Date of Adoption: October 26, 2001.
Purpose: Rule changes made to align with statutory changes.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 180-16-205 and 180-18-080; and amending WAC 180-16-200, 180-16-215, 180-18-030, and 180-18-060.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 28A.630 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 01-19-043 on September 14, 2001.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: WAC 19-80-57-055, subsection (2) word change and subsection (4)(b) word change and clarifying language.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 2.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 4, Repealed 2.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 4,
Repealed 2;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
December 5 [4], 2001
Larry Davis
Executive Director
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-20-086, filed 10/4/95,
effective 11/4/95)
WAC 180-16-200
Total ((program)) instructional hour
((offering -- Basic skills and work skills requirements -- Waiver))
(((1) Total program hour offering -- Definition.
(a) Each school district shall make available to students
enrolled at least a total program hour offering as set forth in
subsections (2) through (6) of this section. For the purpose of
this section, "total program hour offering" shall mean those
hours of sixty minutes each, inclusive of intermissions for class
changes, recess and teacher/parent-guardian conferences which are
planned and scheduled by the district for purposes of discussing
students' educational needs or progress -- exclusive of time
actually spent for eating lunchtime meals -- when students are
provided the opportunity to engage in educational activity
planned by and under the direction of school district staff, as
directed by the administration and board of directors of the
For special education/handicapped programs operating in
separate facilities in a school district, do not exclude the time
actually spent for eating lunchtime meals if that time is
specifically identified and utilized as instructional meal
training for each student in the program.
(b) Adjustments of program hour offerings between grade
level groupings. Any school district may petition the state
board of education for a reduction in the total program hour
offering requirements for one or more of the grade level
groupings specified in subsections (2) through (6) of this
section. The state board of education shall grant all such
petitions that are accompanied by an assurance that the minimum
total program hour offering requirements in one or more other
grade level groupings will be exceeded concurrently by no less
than the number of hours of the reduction.
(c) Each school district shall make available to students
enrolled at least an instructional hour offering as set forth in
subsections (3) through (6) of this section. For the purpose of
this section, "instructional hour offering" shall mean those
hours of sixty minutes each -- exclusive of recess time, passing
time, total lunch intermission time, and noncountable release
time on early dismissal days -- when students are provided the
opportunity to engage in the basic skills and/or work skills
offered by and under the direction of school district staff, as
directed by the administration and board of directors of the
(d) A school district has "provided the opportunity to
engage in" the basic skills and work skills activities required
by this section when the district actually conducts basic skills
and work skills instruction for students. If a district is not
actually conducting the percentage(s) of basic skills and/or work
skills required by this section, such district nevertheless shall
be deemed to be in compliance with such requirements if such
district's instructional time offered to students in basic skills
and work skills instruction equals or exceeds the minimum
instructional hour requirements in each grade level grouping as
specified in subsections (3) through (6) of this section. A
school district that makes a reasonable and good faith effort
through the first day of the school term to provide students the
opportunity to take the section(s) or course(s) necessary to
comply with the basic skills and work skills percentages, as
specified in subsections (3) through (6) of this section and no
student enrolled in such section(s) or course(s), may count that
section(s) or course(s) toward the total basic skills and work
skills percentages offered to students that term. Each of the
basic skills areas specified in subsections (2) through (6) of
this section for a particular grade level grouping must be
offered each school year to students at one or more of the grade
levels within the particular grade level grouping. Instruction
in at least one of the following work skills must be offered each
school year to students at one or more of the grade levels within
each of the grade level groupings specified in subsections (5)
and (6) of this section: Industrial arts, home and family life
education, business and office education, distributive education,
agricultural education, health occupations education, vocational
education, trade and industrial education, technical education
and career education.
(e) Five percent variation -- Basic skills and work skills
requirements. A school district may establish minimum course mix
percentages that deviate within any grade level grouping by up to
five percentage points above or below the minimums established by
subsections (3) through (6) of this section, provided the total
program hour offering requirement for the grade level grouping is
(2) Kindergarten. Each school district shall make available
to students in kindergarten at least a total program offering of
four hundred fifty hours each school year. The program shall
include reading, arithmetic, language skills and such other
subjects and activities as the school district shall determine to
be appropriate for the education of the school district's
students enrolled in such program.
(3) Grades 1 through 3. Each school district shall make
available to students in grades one through three at least a
total program hour offering of two thousand seven hundred hours
each school year. A minimum of ninety-five percent (ninety
percent with the five percent variation included, or 2,430
instructional hours) of such total program hour offerings shall
be in the instruction of the basic skills areas of
reading/language arts (which may include a language other than
English), mathematics, social studies, science, music, art,
health and physical education. The remaining five percent of the
total program hour offerings may include such subjects and
activities as the school district shall determine to be
appropriate for the education of the school district's students
in such grades.
(4) Grades 4 through 6. Each school district shall make
available to students in grades four through six at least a total
program offering of two thousand nine hundred seventy hours each
school year. A minimum of ninety percent (eighty-five percent
with the five percent variation included, or 2,524.5
instructional hours) of such total program hour offerings shall
be in the instruction of the basic skills areas of
reading/language arts (which may include a language other than
English), mathematics, social studies, science, music, art,
health and physical education. The remaining ten percent of the
total program hour offerings may include such subjects and
activities as the school district shall determine to be
appropriate for the education of the school district's students
in such grades.
(5) Grades 7 through 8. Each school district shall make
available to students in grades seven through eight at least a
total program hour offering of one thousand nine hundred eighty
hours each school year. A minimum of eighty-five percent (eighty
percent with the five percent variation included, or 1,584
instructional hours) of such total program hour offerings shall
be in the instruction of the basic skills areas of
reading/language arts (which may include a language other than
English), mathematics, social studies, science, music, art,
health and physical education. A minimum of ten percent (five
percent with the five percent variation included, or 99
instructional hours) of the total program offerings shall be in
the instruction of work skills. The remaining five percent of
the total program hour offerings may include such subjects and
activities as the school district shall determine to be
appropriate for the education of the school district's students
in such grades.
(6) Grades 9 through 12.
(a) Each school district shall make available to students in
grades nine through twelve at least a total program hour offering
of four thousand three hundred twenty hours each school year. A
minimum of sixty percent (fifty-five percent with the five
percent variation included, or 2,376 instructional hours) of such
total program hour offerings shall be in the instruction of the
basic skills areas of language arts, a language other than
English, mathematics, social studies, science, music, art, health
and physical education. A minimum of twenty percent (fifteen
percent with the five percent variation included, or 648
instructional hours) of the total program hour offerings shall be
in the instruction of work skills. The remainder of the total
program hour offerings may include traffic safety or such
subjects and activities as the school district shall determine to
be appropriate for the education of the school district's
students in such grades: Provided, That, whether or not the five
percent deviations in course mix percentages allowed by
subsection (2)(d) of this section are applied, not less than four
hundred and thirty-two instructional hours (i.e., ten percent of
the total program hour requirement) of such remaining
instructional hours shall consist of basic skills and/or work
skills: Provided, That any program hours and/or instructional
hours not achieved due to the implementation of WAC 180-16-215(4)
relating to students graduating from high school, shall not be
deducted from the total program hours calculated.
(b) Grade nine option. Each school district shall have the
option of including grade nine within the program hour offering
requirements of grades seven and eight so long as such
requirements for grades seven through nine are increased to two
thousand nine hundred seventy hours and such requirements for
grades ten through twelve are decreased to three thousand two
hundred forty hours. Each school district shall state which
option is in use when providing compliance documentation to the
superintendent of public instruction.
(7) Basis and means for determining compliance with basic
skills and work skills percentage requirements.
(a) Each school district shall adopt a written policy and
procedure for establishing the basis and means for determining
and monitoring compliance with the basic skills and work skills
percentages, the course requirements and instructional hour
minimums as established by this section. Written documentation
of such annual determinations and monitoring activities shall be
maintained on file by each school district.
(b) Handicapped education programs, vocational-technical
institute programs, state institution, state residential school
programs and alternative education programs where students are
provided access to the basic skills/work skills offered in the
regular program, all of which programs are conducted for the
common school age, kindergarten through secondary school program
students encompassed by this section, shall be exempt from the
basic skills and work skills percentage and course requirements
of this section in order that the unique needs, abilities or
limitations of such students may be met.
(8) Waiver option, application and renewal procedures. See
WAC 180-18-050 for waiver process.)) (1)(a) Kindergarten total
instructional hour requirement - four hundred fifty hours annual
minimum. (See RCW 28A.150.220 (1)(a).)
(b) Grades 1-12 total instructional hour requirement - district-wide annual average of one thousand hours. (See RCW 28A.150.220 (1)(b).) In grades one through twelve school districts may arrange their calendars in any way they determine as long as the district-wide annual average instructional hour requirement is at least one thousand hours.
(2) The basic education program requirements shall be as described under RCW 28A.150.220(1).
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.630 RCW and 1995 c 208. 95-20-086, § 180-16-200, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 94-03-104 (Order 5-94), § 180-16-200, filed 1/19/94, effective 2/19/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.220, 28A.320.200, 28A.150.260 and 1992 c 141. 92-17-053, § 180-16-200, filed 8/17/92, effective 9/17/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.220 and [28A.150.]260. 92-05-047, § 180-16-200, filed 2/13/92, effective 3/15/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.04.127 and 28A.41.140. 86-21-020 (Order 15-86), § 180-16-200, filed 10/7/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.58.754(6). 84-11-043 (Order 2-84), § 180-16-200, filed 5/17/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.01.010, 28A.04.120, 28A.41.130, 28A.41.140, 28A.58.754, 28A.58.758, and 1979 ex.s. c 250. 79-10-033 (Order 10-79), § 180-16-200, filed 9/12/79. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.130 and 28A.58.754. 78-06-097 (Order 3-78), § 180-16-200, filed 6/5/78.]
(b) Waiver option, application and renewal procedures. See WAC 180-18-050 for waiver process.
(2) School day defined. A school day shall mean each day of the school year on which pupils enrolled in the common schools of a school district are engaged in educational activity planned by and under the direction of the school district staff, as directed by the administration, and pursuant to written policy and board of directors of the district.
(3) Accessibility of program. Each school district's
program shall be accessible to all legally eligible students,
including ((handicapped)) students of disability, who are five
years of age and under twenty-one years of age who have not
completed high school graduation requirements.
(4) Five-day flexibility - Students graduating from high school. A school district may schedule the last five school days of the one hundred eighty day school year for noninstructional purposes in the case of students who are graduating from high school, including, but not limited to, the observance of graduation and early release from school upon the request of a student.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.630 RCW and 1995 c 208. 95-20-086, § 180-16-215, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.01.010, 28A.04.120, 28A.41.130, 28A.41.140, 28A.58.754, 28A.58.758, and 1979 ex.s. c 250. 79-10-033 (Order 10-79), § 180-16-215, filed 9/12/79. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.41.130 and 28A.58.754. 78-06-097 (Order 3-78), § 180-16-215, filed 6/5/78.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 180-16-205 | Classroom teacher contact hours requirement -- Waiver. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 95-20-054, filed 10/2/95,
effective 11/2/95)
WAC 180-18-030
Waiver((s)) from total ((program))
instructional hour ((offerings, teacher contact hours
requirements, and self-study)) requirements.
(((1))) A district
desiring to implement a local restructuring plan to provide an
effective educational system to enhance the educational program
for all students may apply to the state board of education for a
waiver from the total ((program)) instructional hour
((offerings)) requirements ((and basic skills/work skills
percentages/instructional hours requirements pursuant to RCW 28A.150.200 through 28A.150.220 and WAC 180-16-200 (2) through
(6). If a school district intends to waive total program hour
offerings requirements under this subsection, it shall make
available to students enrolled in kindergarten at least a total
instructional offering of four hundred fifty hours, and to
students enrolled in grades one through twelve at least a
district-wide annual average total instructional hour offering of
one thousand hours)). The state board of education ((shall)) may
grant said ((initial)) waiver requests pursuant to RCW 28A.305.140 and WAC 180-18-050 for up to three school years.
(((2) A district desiring to implement a local restructuring
plan to provide an effective educational system to enhance the
educational program for all students may apply to the state board
of education for a waiver from the classroom teacher contact
hours requirement pursuant to RCW 28A.305.140 and WAC 180-16-205(5). In the event that a district develops an
educational excellence component(s) which consists of less than
the twenty-five hours of average teacher contact and the district
determines but for the inclusion of this component(s) that it
would meet the twenty-five-hour average teacher contact
requirement, the district may apply for a waiver of the inclusion
of this component(s) within the calculations. The state board of
education shall grant said initial waiver request pursuant to RCW 28A.305.140 and WAC 180-18-050 for three school years.
(3) A district desiring to implement a local restructuring
plan to provide an effective educational system to enhance the
educational program for all students may apply to the state board
of education for a waiver from the self-study requirements
pursuant to RCW 28A.305.140 and WAC 180-53-070 (1) through (3). The state board of education shall grant said initial waiver
requests pursuant to RCW 28A.305.140 and WAC 180-18-050 for three
school years.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.630 RCW and 1995 c 208. 95-20-054, § 180-18-030, filed 10/2/95, effective 11/2/95.]
(2))) Waiver requests related to WAC 180-18-040 which are
granted by the state board of education pursuant to WAC 180-18-030 and 180-18-050 may be renewed ((every)) up to three
years upon the state board of education receiving a renewal
request from the school district board of directors. Before
filing the request, the school district shall conduct at least
one public meeting to evaluate the educational programs that were
implemented as a result of the waivers. The request to the state
board of education shall include information regarding the
activities and programs implemented as a result of the waivers,
whether higher standards for students are being achieved, and a
summary of the comments received at the public meeting or
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.630 RCW and 1995 c 208. 95-20-054, § 180-18-060, filed 10/2/95, effective 11/2/95.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 180-18-080 | Alternative waiver application procedure. |