are the age of eighteen years or over((: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That)). If the consent in writing is obtained of the father, mother, or legal guardian of the person for whom the license is required, the license may be granted in cases where the female has attained the age of seventeen years or the male has attained the age of seventeen years. Such affidavit may be subscribed and sworn to before any person authorized to administer oaths. Anyone knowingly swearing falsely to any of the statements contained in the affidavits mentioned in this section shall be deemed guilty of perjury and punished as provided by the laws of the state of Washington.

             (2) The affidavit form shall be designed to require a statement that no contagious sexually transmitted disease is present or that the condition is known to both applicants, without requiring the applicants to state whether or not either or both of them are afflicted by such disease.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 79. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:

             (1) RCW 43.09.030 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.030;

             (2) RCW 43.09.040 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.040;

             (3) RCW 43.09.190 and 1965 c 8 s 43.09.190;

             (4) RCW 43.09.250 and 1988 c 52 s 1 & 1965 c 8 s 43.09.250; and

             (5) RCW 43.09.300 and 1988 c 53 s 1 & 1965 c 8 s 43.09.300.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 80. Sections 2 through 5, 8, and 14 of this act are each added to chapter 43.09 RCW."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "auditor;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 43.09.010, 43.09.170, 43.09.180, 43.09.200, 43.09.205, 43.09.220, 43.09.230, 43.09.240, 43.09.260, 43.09.265, 43.09.270, 43.09.280, 43.09.2801, 43.09.282, 43.09.290, 43.09.310, 43.09.330, 43.09.340, 43.09.410, 43.09.412, 43.09.414, 43.09.416, 43.09.418, 3.30.070, 3.62.020, 14.08.090, 35.02.132, 35.07.230, 35.21.270, 35.23.121, 35.23.535, 35.27.510, 35.33.031, 35.33.041, 35.33.075, 35.33.111, 35.34.050, 35.34.060, 35.34.120, 35.34.130, 35.34.190, 35.76.020, 35.76.030, 35.76.050, 35A.33.030, 35A.33.040, 35A.33.075, 35A.33.110, 35A.34.050, 35A.34.060, 35A.34.120, 35A.34.130, 35A.34.190, 35A.37.010, 36.22.140, 36.40.030, 36.40.040, 36.40.080, 36.40.220, 36.47.060, 36.68.530, 36.69.160, 36.80.080, 36.82.200, 40.14.070, 42.24.080, 42.24.090, 53.06.060, 56.08.110, 57.08.110, 70.12.070, and 26.04.210; adding new sections to chapter 43.09 RCW; and repealing RCW 43.09.030, 43.09.040, 43.09.190, 43.09.250, and 43.09.300."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 1889 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Reams and Rust spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1889 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Reams spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1889 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Engrossed House Bill No. 1889, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 7, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 2005 with the following amendments:

             On page 1, line 10, strike "currently" and insert "obtains or"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Dyer moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 2005 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2005 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2005 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Engrossed House Bill No. 2005, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1152 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 9.41.070 and 1994 sp.s. c 7 s 407 and 1994 c 190 s 2 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             (1) The ((judge of a court of record, the)) chief of police of a municipality((,)) or the sheriff of a county((,)) shall within thirty days after the filing of an application of any person, issue a license to such person to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person within this state for ((four)) five years from date of issue, for the purposes of protection or while engaged in business, sport, or while traveling. However, if the applicant does not have a valid permanent Washington driver's license or Washington state identification card or has not been a resident of the state for the previous consecutive ninety days, the issuing authority shall have up to sixty days after the filing of the application to issue a license. The issuing authority shall not refuse to accept completed applications for concealed pistol licenses during regular business hours.

             The applicant's constitutional right to bear arms shall not be denied, unless ((he or she)):

             (a) He or she is ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045;

             (b) The applicant's concealed pistol license is in a revoked status;

             (c) He or she is under twenty-one years of age;

             (((c))) (d) He or she is subject to a court order or injunction regarding firearms pursuant to RCW 9A.46.080, 10.14.080, 10.99.040, 10.99.045, 26.09.050, 26.09.060, 26.10.040, 26.10.115, 26.26.130, 26.26.137, 26.50.060, or 26.50.070;

             (((d))) (e) He or she is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a serious offense;

             (((e))) (f) He or she has an outstanding warrant for his or her arrest from any court of competent jurisdiction for a felony or misdemeanor;

             (((f))) (g) He or she has been ordered to forfeit a firearm under RCW 9.41.098(1)(((d))) (e) within one year before filing an application to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person; or

             (((g))) (h)(i) He or she has been convicted of any crime against a child or other person listed in RCW 43.43.830(5).

             (ii) Except as provided in (((g))) (h)(iii) of this subsection, any person who becomes ineligible for a concealed pistol license as a result of a conviction for a crime listed in (((g))) (h)(i) of this subsection and then successfully completes all terms of his or her sentence, as evidenced by a certificate of discharge issued under RCW 9.94A.220 in the case of a sentence under chapter 9.94A RCW, and has not again been convicted of any crime and is not under indictment for any crime, may, one year or longer after such successful sentence completion, petition a court of record for a declaration that the person is no longer ineligible for a concealed pistol license under (((g))) (h)(i) of this subsection.

             (iii) No person convicted of a serious offense as defined in RCW 9.41.010 may have his or her right to possess firearms restored, unless the person has been granted relief from disabilities by the secretary of the treasury under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 925(c), or RCW 9.41.040 (3) or (4) applies.

             (2) The issuing authority shall check with the national crime information center, the Washington state patrol electronic data base, the department of social and health services electronic data base, and with other agencies or resources as appropriate, to determine whether the applicant is ineligible under RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045 to possess a ((pistol)) firearm and therefore ineligible for a concealed pistol license. This subsection applies whether the applicant is applying for a new concealed pistol license or to renew a concealed pistol license.

             (3) Any person whose firearms rights have been restricted and who has been granted relief from disabilities by the secretary of the treasury under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 925(c) or who is exempt under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 921(a)(20)(A) shall have his or her right to acquire, receive, transfer, ship, transport, carry, and possess firearms in accordance with Washington state law restored except as otherwise prohibited by this chapter.

             (4) The license application shall ((be in triplicate, in form to be prescribed by the department of licensing, and shall)) bear the full name, ((street)) residential address, telephone number at the option of the applicant, date and place of birth, race, gender, description, not more than two complete sets of fingerprints, and signature of the licensee, and the licensee's driver's license number or state identification card number if used for identification in applying for the license. A signed application for a concealed pistol license shall constitute a waiver of confidentiality and written request that the department of social and health services, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities release information relevant to the applicant's eligibility for a concealed pistol license to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency.

             The application for an original license shall include two complete sets of fingerprints to be forwarded to the Washington state patrol.

             The license and application shall contain a warning substantially as follows:


CAUTION: Although state and local laws do not differ, federal law and state law on the possession of firearms differ. If you are prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm, you may be prosecuted in federal court. A state license is not a defense to a federal prosecution.

             The license ((application)) shall contain a description of the major differences between state and federal law and an explanation of the fact that local laws and ordinances on firearms are preempted by state law and must be consistent with state law. The application shall contain questions about the applicant's eligibility under RCW 9.41.040 to possess a pistol, the applicant's place of birth, and whether the applicant is a United States citizen((, and whether he or she has been required to register with the state or federal government and has an identification or registration number)). The applicant shall not be required to produce a birth certificate or other evidence of citizenship. A person who is not a citizen of the United States shall meet the additional requirements of RCW 9.41.170 and produce proof of compliance with RCW 9.41.170 upon application. The license shall be in triplicate and in a form to be prescribed by the department of licensing.

             The original thereof shall be delivered to the licensee, the duplicate shall within seven days be sent by registered mail to the director of licensing and the triplicate shall be preserved for six years, by the authority issuing the license.

             The department of licensing shall make available to law enforcement and corrections agencies, in an on-line format, all information received under this subsection.

             (5) The nonrefundable fee, paid upon application, for the original ((issuance of a four-year)) five-year license shall be ((fifty)) thirty-six dollars plus additional charges imposed by the federal bureau of investigation that are passed on to the applicant. No other state or local branch or unit of government may impose any additional charges on the applicant for the issuance of the license.

             The fee shall be distributed as follows:

             (a) Fifteen dollars shall be paid to the state general fund;

             (b) ((Ten)) Four dollars shall be paid to the agency taking the fingerprints of the person licensed;

             (c) ((Fifteen)) Fourteen dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter; and

             (d) ((Ten)) Three dollars to the firearms range account in the general fund.

             (6) The fee for the renewal of such license shall be ((fifty)) thirty-two dollars. No other branch or unit of government may impose any additional charges on the applicant for the renewal of the license.

             The renewal fee shall be distributed as follows:

             (a) ((Twenty)) Fifteen dollars shall be paid to the state general fund;

             (b) ((Twenty)) Fourteen dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter; and

             (c) ((Ten)) Three dollars to the firearms range account in the general fund.

             (7) The fee for replacement of lost or damaged licenses is ten dollars to be paid to the issuing authority.

             (8) Payment shall be by cash, check, or money order at the option of the applicant. Additional methods of payment may be allowed at the option of the issuing authority.

             (((8))) (9) A licensee may renew a license if the licensee applies for renewal within ninety days before or after the expiration date of the license. A license so renewed shall take effect on the expiration date of the prior license. A licensee renewing after the expiration date of the license must pay a late renewal penalty of ((twenty)) ten dollars in addition to the renewal fee specified in subsection (6) of this section. The fee shall be distributed as follows:

             (a) ((Ten)) Three dollars shall be deposited in the state wildlife fund and used exclusively for the printing and distribution of a pamphlet on the legal limits of the use of firearms, firearms safety, and the preemptive nature of state law. The pamphlet shall be given to each applicant for a license; and

             (b) ((Ten)) Seven dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter.

             (((9))) (10) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (1) through (((8))) (9) of this section, the chief of police of the municipality or the sheriff of the county of the applicant's residence may issue a temporary emergency license for good cause pending review under subsection (1) of this section.

             (((10))) (11) A political subdivision of the state shall not modify the requirements of this section or chapter, nor may a political subdivision ask the applicant to voluntarily submit any information not required by this section.

             (((11))) (12) A person who knowingly makes a false statement regarding citizenship or identity on an application for a concealed pistol license is guilty of false swearing under RCW 9A.72.040. In addition to any other penalty provided for by law, the concealed pistol license of a person who knowingly makes a false statement shall be revoked, and the person shall be permanently ineligible for a concealed pistol license.

             (((12))) (13) A person may apply for a concealed pistol license:

             (a) To the municipality or to the county in which the applicant resides if the applicant resides in a municipality;

             (b) To the county in which the applicant resides if the applicant resides in an unincorporated area; or

             (c) Anywhere in the state if the applicant is a nonresident."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "licenses;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and reenacting and amending RCW 9.41.070."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Pennington moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1152 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Pennington and Costa spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1152 as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Pennington, Campbell, Ogden, Grant and Beeksma spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1152 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 88, Nays - 8, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 88.

             Voting nay: Representatives Brown, Cole, Dellwo, Mason, Romero, Rust, Thibaudeau and Tokuda - 8.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1152, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1237 with the following amendments:

             On page 2, line 13, after "Counsel" strike "shall not" and insert "may"

             On page 2, line 15, after "sentence" insert ", if the court determines that the collateral attack is not barred by RCW 10.73.090 or 10.73.140"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1237 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Sheahan and Appelwick spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1237 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1237 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 93, Nays - 3, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria and Mr. Speaker - 93.

             Voting nay: Representatives Cole, Rust and Wolfe - 3.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1237, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1305 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 36.70A.040 and 1993 sp.s. c 6 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Each county that has both a population of fifty thousand or more and, until the effective date of this section, has had its population increase by more than ten percent in the previous ten years or, on or after the effective date of this section, has had its population increase by more than seventeen percent in the previous ten years, and the cities located within such county, and any other county regardless of its population that has had its population increase by more than twenty percent in the previous ten years, and the cities located within such county, shall conform with all of the requirements of this chapter. However, the county legislative authority of such a county with a population of less than fifty thousand population may adopt a resolution removing the county, and the cities located within the county, from the requirements of adopting comprehensive land use plans and development regulations under this chapter if this resolution is adopted and filed with the department by December 31, 1990, for counties initially meeting this set of criteria, or within sixty days of the date the office of financial management certifies that a county meets this set of criteria under subsection (5) of this section.

             Once a county meets either of these sets of criteria, the requirement to conform with all of the requirements of this chapter remains in effect, even if the county no longer meets one of these sets of criteria.

             (2) The county legislative authority of any county that does not meet either of the sets of criteria established under subsection (1) of this section may adopt a resolution indicating its intention to have subsection (1) of this section apply to the county. Each city, located in a county that chooses to plan under this subsection, shall conform with all of the requirements of this chapter. Once such a resolution has been adopted, the county and the cities located within the county remain subject to all of the requirements of this chapter.

             (3) Any county or city that is initially required to conform with all of the requirements of this chapter under subsection (1) of this section shall take actions under this chapter as follows: (a) The county legislative authority shall adopt a county-wide planning policy under RCW 36.70A.210; (b) the county and each city located within the county shall designate critical areas, agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands, and adopt development regulations conserving these designated agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands and protecting these designated critical areas, under RCW 36.70A.170 and 36.70A.060; (c) the county shall designate and take other actions related to urban growth areas under RCW 36.70A.110; (d) if the county has a population of fifty thousand or more, the county and each city located within the county shall adopt a comprehensive plan under this chapter and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan on or before July 1, 1994, and if the county has a population of less than fifty thousand, the county and each city located within the county shall adopt a comprehensive plan under this chapter and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan by January 1, 1995, but if the governor makes written findings that a county with a population of less than fifty thousand or a city located within such a county is not making reasonable progress toward adopting a comprehensive plan and development regulations the governor may reduce this deadline for such actions to be taken by no more than one hundred eighty days. Any county or city subject to this subsection may obtain an additional six months before it is required to have adopted its development regulations by submitting a letter notifying the department of community, trade, and economic development of its need prior to the deadline for adopting both a comprehensive plan and development regulations.

             (4) Any county or city that is required to conform with all the requirements of this chapter, as a result of the county legislative authority adopting its resolution of intention under subsection (2) of this section, shall take actions under this chapter as follows: (a) The county legislative authority shall adopt a county-wide planning policy under RCW 36.70A.210; (b) the county and each city that is located within the county shall adopt development regulations conserving agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands it designated under RCW 36.70A.060 within one year of the date the county legislative authority adopts its resolution of intention; (c) the county shall designate and take other actions related to urban growth areas under RCW 36.70A.110; and (d) the county and each city that is located within the county shall adopt a comprehensive plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan not later than four years from the date the county legislative authority adopts its resolution of intention, but a county or city may obtain an additional six months before it is required to have adopted its development regulations by submitting a letter notifying the department of community, trade, and economic development of its need prior to the deadline for adopting both a comprehensive plan and development regulations.

             (5) If the office of financial management certifies that the population of a county that previously had not been required to plan under subsection (1) or (2) of this section has changed sufficiently to meet either of the sets of criteria specified under subsection (1) of this section, and where applicable, the county legislative authority has not adopted a resolution removing the county from these requirements as provided in subsection (1) of this section, the county and each city within such county shall take actions under this chapter as follows: (a) The county legislative authority shall adopt a county-wide planning policy under RCW 36.70A.210; (b) the county and each city located within the county shall adopt development regulations under RCW 36.70A.060 conserving agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands it designated within one year of the certification by the office of financial management; (c) the county shall designate and take other actions related to urban growth areas under RCW 36.70A.110; and (d) the county and each city located within the county shall adopt a comprehensive land use plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan within four years of the certification by the office of financial management, but a county or city may obtain an additional six months before it is required to have adopted its development regulations by submitting a letter notifying the department of community, trade, and economic development of its need prior to the deadline for adopting both a comprehensive plan and development regulations.

             (6) A copy of each document that is required under this section shall be submitted to the department at the time of its adoption.

             Sec. 2. RCW 36.70A.110 and 1994 c 249 s 27 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Each county that is required or chooses to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall designate an urban growth area or areas within which urban growth shall be encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature. Each city that is located in such a county shall be included within an urban growth area. An urban growth area may include more than a single city. An urban growth area may include territory that is located outside of a city only if such territory already is characterized by urban growth whether or not the urban growth area includes a city, or is adjacent to territory already characterized by urban growth, or is a designated new fully contained community as defined by RCW 36.70A.350.

             (2) Based upon the ((population)) growth management ((planning)) population projection made for the county by the office of financial management, the urban growth areas in the county shall include areas and densities sufficient to permit the urban growth that is projected to occur in the county for the succeeding twenty-year period. Each urban growth area shall permit urban densities and shall include greenbelt and open space areas. An urban growth area determination may include a reasonable land market supply factor and shall permit a range of urban densities and uses. In determining this market factor, cities and counties may consider local circumstances. Cities and counties have discretion in their comprehensive plans to make many choices about accommodating growth.

             Within one year of July 1, 1990, each county that as of June 1, 1991, was required or chose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040, shall begin consulting with each city located within its boundaries and each city shall propose the location of an urban growth area. Within sixty days of the date the county legislative authority of a county adopts its resolution of intention or of certification by the office of financial management, all other counties that are required or choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall begin this consultation with each city located within its boundaries. The county shall attempt to reach agreement with each city on the location of an urban growth area within which the city is located. If such an agreement is not reached with each city located within the urban growth area, the county shall justify in writing why it so designated the area an urban growth area. A city may object formally with the department over the designation of the urban growth area within which it is located. Where appropriate, the department shall attempt to resolve the conflicts, including the use of mediation services.

             (3) Urban growth should be located first in areas already characterized by urban growth that have adequate existing public facility and service capacities to serve such development, ((and)) second in areas already characterized by urban growth that will be served adequately by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any additional needed public facilities and services that are provided by either public or private sources, and third in the remaining portions of the urban growth areas. Urban growth may also be located in designated new fully contained communities as defined by RCW 36.70A.350. ((Further, it is))

             (4) In general, cities are the units of local government most appropriate ((that)) to provide urban ((government)) governmental services ((be provided by cities, and)). In general, it is not appropriate that urban ((government)) governmental services ((should not)) be ((provided)) extended to or expanded in rural areas except in those limited circumstances shown to be necessary to protect basic public health and safety and the environment and when such services are financially supportable at rural densities and do not permit urban development.

             (((4))) (5) On or before October 1, 1993, each county that was initially required to plan under RCW 36.70A.040(1) shall adopt development regulations designating interim urban growth areas under this chapter. Within three years and three months of the date the county legislative authority of a county adopts its resolution of intention or of certification by the office of financial management, all other counties that are required or choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall adopt development regulations designating interim urban growth areas under this chapter. Adoption of the interim urban growth areas may only occur after public notice; public hearing; and compliance with the state environmental policy act, chapter 43.21C RCW, and RCW 36.70A.110. Such action may be appealed to the appropriate growth management hearings board under RCW 36.70A.280. Final urban growth areas shall be adopted at the time of comprehensive plan adoption under this chapter.

             (((5))) (6) Each county shall include designations of urban growth areas in its comprehensive plan.

             Sec. 3. RCW 36.70A.070 and 1990 1st ex.s. c 17 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             The comprehensive plan of a county or city that is required or chooses to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 shall consist of a map or maps, and descriptive text covering objectives, principles, and standards used to develop the comprehensive plan. The plan shall be an internally consistent document and all elements shall be consistent with the future land use map. A comprehensive plan shall be adopted and amended with public participation as provided in RCW 36.70A.140.

             Each comprehensive plan shall include a plan, scheme, or design for each of the following:

             (1) A land use element designating the proposed general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land, where appropriate, for agriculture, timber production, housing, commerce, industry, recreation, open spaces, public utilities, public facilities, and other land uses. The land use element shall include population densities, building intensities, and estimates of future population growth. The land use element shall provide for protection of the quality and quantity of ground water used for public water supplies. Where applicable, the land use element shall review drainage, flooding, and storm water run-off in the area and nearby jurisdictions and provide guidance for corrective actions to mitigate or cleanse those discharges that pollute waters of the state, including Puget Sound or waters entering Puget Sound.

             (2) A housing element recognizing the vitality and character of established residential neighborhoods that: (a) Includes an inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs; (b) includes a statement of goals, policies, and objectives for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing; (c) identifies sufficient land for housing, including, but not limited to, government-assisted housing, housing for low-income families, manufactured housing, multifamily housing, and group homes and foster care facilities; and (d) makes adequate provisions for existing and projected needs of all economic segments of the community.

             (3) A capital facilities plan element consisting of: (a) An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities, showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities; (b) a forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities; (c) the proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital facilities; (d) at least a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such purposes; and (e) a requirement to reassess the land use element if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure that the land use element, capital facilities plan element, and financing plan within the capital facilities plan element are coordinated and consistent.

             (4) A utilities element consisting of the general location, proposed location, and capacity of all existing and proposed utilities, including, but not limited to, electrical lines, telecommunication lines, and natural gas lines.

             (5) Counties shall include a rural element including lands that are not designated for urban growth, agriculture, forest, or mineral resources. The rural element shall permit appropriate land uses that are compatible with the rural character of such lands and provide for a variety of rural densities and uses and may also provide for clustering, density transfer, design guidelines, conservation easements, and other innovative techniques that will accommodate appropriate rural uses not characterized by urban growth.

             (6) A transportation element that implements, and is consistent with, the land use element. The transportation element shall include the following subelements:

             (a) Land use assumptions used in estimating travel;

             (b) Facilities and services needs, including:

             (i) An inventory of air, water, and land transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments, to define existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning;

             (ii) Level of service standards for all arterials and transit routes to serve as a gauge to judge performance of the system. These standards should be regionally coordinated;

             (iii) Specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance any facilities or services that are below an established level of service standard;

             (iv) Forecasts of traffic for at least ten years based on the adopted land use plan to provide information on the location, timing, and capacity needs of future growth;

             (v) Identification of system expansion needs and transportation system management needs to meet current and future demands;

             (c) Finance, including:

             (i) An analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources;

             (ii) A multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which shall serve as the basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems;

             (iii) If probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs, a discussion of how additional funding will be raised, or how land use assumptions will be reassessed to ensure that level of service standards will be met;

             (d) Intergovernmental coordination efforts, including an assessment of the impacts of the transportation plan and land use assumptions on the transportation systems of adjacent jurisdictions;

             (e) Demand-management strategies.

             After adoption of the comprehensive plan by jurisdictions required to plan or who choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040, local jurisdictions must adopt and enforce ordinances which prohibit development approval if the development causes the level of service on a transportation facility to decline below the standards adopted in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of development are made concurrent with the development. These strategies may include increased public transportation service, ride sharing programs, demand management, and other transportation systems management strategies. For the purposes of this subsection (6) "concurrent with the development" shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years.

             The transportation element described in this subsection, and the six-year plans required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems, must be consistent.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A comprehensive plan adopted or amended before the effective date of this act shall be considered to be in compliance with RCW 36.70A.070 or 36.70A.110, as in effect before their amendment by this act, if the comprehensive plan is in compliance with RCW 36.70A.070 and 36.70A.110 as amended by this act. This section shall not be construed to alter the relationship between a county-wide planning policy and comprehensive plans as specified under RCW 36.70A.210.

             As to any appeal relating to compliance with RCW 36.70A.070 or 36.70A.110 pending before a growth management hearings board on the effective date of this act, the board may take up to an additional ninety days to resolve such appeal. By mutual agreement of all parties to the appeal, this additional ninety-day period may be extended.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 36.70A RCW to read as follows:

             Where the county has classified mineral lands pursuant to RCW 36.70A.050 and mineral resource lands of long-term commercial significance exist, a county, city, or town shall designate sufficient mineral resource lands in the comprehensive plans to meet the projected twenty-year, county-wide need. Once designated, mineral resource uses, including operations as defined in RCW 78.44.031, shall be established as an allowed use in local development regulations.

             The county, city, or town shall designate mineral resource deposits, both active and inactive, in economically viable proximity to locations where the deposits are likely to be used.

             Through its comprehensive plan and development regulations, as defined in RCW 36.70A.030, the county, city, or town shall discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to mineral resource industries, deposits, and holdings.

             The county-wide need and proximity provisions of this section do not apply to metals mining and milling operations as defined in RCW 78.56.020.

             For the purposes of this section, "long-term commercial significance" includes the mineral composition of the land for long-term economically viable commercial production, in consideration with the mineral resource land's proximity to population areas, product markets, and the possibility of more intense uses of the land.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "management;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 36.70A.040, 36.70A.110, and 36.70A.070; adding a new section to chapter 36.70A RCW; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 1305 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1305 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Reams spoke in favor of passage of the bill.

             Representative Rust spoke against passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1305 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 85, Nays - 10, Absent - 1, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Robertson, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Valle, Van Luven, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 85.

             Voting nay: Representatives Cody, Cole, Fisher, R., Mason, Regala, Romero, Rust, Thibaudeau, Tokuda and Veloria - 10.

             Absent: Representative Dellwo - 1.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Engrossed House Bill No. 1305, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1359 with the following amendments:

             On page 13, line 17, before "The" insert "(1)"

             On page 13, after line 18, insert the following:

             "(2)(a) The department shall convene the cigarette tax and revenue loss advisory committee. The advisory committee shall consist of the following members:

             (i) Two members recommended by the Washington state association of neighborhood stores, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the majority leader of the senate;

             (ii) One member recommended by the Korean-American grocers association, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the majority leader of the senate;

             (iii) One wholesaler of tobacco products, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the majority leader of the senate;

             (iv) One distributor of tobacco products, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and the majority leader of the senate;

             (v) The director of the department of revenue or the director's designee;

             (vi) A representative of the Washington state liquor control board;

             (vii) Four representatives of the senate committee on ways and means;

             (viii) Four representatives of the house of representatives committee on finance; and

             (ix) The governor or the governor's designee.

             (b) Nonlegislative members may receive reimbursement from the governor's office for travel under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. Legislative members may be reimbursed under RCW 41.04.300.

             (c)(i) The advisory committee shall review, analyze, and report all cigarette tax losses determined from the best evidence and analytical techniques available to have been experienced by the state of Washington due to cross border sales, Indian sales, casual and organized bootlegging or smuggling, and sales on military reservations. This report must cover the period from January 1, 1992, through December 1, 1995. This report must be made to the appropriate committees of the legislature by January 15, 1996.

             (ii) The report must quantify cigarette tax losses attributable to each of the categories enumerated in (c)(i) of this subsection by year and the total loss of revenue experienced by the state in each year. In a year during which the cigarette tax was increased, the losses must be broken down to reveal revenue losses during the year before the increase and revenue losses during the year after the increase.

             (iii) The report must state the sources of information used to make estimates of revenue loss in each year and the methodology used to convert such information into estimates of revenue lost. If assumptions are required to be made in developing these estimates, the assumptions must be clearly stated and justified in the report. If a determination is made not to utilize certain available information that might be probative of revenue losses, the omission must be noted and the rationale for its omission clearly stated.

             (iv) In addition to establishing from the best information available the amount of cigarette revenue lost in each year, the report must include an enumeration and analysis of the underlying reasons for such losses, and a narrative summary accurately and objectively setting forth the findings embodied in the report.

             (d) The advisory committee may utilize the staff of the department, the Washington state liquor control board, the senate committee on ways and means, and the house of representatives committee on finance for the purpose of carrying out this subsection."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1359 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative B. Thomas spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1436 with the following amendments:

             On page 1, strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 67.28 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The legislative body of any city with a population of less than two thousand that is located in a county with a population of at least one million is authorized to levy and collect a special excise tax not to exceed two percent on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel, trailer camp, and the granting of any similar license to use real property, as distinguished from the renting or leasing of real property, except that no tax shall be levied on a premises having fewer than forty lodging units. For the purposes of this tax, it shall be presumed that the occupancy of real property for a continuous period of one month or more constitutes a rental or lease of real property and not a mere license to use or to enjoy the same.

             (2) The tax authorized in subsection (1) of this section is in addition to any other tax authorized by law.

             (3) Any seller, as defined in RCW 82.08.010, who is required to collect any tax under this section shall pay over such tax to the city as provided in RCW 67.28.200. The deduction from state taxes under RCW 67.28.190 does not apply to the tax imposed under this section.

             (4) All taxes levied and collected under this section shall be credited to a special fund in the treasury of the city. Such taxes shall only be used to mitigate the impacts of tourism or flooding."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "lodging;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and adding a new section to chapter 67.28 RCW."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1436 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom. The motion was carried.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1524 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 19.94.010 and 1992 c 237 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter and to any rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.

             (a) "City" means a first class city with a population of over fifty thousand persons.

             (b) "City sealer" means the person duly authorized by a city to enforce and administer the weights and measures program within such city and any duly appointed deputy sealer acting under the instructions and at the direction of the city sealer.

             (c) "Commodity in package form" means a commodity put up or packaged in any manner in advance of sale in units suitable for either wholesale or retail sale, exclusive, however, of an auxiliary shipping container enclosing packages that individually conform to the requirements of this chapter. An individual item or lot of any commodity not in packaged form, but on which there is marked a selling price based on established price per unit of weight or of measure, shall be construed to be a commodity in package form.

             (d) "Consumer package" or "package of consumer commodity" means a commodity in package form that is customarily produced or distributed for sale through retail sales agencies or instrumentalities for consumption by persons, or used by persons for the purpose of personal care or in the performance of services ordinarily rendered in or about a household or in connection with personal possessions.

             (e) "Cord" means the measurement of wood intended for fuel or pulp purposes that is contained in a space of one hundred twenty-eight cubic feet, when the wood is ranked and well stowed.

             (f) "Department" means the department of agriculture of the state of Washington.

             (g) "Director" means the director of the department or duly authorized representative acting under the instructions and at the direction of the director.

             (h) "Fish" means any waterbreathing animal, including shellfish, such as, but not limited to, lobster, clam, crab, or other mollusca that is prepared, processed, sold, or intended for sale.

             (i) "Net weight" means the weight of a commodity excluding any materials, substances, or items not considered to be part of such commodity. Materials, substances, or items not considered to be part of a commodity shall include, but are not limited to, containers, conveyances, bags, wrappers, packaging materials, labels, individual piece coverings, decorative accompaniments, and coupons.

             (j) "Nonconsumer package" or "package of nonconsumer commodity" means a commodity in package form other than a consumer package and particularly a package designed solely for industrial or institutional use or for wholesale distribution only.

             (k) "Meat" means and shall include all animal flesh, carcasses, or parts of animals, and shall also include fish, shellfish, game, poultry, and meat food products of every kind and character, whether fresh, frozen, cooked, cured, or processed.

             (l) "Official seal of approval" means the uniform seal or certificate issued by the director or city sealer which indicates that a weights and measures standard or a weighing or measuring instrument or device conforms with the specifications, tolerances, and other technical requirements adopted in RCW 19.94.195.

             (m) "Person" means any individual, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, copartnership, joint venture, club, company, business trust, corporation, association, society, or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit, or otherwise.

             (n) "Poultry" means all fowl, domestic or wild, that is prepared, processed, sold, or intended or offered for sale.

             (o) "Service agent" means a person who for hire, award, commission, or any other payment of any kind, installs, tests, inspects, checks, adjusts, repairs, reconditions, or systematically standardizes the graduations of a weighing or measuring instrument or device.

             (p) "Ton" means a unit of two thousand pounds avoirdupois weight.

             (q) "Weighing or measuring instrument or device" means any equipment or apparatus used commercially to establish the size, quantity, capacity, count, extent, area, heaviness, or measurement of quantities, things, produce, or articles for distribution or consumption, that are purchased, offered or submitted for sale, hire, or award on the basis of weight, measure or count, including any accessory attached to or used in connection with a weighing or measuring instrument or device when such accessory is so designed or installed that its operation affects, or may effect, the accuracy or indication of the device. This definition shall be strictly limited to those weighing or measuring instruments or devices governed by Handbook 44 as adopted under RCW 19.94.195.

             (r) "Weight" means net weight as defined in this section.

             (s) "Weights and measures" means the recognized standards or units of measure used to indicate the size, quantity, capacity, count, extent, area, heaviness, or measurement of any consumable commodity.

             (t) "Secondary weights and measures standard" means ((any object)) the physical standards that are traceable to the primary standards through comparisons, used by the director, a city sealer, or a service agent that under specified conditions defines or represents a recognized weight or measure during the inspection, adjustment, testing, or systematic standardization of the graduations of any weighing or measuring instrument or device.

             (2) The director shall prescribe by rule other definitions as may be necessary for the implementation of this chapter.

             Sec. 2. RCW 19.94.160 and 1992 c 237 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             Weights and measures standards that are in conformity with the standards of the United States as have been supplied to the state by the federal government or otherwise obtained by the state for use as state weights and measures standards, shall, when the same shall have been certified as such by the national institute of standards and technology or any successor organization, be the ((state)) primary standards of weight and measure. The state weights and measures standards shall be kept in a place designated by the director and shall ((not be removed from such designated place except for repairs or for certification. These state weights and measures standards shall be submitted at least once every ten years to the national institute of standards and technology or any successor organization for certification)) be maintained in such calibration as prescribed by the national institute of standards and technology or any successor organization.

             Sec. 3. RCW 19.94.165 and 1992 c 237 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Unless otherwise provided by ((the department, all weighing or measuring instruments or devices used for commercial purposes within this state shall be inspected and tested for accuracy by the director or city sealer at least once every two years)) law, the director or city sealer, shall have the power to inspect and test all weighing or measuring instruments or devices to ascertain if they are correct. It shall be the duty of the director or city sealer, as often as they deem necessary, to inspect and test for accuracy all weighing or measuring instruments or devices used for commercial purposes within this state and, if found to be correct, the director or city sealer shall issue an official seal of approval for each such instrument or device.

             (2) ((Beginning fiscal year 1993, the schedule of inspection and testing shall be staggered so as one-half of the weighing or measuring instruments or devices under the jurisdiction of the inspecting and testing authority are approved in odd fiscal years and the remaining one-half are inspected and tested in even fiscal years.

             (3))) The department may provide, as needed, uniform, official seals of approval to city sealers for the purposes expressed in this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) No person shall operate a weighing or measuring instrument or device for commercial purposes within this state without annually registering the instrument or device with the department unless the instrument or device is within a city that has a city sealer and a program for testing and inspecting weighing and measuring instruments and devices. If the commercial use is within a city having a city sealer and a program for testing and inspecting weighing or measuring instruments and devices, the instrument or device may be registered with the city.

             (2) A city with such a sealer and program may establish an annual fee for registering the commercial use of such an instrument or device with the city. The annual fee shall not exceed the fee established in RCW 19.94.175 for registering the use of a similar instrument or device with the department.

             (3) Any person applying with the department for registration of an instrument or device used commercially shall make such application through the master licensing system. The application shall be accompanied by the fees established in RCW 19.94.175. A separate application must be submitted for each business location. Application for weighing or measuring device registration shall be made upon a form prescribed by the department and shall contain such information as the department may require. The fees required by RCW 19.94.175 are in addition to any other fee or license required by law.

             (4) The registration fee that must accompany an application for a new license or annual renewal shall be based upon the number and type of weighing or measuring devices at each business location.

             (5) Device registrations shall expire on the master license expiration date unless the registration is revoked or suspended prior to that date. The master license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the location for which it was issued.

             (6) The department may, during normal business hours, compare the number of devices listed on the master license with the number of devices at the business location to determine that appropriate registration fees have been paid.

             Sec. 5. RCW 19.94.175 and 1992 c 237 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:

             (((1) The department shall establish reasonable, biennial inspection and testing fees for each type or class of weighing or measuring instrument or device required to be inspected and tested under this chapter. These inspection and testing fees shall be equitably prorated within each such type or class and shall be limited to those amounts necessary for the department to cover, to the extent possible, the direct costs associated with the inspection and testing of each type or class of weighing or measuring instrument or device.

             (2) Prior to the establishment and each amendment of the fees authorized under this chapter, a weights and measures fee task force shall be convened under the direction of the department. The task force shall be composed of a representative from the department who shall serve as chair and one representative from each of the following: City sealers, service agents, service stations, grocery stores, retailers, food processors/dealers, oil heat dealers, the agricultural community, and liquid propane dealers. The task force shall recommend the appropriate level of fees to be assessed by the department pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, based upon the level necessary to cover the direct costs of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter and to the extent possible be consistent with fees reasonably and customarily charged in the private sector for similar services.

             (3) The fees authorized under this chapter may be billed only after the director or a city sealer has issued an official seal of approval for a weighing or measuring instrument or device or a weight or measure standard.

             (4) All fees shall become due and payable thirty days after billing by the department or a city sealer. A late penalty of one and one-half percent per month may be assessed on the unpaid balance more than thirty days in arrears.)) (1) The following annual registration fees shall be charged for weighing or measuring instruments or devices required to be inspected and tested under this chapter:

             (a)        Weighing devices:

             (i)         Small scales "zero to four hundred pounds capacity". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00

             (ii)        Intermediate scales "four hundred one pounds to five thousand pounds capacity". . . . . . . . $ 20.00

             (iii)       Large scales "over five thousand pounds capacity". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 52.00

             (iv)       Large scales with supplemental devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 52.00

             (v)        Railroad track scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $800.00

             (b)        Liquid fuel metering devices:

             (i)         Motor fuel meters with flows of less than twenty gallons per minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00

             (ii)        Motor fuel meters with flows of more than twenty but not more than one hundred fifty gallons per minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 16.00

             (iii)       Motor fuel meters with flows over one hundred fifty gallons per minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25.00

             (c)        Liquid petroleum gas meters:

             (i)         With one inch diameter or smaller dispensers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.00

             (ii)        With greater than one inch diameter dispensers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 30.00

             (d)        Fabric meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00

             (e)        Cordage meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00

             (f)         Mass flow meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14.00

             (g)        Taxi meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00

             (((5))) (2) Fees upon weighing or measuring instruments or devices within the jurisdiction of the city that are collected under this section by city sealers shall be deposited into the general fund, or other account, of the city as directed by the governing body of the city. ((On the thirtieth day of each month, city sealers shall, pursuant to procedures established and upon forms provided by the director, remit to the department for administrative costs ten percent of the total fees collected.

             (6))) (3) With the exception of subsection (((7))) (4) of this section, no person shall be required to pay more than the established ((inspection and testing)) annual registration fee adopted under this section for any weighing or measuring instrument or device ((in any two-year period)) when the same has been found to be correct.

             (((7) Whenever a special request is made by the owner for the inspection and testing of a weighing or measuring instrument or device, the fee prescribed by the director for such a weighing or measuring instrument or device shall be paid by the owner.))

             (4) The department or a city sealer may establish reasonable inspection and testing fees for each type or class of weighing or measuring instrument or device specially requested to be inspected or tested by the device owner. These inspection and testing fees shall be limited to those amounts necessary for the department or city sealer to cover the direct costs associated with such inspection and testing. The fees established under this subsection shall not be set so as to compete with service agents normally engaged in such services.

             Sec. 6. RCW 19.94.185 and 1992 c 237 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) All moneys collected under this chapter shall be paid to the director and placed in the weights and measures account hereby established in the ((state treasury)) agricultural local fund. Moneys deposited in this account ((may be spent only following appropriation by law and)) shall be used solely for the purposes ((of weighing or measuring instrument or device inspection and testing)) relating to the enforcement or implementation of this chapter. No appropriation is required for the disbursement of moneys from the account by the director.

             (2) By January 1st of each odd-numbered year, the department shall provide a written report on the amount of revenues by major category received under this chapter for the administration of the weights and measures program by the department. The report shall include the amount of revenue generated for the two previous biennium, an estimate of the amount of funds to be received during the current biennium, and an estimate of the amount of funds to be generated during the next ensuing biennium. The report shall be submitted to the office of financial management and to each committee in the legislature with jurisdiction over programs administered by the department in the house and the senate.

             The report shall also provide a summary that shows how the metrology laboratory is funded.

             Sec. 7. RCW 19.94.190 and 1992 c 237 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) The director and duly appointed city sealers shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. The director shall adopt rules for enforcing and carrying out the purposes of this chapter including but not limited to the following:

             (a) Establishing state standards of weight, measure, or count, and reasonable standards of fill for any commodity in package form;

             (b) The establishment of technical and reporting procedures to be followed, any necessary report and record forms, and marks of rejection to be used by the director and city sealers in the discharge of their official duties as required by this chapter;

             (c) The establishment of technical test procedures, reporting procedures, and any necessary record and reporting forms to be used by service agents when installing, repairing, inspecting, or standardizing the graduations of any weighing or measuring instruments or devices;

             (d) ((The establishment of fee payment and reporting procedures and any necessary report and record forms to be used by city sealers when remitting the percentage of total fees collected as required under this chapter;

             (e))) The establishment of exemptions from the sealing or marking inspection and testing requirements of RCW 19.94.250 with respect to weighing or measuring instruments or devices of such character or size that such sealing or marking would be inappropriate, impracticable, or damaging to the apparatus in question;

             (((f))) (e) The establishment of exemptions from the inspection and testing requirements of RCW 19.94.165 with respect to classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices found to be of such character that periodic inspection and testing is unnecessary to ensure continued accuracy; and

             (((g))) (f) The establishment of inspection and approval techniques, if any, to be used with respect to classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices that are designed specifically to be used commercially only once and then discarded, or are uniformly mass-produced by means of a mold or die and are not individually adjustable.

             (2) These rules shall also include specifications and tolerances for the acceptable range of accuracy required of weighing or measuring instruments or devices and shall be designed to eliminate from use, without prejudice to weighing or measuring instruments or devices that conform as closely as practicable to official specifications and tolerances, those (a) that are of such construction that they are faulty, that is, that are not reasonably permanent in their adjustment or will not repeat their indications correctly, or (b) that facilitate the perpetration of fraud.

             Sec. 8. RCW 19.94.216 and 1992 c 237 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:

             The department shall:

             (1) Biennially inspect and test the secondary weights and measures standards of any city for which the appointment of a city sealer is provided by this chapter and shall issue an official seal of approval for same when found to be correct. The department shall((, by rule, establish a reasonable fee)) charge an hourly fee of sixty dollars per hour for ((such)) this and any other inspection and testing services performed ((by)) at the department's metrology laboratory. Inspection and testing services performed at other than the metrology laboratory will be charged an hourly rate of sixty dollars per hour plus the current mileage and per diem rates established by the office of financial management.

             (2) ((Biennially)) Inspect, test, and, if found to be correct, issue an official seal of approval for any weighing or measuring instrument or device used in an agency or institution to which moneys are appropriated by the legislature or of the federal government and shall report any findings in writing to the executive officer of the agency or institution concerned. The department shall collect a reasonable fee, to be set by rule, for testing any such weighing or measuring instrument or device.

             (3) Inspect, test, and, if found to be correct, issue a seal of approval for classes of weighing or measuring instruments or devices found to be few in number, highly complex, and of such character that differential inspection and testing frequency is necessary including, but not limited to, railroad track scales and grain elevator scales. The department shall develop rules regarding the inspection and testing procedures to be used for such weighing or measuring instruments or devices which shall include requirements for the provision, maintenance, and transport of any weight or measure standard necessary for inspection and testing at no expense to the state. ((The department may collect a reasonable fee, to be set by rule, for inspecting and testing any such weighing and measuring instruments or devices. This fee shall not be unduly burdensome and shall cover, to the extent possible, the direct costs of performing such service.))

             Sec. 9. RCW 19.94.255 and 1992 c 237 s 17 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Weighing or measuring instruments or devices that have been rejected under the authority of the director or a city sealer shall remain subject to the control of the rejecting authority until such time as suitable repair or disposition thereof has been made as required by this section.

             (2) The owner of any weighing or measuring instrument or device that has been marked or tagged as rejected by the director or a city sealer shall cause the same to be made correct within thirty days or such longer period as may be authorized by the rejecting authority. In lieu of correction, the owner of such weighing and measuring instrument or device may dispose of the same, but only in the manner specifically authorized by the rejecting authority.

             (3) Weighing and measuring instruments or devices that have been rejected shall not again be used commercially until they have been ((officially)) reexamined and((, if)) found to be correct((, had an official seal of approval placed upon or issued for such weighing or measuring instrument or device by the rejecting authority)) by the department, city sealer, or a service agent registered with the department.

             (4) If a weighing or measuring instrument or device marked or tagged as rejected is found to be correct by a service agent registered with the department, the agent shall provide a signed certification to the owner or operator of the instrument or device so indicating and shall report to the rejecting authority as provided by rule under RCW 19.94.190(1)(c).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Except as authorized by the department, a service agent who intends to provide the examination that permits a weighing or measuring instrument or device to be placed back into commercial service under RCW 19.94.255(3) shall receive an official registration certificate from the director prior to performing such a service. This registration requirement does not apply to the department or a city sealer.

             (2) Except as provided in section 12 of this act, a registration certificate is valid for one year. It may be renewed by submitting a request for renewal to the department.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) Each request for an official registration certificate shall be in writing, under oath, and on a form prescribed by the department and shall contain any relevant information as the director may require, including but not limited to the following:

             (a) The name and address of the person, corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship requesting registration;

             (b) The names and addresses of all individuals requesting an official registration certificate from the department; and

             (c) The tax registration number as required under RCW 82.32.030 or uniform business identifier provided on a master license issued under RCW 19.02.070.

             (2) Each individual when submitting a request for an official registration certificate or a renewal of such a certificate shall pay a fee to the department in the amount of eighty dollars per individual.

             (3) The department shall issue a decision on a request for an official registration certificate within twenty days of receipt of the request. If an individual is denied their request for an official registration certificate, the department must notify that individual in writing stating the reasons for the denial and shall refund any payments made by that individual in connection with the request.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             (1) The department shall have the power to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew the official registration certificate of any service agent for any of the following reasons:

             (a) Fraud or deceit in obtaining an official registration certificate under this chapter;

             (b) A finding by the department of a pattern of intentional fraudulent or negligent activities in the installation, inspection, testing, checking, adjusting, or systematically standardizing and approving the graduations of any weighing or measuring instrument or device;

             (c) Knowingly placing back into commercial service any weighing or measuring instrument or device that is incorrect;

             (d) A violation of any provision of this chapter; or

             (e) Conviction of a crime or an act constituting a crime under the laws of this state, the laws of another state, or federal law.

             (2) Upon the department's revocation of, suspension of, or refusal to renewal an official registration certificate, an individual shall have the right to appeal this decision in accordance with the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW.

             Sec. 13. RCW 19.94.280 and 1992 c 237 s 20 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) There may be a city sealer in every city and such deputies as may be required by ordinance of each such city to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter.

             (2) Each city electing to have a city sealer shall adopt rules for the appointment and removal of the city sealer and any deputies required by local ordinance. The rules for appointment of a city sealer and any deputies must include provisions for the advice and consent of the local governing body of such city and, as necessary, any provisions for local civil service laws and regulations.

             (3) A city sealer ((shall)) may adopt the fee amounts established ((by the director pursuant to RCW 19.94.165)) under RCW 19.94.175. However, no city shall adopt or charge an inspection, testing, or licensing fee or any other fee upon a weighing or measuring instrument or device that is in excess of the fee amounts ((adopted under RCW 19.94.165)) established by the department under the provisions of this chapter for substantially similar services.

             (4) A city sealer shall keep a complete and accurate record of all official acts performed under the authority of this chapter and shall submit an annual report to the governing body of his or her city and shall make any reports as may be required by the director.

             Sec. 14. RCW 19.94.320 and 1992 c 237 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) In cities for which city sealers have been appointed as provided for in this chapter, the director shall have general ((supervisory powers over such)) oversight of city ((sealers)) weights and measures programs and may, when he or she deems it reasonably necessary, exercise concurrent authority to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

             (2) When the director elects to exercise concurrent authority within a city with a duly appointed city sealer, the director's powers and duties relative to this chapter shall be in addition to the powers granted in any such city by law or charter.

             Sec. 15. RCW 19.94.360 and 1969 c 67 s 36 are each amended to read as follows:

             In addition to the declarations required by RCW 19.94.350, any commodity in package form, the package being one of a lot containing random weights, measures or counts of the same commodity ((and bearing the total selling price of the package)) at the time it is exposed for sale at retail, shall bear on the outside of the package a plain and conspicuous declaration of the price per single unit of weight, measure, or count and the total selling price of the package.

             Sec. 16. RCW 19.94.390 and 1969 c 67 s 39 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Whenever any commodity or service is sold, or is offered, exposed, or advertised for sale, by weight, measure, or count, the price shall not be misrepresented, nor shall the price be represented in any manner calculated or tending to mislead or deceive an actual or prospective purchaser. Whenever an advertised, poster or labeled price per unit of weight, measure, or count includes a fraction of a cent, all elements of the fraction shall be prominently displayed and the numeral or numerals expressing the fraction shall be immediately adjacent to, of the same general design and style as, and at least one-half the height and one-half the width of the numerals representing the whole cents.

             (2) The examination procedure recommended for price verification by the price verification working group of the laws and regulations committee of the national conference on weights and measures (as reflected in the fourth draft, dated November 1, 1994) for devices such as electronic scanners shall govern such examinations conducted under this chapter. The procedure shall be deemed to be adopted under this chapter. However, the department may revise the procedure as follows: The department shall provide notice of and conduct a public hearing pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW to determine whether any revisions to this procedure made by the national institute of standards and technology or its successor organization for incorporating the examination procedure into an official handbook of the institute or its successor, or any subsequent revisions of the handbook regarding such procedures shall also be adopted under this chapter. If the department determines that the procedure should be so revised, it may adopt the revisions. Violations of this section regarding the use of devices such as electronic scanners may be found only as provided by the examination procedures adopted by or under this subsection.

             (3) Electronic scanner screens installed after January 1, 1996, and used in retail establishments must be visible to the consumer at the checkout line.

             Sec. 17. RCW 19.94.410 and 1988 c 63 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (((1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) Butter, oleomargarine and margarine shall be offered and exposed for sale and sold by weight ((and only in units of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound or multiples of one pound, avoirdupois weight.

             (2) The director of agriculture may allow the sale of butter specialty products in nonstandard units of weight if the purpose achieved by using such nonstandard units is decorative in nature and the products are clearly labeled as to weight and price per pound)).

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 18. A new section is added to chapter 15.80 RCW to read as follows:

             All moneys collected under this chapter shall be placed in the weights and measures account in the agricultural local fund created in RCW 19.94.185.

             Sec. 19. RCW 43.84.092 and 1994 c 2 s 6 (Initiative Measure No. 601), 1993 sp.s. c 25 s 511, 1993 sp.s. c 8 s 1, 1993 c 500 s 6, 1993 c 492 s 473, 1993 c 445 s 4, 1993 c 329 s 2, and 1993 c 4 s 9 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             (1) All earnings of investments of surplus balances in the state treasury shall be deposited to the treasury income account, which account is hereby established in the state treasury.

             (2) The treasury income account shall be utilized to pay or receive funds associated with federal programs as required by the federal cash management improvement act of 1990. The treasury income account is subject in all respects to chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for refunds or allocations of interest earnings required by the cash management improvement act. Refunds of interest to the federal treasury required under the cash management improvement act fall under RCW 43.88.180 and shall not require appropriation. The office of financial management shall determine the amounts due to or from the federal government pursuant to the cash management improvement act. The office of financial management may direct transfers of funds between accounts as deemed necessary to implement the provisions of the cash management improvement act, and this subsection. Refunds or allocations shall occur prior to the distributions of earnings set forth in subsection (4) of this section.

             (3) Except for the provisions of RCW 43.84.160, the treasury income account may be utilized for the payment of purchased banking services on behalf of treasury funds including, but not limited to, depository, safekeeping, and disbursement functions for the state treasury and affected state agencies. The treasury income account is subject in all respects to chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for payments to financial institutions. Payments shall occur prior to distribution of earnings set forth in subsection (4) of this section.

             (4) Monthly, the state treasurer shall distribute the earnings credited to the treasury income account. The state treasurer shall credit the general fund with all the earnings credited to the treasury income account except:

             (a) The following accounts and funds shall receive their proportionate share of earnings based upon each account's and fund's average daily balance for the period: The capitol building construction account, the Cedar River channel construction and operation account, the Central Washington University capital projects account, the charitable, educational, penal and reformatory institutions account, the common school construction fund, the county criminal justice assistance account, the county sales and use tax equalization account, the data processing building construction account, the deferred compensation administrative account, the deferred compensation principal account, the department of retirement systems expense account, the Eastern Washington University capital projects account, the education construction fund, the emergency reserve fund, the federal forest revolving account, the health services account, the public health services account, the health system capacity account, the personal health services account, the industrial insurance premium refund account, the judges' retirement account, the judicial retirement administrative account, the judicial retirement principal account, the local leasehold excise tax account, the local real estate excise tax account, the local sales and use tax account, the medical aid account, the municipal criminal justice assistance account, the municipal sales and use tax equalization account, the natural resources deposit account, the perpetual surveillance and maintenance account, the public employees' retirement system plan I account, the public employees' retirement system plan II account, the Puyallup tribal settlement account, the resource management cost account, the site closure account, the special wildlife account, the state employees' insurance account, the state employees' insurance reserve account, the state investment board expense account, the state investment board commingled trust fund accounts, the supplemental pension account, the teachers' retirement system plan I account, the teachers' retirement system plan II account, the tuition recovery trust fund, the University of Washington bond retirement fund, the University of Washington building account, the volunteer fire fighters' relief and pension principal account, the volunteer fire fighters' relief and pension administrative account, the Washington judicial retirement system account, the Washington law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' system plan I retirement account, the Washington law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' system plan II retirement account, the Washington state patrol retirement account, the Washington State University building account, the Washington State University bond retirement fund, the water pollution control revolving fund, the weights and measures account, and the Western Washington University capital projects account. Earnings derived from investing balances of the agricultural permanent fund, the normal school permanent fund, the permanent common school fund, the scientific permanent fund, and the state university permanent fund shall be allocated to their respective beneficiary accounts. All earnings to be distributed under this subsection (4)(a) shall first be reduced by the allocation to the state treasurer's service fund pursuant to RCW 43.08.190.

             (b) The following accounts and funds shall receive eighty percent of their proportionate share of earnings based upon each account's or fund's average daily balance for the period: The marine operating fund, the motor vehicle fund, and the transportation fund.

             (5) In conformance with Article II, section 37 of the state Constitution, no treasury accounts or funds shall be allocated earnings without the specific affirmative directive of this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 20. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             The department shall develop a written report on the implementation of chapter . . ., Laws of 1995 (this act) that provides information including but not limited to the number of inspections conducted, the results of the inspections, the number of warnings issued, and the number of enforcement actions taken. The report shall be submitted to the secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house of representatives, on December 15th of each even-numbered year. This section shall expire January 1, 2000.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 21. A new section is added to chapter 19.94 RCW to read as follows:

             No state general fund moneys may be utilized by the department to fund the operation of the metrology laboratory. Funding of the laboratory shall be based on the prorated usage by two major components: (1) Services performed for other persons or governmental agencies; and (2) services performed for the department that are connected with the administration of the program under this chapter.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 22. (1) Sections 1 through 3, 6 through 15, and 19 of this act are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect June 1, 1995.

             (2) Sections 4 and 5 of this act shall take effect January 1, 1996."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "measures;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 19.94.010, 19.94.160, 19.94.165, 19.94.175, 19.94.185, 19.94.190, 19.94.216, 19.94.255, 19.94.280, 19.94.320, 19.94.360, 19.94.390, and 19.94.410; reenacting and amending RCW 43.84.092; adding new sections to chapter 19.94 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 15.80 RCW; providing effective dates; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative McMorris moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Second Substitute House Bill No. 1524 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative McMorris spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed HOUSE BILL NO. 1534 with the following amendments:

             On page 7, after line 33, insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 18.43 RCW to read as follows:

             The board may adopt rules under this section authorizing a retired status certificate. An individual certificated under this chapter who has reached the age of sixty-five years and has retired from the active practice of engineering and land surveying may, upon application and at the discretion of the board, be exempted from payment of annual renewal fees thereafter."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "18.43.070;" insert "adding a new section to chapter 18.43 RCW;"

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1534 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Lisk spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of House Bill No. 1534 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Cairnes spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1534 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             House Bill No. 1534, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1658 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 75.20 RCW to read as follows:

             The department may not require mitigation for adverse impacts on fish life or habitat that occurred at the time a wetland was filled, if the wetland was filled under the provisions of RCW 75.20.300."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "wetlands;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and adding a new section to chapter 75.20 RCW."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative McMorris moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1658 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative McMorris spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1658 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Pennington spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1658 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 96, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 96.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1658, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1669 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 67.28.210 and 1994 c 290 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             All taxes levied and collected under RCW 67.28.180, 67.28.240, and 67.28.260 shall be credited to a special fund in the treasury of the county or city imposing such tax. Such taxes shall be levied only for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of acquisition, construction, or operating of stadium facilities, convention center facilities, performing arts center facilities, and/or visual arts center facilities or to pay or secure the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds issued for such purpose or purposes under this chapter, or to pay for advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging tourist expansion when a county or city has imposed such tax for such purpose, or as one of the purposes hereunder, and until withdrawn for use, the moneys accumulated in such fund or funds may be invested in interest bearing securities by the county or city treasurer in any manner authorized by law. In addition such taxes may be used to develop strategies to expand tourism: PROVIDED, That any county, and any city within a county, bordering upon Grays Harbor may use the proceeds of such taxes for construction and maintenance of a movable tall ships tourist attraction in cooperation with a tall ships restoration society, except to the extent that such proceeds are used for payment of principal and interest on debt incurred prior to June 11, 1986: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any city or county may use the proceeds of such taxes for the refurbishing and operation of a steam railway for tourism promotion purposes: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any city bordering on the Pacific Ocean or on Baker Bay with a population of not less than eight hundred and the county in which such a city is located, a city wholly located on an island, a city bordering on the Skagit river with a population of not less than twenty thousand, or any city with a population of not less than ten thousand within a county made up entirely of islands may use the proceeds of such taxes for funding special events or festivals, or for the acquisition, construction, or operation of publicly owned tourist promotional infrastructures, structures, or buildings including but not limited to an ocean beach boardwalk, public docks, and viewing towers: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any county which imposes a tax under RCW 67.28.182 or any city with a population less than fifty thousand in such county may use the proceeds of the tax levied and collected under RCW 67.28.180 to provide public restroom facilities available to and intended for use by visitors: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any county made up entirely of islands, and any city or town that has a population less than five thousand, may use the proceeds of the tax levied and collected under RCW 67.28.180 to provide public restroom facilities available to and intended for use by visitors: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any city or county may use the proceeds of such taxes for funding a civic festival, if the following conditions are met: The festival is a community-wide event held not more than once annually; the festival is approved by the city, town, or county in which it is held; the festival is sponsored by an exempt organization defined in section 501(c)(3), (4), or (6) of the federal internal revenue code; the festival provides family-oriented events suiting a broad segment of the community; and the proceeds of such taxes are used solely for advertising and promotional materials intended to attract overnight visitors.

             Sec. 2. RCW 67.28.270 and 1991 c 357 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             In addition to the other uses authorized in this chapter, any city with a population of not less than one thousand people located on one of the San Juan islands or the county within which such city is located may impose the tax as provided in RCW 67.28.180, and use the ((tax)) proceeds from that tax as provided herein for the acquisition, construction, or operation of publicly owned facilities that are used either for county fairs occurring no more than once a year and not extending over a period of more than seven days or to mitigate the impacts of tourism. Mitigation may include paying all or any part of the cost of acquisition, construction, or operation of public information and educational facilities designed to inform visitors of the historical, cultural, ecological, and environmental resources of the county; of overnight or day use parks used by visitors; of kayak and canoe access to public tidelands; of rest, information, and assembly areas for bicycle visitors; of special signage to inform visitors of local points of interest; and of sport and recreational facilities that provide activities of interest to visitors."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "structures;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 67.28.210 and 67.28.270."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1669 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Beeksma spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.

             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1669 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1669 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 94, Nays - 2, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 94.

             Voting nay: Representatives Hargrove and Schmidt, K. - 2.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1669, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1673 with the following amendments:

             On page 1, strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 84.38.020 and 1991 c 213 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             Unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, the following words and phrases as hereinafter used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:

             (1) "Claimant" means a person who either elects or is required under RCW ((84.64.030 or)) 84.64.050 to defer payment of the special assessments and/or real property taxes accrued on the claimant's residence by filing a declaration to defer as provided by this chapter.

             When two or more individuals of a household file or seek to file a declaration to defer, they may determine between them as to who the claimant shall be.

             (2) "Department" means the state department of revenue.

             (3) "Equity value" means the amount by which the fair market value of a residence as determined from the records of the county assessor exceeds the total amount of any liens or other obligations against the property.

             (4) "Real property taxes" means ad valorem property taxes levied on a residence in this state in the preceding calendar year.

             (5) "Residence" has the meaning given in RCW 84.36.383, except that a residence includes any additional property up to a total of five acres that comprises the residential parcel if this larger parcel size is required under land use regulations.

             (6) "Special assessment" means the charge or obligation imposed by a city, town, county, or other municipal corporation upon property specially benefitted by a local improvement, including assessments under chapters 35.44, 36.88, 36.94, 53.08, 54.16, 56.20, 57.16, 86.09, and 87.03 RCW and any other relevant chapter.

             (((5) "Real property taxes" means ad valorem property taxes levied on a residence in this state in the preceding calendar year.))

             Sec. 2. RCW 84.38.030 and 1991 c 213 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             A claimant may defer payment of special assessments and/or real property taxes on up to eighty percent of the amount of the claimant's equity value in the claimant's residence if the following conditions are met:

             (1) The claimant must meet all requirements for an exemption for the residence under RCW 84.36.381, other than the age and income limits under RCW 84.36.381 and the parcel size limit under RCW 84.36.383.

             (2) The claimant must be sixty years of age or older on December 31st of the year in which the deferral claim is filed, or must have been, at the time of filing, retired from regular gainful employment by reason of physical disability: PROVIDED, That any surviving spouse of a person who was receiving a deferral at the time of the person's death shall qualify if the surviving spouse is fifty-seven years of age or older and otherwise meets the requirements of this section.

             (3) The claimant must have a combined disposable income, as defined in RCW 84.36.383, of ((thirty)) thirty-four thousand dollars or less.

             (((3))) (4) The claimant must have owned, at the time of filing, the residence on which the special assessment and/or real property taxes have been imposed. For purposes of this subsection, a residence owned by a marital community or owned by cotenants shall be deemed to be owned by each spouse or cotenant. A claimant who has only a share ownership in cooperative housing, a life estate, a lease for life, or a revocable trust does not satisfy the ownership requirement.

             (((4))) (5) The claimant must have and keep in force fire and casualty insurance in sufficient amount to protect the interest of the state in the claimant's equity value: PROVIDED, That if the claimant fails to keep fire and casualty insurance in force to the extent of the state's interest in the claimant's equity value, the amount deferred shall not exceed one hundred percent of the claimant's equity value in the land or lot only.

             (((5))) (6) In the case of special assessment deferral, the claimant must have opted for payment of such special assessments on the installment method if such method was available."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after ""disability;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 84.38.020 and 84.38.030."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative B. Thomas moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1673 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative B. Thomas spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker (Representative Horn presiding) stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1673 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Dickerson spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1673 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 95, Nays - 1, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 95.

             Voting nay: Representative Goldsmith - 1.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1673, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             The Speaker assumed the chair.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1730 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 41.56.030 and 1993 c 398 s 1, 1993 c 397 s 1, and 1993 c 379 s 302 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             As used in this chapter:

             (1) "Public employer" means any officer, board, commission, council, or other person or body acting on behalf of any public body governed by this chapter, or any subdivision of such public body. For the purposes of this section, the public employer of district court or superior court employees for wage-related matters is the respective county legislative authority, or person or body acting on behalf of the legislative authority, and the public employer for nonwage-related matters is the judge or judge's designee of the respective district court or superior court.

             (2) "Public employee" means any employee of a public employer except any person (a) elected by popular vote, or (b) appointed to office pursuant to statute, ordinance or resolution for a specified term of office by the executive head or body of the public employer, or (c) whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant or secretary necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the executive head or body of the applicable bargaining unit, or any person elected by popular vote or appointed to office pursuant to statute, ordinance or resolution for a specified term of office by the executive head or body of the public employer, or (d) who is a personal assistant to a district court judge, superior court judge, or court commissioner. For the purpose of (d) of this subsection, no more than one assistant for each judge or commissioner may be excluded from a bargaining unit.

             (3) "Bargaining representative" means any lawful organization which has as one of its primary purposes the representation of employees in their employment relations with employers.

             (4) "Collective bargaining" means the performance of the mutual obligations of the public employer and the exclusive bargaining representative to meet at reasonable times, to confer and negotiate in good faith, and to execute a written agreement with respect to grievance procedures and collective negotiations on personnel matters, including wages, hours and working conditions, which may be peculiar to an appropriate bargaining unit of such public employer, except that by such obligation neither party shall be compelled to agree to a proposal or be required to make a concession unless otherwise provided in this chapter. In the case of the Washington state patrol, "collective bargaining" shall not include wages and wage-related matters.

             (5) "Commission" means the public employment relations commission.

             (6) "Executive director" means the executive director of the commission.

             (7)(((a) Until July 1, 1995, "uniformed personnel" means: (i) Law enforcement officers as defined in RCW 41.26.030 of cities with a population of fifteen thousand or more or law enforcement officers employed by the governing body of any county with a population of seventy thousand or more; (ii) fire fighters as that term is defined in RCW 41.26.030; (iii) correctional employees who are uniformed and nonuniformed, commissioned and noncommissioned security personnel employed in a jail as defined in RCW 70.48.020(5), by a county with a population of seventy thousand or more, and who are trained for and charged with the responsibility of controlling and maintaining custody of inmates in the jail and safeguarding inmates from other inmates; (iv) security forces established under RCW 43.52.520; (v) employees of a port district in a county with a population of one million or more whose duties include crash fire rescue or other fire fighting duties; (vi) employees of fire departments of public employers who dispatch exclusively either fire or emergency medical services, or both; or (vii) employees in the several classes of advanced life support technicians, as defined in RCW 18.71.200, who are employed by a public employer.

             (b) Beginning on July 1, 1995,)) "Uniformed personnel" means: (a)(i) Until July 1, 1997, law enforcement officers as defined in RCW 41.26.030 employed by the governing body of any city or town with a population of seven thousand five hundred or more and law enforcement officers employed by the governing body of any county with a population of thirty-five thousand or more; (ii) beginning on July 1, 1997, law enforcement officers as defined in RCW 41.26.030 employed by the governing body of any city or town with a population of two thousand five hundred or more and law enforcement officers employed by the governing body of any county with a population of ten thousand or more; (b) correctional employees who are uniformed and nonuniformed, commissioned and noncommissioned security personnel employed in a jail as defined in RCW 70.48.020(5), by a county with a population of seventy thousand or more, and who are trained for and charged with the responsibility of controlling and maintaining custody of inmates in the jail and safeguarding inmates from other inmates; (((iii))) (c) general authority Washington peace officers as defined in RCW 10.93.020 employed by a port district in a county with a population of one million or more; (((iv))) (d) security forces established under RCW 43.52.520; (((v))) (e) fire fighters as that term is defined in RCW 41.26.030; (((vi))) (f) employees of a port district in a county with a population of one million or more whose duties include crash fire rescue or other fire fighting duties; (((vii))) (g) employees of fire departments of public employers who dispatch exclusively either fire or emergency medical services, or both; or (((viii))) (h) employees in the several classes of advanced life support technicians, as defined in RCW 18.71.200, who are employed by a public employer.

             (8) "Institution of higher education" means the University of Washington, Washington State University, Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, Western Washington University, The Evergreen State College, and the various state community colleges.

             Sec. 2. RCW 41.56.465 and 1993 c 398 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) In making its determination, the panel shall be mindful of the legislative purpose enumerated in RCW 41.56.430 and, as additional standards or guidelines to aid it in reaching a decision, it shall take into consideration the following factors:

             (((1))) (a) The constitutional and statutory authority of the employer;

             (((2))) (b) Stipulations of the parties;

             (((3)(a))) (c)(i) For employees listed in RCW 41.56.030(7)(((b)(i))) (a) through (((iii))) (d), comparison of the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of personnel involved in the proceedings with the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of like personnel of like employers of similar size on the west coast of the United States;

             (((b))) (ii) For employees listed in RCW 41.56.030(7)(((b)(iv))) (e) through (((vii))) (h), comparison of the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of personnel involved in the proceedings with the wages, hours, and conditions of employment of like personnel of public fire departments of similar size on the west coast of the United States. However, when an adequate number of comparable employers exists within the state of Washington, other west coast employers may not be considered;

             (((4))) (d) The average consumer prices for goods and services, commonly known as the cost of living;

             (((5))) (e) Changes in any of the circumstances under ((subsections (1))) (a) through (((4))) (d) of this ((section)) subsection during the pendency of the proceedings; and

             (((6))) (f) Such other factors, not confined to the factors under ((subsections (1))) (a) through (((5))) (e) of this ((section)) subsection, that are normally or traditionally taken into consideration in the determination of wages, hours, and conditions of employment. For those employees listed in RCW 41.56.030(7)(((b)(i))) (a) who are employed by the governing body of a city or town with a population of less than fifteen thousand, or a county with a population of less than seventy thousand, consideration must also be given to regional differences in the cost of living.

             (2) Subsection (1)(c) of this section may not be construed to authorize the panel to require the employer to pay, directly or indirectly, the increased employee contributions resulting from chapter 502, Laws of 1993 or chapter 517, Laws of 1993 as required under chapter 41.26 RCW.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. The senate committee on ways and means and the house of representatives committee on appropriations shall jointly compile a report to the legislature by December 15, 1996, which shall analyze and review all arbitration awards made involving law enforcement officers under chapter 41.56 RCW since enactment of binding arbitration procedures for law enforcement officers in 1973. This review shall include a brief procedural history of each arbitration including the date, the identity of the parties, the evidence and arguments presented by the parties, the names of the members of the arbitration panel, and the findings and final determination of the issues in dispute.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. RCW 41.56.460 and 1993 c 517 s 10, 1993 c 502 s 5, 1993 c 398 s 2, & 1993 c 397 s 2 are each repealed.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1995."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "counties;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 41.56.465; reenacting and amending RCW 41.56.030; creating a new section; repealing RCW 41.56.460; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Cairnes moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1730 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Cairnes spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1730 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Delvin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1730 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 88, Nays - 8, Absent - 0, Excused - 2.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Kremen, Lambert, Mason, Mastin, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 88.

             Voting nay: Representatives Beeksma, Goldsmith, Hargrove, Koster, Lisk, McMahan, Sherstad and Stevens - 8.

             Excused: Representatives Benton and Patterson - 2.

             Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1730, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1810 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The department of ecology shall establish a policy advisory committee to provide advice to the legislature and the department on administrative and legislative actions to more effectively implement the model toxics control act, chapter 70.105D RCW. The committee shall consist of the following members:

             (a) Four legislative members selected as provided in subsection (2) of this section;

             (b) Four representatives of citizen and environmental organizations;

             (c) Four representatives of business, including two representatives of small business and two representatives of large business;

             (d) One representative of counties;

             (e) One representative of cities;

             (f) One representative of ports;

             (g) One member of the scientific advisory board created under RCW 70.105D.030(4);

             (h) One representative of an environmental consulting firm engaged in the remediation of contaminated sites;

             (i) Not more than three additional members selected by the department from recommendations provided by the committee; and

             (j) The directors of the departments of ecology and health or their designees.

             (2) The president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives may each appoint one member from each major caucus in the senate and the house of representatives, respectively, to serve as members of the committee.

             (3) In making appointments under subsection (1) (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this section, the department shall select from the lists of recommendations submitted by recognized regional or state-wide organizations representing the interests of that category.

             (4) The initial meeting of the committee shall be scheduled no later than August 1, 1995. At the initial meeting the members shall select a presiding officer and adopt procedures for carrying out their duties under sections 2 and 3 of this act. In conducting its review the committee shall, wherever possible, operate on a consensus basis and, when consensus is not possible to achieve, the committee should encourage the development of recommendations that are broadly supported within the committee. Where consensus is not achieved, other views within the committee shall be included in any reports required by sections 2 and 3 this act.

             (5) The committee may divide itself into subcommittees. The committee should seek input from people who are interested in its work and who will, in the committee's view, bring experience or technical or interdisciplinary insight to a thoughtful consideration of the issues before the committee.

             (6) The department shall provide staffing and other assistance to the committee, including facilitators from within or outside of state government if requested. Such assistance shall include information in response to reasonable requests from the committee, provided that the information is not protected by attorney-client privilege.

             (7) Legislative members of the committee shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 44.04.120. If other members would not be able to participate in the committee's activities because of travel expenses or other financial limitations on the ability to participate fully, the department shall certify the members as entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

             (8) At the initial meeting attended by a committee member, the member shall identify the nature of his or her interest in the outcome of matters before the committee. This information shall include the type of organization to which the member belongs and the general nature of the membership and/or business interest of that organization. Thereafter, a committee member shall disclose any potential conflicts of interest or bias that subsequently arise or of which the committee member subsequently becomes aware. A member shall refrain from participating in any matter that the member for any reason cannot act fairly, objectively, and in the public interest with regard to that matter.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. (1) The policy advisory committee shall review, provide advice, and develop recommendations on the following subjects, at a minimum:

             (a) Clean-up standards and clean-up levels, including the use of site-specific risk assessment;

             (b) Policies, rules, and procedures, including the use of cost, current and future land use, and other criteria in the selection of clean-up remedies;

             (c) How the department carries out the clean-up program in practice, including training, and accountability for clean-up decisions and their implementation;

             (d) Improving the clean-up process to provide additional incentives to potentially liable parties to fully and expeditiously fund cleanups;

             (e) The need for adoption of and recommended levels for ecologically based clean-up standards; and

             (f) A review of the effectiveness of independent cleanups.

             (2) The committee shall begin meeting no later than August 1, 1995, to review the model toxics control act and its implementation to date. The committee is encouraged to submit recommendations on policies of state-wide or regional significance to the department at any point during its review. The committee shall submit a preliminary report not later than December 15, 1995, to the appropriate legislative committees, that identifies priority questions and issues that the committee intends to address. The preliminary report shall identify the schedule and approach planned for analyzing these priority issues. The committee shall develop a procedure to allow other interested parties to propose additional questions and issues for review. Any questions and issues the committee chooses to address shall be of regional or state-wide significance. It is not the intent that this committee become engaged in site-specific clean-up decisions at pilot projects or any other sites.

             (3) The committee shall submit a final report to the department and the appropriate legislative committees not later than December 15, 1996, on the priority issues it has identified for review. In addition to action recommendations, the final report may identify issues and priorities for further study, including a recommendation as to whether the committee should continue in existence.

             (4) The department shall assist the committee's review under this section by preparing case studies of a variety of site cleanups involving differing contaminants, quantities of contaminants, media affected, populations exposed, present and future land and resource uses, and other factors. The committee shall seek input from the affected community, potentially liable persons involved in the cleanup and other participants in the clean-up process at the site and include this input in the information included on the case study. The case studies, along with the other information gathered in the review, shall be used by the committee to provide advice and develop recommendations on the questions and issues addressed by the committee.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. (1) Not later than October 1, 1995, the policy advisory committee shall select two pilot projects from a list of proposed pilot project sites provided by the department. The purpose of the pilot projects is to evaluate alternative methods for accomplishing faster, less-expensive, and an equally protective degree of cleanup at complex sites, within the framework provided by the model toxics control act and the rules adopted under the model toxics control act. Pilot projects shall comply with the model toxics control act and the rules adopted under the model toxics control act. Public participation in the clean-up process for these sites shall be as provided in such rules. In order to be eligible for a pilot project, a site shall be conducting remedial actions under an order, agreed order, or consent decree under the model toxics control act and there shall not be significant opposition from the public potentially affected by the site. In addition, the following criteria shall be used by the department and the committee when recommending and selecting a site as a pilot project site:

             (a) The presence of multiple parties at the site and the willingness of these persons to participate in a pilot project;

             (b) The source of contamination at the site. Sites contaminated as a result of current or past industrial activities shall be given a preference over other sites;

             (c) The stage of cleanup at the site. Sites that are in the process of preparing or for which there is recently completed a remedial investigation/feasibility study shall be given preference over other sites; and

             (d) The degree of community support for selecting a site as a pilot project site. To determine the degree of community support, the department shall first consult with interested community and environmental groups. Thereafter, before proposing a site as a pilot project the department shall issue a public notice identifying the site and seeking public comment on the potential for the site to be a pilot project site.

             (2) In the pilot projects the department shall include with the remedial investigation/feasibility study required under the model toxics control act any additional or alternative risk assessments or other analyses that potentially liable persons may wish to prepare at their expense for the purpose of exploration of improved methods to accomplish cleanup under the model toxics control act. The department shall provide technical assistance to identify an appropriate scope for such supplemental analyses, so that the analyses may prove useful in considering improvements to existing practices, policies, rules, and procedures. The department may establish a reasonable schedule for the preparation of any supplemental analyses. The preparation and evaluation of any supplemental analyses shall not result in a delay in remedial actions at the pilot sites. The analyses shall be included in the remedial investigation/feasibility study regardless of whether the department fully concurred in their scope. The department may simultaneously prepare or commission its own supplemental analyses at its own expense, as distinct from department-conducted or department-commissioned or contracted technical review of supplemental analyses prepared by potentially liable persons, which shall remain subject to cost recovery under the model toxics control act.

             (3) In consultation with the potentially liable persons and affected public for each site, the department's site managers shall to the fullest extent possible use the administrative principles set forth, for both the clean-up process and for clean-up standards, as well as other flexible tools available in the rules adopted under the model toxics control act.

             (4) In order to avoid misunderstanding and promote constructive dialogue, the public participation plan for each site shall be designed or revised to educate and involve the public on the nature of the pilot project, the specific issues being explored at the site, and the purpose and scope of any alternative or supplemental analyses.

             (5) The department shall prepare a report on each pilot project highlighting any policy issues raised as a result of the pilot project and providing a copy of the remedial investigation/feasibility study and any supplemental analyses and public comments received for each pilot project to the policy advisory committee. The report shall be submitted to the committee within ninety days after the comment period ends on the remedial investigation/feasibility study for that site. The department shall also keep the committee informed about decisions made regarding the pilot project sites and progress made in implementation of cleanup at these sites. The intent is for the committee to use the information acquired from the pilot projects to supplement other information used in developing policy recommendations under section 2 of this act. The department shall submit a status report to the policy advisory committee no later than March 31, 1996, including an estimated schedule for reporting on each pilot project.

             (6) Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent or limit the department from fully employing all procedures and standards available under the model toxics control act or the rules adopted to implement the model toxics control act with respect to any site, whether or not it is being considered as a possible pilot project under this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by June 30, 1995, in the omnibus appropriations act, this act is null and void.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. This act shall expire January 15, 1997."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "act;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "creating new sections; and providing an expiration date."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative McMorris moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1810 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1810 as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives McMorris and Rust spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             On motion of Representative Talcott, Representatives Hargrove and Cairnes were excused.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1810 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 92, Nays - 2, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 92.

             Voting nay: Representatives Campbell and Smith - 2.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Cairnes, Hargrove and Patterson - 4.

             Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1810, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             There being no objection, the following Representatives were excused: Representative Conway, Representative K. Schmidt, Representative Mitchell, Representative R. Fisher, Representative Silver, Representative Foreman and Representative Sommers.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1865 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 11.88.030 and 1991 c 289 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Any person or entity may petition for the appointment of a qualified person, trust company, national bank, or nonprofit corporation authorized in RCW 11.88.020 as now or hereafter amended as the guardian or limited guardian of an incapacitated person. No liability for filing a petition for guardianship or limited guardianship shall attach to a petitioner acting in good faith and upon reasonable basis. A petition for guardianship or limited guardianship shall state:

             (a) The name, age, residence, and post office address of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (b) The nature of the alleged incapacity in accordance with RCW 11.88.010;

             (c) The approximate value and description of property, including any compensation, pension, insurance, or allowance, to which the alleged incapacitated person may be entitled;

             (d) Whether there is, in any state, a guardian or limited guardian, or pending guardianship action for the person or estate of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (e) The residence and post office address of the person whom petitioner asks to be appointed guardian or limited guardian;

             (f) The names and addresses, and nature of the relationship, so far as known or can be reasonably ascertained, of the persons most closely related by blood or marriage to the alleged incapacitated person;

             (g) The name and address of the person or facility having the care and custody of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (h) The reason why the appointment of a guardian or limited guardian is sought and the interest of the petitioner in the appointment, and whether the appointment is sought as guardian or limited guardian of the person, the estate, or both, and why no alternative to guardianship is appropriate;

             (i) The nature and degree of the alleged incapacity and the specific areas of protection and assistance requested and the limitation of rights requested to be included in the court's order of appointment;

             (j) The requested term of the limited guardianship to be included in the court's order of appointment;

             (k) Whether the petitioner is proposing a specific individual to act as guardian ad litem and, if so, the individual's knowledge of or relationship to any of the parties, and why the individual is proposed.

             (2)(a) The attorney general may petition for the appointment of a guardian or limited guardian in any case in which there is cause to believe that a guardianship is necessary and no private party is able and willing to petition.

             (b) Prepayment of a filing fee shall not be required in any guardianship or limited guardianship brought by the attorney general. Payment of the filing fee shall be ordered from the estate of the incapacitated person at the hearing on the merits of the petition, unless in the judgment of the court, such payment would impose a hardship upon the incapacitated person, in which case the filing shall be waived.

             (3) No filing fee shall be charged by the court for filing either a petition for guardianship or a petition for limited guardianship if the petition alleges that the alleged incapacitated person has total assets of a value of less than three thousand dollars.

             (4)(a) Notice that a guardianship proceeding has been commenced shall be personally served upon the alleged incapacitated person and the guardian ad litem along with a copy of the petition for appointment of a guardian. Such notice shall be served not more than five court days after the petition has been filed.

             (b) Notice under this subsection shall include a clear and easily readable statement of the legal rights of the alleged incapacitated person that could be restricted or transferred to a guardian by a guardianship order as well as the right to counsel of choice and to a jury trial on the issue of incapacity. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form and shall be in capital letters, double-spaced, and in a type size not smaller than ten-point type:




             (1) TO MARRY OR DIVORCE;














             (5) All petitions filed under the provisions of this section shall be heard within sixty days unless an extension of time is requested by a party within such sixty day period and granted for good cause shown. If an extension is granted, the court shall set a new hearing date.

             Sec. 2. RCW 11.88.040 and 1991 c 289 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Before appointing a guardian or a limited guardian, notice of a hearing, to be held not less than ten days after service thereof, shall be served personally ((to)) upon the alleged incapacitated person, if over fourteen years of age, and served upon the guardian ad litem.

             Before appointing a guardian or a limited guardian, notice of a hearing, to be held not less than ten days after service thereof, shall be given by registered or certified mail to the last known address requesting a return receipt signed by the addressee or an agent appointed by the addressee, or by personal service in the manner provided for services of summons, to the following:

             (1) The alleged incapacitated person, or minor, if under fourteen years of age;

             (2) A parent, if the alleged incapacitated person is a minor, all known children not residing with a notified person, and the spouse of the alleged incapacitated person if any;

             (3) Any other person who has been appointed as guardian or limited guardian, or the person with whom the alleged incapacitated person resides. No notice need be given to those persons named in subsections (2) and (3) of this section if they have signed the petition for the appointment of the guardian or limited guardian or have waived notice of the hearing.

             (4) If the petition is by a parent asking for appointment as guardian or limited guardian of a minor child under the age of fourteen years, or if the petition is accompanied by the written consent of a minor of the age of fourteen years or upward, who consents to the appointment of the guardian or limited guardian asked for, or if the petition is by a nonresident guardian of any minor or incapacitated person, then the court may appoint the guardian without notice of the hearing. The court for good cause may reduce the number of days of notice, but in every case, at least three days notice shall be given.

             The alleged incapacitated person shall be present in court at the final hearing on the petition: PROVIDED, That this requirement may be waived at the discretion of the court for good cause other than mere inconvenience shown in the report to be provided by the guardian ad litem pursuant to RCW 11.88.090 as now or hereafter amended, or if no guardian ad litem is required to be appointed pursuant to RCW 11.88.090, as now or hereafter amended, at the discretion of the court for good cause shown by a party. Alternatively, the court may remove itself to the place of residence of the alleged incapacitated person and conduct the final hearing in the presence of the alleged incapacitated person. Final hearings on the petition may be held in closed court without admittance of any person other than those necessary to the action or proceeding.

             If presence of the alleged incapacitated person is waived and the court does not remove itself to the place of residence of such person, the guardian ad litem shall appear in person at the final hearing on the petition.

             Sec. 3. RCW 11.88.045 and 1991 c 289 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1)(a) Alleged incapacitated individuals shall have the right to be represented by counsel at any stage in guardianship proceedings. The court shall provide counsel to represent any alleged incapacitated person at public expense when either: (i) The individual is unable to afford counsel, or (ii) the expense of counsel would result in substantial hardship to the individual, or (iii) the individual does not have practical access to funds with which to pay counsel. If the individual can afford counsel but lacks practical access to funds, the court shall provide counsel and may impose a reimbursement requirement as part of a final order. When, in the opinion of the court, the rights and interests of an alleged or adjudicated incapacitated person cannot otherwise be adequately protected and represented, the court on its own motion shall appoint an attorney at any time to represent such person. Counsel shall be provided as soon as practicable after a petition is filed and long enough before any final hearing to allow adequate time for consultation and preparation. Absent a convincing showing in the record to the contrary, a period of less than three weeks shall be presumed by a reviewing court to be inadequate time for consultation and preparation.

             (b) Counsel for an alleged incapacitated individual shall act as an advocate for the client and shall not substitute counsel's own judgment for that of the client on the subject of what may be in the client's best interests. Counsel's role shall be distinct from that of the guardian ad litem, who is expected to promote the best interest of the alleged incapacitated individual, rather than the alleged incapacitated individual's expressed preferences.

             (c) If an alleged incapacitated person is represented by counsel and does not communicate with counsel, counsel may ask the court for leave to withdraw for that reason. If satisfied, after affording the alleged incapacitated person an opportunity for a hearing, that the request is justified, the court may grant the request and allow the case to proceed with the alleged incapacitated person unrepresented.

             (2) During the pendency of any guardianship, any attorney purporting to represent a person alleged or adjudicated to be incapacitated shall petition to be appointed to represent the incapacitated or alleged incapacitated person. Fees for representation described in this section shall be subject to approval by the court pursuant to the provisions of RCW 11.92.180.

             (3) The alleged incapacitated person is further entitled upon request to a jury trial on the issues of his or her alleged incapacity. The standard of proof to be applied in a contested case, whether before a jury or the court, shall be that of clear, cogent, and convincing evidence.

             (4) In all proceedings for appointment of a guardian or limited guardian, the court must be presented with a written report from a physician licensed to practice under chapter 18.71 or 18.57 RCW or licensed or certified psychologist selected by the guardian ad litem. The physician or psychologist shall have personally examined and interviewed the alleged incapacitated person within thirty days of preparation of the report to the court and shall have expertise in the type of disorder or incapacity the alleged incapacitated person is believed to have. The report shall contain the following information and shall be set forth in substantially the following format:

             (a) The name and address of the examining physician or psychologist;

             (b) The education and experience of the physician or psychologist pertinent to the case;

             (c) The dates of examinations of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (d) A summary of the relevant medical, functional, neurological, psychological, or psychiatric history of the alleged incapacitated person as known to the examining physician or psychologist;

             (e) The findings of the examining physician or psychologist as to the condition of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (f) Current medications;

             (g) The effect of current medications on the alleged incapacitated person's ability to understand or participate in guardianship proceedings;

             (h) Opinions on the specific assistance the alleged incapacitated person needs;

             (i) Identification of persons with whom the physician or psychologist has met or spoken regarding the alleged incapacitated person.

             The court shall not enter an order appointing a guardian or limited guardian until a medical or psychological report meeting the above requirements is filed.

             The requirement of filing a medical report is waived if the basis of the guardianship is minority.

             Sec. 4. RCW 11.88.090 and 1991 c 289 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Nothing contained in RCW 11.88.080 through 11.88.120, 11.92.010 through 11.92.040, 11.92.060 through 11.92.120, 11.92.170, and 11.92.180, as now or hereafter amended, shall affect or impair the power of any court to appoint a guardian ad litem to defend the interests of any incapacitated person interested in any suit or matter pending therein, or to commence and prosecute any suit in his behalf.

             (2) Upon receipt of a petition for appointment of guardian or limited guardian, except as provided herein, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the best interests of the alleged incapacitated person, who shall be a person found or known by the court to

             (a) be free of influence from anyone interested in the result of the proceeding;

             (b) have the requisite knowledge, training, or expertise to perform the duties required by this section.

             No guardian ad litem need be appointed when a parent is petitioning for a guardian or a limited guardian to be appointed for his or her minor child and the minority of the child, as defined by RCW 11.92.010, is the sole basis of the petition. The order appointing the guardian ad litem shall recite the duties set forth in subsection (5) of this section. The appointment of a guardian ad litem shall have no effect on the legal competency of the alleged incapacitated person and shall not overcome the presumption of competency or full legal and civil rights of the alleged incapacitated person.

             (3)(a) The superior court of each county shall develop by September 1, 1991, a registry of persons who are willing and qualified to serve as guardians ad litem in guardianship matters. The court shall choose as guardians ad litem only persons whose names appear on the registry, except in extraordinary circumstances.

             (b) To be eligible for the registry a person shall:

             (i) Present a written statement of qualifications describing the person's knowledge, training, and experience in each of the following: Needs of impaired elderly people, physical disabilities, mental illness, developmental disabilities, and other areas relevant to the needs of incapacitated persons, legal procedure, and the requirements of chapters 11.88 and 11.92 RCW; and

             (ii) Complete a training program adopted by the court, or, in the absence of a locally adopted program, a candidate for inclusion upon the registry shall have completed a model training program as described in (d) of this subsection.

             (c) The superior court of each county shall approve training programs designed to:

             (i) Train otherwise qualified human service professionals in those aspects of legal procedure and the requirements of chapters 11.88 and 11.92 RCW with which a guardian ad litem should be familiar;

             (ii) Train otherwise qualified legal professionals in those aspects of medicine, social welfare, and social service delivery systems with which a guardian ad litem should be familiar.

             (d) The superior court of each county may approve a guardian ad litem training program on or before June 1, 1991. The department of social and health services, aging and adult services administration, shall convene an advisory group to develop a model guardian ad litem training program. The advisory group shall consist of representatives from consumer, advocacy, and professional groups knowledgeable in developmental disabilities, neurological impairment, physical disabilities, mental illness, aging, legal, court administration, and other interested parties.

             (e) Any superior court that has not adopted a guardian ad litem training program by September 1, 1991, shall require utilization of a model program developed by the advisory group as described in (d) of this subsection, to assure that candidates applying for registration as a qualified guardian ad litem shall have satisfactorily completed training to attain these essential minimum qualifications to act as guardian ad litem.

             (4) The guardian ad litem's written statement of qualifications required by RCW 11.88.090(3)(b)(i) shall be made part of the record in each matter in which the person is appointed guardian ad litem.

             (5) The guardian ad litem appointed pursuant to this section shall have the following duties:

             (a) To meet and consult with the alleged incapacitated person as soon as practicable following appointment and explain, in language which such person can reasonably be expected to understand, the substance of the petition, the nature of the resultant proceedings, the person's right to contest the petition, the identification of the proposed guardian or limited guardian, the right to a jury trial on the issue of his or her alleged incapacity, the right to independent legal counsel as provided by RCW 11.88.045, and the right to be present in court at the hearing on the petition;

             (b) To obtain a written report according to RCW 11.88.045; and such other written or oral reports from other qualified professionals as are necessary to permit the guardian ad litem to complete the report required by this section;

             (c) To meet with the person whose appointment is sought as guardian or limited guardian and ascertain:

             (i) The proposed guardian's knowledge of the duties, requirements, and limitations of a guardian; and

             (ii) The steps the proposed guardian intends to take or has taken to identify and meet the needs of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (d) To consult as necessary to complete the investigation and report required by this section with those known relatives, friends, or other persons the guardian ad litem determines have had a significant, continuing interest in the welfare of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (e) To provide the court with a written report which shall include the following:

             (i) A description of the nature, cause, and degree of incapacity, and the basis upon which this judgment was made;

             (ii) A description of the needs of the incapacitated person for care and treatment, the probable residential requirements of the alleged incapacitated person and the basis upon which these findings were made;

             (iii) An evaluation of the appropriateness of the guardian or limited guardian whose appointment is sought and a description of the steps the proposed guardian has taken or intends to take to identify and meet current and emerging needs of the incapacitated person;

             (iv) A description of the abilities of the alleged incapacitated person and a recommendation as to whether a guardian or limited guardian should be appointed. If appointment of a limited guardian is recommended, the guardian ad litem shall recommend the specific areas of authority the limited guardian should have and the limitations and disabilities to be placed on the incapacitated person;

             (v) An evaluation of the person's mental ability to rationally exercise the right to vote and the basis upon which the evaluation is made;

             (vi) Any expression of approval or disapproval made by the alleged incapacitated person concerning the proposed guardian or limited guardian or guardianship or limited guardianship;

             (vii) Identification of persons with significant interest in the welfare of the alleged incapacitated person who should be advised of their right to request special notice of proceedings pursuant to RCW 11.92.150; and

             (viii) Unless independent counsel has appeared for the alleged incapacitated person, an explanation of how the alleged incapacitated person responded to the advice of the right to jury trial, to independent counsel and to be present at the hearing on the petition.

             Within forty-five days after notice of commencement of the guardianship proceeding has been served upon the guardian ad litem, and at least ten days before the hearing on the petition, unless an extension or reduction of time has been granted by the court for good cause, the guardian ad litem shall file its report and send a copy to the alleged incapacitated person and his or her spouse, all children not residing with a notified person, those persons described in (((d))) (e)(vii) of this subsection, and persons who have filed a request for special notice pursuant to RCW 11.92.150;

             (f) To advise the court of the need for appointment of counsel for the alleged incapacitated person within five court days after the meeting described in (a) of this subsection unless (i) counsel has appeared, (ii) the alleged incapacitated person affirmatively communicated a wish not to be represented by counsel after being advised of the right to representation and of the conditions under which court-provided counsel may be available, or (iii) the alleged incapacitated person was unable to communicate at all on the subject, and the guardian ad litem is satisfied that the alleged incapacitated person does not affirmatively desire to be represented by counsel.

             (6) If the petition is brought by an interested person or entity requesting the appointment of some other qualified person or entity and a prospective guardian or limited guardian cannot be found, the court shall order the guardian ad litem to investigate the availability of a possible guardian or limited guardian and to include the findings in a report to the court pursuant to RCW 11.88.090(5)(e) as now or hereafter amended.

             (7) The court appointed guardian ad litem shall have the authority, in the event that the alleged incapacitated person is in need of emergency life-saving medical services, and is unable to consent to such medical services due to incapacity pending the hearing on the petition to give consent for such emergency life-saving medical services on behalf of the alleged incapacitated person.

             (8) The guardian ad litem shall receive a fee determined by the court. The fee shall be charged to the alleged incapacitated person unless the court finds that such payment would result in substantial hardship upon such person, in which case the county shall be responsible for such costs: PROVIDED, That if no guardian or limited guardian is appointed the court may charge such fee to the petitioner or the alleged incapacitated person, or divide the fee, as it deems just; and if the petition is found to be frivolous or not brought in good faith, the guardian ad litem fee shall be charged to the petitioner. The court shall not be required to provide for the payment of a fee to any salaried employee of a public agency.

             (9) Upon the presentation of the guardian ad litem report and the entry of an order either dismissing the petition for appointment of guardian or limited guardian or appointing a guardian or limited guardian, the guardian ad litem shall be dismissed and shall have no further duties or obligations unless otherwise ordered by the court. If the court orders the guardian ad litem to perform further duties or obligations, they shall not be performed at county expense.

             Sec. 5. RCW 11.88.095 and 1991 c 289 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) In determining the disposition of a petition for guardianship, the court's order shall be based upon findings as to the capacities, condition, and needs of the alleged incapacitated person, and shall not be based solely upon agreements made by the parties.

             (2) Every order appointing a full or limited guardian of the person or estate shall include:

             (a) Findings as to the capacities, condition, and needs of the alleged incapacitated person;

             (b) The amount of the bond, if any, or a bond review period;

             (c) When the next report of the guardian is due;

             (d) Whether the guardian ad litem shall continue acting as guardian ad litem;

             (e) Whether a review hearing shall be required upon the filing of the inventory;

             (f) The authority of the guardian, if any, for investment and expenditure of the ward's estate; and

             (g) Names and addresses of those persons described in RCW 11.88.090(5)(d), if any, whom the court believes should receive copies of further pleadings filed by the guardian with respect to the guardianship.

             (3) If the court determines that a limited guardian should be appointed, the order shall specifically set forth the limits by either stating exceptions to the otherwise full authority of the guardian or by stating the specific authority of the guardian.

             (4) In determining the disposition of a petition for appointment of a guardian or limited guardian of the estate only, the court shall consider whether the alleged incapacitated person is capable of giving informed medical consent or of making other personal decisions and, if not, whether a guardian or limited guardian of the person of the alleged incapacitated person should be appointed for that purpose.

             (5) Unless otherwise ordered, any powers of attorney or durable powers of attorney shall be revoked upon appointment of a guardian or limited guardian of the estate.

             If there is an existing medical power of attorney, the court must make a specific finding of fact regarding the continued validity of that medical power of attorney before appointing a guardian or limited guardian for the person.

             Sec. 6. RCW 11.92.050 and 1990 c 122 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Upon the filing of any intermediate guardianship or limited guardianship account required by statute, or of any intermediate account required by court rule or order, the guardian or limited guardian may petition the court for an order settling his or her account with regard to any ((and all)) receipts, expenditures, and investments made and acts done by the guardian or limited guardian to the date of ((said)) the interim report. Upon such petition being filed, the court may in its discretion, where the size or condition of the estate warrants it, set a date for the hearing of ((such)) the petition and require the service of the petition and a notice of ((such)) the hearing as provided in RCW 11.88.040 as now or hereafter amended; and, in the event ((such)) a hearing ((be)) is ordered, the court ((shall)) may also appoint a guardian ad litem, whose duty it shall be to investigate the report of the guardian or limited guardian of the estate and to advise the court thereon at ((said)) the hearing, in writing. At ((such)) the hearing on ((said)) the report of the guardian or limited guardian, if the court ((be)) is satisfied that the actions of the guardian or limited guardian have been proper, and that the guardian or limited guardian has in all respects discharged his or her trust with relation to ((such)) the receipts, expenditures, investments, and acts, then, in such event, the court shall enter an order approving such account((, and such)). If the court has appointed a guardian ad litem, the order shall be final and binding upon the incapacitated person, subject only to the right of appeal as upon a final order; provided that at the time of final account of said guardian or limited guardian or within one year after ((said)) the incapacitated person attains his or her majority any such interim account may be challenged by ((said)) the incapacitated person on the ground of fraud.

             (2) The procedure established in subsection (1) of this section for financial accounts by guardians or limited guardians of the estate shall apply to personal care reports filed by guardians or limited guardians of the person under RCW 11.92.043.

             Sec. 7. RCW 11.92.053 and 1990 c 122 s 24 are each amended to read as follows:

             Within ninety days after the termination of a guardianship for any reason ((other than the death of the incapacitated person intestate)), the guardian or limited guardian of the estate shall petition the court for an order settling his or her account as filed in accordance with RCW 11.92.040(2) with regard to any ((and all)) receipts, expenditures, and investments made and acts done by the guardian to the date of ((said)) the termination. Upon ((such)) the filing of the petition ((being filed)), the court shall set a date for the hearing of ((such)) the petition after notice has been given in accordance with RCW 11.88.040. Any person interested may file objections to ((such)) the petition or may appear at the time and place fixed for the hearing thereof and present his or her objections thereto. The court may take such testimony as it deems proper or necessary to determine whether an order settling the account should be issued and the transactions of the guardian be approved, and the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to review the report.

             At ((such)) the hearing on ((said)) the petition of the guardian or limited guardian, if the court ((be)) is satisfied that the actions of the guardian or limited guardian have been proper, and that the guardian has in all respects discharged his or her trust with relation to ((such)) the receipts, expenditures, investments, and acts, then, in such event, the court shall enter an order approving ((such)) the account, and ((such)) the order shall be final and binding upon the incapacitated person, subject only to the right of appeal as upon a final order((: PROVIDED, That)). However, within one year after ((said)) the incompetent attains his or her majority any such account may be challenged by the incapacitated person on the ground of fraud.

             Sec. 8. RCW 11.92.180 and 1994 c 68 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             A guardian or limited guardian shall be allowed such compensation for his or her services as guardian or limited guardian as the court shall deem just and reasonable. Guardians and limited guardians shall not be compensated at county or state expense. Additional compensation may be allowed for other administrative costs, including services of an attorney and for other services not provided by the guardian or limited guardian. Where a guardian or limited guardian is an attorney, the guardian or limited guardian shall separately account for time for which compensation is requested for services as a guardian or limited guardian as contrasted to time for which compensation for legal services provided to the guardianship is requested. In all cases, compensation of the guardian or limited guardian and his or her expenses including attorney's fees shall be fixed by the court and may be allowed at any annual or final accounting; but at any time during the administration of the estate, the guardian or limited guardian or his or her attorney may apply to the court for an allowance upon the compensation or necessary expenses of the guardian or limited guardian and for attorney's fees for services already performed. If the court finds that the guardian or limited guardian has failed to discharge his or her duties as such in any respect, it may deny the guardian any compensation whatsoever or may reduce the compensation which would otherwise be allowed. Where the incapacitated person is a department of social and health services client residing in a nursing facility or in a residential or home setting and is required by the department of social and health services to contribute a portion of their income towards the cost of residential or supportive services then the department shall be entitled to notice of proceedings as described in RCW 11.92.150. The amount of guardianship fees and additional compensation for administrative costs shall not exceed the amount allowed by the department of social and health services by rule((, and shall not include compensation for services provided or funded by the department or a department contractor that the incapacitated person is eligible to receive)).

             Sec. 9. RCW 11.94.010 and 1989 c 211 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Whenever a principal designates another as his or her attorney in fact or agent, by a power of attorney in writing, and the writing contains the words "This power of attorney shall not be affected by disability of the principal," or "This power of attorney shall become effective upon the disability of the principal," or similar words showing the intent of the principal that the authority conferred shall be exercisable notwithstanding the principal's disability, the authority of the attorney in fact or agent is exercisable on behalf of the principal as provided notwithstanding later disability or incapacity of the principal at law or later uncertainty as to whether the principal is dead or alive. All acts done by the attorney in fact or agent pursuant to the power during any period of disability or incompetence or uncertainty as to whether the principal is dead or alive have the same effect and inure to the benefit of and bind the principal or the principal's guardian or heirs, devisees, and personal representative as if the principal were alive, competent, and not disabled. A principal may nominate, by a durable power of attorney, the guardian or limited guardian of his or her estate or person for consideration by the court if protective proceedings for the principal's person or estate are thereafter commenced. The court shall make its appointment in accordance with the principal's most recent nomination in a durable power of attorney except for good cause or disqualification. If a guardian thereafter is appointed for the principal, the attorney in fact or agent, during the continuance of the appointment, shall account to the guardian rather than the principal. The guardian has the same power the principal would have had if the principal were not disabled or incompetent, to revoke, suspend or terminate all or any part of the power of attorney or agency.

             (2) Persons shall place reasonable reliance on any determination of disability or incompetence as provided in the instrument that specifies the time and the circumstances under which the power of attorney document becomes effective.

             (3) A principal may authorize his or her attorney-in-fact to provide informed consent for health care decisions on the principal's behalf. Unless he or she is the spouse, or adult child or brother or sister of the principal, none of the following persons may act as the attorney-in-fact for the principal: Any of the principal's physicians, the physicians' employees, or the owners, administrators, or employees of the health care facility where the principal resides or receives care. This authorization is subject to the same limitations as those that apply to a guardian under RCW ((11.92.040(3) (a) through (d))) 11.92.043(5) (a) through (c)."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "guardianship;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 11.88.030, 11.88.040, 11.88.045, 11.88.090, 11.88.095, 11.92.050, 11.92.053, 11.92.180, and 11.94.010."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1865 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Sheahan and Costa spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1865 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1865 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 88, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 10.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 88.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Cairnes, Conway, Fisher, R., Foreman, Hargrove, Mitchell, Patterson, Schmidt, K. and Silver - 10.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1865, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 2033 with the following amendments:

             On page 4, after line 15, insert the following:

             "(6) Subsection (5) of this section shall expire on the earlier of the following dates: (a) July 1, 1998; or (b) the date upon which the North Bend fire training center is fully operational for aircraft crash rescue fire training activities."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative D. Schmidt moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 2033 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representative D. Schmidt spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2033 as amended by the Senate.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2033 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 88, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 10.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 88.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Cairnes, Conway, Fisher, R., Foreman, Hargrove, Mitchell, Patterson, Schmidt, K. and Silver - 10.

             Engrossed House Bill No. 2033, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 2057 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 2.10.100 and 1988 c 109 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

             Retirement of a member for service shall be made by the retirement board as follows:

             (1) Any judge who, on August 9, 1971 or within one year thereafter, shall have completed as a judge the years of actual service required under chapter 2.12 RCW and who shall elect to become a member of this system, shall in all respects be deemed qualified to retire under this retirement system upon ((his)) the member's written request.

             (2) Any member who has completed fifteen or more years of service may be retired upon ((his)) the member's written request but shall not be eligible to receive a retirement allowance until the member attains the age of sixty years.

             (3) Any member who attains the age of seventy-five years shall be retired at the end of the calendar year in which ((he)) the member attains such age.

             (4) Any judge who involuntarily leaves service or who is appointed to a position as a federal judge or federal magistrate at any time after having served an aggregate of twelve years shall be eligible to a partial retirement allowance computed according to RCW 2.10.110 and shall receive this allowance upon the attainment of the age of sixty years and fifteen years after the beginning of ((his)) the member's judicial service."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "eligibility;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 2.10.100."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House insists on its position regarding the Senate amendments to Engrossed House Bill No. 2057 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representatives Sheahan and Sommers spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.

             There being no objection, the House resumed consideration of Substitute House Bill No. 2058.


             Representative Sheldon, the Speaker is prepared to Rule on your Point of Order which challenges the Senate amendment to Substitute House Bill No. 2058 as being beyond the Scope and Object of the bill.

             The title of Substitute House Bill No. 2058 is "AN ACT Relating to independent contractors or outside agents who sell or arrange for travel services.

             The title is narrow. The bill adds a new section to 50.04 RCW, and creates a new section.

             The bill provides that for purposes of unemployment insurance coverage the term "employment" does not include services performed by an outside agent who sells or arranges for travel services that are provided to a travel agent to the extent the outside agent is paid by commission.

             Senate amendment 333 would prohibit state and local government officials and employees from using first class and business class airline accommodations at public expense when using commercial airlines in the performance of their duties unless otherwise required as a reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities or in an emergency.

             The object of the bill is to clarify under what circumstances certain persons are not considered employees for purposes of coverage under unemployment insurance and to exempt such persons by statute.

             Senate amendment 333 prevents certain public employees from flying a certain class at public expense.

             The amendment goes beyond the object of Substitute House Bill No. 2058.

             The Speaker finds that the Senate amendment is beyond the scope and object of the bill.

             Representative Sheldon, Your Point of Order is well taken.


             Representative Lisk moved that the House not concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 2058 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.

             Representative Lisk spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.

             The Speaker declared the House to be at ease.

             The Speaker called the House to order.

             There being no objection, the House resumed consideration of House Bill No. 1225.


             Representative K. Schmidt, the Speaker is prepared to Rule on your Point of Order which challenges the Senate amendment to House Bill No. 1225 as being beyond the Scope and Object of the bill.

             The title of House Bill No. 1225 is "AN ACT Relating to licenses.

             The title is very broad. The bill amends numerous RCW's and repeals numerous RCW's.

             The bill provides that applications for certificates of ownership of motor vehicles may be made on forms approved by the department of licensing, exempts certain ride-sharing vehicles from the retail sales tax, and repeals the motor vehicle fuel importer tax in lieu of certain other taxes collected.

             The Senate amendment would provide refunds of the MVET to certain persons who qualify.

             The amendment goes beyond the object of House Bill No. 1225.

             The Speaker finds that the Senate amendment is beyond the scope and object of the bill.

             Representative K. Schmidt, your Point of Order is well taken.

             The motion to not concur in the Senate amendments to House Bill No. 1225 was carried.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1401 with the following amendments:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "Sec. 1. RCW 13.40.215 and 1994 c 129 s 6 and 1994 c 78 s 1 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:

             (1)(a) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, at the earliest possible date, and in no event later than thirty days before discharge, parole, or any other authorized leave or release, or before transfer to a community residential facility, the secretary shall send written notice of the discharge, parole, authorized leave or release, or transfer of a juvenile found to have committed a violent offense, a sex offense, or stalking, to the following:

             (i) The chief of police of the city, if any, in which the juvenile will reside; ((and))

             (ii) The sheriff of the county in which the juvenile will reside; and

             (iii) The approved private schools and the common school district board of directors of the district in which the juvenile intends to reside or the approved private school or public school district in which the juvenile last attended school, whichever is appropriate, except when it has been determined by the department that the juvenile is twenty-one years old; is not required to return to school under chapter 28A.225 RCW; or will be in the community for less than seven consecutive days on approved leave and will not be attending school during that time.

             (b) The same notice as required by (a) of this subsection shall be sent to the following, if such notice has been requested in writing about a specific juvenile:

             (i) The victim of the offense for which the juvenile was found to have committed or the victim's next of kin if the crime was a homicide;

             (ii) Any witnesses who testified against the juvenile in any court proceedings involving the offense; and

             (iii) Any person specified in writing by the prosecuting attorney.

Information regarding victims, next of kin, or witnesses requesting the notice, information regarding any other person specified in writing by the prosecuting attorney to receive the notice, and the notice are confidential and shall not be available to the juvenile. The notice to the chief of police or the sheriff shall include the identity of the juvenile, the residence where the juvenile will reside, the identity of the person, if any, responsible for supervising the juvenile, and the time period of any authorized leave.

             (c) The thirty-day notice requirements contained in this subsection shall not apply to emergency medical furloughs.

             (d) The existence of the notice requirements in this subsection will not require any extension of the release date in the event the release plan changes after notification.

             (2)(a) If a juvenile found to have committed a violent offense, a sex offense, or stalking escapes from a facility of the department, the secretary shall immediately notify, by the most reasonable and expedient means available, the chief of police of the city and the sheriff of the county in which the juvenile resided immediately before the juvenile's arrest. If previously requested, the secretary shall also notify the witnesses and the victim of the offense which the juvenile was found to have committed or the victim's next of kin if the crime was a homicide. If the juvenile is recaptured, the secretary shall send notice to the persons designated in this subsection as soon as possible but in no event later than two working days after the department learns of such recapture.

             (b) The secretary may authorize a leave, for a juvenile found to have committed a violent offense, a sex offense, or stalking, which shall not exceed forty-eight hours plus travel time, to meet an emergency situation such as a death or critical illness of a member of the juvenile's family. The secretary may authorize a leave, which shall not exceed the time medically necessary, to obtain medical care not available in a juvenile facility maintained by the department. Prior to the commencement of an emergency or medical leave, the secretary shall give notice of the leave to the appropriate law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the juvenile will be during the leave period. The notice shall include the identity of the juvenile, the time period of the leave, the residence of the juvenile during the leave, and the identity of the person responsible for supervising the juvenile during the leave. If previously requested, the department shall also notify the witnesses and victim of the offense which the juvenile was found to have committed or the victim's next of kin if the offense was a homicide.

             In case of an emergency or medical leave the secretary may waive all or any portion of the requirements for leaves pursuant to RCW 13.40.205 (2)(a), (3), (4), and (5).

             (3) If the victim, the victim's next of kin, or any witness is under the age of sixteen, the notice required by this section shall be sent to the parents or legal guardian of the child.

             (4) The secretary shall send the notices required by this chapter to the last address provided to the department by the requesting party. The requesting party shall furnish the department with a current address.

             (5) Upon discharge, parole, or other authorized leave or release, a convicted juvenile sex offender shall not attend a public elementary, middle, or high school that is attended by a victim of the sex offender. The parents or legal guardians of the convicted juvenile sex offender shall be responsible for transportation or other costs associated with or required by the sex offender's change in school that otherwise would be paid by a school district. Upon discharge, parole, or other authorized leave or release of a convicted juvenile sex offender, the secretary shall send written notice of the discharge, parole, or other authorized leave or release and the requirements of this subsection to the common school district board of directors of the district in which the sex offender intends to reside or the district in which the sex offender last attended school, whichever is appropriate.

             (6) For purposes of this section the following terms have the following meanings:

             (a) "Violent offense" means a violent offense under RCW 9.94A.030;

             (b) "Sex offense" means a sex offense under RCW 9.94A.030;

             (c) "Stalking" means the crime of stalking as defined in RCW 9A.46.110;

             (d) "Next of kin" means a person's spouse, parents, siblings, and children.

             Sec. 2. RCW 28A.225.330 and 1994 c 304 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) When enrolling a student who has attended school in another school district, the school enrolling the student may request the parent and the student to briefly indicate in writing whether or not the student has:

             (a) Any history of placement in special educational programs;

             (b) Any past, current, or pending disciplinary action;

             (c) Any history of violent behavior;

             (d) Any unpaid fines or fees imposed by other schools; and

             (e) Any health conditions affecting the student's educational needs.

             (2) The school enrolling the student shall request the school the student previously attended to send the student's permanent record including records of disciplinary action. If the student has not paid a fine or fee under RCW 28A.635.060, the school may withhold the student's official transcript, but shall transmit information about the student's academic performance, special placement, and records of disciplinary action. If the official transcript is not sent due to unpaid fees or fines, the enrolling school shall notify both the student and parent or guardian that the official transcript will not be sent until the obligation is met, and failure to have an official transcript may result in exclusion from extracurricular activities or failure to graduate.

             (3) If information is requested under subsection (2) of this section, the information shall be transmitted within two school days after receiving the request and the records shall be sent as soon as possible.

             (4) Any school district or district employee who releases the information in compliance with federal and state law is immune from civil liability for damages unless it is shown that the school district or district employee acted with gross negligence or in bad faith."

             On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "agencies;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 28A.225.330; and reenacting and amending RCW 13.40.215."

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Brumsickle moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments to Substitute House Bill No. 1401 and pass the bill as amended by the Senate.

             Representatives Brumsickle and Cole spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1401 as amended by the Senate.

             Representative Brumsickle spoke in favor of passage of the bill.

             Representative McMahan spoke against passage of the bill.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1401 as amended by the Senate, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 80, Nays - 14, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Blanton, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Grant, Hankins, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Kessler, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mastin, Mielke, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 80.

             Voting nay: Representatives Beeksma, Boldt, Casada, Elliot, Goldsmith, Hargrove, Johnson, Koster, Mason, McMahan, McMorris, Pelesky, Stevens and Thompson - 14.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Foreman, Mitchell and Patterson - 4.

             Substitute House Bill No. 1401, as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5053 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Mastin moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5053 and ask the Senate to recede therefrom.


             Representative Cairnes moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5053 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.

             Representative Cairnes spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Van Luven, Cairnes and Hatfield as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5053.


             Representative G. Fisher: Having voted on the prevailing side moved that the House immediately consider the vote on Engrossed House Bill No. 2033.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2033 on reconsideration.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 2033 on reconsideration, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 92, Nays - 3, Absent - 0, Excused - 3.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Delvin, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 92.

             Voting nay: Representatives Fisher, G., Poulsen and Valle - 3.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Foreman and Patterson - 3.

             Engrossed House Bill No. 2033, on reconsideration, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

                                                               MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE

April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5092 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5092 and again ask the Senate to recede therefrom. The motion was carried.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5119 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Carlson moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5119 and ask the Senate to receded therefrom.

             Representative Carlson spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             On motion of Representative Talcott, Representative Delvin was excused.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5121 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             On motion of Representative Chandler, the rules were suspended, and Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121 was returned to second reading for the purpose of an amendment.

             There being no objection, the House reverted to the sixth order of business.


             ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5121, by Senate Committee on Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development (originally sponsored by Senators Rasmussen, Morton, Snyder, Newhouse, Loveland, A. Anderson, Hochstatter, Haugen and Deccio)


Providing for agricultural safety standards.

             The bill was read the second time.

             With the consent of the House, amendment number 888 to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121 was withdrawn.

             Representative Chandler moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Chandler:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that:

             (1) The state's highly productive and efficient agricultural sector is composed predominately of family-owned and managed farms and an industrious and efficient work force;

             (2) A reasonable level of safety regulations is needed to protect workers;

             (3) The smaller but highly efficient farming operations would benefit from safety rules that are easily referenced and agriculture-specific to the extent possible; and

             (4) There should be lead time between the adoption of agriculture safety rules and their effective date in order to allow the department of labor and industries to provide training, education, and enhanced consultation services to family-owned and managed farms.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 49.17 RCW to read as follows:

             (1)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, no rules adopted under this chapter amending or establishing agricultural safety standards shall take effect during the period beginning January 1, 1995, and ending January 15, 1996. This subsection applies, but is not limited to applying, to a rule adopted before January 1, 1995, but with an effective date which is during the period beginning January 1, 1995, and ending January 15, 1996, and to provisions of rules adopted prior to January 1, 1995, which provisions are to become effective during the period beginning January 1, 1995, and ending January 15, 1996.

             (b) Subsection (1)(a) of this section does not apply to: Provisions of rules that were in effect before January 1, 1995; emergency rules adopted under RCW 34.05.350; or revisions to chapter 296-306 WAC regarding rollover protective structures that were adopted in 1994 and effective March 1, 1995, and that are additionally revised to refer to the variance process available under this chapter.

             (2) The rules for agricultural safety adopted under this chapter must:

             (a) Establish, for agricultural employers, an agriculture safety standard that includes agriculture-specific rules and specific references to the general industry safety standard adopted under chapter 49.17 RCW; and

             (b) Exempt agricultural employers from the general industry safety standard adopted under chapter 49.17 RCW for all rules not specifically referenced in the agriculture safety standard.

             (3) The department shall publish in one volume all of the occupational safety rules that apply to agricultural employers and shall make this volume available to all agricultural employers before January 15, 1996. This volume must be available in both English and Spanish.

             (4) The department shall provide training, education, and enhanced consultation services concerning its agricultural safety rules to agricultural employers before the rules' effective dates. The training, education, and consultation must continue throughout the winter of 1995-1996. Training and education programs must be provided throughout the state and must be coordinated with agricultural associations in order to meet their members' needs.

             (5) The department shall provide, for informational purposes, a list of commercially available rollover protective structures for tractors used in agricultural operations manufactured before October 25, 1976. The list must include the name and address of the manufacturer and the approximate price of the structure. Included with the list shall be a statement indicating that an employer may apply for a variance from the rules requiring rollover protective structures under this chapter and that variances may be granted in appropriate circumstances on a case-by-case basis. The statement shall also provide examples of circumstances under which a variance may be granted. The list and statement shall be generally available to the agricultural community before the department may take any action to enforce rules requiring rollover protective structures for tractors used in agricultural operations manufactured before October 25, 1976.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 49.17 RCW to read as follows:

             Other than rules published under section 2(3) of this act, the director may adopt, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW, rules concerning agriculture safety, other than emergency rules, only:

             (1) As specifically required by federal law, and only to the extent specifically required; or

             (2) As specifically authorized by statute enacted after the effective date of this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Section 2(1) of this act is remedial in nature and applies to rules and provisions of rules regarding agricultural safety that would take effect after December 31, 1994."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "standards;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "adding new sections to chapter 49.17 RCW; and creating new sections."

             Representative Chandler spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             There being no objection, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

             Representatives Chandler and Mastin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.

             Representative Romero spoke against passage of the bill.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121 as amended by the House.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121 as amended by the House, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 77, Nays - 17, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Robertson, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Van Luven and Mr. Speaker - 77.

             Voting nay: Representatives Brown, Cody, Cole, Conway, Dellwo, Dickerson, Fisher, R., Mason, Ogden, Regala, Romero, Rust, Sommers, Thibaudeau, Valle, Veloria and Wolfe - 17.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Delvin, Foreman and Patterson - 4.

             Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5121, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             There being no objection, the House advanced to the seventh order of business.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President of the Senate ruled the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5155 beyond the scope and object of the bill. The Senate refuses to concur in said amendments and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5155 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Goldsmith, Hymes and Rust as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5155.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5315 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


              On motion of Representative Chandler, the rules were suspended, and Substitute Senate Bill No. 5315 was returned to second reading for the purpose of an amendment.

             There being no objection, the House reverted to the sixth order of business.


             SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5315, by Senate Committee on Agriculture & Agricultural Trade & Development (originally sponsored by Senators Rasmussen, Morton, Loveland, Newhouse and Roach; by request of Department of Agriculture)


Modifying agriculture regulations.

             The bill was read the second time.

             With the consent of the House, amendment number 903 to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5315 was withdrawn.

             Representative Chandler moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Chandler:

             On page 8, line 23 of the amendment adopted by the House, after "director." strike all material through "dollars." on line 27 and insert "Application for a license or license renewal shall be on a form prescribed by the director and accompanied by the license fee. The license fee is fifty dollars.

             For a food storage warehouse that has been inspected on at least an annual basis for compliance with the provisions of the current good manufacturing practices (Title 21 C.F.R. part 110) by a federal agency or by a state agency acting on behalf of and under contract with a federal agency and that is not exempted from licensure by section 11 of this act, the annual license fee for the warehouse is twenty-five dollars."

             On page 9, line 9 of the amendment adopted by the House, after "basis" strike "by a state or federal agency or"

             Representative Chandler spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             Representative Chandler moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Chandler:

             On page 10, line 34 of the amendment adopted by the House, after "chapter" insert ", except moneys collected for civil penalties levied under this chapter,"

             On page 10, line 36 of the amendment adopted by the House, after "69.04 RCW." insert "All moneys collected for civil penalties levied under this chapter shall be deposited in the state general fund."

             On page 11, line 1 of the amendment adopted by the House, after "Sec. 17." strike "The" and insert "(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the"

             On page 11, after line 3 of the amendment adopted by the House, insert the following:

             "(2) Civil penalties are intended to be used to obtain compliance and shall not be collected if a warehouse successfully completes a mutually agreed upon compliance agreement with the department. A warehouse that enters into a compliance agreement with the department shall pay only for inspections conducted by the department and any laboratory analyses as required by the inspections as outlined and agreed to in the compliance agreement. In no event shall the fee for these inspections and analyses exceed four hundred dollars per inspection or one thousand dollars in total."

             Representatives Kremen and Mastin spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             There being no objection, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

             Representatives Chandler and Chappell spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5315 as amended by the House.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5315 as amended by the House, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 94, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 94.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Delvin, Foreman and Patterson - 4.

             Substitute Senate Bill No. 5315, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.

             There being no objection, the House advanced to the seventh order of business.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5365 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Backlund moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5365 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Dyer, Backlund and Cody as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5365.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5374 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             On motion of Representative Sheahan, the rules were suspended, and Substitute Senate Bill No. 5374 was returned to second reading for the purpose of an amendment.

             There being no objection, the House reverted to the sixth order of business.


             SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5374, by Senate Committee on Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Smith and Roach)


Creating registered limited liability partnerships.

             The bill was read the second time.

             Representative Sheahan moved adoption of the following amendment by Representative Sheahan:

             Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

             "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. This subchapter applies to limited liability partnerships. All other provisions of this chapter, not in conflict with this subchapter, also apply.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this subchapter.

             (1) "Limited liability partnership" or "partnership" means a partnership formed pursuant to an agreement governed by the laws of this state, registered under section 6 of this act.

             (2) "Foreign limited liability partnership" means a limited liability partnership formed pursuant to an agreement governed by the laws of another jurisdiction.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. (1) To become and to continue as a limited liability partnership, a partnership shall file with the secretary of state an application stating the name of the partnership; the address of its principal office; if the partnership's principal office is not located in this state, the address of a registered office and the name and address of a registered agent for service of process in this state which the partnership will be required to maintain; the number of partners; a brief statement of the business in which the partnership engages; any other matters that the partnership determines to include; and that the partnership thereby applies for status as a limited liability partnership.

             (2) The application shall be executed by a majority in interest of the partners or by one or more partners authorized to execute an application.

             (3) The application shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred seventy-five dollars for each partnership.

             (4) The secretary of state shall register as a limited liability partnership any partnership that submits a completed application with the required fee.

             (5) A partnership registered under this section shall pay an annual fee, in each year following the year in which its application is filed, on a date and in an amount specified by the secretary of state. The fee must be accompanied by a notice, on a form provided by the secretary of state, of the number of partners currently in the partnership and of any material changes in the information contained in the partnership's application for registration.

             (6) Registration is effective immediately after the date an application is filed, and remains effective until: (a) It is voluntarily withdrawn by filing with the secretary of state a written withdrawal notice executed by a majority in interest of the partners or by one or more partners authorized to execute a withdrawal notice; or (b) thirty days after receipt by the partnership of a notice from the secretary of state, which notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, that the partnership has failed to make timely payment of the annual fee specified in subsection (5) of this section, unless the fee is paid within such a thirty-day period.

             (7) The status of a partnership as a limited liability partnership, and the liability of the partners thereof, shall not be affected by: (a) Errors in the information stated in an application under subsection (1) of this section or a notice under subsection (5) of this section; or (b) changes after the filing of such an application or notice in the information stated in the application or notice.

             (8) The secretary of state may provide forms for the application under subsection (1) of this section or a notice under subsection (5) of this section.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. The name of a limited liability partnership shall contain the words "limited liability partnership" or the abbreviation "L.L.P." or "LLP" as the last words or letters of its name.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A person or group of persons licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render professional services, as defined in RCW 18.100.030, within this state may organize and become a member or members of a limited liability partnership under the provisions of this chapter for the purposes of rendering professional service. Nothing in this section prohibits a person duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render professional services in any jurisdiction other than this state from becoming a member of a limited liability partnership organized for the purpose of rendering the same professional services. Nothing in this section prohibits a limited liability partnership from rendering professional services outside this state through individuals who are not duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render such professional services within this state.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. (1) A limited liability partnership formed and existing under this chapter, may conduct its business, carry on its operations, and have and exercise the powers granted by this chapter in any state, territory, district, or possession of the United States or in any foreign country.

             (2) It is the intent of the legislature that the legal existence of a limited liability partnership formed and existing under this chapter be recognized outside the boundaries of this state and that the laws of this state governing a limited liability partnership transacting business outside this state be granted the protection of full faith and credit under the Constitution of the United States.

             (3) The internal affairs of a partnership, including a limited liability partnership formed and existing under this chapter, including the liability of partners for debts, obligations, and liabilities of or chargeable to the partnership, shall be subject to and governed by the laws of this state.

             (4) Subject to any statutes for the regulation and control of specific types of business, a foreign limited liability partnership, formed and existing under the laws of another jurisdiction, may do business in this state provided it registers with the secretary of state under this chapter in the same manner as a limited liability partnership.

             (5) It is the policy of this state that the internal affairs of a foreign limited liability partnership, including the liability of partners for debts, obligations, and liabilities of or chargeable to partnerships, shall be subject to and governed by the laws of such other jurisdiction. However, a foreign limited liability partnership formed and existing under the laws of another jurisdiction is subject to section 7 of this act if it renders professional services, as defined in RCW 18.100.030, in this state.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all partners are liable:

             (a) Jointly and severally for everything chargeable to the partnership under RCW 25.04.130 and 25.04.140; and

             (b) Jointly for all other debts and obligations of the partnership; but any partner may enter into a separate obligation to perform a partnership contract;

             (c) Except that:

             (i) In no event shall a trustee or personal representative, a fiduciary, acting as a partner have personal liability except as provided in RCW 11.98.110 (2) and (4);

             (ii) Any such liability under this section shall be satisfied first from the partnership assets and second from the trust or estate; and

             (iii) If a fiduciary is liable, the fiduciary is entitled to indemnification first from the partnership assets and second from the trust or estate.

             (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (5) of this section, a partner in a limited liability partnership is not liable directly or indirectly, including by way of indemnification, contribution, assessment, or otherwise for debts, obligations, and liabilities of or chargeable to the partnership, whether in tort, contract or otherwise, arising from omissions, negligence, wrongful acts, misconduct, or malpractice committed in the course of the partnership business by another partner or an employee, agent, or representative of the partnership.

             (3) Subsection (2) of this section shall not affect the liability of a partner in a limited liability partnership for his or her own omissions, negligence, wrongful acts, misconduct, or malpractice or that of any person under his or her direct supervision and control.

             (4) A partner in a limited liability partnership is not a proper party to a proceeding by or against a limited liability partnership, the object of which is to recover damages or enforce the obligations arising from omissions, negligence, wrongful acts, misconduct, or malpractice described in subsection (2) of this section, unless such partner is personally liable under subsection (3) or (5) of this section.

             (5) If the partners of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership are required to be licensed to provide professional services, as defined in RCW 18.100.030, and the partnership fails to maintain for itself and for its members practicing in this state a policy of professional liability insurance, bond, deposit in trust, bank escrow of cash, bank certificates of deposit, United States Treasury obligations, bank letter of credit, insurance company bond, or other evidence of financial responsibility of a kind designated by rule by the state insurance commissioner and in the amount of at least one million dollars or such greater amount, not to exceed three million dollars, as the state insurance commissioner may establish by rule for a licensed profession or for any specialty within a profession, taking into account the nature and size of the businesses within the profession or specialty, then the partners shall be personally liable to the extent that, had such insurance, bond, deposit in trust, bank escrow of cash, bank certificates of deposit, United States Treasury obligations, bank letter of credit, insurance company bond, or other evidence of responsibility been maintained, it would have covered the liability in question.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. The rights and duties of the partners in relation to the partnership shall be determined, subject to any agreement between them, by the following rules:

             (1) Each partner shall be repaid his or her contributions, whether by way of capital or advances to the partnership property and share equally in the profits and surplus remaining after all liabilities, including those to partners, are satisfied; and except as provided in section 7(2) of this act, each partner must contribute toward the losses, whether of capital or otherwise, sustained by the partnership according to his or her share in the profits.

             (2) The partnership must indemnify every partner in respect of payments made and personal liabilities reasonably incurred by him or her in the ordinary and proper conduct of its business, or for the preservation of its business or property.

             (3) A partner, who in aid of the partnership makes any payment or advance beyond the amount of capital which he or she agreed to contribute, shall be paid interest from the date of the payment or advance.

             (4) A partner shall receive interest on the capital contributed by him or her only from the date when repayment should be made.

             (5) All partners have equal rights in the management and conduct of the partnership business.

             (6) No partner is entitled to remuneration for acting in the partnership business, except that a surviving partner is entitled to reasonable compensation for his or her services in winding up the partnership affairs.

             (7) No person can become a member of a partnership without the consent of all the partners.

             (8) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners; but no act in contravention of any agreement between the partners may be done rightfully without the consent of all the partners.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. Where a dissolution is caused by the act, death, or bankruptcy of a partner, each partner is liable to his or her copartners for his or her share of any liability created by any partner acting for the partnership as if the partnership had not been dissolved unless:

             (1) The dissolution being by act of any partner, the partner acting for the partnership had knowledge of the dissolution; or

             (2) The dissolution being by the death or bankruptcy of a partner, the partner acting for the partnership had knowledge or notice of the death or bankruptcy; or

             (3) The liability is for a debt, obligation, or liability for which the partner is not liable as provided in section 7(2) of this act.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. (1) The dissolution of the partnership does not of itself discharge the existing liability of any partner.

             (2) A partner is discharged from any existing liability upon dissolution of the partnership by an agreement to that effect between himself or herself, the partnership creditor and the person or partnership continuing the business; and such agreement may be inferred from the course of dealing between the creditor having knowledge of the dissolution and the person or partnership continuing the business.

             (3) Where a person agrees to assume the existing obligations of a dissolved partnership, the partners whose obligations have been assumed shall be discharged from any liability to any creditor of the partnership who, knowing of the agreement, consents to a material alteration in the nature or time of payment of such obligations.

             (4) The individual property of a deceased partner shall be liable for those obligations of the partnership incurred while he or she was a partner and for which he or she was liable under section 7 of this act, but subject to the prior payment of his or her separate debts.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. In settling accounts between the partners after dissolution, the following rules shall be observed, subject to any agreement to the contrary:

             (1) The assets of the partnership are:

             (a) The partnership property;

             (b) The contributions of the partners specified in subsection (4) of this section.

             (2) The liabilities of the partnership shall rank in order of payment, as follows:

             (a) Those owing to creditors other than partners;

             (b) Those owing to partners other than for capital and profits;

             (c) Those owing to partners in respect of capital;

             (d) Those owing to partners in respect of profits.

             (3) The assets shall be applied in the order of their declaration in subsection (1) of this section to the satisfaction of the liabilities.

             (4) Except as provided in section 7(2) of this act: (a) The partners shall contribute, as provided by section 8(1) of this act the amount necessary to satisfy the liabilities; and (b) if any, but not all, of the partners are insolvent, or, not being subject to process, refuse to contribute, the other partners shall contribute their share of the liabilities, and, in the relative proportions in which they share the profits, the additional amount necessary to pay the liabilities.

             (5) An assignee for the benefit of creditors or any person appointed by the court shall have the right to enforce the contribution specified in subsection (4) of this section.

             (6) Any partner or his or her legal representative shall have the right to enforce the contributions specified in subsection (4) of this section, to the extent of the amount which he or she has paid in excess of his or her share of the liability.

             (7) The individual property of a deceased partner shall be liable for the contributions specified in subsection (4) of this section.

             (8) When partnership property and the individual properties of the partners are in possession of a court for distribution, partnership creditors shall have priority on partnership property and separate creditors on individual property, saving the rights of lien or secured creditors as heretofore.

             (9) Where a partner has become bankrupt or his or her estate is insolvent the claims against his or her separate property shall rank in the following order:

             (a) Those owing to separate creditors;

             (b) Those owing to partnership creditors;

             (c) Those owing to partners by way of contribution.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. Sections 1 through 11 of this act are each added to chapter 25.04 RCW and codified with the subchapter heading of "limited liability partnerships."

             Sec. 13. RCW 25.15.005 and 1994 c 211 s 101 are each amended to read as follows:

             As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

             (1) "Certificate of formation" means the certificate referred to in RCW 25.15.070, and the certificate as amended.

             (2) "Event of dissociation" means an event that causes a person to cease to be a member as provided in RCW 25.15.130.

             (3) "Foreign limited liability company" means an entity that is formed under:

             (a) ((An unincorporated enterprise;

             (b) Organized under the)) The limited liability company laws of ((a)) any state other than ((the laws of)) this state, or ((under the))

             (b) The laws of any foreign country((;

             (c) Organized)) that is: (A) An unincorporated association, (B) formed under a statute pursuant to which an ((enterprise)) association may be formed that affords to each of its members limited liability with respect to the liabilities of the entity((;)), and (((d) Is)) (C) not required, in order to transact business or conduct affairs in this state, to be registered or ((organized under any statute of this state other than this chapter)) qualified under Title 23B or 24 RCW, or any other chapter of the Revised Code of Washington authorizing the formation of a domestic entity and the registration or qualification in this state of similar entities formed under the laws of a jurisdiction other than this state.

             (4) "Limited liability company" and "domestic limited liability company" means a limited liability company organized and existing under this chapter.

             (5) "Limited liability company agreement" means any written agreement as to the affairs of a limited liability company and the conduct of its business which is binding upon all of the members.

             (6) "Limited liability company interest" means a member's share of the profits and losses of a limited liability company and a member's right to receive distributions of the limited liability company's assets.

             (7) "Manager" or "managers" means, with respect to a limited liability company that has set forth in its certificate of formation that it is to be managed by managers, the person, or persons designated in accordance with RCW 25.15.150(2).

             (8) "Member" means a person who has been admitted to a limited liability company as a member as provided in RCW 25.15.115 and who has not been dissociated from the limited liability company.

             (9) "Person" means a natural person, partnership (whether general or limited and whether domestic or foreign), limited liability company, foreign limited liability company, trust, estate, association, corporation, custodian, nominee, or any other individual or entity in its own or any representative capacity.

             (10) "Professional limited liability company" means a limited liability company which is organized for the purpose of rendering professional service and whose certificate of formation sets forth that it is a professional limited liability company subject to RCW 25.15.045.

             (11) "Professional service" means ((any type of personal service to the public which requires as a condition precedent to the rendering of such service the obtaining of a license or other legal authorization, including, but not by way of limitation, certified public accountants, architects, veterinarians, attorneys at law, and health professions regulated under chapter 18.130 RCW)) the same as defined under RCW 18.100.030.

             (12) "State" means the District of Columbia or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any state, territory, possession, or other jurisdiction of the United States other than the state of Washington.

             Sec. 14. RCW 25.15.045 and 1994 c 211 s 109 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A person or group of persons licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render professional services within this state may organize and become a member or members of a professional limited liability company under the provisions of this chapter for the purposes of rendering professional service. A "professional limited liability company" is subject to all the provisions of chapter 18.100 RCW that apply to a professional corporation, and its managers, members, agents, and employees shall be subject to all the provisions of chapter 18.100 RCW that apply to the directors, officers, shareholders, agents, or employees of a professional corporation, except as provided otherwise in this section. Nothing in this section prohibits a person duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render professional services in any jurisdiction other than this state from becoming a member of a professional limited liability company organized for the purpose of rendering the same professional services. Nothing in this section prohibits a professional limited liability company from rendering professional services outside this state through individuals who are not duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render such professional services within this state. Notwithstanding RCW 18.100.065, persons engaged in a profession and otherwise meeting the requirements of this chapter may operate under this chapter as a professional limited liability company so long as each member personally engaged in the practice of the profession in this state is duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice the profession in this state and:

             (a) At least one manager of the company is duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice the profession in this state; ((and)) or

             (b) Each ((resident manager or)) member in charge of an office of the company in this state ((and each resident manager or member personally engaged in this state in the practice of the profession)) is duly licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice the profession in this state.

             (2) If the company's members are required to be licensed to practice such profession, and the company fails to maintain for itself and for its members practicing in this state a policy of professional liability insurance, bond, or other evidence of financial responsibility of a kind designated by rule by the state insurance commissioner and in the amount of at least one million dollars or such greater amount as the state insurance commissioner may establish by rule for a licensed profession or for any specialty within a profession, taking into account the nature and size of the business, then the company's members shall be personally liable to the extent that, had such insurance, bond, or other evidence of responsibility been maintained, it would have covered the liability in question.

             (3) For purposes of applying the provisions of chapter 18.100 RCW to a professional limited liability company, the terms "director" or "officer" shall mean manager, "shareholder" shall mean member, "corporation" shall mean professional limited liability company, "articles of incorporation" shall mean certificate of formation, "shares" or "capital stock" shall mean a limited liability company interest, "incorporator" shall mean the person who executes the certificate of formation, and "bylaws" shall mean the limited liability company agreement.

             (4) The name of a professional limited liability company must contain either the words "Professional Limited Liability Company," or the words "Professional Limited Liability" and the abbreviation "Co.," or the abbreviation "P.L.L.C." provided that the name of a professional limited liability company organized to render dental services shall contain the full names or surnames of all members and no other word than "chartered" or the words "professional services" or the abbreviation "P.L.L.C."

             (5) Subject to the provisions in article VII of this chapter, the following may be a member of a professional limited liability company and may be the transferee of the interest of an ineligible person or deceased member of the professional limited liability company:

             (a) A professional corporation, if its shareholders, directors, and its officers other than the secretary and the treasurer, are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the same specific professional services as the professional limited liability company; and

             (b) Another professional limited liability company, if the managers and members of both professional limited liability companies are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the same specific professional services.

             Sec. 15. RCW 25.15.060 and 1994 c 211 s 112 are each amended to read as follows:

             Members of a limited liability company shall be personally liable for any act, debt, obligation, or liability of the limited liability company to the extent that shareholders of a Washington business corporation would be liable in analogous circumstances. In this regard, the court may consider the factors and policies set forth in established case law with regard to piercing the corporate veil, except that the failure to hold meetings of members or managers or the failure to observe formalities pertaining to the calling or conduct of meetings shall not be considered a factor tending to establish that the members have personal liability for any act, debt, obligation, or liability of the limited liability company if the certificate of formation and limited liability company agreement do not expressly require the holding of meetings of members or managers.

             Sec. 16. RCW 25.15.085 and 1994 c 211 s 204 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Each document required by this chapter to be filed in the office of the secretary of state shall be executed in the following manner:

             (a) Each original certificate of formation must be signed by the person or persons forming the limited liability company;

             (b) A reservation of name may be signed by any person;

             (c) A transfer of reservation of name must be signed by, or on behalf of, the applicant for the reserved name;

             (d) A registration of name must be signed by any member or manager of the foreign limited liability company;

             (e) A certificate of amendment or restatement must be signed by at least one manager, or by a member if management of the limited liability company is reserved to the members;

             (f) A certificate of cancellation must be signed by the person or persons authorized to wind up the limited liability company's affairs pursuant to RCW 25.15.295(1);

             (g) If a surviving domestic limited liability company is filing articles of merger, the articles of merger must be signed by at least one manager, or by a member if management of the limited liability company is reserved to the members, or if the articles of merger are being filed by a surviving foreign limited liability company, limited partnership, or corporation, the articles of merger must be signed by a person authorized by such foreign limited liability company, limited partnership, or corporation; and

             (h) A foreign limited liability company's application for registration as a foreign limited liability company doing business within the state must be signed by any member or manager of the foreign limited liability company.

             (2) Any person may sign a certificate, articles of merger, ((or)) limited liability company agreement, or other document by an attorney-in-fact or other person acting in a valid representative capacity, so long as each document signed in such manner identifies the capacity in which the signator signed.

             (3) The person executing the document shall sign it and state beneath or opposite the signature the name of the person and capacity in which the person signs. The document must be typewritten or printed, and must meet such legibility or other standards as may be prescribed by the secretary of state.

             (4) The execution of a certificate or articles of merger by any person constitutes an affirmation under the penalties of perjury that the facts stated therein are true.

             Sec. 17. RCW 25.15.130 and 1994 c 211 s 304 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A person ceases to be a member of a limited liability company upon the occurrence of one or more of the following events:

             (a) The member dies or withdraws by voluntary act from the limited liability company as provided in subsection (3) of this section;

             (b) The member ceases to be a member as provided in RCW 25.15.250(2)(b) following an assignment of all the member's limited liability company interest;

             (c) The member is removed as a member in accordance with the limited liability company agreement;

             (d) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with the written consent of all other members at the time, the member (i) makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; (ii) files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy; (iii) becomes the subject of an order for relief in bankruptcy proceedings; (iv) files a petition or answer seeking for himself or herself any reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any statute, law, or regulation; (v) files an answer or other pleading admitting or failing to contest the material allegations of a petition filed against him or her in any proceeding of the nature described in (d) (i) through (iv) of this subsection; or (vi) seeks, consents to, or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the member or of all or any substantial part of the member's properties;

             (e) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with the consent of all other members at the time, one hundred twenty days after the commencement of any proceeding against the member seeking reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any statute, law, or regulation, the proceeding has not been dismissed, or if within ninety days after the appointment without his or her consent or acquiescence of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of the member or of all or any substantial part of the member's properties, the appointment is not vacated or stayed, or within ninety days after the expiration of any stay, the appointment is not vacated;

             (f) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with written consent of all other members at the time, in the case of a member who is an individual, the entry of an order by a court of competent jurisdiction adjudicating the member ((incompetent to manage his or her person or estate)) incapacitated, as used and defined under chapter 11.88 RCW, as to his or her estate;

             (g) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with written consent of all other members at the time, in the case of a member that is another limited liability company, the dissolution and commencement of winding up of such limited liability company;

             (h) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with written consent of all other members at the time, in the case of a member that is a corporation, the filing of articles of dissolution or the equivalent for the corporation or the administrative dissolution of the corporation and the lapse of any period authorized for application for reinstatement; or

             (i) Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, or with written consent of all other members at the time, in the case of a member that is a limited partnership, the dissolution and commencement of winding up of such limited partnership.

             (2) The limited liability company agreement may provide for other events the occurrence of which result in a person ceasing to be a member of the limited liability company.

             (3) ((Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement,)) A member may withdraw from a limited liability company at ((any time by giving thirty days' written notice to the other members)) the time or upon the happening of events specified in and in accordance with the limited liability company agreement. If the limited liability company agreement does not specify the time or the events upon the happening of which a member may withdraw, a member may not withdraw prior to the time for the dissolution and commencement of winding up of the limited liability company, without the written consent of all other members at the time.

             Sec. 18. RCW 25.15.220 and 1994 c 211 s 602 are each amended to read as follows:

             Unless otherwise provided in the limited liability company agreement, upon the occurrence of an event of dissociation under RCW 25.15.130 which does not cause dissolution (other than an event of dissociation specified in RCW 25.15.130(((2))) (1)(b) where the dissociating member's assignee is admitted as a member), a dissociating member (or the member's assignee) is entitled to receive any distribution to which ((the member (or assignee) is entitled under the limited liability company agreement and, if not otherwise provided in a limited liability company agreement, the member (or the member's assignee) is entitled to receive, within a reasonable time after dissociation, the fair value of the member's limited liability company interest as of the date of the dissociation based upon the member's right to share in distributions from the limited liability company)) an assignee would be entitled.

             Sec. 19. RCW 25.15.250 and 1994 c 211 s 702 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) A limited liability company interest is assignable in whole or in part except as provided in a limited liability company agreement. The assignee of a member's limited liability company interest shall have no right to participate in the management of the business and affairs of a limited liability company except:

             (a) Upon the approval of all of the members of the limited liability company other than the member assigning his or her limited liability company interest; or

             (b) As provided in a limited liability company agreement.

             (2) Unless otherwise provided in a limited liability company agreement:

             (a) An assignment entitles the assignee to share in such profits and losses, to receive such distributions, and to receive such allocation of income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit or similar item to which the assignor was entitled, to the extent assigned; and

             (b) A member ceases to be a member and to have the power to exercise any rights or powers of a member upon assignment of all of his or her limited liability company interest.

             (3) For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise provided in a limited liability company agreement:

             (a) The pledge of, or granting of a security interest, lien, or other encumbrance in or against, any or all of the limited liability company interest of a member shall not be deemed to be an assignment of the member's limited liability company interest, but a foreclosure or execution sale or exercise of similar rights with respect to all of a member's limited liability company interest shall be deemed to be an assignment of the member's limited liability company interest to the transferee pursuant to such foreclosure or execution sale or exercise of similar rights;

             (b) ((The death of a member who is an individual shall be deemed to be an assignment of that member's entire limited liability company interest to his or her personal representative;

             (c))) Where a limited liability company interest is held in a trust or estate, or is held by a trustee, personal representative, or other fiduciary, the transfer of the limited liability company interest, whether to a beneficiary of the trust or estate or otherwise, shall be deemed to be an assignment of such limited liability company interest, but the mere substitution or replacement of the trustee, personal representative, or other fiduciary shall not constitute an assignment of any portion of such limited liability company interest.

             (4) Unless otherwise provided in a limited liability company agreement and except to the extent assumed by agreement, until an assignee of a limited liability company interest becomes a member, the assignee shall have no liability as a member solely as a result of the assignment.

             Sec. 20. RCW 25.15.280 and 1994 c 211 s 803 are each amended to read as follows:

             The secretary of state may commence a proceeding under RCW 25.15.285 to administratively dissolve a limited liability company if:

             (1) The limited liability company does not pay any license fees or penalties, imposed by this chapter, when they become due;

             (2) The limited liability company does not deliver its completed initial report or annual report to the secretary of state when it is due;

             (3) The limited liability company is without a registered agent or registered office in this state for sixty days or more; or

             (((2))) (4) The limited liability company does not notify the secretary of state within sixty days that its registered agent or registered office has been changed, that its registered agent has resigned, or that its registered office has been discontinued.

             Sec. 21. RCW 25.15.310 and 1994 c 211 s 901 are each amended to read as follows:

             (1) Subject to the Constitution of the state of Washington:

             (a) The laws of the state, territory, possession, or other jurisdiction or country under which a foreign limited liability company is organized govern its organization and internal affairs and the liability of its members and managers; and

             (b) A foreign limited liability company may not be denied registration by reason of any difference between those laws and the laws of this state.

             (2) A foreign limited liability company is subject to RCW 25.15.030 and, notwithstanding subsection (1)(a) of this section, a foreign limited liability company rendering professional services in this state is also subject to RCW 25.15.045(2).

             (3) A foreign limited liability company and its members and managers doing business in this state thereby submit to personal jurisdiction of the courts of this state and are subject to RCW 25.15.125.

             Sec. 22. RCW 24.06.045 and 1994 c 211 s 1307 are each amended to read as follows:

             The corporate name:

             (1) Shall not contain any word or phrase which indicates or implies that it is organized for any purpose other than one or more of the purposes contained in its articles of incorporation.

             (2) Shall not be the same as, or deceptively similar to, the name of any corporation existing under any act of this state, or any foreign corporation authorized to transact business or conduct affairs in this state under any act of this state, or the name of any limited liability ((corporation)) company organized or authorized to transact business under any act of this state, the name of a domestic or foreign limited partnership on file with the secretary, or a corporate name reserved or registered as permitted by the laws of this state. This subsection shall not apply if the applicant files with the secretary of state either of the following: (a) The written consent of the other corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, or holder of a reserved name to use the same or deceptively similar name and one or more words are added or deleted to make the name distinguishable from the other name as determined by the secretary of state, or (b) a certified copy of a final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction establishing the prior right of the applicant to the use of the name in this state.

             (3) Shall be transliterated into letters of the English alphabet if it is not in English.

             (4) The name of any corporation formed under this section shall not include nor end with "incorporated", "company", or "corporation" or any abbreviation thereof, but may use "club", "league", "association", "services", "committee", "fund", "society", "foundation"," . . . . . ., a nonprofit mutual corporation", or any name of like import.

             NEW SECTION. Sec. 23. This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1995."

             On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "partnerships;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 25.15.005, 25.15.045, 25.15.060, 25.15.085, 25.15.130, 25.15.220, 25.15.250, 25.15.280, 25.15.310, and 24.06.045; adding new sections to chapter 25.04 RCW; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency."

             Representative Sheahan spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendment.

             The amendment was adopted.

             There being no objection, the rules were suspended, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5374 as amended by the House.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5374 as amended by the House, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 94, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dellwo, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Tokuda, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 94.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Delvin, Foreman and Patterson - 4.

             Substitute Senate Bill No. 5374, as amended by the House, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 14, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5516 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House grant the Senate request for a conference on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5516. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Lisk, Elliot and Romero as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5516.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SENATE BILL NO. 5544 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Crouse moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Senate Bill No. 5544 and ask the Senate to concur.

             Representative Crouse spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


April 18, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5567 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5567 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Mulliken, D. Schmidt and Chopp as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5567.

             There being no objection, the House deferred consideration of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5607 and the bill held it's place on today's calendar.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5632 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Chandler moved that the House recede from it's position and pass Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5632 without the House amendments. The motion was carried.

             Representatives Rust and Mastin spoke against passage of the bill.

             Representative Johnson spoke in favor of passage of the bill.


             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5632 without the House amendments.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5632 without the House amendments, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 67, Nays - 27, Absent - 0, Excused - 4.

             Voting yea: Representatives Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Clements, Cooke, Crouse, Dyer, Elliot, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Pelesky, Pennington, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Robertson, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Van Luven and Mr. Speaker - 67.

             Voting nay: Representatives Appelwick, Brown, Chopp, Cody, Cole, Conway, Costa, Dellwo, Dickerson, Ebersole, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Jacobsen, Mason, Mastin, Ogden, Poulsen, Regala, Romero, Rust, Scott, Sommers, Thibaudeau, Tokuda, Valle, Veloria and Wolfe - 27.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Delvin, Foreman and Patterson - 4.

             Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5632, without the House amendments, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5653 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Cooke moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5653 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon.

             Representative Cooke spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Cooke, Boldt and Tokuda as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5653.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SENATE BILL NO. 5655 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative K. Schmidt moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Senate Bill No. 5655 and again ask the Senate to concur therein. The motion was carried.

             There being no objection, the House deferred consideration of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5676 and the bill held it's place on today's calendar.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SENATE BILL NO. 5677 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Senate Bill No. 5677 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Horn, Hargrove and Cody as Conferees on Senate Bill No. 5677.

             There being no objection, the House deferred consideration of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5648 and Substitute Senate Bill No. 5739 and the bills held their place on today's calendar.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5770 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Lisk moved that the House grant the request for a conference on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5770. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Lisk, Thompson and Romero as Conferees on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5770.


April 17, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5795 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Reams moved that the House recede from its position and pass Substitute Senate Bill No. 5795 without the House amendments.

             Representatives Rust and Sommers spoke against the motion.

             Representative Campbell spoke in favor of the motion and it was carried.


             On motion of Representative Brown, Representatives Dellwo and Tokuda were excused.

             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5795 without the House amendments.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5795 without the House amendments, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 62, Nays - 31, Absent - 0, Excused - 5.

             Voting yea: Representatives Backlund, Ballasiotes, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Clements, Cooke, Crouse, Dyer, Elliot, Fisher, G., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Johnson, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Mulliken, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Radcliff, Reams, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Van Luven and Mr. Speaker - 62.

             Voting nay: Representatives Appelwick, Basich, Brown, Carlson, Chappell, Chopp, Cody, Cole, Conway, Costa, Dickerson, Ebersole, Fisher, R., Hatfield, Jacobsen, Kessler, Mason, Morris, Ogden, Quall, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Scott, Sehlin, Sommers, Thibaudeau, Valle, Veloria and Wolfe - 31.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Dellwo, Delvin, Patterson and Tokuda - 5.

             Substitute Senate Bill No. 5795, without the House amendments, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5854 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Backlund moved that the House grant the request for a conference on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5854. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Backlund, Hymes and Kessler as Conferees on Substitute Senate Bill No. 5854.


April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on SENATE BILL NO. 5434. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Prentice, Hale and Fraser

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2010. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Hargrove, Long and Franklin

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1173. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators Hargrove, Long and Fairley

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate grants the request of the House for a conference on ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1941. The President has appointed the following members as Conferees:

             Senators McAuliffe, Johnson and Pelz

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as Conferees on ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5011:

             Senators Owen, Strannigan and Drew

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as conferees on ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5770:

             Senators Pelz, Newhouse and Sheldon

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed:


and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate has passed:



and the same are herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has signed:












and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has signed:
































and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has signed:



and the same are herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate receded from its amendments to SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1140 and passed the bill without said amendments.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary

April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5873 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Sheahan moved that the House grant the request for a conference on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5873.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Sheahan, Hickel and Costa as Conferees on Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5873.


Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5885 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Cooke moved that the House grant the request for a conference on Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5885.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Cooke, Lambert and Tokuda as Conferees on Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5885.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to SENATE BILL NO. 6004 and asks the House to recede therefrom.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary


             Representative Goldsmith moved that the House recede from its position and pass Senate Bill No. 6004 without the House amendments. The motion was carried.

             The Speaker stated the question before the House to be final passage of Senate Bill No. 6004 without the House amendments.


             The Clerk called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 6004 without the House amendments, and the bill passed the House by the following vote: Yeas - 93, Nays - 0, Absent - 0, Excused - 5.

             Voting yea: Representatives Appelwick, Backlund, Ballasiotes, Basich, Beeksma, Blanton, Boldt, Brown, Brumsickle, Buck, Cairnes, Campbell, Carlson, Carrell, Casada, Chandler, Chappell, Chopp, Clements, Cody, Cole, Conway, Cooke, Costa, Crouse, Dickerson, Dyer, Ebersole, Elliot, Fisher, G., Fisher, R., Foreman, Fuhrman, Goldsmith, Grant, Hankins, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hickel, Honeyford, Horn, Huff, Hymes, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kessler, Koster, Kremen, Lambert, Lisk, Mason, Mastin, McMahan, McMorris, Mielke, Mitchell, Morris, Mulliken, Ogden, Pelesky, Pennington, Poulsen, Quall, Radcliff, Reams, Regala, Robertson, Romero, Rust, Schmidt, D., Schmidt, K., Schoesler, Scott, Sehlin, Sheahan, Sheldon, Sherstad, Silver, Skinner, Smith, Sommers, Sterk, Stevens, Talcott, Thibaudeau, Thomas, B., Thomas, L., Thompson, Valle, Van Luven, Veloria, Wolfe and Mr. Speaker - 93.

             Excused: Representatives Benton, Dellwo, Delvin, Patterson and Tokuda - 5.

             Senate Bill No. 6004, without the House amendments, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


April 19, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The Senate refuses to concur in the House amendments to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5607 and asks the House for a conference thereon.

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             Representative Goldsmith moved that the House insists on its position regarding the House amendments to Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5607 and ask the Senate for a conference thereon. The motion was carried.


             The Speaker appointed Representatives Hargrove, Ogden and Backlund as Conferees on Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5607.


April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as Conferees to SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5854:

             Senators Haugen, Moyer and Fairley

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as Conferees to ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5885:

             Senators Hargrove, Long and Prentice

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Brad Hendrickson, Deputy Secretary

April 20, 1995

Mr. Speaker:

             The President has appointed the following members as Conferees on ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5607:

             Senators Rinehart, West and Loveland

and the same is herewith transmitted.

Marty Brown, Secretary


             The Speaker announced he was signing:
























































             There being no objection, the House advanced to the eleventh order of business.


             There being no objection, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 21, 1995.