WAC Sections |
480-51-010 | General. |
480-51-020 | Definitions. |
480-51-022 | Exempt vessels and operations. |
480-51-025 | General operation. |
480-51-030 | Applications. |
480-51-040 | Notice of application—Protests—Contemporaneous applications. |
480-51-050 | Waiver of ten-mile restriction. |
480-51-060 | Temporary certificates. |
480-51-070 | Insurance. |
480-51-075 | Safety. |
480-51-077 | Operators of common carrier ferry vessels—Registration—Regulations. |
480-51-080 | Tariffs. |
480-51-090 | Time schedules. |
480-51-100 | Annual reports—Regulatory fees. |
480-51-110 | Accounts. |
480-51-120 | Failure to initiate service—Extensions of time to initiate service—Progress reports. |
480-51-130 | Indefinite discontinuance of service. |
480-51-140 | Temporary interruptions of service—Suspension of service. |
480-51-150 | Certificates, involuntary cancellation, revocation, suspension, alteration or amendment by the commission. |