WAC Sections |
284-24A-001 | What is the purpose of these rules? |
284-24A-005 | Definitions that apply to this chapter. |
284-24A-007 | Filing documents incorporated by reference into this chapter. |
284-24A-010 | What must an insurer tell a consumer when it takes an adverse action? |
284-24A-011 | What types of information must an insurer provide in addition to the reason(s) for the adverse action to comply with WAC 284-24A-010(2)? |
284-24A-012 | What types of reasons do not provide enough information to adequately explain an adverse action? |
284-24A-015 | When must an insurer file the insurance scoring model to comply with the law? |
284-24A-020 | Filing an insurance scoring model. |
284-24A-025 | Filings by insurance scoring model vendors. |
284-24A-030 | Confidentiality of insurance scoring models. |
284-24A-032 | Under RCW 48.19.035 (2)(b) what does "eligibility rules or guidelines" mean? |
284-24A-033 | How will an insurer or a group of affiliated insurers know its eligibility rules or guidelines will be withheld from public inspection? |
284-24A-035 | What will the commissioner do with the insurance scoring model after he or she receives it? |
284-24A-040 | What action will the commissioner take if a model does not comply with Washington law? |
284-24A-045 | If an insurer uses credit history or insurance scores to segment personal insurance business for rating purposes, how can the insurer show that its rating plan results in premium rates that are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory? |
284-24A-050 | What types of information must an insurer include in a multivariate analysis? |
284-24A-055 | Should an insurer submit actuarial data based on demographic factors with an insurance scoring model or with a rate filing? |
284-24A-065 | Questions and answers. |
284-24A-090 | Temporary prohibition of use of credit history. |