WSR 01-19-060



[ Filed September 18, 2001, 8:58 a.m. ]

     Original Notice.


     Title of Rule: WAC 478-156-014 Assignment priority.

     Purpose: Repeal WAC 478-156-014 from chapter 478-156 WAC, Rules for the University of Washington residence halls and family housing apartments. Repeal will ensure that the University of Washington allocates the scarce resource of residence hall housing in a manner that best reflects the emerging priorities of the University of Washington and its students.

     Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.20.130.

     Statute Being Implemented: RCW 28B.20.130.

     Summary: Under the current provisions of this section, priority is given to returning residents; all other students are considered by date of application. This has limited the University of Washington's ability to meet its own priorities. For the past several years, the university has faced growing demand for residence hall space.

     In response to this increase - which is due to freshman class enrollment increases, high retention rates among residents, and private market factors - the office of housing and food services has maximized its capacity in multiple ways. Still, student housing remains a scarce resource and decisions regarding its allocation would be best made annually with careful consideration of current circumstances. For example, at times when housing is in high demand, it may be beneficial to emphasize housing for incoming freshmen, as a means of fostering their successful transition to university life. Repeal of WAC 478-156-014 would allow for this.

     Reasons Supporting Proposal: The WAC rule would be replaced with an annual plan for residence hall assignments. The director of the office of housing and food services would submit to the vice-president for student affairs a residence hall assignment plan, which would present residence hall capacity, expected demand, and a complete description of the priority system to be used for the upcoming autumn quarter assignments. The plan would be made available to students and the general public on the university's web site.

     Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting and Implementation: Ernest Morris, Vice-President for Student Affairs, 476 Schmitz Hall, University of Washington, (206) 543-4024; and Enforcement: Paul Brown, Director, Housing and Food Services, 305 Schmitz Hall, University of Washington, (206) 543-2430.

     Name of Proponent: University of Washington, governmental.

     Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

     Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The University of Washington proposes repealing WAC 478-156-014 Assignment priority, as it restricts the university's ability to allocate its scarce residence hall resources in a flexible manner. WAC 478-156-014 would be replaced by an annual plan for residence hall assignments that would allow the University of Washington the flexibility to reallocate its resources to meet current housing priorities.

     Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: WAC 478-156-014 would be repealed.

     No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. WAC 478-156-014 does not impose a disproportionate impact on small businesses.

     RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. WAC 478-156-014 is not considered a significant legislative rule by the University of Washington.

     Hearing Location: Room 309, Husky Union Building (HUB), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, on October 26, 2001, at 12:00 noon.

     Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact UW Disability Services Office by October 12, 2001, TDD (206) 543-6452, or (206) 543-6450.

     Submit Written Comments to: Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Director, Administrative Procedures Office via U.S. mail: University of Washington, 4014 University Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105-6203; Campus mail: Box 355509; e-mail; or fax (206) 616-6294, by October 26, 2001.

     Date of Intended Adoption: November 16, 2001.

September 17, 2001

Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff

Director, Administrative Procedures


     The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 478-156-014 Assignment priority.

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