Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 20.01 RCW
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20.01.020Rules and regulationsEnforcement of chapterInterference prohibited.
20.01.038License required of persons dealing in livestock, hay, grain, or straw.
20.01.050License renewals.
20.01.060Licensee in one class may obtain license in anotherAdditional fee.
20.01.070Application for licenseContents.
20.01.080Commission merchant's schedule of commissions and chargesChanges, posting.
20.01.086Waiver of reporting, accounting, and recordkeeping requirements prohibited.
20.01.090Agent to disclose principal licensee and his endorsement.
20.01.100Issuance of licenseExpiration dateFraudulent application grounds for refusal, revocation.
20.01.110Publication of list of licensees and rulesPosting license.
20.01.120Vehicle license plates.
20.01.125Hay or strawCertified vehicle tare and load weightsViolations.
20.01.130Disposition of moneys.
20.01.140Change in organization of firm to be reported.
20.01.150Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersAuthority.
20.01.160Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersProcedure.
20.01.170Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersSubpoenas, witnesses, testimony, fees.
20.01.180Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersFindings and conclusionsRecord.
20.01.190Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersFinal action in writingAppeal to superior court.
20.01.200Denial, suspension, revocation of licenses, probationary ordersAppellate review.
20.01.205License suspensionNoncompliance with support orderReissuance.
20.01.210Commission merchants, dealersBonds.
20.01.211Alternative bonding provision for certain dealers.
20.01.212Livestock dealers bonded under federal law.
20.01.214Appeal from rejected bond claim.
20.01.220Action on bond for fraud.
20.01.230Action on bond for failure to comply with chapter.
20.01.240Claims against commission merchant, dealer.
20.01.250Failure of consignor to file claim, time limitation.
20.01.260Director not liable if circumstances prevent ascertainment of creditorsDemand on bond.
20.01.270Demand on bond after claims ascertainedPower of director to settle, compromise.
20.01.280Action on bond after refusal to payNew bond, failure to file.
20.01.300Verified complaints of consignorInvestigations.
20.01.310Oaths, testimony, witnesses, subpoenasContempt proceedingsRecords as evidence.
20.01.320Investigations, examinations, inspectionsSearch warrantsSubpoenas.
20.01.330Denial, revocation, suspension, or condition of licenses, probationary ordersGrounds.
20.01.340Denial, revocation, suspension of licenses, probationary ordersPrevious violations as grounds.
20.01.350Denial, revocation, suspension of licenses, probationary ordersHearing, investigationFindings requiredNotices.
20.01.360Order of revocation, suspension.
20.01.370Commission merchantsRecordkeeping.
20.01.380Dealers, cash buyers, livestock dealersRecordkeepingCarrying identification and health documents.
20.01.385Failure to complyConstruction of transaction.
20.01.390When dealer must pay for products delivered to him or her.
20.01.400Broker's memorandum of sale.
20.01.410Manifest of cargoBill of lading.
20.01.420Commission merchant's report of sale to consignor.
20.01.430Commission merchant's remittance to consignor.
20.01.440Commission merchant's copy of records to be retainedInspectionDepartment's certificate of condition, quality, etc.
20.01.450Claims against seller by dealer, cash buyerCredit to dealer, cash buyer against consignorCertificate of proof.
20.01.460Prohibited actsPenalties.
20.01.465Time of sale requirementUnlawful practice.
20.01.470Action to enjoin violation of chapter.
20.01.475Licensee under chapterPrima facie evidence acting as licensee handling agricultural products.
20.01.480Violations resulting in improper or nonpaymentCharges.
20.01.482Civil infractionsNoticeMisdemeanors.
20.01.484Civil infractionsResponse to notice.
20.01.486Civil infractionsHearing to contest chargeOrderAppeal.
20.01.488Civil infractionsInformal hearing on mitigating circumstancesOrderNo appeal.
20.01.490Civil infractionsMonetary penaltyFailure to pay, misdemeanor.
20.01.500"Grower," "processor" definedApplication of exemption contained in RCW 20.01.030(1).
20.01.510Processor's form showing maximum processing capacity.
20.01.520Processor to have grower contracts and commitments on file.
20.01.530Grower may file form showing crops processor is committed to purchase.
20.01.540Committing to purchase more crops than plants can processViolation.
20.01.550Discrimination by processor.
20.01.560Effective date of RCW 20.01.500 through 20.01.550.
20.01.570Cash or other security in lieu of surety bond.
20.01.610Authority to stop vehicle violating chapterFailure to stop, civil infraction.
20.01.900Chapter cumulative and nonexclusive.
20.01.920Effective date1959 c 139.
20.01.940RepealerSavings1979 ex.s. c 115.
Administrative Procedure Act: Chapter 34.05 RCW.
Lien for transportation, storage, advancements, etc.: Chapter 60.60 RCW.