Revised Code of Washington
2024 Archive

Chapter 89.08 RCW
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89.08.005Short title.
89.08.030Conservation commission.
89.08.040MembersCompensation and travel expensesRecords, rules, hearings, etc.
89.08.060Assistance of other state agencies and institutions.
89.08.070General duties of commission.
89.08.080Petition to form districtContents.
89.08.090Notice of hearingHearing.
89.08.110ElectionHow conducted.
89.08.130Notice of election.
89.08.140Expense of hearing and election.
89.08.150Procedure after canvass.
89.08.160Appointment of supervisorsApplication to secretary of state.
89.08.170Secretary of state's certificateChange of name.
89.08.180Annexation of territoryBoundary changeCombining two or more districts.
89.08.185Petition to withdraw from districtApproval or rejectionDisputed petitions.
89.08.190Nomination and election of supervisorsAnnual meeting of voters.
89.08.200SupervisorsTerm, vacancies, removal, etc.Compensation.
89.08.210Powers and duties of supervisors.
89.08.215TreasurerPowers and dutiesBond.
89.08.220Corporate status and powers of district.
89.08.341Intergovernmental cooperationAuthority.
89.08.350Petition to dissolve districtElection.
89.08.360Result of electionDissolution.
89.08.370Disposition of affairs upon dissolution.
89.08.390Water rights preserved1939 c 187.
89.08.391Water rights preserved1973 1st ex.s. c 184.
89.08.400Special assessments for natural resource conservation.
89.08.405Rates and charges system.
89.08.410Grants to conservation districtsRulesReport to the legislature.
89.08.440Best management practices for fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, and water quantity property tax exemptionListFormsCertification of claims.
89.08.450Watershed restoration projectsIntent.
89.08.460Watershed restoration projectsDefinitions.
89.08.470Watershed restoration projectsConsolidated permit application processFish habitat enhancement project.
89.08.480Watershed restoration projectsDesignated recipients of project applicationsNotice to commission.
89.08.490Watershed restoration projectsAcceptance of applicationsPermit decisions.
89.08.500Watershed restoration projectsAppointment of project facilitator by permit assistance centerCoordinated process for permit decisions.
89.08.510Watershed restoration projectsGeneral permitsCooperative permitting agreements.
89.08.520Water quality and habitat protection grant programsDevelopment of outcome-focused performance measures.
89.08.530Agricultural conservation easements program.
89.08.540Agricultural conservation easements account.
89.08.550Conservation assistance revolving account.
89.08.560Farm plansDisclosure of information.
89.08.570Crop purchase contracts for dedicated energy crops.
89.08.580Puget Sound partners.
89.08.590Administering fundsPreference to an evergreen community.
89.08.610Sustainable farms and fields grant programDefinitions.
89.08.615Sustainable farms and fields grant programCommission to develop in consultation with the department of agriculture, Washington State University, and the United States department of agriculture natural resources conservation servicesUse of fundsGrant applications.
89.08.620Grant recipientsPrioritization.
89.08.625Methods for measuring, estimating, and verifying outcomes.
89.08.630Reports to the legislature and governorUpdatesEvaluations.
89.08.635Sustainable farms and fields account.
89.08.640Habitat for managed and native pollinatorsSmall grants program.
89.08.645Short-term disaster recovery financial assistance programFarmers and ranchersCommission may adopt rules.
Duties of conservation commission and conservation districts for dairy waste management: Chapter 90.64 RCW.
Property tax exemption for district's personal property: RCW 84.36.240, 84.36.815.
State participation in soil conservation districtLimit: RCW 86.26.100.