Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 15.36 RCW
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15.36.021Milk and milk productsRule-making authorityGrade A pasteurized and raw milkGrade C milk and milk products.
15.36.025Application of chapter 34.05 RCW.
15.36.041Milk producer's license.
15.36.051Milk processing plant licenseFee waiver.
15.36.071Milk hauler's licenseEndorsements.
15.36.081Dairy technician's licenseApplicationRenewalFees.
15.36.091Dairy technician's licenseRecordsInspection of.
15.36.101Milk wash station license.
15.36.111Inspection of dairy farms and milk processing plantsViolationsDirector's access.
15.36.131Sale of out-of-state grade A milk and milk products.
15.36.141Grading of milk and milk products.
15.36.151Unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or deliver certain productsDiseased animalsColostrumExceptions.
15.36.161Cows, goats, and other mammalsAnimal health requirements.
15.36.171Grades of milk and milk products that may be sold.
15.36.181Sale of adulterated or misbranded milk or milk products prohibitedPossession restricted.
15.36.191Milk or milk product analysisReport of violative results.
15.36.201Examination of milk and milk productsViolationsDirector's optionsPenalty.
15.36.206Source of milk and milk productsSeller's disclosure.
15.36.221Grade A raw milkCooling.
15.36.231Raw milk or milk productsBottling and cappingPackagingLabeling.
15.36.241Capping of milk or milk products.
15.36.261Butter or cheesePasteurization of milk or cream.
15.36.271"Pasteurized"Use of word regulated.
15.36.281Unlawful use of containersSeizure authorized.
15.36.401LicensesDenial, suspension, revocationReasons.
15.36.412Issuance of cease and desist order.
15.36.421Milk processing plant or producerLicense suspension.
15.36.451Regrading of milk or milk productsReinstatement of license.
15.36.454Failure to comply with chapter or rulesCivil penalties.
15.36.455ViolationsNotice, orders, damages.
15.36.473Failure to comply with chapter or rulesCriminal penalties.
15.36.475Laboratory testsAdmission as evidence.
15.36.481Violations may be enjoined.
15.36.491LicensesMoney deposited in the agricultural local fund.
15.36.511Unlawful actions.
15.36.525Sanitary certificatesRulesFee for issuance.
15.36.531Declaration of police power.
15.36.541Chapter cumulative.
15.36.551Dairy inspection programAssessment.
15.36.561Dairy inspection programAdvisory committeePurposeTerms.
15.36.571Department authorized to assess inspection fee on certain manufacturing facilities.