(Securities Division)
Date of Adoption: July 12, 2001.
Purpose: Revisions to chapter 460-24A WAC to implement mandatory electronic filing for investment advisers and investment adviser representatives using IARD, to make technical corrections, and to make other amendments to the chapter to promote uniformity.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 460-24A-050, 460-24A-055, 460-24A-060, 460-24A-105, 460-24A-145, 460-24A-170, 460-24A-200, 460-24A-205, and 460-24A-210.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 21.20.450, 21.20.050, 21.20.100.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 01-12-090 on June 6, 2001.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: In WAC 460-24-047, typographical errors are corrected and subsections (1) and (2) are amended to add the phrase "federal covered adviser." In WAC 460-24-070, new subsection (5) is added to address federal covered advisers receiving hardship exemptions. These changes respond to public comments.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 2, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 2, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 4, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 6, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Other Findings Required by Other Provisions of Law as Precondition to Adoption or Effectiveness of Rule: No rule may
be made unless the director of the Department of Financial
Institutions finds that the action is necessary or appropriate in
the public interest or for the protection of investors and
consistent with the purposes fairly intended by the policy and
provisions of chapter 21.20 RCW. The director hereby makes such
a finding with respect to this proposal.
Effective Date of Rule:
October 24, 2001.
July 12, 2001
John L. Bley
WAC 460-24A-020
Investment adviser representatives employed
by federal covered advisers.
An individual employed by or
associated with a federal covered adviser is an "investment
adviser representative," pursuant to RCW 21.20.005(14), if the
representative has a "place of business" in this state, as that
term is defined under section 203A of the Investment Advisers Act
of 1940, and:
(1) Is an "investment adviser representative" pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940; or
(2) Solicits, offers, or negotiates for the sale of or sells investment advisory services on behalf of a federal covered adviser, but is not a "supervised person" as that term is defined under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
(2) Use of IARD. Unless otherwise provided, all investment adviser, federal covered adviser, and investment adviser representative applications, amendments, reports, notices, related filings, and fees required to be filed with the director pursuant to the rules promulgated under this chapter, shall be filed electronically with and transmitted to IARD. The following additional conditions relate to such electronic filings:
(a) Electronic signature. When a signature or signatures are required by the particular instructions of any filing to be made through IARD, a duly authorized officer of the applicant or the applicant him or herself, as required, shall affix his or her electronic signature to the filing by typing his or her name in the appropriate fields and submitting the filing to Web IARD. Submission of a filing in this manner shall constitute irrefutable evidence of legal signature by any individuals whose names are typed on the filing.
(b) When filed. Solely for purposes of a filing made through IARD, a document is considered filed with the director when all fees are received and the filing is accepted by IARD on behalf of the state.
(3) Electronic filing. Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, the electronic filing of any particular document and the collection of related processing fees shall not be required until such time as IARD provides for receipt of such filings and fees and thirty days' notice is provided by the director. Any documents required to be filed with the director that are not permitted to be filed with or cannot be accepted by IARD shall be filed in paper directly with the director.
(4) Hardship exemptions. Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, electronic filing is not required under the following circumstances:
(a) Temporary hardship exemption.
(i) Investment advisers registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040, who experience unanticipated technical difficulties that prevent submission of an electronic filing to IARD, may request a temporary hardship exemption from the requirements to file electronically.
(ii) To request a temporary hardship exemption, the investment adviser must:
(A) File Form ADV-H in paper format with the appropriate regulatory authority in the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located, no later than one business day after the filing, that is the subject of the Form ADV-H, was due. If the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located has not mandated the use of IARD, the investment adviser should file the Form ADV-H with the appropriate regulatory authority in the first state that mandates the use of IARD by the investment adviser; and
(B) Submit the filing that is the subject of the Form ADV-H in electronic format to IARD no later than seven business days after the filing was due.
(iii) Effective date -- Upon filing. The temporary hardship exemption will be deemed effective by the director upon receipt of the complete Form ADV-H by appropriate regulatory authority noted in (a)(ii)(A) of this subsection. Multiple temporary hardship exemption requests within the same calendar year may be disallowed by the director.
(b) Continuing hardship exemption.
(i) Criteria for exemption. A continuing hardship exemption will be granted only if the investment adviser is able to demonstrate that the electronic filing requirements of this section are prohibitively burdensome.
(ii) To apply for a continuing hardship exemption, the investment adviser must:
(A) File Form ADV-H in paper format with the director at least twenty business days before a filing is due; and
(B) If a filing is due to more than one state, the Form ADV-H must be filed with the appropriate regulatory authority in the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located. If the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located has not mandated the use of IARD, the investment adviser should file the Form ADV-H with the appropriate regulatory authority in the first state that mandates the use of IARD by the investment adviser. Any applications received by the director will be granted or denied within ten business days after the filing of Form ADV-H.
(iii) Effective date -- Upon approval. The exemption is effective upon approval by the director. The time period of the exemption may be no longer than one year after the date on which the Form ADV-H is filed. If the director approves the application, the investment adviser must, no later than five business days after the exemption approval date, submit filings in paper format (along with the appropriate processing fees) for the period of time for which the exemption is granted.
(c) Recognition of exemption. The decision to grant or deny a request for a hardship exemption will be made by the appropriate regulatory authority in the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located. If the state where the investment adviser's principal place of business is located has not mandated the use of IARD, the decision to grant or deny a request for a hardship exemption will be made by appropriate regulatory authority in the first state that mandates the use of IARD by the investment adviser. The decision will be followed by the director if the investment adviser is registered in this state.
(1) Examination requirements. A person applying to be registered as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative under RCW 21.20.040 shall provide the director with proof that he or she has obtained a passing score on one of the following examinations:
(a) The Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65 examination); or
(b) The General Securities Representative Examination (Series 7 examination) and the Uniform Combined State Law Examination (Series 66 examination).
(2) Grandfathering. (a) Any individual who is registered as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative in any jurisdiction in the United States on the effective date of this amended rule shall not be required to satisfy the examination requirements for initial or continued registration, provided that the director may require additional examinations for any individual found to have violated the Securities Act of Washington, Chapter 21.20 RCW, or the Uniform Securities Act. (b) An individual who has not been registered in any jurisdiction for a period of two (2) years shall be required to comply with the examination requirements of subsection (1).
(3) Waivers. The examination requirements shall not apply to an individual who currently holds one of the following professional designations:
(a) Certified Financial Planner (CFP) issued by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.;
(b) Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) awarded by The American College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania;
(c) Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants;
(d) Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) granted by the Association for Investment Management and Research;
(e) Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC) granted by the Investment Counsel Association of America; or
(f) Such other professional designation as the director may by order recognize.
(4) If the person applying for registration as an investment adviser is any entity other than a sole proprietor, an officer, general partner, managing member, or other equivalent person of authority in the entity may take the examination on behalf of the entity. If the person taking the examination ceases to be a person of authority in the entity, then the investment adviser must notify the director of a substitute person of authority who has passed the examinations required in subsection (1) of this section within two months in order to maintain the investment adviser license.
(5) Registration requirements.
(a) A person applying ((to be registered)) for initial
registration as an investment adviser shall ((submit)) file a
completed Form ADV with IARD along with the following:
(i) Proof of complying with the examination or waiver
requirements specified in subsections (1) through (((5))) (4)
(ii) ((a completed Form ADV; (iii))) A financial statement
demonstrating compliance with the requirements of WAC 460-24A-170, if necessary;
(((iv))) (iii) The application fee specified in RCW 21.20.340; and
(((v))) (iv) Such other documents as the director may
(b) A person applying ((to be registered)) for initial
registration as an investment adviser representative shall
((submit)) file a completed Form U-4 with IARD along with the
(i) Proof of complying with the examination or waiver
requirements specified in subsections (1) through (((5))) (4)
(ii) ((a completed Form U-4; (iii))) The application fee
specified in RCW 21.20.340; and
(((iv))) (iii) Such other documents as the director may
[Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 00-01-001, 460-24A-050, filed 12/1/99, effective 1/1/00; 97-16-050, 460-24A-050, filed 7/31/97, effective 8/31/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450 and 21.20.070. 95-16-026 and 95-17-002, 460-24A-050, filed 7/21/95 and 8/2/95, effective 8/21/95 and 9/2/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.070 and 21.20.450. 90-05-003, 460-24A-050, filed 2/9/90, effective 3/12/90; 89-17-077 (Order SD0-123-89), 460-24A-050, filed 8/17/89, effective 9/17/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 85-23-063 (Order SDO-220-85), 460-24A-050, filed 11/19/85; 85-16-068 (Order SDO-128-85), 460-24A-050, filed 8/1/85. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450 and 21.20.040. 83-03-024 (Order SDO-6-83), 460-24A-050, filed 1/13/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 82-02-033 (Order SDO-149-81), 460-24A-050, filed 12/31/81; Order SD-131-77, 460-24A-050, filed 11/23/77; Order 304, 460-24A-050, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.070 and 21.20.450. 95-16-026, 460-24A-055, filed 7/21/95, effective 8/21/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.080, 21.20.340 and 21.20.450. 88-17-011 (Order SDO-047-88), 460-24A-055, filed 8/8/88.]
(a) Any renewal application required by IARD;
(b) The renewal fee required by RCW 21.20.340; and
(c) An electronically submitted Form U-4, unless:
(i) The Form U-4 has been previously submitted to IARD electronically; or
(ii) The investment adviser, filing on behalf of the investment adviser representative, has been granted a hardship exemption under WAC 460-24A-047(4).
(2) For any renewal application received by IARD after the expiration date set forth in WAC 460-24A-055, but on or before March 1 of the following year, the licensee shall pay a delinquency fee in addition to the renewal fee. The delinquency fee for investment advisers shall be one hundred dollars. The delinquency fee for investment adviser representatives shall be fifty dollars.
(3) No renewal applications will be accepted after March 1. An investment adviser or investment adviser representative may apply for reregistration by complying with WAC 460-24A-050.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 85-16-068 (Order SDO-128-85), 460-24A-060, filed 8/1/85; Order 304, 460-24A-060, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
(2) Portions of Form ADV not yet accepted by IARD. Until IARD provides for the filing of Part 2 of Form ADV, Part 2 will be deemed filed if it is provided to the director within five days of the director's request. The federal covered adviser is not required to submit Part 2 of the Form ADV to the director unless requested.
(3) Renewal. The annual renewal of the notice filing for a federal covered adviser shall be filed with IARD. The renewal of the notice filing for a federal covered adviser shall be deemed filed when the fee required by RCW 21.20.340 is filed with and accepted by IARD on behalf of the state.
(4) Updates and amendments. A federal covered adviser must file any amendments to its Form ADV with IARD in accordance with the instructions in the Form ADV.
(5) A federal covered adviser that, because it has received a hardship exemption from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is not required to file its Form ADV with the SEC through IARD shall, in lieu of filing electronically, file the documents and fees required by this section directly with the director.
(2) Investment adviser representative. The termination of registration as an investment adviser representative pursuant to RCW 21.20.080 shall be reported by complying with the instructions to Form U-5 and filing a completed Form U-5 with IARD.
(1) All such securities of each such client are segregated, marked to identify the particular client who has the beneficial interest therein, and held in safekeeping in someplace reasonably free from risk of destruction or other loss; and
(2)(a) All such funds of such clients are deposited in one or more bank accounts which contain only clients' funds,
(b) Such account or accounts are maintained in the name of the investment adviser as agent or trustee for such clients, and
(c) The investment adviser maintains a separate record for each such account which shows the name and address of the bank where such account is maintained, the dates and amounts of deposits in and withdrawals from such account, and the exact amount of each client's beneficial interest in such account; and
(3) Such investment adviser, immediately after accepting custody or possession of such funds or securities from any client, notifies such client in writing of the place and manner in which such funds and securities will be maintained, and thereafter, if and when there is any change in the place or manner in which such funds or securities are being maintained, gives each such client written notice thereof; and
(4) Such investment adviser sends to each client, not less frequently than once every three months, an itemized statement showing the funds and securities in the custody or possession of the investment adviser at the end of such period and all debits, credits and transactions in such client's account during such period; and
(5) All such funds and securities of clients are verified by
actual examination at least once during each calendar year by an
independent certified public accountant or public accountant at a
time which shall be chosen by such accountant without prior
notice to the investment adviser. A certificate of such
accountant stating that he has made an examination of such funds
and securities, and describing the nature and extent of such
examination shall be filed with the ((administrator)) director
promptly after each such examination.
[Order 304, 460-24A-105, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
(2) Delivery.
(a) An investment adviser, except as provided in
((subparagraph)) (b) of this ((paragraph)) subsection, shall
deliver the ((statement)) materials required by this section to
an advisory client or prospective advisory client (i) not less
than 48 hours prior to entering into any investment advisory
contract with such client or prospective client, or (ii) at the
time of entering into any such contract, if the advisory client
has a right to terminate the contract without penalty within five
business days after entering into the contract.
(b) Delivery of the ((statement)) materials required by
((subparagraph)) (a) of this subsection need not be made in
connection with entering into (((i) an investment company
contract or (ii))) a contract for impersonal advisory services.
(3) Offer to deliver.
(a) An investment adviser, except as provided in
((subdivision)) (b) of this subsection, annually shall, without
charge, deliver or offer in writing to deliver upon written
request to each of its advisory clients the ((statement))
materials required by this section.
(b) The delivery or offer required by ((subparagraph)) (a)
of this subsection need not be made to advisory clients receiving
advisory services solely pursuant to (((i) an investment company
contract or (ii))) a contract for impersonal advisory services
requiring a payment of less than $200.00.
(c) With respect to an advisory client entering into a
contract or receiving advisory services pursuant to a contract
for impersonal advisory services which requires a payment of
$200.00 or more, an offer of the type specified in
((subparagraph)) (a) of this subsection shall also be made at the
time of entering into an advisory contract.
(d) Any ((statement)) materials requested in writing by an
advisory client pursuant to an offer required by this subsection
must be mailed or delivered within seven days of the receipt of
the request.
(4) Delivery to limited partners. If the investment adviser is the general partner of a limited partnership, the manager of a limited liability company, or the trustee of a trust, then, for purposes of this section, the investment adviser must treat each of the partnership's limited partners, the company's members, or the trust's beneficial owners, as a client. For purposes of this section, a limited liability partnership or limited liability limited partnership is a "limited partnership."
(5) Wrap fee program brochures.
(a) If the investment adviser is a sponsor or a wrap fee program, then the materials required to be delivered, by subsection (2) of this section, to a client or prospective client of the wrap fee program, must contain all information required by Form ADV. Any additional information must be limited to information applicable to wrap fee programs that the investment adviser sponsors.
(b) The investment adviser does not have to offer or deliver wrap fee information if another sponsor of the wrap fee program offers or delivers to the client or prospective client of the wrap fee program warp fee program information containing all the information the investment adviser's wrap fee program brochure must contain.
(6) Delivery of updates and amendments. When the disclosure materials required to be delivered pursuant to subsection (2) of this section become materially inaccurate, the investment adviser must amend and promptly deliver to its clients amendments to such disclosure materials. The instructions to Part 2 of Form ADV contain updating and delivery instructions that the investment adviser must follow. An amendment will be considered to be delivered promptly if the amendment is delivered within thirty days of the event that requires the filing of the amendment.
(7) Omission of inapplicable information. If an investment
adviser renders substantially different types of investment
advisory services to different advisory clients, the investment
adviser may provide them with different disclosure materials,
provided that each client receives all applicable information
about services and fees. The disclosure delivered to a client
may omit any information required by Part II of Form ADV ((may be
omitted from the statement furnished to an advisory client or
prospective advisory client)) if such information is applicable
only to a type of investment advisory service or fee which is not
rendered or charged, or proposed to be rendered or charged, to
that client or prospective client.
(((5))) (8) Other disclosure((s)) obligations. Nothing in
this ((rule)) section shall relieve any investment adviser from
any obligation ((pursuant to any provision of)) to disclose any
information to its advisory clients or prospective advisory
clients not specifically required by this rule under chapter 21.20 RCW ((or)), the rules and regulations thereunder, or any
other federal or state law ((to disclose any information to its
advisory clients or prospective advisory clients not specifically
required by this rule)).
(((6))) (9) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule:
(a) "Contract for impersonal advisory services" means any contract relating solely to the provision of investment advisory services (i) by means of written material or oral statements which do not purport to meet the objectives or needs of specific individuals or accounts; (ii) through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security; or (iii) any combination of the foregoing services.
(b) "Entering into," in reference to an investment advisory contract, does not include an extension or renewal without material change of any such contract which is in effect immediately prior to such extension or renewal.
(c) (("Investment company contract" means a contract with an
investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of
1940 which meets the requirements of section 15(c) of that act))
"Sponsor" of a wrap fee program means an investment adviser that
is compensated under a wrap fee program for sponsoring,
organizing, or administering the program, or for selecting, or
providing advice to clients regarding the selection of other
investment advisers in the program.
(d) "Wrap fee program" means an advisory program under which a specified fee or fees, not based directly upon transactions in a client's account, is charged for investment advisory services (which may include portfolio management or advice concerning the selection of other investment advisers) and the execution of client transactions.
[Statutory Authority: 1998 c 15 9. 99-03-052, 460-24A-145, filed 1/15/99, effective 2/15/99.]
(2) The administrator may, upon written application, exempt
from the provisions of this section, either unconditionally or on
specified terms and conditions, any investment adviser who
satisfies the administrator that, because of the special nature
of his business, his financial position, and the safeguards he
has established for the protection of customers' funds and
securities, it is not necessary in the public interest or for the
protection of investors to subject the particular investment
adviser to the provisions of this section)) An investment adviser
registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040, who
has custody of client funds or securities, shall maintain at all
times a minimum net worth of $35,000. An investment adviser
registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040, who
has discretionary authority over client funds or securities, but
does not have custody of client funds or securities, shall
maintain at all times a minimum net worth of $10,000.
(2) An investment adviser registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040 who has custody or discretion of client funds or securities, but does not meet the minimum net worth requirements in subsection (1) of this section shall be bonded in the amount of the net worth deficiency rounded up to the nearest $5,000. Any bond required by this section shall be in the form determined by the director, issued by a company qualified to do business in this state, and shall be subject to the claim of all clients of the investment adviser regardless of the client's state of residence.
(3) An investment adviser registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040, who accepts prepayment of more than $500 per client and six or more months in advance, shall maintain at all times a positive net worth.
(4) Unless otherwise exempted, as a condition of the right to transact business in this state, every investment adviser registered or required to be registered under RCW 21.20.040 shall, by the close of business on the next business day, notify the director if the investment adviser's net worth is less than the minimum required. After transmitting such notice, each investment adviser shall file, by the close of business on the next business day, a report with the director of its financial condition, including the following:
(a) A trial balance of all ledger accounts;
(b) A statement of all client funds or securities which are not segregated;
(c) A computation of the aggregate amount of client ledger debit balances; and
(d) A statement as to the number of client accounts.
(5) For purposes of this section, the term "net worth" shall mean an excess of assets over liabilities, as determined by generally accepted accounting principles, but shall not include as assets: Prepaid expenses (except as to items properly classified as assets under generally accepted accounting principles), deferred charges, goodwill, franchise rights, organizational expenses, patents, copyrights, marketing rights, unamortized debt discount and expense, all other assets of intangible nature, home furnishings, automobile(s), and any other personal items not readily marketable in the case of an individual; advances or loans to stockholders and officers in the case of a corporation; and advances or loans to partners in the case of a partnership.
(6) For purposes of this section, a person will be deemed to have custody if said person directly or indirectly holds client funds or securities, has any authority to obtain possession of them, or has the ability to appropriate them. An adviser shall not be deemed to have constructive custody of a client's cash or securities, if such possession is for the sole purpose of immediately forwarding such cash or securities to a third party at the request of the client.
(7) The director may require that a current appraisal be submitted in order to establish the worth of any asset.
(8) Every investment adviser that has its principal place of business in a state other than this state shall maintain only such minimum net worth as required by the state in which the investment adviser maintains its principal place of business, provided the investment adviser is licensed in that state and is in compliance with that state's minimum capital requirements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 97-16-050, 460-24A-170, filed 7/31/97, effective 8/31/97; Order 304, 460-24A-170, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
(a) A journal or journals, including cash receipts and disbursements records, and any other records of original entry forming the basis of entries in any ledger.
(b) General and auxiliary ledgers (or other comparable records) reflecting asset, liability, reserve, capital, income and expense accounts.
(c) A memorandum of each order given by the investment
adviser for the purchase or sale of any security, of any
instruction received by the investment adviser from a client
concerning the purchase, sale, receipt or delivery of a
particular security, and of any modification or cancellation of
any such order or instruction. ((Such)) The memoranda shall show
the terms and conditions of the order, instruction, modification
or cancellation; shall identify the person connected with the
investment adviser who recommended the transaction to the client
and the person who placed ((such)) the order; and shall show the
account for which entered, the date of entry, and the bank or
broker-dealer by or through whom executed where appropriate. Orders entered pursuant to the exercise of a power of attorney
shall be so designated.
(d) All check books, bank statements, ((cancelled)) canceled
checks and cash reconciliations of the investment adviser.
(e) All bills or statements (or copies thereof), paid or
unpaid, relating to the business of the investment adviser ((as
(f) All trial balances, financial statements, and internal
audit working papers relating to the investment adviser's
business ((of such)) as an investment adviser. For purposes of
this subsection, "financial statements" shall mean a balance
sheet prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, and income statement, a cash flow statement, and a
net worth computation, if applicable, as required by WAC 460-24A-170.
(g) Originals of all written communications received and
copies of all written communications sent by ((such)) the
investment adviser relating to (i) any recommendation made or
proposed to be made and any advice given or proposed to be given,
(ii) any receipt, disbursement or delivery of funds or
securities, or (iii) the placing or execution of any order to
purchase or sell any security: Provided, however, That the
investment adviser shall not be required to keep any unsolicited
market letters and other similar communications of general public
distribution not prepared by or for the investment adviser: And
provided, That if the investment adviser sends any notice,
circular or other advertisement offering any report, analysis,
publication or other investment advisory service to more than 10
persons, the investment adviser shall not be required to keep a
record of the names and addresses of the persons to whom it was
sent, except that if such notice, circular or advertisement is
distributed to persons named on any list, the investment adviser
shall retain with the copy of such notice, circular or
advertisement a memorandum describing the list and the source
(h) A list or other record of all accounts in which the
investment adviser is vested with any discretionary power ((of
attorney)) with respect to the funds, securities or transactions
of any client.
(i) A copy of all powers of attorney and other evidences of
the granting of any discretionary authority by any client to the
investment adviser((, or copies thereof)).
(j) ((All)) A written copy of each agreement((s (or copies
thereof))) entered into by the investment adviser with any client
((or)) and all other written agreements otherwise relating to the
investment adviser's business ((of such)) as an investment
adviser ((as such)).
(k) A file containing a copy of each notice, circular,
advertisement, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin or
other communication ((recommending)), including by electronic
media, that the investment advisers circulates or distributes,
directly or indirectly, to two or more persons (other than
persons connected with the investment adviser), and if such
communication recommends the purchase or sale of a specific
security((, which the investment adviser circulates or
distributed, directly or indirectly, to 10 or more persons (other
than investment supervisory clients or persons connected with
such investment adviser), and if such notice, circular,
advertisement, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin or
other communication)) and does not state the reasons for ((such))
the recommendation, a memorandum of the investment adviser
indicating the reasons ((therefor)) for the recommendation.
(((2))) (l)(i) A record of every transaction in a security
in which the investment adviser or any ((investment adviser
salesman)) advisory representative (as hereinafter defined) of
((such)) the investment adviser has, or by reason of such
transaction acquires, any direct or indirect beneficial
ownership, except:
(((i))) (A) Transactions effected in any account over which
neither the investment adviser nor any ((investment adviser
salesman)) advisory representative of the investment adviser has
any direct or indirect influence or control; and
(((ii))) (B) Transactions in securities which are direct
obligations of the United States.
((Such)) The record shall state the title and amount of the
security involved; the date and nature of the transaction (i.e.,
purchase, sale or other acquisition or disposition); the price at
which it was effected; and the name of the broker-dealer or bank
with or through whom the transaction was effected. ((Such)) The
record may also contain a statement declaring that the reporting
or recording of any such transaction shall not be construed as an
admission that the investment adviser or ((investment adviser
salesman)) advisory representative has any direct or indirect
beneficial ownership in the security. A transaction shall be
recorded not later than 10 days after the end of the calendar
quarter in which the transaction was effected.
(ii) For the purposes of this ((clause (2), the term
"investment adviser salesman")) subsection (1), the following
definitions will apply:
(A) "Advisory representative" shall mean any partner,
officer or director of the investment adviser; any employee who
((makes any recommendation, who)) participates in any way in the
determination of which recommendations shall be made, or whose
functions or duties relate to the determination of which
recommendation shall be made((,)); any employee who, in
connection with his or her duties, obtains any information
concerning which securities are being recommended prior to the
effective dissemination of the recommendations; and any of the
following persons ((in a control relationship to the investment
adviser)) who obtain((s)) information concerning securities
recommendations being made by ((such)) the investment adviser
((other than a regular client of such investment adviser)) prior
to the effective dissemination of the recommendations:
(I) Any person in a control relationship to the investment adviser;
(II) Any affiliated person of a controlling person; and
(III) Any affiliated person of an affiliated person.
(B) "Control" shall mean the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a company, unless such power is solely the result of an official position with such company. Any person who owns beneficially, either directly or through one or more controlled companies, more than 25 percent of the voting securities of a company shall be presumed to control such company.
(iii) An investment adviser ((does not violate)) shall not
be deemed to have violated the provisions of this ((clause (2)))
subsection (1) because of ((his)) the failure to record
securities transactions of any ((investment adviser salesman))
advisory representative if ((he)) the investment adviser
establishes that ((he)) it instituted adequate procedures, and
used reasonable diligence to obtain promptly, reports of all
transactions required to be recorded.
(((3))) (m)(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of (l) of this
subsection, where the investment adviser is primarily engaged in
a business or businesses other than advising investment advisory
clients, a record must be maintained of every transaction in a
security in which the investment adviser or any advisory
representative (as hereinafter defined) of the investment adviser
has, or by reason of any transaction acquires, any direct or
indirect beneficial ownership, except:
(A) Transactions effected in any account over which neither the investment adviser nor any advisory representative of the investment adviser has any direct or indirect influence or control; and
(B) Transactions in securities which are direct obligations of the United States.
The record shall state the title and amount of the security involved; the date and nature of the transaction (i.e., purchase, sale, or other acquisition or disposition); the price at which it was effected; and the name of the broker-dealer or bank with or through whom the transaction was effected. The record may also contain a statement declaring that the reporting or recording of any transaction shall not be construed as an admission that the investment adviser or advisory representative has any direct or indirect beneficial ownership in the security. A transaction shall be recorded not later than ten days after the end of the calendar quarter in which the transaction was effected.
(ii) An investment adviser is "primarily engaged in a business or businesses other than advising investment advisory clients" when, for each of its most recent three fiscal years or for the period of time since organization, whichever is lesser, the investment adviser derived, on an unconsolidated basis, more than fifty percent of:
(A) Its total sales and revenues; and
(B) Its income (or loss) before income taxes and extraordinary items,
from such other business or businesses.
(iii) For purposes of this subsection (1)(m) the following definitions will apply:
(A) "Advisory representative," when used in connection with a company primarily engaged in a business or businesses other than advising investment advisory clients, shall mean any partner, officer, director, or employee of the investment adviser who participates in any way in the determination of which recommendation shall be made, or whose functions or duties relate to the determination of which securities are being recommended prior to the effective dissemination of the recommendations; and any of the following persons who obtain information concerning securities recommendations being made by the investment adviser prior to the effective dissemination of the recommendations or of the information concerning the recommendations:
(I) Any person in a control relationship to the investment adviser;
(II) Any affiliated person of a controlling person; and
(III) Any affiliated person of an affiliated person.
(B) "Control" shall mean the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a company, unless such power is solely the result of an official position with such company. Any person who owns beneficially, either directly or through one or more controlled companies, more than twenty-five percent of the voting securities of a company shall be presumed to control such company.
(iv) An investment adviser shall not be deemed to have violated the provisions of this subsection (1)(m) because of the failure to record securities transactions of any advisory representative if the investment adviser establishes that it instituted adequate procedures, and used reasonable diligence to obtain promptly, reports of all transactions required to be recorded.
(n) The following items related to WAC 460-24A-145 and Part II of Form ADV:
(i) A copy of each written statement, and each amendment or revision, given or sent to any client or prospective client of the investment adviser as required by WAC 460-24A-145;
(ii) Any summary of material changes that is required by Part II of Form ADV that is not included in the written statement; and
(iii) A record of the dates that each written statement, each amendment or revision thereto, and each summary of material changes was given or offered to any client or prospective client who subsequently becomes a client.
(o) For each client that was obtained by the adviser by means of a solicitor to whom a cash fee was paid by the adviser:
(i) Evidence of a written agreement to which the adviser is a party related to the payment of such fee;
(ii) A signed and dated acknowledgment of receipt from the client evidencing the client's receipt of the investment adviser's disclosure statement and a written disclosure statement of the solicitor; and
(iii) A copy of the solicitor's written disclosure statement. The written agreement, acknowledgment, and solicitor disclosure statement will be considered to be in compliance if such documents are in compliance with Rule 275.206(4)-3 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
For purposes of this subsection, the term "solicitor" shall mean any person or entity who, for compensation, acts as an agent of an investment adviser in referring potential clients.
(p) All accounts, books, internal working papers, and any other records or documents that are necessary to form the basis for or demonstrate the calculation of the performance or rate of return of all managed accounts or securities recommendations in any notice, circular, advertisement, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin, or other communication including, but not limited to, electronic media that the investment adviser circulates or distributes, directly or indirectly, to two or more persons (other than persons connected with the investment adviser); provided however, that, with respect to the performance of managed accounts, the retention of all account statements, if they reflect all debits, credits, and other transactions in a client's account for the period of the statement, and all worksheets necessary to demonstrate the calculation of the performance or rate of return of all managed accounts shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
(q) A file containing a copy of all written communications received or sent regarding any litigation involving the investment adviser or any investment adviser representative or employee, and regarding any written customer or client complaint.
(r) Written information about each investment advisory client that is the basis for making any recommendation or providing any investment advice to such client.
(s) Written procedures to supervise the activities of employees and investment adviser representatives that are reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws and regulations.
(t) A file containing a copy of each document (other than any notices of general dissemination) that was filed with or received from any state or federal agency or self regulatory organization and that pertains to the registrant or its advisory representatives as that term is defined in (m)(iii)(A) of this subsection, which file should contain, but is not limited to, all applications, amendments, renewal filings, and correspondence.
(u) Copies, with original signatures of the investment adviser's appropriate signatory and the investment adviser representative, of each initial Form U-4 and each amendment to Disclosure Reporting Pages (DRPs U-4) must be retained by the investment adviser (filing on behalf of the investment adviser representative) and must be made available for inspection upon regulatory request.
(2) If ((a licensed)) an investment adviser subject to
subsection (1) of this section has custody or possession of
securities or funds of any client, the records required to be
made and kept under subsection (1) ((above)) of this section
shall include:
(a) A journal or other record((s)) showing all purchases,
sales, receipts and deliveries of securities (including
certificate numbers) for ((such)) all accounts and all other
debits and credits to ((such)) the accounts.
(b) A separate ledger account for each such client showing
all purchases, sales, receipts and deliveries of securities, the
date and price of each ((such)) purchase or sale, and all debits
and credits.
(c) Copies of confirmations of all transactions effected by
or for the account of any ((such)) client.
(d) A record for each security in which any ((such)) client
has a position, which record shall show the name of each ((such))
client having any interest in ((such)) each security, the amount
of interest of each ((such)) client, and the location of each
((such)) security.
(((4))) (3) Every ((licensed)) investment adviser subject to
subsection (1) of this section who renders any investment
supervisory or management service to any client shall, with
respect to the portfolio being supervised or managed and to the
extent that the information is reasonably available to or
obtainable by the investment adviser, make and keep true,
accurate and current:
(a) Records showing separately for each ((such)) client the
securities purchased and sold, and the date, amount and price of
each ((such)) purchase or sale.
(b) For each security in which any ((such)) client has a
current position, information from which the investment adviser
can promptly furnish the name of each ((such)) client, and the
current amount of the interest of ((such)) the client.
(((5))) (4) Any books or records required by this section
may be maintained by the investment adviser in such manner that
the identity of any client to whom such investment adviser
renders investment supervisory services is indicated by numerical
or alphabetical code or some similar designation.
(((6))) (5) Every investment adviser subject to subsection
(1) of this section shall preserve the following records in the
manner prescribed:
(a) All books and records required to be made under the
provisions of subsections (1) to (((4))) (3)(a), inclusive, of
this section except for books and records required to be made
pursuant to subsection (1)(k) and (p) of this section shall be
maintained and preserved in an easily accessible place for a
period of not less than ((three)) five years from the end of the
fiscal year during which the last entry was made on ((such)) the
record, the first two years in ((an appropriate)) the principal
office of the investment adviser.
(b) Partnership articles and any amendments, articles of incorporation, charter documents, minute books and stock certificate books of the investment adviser and of any predecessor, shall be maintained in the principal office of the investment adviser and preserved until at least three years after termination of the enterprise.
(((7) A licensed)) (c) Books and records required to be made
pursuant to subsection (1)(k) and (p) of this section shall be
maintained and preserved in an easily accessible place for a
period of not less than five years, the first two years in the
principal office of the investment adviser, from the end of the
fiscal year during which the investment adviser last published or
otherwise disseminated, directly or indirectly, including by
electronic media, the notice, circular, advertisement, newspaper
article, investment letter, bulletin, or other communication.
(d) Notwithstanding other record preservation requirements of this section, the following records or copies shall be maintained at the business location of the investment adviser from which the customer or client is being provided or has been provided with investment advisory services:
(i) Records required to be preserved under subsections (1)(c), (g) through (j), (n), (o), and (q) through (s), (2), and (3) of this section shall be maintained for the period prescribed in (a) of this subsection; and
(ii) Records or copies required pursuant to subsection (1)(k) and (p) of this section which records or related records identify the name of the investment adviser representative providing investment advice from that business location, or which identify the business locations' physical address, mailing address, electronic mailing address, or telephone number shall be maintained for the period prescribed in (c) of this subsection.
(6) An investment adviser subject to subsection (1) of this
section, before ceasing to conduct or discontinuing business as
an investment adviser, shall arrange for and be responsible for
the preservation of the books and records required to be
maintained and preserved under this section for the remainder of
the period specified in this section, and shall notify the
((administrator)) director in writing of the exact address where
((such)) the books and records will be maintained during ((such))
the period.
(7)(a) The records required to be maintained and preserved pursuant to this section may be immediately produced or reproduced by photograph on film or, as provided in (b) of this subsection, on magnetic disk, tape, or other computer storage medium, and be maintained and preserved for the required time in that form. If records are produced or reproduced by photographic film or computer storage medium, the investment adviser shall:
(i) Arrange the records and index the films or computer storage medium so as to permit the immediate location of any particular record;
(ii) Be ready at all times to promptly provide any facsimile enlargement of film or computer printout or copy of the computer storage medium that the director, by its examiners or other representatives, may request;
(iii) Store, separately from the original, one copy of the film or computer storage medium for the time required;
(iv) With respect to records stored on computer storage medium, maintain procedures for maintenance and preservation of, and access to, records so as to reasonably safeguard records from loss, alteration, or destruction; and
(v) With respect to records stored on photographic film, at all times have available for the director's examination of its records pursuant to RCW 21.20.100, facilities for immediate, easily readable projection of the film and for producing easily readable facsimile enlargements.
(b) Pursuant to (a) of this subsection, an investment adviser may maintain and preserve on computer tape, disk, or other computer storage medium records which, in the ordinary course of the adviser's business, are created by the adviser on electronic media or received by the adviser solely on electronic media or by electronic data transmission.
(8) ((After a record or other document has been preserved
for two years, a photograph on film may be substituted for the
balance of the required time.
(9))) As used in this section, ((the terms "power of
attorney" and "discretionary authority" do)) "investment
supervisory services" means the giving of continuous advice as to
the investment of funds on the basis of the individual needs of
each client; and not include discretion as to the price at which,
or the time when, a transaction is or is to be effected, if,
before the order is given by the investment adviser, the client
has directed or approved the purchase or sale of a definite
amount of the particular security.
(9) Any book or other record made, kept, maintained, and preserved in compliance with Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is substantially the same as the book or other record required to be made, kept, maintained, and preserved under this section, shall be deemed to be made, kept, maintained, and preserved in compliance with this section.
(10) Every investment adviser registered or required to be registered in this state and that has its principal place of business in a state other than this state shall be exempt from the requirements of this section, provided the investment adviser is licensed in the state where it has its principal place of business and is in compliance with that state's recordkeeping requirements.
[Order 304, 460-24A-200, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
(a) Promptly file ((an)) with IARD, in accordance with the
instructions to Form ADV, any amendments ((to such application
setting forth the changed information (and in any event)) to its
Form ADV. An amendment will be considered promptly filed if it
is filed within ((30)) thirty days ((after the change occurs).
(2) With respect to any investment adviser registered under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, it shall be a sufficient
compliance with subsection (1) of this section if a copy of an
amendment to Form ADV, of the Securities and Exchange Commission
containing the required information, or transmitted for filing
to, the administrator not later than the date on which such
amendment is required to be filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
(3) Each licensed investment adviser shall notify the
administrator of the employment of any new representative in
Washington by submitting a completed NASD Form U-4 to the
administrator or the administrator's designee, within 10 days
after the event occurs.
(4) Each licensed investment adviser shall notify the
administrator of the termination of employment of any
representative in Washington, by submitting a complete NASD Form
U-5 to the administrator or the administrator's designee, within
30 days after the event occurs.)) of the event that requires the
filing of the amendment; and
(b) File an updated Form ADV with IARD within ninety days of the end of the investment adviser's fiscal year.
(2) Each investment adviser representative has a continuing obligation to update the information required by Form U-4 as changes occur and must promptly file with IARD any amendments to the representative's Form U-4. An amendment will be considered promptly filed if it is filed within thirty days of the event that requires the filing of the amendment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450 and 21.20.040(2). 90-13-029, 460-24A-205, filed 6/12/90, effective 7/13/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 21.20.450. 85-23-063 (Order SDO-220-85), 460-24A-205, filed 11/19/85; 85-16-068 (Order SDO-128-85), 460-24A-205, filed 8/1/85; Order 304, 460-24A-205, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]
[Order 304, 460-24A-210, filed 2/28/75, effective 4/1/75. Formerly chapter 460-24 WAC.]