WAC Sections |
136-400-010 | Purpose and authority. |
136-400-020 | County and project eligibility. |
136-400-030 | Definition of ferry capital improvement projects. |
136-400-040 | Six-year transportation program and ferry system fourteen-year plan submittal. |
136-400-045 | Call for projects. |
136-400-050 | Project application. |
136-400-060 | Technical review committee. |
136-400-065 | Project financing. |
136-400-070 | County road administration board action. |
136-400-080 | Funding by the legislature. |
136-400-090 | Limitation on use of county ferry capital improvement funds. |
136-400-100 | Terms of county road administration board/county contract. |
136-400-110 | Voucher approval and payment. |
136-400-120 | Audit requirements. |
136-400-130 | Delegation of authority. |