WSR 99-01-150



[Memorandum--December 11, 1998]

Agenda for Rules Under Development: January - June, 1999

This agenda is being filed with the code reviser in accordance with RCW 34.05.314 and represents rule-making activity that may be considered by the commission during the first six months of 1999. Other matters that are not anticipated at this time may also be the subject of rule making.

The Public Disclosure Commission may repeal the following rules:

WAC 390-14-055 Record request form.

WAC 390-14-105 List of elected officials--Responsibility for developing.

WAC 390-20-023 Contributions to candidates, elected officials, political committees, or public office fund--Identification of source.

WAC 390-20-100 Effect of Public Disclosure Act--Freedom of communication--Employer interference.

WAC 390-20-115 Forms for report of legislative activity by legislators and legislative committees (L-4).

The commission may amend the following rules:

WAC 390-12-255 Petitions for rule making, amendment or repeal--Form--Consideration--Disposition.

WAC 390-14-015 Public records officer.

WAC 390-14-020 Hours for records inspection and copying.

WAC 390-14-025 Requests for public records.

WAC 390-14-030 Copying of public records.

WAC 390-14-035 Exempting records from public inspection.

WAC 390-14-040 Review of denials of public records requests.

WAC 390-14-045 Records index.

WAC 390-14-100 List of elected public officials.

WAC 390-14-110 List of elected public officials--Name not on list, impact.

WAC 390-16-060 Independent expenditure report form.

WAC 390-16-314 Independent expenditure mailings.

WAC 390-17-060 Exempt activities--Definitions, reporting.

WAC 390-18-010 Political advertising--Identification of sponsor.

WAC 390-18-020 Political advertising--Political party identification.

WAC 390-18-050 Commercial advertisers--Public inspection of records.

WAC 390-20-013 Lobbyist registration--Photograph--Requirements.

WAC 390-20-014 Registration during last calendar quarter of the biennial registration period.

WAC 390-20-015 Lobbyist registration--Termination.

WAC 390-20-017 Suspension of registration.

WAC 390-20-125 Forms for registration and reporting by sponsors of grass roots lobbying campaigns (L-6).

The commission may adopt a new rule based on an interpretation it approved in 1998.

Interp. 98-01 Slate cards and other candidate listings

December 11, 1998

Vicki Rippie, Assistant Director

Public Information and Policy Development


Legislature Code Reviser 


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