(Aging and Disability Services Administration)
Date of Adoption: January 14, 2003.
Purpose: The Division of Developmental Disabilities has been directed by the 2002 Washington state legislature to begin paying an income supplemental, called state supplementary payment (SSP). Implementation of this directive requires amendment of rules in chapters 388-820, 388-825 and 388-850 WAC, as well as adoption of new WAC 388-825-500 through 388-825-600, Division of Development Disabilities state supplemental payment.
Amended Rules: WAC 388-820-020 What definitions apply to this chapter?, 388-820-060 Who may receive residential services?, 388-820-120 Who pays for a client's residential services?, 388-825-020 Definitions, 388-825-055 Authorization for services, 388-825-100 Notification, 388-825-120 Adjudicative proceeding, 388-825-180 Eligible persons, 388-825-205 Who is eligible to participate in the family support opportunity program?, 388-825-252 Family support services, 388-825-254 Service need level rates, 388-850-035 Services -- Developmental disabilities, and 388-850-045 Funding formula -- Developmental disabilities.
New Rules: WAC 388-825-500 What is the state supplemental payment that will be administered by the division of development disabilities?, 388-825-505 What are the eligibility requirements for the DDD/SSP program?, 388-825-510 What are the financial eligibility requirements to receive DDD/SSP?, 388-825-515 What are the programmatic requirements for DDD/SSP?, 388-825-520 How often will my eligibility for DDD/SSP be redetermined?, 388-825-525 How will I know if I am eligible to receive a DDD/SSP payment?, 388-825-530 Can I choose not to accept DDD/SSP payments?, 388-825-535 Can I apply for the DDD/SSP program if I am not identified by DDD as eligible for the DDD/SSP program?, 388-825-540 What are my appeal rights if DDD determines that I am not eligible for DDD/SSP?, 388-825-545 How much money will I receive?, 388-825-546 May I voluntarily remove myself from the community alternatives program (CAP) waiver in order to increase the amount of my SSP?, 388-825-550 How often will I receive my DDD/SSP warrant/check?, 388-825-555 Who will the warrant/check be sent to?, 388-825-560 How will the warrant/check be sent?, 388-825-565 When will DDD/SSP begin issuing payments?, 388-825-570 Are there rules restricting how I use my DDD/SSP money?, 388-825-571 May I purchase services from a provider who lives outside the state of Washington?, 388-825-575 What changes must I report to the department?, 388-825-576 Do I have additional responsibilities when I purchase my own services?, 388-825-580 What happens if I do not spend my DDD/SSP money as required by WAC 388-825-570?, 388-825-585 When will the department stop sending my DDD/SSP money?, 388-825-590 What is a representative payee?, 388-825-591 Who can be a representative payee for my DDD/SSP?, 388-825-592 What are the responsibilities of the representative payee?, and 388-825-600 Does DSHS make exceptions to the requirements of this chapter?
The department has filed a CR-101 Preproposal statement of inquiry (WSR 02-17-068) and has initiated a rule-making proceeding to adopt permanent rules on this subject matter. These rules supersede emergency rules filed as WSR 02-20-045 on September 25, 2002.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 388-820-020, 388-820-060, 388-820-120, 388-825-020, 388-825-055, 388-825-100, 388-825-120, 388-825-180, 388-825-205, 388-825-252, 388-825-254, 388-850-035, and 388-850-045.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.10.020.
Other Authority: 2001-03 Supplemental Budget, ESSB 6387, (chapter 371, Laws of 2002).
Under RCW 34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that state or federal law or federal rule or a federal deadline for state receipt of federal funds requires immediate adoption of a rule.
Reasons for this Finding: The state legislature in adopting ESSB 6387 (chapter 371, Laws of 2002), has directed the Division of Developmental Disabilities to begin paying an income supplement, called state supplementary payment. In its published "Final Budget - Statewide Agency Detail" for ESSB 6387, the legislature also clearly stated its intent that "Beginning July 2002, state supplemental payments will no longer be provided automatically to all persons receiving a federal SSI benefit. SSI recipients will continue to receive their federal benefits and their federally provided annual cost of living increases each January. Some recipients who are dependent on larger state supplements will be provided a transitional state supplemental payment. The remaining amount of state supplemental payments required by federal rules will be used to support low... income families who are struggling to continue to care for children and other relatives with developmental disabilities." Emergency adoption of these rules is necessary to implement ESSB 6387 and the legislature's intent.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 25, Amended 13, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 25,
Amended 13,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
January 14, 2003
Bonita H. Jacques
for Brian H. Lindgren, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3138.3"Certification" means the determination by DSHS that an agency or service provider has satisfactorily complied with the requirements outlined in this chapter and in the department contract.
"Client" means a person who:
((•)) (1) Has a developmental disability;
((•)) (2) Is eligible under RCW 71A.10.020 (for
eligibility criteria, see chapter 388-825 WAC); and
((•)) (3) Is authorized by DDD to receive residential
services outlined in this chapter or privately purchases
residential services. (((For eligibility criteria, see
chapter 388-825 WAC.)))
"Client services" means instruction and support activities that benefit clients, as specified under WAC 388-820-450 through 388-820-510.
"Community alternatives program (CAP)" means a Title XIX Medicaid waiver program that serves a specific number of individuals. This waiver is for particular home- and community-based services not covered under the Medicaid state plan. (See WAC 388-825-170 for more details.)
"Community protection services" (Community Protection Intensive Supported Living Services, or CP-ISLS) means intensive supported living services provided to clients who meet the criteria of "Individual with Community Protection Issues."
"DDD" refers to the division of developmental disabilities at DSHS.
"DSHS" refers to the department of social and health services of Washington state.
"Exceptions" means DSHS' approval of a written request for an exception to a rule in this chapter. (There are no exceptions to RCWs.)
"Group home" means residential services provided in a dwelling that is:
((•)) (1) Owned, leased, or rented by an entity other
than the client;
((•)) (2) Licensed by the applicable state authority; and
((•)) (3) Operated by a provider.
(See WAC 388-820-090 for further details.)
"Group training home" means a certified nonprofit residential facility that provides full-time care, treatment, training, and maintenance for clients, as defined under RCW 71A.22.020(2).
"IFP" refers to individual financial plan. (See WAC 388-820-620.)
"IISP" refers to the individual instruction and support plan for clients. (See WAC 388-820-560 through 388-820-580.)
"Individual with community protection issues" means a client identified by DDD as needing one or more of the following criteria:
((•)) (1) The person has been convicted of or charged
with a crime of sexual violence as defined in chapter 71.09 RCW, including, but not limited to, rape, statutory rape, rape
of a child, and child molestation;
((•)) (2) The person has been convicted of or charged
with acts directed towards strangers or individuals with whom
a relationship has been established or promoted for the
primary purpose of victimization;
((•)) (3) The person has been convicted of or charged
with a sexually violent offense and/or predatory act, and may
constitute a future danger;
((•)) (4) The person has not been convicted and/or
charged, but has a history of stalking, sexually violent,
predatory, and/or opportunistic behavior which demonstrates a
likelihood to commit a sexually violent and/or predatory act
based on current behaviors that may escalate to violence;
((•)) (5) The person has committed one or more violent
crimes, such as murder, attempted murder, arson, first degree
assault, kidnapping, or use of a weapon to commit a crime.
"Instruction" means goal-oriented teaching that is designed for acquiring and enhancing skills.
"ISP" refers to the individual service plan for clients. (See WAC 388-820-520 through 388-820-550.)
"Nursing assistant" means a person who is registered or certified by department of health under chapter 18.88A RCW. A nursing assistant performs certain nursing care tasks that are delegated by a registered nurse for a specific client in authorized settings. (See chapter 246-841 WAC for more details.)
"Reprisal" means any negative action taken as retaliation against an employee.
"Residential service" means client services offered by certified service providers.
"Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services or the secretary's designee.
"Service provider" means an agency certified by and contracted with DDD to provide residential services to clients.
"Severity" means the seriousness of an incident. This is determined by the extent to which a client's physical, mental, or psychosocial well-being is or may be compromised or threatened.
"Support" means assistance as requested or needed by a client, based on their abilities, needs, and goals.
"Supported living" means residential services provided to clients living in their own homes, which are owned, rented, or leased by the clients or their legal representatives. (See WAC 388-820-080 for more details.)
"Trust account" means a bank account containing two or more clients' funds where the service provider has the authority to make deposits and withdrawals.
[Statutory Authority: Title 71A RCW. 01-22-020, § 388-820-020, filed 10/26/01, effective 1/1/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-820-020, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.080. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-26-020, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: Chapter 72.33 RCW. 86-08-003 (Order 2349), § 275-26-020, filed 3/20/86; 83-05-017 (Order 1945), § 275-26-020, filed 2/9/83.]
[Statutory Authority: Title 71A RCW. 01-22-020, § 388-820-060, filed 10/26/01, effective 1/1/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-820-060, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.080. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-26-070, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: Chapter 72.33 RCW. 83-05-017 (Order 1945), § 275-26-070, filed 2/9/83.]
(2) ((DSHS must require a client to share the cost of
services when mandated by federal or state statute or
regulation)) Clients not included in the department contract
may purchase services privately through a separate agreement
with the service provider.
(3) The service provider must inform DSHS when the
((client)) department-funded clients requires additional
(a) The service provider must submit a written request with justification for additional service hours.
(b) DSHS may approve and provide payment for additional expenses or services.
(c) The service provider must retain a copy of department approval.
(4) For a client who is receiving group home services and support:
(a) The client must pay for cost of care or services from earnings or other financial resources. Clients receiving SSI are responsible only for the cost of room and board.
(b) DSHS may pay for these services only after a department-funded client has used his or her own financial resources.
(c) When a client's guardian or legal representative controls the client's income, estate, or trust fund, they must reimburse the service provider as described in WAC 388-820-120.
(5) Clients receiving supported living services must pay for their own housing, utilities, food, clothing, and other personal and incidental expenses from earnings and other financial resources.
[Statutory Authority: Title 71A RCW. 01-22-020, § 388-820-120, filed 10/26/01, effective 1/1/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-820-120, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.080. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-26-107, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91.]
3203.2"Adolescent" means a DDD eligible child age thirteen through seventeen years.
"Attendant care" means provision of physical and/or behavioral support to protect the safety and well being of a client.
"Best interest" includes, but is not limited to, client-centered benefits to:
(1) Prevent regression or loss of skills already acquired;
(2) Achieve or maintain economic self-support;
(3) Achieve or maintain self-sufficiency;
(4) Prevent or remedy neglect, abuse, or exploitation of individuals unable to protect their own interest;
(5) Preserve or reunite families; and
(6) Provide the least-restrictive setting that will meet the person's medical and personal needs.
"Client or person" means a person the division determines under RCW 71A.16.040 and WAC 388-825-030 eligible for division-funded services.
"Community support services" means one or more of the services listed in RCW 71A.12.040 including, but not limited to the following services: Architectural, case management, early childhood intervention, employment, counseling, family support, respite care, information and referral, health services and equipment, therapy services, and residential support.
"Companion home" means the same as "intensive individual supported living support."
"Department" means the department of social and health services of the state of Washington.
"Director" means the director of the division of developmental disabilities.
"Division or DDD" means the division of developmental disabilities of the department of social and health services.
"Emergency" means a sudden, unexpected occurrence demanding immediate action.
"Exemption" means the department's approval of a written request for an exception to a rule in this chapter.
"Family" means individuals, of any age, living together in the same household and related by blood, marriage, adoption or as a result of sharing legal custody of a minor child.
"Family resources coordinator" means the person who is:
(1) Recognized by the IDEA Part C lead agency; and
(2) Responsible for:
(a) Providing family resources coordination;
(b) Coordinating services across agencies; and
(c) Serving as a single contact to help families receiving assistance and services for their eligible children who are under three years of age.
"ICF/MR" means a facility certified as an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded by Title XIX to provide services to the mentally retarded or persons with related conditions.
"ICF/MR Eligible" for admission to an ICF/MR means a person is determined by DDD as needing active treatment as defined in CFR 483.440. Active treatment requires:
(1) Twenty-four hour supervision; and
(2) Continuous training and physical assistance in order to function on a daily basis due to deficits in the following areas: Toilet training, personal hygiene, dental hygiene, self-feeding, bathing, dressing, grooming, and communication.
"Individual" means a person applying for services from the division.
"Individual alternative living" means provision of community-based individualized client training, assistance and/or ongoing support to enable a client to live as independently as possible with minimal services.
(("Individual supportive living service" (also known as
companion home) means provision of twenty-four hour
residential support in a nonlicensed home for one adult person
with developmental disabilities.))
"Intelligence quotient score" means a full scale score on the Wechsler, or the intelligence quotient score on the Stanford-Binet or the Leiter International Performance Scale.
"Intensive individual supported living support" (also known as companion home) means provision of twenty-four hour residential support in a nonlicensed home for no more than one adult person with developmental disabilities in a regular family residence approved and contracted by the department ensuring client health, safety and well-being.
"Medicaid personal care" is the provision of medically necessary personal care tasks as defined in chapter 388-15 WAC.
"Nonresidential programs" means programs including, but not limited to, county-funded habilitation services.
"Nursing facility eligible" means a person is assessed by DDD as meeting the requirements for admission to a licensed nursing home as defined in WAC 388-71-0700 (3) through (5). The person must require twenty-four hour care provided by or under the supervision of a licensed nurse.
"Other resources" means resources that may be available to the client, including but not limited to:
(1) Private insurance;
(2) Medicaid;
(3) Indian health care;
(4) Public school services through the office of the superintendent of public instruction; and
(5) Services through the department of health.
"Part C" means early intervention for children from birth through thirty-five months of age as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C and 34 CFR, Part 303 and Washington's federally approved grant.
"Residential habilitation center" or "RHC" means a state-operated facility certified to provide ICF/MR and/or nursing facility level of care for persons with developmental disabilities.
"RHC capacity" means the maximum number of eligible persons that can reside in a residential habilitation center without exceeding its 1997 legislated budgeted capacity.
"Residential programs" means provision of support for persons in community living situations. Residential programs include DDD certified community residential services and support, both facility-based such as, licensed group homes, and non-facility based, i.e., supportive living, intensive tenant support, and state-operated living alternatives (SOLA). Other residential programs include individual alternative living, intensive individual supportive living services, adult family homes, adult residential care services, nursing homes, and children's foster homes.
"Respite care" means temporary residential services provided to a person and/or the person's family on an emergency or planned basis.
"Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services or the secretary's designee.
"State supplementary payment (SSP)" is the state paid cash assistance program for certain DDD eligible SSI clients.
"Vacancy" means an opening at a RHC, which when filled, would not require the RHC to exceed its 1997 biannually budgeted capacity, minus:
(1) Twenty-six beds designated for respite care use; and
(2) Any downsizing related to negotiations with the Department of Justice regarding community placements.
"Vulnerable adult" means a person who has a developmental disability as defined under RCW 71A.10.020.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-020, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030 and 71A.12.040. 99-23-021, amended and recodified as § 388-825-020, filed 11/9/99, effective 12/10/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030. 99-04-071, § 275-27-020, filed 2/1/99, effective 3/4/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.12A.030 and 71A.16.030. 98-20-044, § 275-27-020, filed 9/30/98, effective 10/7/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.030 and 71A.16.020. 92-09-115 (Order 3373), § 275-27-020, filed 4/21/92, effective 5/22/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.020. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-27-020, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070. 89-06-049 (Order 2767), § 275-27-020, filed 2/28/89; 84-15-058 (Order 2124), § 275-27-020, filed 7/18/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.33.040, 72.33.125 and 72.33.165. 78-04-033 (Order 1280), § 275-27-020, filed 3/16/78; Order 1143, § 275-27-020, filed 8/11/76.]
(a) Placement to and from residential habilitation centers;
(b) Community residential services;
(c) Family support services; and
(d) Nonresidential programs.
(2) The division's authorization of services shall be
based on the ((availability of)) services and funding
(a) Persons must meet the programmatic and financial eligibility requirements for the specific services;
(b) Funding for state paid services is available in the state operating budget; and
(c) SSP funding is not available to the client. The availability of SSP funding makes the client ineligible for state funding for the same service.
(3) The division will include the following persons when determining authorized services:
(a) The person;
(b) The person's parent or guardian and may include:
(i) The person's advocate; or
(ii) Other responsible parties.
(4) Per RCW 71A.16.010 the division shall offer adults the choice of admittance to a residential habilitation center if all of the following conditions exist:
(a) An RHC vacancy is available;
(b) Funding, specifically designated for this purpose in the state operating budget, is available for alternative community support services;
(c) The person or their family is requesting residential services;
(d) The person meets ICF/MR or nursing facility eligibility for the available RHC vacancy;
(e) The person is the most in need of residential services as determined by DDD after reviewing all persons determined eligible for ICF/MR or nursing facility level of care. DDD will make this selection based on the following criteria:
(i) The person is age eighteen or older;
(ii) The person's/family's health and safety is in jeopardy due to the lack of necessary residential support and supervision:
(A) Priority is given to eligible persons/families currently without necessary residential supports;
(B) Other eligible persons will be considered based on their risk of losing residential supports due to unstable or deteriorating circumstances.
(f) The person's alternative DDD funded community support services would cost seventy percent or more of the average RHC rate, assuming a minimum household size of three persons.
(5) If RHC capacity is not being used for permanent residents, the division will make these vacancies available for respite care or any other services the department determines are needed and allowable within the rules governing the use of federal funds.
(a) Admission of a child or adolescent to an RHC for respite care requires the written approval of the division director or designee.
(b) Respite care exceeding thirty days in a calendar year is subject to subsection (6) of this section.
(6) The division shall not make an emergency or temporary admission of a person to a residential habilitation center for thirty-one days or more without the written approval of the division director or the director's designee if the admission is not a choice provided under subsection (4) of this section.
(a) Children twelve years of age and younger shall not be admitted to an RHC.
(b) Admission of an adolescent to an RHC can only occur if:
(i) DDD determines that foster placement services cannot meet the emergency needs of the child/family; and
(ii) A voluntary placement plan is in place with DDD with the goal of community placement or family reunification; and
(iii) Progress towards placement planning is reported to the division director at least every ninety days.
(7) The division shall authorize county-funded services
only when the((:
(a))) service is included in a department contract((; and
(a) The person is at least twenty-one years of age and
((graduated from school during their twenty-first year; or))
is no longer attending school; or
(b) The person is age twenty and graduates prior to his/her July or August twenty-first birthday; or
(c) ((Person is twenty-two years of age or older; or
(d) Person)) The child is two years of age or younger and
eligible for early intervention services.
(8) The department shall require a person to participate in defraying the cost of services provided when mandated by state or federal regulation or statute.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-055, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-055, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.12A.030 and 71A.16.030. 98-20-044, § 275-27-230, filed 9/30/98, effective 10/7/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.020. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-27-230, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070. 86-18-049 (Order 2418), § 275-27-230, filed 8/29/86; 84-15-058 (Order 2124), § 275-27-230, filed 7/18/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070, 72.33.125 and 72.33.850. 82-06-034 (Order 1771), § 275-27-230, filed 3/1/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.33.040, 72.33.125 and 72.33.165. 78-04-033 (Order 1280), § 275-27-230, filed 3/16/78; Order 1143, § 275-27-230, filed 8/11/76.]
(a) Denial or termination of eligibility set forth in WAC
((388-825-100)) 388-825-030 and 288-825-035;
(b) Development or modification of the individual service plan set forth in WAC 388-825-050;
(c) Authorization, denial, reduction, or termination of
services or payment of SSP set forth in WAC ((388-825-100))
388-825-055; and
(d) Admission or readmission to, or discharge from, a residential habilitation center.
(2) The notice shall set forth appeal rights pursuant to WAC 388-825-120 and a statement that the client's case manager can be contacted for an explanation of the reasons for the action.
(3)(a) The department shall provide notice of a denial or partial authorization of a family support services request and a statement of reason for denial or partial authorization, or reduction to the person or persons described in subsection (1) of this section. The department shall send such notice no later than five working days before the end of the month previous to the month for which service was requested;
(b) The department shall make available an administrative review of a decision to deny or partially authorize services upon receipt of a written request by a person or persons described in subsection (1) of this section to the administrator of the region in which the client is living. The regional office must receive a request for administrative review by the last working day of the month;
(c) The client shall state in the written request why the client or client's family believes their service priority designation is not correct;
(d) Upon receipt of request for administrative review, the regional administrator or designee shall review the request and the client file; and
(e) The department shall send the results of the administrative review to the client and/or family within the first five working days of the service month for which the client is being denied or receiving a partial authorization for services.
(4) The department shall provide at least thirty days' advance notice of action to terminate a client's eligibility, terminate or reduce a client's service, or discharge a client from a residential habilitation center to the community. Transfer or removal of a client from a service set forth in WAC 388-825-120 (5)(f) is governed by that section, and reduction of family support funding during the service authorization period is covered by subsection (3)(a) of this section.
(5) All parties affected by such department decision shall be consulted, whenever possible, during the decision process by the responsible field services regional office in person and/or by telephone.
(6) The division shall ensure notification to the school district in which a school-aged child is to be placed when a placement decision is reached.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-100, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-100, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.040 and Title 71A RCW. 97-13-051, § 275-27-400, filed 6/13/97, effective 7/14/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070. 88-05-004 (Order 2596), § 275-27-400, filed 2/5/88; 86-18-049 (Order 2418), § 275-27-400, filed 8/29/86; 84-15-058 (Order 2124), § 275-27-400, filed 7/18/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.33.040, 72.33.125 and 72.33.165. 78-04-033 (Order 1280), § 275-27-400, filed 3/16/78; Order 1143, § 275-27-400, filed 8/11/76.]
(a) Denial or termination of eligibility set forth in WAC
((388-825-100)) 388-825-030 and 388-825-035;
(b) Development or modification of the individual service plan set forth in WAC 388-825-050;
(c) Authorization, denial, reduction, or termination of
services or payment of SSP set forth in WAC ((388-825-100))
(d) Admission or readmission to, or discharge from, a residential habilitation center;
(e) A claim the client, former client, or applicant owes an overpayment debt;
(f) A decision of the secretary under RCW 71A.10.060 or 71A.10.070;
(g) A decision to change a client's placement from one category of residential services to a different category of residential services.
(2) Adjudicative proceedings are governed by the Administrative Procedure Act (chapter 34.05 RCW), RCW 71A.10.050, the rules in this chapter, and by chapter 388-02 WAC. If any provision in this chapter conflicts with chapter 388-02 WAC, the provision in this chapter shall govern.
(3) The applicant's application for an adjudicative proceeding shall be in writing and filed with the DSHS office of appeals within twenty-eight days of receipt of the decision the appellant wishes to contest.
(4) The department shall not implement the following actions while an adjudicative proceeding is pending:
(a) Termination of eligibility;
(b) Reduction or termination of service, except when the action to reduce or terminate the service is based on the availability of funding and/or service; or
(c) Removal or transfer of a client from a service, except when a condition in subsection (5)(f) of this section is present.
(5) The department shall implement the following actions while an adjudicative proceeding is pending:
(a) Denial of eligibility;
(b) Development or modification of an individual service plan;
(c) Denial of service;
(d) Reduction or termination of service when the action to reduce or terminate the service is based on the availability of funding or service;
(e) After notification of an administrative law judge's (or review judge) ruling that the appellant has caused an unreasonable delay in the proceedings; or
(f) Removal or transfer of a client from a service when:
(i) An immediate threat to the client's life or health is present;
(ii) Service termination or transfer for a specific group of clients in order to meet the intent of and comply with sections 205 and 207, chapter 371, Laws of 2002;
(iii) The client's service provider is no longer able to provide services due to:
(A) Termination of the provider's contract;
(B) Decertification of the provider;
(C) Nonrenewal of provider's contract;
(D) Revocation of provider's license; or
(E) Emergency license suspension.
(((iii))) (iv) The client, the parent when the client is
a minor, or the guardian when the client is an adult, approves
the decision.
(6) When the appellant files an application to contest a decision to return a resident of a state residential school to the community, the procedures specified in RCW 71A.10.050(2) shall govern the proceeding. These procedures include:
(a) A placement decision shall not be implemented during any period during which an appeal can be taken or while an appeal is pending and undecided unless the:
(i) Client's or the client's representative gives written consent; or
(ii) Administrative law judge (or review judge) after notice to the parties rules the appellant has caused an unreasonable delay in the proceedings.
(b) The burden of proof is on the department; and
(c) The burden of proof is whether the specific placement proposed by the department is in the best interests of the resident.
(7) The ((initial order shall be made)) administrative
law judge shall issue an initial or final order within sixty
days of the department's receipt of the application for an
adjudicative proceeding. When a party files a petition for
administrative review, allowed under WAC 388-02-0215 (4)(w)(x)
and/or (y), the review order shall be made within sixty days
of the department's receipt of the petition. The
decision-rendering time is extended by as many days as the
proceeding is continued on motion by, or with the assent of,
the appellant.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-120, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-120, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.020. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-27-500, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220 (1)(a) and 71.12.030 [71A.12.030]. 90-04-074 (Order 2997), § 275-27-500, filed 2/5/90, effective 3/1/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070. 86-18-049 (Order 2418), § 275-27-500, filed 8/29/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.33.161. 84-15-038 (Order 2122), § 275-27-500, filed 7/13/84. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090, 72.33.040, 72.33.125 and 72.33.165. 78-04-033 (Order 1280), § 275-27-500, filed 3/16/78; Order 1143, § 275-27-500, filed 8/11/76.]
(a) Meet the criteria for the division of developmental disabilities (DDD) eligibility.
(b) Meet the criteria for disability as established in the Social Security Act.
(c) Have an income of less than three hundred percent of the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit amount.
(d) Need an IMR level of care as determined by a DDD nursing care consultant.
(i) Require twenty-four hour care and require services that cannot be provided by a family member, and
(ii) Have a documented need for habilitation services and training.
(e) Does not have SSP funding for the needed habilitation services and training.
(2) Participation in CAP is by choice of the otherwise IMR-eligible person.
[99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-180, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.020. 84-07-018 (Order 2086), § 275-27-810, filed 3/14/84.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-16-014, filed 7/25/02,
effective 8/25/02)
WAC 388-825-205
Who is eligible to participate in the
family support opportunity program?
(1) All individuals
living with their families determined to be developmentally
disabled according to WAC 388-825-030 and 388-825-035 are
eligible to participate in the program if their family
requires assistance in meeting their needs. However, the
program will fund or provide support services only as funding
is available.
(2) Persons currently receiving services under WAC
((388-825-030)) 388-825-252, Family support services, may
volunteer to participate in the program.
(3) Families will receive program services based on one or more of the following criteria: The date of application, eligibility for SSP or other available funding, and/or CAP waiver status.
(4) Availability of the SSP makes the family ineligible for other state funding for the same service.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-205, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-205, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030. 99-04-071, § 275-27-185, filed 2/1/99, effective 3/4/99.]
(a) Reduce or eliminate the need for out-of-home residential placement of a client where the in-home placement is in the client's best interest;
(b) Allow a client to live in the most independent setting possible; and
(c) Have access to services best suited to a client's needs.
(2) The department's family support services shall include, the following services:
(a) Respite care, including the use of community activities which provide respite;
(b) Attendant care;
(c) Nursing services provided by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, that cannot be provided by an unlicensed caregiver, including but not limited to, ventilation, catheterization, insulin injections, etc., when not covered by another resource;
(d) Therapeutic services, provided these therapeutic services are not covered by another resource such as medicaid, private insurance, public schools, or child development services funding, including:
(i) Physical therapy;
(ii) Occupational therapy;
(iii) Behavior management therapy; and
(iv) Communication therapy; or
(v) Counseling for the client relating to a disability.
(3) Receiving family support services is based on:
(a) Funding for state paid services available in the state operating budget; or
(b) SSP funding available to the client/family.
(4) The following rules, subsections (5) through (9), apply only to family support services authorized by the department and do not govern services purchased by the family with SSP (state supplementary payment) funding (see WAC 388-825-570).
(5) Up to nine hundred dollars of the service need level
amount in WAC ((388-825-252)) 388-825-254 may be used during a
one year period for flexible use as follows. The requested
service must be necessary as a result of the disability of the
(a) Training and supports including parenting classes and disability related support groups;
(b) Specialized equipment and supplies including the purchase, rental, loan or refurbishment of specialized equipment or adaptive equipment not covered by another resource including Medicaid. Mobility devices such as walkers and wheelchairs are included, as well as communication devices and medical supplies such as diapers for those more than three years of age;
(c) Environmental modification including home repairs for damages, and modifications to the home needed because of the disability of the client;
(d) Medical/dental services not covered by any other resource. This may include the payment of insurance premiums and deductibles and is limited to the premiums and deductibles of the client;
(e) Special formulas or specially prepared foods needed because of the disability of the client;
(f) Parent/family counseling dealing with a diagnosis, grief and loss issues, genetic counseling and behavior management;
(g) Specialized clothing adapted for a physical disability, excessive wear clothing, or specialized footwear;
(h) Specialized utility costs including extraordinary supplemental utility costs related to the client's disability or medical condition;
(i) Transportation costs for gas or tickets (ferry fare, transit cost) for a client to get to essential services and appointments, if another resource is not available;
(j) Other services approved by the DDD regional administrator or designee that will replace or reduce ongoing departmental expenditures and will reduce the risk of out-of-home placement. Exemption requests under this section are not subject to appeal.
(((4))) (6) Recommendations will be made to the regional
administrator by a review committee. The regional
administrator will approve or disapprove the request and will
communicate reasons for denial to the committee.
(((5))) (7) Payment for services specified in subsection
(((3))) (5), except (((3))) (5)(a) and (h), shall cover only
the portion of cost attributable to the client.
(((6))) (8) Requests must be received by DDD no later
than midway through the service authorization period unless
circumstances exist justifying an emergency.
(((7))) (9) A plan shall be developed jointly by the
family and the department for each service authorization
period. The department may choose whether to contract
directly with the vendor, to authorize purchase by another
agency, or may reimburse the parent of the client.
(((8))) (10) Emergency Services. Emergency funds may be
requested for use in response to a single incident or
situation or short term crisis such as care giver
hospitalization, absence, or incapacity. The request shall
include anticipated resolution of the situation. Funds shall
be provided for a limited period not to exceed two months. All requests are to be reviewed and approved or denied by the
regional administrator or designee.
(((9))) (11) A departmental service authorization shall
state the type, amount, and period (duration) of service. Each department authorization shall constitute a new service
for a new period.
(((10))) (12) If the client becomes eligible and begins
to receive Medicaid Personal Care services as defined in WAC
((388-15-202 through 388-15-203)) 388-71-0202 and 388-71-0203,
the family support funding will be reduced at the beginning of
the next month of service. The family will receive notice of
the reconfiguration of services at least five working days
before the beginning of the month.
(((11))) (13) If requested family support services are
not authorized, such actions shall be deemed a denial of
(((12))) (14) Family support services may be authorized
below the amount requested by the family for the period. When, during the authorized service period, family support
services are reduced or terminated below the amount specified
in service authorizations, the department shall deem such
actions as a reduction or termination of services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.16.010, 71A.16.030, 71A.12.030, chapter 71A.20 RCW, RCW 72.01.090, and 72.33.125. 02-16-014, § 388-825-252, filed 7/25/02, effective 8/25/02; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-252, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.040 and Title 71A RCW. 97-13-051, § 275-27-220, filed 6/13/97, effective 7/14/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.040 and 43.43.745. 94-04-092 (Order 3702), § 275-27-220, filed 2/1/94, effective 3/4/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.040. 92-09-114 (Order 3372), § 275-27-220, filed 4/21/92, effective 5/22/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070. 88-05-004 (Order 2596), § 275-27-220, filed 2/5/88; 86-18-049 (Order 2418), § 275-27-220, filed 8/29/86.]
(a) Requests for family support services described in WAC 388-825-252(2) ((of this section)) and (5);
(b) Service need levels ((as described in WAC 388-825-252(3) of this chapter)). The amount of SSP (state
supplementary payment) available to a client will be included
when calculating the monthly allocation of state family
support dollars.
(c) Service need level lid amounts are as follows:
(i) Clients designated for service need level one (WAC 388-825-256) may receive up to one thousand one hundred fifty-six dollars per month or two thousand four hundred sixty-two dollars per month if the client requires licensed nursing care in the home:
(A) If a client is receiving funding through Medicaid Personal Care or other DSHS in-home residential support, the maximum payable through family support shall be five hundred twelve dollars per month;
(B) If the combined total of family support services at this maximum plus in-home support is less than one thousand one hundred fifty-six dollars additional family support can be authorized to bring the total to one thousand one hundred fifty-six dollars.
(ii) Clients designated for service need level two (WAC 388-825-256) may receive up to four hundred fifty-six dollars per month if not receiving funding through Medicaid personal care:
(A) If a client is receiving funds through Medicaid personal care or other DSHS in-home residential support service, the maximum receivable through family support shall be two hundred fifty-six dollars per month;
(B) If the combined total of family support services at this maximum plus in-home support is less than fifty-six hundred four dollars, additional family support can be authorized to bring the total to four hundred fifty-six dollars.
(iii) Clients designated for service need level three (WAC 388-825-256) may receive up to two hundred fifty-six dollars per month provided the client is not receiving Medicaid personal care. If the client is receiving Medicaid personal care or other DSHS in-home residential support service, the maximum receivable through family support shall be one hundred twenty-eight dollars per month; and
(iv) Clients designated for service level four (WAC 388-825-256) may receive up to one hundred twenty-eight dollars per month family support services.
(((c))) (d) Availability of family support funding;
(((d))) (e) Authorization by a review committee, in each
regional office, which reviews each request for service;
(((e))) (f) The amounts designated in subsection
(1)(b)(i) through (iv) of this section are subject to periodic
increase if vendor rate increases are mandated by the
(2) The department shall authorize family support services contingent upon the applicant providing accurate and complete information on disability-related requests.
(3) The department shall ensure service authorizations do not exceed maximum amounts for each service need level based on the availability of funds.
(4) The department shall not authorize a birth parent, adoptive parent, or stepparent living in the same household as the client as the direct care provider for respite, attendant, nursing, therapy, or counseling services for a child seventeen years of age or younger.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.040, and 2001 2nd sp.s. c 7. 02-01-074, § 388-825-254, filed 12/14/01, effective 1/14/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030 and 71A.12.040. 00-23-106, § 388-825-254, filed 11/21/00, effective 12/22/00; 00-08-090, § 388-825-254, filed 4/5/00, effective 5/6/00; 99-19-104, recodified as § 388-825-254, filed 9/20/99, effective 10/21/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.040 and Title 71A RCW. 97-13-051, § 275-27-222, filed 6/13/97, effective 7/14/97.]
(a) Certain voluntary placement program services, which include:
(i) Foster care basic maintenance,
(ii) Foster care specialized support,
(iii) Agency specialized support,
(iv) Staffed residential home,
(v) Out-of-home respite care,
(vi) Agency in-home specialized support,
(vii) Group care basic maintenance,
(viii) Group care specialized support,
(ix) Transportation,
(x) Agency attendant care,
(xi) Child care,
(xii) Professional services,
(xiii) Nursing services,
(xiv) Interpreter services,
(b) Family support;
(c) Residential services from one or more of the following licensed, certified and/or contracted providers:
(i) Adult family home,
(ii) Adult residential care facility,
(iii) Alternative living,
(iv) Group home,
(v) Supported living,
(vi) Agency attendant care,
(vii) Supported living or other residential service allowance,
(viii) Intensive individual supported living support (companion homes).
(2) For individuals with community protection issues as defined in WAC 388-820-020, the department will determine eligibility for SSP on a case-by-case basis.
(3) For new authorizations of family support opportunity,
(a) You were on the family support opportunity waiting list prior to January 1, 2003; and
(b) You are on the CAP waiver; and
(c) You continue to meet the eligibility requirements for the family support opportunity program.
(4) For transition employment/day program services:
(a) You received or will receive transition employment/day program services from a county or a county-contracted provider funded by DDD between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2003, and:
(i) You have been assessed by DDD, the division of vocational rehabilitation (DVR) or the department of services for the blind to be in need of long-term support; and
(ii) Were born between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1981; and
(iii) Receive services from a county or a county-contracted provider; and
(iv) You have developed a plan with DDD for employment/day program services.
(b) If you are on the community alternatives program (CAP) waiver and received transition employment/day program services between July 1, 2001 and August 31, 2002, but receive no CAP waiver services from DDD other than transition employment/day program services, you will receive transition employment/day program services according to WAC 388-825-055(7). You will not receive SSP for these services.
(5) For employment/day programs services for persons born prior to September 1, 1979, you have been assessed by DDD, the division of vocational rehabilitation (DVR) or the department of services for the blind to be in need of long-term support, and:
(a) You were authorized by DDD and the county for employment/day program services for December 2002; and
(b) These services were funded totally with state funds; and
(c) You were born prior to September 1, 1979; and
(d) You continue to receive services from a county or county-contracted provider.
(1) If you choose not to receive DDD/SSP payments, you will not receive department funding for that service.
(2) Your community alternatives program (CAP) waiver service(s) not funded by DDD/SSP payments will not be affected by your choice to receive or reject DDD/SSP payments.
(2) Your current services will not be continued while the matter is being appealed if the service termination or transfer is for a specific group of clients in order to meet the legislative intent of and comply with sections 205 and 207, chapter 371, Laws of 2002.
(1) For residential and VPP services, the amount of your SSP will be based on the amount of state-only dollars spent on certain services for July 2002.
(2) For family support services, refer to WAC 388-825-200 through 388-825-284.
(a) If you are on the community alternatives program (CAP) waiver:
(i) You will receive nine hundred dollars DDD/SSP money per year to use as you determine;
(ii) The remainder up to the maximum allowed may be authorized by DDD to purchase CAP waiver services and will be paid directly to the provider.
(b) If you are not on the CAP waiver, you will receive the yearly maximum allowed in the form of DDD/SSP money to use as you determine.
(c) The yearly amount of DDD/SSP money will be prorated into monthly amounts. You will receive one twelfth of the yearly amount each month.
(d) You may have already received services paid by DDD before the DDD/SSP program began. The amount you already received will be subtracted from the yearly amounts stated above, and the remainder will be prorated by the number of months remaining in your service year.
Your service year runs from July 2002 through June 2003. You are on the CAP waiver. You received three hundred dollars before the DDD/SSP program began. In September, you have ten months remaining in your service year. The remaining amount of six hundred dollars (nine hundred dollars minus three hundred dollars already received) will be prorated for ten months. You will receive sixty dollars per month for September through June 2003.
(3) For transition and other employment/day program services, the department will individually determine the amount of your payment.
(2) If you are a person age eighteen and older, the warrant/check will be sent directly to your protective payee or representative payee if you have one.
(3) If you do not have a protective payee or representative payee, the warrant/check will be sent directly to you.
(a) If you are on the CAP waiver:
(i) Nine hundred dollars DDD/SSP money per year may be used as you determine;
(ii) The remainder up to the maximum allowed may be authorized by DDD and paid directly to the provider for the following CAP waiver services:
(A) Respite care, not including community activities;
(B) Attendant care;
(C) Nursing services;
(D) Therapies, including:
(I) Physical therapy;
(II) Occupational therapy;
(III) Behavior management therapy; and
(IV) Communication therapy; or
(V) Counseling for the client relating to a disability.
(E) Family consultation and training;
(F) Specialized equipment and supplies;
(G) Environmental modifications;
(H) Medications not covered by Medicaid; and
(I) Transportation costs.
(b) If you are not on the CAP waiver, you may use the maximum allowed in the form of DDD/SSP money as you determine.
(2) For voluntary placement program (VPP):
(a) DDD/SSP funds for current VPP children under age eighteen must be used to purchase VPP services from a state contracted and/or licensed provider.
(b) DDD/SSP funds for current VPP persons age eighteen through age twenty must be used to purchase VPP services from a provider who is contracted by the state and is either licensed or certified.
(3) For adult residential services, requirements will vary according to residence:
(a) Persons currently receiving services from a certified or licensed provider must use their DDD/SSP money to purchase residential services. Examples of these residential providers: adult family home, adult residential care, group home, supported living, and agency attendant care.
(b) Persons receiving alternative living or companion home services from an individual contracted with DSHS/DDD and who choose to continue to use an individual provider, must use persons contracted with DSHS/DDD.
(4) For service allowance or other residential client allowance, you are required to use this money for necessary living expenses only; i.e., rent, food, utilities.
(5) For transition employment/day program services, you are required to use this money to purchase transition employment/day program services from a county or a county-contracted provider.
(6) For other employment/day program services, you are required to use this money to purchase employment/day program services from a county or a county-contracted provider.
(1) For family support, you may use your SSP as you determine best.
(2) For employment/day program services, you must purchase services from a county of the state of Washington or from a provider who has a contract with a county of the state of Washington.
(3) For all other services, you must purchase services from a person or provider who is licensed or certified by and contracted with the state of Washington.
(1) Your SSI stops;
(2) You address changes; or
(3) There is a change in your living arrangement that affects your eligibility for the receipt of service.
(2) If you want to obtain a criminal background check of any employee who will have unsupervised access to children or adults with developmental disabilities, you may get the background check done through the State Highway Patrol or DSHS. You can ask DDD to assist you with completing these background checks.
(1) The SSP benefits were not spent as required in WAC 388-825-570; or
(2) You no longer are eligible for SSI cash benefits, and continued to collect DDD/SSP; or
(3) Your living situation changed, the living situation impacts eligibility for funding, and you continued to collect DDD/SSP.
(1) You no longer are eligible for SSI;
(2) Your living arrangement changes and the change affects your eligibility for service;
(3) You no longer require the service; or
(4) Your DDD eligibility is terminated.
(a) The person, organization, institution or agency who acts as your representative payee for Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
(b) Your parent, if you are under eighteen;
(c) Your spouse; or
(d) A person, organization, institution or agency you select if the department approves your selection.
(2) If you select a representative payee under subsection (1)(d) of this section, the department will evaluate the selection according to the following criteria:
(a) The relationship of the payee to you;
(b) The amount of interest the payee shows in you;
(c) Any legal authority the payee has to act on your behalf;
(d) Whether the payee has custody of you; and
(e) Whether the payee is in a position to know of and look after your needs.
(3) The DDD director or designee will approve or deny your request for a representative under subsection (1)(d) of this section.
(1) Use the payments received only for the purpose for which they were intended;
(2) Notify the department if any event happens that may affect the amount of benefits you receive;
(3) Submit to the department, upon our request, a written report accounting for the payments received; and
(4) Notify the department if any change in the payee's circumstances that would affect performance of the payee responsibilities.
(1) You or your case manager may request an exception to a rule in this chapter.
(2) The case manager must submit a written request for an exception to his or her DDD regional administrator.
(3) DSHS will evaluate requests for exceptions, considering:
(a) The federal and state rules governing SSP;
(b) The health and safety of the clients;
(c) The quality and necessity of the services;
(d) The availability of the services through normal channels;
(e) The impact on the client if the service is not provided; and
(f) The impact on other clients of the program.
(4) The DDD regional administrator will forward the request to the DDD director together with the regional administrator's recommendation to approve or deny the request.
(5) The DDD director or designee will approve or deny the request in writing within sixty calendar days after receiving the request from the case manager.
(6) The department will notify you of the decision.
(7) You do not have rights to adjudicative proceedings when you receive a denial from DSHS for an exception to the rules in this chapter.
3139.4(a) The department shall pay a county for department authorized services provided to an eligible developmentally disabled person.
(b) DD eligible persons who receive SSP funding for transition services shall pay the county or a county contracted provider for services.
(2) A county may purchase or provide authorized services. Authorized services may include, but are not limited to:
(a) Early childhood intervention services;
(b) Employment services;
(c) Community access services;
(d) Residential services;
(e) Individual evaluation;
(f) Program evaluation;
(g) County planning and administration; ((and))
(h) Consultation and staff development; and
(i) SSP oversight.
[99-19-104, recodified as § 388-850-035, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.030. 91-17-005 (Order 3230), § 275-25-520, filed 8/9/91, effective 9/9/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.070, 72.33.125 and 72.33.850. 82-06-034 (Order 1771), § 275-25-520, filed 3/1/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 71.20.030, 71.20.050, and 71.20.070. 78-04-002 (Order 1278), § 275-25-520, filed 3/2/78; Order 1142, § 275-25-520, filed 8/12/76.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 92-13-032 (Order 3404)
[99-19-104], filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99)
WAC 388-850-045
Funding formula -- Developmental
(1) For the purposes of this section, "county"
shall mean the legal subdivision of the state, regardless of
any agreement with another county to provide developmental
disabilities services jointly.
(2) The allocation of funds to counties shall be based on the following criteria:
(a) Each county shall receive a base amount of funds. The amount shall be based on the prior biennial allocation, including any funds from budget provisos from the prior biennium, and subject to the availability of state and federal funds;
(b) The distribution of any additional funds provided by the legislature or other sources shall be based on a distribution formula which best meets the needs of the population to be served as follows:
(i) On a basis which takes into consideration minimum grant amounts, requirements of clients residing in an ICF/MR or clients on one of the division's Title XIX home and community-based waivers, and the general population of the county, and special education enrollment as well as the population eligible for county-funded developmental disabilities services;
(ii) On a basis that takes into consideration the population numbers of minority groups residing within the county;
(iii) A biennial adjustment shall be made after these factors are considered; and
(iv) Countries not receiving any portion of additional funds pursuant to this formula shall not have their base allocation reduced due to application of this formula.
(c) Funding appropriated through legislative proviso, including vendor rate increases, shall be distributed to the population directed by the legislature utilizing a formula as directed by the legislature or using a formula specific to that population or distributed to identified people;
(d) The ability of the community to provide funds for the developmental disability program provided in chapter 71A.14 RCW may be considered with any or all of the above.
(3)(a) A county may utilize seven or less percent of the county's allocated funds for county administrative expenses. A county may utilize more than seven percent for county administration with approval of the division director. A county electing to provide all services directly, in addition to county administration, is exempt from this requirement.
(b) A county may receive funds for oversight of employment/day program services purchased by DDD clients with their SSP, based on the following conditions:
(i) The SSP oversight funds for the recipients described below will be allocated at the same rate that the county received in their original 2001-2003 DDD county program agreement for administrative expenses for these same individuals. These funds will be calculated by using the date the recipient began receiving SSP, if the recipient:
(A) Was born between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1981; and
(B) Received a county or county-contracted service between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002; and
(C) Continues to receive a county or county-contracted service.
(ii) SSP oversight funds for the recipients described below will be allocated at the same rate that the county received in their original 2001-2003 DDD county program agreement for administrative expenses for these same individuals. These funds will be calculated by using the date the recipient began receiving SSP, if the recipient:
(A) Was born prior to September 1, 1979; and
(B) Was authorized by DDD and the county for employment/day program services for December, 2002; and
(C) Continues to receive a county or county-contracted service.
(iii) The SSP oversight funds for recipients described below shall equal up to seven percent of the amount of the SSP received by the recipient, if the SSP recipient:
(A) Was born between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1981; and
(B) Received no county or county-contracted service prior to July 1, 2002; and
(C) Received or will receive a county or county-contracted service between July 1, 2002 and June 30, 2003; and
(D) Continues to receive a county or county-contracted service.
(4) The department may withhold five or less percent of allocated funds for new programs, for statewide priority programs, and for emergency needs.
[99-19-104, recodified as § 388-850-045, filed 9/20/99, effective 9/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.040. 92-13-032 (Order 3404), § 275-25-530, filed 6/10/92, effective 7/11/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.14.030. 91-17-005 and 91-17-025 (Orders 3230 and 3230A), § 275-25-530, filed 8/9/91 and 8/14/91, effective 9/9/91 and 9/14/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 69.54.040 and 71.24.190. 83-03-011 (Order 1936), § 275-25-530, filed 1/12/83; Order 1142, § 275-25-530, filed 8/12/76.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.