Washington Administrative Code
2020 Archive

Chapter 296-96 WAC
Last Update: 12/3/19

(Formerly chapters 296-81, 296-82, 296-84, 296-85, 296-87, 296-89, 296-91, 296-93A, 296-94, 296-95, and 296-100 WAC)
PDF of Chapter Digest
WAC Sections
296-96-00500Scope, purpose, and authority.
296-96-00600Application of adopted standards and rules.
296-96-00650Adopted standards.
296-96-00675Amendments to adopted standards.
296-96-00700Chapter definitions.
296-96-00800Advisory committee on conveyances.
296-96-00805Appeal rights and hearings.
Total fees include the sum of the permit cost plus plan check fees.
Part 1 – Licensing Requirements
This part covers licensing requirements for elevator contractors and individuals working on conveyances.
296-96-00900General license requirements.
296-96-00902Exceptions to elevator mechanic license requirements.
296-96-00903Exceptions to elevator contractor license requirements.
296-96-00904License requirements for elevator contractors.
296-96-00906License requirements for elevator mechanics.
296-96-00907Making safety devices ineffective.
296-96-00908Elevator mechanic experience and education requirements.
296-96-00910Elevator mechanic license categories.
296-96-00912License renewal requirements.
Part 2 – Continuing Education
296-96-00914Continuing education course providers.
296-96-00916Continuing education course provider requirements.
296-96-00918Exemptions to continuing education requirements.
Part 3 – License Examinations, Fees, and Penalties
296-96-00920Elevator licensing examinations.
296-96-00922Licensing fees.
296-96-00924Civil penalties for licensing violations.
296-96-00930Outstanding judgments.
296-96-01000Permits for new construction and alterations.
296-96-01005Obtaining permits.
296-96-01006Work requiring permits.
296-96-01008Decommissioning a conveyance.
296-96-01009Purchasing a permit.
296-96-01010Installation and alteration permit fees.
296-96-01025Permit fees for personnel and material hoists.
296-96-01027Permit fee refunds.
296-96-01030Plan approval.
296-96-01035Inspection fees.
296-96-01040Construction-use inspection fee.
296-96-01045Residential elevator inspection and fees.
296-96-01055Technical services and consultations.
296-96-01057Accident investigations.
296-96-01060Inspections after normal business hours.
296-96-01065Annual operating permit fees.
296-96-01070Operating a conveyance without an operating permit.
296-96-01075Requests for variances (exceptions to requirements).
This part provides requirements for new and altered equipment in lieu of, or in conjunction with, ASME A17.1/CSA B44.
Section 1
Inspections, Alterations, and Construction-Use Permits
296-96-02400Requests for acceptance inspections.
296-96-02405Inspection and approval process for alterations.
296-96-02415Construction-use permit.
Section 2
Plan Submittals and Layout Drawings
296-96-02421Layout plans.
Section 3
Requirements for Hydraulic Elevators
296-96-02425Shut-off valves.
296-96-02452Access to machines, overhead sheaves, shackles, and hitch supports.
Section 4
Main Line Disconnects and Shunt-Trip Breakers
Section 5
Additional Machine/Control Room Requirements
296-96-02465Machine rooms, control rooms, and control spaces.
Fire Service, Sprinklers, Sprinkler Pipes, Shunt Trip
296-96-02470Fireman's service for groups of four or more.
296-96-02471Emergency personnel lock box.
296-96-02481City of Seattle requirements for sprinklers and shunt trips.
Section 6
Correction Facility Elevators
296-96-02525Communication devices and systems.
Hoistway and Pit
296-96-02552Location of equipment in hoistway.
296-96-02558Working platforms.
Outside Hoistway
296-96-02580Keys required on-site.
296-96-02590Building official signatures.
Accessibility Equipment
296-96-02605Private residence inclined stairway chairlifts.
296-96-02640Incline commercial stairway chair lifts.
296-96-05010Definition and use.
296-96-05020Hoistway enclosure.
296-96-05030Hoistway gates and doors.
296-96-05040Space below hoistway.
296-96-05050Drive machines.
296-96-05070Car enclosures.
296-96-05080Running clearance.
296-96-05090Car and counterweight guides.
296-96-05100Loading and unloading.
296-96-05120Operating devices, terminal stopping devices and electrical protective devices.
296-96-05140Car safeties.
296-96-05160Suspension means.
296-96-05170Control stations.
296-96-05200Illumination of landings.
296-96-05220Electrical requirements.
296-96-05230Exposed equipment.
296-96-05240Minimum maintenance requirements.
296-96-05260Inspections required.
296-96-05290Periodic tests.
296-96-07150Guide rails, track supports and fastenings.
New installations shall comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, 5.4.
Personnel Hoists
Personnel Hoists
All newly installed personnel hoists shall comply with ASSE/ANSI A10.4.
Material Hoists
New installations to comply with ANSI A10.5.
Belt Manlifts
New installations of belt manlifts shall comply with current adopted version of ASME A90.1.
Special Purpose Personnel Elevators
New installations shall comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Section 5.7.
Hand Elevators
New installations shall comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Section 4.3.
Casket Lifts
These conveyances are intended to be used only in mortuaries where moving caskets is necessary. The installation of new lifts for this purpose shall comply with ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Part 7.
296-96-11080Five-year test.
Boat Launching Elevators
296-96-18011Minimum maintenance requirements.
296-96-18020Car and platform enclosures.
296-96-18030Electrical wiring requirements.
296-96-18050Stop switches and protective devices.
296-96-18060Reshackling and refastening of hoisting cables.
296-96-18070Hoistway gates and doors.
296-96-18080Hoistway enclosures.
Mechanized Parking Garages
296-96-20005Applicable codes and standards.
296-96-20010Minimum maintenance requirements.
This part provides the minimum requirements for existing conveyances. Application of Part D rules apply where a conveyance was not provided, or required to be provided, with a device or system when originally installed or altered. Where Part D does not cover a particular device or system, refer to ASME A17.3.
Section 1
Compliance Time Frames
296-96-23000Compliance time frames.
Section 2
Additional Requirements
Subpart I
296-96-23100Elevator operating keys.
296-96-23101Identification numbers.
Section 1
296-96-23115Access to overhead sheaves.
296-96-23116Car numbers.
296-96-23117Car top railings for traction elevators.
296-96-23118Car top railings for hydraulic elevators.
296-96-23119Low overhead signs.
Section 2
Machine Rooms and Machinery Spaces
296-96-23122Machine room and machinery space illumination.
296-96-23123Duplex and simplex receptacles.
296-96-23126Guarding of equipment.
Section 3
296-96-23130Pit access.
296-96-23132Pit illumination and receptacles.
296-96-23158Identification of floors.
Subpart II
[Machinery and Equipment for Electric]
[Existing] Elevators
Section 1
Compensating Means Connections
296-96-23205Compensating means.
Section 2
Suspension Systems and Their Connections
296-96-23283Missing data tags.
[Section 3]
[Absence of Safety Bulkheads]
296-96-23303Hydraulic elevators without safety bulkheads.
Subpart III
Alterations, Repairs, Maintenance, and Testing
296-96-23605Examination of standard application material lifts, special purpose lifts, electric manlifts, and hand elevators.
296-96-23606Installations placed in voluntary red tag status.
Subpart IV
Lifts for Physically Handicapped
296-96-23700Lifts for persons with disabilities.
296-96-23701Periodic examinations and tests on commercial accessibility lifts.
Subpart V
Standard Application Material Lifts
296-96-24000Applicable codes and rules.
[Subpart VI]
[Alterations, Repairs, Maintenance, and Testing]
Subpart VIII
Inclined Private Residence Elevators
296-96-24100Definition of inclined private residence elevators.
296-96-24103Requirements for existing inclined elevators.
296-96-24109Minimum maintenance requirements.
296-96-24112Runway clearances.
296-96-24115Landing enclosures and gates.
296-96-24118Bumpers and buffers.
296-96-24121Machinery beams and supports.
296-96-24124Car platforms.
296-96-24127Maximum rated speed.
296-96-24130Construction requirements.
296-96-24133Car enclosures.
296-96-24136Car doors and gates.
296-96-24139Capacity and data plates.
296-96-24142Guide rails, track supports and fastenings.
296-96-24148Safeties and governors.
296-96-24151Testing of safeties and governors.
296-96-24154Driving machines and sheaves.
296-96-24157Terminal stopping switches.
296-96-24163Suspension means.
296-96-24169Traveling cables.
296-96-24172Electrical wiring.
296-96-24175Supporting structures.
296-96-24178Additional requirements.
Subpart IX
Private Residence Inclined Conveyances for Transporting Only Property
296-96-24206Existing conveyances.
296-96-24215Minimum maintenance requirements.
296-96-24218Cars, landing gates and enclosures.
296-96-24221Bumpers and buffers.
296-96-24225Machinery beams, sheaves, and supports.
296-96-24228Rated load of platforms.
296-96-24231Rated speed.
296-96-24234Frames and platforms.
296-96-24237Car enclosures.
296-96-24240Capacity and data plates.
296-96-24243Guide rails, track supports, and fastenings.
296-96-24249Safeties and governors.
296-96-24252Testing of safeties.
296-96-24255Drive machines, sheaves and brakes.
296-96-24258Terminal stopping switches.
296-96-24261Activation and operation.
296-96-24264Suspension means.
296-96-24270Traveling cables.
296-96-24273Electrical requirements.
296-96-24276Track supporting structures.
296-96-24279Additional requirements.
Subpart X
Material Hoists
296-96-24301Applicable regulations.
296-96-24350Inspection of jumps.
Subpart XI
Belt Manlifts
296-96-24401Applicable requirements.
296-96-24419Landing guards and cones.
296-96-24422Guarding of entrances and exits.
296-96-24425Guarding of floor openings.
296-96-24428Guarding of floor landings.
296-96-24431Bottom landings.
296-96-24434Top clearances.
296-96-24437Emergency exit ladders.
296-96-24445Drive machines.
296-96-24448Operating speed.
296-96-24451Step requirements.
296-96-24457Up-limit stop devices.
296-96-24460Emergency stop devices.
296-96-24466Warning signs.
296-96-24470Restricted use of manlifts.
296-96-24478Inspection requirements.
296-96-24480Five-year test requirements.
Subpart XII
Special Purpose Elevators
(Formerly Known as Electric Manlifts)
296-96-24516Maintenance requirements.
296-96-24519Hoistway and landing construction.
296-96-24522Hoistway doors and gates.
296-96-24525Car enclosures and frames.
296-96-24528Car doors and gates.
296-96-24531Counterweight enclosures, counterweight and fastenings.
296-96-24534Guide rails.
296-96-24537Suspension means.
296-96-24540Habitable space below elevator.
296-96-24543Car safeties.
296-96-24547Drive machine brakes.
296-96-24550Car controls.
296-96-24553Drive machines.
296-96-24560Additional applicable requirements.
Subpart XIII
Hand Elevators
(Previously Called Hand-Powered Manlifts)
296-96-24611Maintenance and test requirements.
296-96-24620Landings and entrances.
296-96-24630Habitable space beneath the car and counterweight.
296-96-24635Guide rails.
296-96-24645Car construction.
296-96-24655Sheaves and supporting members.
296-96-24660Suspension means.
296-96-24665Operating ropes.
296-96-24670Hoistway requirements.
Subpart XIV
Casket Lifts
As a minimum, all such lifts currently installed shall comply with this section. These conveyances are intended to be used only in mortuaries where moving of caskets is necessary. New casket lifts shall comply with either ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Part 7 or with this chapter, Part C1.
296-96-24703Minimum maintenance requirements.
296-96-24706Machine rooms and machinery space.
296-96-24709Equipment in machine rooms/spaces.
296-96-24712Electrical wiring, pipes and ducts in hoistways and machine rooms.
296-96-24718Hoistway door openings.
296-96-24721Hoistway door installation.
296-96-24724Hoistway door clearances.
296-96-24727Hoistway door locking devices.
296-96-24730Protection of space beneath hoistway.
296-96-24733Car doors and gates.
296-96-24736Car enclosure.
296-96-24739Construction of car frames and platforms.
296-96-24742Connecting car frames to platforms.
296-96-24748Driving machines.
296-96-24751Material and grooving for sheaves and drums.
296-96-24757Terminal stopping devices.
296-96-24760Suspension means.
296-96-24765Hydraulic casket lifts.
296-96-24770Valves, supply piping and fittings.
296-96-24775Stopping devices.
296-96-24780Operating devices.
296-96-00926What are the civil (monetary) penalties for violating the licensing requirements of chapter 70.87 RCW or this chapter? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-00926, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-00926, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-068, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-01007What is the inspection and approval process for alterations? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-01007, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-01012What are the permit fees for alterations to conveyances, material lifts, and hoists and how are they calculated? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4. WSR 14-06-041, § 296-96-01012, filed 2/26/14, effective 4/1/14. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW and 2011 1st sp.s. c 50. WSR 12-06-065, § 296-96-01012, filed 3/6/12, effective 4/30/12. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-01012, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.27, 18.106, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-11-128, § 296-96-01012, filed 5/22/07, effective 6/30/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.106, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 06-10-066, § 296-96-01012, filed 5/2/06, effective 6/30/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.27, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 05-12-032, § 296-96-01012, filed 5/24/05, effective 6/30/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.040, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 7, 2002 c 249, and chapters 19.28, 43.22, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 02-12-022, § 296-96-01012, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-01015What are the permit fees for material lifts and how are they calculated? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-01015, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 02-12-022, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.040, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 7, 2002 c 249, and chapters 19.28, 43.22, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW.
296-96-01050How do I get a supplemental inspection? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4. WSR 14-06-041, § 296-96-01050, filed 2/26/14, effective 4/1/14. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW and 2011 1st sp.s. c 50. WSR 12-06-065, § 296-96-01050, filed 3/6/12, effective 4/30/12. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.27, 18.106, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-11-128, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/22/07, effective 6/30/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.106, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 06-10-066, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/2/06, effective 6/30/06. Statutory Authority: Chapters 18.27, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 05-12-032, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/24/05, effective 6/30/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 70.87.030, 18.106.070, 18.106.125, 2001 c 7, and chapters 18.106, 43.22, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 03-12-045, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/30/03, effective 6/30/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.040, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 7, 2002 c 249, and chapters 19.28, 43.22, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 02-12-022, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.350, 43.22.434, 43.22.480, 43.22.500, 18.27.070, 18.27.075, 70.87.030, 19.28.041, 19.28.051, 19.28.101, 19.28.121, 19.28.161, 19.28.201, 19.28.211, 19.28.341, 2001 c 159, and chapters 43.22, 19.28, 18.27, and 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-12-035, § 296-96-01050, filed 5/29/01, effective 6/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-01050, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-01080How do you appeal a notice of violation? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-01080, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 04-12-047, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66.
296-96-02230When must the department be notified for a new or altered inspection? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02230, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02232What are the conditions for obtaining a temporary operating permit? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02232, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02235What are the requirements for temporary operating permits? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02235, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02240Where is a shut-off valve required for hydraulic elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02240, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02240, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02275What are the requirements for Fireman's Service Phase I and Phase II recall? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02275, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02275, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02276What are the requirements for sprinklers in hoistways and machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02276, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02277How does the department enforce ASME requirements for sprinklers, smoke detectors, and heat detectors in hoistways and machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02277, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02277, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02278Are keys required to be on-site? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02278, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02278, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02280Can pipes and ducts be installed above a machine room? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02280, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02280, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02281What is required for emergency escape hatches? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02281, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02281, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02282What is required for firefighters' service? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02282, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02283What is the minimum working space required in machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02283, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02285Are there exceptions for correction facility elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02285, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02290What are the requirements for underground hydraulic elevator pipes, fittings, and cylinders? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02290, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02300Are self-leveling devices required? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02300, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02306Is a door reopening device required on automatic-closing car doors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02306, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02310What is the minimum acceptable initial transfer time for an elevator door? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02310, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02310, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02315What are the minimum cab size and other applicable requirements for car interiors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02315, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02315, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02317When does the department require a local building official to sign off for the installation of LULAs, stair lifts, inclined wheelchair lifts and vertical wheelchair lifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02317, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02318What are the general requirements for LULA elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02318, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02320What is required for car controls? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02320, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02320, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02325What are the location and operation requirements for car position indicators in the car? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02325, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02325, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02330What is required for installation and operation of emergency communication systems? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02330, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02330, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02340What requirements apply to the size and location of car handrails? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02340, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02340, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02350What requirements apply to floor designations on elevator door jambs? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02350, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02350, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02355What are the installation and operation requirements for hall buttons? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 04-15-104, § 296-96-02355, filed 7/20/04, effective 8/20/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02355, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02360What are the requirements for installation and operation of hall lanterns? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02360, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02360, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02361What are the requirements for electrical main line disconnects? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02361, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02362What are the requirements associated with elevator machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02362, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02363What are the requirements for fire doors installed in front of hoistway doors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02363, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02364What are the requirements for accessing elevated elevator pit equipment? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02364, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02365What is required for physically handicapped lifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-02365, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 04-12-047, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66.
296-96-02366What are the requirements for submersible pumps or sumps? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02366, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02367What are the requirements for top of car lighting for freight and passenger elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02367, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02370What is required for physically handicapped lifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02370, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02371Are private residence inclined stairway chairlifts required to be permanently wired? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-02371, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 07-24-041, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02401ASME A17.1-8.7.1 Alteration general requirements. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02401, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02411ASME A17.1- Door reopening devices. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02411, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02420What are the requirements for temporary construction operating permits? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02420, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02450Can pipes and ducts be installed above a machine room? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02450, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02451When a control space is used in lieu of a machine room. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02451, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02455What is the minimum working space required in machine rooms/control rooms? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02455, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02455, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02466ASME A17.1-8.9 Code data plate location and material. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02466, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02475What are the requirements for sprinklers in hoistways and machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-02475, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02475, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02480How does the department enforce ASME requirements for sprinklers, smoke detectors, and heat detectors in hoistways and machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02480, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02485What is required for emergency escape hatches? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02485, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02486ASME A17.1- Special purpose elevator car doors or gates. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02486, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02495Are self-leveling devices required? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02495, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02500Is a door reopening device required on automatic-closing car doors? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02500, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02505What is the minimum acceptable initial transfer time for an elevator door? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02505, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02505, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02510What are the minimum cab size and other applicable requirements for car interiors? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02510, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02515What is required for car controls? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-02515, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02515, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02520What are the location and operation requirements for car position indicators in the car? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02520, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02535What requirements apply to floor designations on elevator door jambs? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02535, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02540What are the installation and operation requirements for hall buttons? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02540, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02545What are the requirements for installation and operation of hall lanterns? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02545, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02550ASME A17.1- and ASME A17.1-—What are the requirements for underground hydraulic elevator pipes, fittings, and cylinders? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02550, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02550, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02551ASME A17.1-2.6 and ASME A17.1- Protection of spaces below hoistways. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02551, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02555What are the requirements for accessing elevated elevator pit equipment? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02555, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02556Minimum width, clearances, and access of pit ladders. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02556, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02557Pit lighting and stop switch. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02557, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02560What are the requirements for submersible pumps or sumps? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02560, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-02560, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02560, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02564ASME A17.1- Distance required for car top refuge space. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02564, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02565What are the requirements for top of car lighting for freight and passenger elevators? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02565, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 13-24-066, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02566ASME A17.1- Requirements for top of car lighting and receptacle for elevators. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02566, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02567ASME A17.1- Access to governors and brake. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02567, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02568ASME A17.1- Residential hoistway enclosures. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02568, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02570How do we enforce hoistway ventilation? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-02570, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02570, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02575How do we enforce hoistway pressurization? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-02575, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02575, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02585What are the requirements for fire doors installed in front of hoistway doors? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02585, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02595What are the general requirements for LULA elevators? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02595, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02595, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02600What is required for physically handicapped lifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02600, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02600, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02620Private residence vertical platform lifts. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02620, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02625Private residence incline platform lifts. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02625, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-02630Commercial vertical and incline platform lifts. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02630, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-05009What are the requirements for existing material lifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-05009, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07010What is the scope of Part C-2? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07010, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07010, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07020What is the definition for inclined private residence elevator? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07020, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07021What are the requirements for existing inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07021, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07024What rules apply to alterations of inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07024, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07030Does the department approve private residence elevator plans and specifications? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07030, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07030, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07035What are the minimum maintenance requirements for inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-07035, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07035, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07040What are the clearance requirements for an incline runway? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07040, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07050What are the construction requirements for car landing enclosures and gates for inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07050, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07050, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07060What types of bumpers and buffers must be installed on inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07060, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07070What are the requirements for machinery beams and supports? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07070, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07080What are the load and size requirements for car platforms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07080, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07080, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07090What is the maximum rated speed of an incline elevator? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07090, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07100What construction requirements apply to inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07100, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07100, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07110What construction requirements apply to car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07110, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07120What construction requirements apply to car doors and gates? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07120, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07120, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07130What type of glass or plastic can be used in a car enclosure? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07130, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07140Are capacity and data plates required? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07140, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07160What construction requirements apply to counterweights? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07160, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07170What are the requirements of safeties and governors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07170, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07170, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07171How and when are safeties and governors tested? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07171, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07171, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07180What are the construction requirements for driving machines and sheaves? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07180, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07180, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07180, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07190What construction requirements apply to terminal stopping switches? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07190, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07190, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07190, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07200What are the requirements for operation of an inclined private residence elevator? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07200, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07200, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07200, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07210What are the construction requirements for suspension methods? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07210, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07210, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07215What are the requirements for controllers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07215, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07220What are the requirements for traveling cables? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07220, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07230What requirements apply to electrical wiring? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-07230, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07230, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07230, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07240What are the requirements for track supporting structures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07240, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-07250What additional requirements apply to inclined private residence elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07250, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-07250, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08010What is the scope of Part C-3? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08010, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08010, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08020What is the definition for inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08020, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08020, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08022What are the requirements for existing inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08022, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08024What rules apply to alterations of inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08024, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08030Does the department approve elevators plans and specifications for inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08030, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08030, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08035What are the minimum maintenance requirements for inclined private residence elevators for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-08035, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08035, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08050What are the construction requirements for inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property for cars, landing gates, and enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08050, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08050, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08060What types of bumpers and buffers must be installed on inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08060, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08060, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08070What are the requirements for machinery beams and supports? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08070, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08080What are the load and size requirements for car platforms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08080, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08090What is the maximum rated speed of an inclined conveyance? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08090, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08090, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08100What requirements apply to inclined conveyance? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08100, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08100, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08110What requirements apply to car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08110, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08110, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08140Are capacity and data plates required on inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08140, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08140, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08150What are the requirements for guide rails, track supports and fastenings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08150, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08150, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08160What requirements apply to counterweights? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08160, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08160, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08170What are the requirements of safeties and governors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08170, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08170, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08175How and when are conveyance safeties tested? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08175, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08175, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08180What are the requirements for driving machines and sheaves? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08180, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08180, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08190What requirements apply to terminal stopping switches? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08190, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08190, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08200What are the requirements for the activation and operation of an inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-08200, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-08200, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08200, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08200, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08210What are the requirements for suspension methods? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-08210, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08210, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08215What are the requirements for controllers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08215, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08220What are the requirements for traveling cables? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08220, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08220, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08230What requirements apply to electrical wiring? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-08230, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08230, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08230, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08240What are the requirements for track supporting structures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08240, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-08250What additional requirements apply to inclined private residence conveyances for transporting property? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-08250, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-08250, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-09001What regulations apply to personnel hoists? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-09001, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-09001, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-09001, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-09002May a drop plate be used for temporary hoists? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-09002, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-09002, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-09003What are the requirements for landing gates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-09003, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-09004Do jumps (increased travel) have to be inspected? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-09004, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-10001What regulations apply to material hoists? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-10001, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-10001, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-10001, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-10002Do jumps (increased travel) have to be inspected? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-10002, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11000What regulations apply to belt manlifts after 1974? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11000, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 04-12-047, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66.
296-96-11001What regulations apply to belt manlifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-11001, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-11001, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11001, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11001, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11010What are the definitions for belt manlifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11010, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11016What general requirements apply to belt manlift landings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11016, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11016, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11019What requirements apply to the guards and cones of belt manlift landings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11019, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11019, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11022What requirements apply to guarding lift entrances and exits? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11022, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11022, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11025What structural requirements apply to floor opening guards? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11025, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11028What structural requirements apply to floor landing guards? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11028, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11031What requirements apply to bottom landings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11031, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11034What requirements apply to top clearance? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11034, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11037What requirements apply to emergency exit ladders? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11037, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11040What lighting requirements apply to belt manlifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11040, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11045What drive machine requirements apply to belt manlifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11045, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11045, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11048What is an acceptable operating speed for a belt manlift? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11048, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11051What are the construction requirements for steps? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11051, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11054What requirements apply to the location and construction of handholds? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11054, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11057What requirements apply to "up-limit stops"? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11057, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11057, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11060What requirements apply to emergency stops? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11060, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11066What are the warning sign requirements? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11066, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11070Can you carry tools and materials on a belt manlift? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11070, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-11078What is required for belt manlift inspections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-11078, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-11078, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13135What are the requirements for electric manlifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13135, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13136What are the minimum maintenance requirements for electric manlifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-13136, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13139What structural requirements apply to hoistway enclosures and landings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13139, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13143What structural requirements apply to hoistway gates and doors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13143, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13145What structural requirements apply to elevator cars? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13145, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13147What structural requirements apply to elevator doors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13147, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13149What are the structural requirements for counterweights, counterweight enclosures, and counterweight fastenings? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-13149, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13149, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13151What construction requirements apply to car guide rails? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13151, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13153What construction requirements apply to hoisting ropes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13153, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13155What are the requirements for a hoistway space? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13155, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13157What requirements apply to car safeties? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-13157, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13157, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13159What requirements apply to brakes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13159, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13161What requirements apply to car controls and safety devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13161, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13167What requirements apply to elevator driving machines? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13167, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13169What requirements apply to car and counterweight buffers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13169, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-13171What other requirements apply to electric manlifts? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-13171, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14010What is the scope and application of the department's hand-powered manlift rules? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14010, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14011What are the minimum maintenance requirements for hand powered manlifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-14011, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14020What construction requirements apply to hoistway landings and entrances? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14020, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14025What are acceptable hoistway clearances? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14025, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14030Can there be a habitable space beneath an elevator hoistway or counterweight shaft? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14030, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14035What construction requirements apply to hoistway guide rails? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14035, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14040What installation requirements apply to buffer springs? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14040, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14045What construction specifications apply to hoistway cars? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-14045, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14045, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14050What are the requirements for assembly, installation, and operation of sectional counterweights? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14050, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14055What is the minimum acceptable sheave diameter? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14055, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14060What requirements apply to hoisting ropes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-14060, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14060, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14065What requirements apply to operating ropes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14065, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14070Where must hoistway lights be located? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-14070, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14070, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14075What is the factor of safety for overhead supports? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14075, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-14080What additional requirements apply to the installation and operation of hand powered manlifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-14080, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-14080, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-14080, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16010What is the scope of the department's casket lift regulations? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16010, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16011What are the minimum maintenance requirements for casket lifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-16011, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16020What requirements apply to the location and operation of machine rooms and machinery space? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16020, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16030What equipment can be located in a machine room? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16030, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16040What requirements apply to the location of electrical wiring, pipes and ducts in hoistways and machine rooms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-16040, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16040, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16050Is a pit required in a casket lift hoistway? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16050, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16060What requirements apply to the size and location of hoistway door openings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16060, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16070How must hoistway doors be hung? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16070, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16080Where must hoistway doors be located? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16080, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16090What requirements apply to hoistway doors locks? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16090, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16100How should space beneath a hoistway be protected? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16100, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16110What requirements apply to car doors and gates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16110, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16120What requirements apply to car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16120, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16130What requirements apply to the construction of car frames and platforms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16130, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16140How must car frames and platforms be connected? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-16140, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16140, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16150What is the load capacity of a casket lift car? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-16150, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16150, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16160What types of casket lift driving machines are allowed? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16160, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16170What material and grooving is required for sheaves and drums? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16170, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16180What types of brakes must be used on the driving machine? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16180, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16190Where must terminal stopping devices be located? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16190, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16200What are the specifications for casket lift ropes and rope connections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16200, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16210What specific requirements apply to hydraulic casket lifts? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-16210, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16210, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16220What requirements apply to valves, supply piping, and fittings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16220, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16230What type of stopping devices must be installed? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16230, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-16240What type of operating devices must be used? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-16240, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23105What is the scope of Subpart I? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23105, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23110What structural requirements apply to hoistway enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23110, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23111Are guards required for windows in hoistway enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23111, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23113What are the requirements for pipes in hoistways that convey gases, vapors, or liquids? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23113, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23121What are the requirements for machine room and machinery space access? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23121, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23124What installation requirements apply to pipes conveying gases, vapors, or liquids in machine rooms and machinery spaces? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23124, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23125Must elevator machines and control equipment be protected from the weather? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23125, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23131What requirements apply to pit drains? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23131, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23133What requirements apply to counterweight pit guards? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23133, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23140What requirements apply to any space below a hoistway that is not permanently protected from access? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23140, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23150Are hoistway doors (gates) required? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23150, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23151What requirements apply to hoistway door closing devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-23151, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23151, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23152What requirements apply to hoistway door vision panels? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23152, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23153What requirements apply to door hangers for horizontal slide doors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23153, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23154Are astragals required? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23154, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23155What requirements apply to pull straps? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23155, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23156What requirements apply to landing sill clearances? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23156, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23157What is the maximum allowable threshold clearance? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23157, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23160What requirements apply to hoistway door (gate) locking devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23160, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23161What requirements apply to elevator parking devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23161, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23162What requirements apply to hoistway door unlocking devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23162, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23165What requirements apply to reopening devices for power-operated car doors and gates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23165, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23166What requirements apply to photo electric or electric eye door reopening devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23166, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23203What requirements apply to buffers and bumpers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23203, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23206What requirements apply to car platforms and frames? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23206, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23207What requirements apply to platform guards (aprons)? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23207, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23208What requirements apply to hinged platform sills? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23208, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23209What requirements apply to floating (movable) platforms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23209, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23215What requirements apply to car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23215, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23216What requirements apply to the lining materials used on passenger car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23216, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23216, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23220What requirements apply to car doors and gates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23220, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23221What requirements apply to the location of car doors and gates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23221, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23222What control requirements apply to operating circuits? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23222, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23225What requirements apply to car emergency exits? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23225, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23226What requirements apply to car lighting? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23226, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23227What requirements apply to car safeties? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23227, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23228What is the maximum amount of governor rope movement allowed when operating a safety mechanism? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23228, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23229What requirements apply to rail lubricants and lubrication plates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23229, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23235What requirements apply to speed governors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23235, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23236What requirements apply to speed governor overspeed and car safety mechanism switches? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23236, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23240What is the minimum rated load for passenger elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-23240, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23240, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23241What requirements apply to the use of partitions that reduce inside net platform area? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23241, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23243What is the minimum rated load for freight elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23243, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23244What requirements apply to capacity plates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23244, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23245What requirements apply to signs on freight elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23245, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23250What general requirements apply to driving machines and sheaves? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23250, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23255What requirements apply to winding drum machines? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23255, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23256What requirements apply to indirect-drive machines? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23256, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23260What requirements apply to driving machine brakes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23260, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23261What requirements apply to the application and release of driving machine brakes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23261, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23262What requirements apply to normal terminal stopping devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23262, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23264What requirements apply to final terminal-stopping devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23264, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23266What types of operating devices must not be used? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23266, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23268What requirements apply to car-switch operation elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23268, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23269What requirements apply to passenger elevator emergency stop buttons? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23269, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23270What requirements apply to car top operating devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-23270, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23270, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23272What electrical protective devices are required? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23272, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23274What requirements apply to the power supply line disconnect? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23274, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23276What requirements apply to phase reversal and failure protection methods? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23276, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23277What requirements apply to grounding and overcurrent protections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23277, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23278What requirements apply to the absorption of regenerated power? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23278, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23279What requirements apply to door by-pass systems? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23279, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23280What requirements apply to all car emergency signaling devices in all buildings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23280, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23282What requirements apply to suspension systems? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23282, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23284What is the factor of safety for wire suspension ropes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23284, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23285What is the minimum number of suspension ropes allowed? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23285, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23287What requirements apply to suspension rope equalizers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-23287, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23287, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23288What requirements apply to securing suspension wire ropes to winding drums? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23288, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23289What requirements apply to spare rope turns on winding drum machines? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23289, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23290What requirements apply to suspension rope fastenings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23290, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23291What requirements apply to auxiliary rope fastening devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23291, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23300What is the scope of Subpart III, Hydraulic Elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23300, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23302What requirements apply to hoistways, hoistway enclosures and related construction? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23302, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23304What requirements apply to buffers and bumpers? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23304, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23307What requirements apply to car frames and platforms? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23307, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23309What requirements apply to car enclosures? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23309, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23311What requirements apply to capacity and loading? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23311, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23313What requirements apply to driving machine connections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23313, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23316What requirements apply to plunger stops? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23316, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23316, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23318What requirements apply to pump relief valves? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23318, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23321What requirements apply to check valves? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23321, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23322What requirements apply to supply piping and fittings? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23322, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23323What requirements apply to flexible hydraulic connections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23323, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23324What general requirements apply to tanks? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23324, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23325What requirements apply to pressure tanks? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23325, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23326What requirements apply to terminal stopping devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23326, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23328What requirements apply to operating devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23328, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23330What requirements apply to car top operating devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23330, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23332What requirements apply to anti-creep leveling devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23332, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23334What requirements apply to electrical protective devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23334, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23336What requirements apply to power supply line disconnects? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23336, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23338What requirements apply to devices that make hoistway door interlocks or electric contacts and car door (gate) electric contacts inoperative? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23338, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23340What requirements apply to control and operating circuits? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23340, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23342What requirements apply to emergency operation and signaling devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23342, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23344What additional requirements apply to counterweighted hydraulic elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23344, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23400What is the scope of Subpart IV, Escalators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23400, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23405What requirements apply to balustrades? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23405, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23408How much clearance is required between skirt panels and step treads? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23408, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23408, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23410What requirements apply to guards at ceiling or soffit intersections? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23410, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23412What requirements apply to anti-slide devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23412, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23414What requirements apply to handrails? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23414, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23416What requirements apply to handrail guards? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23416, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23418What requirements apply to step riser slotting? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23418, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23420What requirements apply to step tread slotting? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23420, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23422What requirements apply to combplates? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23422, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23424What general requirements apply to escalator brakes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23424, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23427What requirements apply to main drive shaft brakes? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23427, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23429What requirements apply to starting switches? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23429, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23431What requirements apply to emergency stop buttons? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23431, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23432What requirements apply to speed governors? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23432, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23434What requirements apply to broken step-chain devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23434, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23436What requirements apply to brake applications? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23436, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23438What requirements apply to broken drive-chain devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23438, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23440What requirements apply to skirt obstruction devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23440, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23442What requirements apply to rolling shutter devices? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23442, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23444What requirements apply to reversal stop device? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23444, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23446What requirements apply to tandem operations? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23446, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23448What requirements apply to caution signs? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23448, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23450What requirements apply to step tread lighting? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23450, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23450, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23455What requirements apply to comb and step distinction? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23455, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23460What requirements apply to safety zone? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23460, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23465What requirements apply to landing access plates? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23465, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23500What is the scope of Subpart V, Dumbwaiters and hand-powered elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23500, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23510What requirements apply to electric and electro-hydraulic dumbwaiters? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23510, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23540What requirements apply to hand-power elevators and dumbwaiters? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23540, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23600What is the scope of Part VI, Alterations, Repairs and Maintenance? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23600, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23600, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23600, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23601ASME A17.1- General maintenance requirements for conveyances regulated by ASME A17.1 Part 8. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23601, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23602ASME A17.1- Maintenance records. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23602, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23603ASME A17.1- Wiring diagrams. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23603, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23604ASME A17.1- Periodic tests. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23604, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23610What requirements apply to routine examinations and periodic or category 01, 03, and 05 safety tests? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23610, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 08-23-085, § 296-96-23610, filed 11/18/08, effective 12/19/08; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23610, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-23610, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23610, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23620What requirements apply to alterations, repairs and maintenance? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23620, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23620, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23621ASME A17.1- Repairs and replacement. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23621, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23630What requirements apply to elevator equipment displaced by seismic activity? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23630, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23630, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23710What requirements apply to lifts for the physically handicapped? [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-23710, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-23710, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23710, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23800What is the scope of Subpart VIII, Sidewalk Elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23800, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.
296-96-23810What requirements apply to electrically operated sidewalk elevators? [Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185 and chapter 70.87 RCW. WSR 01-02-026, § 296-96-23810, filed 12/22/00, effective 1/22/01.] Repealed by WSR 18-18-070, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.87 RCW.