Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 11.12 RCW
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11.12.010Who may make a will.
11.12.020Requisites of willsForeign willsElectronic presence.
11.12.025Nuncupative wills.
11.12.030Signature of testator at his or her directionSignature by mark.
11.12.040Revocation of willHow effectedEffect on codicils.
11.12.051Dissolution, invalidation, or termination of marriage or domestic partnership.
11.12.060Agreement to convey does not revoke.
11.12.070Devise or bequeathal of property subject to encumbrance.
11.12.080Revocation of later will or codicilEffectEvidence.
11.12.091Omitted child.
11.12.095Omitted spouse or omitted domestic partner.
11.12.110Death of grandparent's issue before grantor.
11.12.120Lapsed giftProcedure and proof.
11.12.160Interested witnessEffect on will.
11.12.170Devise of land, what passes.
11.12.180Rule in Shelley's Case abolishedFuture distribution or interest to heirs.
11.12.185Doctrine of Worthier Title abolishedException.
11.12.190Will to operate on after-acquired property.
11.12.220No interest on devise unless will so provides.
11.12.230Intent of testator controlling.
11.12.250Gift to trust.
11.12.255Incorporation by reference.
11.12.260Separate writing may direct disposition of tangible personal propertyRequirements.
11.12.265Filing of original will with court before death of testator.
11.12.400Electronic willsShort title.
11.12.410Electronic willsDefinition.
11.12.420Electronic willsApplicable law.
11.12.430Electronic willsExecutionChoice of law.
11.12.440Electronic willsExecutionProcedure.
11.12.450Electronic willsSelf-proving.
11.12.460Electronic willsQualified custodiansEligibility.
11.12.470Electronic willsQualified custodiansDuties.
11.12.480Electronic willsCertified paper copies.
11.12.490Electronic willsUniformity of application and construction.
11.12.491Electronic willsApplicability.