Washington Administrative Code
2024 Archive

Chapter 137-28 WAC
Last Update: 10/31/23

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WAC Sections
137-28-170Supplementary rules.
137-28-190Referral to law enforcement.
137-28-200Out-of-state incarcerated individuals.
137-28-210Hearing officers.
137-28-220General violations.
137-28-230General infraction procedure.
137-28-240General violationsSanctions.
137-28-250General infraction appeals.
137-28-260Serious violations.
137-28-270Serious infraction procedure.
137-28-285Incarcerated individual rights.
137-28-290Preparations for hearing.
137-28-295Department advisors.
137-28-300Conduct of hearing.
137-28-310Decision of hearing officer.
137-28-350SanctionsAuthority to impose.
137-28-360Sanctions and mental status.
137-28-380Serious infraction appeals.
137-28-390Hearing officer reports to the indeterminate sentence review board.
137-28-400Time limitations.
137-28-005Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-005, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-005.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-006Definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-006, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-006, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-006.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-010Supplementary rules. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-010, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-010.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-015Notification. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-015, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-015.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-020Definition of misconduct. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-020, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-020.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-025General infractions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-025, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-025, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-025.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-030Serious infractions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-030, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 85-08-026 (Order 85-06), § 137-28-030, filed 4/1/85; WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-030, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-030.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-031Cell tag. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-031, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-032Earned time, granting and denial. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-032, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-035Reporting to law enforcement authorities. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-035, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-035, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-035.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-040Infractions—On-site adjustment. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-040, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-040.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-045Infractions—Report on. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-045, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-045.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-050General infraction report—Action on report. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-050, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-050.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-055Appeal to hearing officer. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 85-01-060 (Order 84-16), § 137-28-055, filed 12/17/84.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-065Appointment and disqualification of hearing officer. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-065, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-072Out-of-state inmates. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-072, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-075Prehearing procedures—Rights of inmates. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-075, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-075.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-080Temporary prehearing confinement. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-080, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-080, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-080.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-085Hearing officer—Preparation for hearing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-085, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-085.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-090Conduct of hearing. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-090, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-090, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-090.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-093Decision of hearing officer. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-093, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-093.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-094Lesser included and related infractions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-094, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-095Finding of no infraction. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-095, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-095.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-097Staff advisors. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-097, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-097, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-097.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-100Sanctions—Authority to impose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-100, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-100.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-105Sanctions—Types. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 85-01-060 (Order 84-16), § 137-28-105, filed 12/17/84; WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-105, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-105.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-107Sanctions and mental status. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.010 and 72.09.010. WSR 89-04-032 (Order 88-02), § 137-28-107, filed 1/27/89, effective 3/1/89.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-110Sanctions—Limitations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-110, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-110.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-115Appeal to superintendent. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-115, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-115.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-120Reports to the board of prison terms and paroles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-120, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-120.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-130Time limitations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 84-17-058 (Order 84-13), § 137-28-130, filed 8/14/84, effective 10/10/84. Formerly WAC 275-88-130.] Repealed by WSR 95-15-044, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.
137-28-185Creation or amendment of serious infractions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 00-10-079, § 137-28-185, filed 5/2/00, effective 6/2/00.] Repealed by WSR 15-20-011, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130.
137-28-280Temporary prehearing placement. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130. WSR 15-20-011, § 137-28-280, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16; WSR 09-01-195, § 137-28-280, filed 12/24/08, effective 1/24/09. WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-280, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 23-22-112, filed 10/31/23, effective 12/1/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.01.090.
137-28-320Lesser included and related infractions. [WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-320, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 00-10-079, filed 5/2/00, effective 6/2/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090.
137-28-330Finding of not guilty. [WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-330, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 15-20-011, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130.
137-28-340Staff advisors. [WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-340, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 15-20-011, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130.
137-28-420Continuances. [Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130. WSR 06-21-054, § 137-28-420, filed 10/13/06, effective 11/13/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 00-10-079, § 137-28-420, filed 5/2/00, effective 6/2/00. WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-420, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 15-20-011, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130.
137-28-430Evidence. [WSR 95-15-044, § 137-28-430, filed 7/13/95, effective 8/15/95.] Repealed by WSR 15-20-011, filed 9/24/15, effective 1/8/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.65.100, and 72.09.130.