Date of Adoption: March 28, 2001.
Purpose: Meet criteria supporting Governor Locke's Executive Order 97-02.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing 1 [WAC 308-78-060]; and amending 8 [WAC 308-78-010, 308-78-020, 308-78-030, 308-78-040, 308-78-045, 308-78-070, 308-78-080, and 308-78-090].
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 82.42.100.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 01-03-083 on January 16, 2001.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 3, Amended 8, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 3, Amended 8, Repealed 1; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0. Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
March 15, 2001
Fred Stephens
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order PFT 90-05, filed 6/14/90,
effective 7/15/90)
WAC 308-78-010
(1) "Aircraft fuel" includes
any combustible gas or liquid, which is normally defined as motor
vehicle fuel under chapter 82.36 RCW and chapter 308-72 WAC or a
special fuel under chapter 82.38 RCW((,)) and chapter 308-78 WAC
when ((it is)) used to propel an aircraft.
(2) "User" means any person other than a distributor who is
((licensed)) certified to acquire aircraft fuel without payment
of the aircraft fuel tax at time of acquisition.
(3) "Local service commuter" means an air taxi operator who operates at least five round trips per week between two or more points; publishes flight schedules which specify the times, days of the week, and points between which it operates; and whose aircraft has a maximum capacity of sixty passengers or eighteen thousand pounds of useful load.
(4) (("Operation for testing and experimental purposes"
shall include only those flights conducted under either an
experimental, research and development, or special air-worthiness
certificate issued by the FAA or other documented experimental or
testing flights including the flight of other aircraft used in
the test or experimental flight.
(5))) "Private, nonstate funded airfield" means an airport
not eligible to receive state funding under chapter 47.68 RCW.
(5) "Department" means the department of licensing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.42.040. 90-13-039 (Order PFT 90-05), 308-78-010, filed 6/14/90, effective 7/15/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.42.030. 86-02-057 (Order TL-RG-23), 308-78-010, filed 12/31/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.42.040. 85-04-027 (Order PFT 85-001), 308-78-010, filed 1/31/85; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-010, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-010, filed 10/29/69; Rules (part), filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rules (part), filed 7/21/67.]
(2) Can the department collect on bonds for unpaid aircraft
fuel taxes? Yes, the department may execute bonds on file under
the provisions of chapters 82.36 and 82.42 RCW for unpaid
aircraft fuel taxes ((owing under chapter 82.42 RCW)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-020, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-020, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-020, filed 10/29/69; Rule A, filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rule A, filed 7/21/67.]
(2) What if the payment due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or state legal holiday? Payment is due by the state business day immediately preceding the due date. (For example, if the payment due date falls on Saturday, you must transfer the funds by Friday.)
(3) Is a report due if I have no activity for the month? Yes, a report shall be filed with the department for each calendar month even when no aircraft fuel was sold or used.
(((3))) (4) Can tax return information be made available to
other government agencies? Yes, the department routinely
furnishes copies of schedules to government agencies or foreign
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-030, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 90-13-039 (Order PFT 90-05), 308-78-030, filed 6/14/90, effective 7/15/90; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-030, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-030, filed 10/29/69; Rule B, filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rule B, filed 7/21/67.]
(((a))) (1) A destination outside the state;
(((b))) (2) United States or foreign government agencies;
(((c))) (3) Directly into the aircraft fuel tanks of
equipment operated by air carriers, supplemental air carriers,
and foreign flag carriers operating under part 121 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations, and local service commuters;
(((d))) (4) Another licensed distributor; ((or
(e))) (5) To a purchaser who delivers the fuel for export
((purposes (fuel must be unloaded at a location outside the
state))) under RCW 82.42.030 ((in the state into:
(i) Purchaser's transportation equipment; and/or
(ii) A common/contract carrier employed by the purchaser at
a location outside the state.
(2) What invoices are required and how are they distributed?
An original invoice must be furnished to the purchaser; the
selling distributor as required by RCW 82.42.040 and WAC 308-78-070 must keep a copy of the invoice.
(3) What information must an invoice include? The selling
distributor must issue to the purchaser an invoice, which shall
contain at least the following:
(a) Name and address of seller;
(b) Name and address of purchaser;
(c) The date of delivery (month, day, and year);
(d) The location of the point of shipment, in words;
(e) The place of delivery, in words, if different from
shipping point;
(f) Purchaser's method of transporting fuel (either customer
equipment, common carrier, or pipeline, if by common carrier,
common carrier's name);
(g) State or foreign jurisdiction of destination;
(h) Name of product sold;
(i) The quantity, in gallons, of product sold;
(j) The price per gallon and total amount charged; and
(k) The statement: "Ex Washington State Fuel Tax.")) or
82.42.070; or
(6) Into the bulk storage tank of a certified user.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-040, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 90-13-039 (Order PFT 90-05), 308-78-040, filed 6/14/90, effective 7/15/90; 85-04-027 (Order PFT 85-001), 308-78-040, filed 1/31/85; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-040, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-040, filed 10/29/69; Rule C, filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rule C, filed 7/21/67.]
(1) Operation of aircraft by air carriers, supplemental air carriers, and foreign flag carriers, operating under part 121 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and local service commuters.
(2) For testing and experimental purposes in the manufacture or remanufacture of aircraft and for flight operations of experimental testing following manufacture, repair prior to delivery to a customer or experimental testing of another aircraft.
(3) For aircraft crew training in Washington state for certified air carriers.
(4) When applying pesticides, herbicides or other
agricultural chemicals and for flight operations as defined in
RCW 82.42.020.)) What are the conditions under which a refund of
aircraft fuel tax can be claimed? Refund of the aircraft fuel
tax paid may be claimed for the following uses or circumstances:
(1) Operation of aircraft by air carriers, supplemental air carriers, and foreign flag carriers, operating under part 121 of the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations, and local service commuters.
(2) Testing and experimental purposes in the manufacture or remanufacture of aircraft and for flight operations or experimental testing following manufacture, repair prior to delivery to a customer, or experimental testing of another aircraft.
(3) Aircraft crew training in Washington state for certified air carriers.
(4) When applying pesticides, herbicides, or other agricultural chemicals under conditions defined in RCW 82.42.020.
(5) Exportation of fuel from this state for use outside this state under the same conditions as provided for the refund of motor vehicle fuel in chapter 82.36 RCW and special fuel in chapter 82.38 RCW.
(6) Use of fuel in nonhighway equipment, other than aircraft, as provided for the refund of motor vehicle fuel in chapter 82.36 RCW and special fuel in chapter 82.38 RCW.
(7) Sales to the United States or foreign government agencies by a distributor who has paid the aircraft fuel tax. The distributor shall file an exemption certificate provided by the department. This certificate shall contain an assignment to the distributor of the purchaser's right to a refund.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-045, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 85-04-027 (Order PFT 85-001), 308-78-045, filed 1/31/85; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-045, filed 10/6/82.]
(2) May I claim an exemption for losses due to leakage? Yes, if the verified leakage is five hundred gallons or more.
(3) May I claim an exemption for losses of aircraft fuel due to evaporation, shrinkage, or unknown causes? No, aircraft fuel losses due to evaporation, shrinkage, or unknown causes are not permitted.
(4) What is acceptable proof of loss? Acceptable proof of loss will consist of the following:
(a) An affidavit by a person having direct knowledge of the circumstances of the loss, explaining the circumstances surrounding the loss, quantity of fuel lost, fuel salvaged, disposition of salvaged fuel, and procedures used in determining the quantity of fuel lost;
(b) A signed statement by a federal or jurisdictional official who has authority to investigate fuel losses, or a witness to the loss;
(c) A bill of lading or shipping document;
(d) A statement by the licensee establishing ownership of the fuel at the time of loss.
(5) How long must I retain my evidence substantiating the loss? Documentary evidence substantiating losses shall be retained by the licencee for five years.
(6) Am I liable for fuel taxes if one of my employees or agents causes a loss of fuel? Yes, charges for losses made by employees or agents who fail to satisfactorily account for fuel shall be invoiced inclusive of the fuel tax. Other losses shall be substantiated by proof acceptable to the department.
(a) Physical inventories of bulk storage facilities and mobile storage facilities taken at the close of each calendar month;
(b) A record of fuel receipts together with invoices, bills of lading, transfer documents, and other documents relative to the acquisition of fuel;
(c) A record of fuel disbursements supported by sales invoices and other documents relative to the disbursements of fuel;
(d) ((An original invoice shall be issued at the time of
each sale, or delivery, and shall show:
(i) The name of the distributor;
(ii) The date of delivery;
(iii) The name and address of the purchaser (address not
required on credit card deliveries);
(iv) The location of the storage facility from which the
fuel was withdrawn;
(v) The type or grade of fuel;
(vi) The number of gallons sold or delivered;
(vii) The price per gallon and the total amount charged;
(viii) The statement: "Ex Washington Aircraft Fuel Tax" for
tax exempt sales. The distributor or user license number must be
shown for all deliveries other than those made directly into the
aircraft fuel tanks of unlicensed exempt carriers;
(e))) A withdrawal record covering their own total usage
during the month. The withdrawal record shall contain the date
of withdrawal, the location of the storage facility from which
the fuel was withdrawn, the type or grade of fuel, and the number
of gallons withdrawn;
(((f))) (e) Each person claiming an exemption from the
aircraft fuel tax shall keep records of each flight or series of
flights for which tax exempt use is claimed. Such records shall
(i) Flight or block time of each flight or series of flights;
(ii) Type of aircraft;
(iii) Purpose of each flight or series of flights;
(iv) Dates;
(v) Gallons consumed for each flight or series of flights.
(2) How long must I retain my records? Records shall be maintained and kept for a period of not less than five years in their original form. The department may make such examinations of the records, facilities, equipment, and aircraft of distributors, certified users and consumers of aircraft fuel as necessary in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-070, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 90-13-039 (Order PFT 90-05), 308-78-070, filed 6/14/90, effective 7/15/90; 85-04-027 (Order PFT 85-001), 308-78-070, filed 1/31/85; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-070, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-070, filed 10/29/69; Rule F, filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rule F, filed 7/21/67.]
(2) What information must appear on each invoice? Each invoice must include the following information:
(a) The name and address of the seller;
(b) The name, address and aircraft fuel tax number, if applicable, of the purchaser for all deliveries other than those made directly into the aircraft fuel tanks of unlicensed exempt carriers;
(c) The date of delivery (month, day and year);
(d) The location of the point of shipment. Alphanumeric codes are not allowed;
(e) The physical address of delivery, if different than the purchaser address, including the name of the state, Canadian Province, or foreign country. Alphanumeric codes are not allowed;
(f) Name of carrier transporting fuel;
(g) Name of product sold;
(h) The gross number of U.S. gallons of product sold;
(i) The price per gallon and the total amount charged;
(j) A statement on the invoice indicating whether the fuel has been sold with or without the Washington state fuel tax;
(k) In the case of a delivery onto a federally recognized Indian reservation or onto Indian country, the invoice must identify the state within the contiguous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, District of Columbia, U.S. possession, or Canadian Province in which the delivery took place.
(3) What happens if an invoice is lost or destroyed? If an invoice is lost or destroyed, the seller shall issue a duplicate or copy containing all information that appeared on the original invoice. The copies shall be plainly marked "copy" or "duplicate."
(4) What happens if an incorrect invoice is issued to the purchaser? The seller must retrieve the incorrect invoice and issue a corrected invoice to the purchaser.
(2) ((What is considered a tax exempt refund? A refund of
aircraft fuel tax, which has been collected, may be claimed on
aircraft fuel that has been:
(a) Used for purposes exempted under RCW 82.42.020, or
82.42.030 and WAC 308-78-040, 308-78-045 and 308-78-060;
(b) Exported from this state for use outside this state
under the same conditions as provided for refund of motor vehicle
fuel in RCW 82.36.300. Any aircraft fuel carried from this state
in the fuel tank of an aircraft shall not be considered as
exported from this state;
(c) Used in nonhighway equipment, other than aircraft, as
provided for refund of motor vehicle fuel in RCW 82.36.280;
(d) Sold to United States or foreign government agencies by
a dealer who has paid the aircraft fuel tax. The dealer shall
file an exemption certificate provided by the department. This
certificate shall contain an assignment to the dealer of the
purchaser's right to a refund. Each invoice covering such sale
shall clearly state the fuel has been sold without the aircraft
fuel tax.
(3))) Is there a time limit to claim an aircraft fuel tax
refund? Yes, claims for refund may not be filed later than
thirteen months from the date of purchase of such aircraft fuel
under the same conditions as provided for motor vehicle fuel in
RCW 82.36.330.
(((4))) (3) Can the department verify the validity of refund
claims? Yes, the department may examine the books and records of
the claimant in order to establish the validity of any claim for
refund under the same conditions as provided for motor vehicle
fuel in RCW 82.36.340.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-080, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99; 85-04-027 (Order PFT 85-001), 308-78-080, filed 1/31/85; 82-20-093 (Order MV 696), 308-78-080, filed 10/6/82; Order 69-10-2, 308-78-080, filed 10/29/69; Rule G, filed 9/12/67; Emergency Rule G, filed 7/21/67.]
(2) How will the department determine whether fees,
penalties and/or interest will be mitigated? The department((,
in its discretion, and after review of records furnished and/or
tax returns available, may take into consideration a taxpayer's
history of underpayments and overpayments, late payment(s), late
filing of tax returns, or incomplete records in arriving at its
decision to mitigate)) will review records, account history or
other information in arriving at its decision.
(3) What happens if I do not pay my tax assessment on time? You will be assessed additional penalties and/or interest.
(((4) Under what circumstances may assessed late payment
penalties and/or interest be mitigated? The department, in its
discretion, may mitigate late payment penalties and/or interest
if the taxpayer provides reasonable cause for failure to make
payment within a thirty-day period after service of an
[Statutory Authority: RCW 88.42.040. 99-19-097, 308-78-090, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.42.040 and 82.42.100. 92-01-015, 308-78-090, filed 12/6/91, effective 1/6/92.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 308-78-060 | Tax exempt losses. |