Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 15.30 RCW
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15.30.020Annual license requiredExpiration date.
15.30.030Application for license, contentsIssuance, prerequisites.
15.30.040Annual license fee.
15.30.050EnforcementRules authorized, procedure.
15.30.060RulesOxygen content, temperature, and time period to be maintainedClassification of fruits, vegetables as controlled atmosphere stored.
15.30.070License renewal datePenalty for late renewal, exception.
15.30.080Denial, suspension, revocation of licenseGroundsHearing required.
15.30.090Denial, suspension, revocation of licenseHearings subject to Administrative Procedure Act.
15.30.100SubpoenasWitnesses and fees.
15.30.110Issuance of warehouse numberUse of letters "CA"Marking containers with letters and number.
15.30.120Licensee to make daily determination of air componentsRecord, form, contents.
15.30.130Identity of fruit and vegetables to be maintained by CA number and inspection number to retail market.
15.30.140Maturity and condition standards may be higher than for fruit and vegetables not subject to chapter.
15.30.150Minimum condition and maturity standards for apples.
15.30.160Inspection, certification prior to using "CA" or similar designationEradication required, when.
15.30.170Inspection, certification may be requested by financially interested person.
15.30.180Fees for inspection and certification.
15.30.190Certificate as evidence.
15.30.200Disposition of fees.
15.30.210Unlawful sales, acts, or use of words "controlled atmosphere storage" and terms of similar import.
15.30.220Injunctions authorized.
15.30.230Chapter cumulative and nonexclusive.
15.30.240Prior civil or criminal liability not affected.
15.30.250Penalties for violating chapter.
15.30.260Cooperation, agreements with other governmental agencies.
15.30.900Fruits and vegetables in storage prior to enactment of chapter.