Date of Adoption: December 7, 1999.
Purpose: Standards updates for first-aid, chapters 296-36, 296-59, 296-78, 296-155, and 296-301 WAC.
On March 2, 1998, first-aid rules were adopted in chapter 296-24 WAC. Those rules provided employers with greater
flexibility in meeting first-aid requirements as
performance-based rather than specification-based rules. This
new rule is necessary to make the first-aid requirements in the
industry-specific standards relating to first-aid consistent with
the previously adopted general industry requirements in chapter 296-24 WAC. These changes add references to chapter 296-24 WAC
in the industry-specific standards, or ensure that the
industry-specific requirements are consistent with the general
requirements in chapter 296-24 WAC. There are no new
WAC 296-78-555 First-aid room, this section is repealed and will not be replaced by a new section. First-aid rooms are no longer required in the general safety and health standards.
WAC 296-155-135 First-aid room, this section is repealed and
will not be replaced by a new section. First-aid rooms are no
longer required in the general safety and health standards.
WAC 296-36-210 Medical supervision and medical and first-aid facilities -- Medical supervision, state-initiated amendments are made to:
• | Clarify language. |
• | Add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1. |
WAC 296-59-035 First-aid, state-initiated amendments are made to add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1.
Chapter 296-78 WAC, Safety standards for sawmills and woodworking operations.
WAC 296-78-540 First-aid training and certification, state-initiated amendments are made to add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1.
WAC 296-78-545 First-aid supplies, state-initiated amendments are made to remove outdated language relating to WAC 296-24-070 and to add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1.
WAC 296-78-550 First-aid station, state-initiated amendments are made to add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1.
Chapter 296-155 WAC, Safety standards for construction work.
WAC 296-155-120 First-aid training and certification, state-initiated amendments are made to:
• | Clarify language. |
• | Add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1. |
• | Add a reference to the first-aid supply requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1. |
• | Clarify the requirement that vehicles used for transporting work crews must have first-aid supplies. |
• | Clarify that, if practical, a poster with phone numbers of emergency medical responders will be maintained in each first-aid kit and at or near all phones. |
• | Clarify that requirements of WAC 296-62-130 Emergency washing facilities, apply within the scope of chapter 296-155 WAC. |
• | Clarify and renumber subsections. |
• | Delete specific requirements for having wool blankets and a stretcher in addition to first-aid kits. |
• | Add a reference to the first-aid station requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1. |
• | Delete specific requirements for having wool blankets and a stretcher in addition to first-aid kits. |
WAC 296-301-215 First aid, state-initiated amendments are made to add a reference to the first-aid requirements located in chapter 296-24 WAC, General safety and health standards, Part A-1.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 296-36-210 Medical supervision and medical and first-aid facilities -- Medical supervision, 296-59-035 First-aid, 296-78-540 First-aid training and certification, 296-78-545 First-aid supplies, 296-78-550 First-aid station, 296-155-120 First-aid training and certification, 296-155-125 First-aid supplies, 296-155-130 First-aid station and 296-301-215 First aid; and repealing WAC 296-78-555 First-aid room, 296-155-135 First-aid room, and 296-59-040 First-aid kits and supplies.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 99-15-086 on July 20, 1999.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: Changes were made to WAC 296-155-120 first-aid certification in order to clarify the requirement that there must be a first-aid trained person on all worksites where one or more employees are present. Also, subsection (3) and the note in this section was clarified to explain that all crew leaders, supervisors or persons in direct charge of one or more employees must have a valid first-aid certificate.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 9, Repealed 3.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 9, Repealed 3.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 9, Repealed 3. Effective Date of Rule: February 1, 2000.
December 7, 1999
Gary Moore
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 94-07, filed 7/20/94,
effective 9/20/94)
WAC 296-155-120
First-aid training and certification.
This section is designed to assure that all employees in this state are afforded quick and effective first-aid attention in the event of an on the job injury. To achieve this purpose the presence of personnel trained in first-aid procedures at or near those places where employees are working is required. Compliance with the provisions of this section may require the presence of more than one first-aid trained person.
(1) The first-aid training requirements of the general safety and health standards, chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1 apply within the scope of chapter 296-155 WAC.
(2) Each employer ((shall)) must have available at all
worksites, ((at all times)) where a crew is present, a person or
persons holding a valid ((certificate of)) first-aid ((training
from the department of labor and industries or other
organization, association or agency that has been approved by the
department)) certificate.
(((a) A valid first-aid certificate is one which is less
than three years old.
(b))) (3) All crew leaders, supervisors or persons in direct
charge of ((crews shall)) one or more employees must have a valid
first-aid certificate.
(((c))) (4) For the purposes of this section, a crew
((shall)) means a group of two or more employees working at any
Note: | The requirement that all crew leaders, supervisors or person in direct charge of one or more employees (subsection (3) of this section) applies even if other first-aid trained person(s) are available. In emergencies, crew leaders will be permitted to work up to thirty days without having the required certificate, providing an employee in the crew or another crew leaders in the immediate work area has the necessary certificate. |
Bleeding control and bandaging.
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation "C.P.R."
Shock, unconsciousness, stroke.
Burns, scalds.
Sunstroke, heat exhaustion.
Frostbite, freezing, hypothermia.
Strains, sprains, hernias.
Fractures, dislocation.
Proper transportation of the injured.
Bites, stings.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-120, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-074 (Order 86-14), § 296-155-120, filed 1/21/86; Order 74-26, § 296-155-120, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]
(1) ((All
employers who employ men and women covered by the act shall
furnish first-aid kits as required by the department of labor and
industries, (RCW 51.36.030).
(2) First-aid supplies shall be readily accessible when
required by this section.
(3) In the absence of readily accessible first-aid supplies
such as first-aid kits, first-aid stations, first-aid rooms or
their equivalent, all crew trucks, power shovels, cranes,
locomotives, loaders, dozers, logging trucks, speeders, freight
trucks and similar equipment shall be equipped with not less than
a ten package weather-proof first-aid kit.
(4) All crew vehicles used for transporting workers shall be
equipped with not less than a ten package weather-proof first-aid
kit. When more than five employees are being transported on any
one trip, the kit shall be increased in size to comply with a
16-, 24-, or 36-package kit depending upon the number of
personnel normally being transported.
(5) At least one weather-proof first-aid kit shall be
available on construction jobs, line crews, and other transient
or short duration jobs.
(6) The size and quantity of first-aid kits, required to be
located at any site, shall be determined by the number of
personnel normally dependent upon each kit as outlined in the
following table:
Normally Assigned To Worksite
Supplies Required At Worksite
package kit |
package kit |
package kit |
Refer to |
(8) First-aid kits shall contain at least the following
items, in a weatherproof container with individual sealed
packages for each type of item:
10 package kit
1 Pkg. adhesive bandages, 1" (16 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. bandage compress, 4" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. scissors* and tweezers (1 each per pkg.)
1 Pkg. triangular bandage, 40" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. antiseptic soap or pads (3 per pkg.)
5 Pkgs. of consulting physician's choice**
16 package kit
1 Pkg. absorbent gauze, 24" x 72" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. adhesive bandages, 1" (16 per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. bandage compresses, 4" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. eye dressing (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. scissors* and tweezers (1 each per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. triangular bandages, 40" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. antiseptic soap or pads (3 per pkg.)
7 Pkgs, of consulting physician's choice**
24 package kit
2 Pkgs. absorbent gauze, 24" x 72" (1 per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. adhesive bandages, 1" (16 per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. bandage compresses, 4" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. eye dressing (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. scissors* and tweezers (1 each per pkg.)
6 Pkgs. triangular bandages, 40" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. antiseptic soap or pads (3 per pkg.)
9 Pkgs. of consulting physician's choice**
36 package kit
4 Pkgs. absorbent gauze, 24" x 72" (1 per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. adhesive bandages, 1" (16 per pkg.)
5 Pkgs. bandage compresses, 4" (1 per pkg.)
2 Pkgs. eye dressing (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. scissors* and tweezers (1 each per pkg.)
8 Pkgs. triangular bandages, 40" (1 per pkg.)
1 Pkg. antiseptic soap or pads (3 per pkg.)
13 Pkgs. of consulting physicians choice**
(11) When required by the department, two wool blankets or
two fire retardant blankets, capable of supporting 250 pounds
each, and a stretcher shall be available in addition to first-aid
kits.)) The first-aid kits and supplies requirements of the
general safety and health standards, chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1
apply within the scope of chapter 296-155 WAC.
(2) All vehicles used to transport work crews must be equipped with first-aid supplies.
(3) When practical, a poster must be fastened and maintained either on or in the cover of each first-aid kit and at or near all phones plainly stating the worksite address or location, and the phone numbers of emergency medical responders for the worksite.
(4) Requirements of WAC 296-62-130, Emergency washing facilities, apply within the scope of chapter 296-155 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-125, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-074 (Order 86-14), § 296-155-125, filed 1/21/86; Order 74-26, § 296-155-125, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]
(((1) First-aid
stations shall be well marked and located as close as practical
to the highest concentration of employees.
(2) One person holding a valid first-aid certificate shall
be responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the
first-aid station.
(3) First-aid stations shall be equipped with a minimum of
two first-aid kits, the size of which shall be dependent upon the
number of personnel normally employed at the worksite. One
first-aid kit may be a permanent wall-mounted kit, but in all
cases the station shall be equipped with at least one portable
first-aid kit.
(4) The first-aid station shall be equipped with two wool
blankets, or two fire retardent blankets capable of supporting
250 pounds each, and a stretcher in addition to first-aid kits.
(5) A roster, denoting the telephone numbers and addresses
of doctors, hospitals and ambulance services available to the
worksite, shall be posted at each first-aid station.)) Employers
with fifty or more employees per shift at one location must
establish a first-aid station in accordance with the requirements
in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-074 (Order 86-14), § 296-155-130, filed 1/21/86; Order 74-26, § 296-155-130, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 296-155-135 | First-aid room. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 90-10, filed 8/13/90,
effective 9/24/90)
WAC 296-36-210
Medical supervision and medical and
first-aid facilities -- Medical supervision.
(1) Appointed physician. Where workmen are employed in compressed air, their employer shall make arrangements for their medical supervision by one or more licensed physicians trained in the physical requirements and the medical aspects of compressed air work and the treatment of decompression illness. The employer shall arrange for medical examination of all workmen employed in compressed air at a suitable place or places by the appointed physician in accordance with these regulations. The appointed physician or physicians shall be immediately available in case of emergency or accident. Each appointed physician shall be physically qualified to subject himself to a compressed air environment.
(2) Appointed physician's duties and responsibilities.
(a) General. All matters on the job pertaining to the health of employees, treatment on the job of illness and injuries, special first-aid and nursing personnel or assistants, lock attendants, and medical and first-aid equipment shall be under the supervision of the appointed physician.
(b) He shall make all required physical examinations.
(c) He shall make and sign all required reports of such examinations using the forms provided by the department of labor and industries.
(d) He shall make at least one inspection on the job every day of all treatment records and the required decompression record and he shall inspect or inquire into conditions which may constitute a potential hazard to the health of any employee.
(3) Certified medical attendant. There shall be on every job a certified medical attendant trained to the satisfaction of the appointed physician in administering first aid on compressed air jobs, and who shall be in attendance in the first-aid room while work in compressed air is going on and at such other times as the physician may direct. The medical attendant shall be in personal charge of the administration of first aid and such other duties as physician may direct. Under no circumstances shall female medical attendants be subjected to a compressed air environment.
(4) First-aid personnel.
(a) The superintendent and every foreman and at least one additional designated person on each shift below ground shall be trained to the satisfaction of the appointed physician in administering first aid.
(b) Where more than 10 but less than 50 men are employed per shift underground, there shall be at least 2 such additional designated trained persons on the job and available on call.
(c) Where more than 50 men are employed per shift underground, the designated trained personnel shall include all shift bosses and time keepers in addition to those required in subsection (b) above.
(d) All designated first-aid personnel ((shall)) must have
in their possession current first-aid certificates ((acceptable
to the department of labor and industries)) that meet certificate
requirements stated in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1.
(5) First-aid meetings. All designated first-aid personnel shall meet at least once in each 3 months or oftener if directed by the physician for further first-aid instruction by the physician.
(6) First-aid room and equipment. The employer ((shall))
must provide a first-aid room properly heated and maintained
within 100 yards of the principal entrance to the underground
work. It ((shall)) must be equipped with a first-aid kit,
medical supplies and equipment consisting of not less than the
minimum requirements listed in chapter ((296-155 WAC, Part B-1))
296-24 WAC, Part A-1.
(7) First-aid equipment underground. All the equipment and supplies which the appointed physician may deem necessary for first-aid underground shall be provided and maintained readily available in a suitable cabinet or cabinets. A list of the contents signed by the appointed physician shall be permanently attached to the inside of the cabinet door or cover. The cabinet shall be plainly marked with a red cross and the words "first aid."
In caissons, one such cabinet shall be conveniently located in the working chamber.
In tunnels where a bulkhead is installed, one such cabinet shall be located on each side of the bulkhead near the entrance to the man lock.
In tunnels having no bulkhead, one such cabinet shall be located within 100 yards of the working face.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 90-17-051 (Order 90-10), § 296-36-210, filed 8/13/90, effective 9/24/90; Rules (Part XIX A), filed 12/28/62; § 23, filed 3/23/60.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 88-11, filed 7/6/88)
WAC 296-59-035
First-aid ((training and certification)).
((The "first-aid training and certification" requirements of the
general safety and health standards, WAC 296-24-060, shall be
applicable within the scope of chapter 296-59 WAC.)) The
first-aid provisions of chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1 of the
general safety and health standards apply within the scope of
chapter 296-59 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 88-14-108 (Order 88-11), § 296-59-035, filed 7/6/88.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 296-59-040 | First-aid kits and supplies. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 81-21, filed 8/27/81)
WAC 296-78-540
First-aid training and certification.
purpose of this section is to assure that all employees of this
state can be afforded quick, and effective first-aid attention in
the event that an injury occurs on the job. The means of
achieving this purpose is to assure the presence of personnel
trained in first-aid procedures at or near those places where
employees are working. Compliance with the provisions of this
section may require the presence of more than one first-aid
trained person.
(1) In addition to RCW 51.36.030, every employer shall
comply with the department's requirements for first-aid training
and certification.
(2) There shall be present or available at all times, a
person or persons holding a valid certificate of first-aid
training. (A valid first-aid certificate is one which is less
than three years old.)
(3) Compliance with the requirements of subsection (2) of
this section may be achieved as follows:
(a) All foremen, supervisors, or persons in direct charge of
crews working in physically dispersed operations, shall have a
valid first-aid certificate: Provided, That if the duties or
work of the foreman, supervisor or person in direct charge of a
crew, is absent from the crew, another person holding a valid
first-aid certificate shall be present. For the purpose of this
section, a crew shall mean a group of two or more employees
working at a work site separate and remote from the main office
or fixed work place (such as occurs in construction, logging,
etc.). In emergencies, foremen will be permitted to work up to
thirty days without having the required certificate, providing an
employee in the crew or another foreman in the immediate work
area has the necessary certificate.
(b) In fixed establishments, all foremen, supervisors, or
persons in direct charge if a group or groups of employees shall
have a valid first-aid certificate: Provided, That in fixed
establishments where the foreman, supervisor, or person in charge
has duties which require his absence from the work site of the
group, another person holding a valid first-aid certificate shall
be present or available to the groups. Foremen, supervisors or
persons in direct charge of a group or groups of employees will
be permitted to work up to thirty days without having the
required certificate, providing an employee in the crew or
another foreman in the immediate work area has the necessary
(c) In fixed establishments organized into distinct
departments or equivalent organizational units such as department
stores, large company offices, etc., a person or persons holding
a valid first-aid certificate shall be present or available at
all times employees are working within that department or
organizational unit.
(d) In small businesses, offices or similar types of fixed
workplaces, compliance may be achieved by having a number of such
small businesses, offices, etc., combined into a single unit for
the purpose of assuring the continued presence or availability of
a person or persons holding a valid first-aid training
certificate. A plan for combining a number of small businesses,
etc., into such a group shall be submitted to the division of
industrial safety and health, safety education section, for
approval. That section is also available to assist employers who
wish to develop such a plan. Criteria for approval by the
division shall include:
(i) The businesses within the group must not be widely
(ii) The name(s) of the person or persons holding the
first-aid certificate, their usual places of work, their work
phone numbers, and other appropriate information shall be posted
in each establishment which is a member of the group, in a place
which can reasonably be expected to give notice to employees of
that establishment;
(iii) First-aid kits shall be available and maintained as
required by WAC 296-24-065.
(e) Valid certification shall be achieved by passing a
course of first-aid instruction and participation in practical
application of the following subject matter:
Bleeding control and bandaging.
Practical methods of artificial respiration including mouth
to mouth to nose resuscitation.
Closed chest heart massage.
Shock, unconsciousness, stroke.
Burns, scalds.
Sunstroke, heat exhaustion.
Frostbite, freezing, hypothermia.
Strains, sprains, hernias.
Fractures, dislocations.
Proper transportation of the injured.
Bites, stings.
Subjects covering specific health hazards likely to be
encountered by co-workers of first-aid students enrolled in
the course.
(4) Industrial first-aid course instructors will, upon
request, be furnished by the division of industrial safety and
health, department of labor and industries, either directly or
through a program with the community colleges or vocational
(5) Employers of employees working in fixed establishments,
meeting the following criteria, are exempt from the requirements
of this section: Provided
(a) They can submit written evidence to the department upon
request, that the worksite of their employees is within a two
minute time frame of response by an aid car, medic unit or
established ambulance service with first-aid trained attendants.
(b) There is a back-up aid car, medic unit or established
ambulance service within the two minute response time; or that a
first-aid trained person with readily available transportation is
on the site of the posted emergency phone number for immediate
dispatch in the event the primary unit is not available.
(c) There are no traffic impediments, such as draw bridges,
railroad tracks, etc., along the normal route of travel of the
aid car, medic unit or established ambulance service that would
delay arrival beyond the required two minute time frame.
(d) Emergency telephone numbers are posted on all first-aid
kits and at all telephones on the worksite.
(e) The above services are available or exist at all times
when more than one employee is on the worksite.
(( |
(1) Each person in charge of employees has first-aid training; or another person with first-aid training is present or available to the employees. Such training must be successfully completed every two years as required in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1;
(2) Documentation of first-aid training is kept as required in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1;
(3) Emergency telephone numbers are adequately posted;
(4) First-aid training includes the core elements contained in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-540, filed 8/27/81.]
(((1) All
employers who employ men and women covered by the Industrial
Safety and Health Act shall furnish first-aid kits as required by
the division of industrial safety and health, department of labor
and industries, (RCW 51.36.030).
(2) First-aid supplies shall be readily accessible when
(3) In the absence of readily accessible first-aid supplies
such as first-aid kits, first-aid stations, first-aid rooms or
their equivalent, all crew trucks, power shovels, cranes,
locomotives, loaders, dozers, logging trucks, speeders, freight
trucks and similar equipment shall be equipped with not less than
a ten package first-aid kit.
(4) All crew vehicles used for transporting workers shall be
equipped with not less than a ten package first-aid kit. When
more than five employees are being transported on any one trip,
the kit shall be increased in size to comply with a 16, 24, or 36
package kit depending upon the number of personnel normally being
(5) At least one first-aid kit shall be available on
construction jobs, line crews, and other transient or short
duration jobs. The size and quantity of first-aid kits, required
to be located at any site, shall be determined by the number of
personnel normally dependent upon each kit as outlined in the
following table:
1 - 6 - 16 - 31 - |
5 15 30 50 |
10 package kit 16 package kit 24 package kit 36 package kit |
51 - 76 - 101 - 151 - |
75 100 150 200 |
First-Aid Station One 36 and one 10 package kit One 36 and one 16 package kit One 36 and one 24 package kit Two 36 package kits)) |
First-Aid Room Refer to WAC 296-24-070)) |
(6) Employers shall establish a procedure to assure that
first-aid kits and required contents are maintained in a
serviceable condition.
(7) First-aid kits shall contain at least the following
(( |
(9) When practical, a poster shall be fastened and
maintained either on or in the cover of each first-aid kit and at
or near all phones plainly stating, the phone numbers of
available doctors, hospitals, and ambulance services within the
district of the worksite.
(10) When required by the department, in addition to the
first-aid kit which must be kept on the equipment or at the place
of work, there shall be available within the closest practicable
distance from the operations (not to exceed one-half mile) the
following items:
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-545, filed 8/27/81.]
(((1) First-aid stations
shall be located as close as practicable to the highest
concentration of personnel.
(2) First-aid stations shall be well marked and available to
personnel during all working hours.
(3) One person holding a valid first-aid certificate shall
be responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the
first-aid station.
(4) First-aid stations shall be equipped with a minimum of
two first-aid kits, the size of which shall be dependent upon the
number of personnel normally employed at the worksite. One
first-aid kit may be a permanent wall-mounted kit, but in all
cases the station shall be equipped with at least one portable
first-aid kit.
(5) When required by the department, the station shall be
equipped with two wool blankets and a stretcher in addition to
first-aid kits.
(6) A roster, denoting the telephone numbers and addresses
of doctors, hospitals and ambulance services available to the
worksite, shall be posted at each first-aid station.)) Employers
with fifty or more employees per shift at one location must
establish a first-aid station in accordance with the requirements
in chapter 296-24 WAC, Part A-1.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-550, filed 8/27/81.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 296-78-555 | First-aid room. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 74-19, filed 5/6/74)
WAC 296-301-215
First aid.
The first-aid provisions of
((WAC 296-24-015 through 296-24-070,)) chapter 296-24 WAC, Part
A-1 of the general safety and health standards, ((shall)) apply
((to the textile industry)) within the scope of chapter 296-301 WAC.
[Order 74-19, § 296-301-215, filed 5/6/74.]