WAC Sections | |
390-17-015 | Conduit—Definition. |
390-17-017 | Definition—Facilities. |
390-17-019 | Contribution limits to affiliated committees. |
390-17-030 | Sample ballots and slate cards. |
390-17-060 | Exempt contributions and activities—Definitions, reporting. |
390-17-065 | Recordkeeping and reporting of exempt contributions accounts. |
390-17-070 | Trade association—Definition. |
390-17-071 | Collective bargaining association—Definition. |
390-17-100 | Contribution withholding authorizations for payroll deductions. |
390-17-105 | Payroll deductions for small contributors of twenty-five dollars or less. |
390-17-110 | Employee notification of payroll deduction withholding provisions. |
390-17-200 | Major political party organizations. |
390-17-300 | Contribution designation for primary and general election. |
390-17-301 | Eligibility to receive primary election contributions. |
390-17-302 | Contributions after the primary election. |
390-17-303 | Superior court candidates—Eligibility to receive contributions. |
390-17-305 | Personal funds of a candidate. |
390-17-310 | Definition—Doing business in Washington. |
390-17-315 | Political committees—Qualifications to contribute. |
390-17-320 | Contributions from corporations, businesses, unions and political committees. |
390-17-400 | Time limit to solicit or accept contributions. |
390-17-405 | Volunteer services. |
390-17-410 | Electioneering communications may constitute contributions and be subject to limit. |
390-17-011 | Caucus of the state legislature—Definition. [Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370. WSR 93-16-064, § 390-17-011, filed 7/30/93, effective 8/30/93.] Repealed by WSR 02-12-007, filed 5/23/02, effective 6/23/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1). |
390-17-013 | Committee—Definition. [Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17A.110. WSR 12-03-002, § 390-17-013, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370. WSR 93-16-064, § 390-17-013, filed 7/30/93, effective 8/30/93.] Repealed by WSR 18-24-074, filed 11/30/18, effective 12/31/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17A.110(1) and 2018 c 304. |
390-17-050 | Independent expenditure—Definition. [Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370. WSR 93-22-002, § 390-17-050, filed 10/20/93, effective 11/20/93.] Repealed by WSR 96-09-016, filed 4/8/96, effective 5/9/96. Statutory Authority: 42.17.370(1). |
390-17-052 | Independent expenditure—Disclosure. [Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370. WSR 93-16-064, § 390-17-052, filed 7/30/93, effective 8/30/93.] Repealed by WSR 96-09-016, filed 4/8/96, effective 5/9/96. Statutory Authority: 42.17.370(1). |
390-17-205 | Number of registered voters—Calculation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370. WSR 93-16-064, § 390-17-205, filed 7/30/93, effective 8/30/93.] Repealed by WSR 98-12-035, filed 5/28/98, effective 6/28/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.370(1). |