Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 85.06 RCW
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85.06.010Districts authorizedPowersManagement.
85.06.015Certain powers and rights governed by chapter 85.38 RCW.
85.06.070Eminent domain powersPurchase of real property authorized.
85.06.080CommissionersPowers and duties.
85.06.090Petition for improvementContents.
85.06.100Petition for improvementEmployment of assistantsCompensation as costs in suit.
85.06.120Appearance of defendantsJuryVerdictAssessment of damages and benefitsDecree.
85.06.125Special assessmentsBudgetsAlternative methods.
85.06.130Assessment of benefited lands formerly omittedProcedureAppeals.
85.06.140Dismissal of proceedings, whenCosts.
85.06.150Procedure to claim awards.
85.06.160Transcript of benefits to auditorAssessmentsCollectionSupplemental assessment.
85.06.180ConstructionContractorsPerformance bonds.
85.06.190Substantial changes in plansProcedure.
85.06.200Payments on contractsRetained percentage.
85.06.210Connecting private drainsProcedureCosts.
85.06.220Connecting with lower districtsProcedure.
85.06.230City or town may act as or be included in drainage district.
85.06.240Estimate for maintenance and repairEmergency expenditures.
85.06.250Organization of boardWarrants, how issued.
85.06.255Special assessment bonds.
85.06.330Warrants presented for indorsementWhen and how paid.
85.06.340TrialFindings and forms of verdict.
85.06.350Public lands subject to assessmentRights and liabilities of public corporations.
85.06.360Assessments on public landsHow paid.
85.06.370Fees for service of process.
85.06.380CommissionersCompensation and expenses.
85.06.390Improvement of watercoursesPreservation of vested rights.
85.06.400Powers of courtInjunctions.
85.06.500Extension or enlargement of system.
85.06.545Annexation of territoryConsolidation of special districtsSuspension of operationsReactivation.
85.06.550Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are dropped.
85.06.560Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedNotice to present claimsRegistration.
85.06.570Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedPetition to court for assessmentContents.
85.06.580Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedHearing to be fixedOrder for publication of notice.
85.06.590Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedNoticeContents, publication, etc.
85.06.600Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedHearingOrder for levyCosts.
85.06.610Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedCertification of order to tax levying officers.
85.06.620Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedDismissal of petition.
85.06.630Payment of preliminary expense where proceedings are droppedAppellate review.
85.06.640Additional improvementsAuthorizedChange in plans.
85.06.650Additional improvementsMethods of payment.
85.06.660Additional improvementsResolutionNotice and hearingProtestsAppellate review, conclusiveness of order of board.
85.06.670Additional improvementsAcquisition, sale of propertyContracts to share expense.
85.06.680Additional improvementsPrivate property not to be taken without compensation.
85.06.690Additional improvementsRight of eminent domain.
85.06.700Additional improvementsPowers are additional"Drainage district" defined.
85.06.710Costs in excess of estimateAuthorizedWarrants validated.
85.06.720Costs in excess of estimatePetition to reopen original proceedingsDamages and benefits.
85.06.730Costs in excess of estimateSummons on petitionContentsServiceAnswer.
85.06.740Costs in excess of estimateHearing by juryVerdict.
85.06.750Costs in excess of estimateJudgmentAppellate review.
Reviser's note: Part I of this chapter consists of chapter 115, Laws of 1895 as it has been amended and added to; thus the term "this act" has been translated to read "this chapter" throughout Part I. In Part II a number of miscellaneous acts relating to drainage districts have been codified; throughout Part II interval translations of the term "this act" have been made where they occur.
Special district creation and operation: Chapter 85.38 RCW.