WSR 98-13-095
[Insurance Commissioner Matter No. R 98-10--Filed June 16, 1998, 4:56 p.m.]
Date of Adoption: June 15, 1998.
Purpose: To update and clarify chapter 284-19 WAC, rules relating to the Washington essential property insurance and placement program.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 284-19-030; and amending WAC 284-19-010, 284-19-020, 284-19-040, 284-19-050, 284-19-060, 284-19-070, 284-19-080, 284-19-090, 284-19-100, 284-19-110, 284-19-120, 284-19-130, 284-19-140, 284-19-150, 284-19-160, 284-19-170, and 284-19-180.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 48.02.060.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 98-08-097 on April 1, 1998.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, amended 17, repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
June 15, 1998
Greg J. Scully
Chief Deputy Commissioner
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-010 Title. These rules and regulations ((shall
be entitled)) are titled the Washington essential property
insurance inspection and placement program (((hereinafter))
referred to as the program).
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-010, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-020 Purposes of program. The purposes of the program are:
(1) To assure stability in the property insurance market of this state.
(2) To encourage maximum use, in obtaining essential property insurance, of the available, normal insurance market provided by authorized insurers.
(3) To make essential property insurance available where it
cannot be obtained through the normal insurance market, subject
to the conditions ((hereinafter)) stated in this chapter.
(4) To encourage the improvement of the condition of
properties located in the urban areas of the state of Washington
and to further orderly community development ((generally)).
(5) To establish a FAIR plan (fair access to insurance
requirements), an industry placement facility and a joint
reinsurance association for the equitable distribution and
placement of risks among insurers in the manner and subject to
the conditions ((hereinafter)) stated in this chapter.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-020, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-040 Participation. Participation in this
program ((shall be)) is mandatory for all insurers and fraternal
benefit societies authorized to engage in the property insurance
business in this state, who have "premiums written," as defined
in this chapter.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-040, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-73-2, filed 3/30/73)
WAC 284-19-050 Definitions. (1) "Insurer" means any insurance company or other organization licensed to write and engage in writing property insurance business, including the property insurance components of multiperil policies, on a direct basis, in this state.
(2) "Essential property insurance" means the coverage
against direct loss to real and tangible personal property at a
fixed location that is provided in the standard fire policy and
extended coverage endorsement, and shall include also the perils
of vandalism and malicious mischief and such additional lines of
property insurance as may be designated by ((the secretary, or))
the commissioner. Essential property insurance specifically
includes insurance against direct loss to property which is being
constructed or rehabilitated (builder's risk coverage). It does
not include automobile insurance((; nor, unless designated by the
secretary,)) or insurance on farm or manufacturing risks.
(3) "Industry placement facility" (((hereinafter)) referred
to as the facility) means the organization formed by insurers to
assist applicants in urban areas in securing essential property
insurance and to administer the FAIR plan and the joint
reinsurance association.
(4) "Inspection bureau" means the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau.
(5) "Urban area" includes the following municipalities and
counties and such additional counties, municipalities, and
definitive political subdivisions ((therein)) as may be added
((from time to time)) by the commissioner ((or the secretary)):
All King County
All Tacoma
(6) "Premiums written" means gross direct premiums (excluding that portion of premiums on risks ceded to the joint reinsurance association) charged during the second preceding calendar year with respect to property in this state on all policies of property insurance and property insurance components of all multiperil policies, as defined and computed by the facility, less return premiums, dividends paid or credited to policyholders, or the unused or unabsorbed portions of premium deposits.
(7) A "service insurer" ((shall be)) means any company
designated by the facility and approved by the commissioner to
issue policies under this program.
(8) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of insurance of the state of Washington.
(((9) "Secretary" means the Secretary, U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
(10) "The act" means the Urban Property Protection and
Reinsurance Act of 1968, 82 Stat. 555, Public Law 90-448, as
[Order R-73-2, § 284-19-050, filed 3/30/73; Order R-70-1, § 284-19-050, filed 7/31/70; Order R-69-1, § 284-19-050, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-060 FAIR plan--Inspections and reports. (1) Any
person having an insurable interest in real or tangible personal
property at a fixed location in an urban area ((shall be)) is
entitled((, upon application therefor to the facility,)) to an
inspection of the property by the inspection bureau at no cost
((to the applicant)), upon application to the facility. The
inspection may be requested by the property owner ((or his
representative)), a representative of the property owner, the
insurer, or the insurance producer and need not be in writing.
Requests for inspections shall be transcribed on a form approved
by the facility. A deposit premium ((shall)) is not ((be))
required as a precondition to inspection.
(2) The owner of the building need not be present for a tenant to obtain an inspection, but the inspection bureau must be provided full access to the property for which insurance is sought.
(3) An inspection report shall be made for each property inspected. The report shall cover pertinent structural and occupancy features as well as the general condition of the building and surrounding structures. A representative photograph of the property may be taken during the inspection.
(4) During the inspection, the inspector shall point out
features of structure and occupancy to the applicant or ((his)) a
representative of the applicant, if present, and shall indicate
those features which may result in condition charges if the risk
is accepted. The inspector ((shall have)) has no authority to
advise whether ((any insurer)) the facility will provide the
(5) ((After the inspection a copy of the completed
inspection report, and any photograph, indicating the pertinent
features of building, construction, maintenance, occupancy and
surrounding property shall be sent within five business days to
the facility for distribution to a service insurer. The person
requesting the inspection report may designate the service
insurer to which the inspection report is to be referred.
(6) Included with)) The report shall ((be)) include a rate
make-up statement, including any condition charges or surcharges
imposed by inspection or under the program, or under any
substandard rating plan approved by the commissioner. A copy of
the inspection report shall be made available to the applicant or
((his)) the applicant's agent upon request.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-060, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R 79-3, filed 7/11/79)
WAC 284-19-070 FAIR plan business--Distribution and
placement. (1) The facility ((may)) shall not require((, as a
precondition to the placement of business under the FAIR plan,))
that the applicant ((make a showing)) demonstrates that he or she
is unable to obtain insurance in the normal market, ((but)) as a
precondition to the placement of business under the FAIR plan.
The facility, however, may require an agent or broker to furnish
((the facility with)) copies of documents or information showing
what effort was made by ((such)) the agent or broker to obtain
insurance in the normal market((, and)). The facility shall
forward to the commissioner the names of ((such)) agents or
brokers who fail to cooperate or who appear to fail to make
reasonable efforts on behalf of applicants for insurance to
obtain insurance in the normal market.
(2) ((Thereafter, the facility, upon receipt of an
application for coverage and the corresponding inspection report
from the inspection bureau, shall assign such application to the
service insurer designated by the applicant or by his agent; or
if no service insurer is so designated, it shall assign the
application to a service insurer, keeping the assignments evenly
distributed, based on the volume of property insurance writings
in this state of the various service insurers.
(3))) Assessments upon each insurer participating in this
program shall be levied by the facility on the same percentage
allocation basis as ((such)) the insurer's premiums written bears
to the total of all premiums written by all insurers
participating in the program.
(a) The maximum limit of liability ((which)) that may be
placed through this program on any one property at one location
is $1,500,000. The facility ((shall)) undertakes the
responsibility of seeking to place that portion of a risk
((which)) that exceeds $1,500,000.
(b) The term "at one location" as used ((herein)) in this
chapter refers to real and personal property consisting of and
contained in a single building, or consisting of and contained in
contiguous buildings under one ownership.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.01.030, 48.02.060, 48.18.480, and 48.30.020. 79-08-019 (Order R 79-3), § 284-19-070, filed 7/11/79; Order R-69-1, § 284-19-070, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-080 Procedure after inspection and submission.
(1) ((Any service insurer to which a risk is referred by the
facility shall,)) Within three business days after receipt of the
inspection report ((and application, complete an action report
and return the same to)), the facility ((advising that)) shall
notify the insured and the agent that:
(a) The risk is acceptable; or
(b) The risk will be acceptable if the improvements noted in the action report are made by the applicant and confirmed by reinspection; or
(c) The risk is not acceptable for the reasons stated in the action report.
(2) If the risk is accepted by the ((designated service
insurer)) facility, and upon receipt of premium, the policy or
binder shall be delivered within two business days. ((No
producer shall have authority to bind the facility or any service
insurer for any risk eligible for this program until acceptance
of the risk and payment of premium.)) No coverage shall commence
until the application is accepted and the premium paid to the
(3) In the event a risk is declined because it fails to meet
reasonable underwriting standards, the facility will so notify
the applicant and the commissioner. Reasonable underwriting
standards shall include((, but not be limited to,)) the
(a) Physical condition of the property, such as its construction, heating, wiring, evidence of previous fires or general deterioration;
(b) Its present use or housekeeping, such as vacancy, overcrowding, storage of rubbish or flammable materials;
(c) Other specific characteristics of ownership, condition,
occupancy or maintenance which are violative of public policy and
result in unreasonable exposures to loss. Neighborhood or area
location or any environmental hazard beyond the control of the
property owner ((shall not be deemed to be)) is not an acceptable
criterion for declining a risk.
(4) ((In the event)) If the risk is conditionally declined
because the property does not meet reasonable underwriting
standards, but can be improved to meet such standards, the
facility shall promptly advise the applicant and the commissioner
what improvements noted in the action report should be made to
the property. Upon completion of the improvements by the
applicant or property owner, the facility((, when so notified,))
will have the property promptly reinspected ((and furnish the new
inspection report to the previously designated service insurer)).
(5) If the inspection of the property reveals that there are
one or more substandard conditions, surcharges ((may)) shall be
imposed in conformity with the substandard rating plan approved
by the commissioner. In this event, the facility shall advise
the applicant of what improvements, if any, ((he)) the applicant
may make to bring ((his)) the property to insurable condition at
unsurcharged rates.
(((6) Any insurer, which is a member of a group of insurers
under the same management or ownership, to which a referral is
made under the program, may apply in behalf of the group for a
combined distribution and placement quota under the program.
Such group shall have the option of designating the insurer
within the group to which the risk shall be referred.))
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-080, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-090 Joint reinsurance association. (1) A joint
reinsurance association (((hereinafter)) referred to as the
association((: Is hereby)) is created consisting of all
(2) The association ((shall be)) is authorized to assume and
cede reinsurance on behalf of insurers ((and cede reinsurance on
behalf of insurers on)) for eligible risks written by insurers
through the FAIR plan. The reinsurance assumed by the
association ((shall be for)) is 100% of each risk written under
this program under $1,500,000.
(3) Each insurer ((shall)) participates in the total
writings, expenses, profits and losses of the association in
proportion to its premiums written.
(4) ((In the event)) If any reinsuring member fails, by
reason of insolvency, to pay its proportion of any expense or of
any loss as an assuming reinsurer incurred by the facility under
the program, ((such)) the unpaid loss or expense shall be paid by
the remaining members((,)). Each ((contributing)) remaining
member contributes in the manner provided for in the distribution
of expenses and losses under the program, deleting ((therefrom))
the proportion of the defaulting member. The facility ((shall
be)) is subrogated to the rights of the remaining members in any
liquidation proceeding and ((shall have)) has full authority on
their behalf to exercise such rights in any action or proceeding.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-090, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-100 Standard policy coverage--Coding. All
policies issued shall be for essential property insurance on
standard policy forms((,)). The policies shall be separately
coded((,)) and ((shall be)) issued for a term of one year, at
rates ((promulgated)) set by the inspection bureau under filings
approved by the commissioner. Individual company deviation
filings shall not apply to risks written under this program.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-100, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-110 Cancellation and nonrenewal under this
program. (1) ((No insurer shall)) The facility shall not cancel
or nonrenew a policy ((or binder)) issued under this program
except ((for)):
(a) For cause which would have been grounds for
nonacceptance of the risk under the program had ((such)) the
cause been known to the insurer at the time of acceptance; or
(b) For nonpayment of premium; or
(c) With the approval of the governing committee.
(2) Notice of cancellation or nonrenewal, together with a
statement of the reason ((therefor)), shall be sent to the
insured ((with a copy sent to the facility)).
(3) Any cancellation or nonrenewal notice to the insured
shall be accompanied by a statement that the insured has a right
of appeal as ((hereinafter)) provided in WAC 284-19-120.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-110, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-120 Right of appeal. (1) Any applicant or
insurer ((shall have)) has a right of appeal to the committee,
including the right to appear in person before the committee, if
requested by the party seeking appeal.
(2) A decision of the committee may be appealed to the commissioner.
(3) Each denial of insurance under this program shall be
accompanied by a statement setting forth the provisions of this
section (((WAC 284-19-120))).
(4) Notification of appeal may be made to the committee through the manager of the facility or any member of the committee.
(5) All appeals to the committee or to the commissioner shall be in writing and must indicate in what respect the applicant feels aggrieved.
(6) ((Decisions of)) The committee shall make decisions in
writing on appeals ((to it shall be reduced to writing and shall
be rendered)) within ((at least)) 15 business days after
notification of appeal is received, unless delayed by mutual
consent. The majority of committee members (((3))) must concur
in all decisions adverse to the party seeking appeal.
(7) Appeals to the commissioner under this program
((shall)), in all other respects not set forth ((herein)) in this
chapter, shall be handled in accordance with chapters 48.04 and
((34.04)) 34.05 RCW (Administrative Procedure Act).
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-120, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-130 Commission. Commission under this program
shall be 10 percent on the policy premium and ((shall be)) paid
to the licensed producer designated by the applicant.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-130, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R 79-3, filed 7/11/79)
WAC 284-19-140 Administration. (1) This program shall be
administered by a governing committee (((hereinafter)) referred
to as the committee) of the facility, subject to the supervision
of the commissioner, and operated by a manager appointed by the
(2) ((On and after September 1, 1979,)) The committee
((shall)) consists of nine members, including five insurers, one
of which ((shall be)) is elected from each of the following:
((American Insurance Association, Alliance of American
Insurers, National Association of Independent Insurers, all other
stock insurers, and all other nonstock insurers.)) (a) American
Insurance Association;
(b) Alliance of American Insurers;
(c) National Association of Independent Insurers;
(d) All other stock insurers; and
(e) All other nonstock insurers.
A sixth member shall be ((the)) an insurer designated as the
service insurer under the program (((or, if there be more than
one service insurer, the sixth member shall be such service
insurer as the commissioner designates as the member))). The
commissioner shall designate a sixth member if there is more than
one service insurer. The other three members ((shall be)) are
individuals who are appointed by the commissioner to ((so))
serve, none of whom ((shall be interested, directly or
indirectly)) have a direct or indirect interest in any insurer
except as a policyholder. The individual members ((shall)) serve
for a period of one year or until their successors are appointed.
Not more than one insurer in a group under the same management or
ownership shall serve on the committee at the same time. One of
the six insurers on the governing committee shall be a domestic
(([(3) The governing committee is hereby empowered to issue
operating procedures and other directives to carry out the
purposes of this plan, the act, and directives of the secretary
and the commissioner pursuant thereto.]
[(4) Each person serving on the committee or any
subcommittee thereof, each member of the facility, and each
officer and employee of the facility shall be indemnified by the
facility against all costs and expenses actually and necessarily
incurred by him or it in connection with the defense of any
action, suit, or proceeding in which he or it is made a party by
reason of his or its being or having been a member of the
committee, or a member or officer or employee of the facility
except in relation to matters as to which he or it has been
judged in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable by reason
of willful misconduct in the performance of his or its duties as
a member of such committee, or a member or officer or employee of
the facility. This indemnification shall not apply to any loss,
cost, or expense on insurance policy claims under the program.
Indemnification hereunder shall not be exclusive of other rights
to which such member or officer may be entitled as a matter of
(3) The governing committee may issue operating procedures and other directives to carry out the purposes of this plan and directives of the commissioner.
(4) Each person serving on the committee or any subcommittee, each member of the facility, and each officer and employee of the facility shall be indemnified by the facility against all costs and expenses actually and necessarily incurred in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which he or she is made a party by reason of being or having been a member of the committee, or a member or officer or employee of the facility except in relation to matters as to which he or she has been judged in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable by reason of willful misconduct in the performance of duties as a member of the committee, or a member or officer or employee of the facility. This indemnification does not apply to any loss, cost, or expense on insurance policy claims under the program. Indemnification is not exclusive of other rights to which such member or officer may be entitled as a matter of law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.01.030, 48.02.060, 48.18.480, and 48.30.020. 79-08-019 (Order R 79-3), § 284-19-140, filed 7/11/79; Order R-69-1, § 284-19-140, filed 1/28/69.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules, and deems ineffectual changes not filed by the agency in this manner. The bracketed material in the above section does not appear to conform to the statutory requirement.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-150 Annual and special meetings. (1) There
shall be an annual meeting of the insurers on a date fixed by the
committee. The three ((aforementioned)) associations (WAC
284-19-140(2)) shall designate or elect their representatives to
the committee. The two nonassociation groups of companies shall
elect their respective representatives by a majority vote counted
on a weighted basis in accordance with each insurer's premiums
written and the aggregate premiums written for all insurers in
the respective groups of companies. Representatives on the
committee shall serve for a period of one year or until
successors are elected or designated.
(2) A special meeting may be called at ((such)) a time and
place designated by the committee or upon the written request to
the committee of any ten insurers, not more than one of which may
be a group under the same management or ownership.
(3) Twenty days' notice of ((such)) the annual or special
meeting shall be given in writing by the committee to the
insurers. A majority of the insurers ((shall)) constitutes a
quorum. Voting by proxy ((shall be)) is permitted. Notice of
any meeting shall be accompanied by an agenda for ((such)) the
(4) Any matter, including amendment of this program, may be
proposed and voted upon by mail, provided ((such)) the procedure
is unanimously authorized by the members of the committee present
and voting at any meeting of the committee. If ((so)) approved
by the committee, notice of any proposal ((shall be)) is mailed
to the insurers not less than twenty days prior to the final date
fixed by the committee for voting ((thereon)).
(5) At any regular or special meeting at which the vote of
the insurers is or may be required on any proposal, including
amendment to this program, or any vote of the insurers which may
be taken by mail on any proposal, such votes shall be cast and
counted on a weighted basis in accordance with each insurer's
premiums written. A proposal ((shall)) becomes effective when
approved by at least two-thirds of the votes cast on ((such)) the
weighted basis, except amendments to this program ((which)) that
will require administrative action by the commissioner.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-150, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-160 Duties of the committee. (1) The committee shall meet as often as may be required to perform the general duties of the administration of the program or on the call of the commissioner. Three insurers of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
(2) The committee ((shall be empowered to)) may appoint a
manager((, who shall serve at the pleasure of the committee,)) to
budget expenses, levy assessments, disburse funds and perform all
other duties provided ((herein)) in this chapter or necessary or
incidental to the proper administration of the program. The
manager serves at the pleasure of the committee. The adoption of
or substantive changes in pension plans or employee benefit
programs ((shall be)) is subject to approval of the insurers.
Assessments upon each insurer shall be levied on the basis of its
premiums written.
(3) Annually the manager ((shall)) prepares an operating
budget ((which shall be)) that is subject to approval of the
committee. ((Such)) The budget shall be furnished to the
insurers after approval. Any contemplated expenditure in excess
of or not included in the annual budget ((shall)) requires prior
approval by the committee.
(4) The committee ((shall)) furnishes to all insurers and to
the commissioner a written report of operations annually in
((such)) a form and detail as the committee may determine.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-160, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R 77-1, filed 3/24/77)
WAC 284-19-170 Public education and notices required. (1)
All insurers shall undertake a continuing public education
program in cooperation with producers and others, to assure that
the ((essential property insurance inspection and placement))
program receives adequate public attention.
(2) All insurers terminating a property insurance policy
shall give any policyholder eligible for coverage under this
program ((30 days')) notice of cancellation or refusal to renew
(((except in the case of nonpayment of premium or evidence of
incendiarism), and)) as required under chapters 48.18 and 48.53
RCW. The insurers shall explain the procedure for making
application under this program in or accompanying ((such)) the
[Order R 77-1, § 284-19-170, filed 3/24/77; Order R-69-1, § 284-19-170, filed 1/28/69.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order R-69-1, filed 1/28/69)
WAC 284-19-180 Statistics, records and reports. (1)
Statistics. The facility shall maintain separate statistics on
business written in accordance with this plan((, and)). The
facility shall make ((the following quarterly report to the
commissioner and to the secretary, and such additional reports as
may be required by the commissioner.)):
(a) A quarterly report to the commissioner including:
(i) Number of requests for inspections,
(((b))) (ii) Number of risks inspected,
(((c))) (iii) The number of risks accepted, total and
average premiums charged, high and low premiums,
(((d))) (iv) The number of risks declined, and
(((e))) (v) The number of reinspections made on
conditionally declined risks.
(b) Additional reports as required by the commissioner.
(2) Records. ((In addition to statistics,)) The facility
shall maintain complete and separate records of all business
transactions, including copies of all policies and endorsements
issued in accordance with this plan.
(3) Reports to members. Regular reports of the facility's
operations shall be submitted to all members by the committee((,
such)). The reports ((to)) shall include((, but not necessarily
to be limited to, premiums written and earned, losses, including
loss adjustment expense, paid and incurred, all other expenses
incurred and)):
(a) Premiums written and earned;
(b) Losses, including loss adjustment expense, paid and incurred;
(c) All other expenses incurred; and
(d) Outstanding liabilities.
[Order R-69-1, § 284-19-180, filed 1/28/69.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 284-19-030 Effective date.