Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 31.20 RCW
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31.20.010Creation under general corporation laws authorized.
31.20.020Purposes specified.
31.20.030Corporate powers.
31.20.040Minimum capital stock.
31.20.050Board of directors.
31.20.060Members power to loan funds to corporation.
31.20.070Members of corporation enumerated.
31.20.080Members duty to loan funds to corporationMaximum limitsProration of calls.
31.20.090Withdrawal from membership.
31.20.100Surplus reserve required.
31.20.110Funds to be deposited in designated depository.
31.20.120Money deposits prohibited.
31.20.130Publication of annual statement of assets and liabilities.
31.20.140Participation in federal act authorized.