WSR 98-16-051




[Filed July 31, 1998, 4:16 p.m.]


Semi-annual Rules Development Agenda

(July 1, 1998 - December 31, 1998)

wac chapter chapter title agency contact timing scope of rule changes
insurance services
Chapter 296-23A WAC Hospitals Marilyn Gisser,


CR101 - 8/98 or 9/98

CR102 - 11/98-12/98 or later

CR103 - First half of 1999

To adopt a new system for paying hospitals and free standing ambulatory surgery centers for their services.
WAC 296-20-135 Medical Aid Conversion Factors Simone Stilson,


CR101 - 12/98

CR102 - 3/99

CR103 - end of 4/99 or first part of 5/99

To amend the dollar amounts for the Resource Based Relative Value Scale, the anesthesia conversion factors, and the physical and occupational therapy daily maximum rates.
WAC 296-23-220 Physical Therapy Rules
WAC 296-23-230 Occupational Therapy Rules
WAC 296-17-310 through 930 Workers' Compensation Insurance-Classification Descriptions and General Reporting Rules Ken Woehl,


CR101 - 7/23/97

CR102 - 6/3/98

Hearing - 7/9/98

CR103 - 8/28/98

Effective - 10/1/98

To amend the manual of rules, rates and rating system, and the classification plan, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-14-900, 910, 920, 930, and 940 Industrial Insurance Rules - Third Party Rules James Nylander,


CR101 - 4/22/98 CR102 - 6/17/98 Hearing - 7/21/98 CR103 - 9/1/98

Effective - 11/1/98

To amend the third party rules, and to rewrite the rules to comply [with] EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-17-855, 875, 880, 885, 890, 895, 919, 920 Workers' Compensation Insurance - Rate Changes Ken Woehl,


Sandra Chakones,


CR101 - 7/1/98

CR102 - 9/23/98

Hearing - 11/2/98

CR103 - 11/30/98

Effective - 1/1/99

To adopt the 1999 industrial insurance rates and related tables.
WAC 296-17-904, 910, 912, 913, 916, 91601, 917, 918, 919-91905 Workers' Compensation Insurance-Retrospective Rating Rules Frank Romero,


CR101 - 5/20/98 CR102 - 8/98-9/98 Hearing - 9/23/98 CR103 - 10/30/98 Effective - 1/1/99 To amend the retrospective rating rules, and to rewrite the rules to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-15-02606, 070, 072, 100, 160, 180, 190, 21002, 230, 240, and 250 Rules and Regulations for Self Insured Employers Joyce Walker,


CR101 - 7/8/98 CR102 - 9/2/98 Hearing - 10/7/98 CR103 - 11/18/98 Effective - 12/21/98 To amend the self insurance claim processes, and to rewrite the rules to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-30-020, 060, 170, and 900 Rules for the Crime Victims Compensation Program Brian Huseby, 902-5369 CR101 - 10/15/98 CR102 - 12/1/98 Hearing - 1/8/99 CR103 - 1/29/99 Effective - 3/1/99 To amend the rules of the Crime Victims Compensation Program, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-31-040, 070, 071, 072, 073, 075, and 100 Crime Victims Compensation Mental Health Treatment Rules and Fees Cletus Nnanabu,


WAC 296-31-069 Crime Victims Compensation Mental Health Treatment Rules and Fees - Independent Assessments Brian Huseby,


CR101 - 7/1/98 CR102 - 8/14/98 Hearing - 9/16/98 CR103 - 10/16/98 Effective - 12/1/98 To amend the rules of the Crime Victims Compensation Program to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Cletus Nnanabu,


WAC 296-20-029 General Rules - Medical Coverage Rule Criteria Jami Lifka,


CR101 - 6/3/98 CR102 - 9/23/98 Hearing - 10/20/98 CR103 - 12/4/98

Effective - 2/1/99

To adopt the criteria on which the department will make medical coverage decisions.
WAC 296-20-03004 General Rules - Chemo-nucleolysis Amy Levinson,


CR101XR - 4/22/98

CR103 - 6/264/98 Effective - 7/28/98

To repeal the rule to comply with EO 97-02 because it regulates an obsolete medical procedure.
WAC 296-20-03003 General Rules - Drugs and Medication Amy Levinson,


CR101 - 7/24/98 CR102 - 8/19/98 Hearing - 9/22/98 CR103 - 11/2/98

Effective - 12/7/98

To amend the rule to include current medical standards, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
administrative services
WAC 296-14-900 through 940 Special Assistant Attorneys General James Nylander,


Hearing - 7/21/98

CR103 - 9/2/98

Effective - 10/5/98

To amend the rules to:

Allow the Attorney General's Office to appoint out-of-state attorneys as Special Assistant Attorneys General for actions brought in other states.

Remove an attorney for cause from the list of attorneys eligible for appointment.

Comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.

washington industrial safety and health act (wisha)
Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Michael McCauley,


CR101 - 6/2/98 CR102 - 9/1/98 Hearing - 10/7/98

CR103 - 12/29/98

Effective - 7/1/99

To adopt a federal OSHA requirement on abatement certification procedures.
Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Ken Lewis,


CR102XA - 10/1/98

CR103 - 1/12/99 Effective - 4/12/99

To adopt WISHA written program requirements on accident prevention to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-307 WAC Safety Standards for Agriculture Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR101 - 2/4/98 and 4/24/98

CR102 - 8/4/98

4 Hearings Week of 9/8/98 (Tumwater, Mt. Vernon, Wenatchee, Yakima)

CR103 - 12/1/98

Effective - 3/1/98

To adopt rules to comply with chapter 362, Laws of 1997 on the definition of agriculture, and chapter 37, Laws of 1997 on providing electricity in all temporary worker housing.

To adopt rules on the health hazards an employee orientation must contain.

Chapter 296-52 WAC Possession and Handling of Explosives Chuck Blocher,


CR102XA - 6/3/98

CR103 - 9/8/98 Effective - 12/12/98

To adopt a federal OSHA requirement on underground transportation requirements for the possession and handling of explosives. Changes include:

Adding requirements for housing or lowering explosives in a powder car.

Requiring explosives be taken to the point of use without delay.

Limitation on the amount transported.

Chapter 296-62 WAC General Occupational Health Standards Ken Lewis,


CR101 - 6/2/98 CR102 - 10/21/98 Hearing - 12/10/98 CR103 - 3/17/99 To amend the requirements for emergency eyewashing facilities, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-305 WAC Safety Standards for Firefighters Cindy Ireland,


CR101 - 5/19/98 CR102 - 8/18/98 Hearing - 9/22/98 CR103 - 12/15/98

Effective - 3/15/99

To adopt federal OSHA requirements to make the state's requirements at least as effective as OSHA's. Changes include:

Narrowing the scope and application of the fire brigade standard.

Clarifying eye and face protection.

Clarifying physical requirements.

Clarifying the 2-in, 2-out requirement.

Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR102XA - 12/31/98 To amend ladder requirements in chapter 296-24 WAC that were intended for manufacturers rather than employers, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR102XA - 12/31/98

To amend lawnmower requirements in chapter 296-24 WAC that were intended for manufacturers rather than employers, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-54 WAC Safety Standards for Logging Operations Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR101 - 5/7/97

CR102 - 9/22/98 Hearing - 10/27/98 CR103 - 1/20/99 Effective - 4/20/99

To amend the logging standards, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-56 WAC Longshore, Stevedore and Related Waterfront Operations Cindy Ireland, 902-5522

CR101 - 6/2/98 CR102 - 8/18/98 Hearing - 9/22/98 CR103 - 12/15/98 Effective - 3/15/99 To adopt federal OSHA requirements on longshore standard.
Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR101 - 8/31/98 CR102 - 10/20/98 Hearing - 11/24/98 CR103 - 2/24/99

Effective - 5/24/99

To adopt a federal OSHA egress standard, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-61 WAC Mines, Quarries, Pits and Crushing Operations Chuck Blocher,


CR101 - 6/30/98 CR102 - 8/31/98 Hearing - 10/7/98 CR103 - 12/29/98

Effective - 4/1/99

To amend the rules to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-62 WAC General Occupational Health Standards Ken Lewis,


CR101 - 6/2/98

CR102 - 9/22/98 Hearing - 10/27/98

CR103 - 1/20/99

Effective - 4/20/99

To adopt rules on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response requirements, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-79 WAC Pulp, Paper, Paperboard Mills and Converters Laura Brand-Bauer,


CR101 - 8/24/94 CR102 - 9/22/98 Hearing - 10/27/98 CR103 - 1/20/99

Effective - 4/20/99

To adopt the pulp and paper standard with the assistance of an industry labor/management committee and an advisory committee.
Chapter 296-62 WAC General Occupational Health Standards Christi Wood, 902-5524 CR101 - 4/1/98 CR102 - 11/17/98 Hearings - 1/5/98 (Tumwater) and 1/7/98 (Yakima) Adoption - 5/3/99 Effective - 9/1/99 To adopt a federal OSHA respiratory protection requirement.
Chapter 296-24 WAC General Safety and Health Standards Cindy Ireland, 902-5522 CR101 - 8/5/98

CR102 - 9/22/98

Hearing - 10/27/98

CR103 - 1/20/99

Effective - 4/20/99

To adopt rules on scaffolding, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
specialty compliance services
Chapter 296-04 WAC Rules and Regulations of the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council Nancy Mason,


CR101 - 4/22/98

To be determined:

CR102 -

Hearing -

CR103 -


The Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council and a representative ad hoc committee are rewriting the apprenticeship and training rules. The rules will comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
Chapter 296-46 WAC Safety Standards-Installing Electric Wires and Equipment-Administrative Rules (296-46) Janet Lewis,


CR101 - 6/17/98

CR102 - 11/4/98

Hearing - 12/8 and 12/10/98

CR103 - 1/25/99

Effective - 2/26/99

To adopt the 1999 National Electrical Code.

To implement recent legislation regarding temporary worker housing.

To implement recent legislation granting a partial exemption to manufacturers of electrical generators from the licensing requirements of chapter 19.28 RCW.

To implement EO 97-02 on regulatory reform by incorporating certain electrical board policies into the electrical rules.

To amend chapter 296-46 WAC and chapter 296-401A WAC.

Chapter 296-401A WAC Certification of Competency for Journeyman Electricians (296-401A)
Chapter 296-13 WAC Practice and Procedure-Electrical Board (296-13) Janet Lewis,


CR101 12/02/98

CR102 - 07/99

Hearing - 08/99

CR103 - 11/99

Effective - 12/99

To rewrite chapter 296-13 WAC to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.

To adopt fee schedules in chapter 296-402 WAC and chapter 296-403 WAC.

Chapter 296-402 WAC Electrical Testing Laboratory Accreditation (296-402)
Chapter 296-403 WAC Amusement Rides or Structures


Chapter 296-96 WAC

(New chapter)

Safety Regulations and Fees for All Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Other Lifting Devices Ernie LaPalm,


CR101 - 6/17/98

CR102 - 9/2/98

Hearing - 10/6, 10/7, and 10/9/98

CR103 - 1/13/99

Effective - 2/15/99

To rewrite the rules to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
To rewrite, and incorporate into a new chapter (chapter 296-96 WAC), provisions on safety regulations and fees for all elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, and other lifting devices.
In addition, the new rule would implement recent legislation on elevator civil penalties, and the authority of the department to inspect conveyances in grain elevators and grain terminals.
Chapter 296-150C WAC Commercial Coaches Dan Wolfenbarger, 902-5225 CR101 - 10/22/97

CR102 - 3/18/98

Hearing - 4/24/98

CR103 - 6/26/98

Effective - 7/27/98

To amend chapter 296-150C WAC, Commercial Coaches, chapter 296-150F WAC, Factory-Built Housing and Commercial Structures, and chapter 296-150M WAC, Manufactured Homes to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.

To bring the department into compliance with chapter 43.22 RCW, concerning the state electrical and building codes and reciprocal agreements with other states.

To eliminate duplication and redundancy and incorporate rule sections inadvertently omitted in 1996.

Chapter 296-150F WAC Factory-Built Housing and Commercial Structures
Chapter 296-150M WAC Manufactured Homes
Chapter 296-150C WAC Commercial Coaches Dan Wolfenbarger,902-5225 CR101 - 10/7/98

CR102 - 2/3/99

Hearing - 3/99

CR103 - 5/99 Effective - 6/99

To incorporate a number of factory assembled structure (FAS) policies into rule.

To amend the rules to accommodate recent changes in the Washington State Building Code regarding plan reviews for medical gas systems.

To implement recent legislation regarding temporary worker housing.

To comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.

Chapter 296-150F WAC Factory-Built Housing and Commercial Structures
Chapter 296-150M WAC Manufactured Homes
Chapter 296-150P WAC Recreational Park Trailers
Chapter 296-150R WAC Recreational Vehicles
employment standards
Chapter 296-125 WAC Nonagricultural Employment of Minors Greg Mowat, 902-5310 CR101 - 1/7/98

CR102 - 10/7/98

Hearing - Five or six planned for 10/98

CR103 - 12/31/98

Effective - 2/1/99

To amend chapter 296-125 WAC on nonagricultural employment of minors, and to comply with EO 97-02 on regulatory reform.
WAC 296-124-010, 020, 021, 022, 040, 050 Rules and Regulations for the Administration of the Theatrical Enterprise Act Greg Mowat, 902-5310 CR101XR - 3/18/98

CR103 - 6/24/98

Effective - 7/25/98

To repeal chapter 296-124 WAC on the administration of theatrical enterprises.
board of boiler rules
Chapter 296-104 WAC Board of Boiler Rules--


Dick Barkdoll, 902-5270 CR101 - 4/20/98

CR102 - 7/98

Hearing - 9/98

CR103 - 9/30/98

Effective - 11/1/98

To amend chapter 296-104 WAC on the Board of Boiler Rules.


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