WSR 99-10-099



[ Filed May 5, 1999, 9:25 a.m. ]

The Washington State Lottery has recently adopted or revised the following policies:

POL 130.004 - Security Systems (revision)

Lottery security no longer uses a security receipt to track security tools issues; the information is captured on a materials/accesses checklist that includes security tools. Removed employees being financially liable for ensuring that security systems are secure when they do not relinquish their security tools upon termination or request of lottery security.

Signed March 17, 1999.

POL 130.009 - Retrieving Lottery Materials and Accesses (revision)

Clarified that when an item is issued to an established employee, the security chief will ensure the employee initials the materials/accesses checklist next to that item.

Signed March 17, 1999.

POL 310.021 - Use of Sporting Events Tickets (revision)

This policy outlines guidelines for using admission tickets provided to the lottery by sports organizations. This revision clarified that it is the marketing manager or designee who provides one sporting event ticket to employees who must attend the event to conduct lottery business. Added that lottery vendors may also be given a ticket to conduct lottery business. Clarified that the tickets given out cannot be used by friends or family, unless the director determines it would be beneficial to the lottery, such as when volunteers are needed to distribute lottery materials at an event, and an insufficient number of lottery employees have volunteered.

Signed March 17, 1999.

POL 220.016 - State Sponsored Charge Cards (revision)

Added a sentence clarifying that state sponsored charge cards can be used for state travel expenses only. Added that the director's designee is also authorized to approve issuance of charge cards, etc. Also updated position titles.

Signed February 22, 1999.

POL 230.006 - Receiving, Activating, and Settling Instant Tickets (revision)

Minor housekeeping changes made, such as: Regional sales managers no longer recommend that a DSR visit a retailer who is missing scratch tickets, but lottery security may request that a DSR work with the retailer as part of an investigation into the missing tickets. As part of the definition of "settled status," clarified that "sweeping" an account means transferring funds from a retailer's account to the lottery's account.

Signed March 4, 1999.

POL 240.001 - Power Protectors/Dedicated Power for On-Line Terminals (new)

This new policy requires all new on-line retailers to have a silicon avalanche diode (SAD) power protector installed on their on-line terminal at the time the terminal is installed. However, the retailer support manager may determine that circumstances justify approving dedicated power to the terminal, in lieu of a SAD power protector. Existing retailers must have either a SAD unit or dedicated power. Retailers can purchase SAD units directly from the lottery, at the lottery's cost. The amount must be paid via EFT sweep. If the SAD unit is not purchased from the lottery, it must meet specific criteria outlined in the policy, and the retailer support manager must approve its use.

Signed February 5, 1999.

POL 320.047 - Bonus Lotto Promotion (new)

From February 8 through March 12, players who purchased a $5 Lotto ticket had a chance to win one of six prizes of $25,000. The on-line terminal printed a "voucher" awarding the prize for every "Nth" $5 Lotto ticket purchase. Retailers who sold the ticket received a prize of $5,000. Both the ticket purchased, and the voucher, had to be presented at a lottery office for the player to collect the $25,000 prize.

Signed February 4, 1999.

POL 440.005 - Electronic Mail Use (revision)

Clarified that e-mail users must maintain a filing system (hard copy or via e-mail) for the following types of messages:

1. Correspondence or memoranda related to official public business.

2. Agendas.

3. Documents related to legal or audit issues.

4. Messages which document agency action, decisions, operations and responsibilities.

5. Documents that initiate, authorize, or complete a business transaction.

6. Drafts of documents that are circulated for comment or approval.

7. Final reports or recommendations.

8. Other messages sent or received that relate to the transaction of state government business.

Also attached to the policy is a list of e-mail etiquette, which employees are requested, but not required, to use.

Signed February 22, 1999.

To receive a copy of any of these policies, contact Becky Zopolis, Washington State Lottery, P.O. Box 43000, Olympia, WA 98504-3000, phone (360) 586-1051, fax (360) 586-6586.

April 12, 1999

Merritt D. Long


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