WAC Sections |
284-24D-010 | Purpose. |
284-24D-020 | Definitions. |
284-24D-030 | How will the commissioner ensure data confidentiality under RCW 48.140.060(2)? |
284-24D-040 | How are closed claims reported to the commissioner? |
284-24D-050 | How will the OIC assign user ID codes to reporting entities? |
284-24D-060 | What types of claims must be reported to the commissioner? |
284-24D-070 | Are write-offs or other small sums of money provided as customer service gestures considered claims? |
284-24D-080 | When is a claim considered closed? |
284-24D-090 | When are closed claim reports due? |
284-24D-100 | Can a reporting entity reopen a claim or make changes to previously reported data? |
284-24D-110 | How should reporting entities assign claim and incident identifiers? |
284-24D-120 | When is the primary insuring entity responsible for reporting closed claims to the commissioner? |
284-24D-130 | When is an excess insuring entity responsible for reporting closed claims to the commissioner? |
284-24D-140 | When is a self-insurer responsible for reporting closed claims to the commissioner? |
284-24D-150 | May a self-insurer report claims on behalf of itself and an excess insuring entity? |
284-24D-160 | When is a facility or provider principally responsible for reporting closed medical malpractice claims to the commissioner? |
284-24D-170 | What does "date of notice" mean? |
284-24D-180 | How should the type of medical specialty be reported? |
284-24D-190 | How should the type of health care facility be reported? |
284-24D-200 | What should be reported as the primary location where the medical malpractice incident occurred? |
284-24D-210 | How should the incident city be reported? |
284-24D-220 | How should injury severity be reported using the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) severity scale? |
284-24D-230 | What should be reported as the reason for the medical malpractice claim? |
284-24D-240 | How should claim disposition information be reported? |
284-24D-250 | How should information about the timing of the settlement be reported? |
284-24D-260 | Are claim payments reported on a gross or net basis? |
284-24D-270 | What does an insuring entity report when the damages exceed policy limits? |
284-24D-280 | Are subrogation recoveries subject to reporting? |
284-24D-290 | How are structured settlements reported? |
284-24D-300 | If the court itemizes damages, what information must be reported? |
284-24D-310 | What information must be reported if the court does not itemize damages or a claim is settled by the parties? |
284-24D-320 | How should "companion claims" be reported? |
284-24D-330 | How much detail is required when reporting allocated loss adjustment expenses? |
284-24D-340 | If defense services are provided by company employees, must company overhead be reported with ALAE? |
284-24D-350 | How are economic damages allocated under RCW 48.140.030 (10)(b)(iii)? |
284-24D-360 | What elements of economic loss must a reporting entity include when reporting economic damages? |
284-24D-362 | What process must a person use to estimate economic damages? |
284-24D-364 | What sources of information can a reporting entity use to estimate economic damages? |
284-24D-366 | Will the OIC provide guidelines or tools which reporting entities can use when estimating economic damages? |
284-24D-370 | How are paid and estimated economic damages reported under RCW 48.140.040 (10)(b)(iii)? |