Date of Adoption: February 19, 2003.
Purpose: Meet criteria supporting Governor Locke's Executive Order 97-02.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 308-56A-020, 308-56A-030, 308-56A-040, 308-56A-056, 308-56A-060, 308-56A-110, 308-56A-115, 308-56A-150, 308-56A-210, and 308-56A-295.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 46.01.110.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 03-01-014 on December 5, 2002.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 10, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 10,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
February 19, 2003
Fred Stephens
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-20-065, filed 10/3/00,
effective 11/3/00)
WAC 308-56A-020
Application for certificate of ownership
When is an application for certificate of ownership
required? In addition to the requirements set forth in
chapter 46.12 and 46.16 RCW an application for certificate of
ownership is required when:
(1) ((A person purchases a vehicle requiring registration
or titling in Washington and:
(a) You apply for vehicle registration on a vehicle that
has not been previously in this state;
(b) You apply)) There is a change of vehicle ownership on
a Washington certificate of ownership due to:
(a) Sale;
(b) Gift-donation;
(c) Inheritance;
(d) Trade;
(e) Addition or deletion of a registered owner;
(f) Proprietorship, partnership or individuals forming a corporation, whether or not the business name is changing;
(g) Proprietorship, partnership or individuals purchasing a corporation which will no longer be operated as a corporation, whether or not the business name is changed;
(h) Court order;
(i) Transferring vehicle to a trust;
(j) Repossession; or
(k) Adding/removing a lease on a vehicle.
(2) Applying for ((vehicle)) registration ((for)) of a
vehicle which has most recently been titled and/or registered
in another jurisdiction and only registration is being
established in Washington. If the vehicle will remain titled
in another jurisdiction, no Washington certificate of
ownership will be issued.
(((2) There is a change of vehicle ownership on a
Washington certificate of ownership due to:
(a) Sale;
(b) Gift-donation;
(c) Inheritance;
(d) Trade;
(e) Addition or deletion of a registered owner;
(f) Proprietorship, partnership or individuals forming a
corporation, whether or not the business name is changing;
(g) Proprietorship, partnership or individuals purchasing
a corporation which will no longer be operated as a
corporation, whether or not the business name is changed;
(h) Court order;
(i) Repossession;
(j) Transferring vehicle to a trust; or
(k) Adding/removing a lease on a vehicle.))
(3) There is a name change of the registered owner, whether individual(s) or a business entity.
(4) ((There is no change in the registered owner of the
vehicle but the certificate of ownership needs to be reissued
(a) A lienholder's name needs to be added. If a
secondary lienholder is being added, the address of only the
primary lienholder will be recorded;
(b))) Adding or changing a lien holder.
(5) The vehicle is assembled, has had a glider kit
installed or is a street rod((;)).
(((c))) (6) The ((vehicle)) motorcycle engine has been
(((d))) (7) The vehicle has been changed or modified to
accept a fuel other than that shown on the outstanding
certificate of ownership.
(8) There has been a structural change, as defined in WAC 308-56A-150 (1)(((e)))(d), other than changing the bed of a
truck((; or)).
(((e))) (9) The vehicle identification number needs to be
(((5))) (10) The vehicle has been reported destroyed by
an insurance company wrecker, or vehicle owner(s) and new
certificate of ownership is requested. Title procedures are
in WAC 308-56A-460.
(((6) The vehicle has been reported destroyed by the
owner or a wrecker and is subsequently sold and licensed.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.12.101. 00-20-065, § 308-56A-020, filed 10/3/00, effective 11/3/00; 98-12-099, § 308-56A-020, filed 6/3/98, effective 7/4/98; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-020, filed 7/31/74.]
The application for certificate of ownership ((shall))
must include:
(a) The name of each registered owner of the vehicle and, if the vehicle is subject to security interest, the name of each secured party;
(b) ((The department's assigned customer account number
for each owner of the vehicle including secured parties if
(c))) The registered owner's mailing address ((at which
one of the owners regularly receives mail)); and
(((d))) (c) The first secured party's mailing address
((of the first secured party)).
(2) Do the addresses need to conform to United States Postal Service (USPS) standards?
Yes. USPS address standards must be used on all vehicle records, registrations, and certificates of ownership.
(3) Can more than one mailing address be shown on the
application if there are multiple owners with different
addresses((, may both addresses be shown on the application))?
No. The address of only one of the registered owners and
((one)) the first secured party will be accepted on the
application for certificate of ownership.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-01-014, § 308-56A-030, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 88.02.100, 46.10.040, 46.12.030, 46.16.040, 88.02.050 and 88.02.070. 96-04-004, § 308-56A-030, filed 1/25/96, effective 2/25/96; 95-13-058, § 308-56A-030, filed 6/19/95, effective 7/20/95; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-030, filed 7/31/74.]
(2) What information does the owner need to provide to the department if their address changes?
The owner shall provide the department with the following information:
(a) The registered owner's name as it appears on the department records;
(b) The license plate number or vehicle identification number (VIN) of each vehicle;
(c) The new address with at least a five digit zip code and preferably a nine digit zip code; and
(d) The county of the new address.
(3) Does the address need to conform to United States Postal Service (USPS) standards?
Yes. USPS address standards must be used on all vehicle records, registrations, and certificates of ownership.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-01-014, § 308-56A-040, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99; 92-15-024, § 308-56A-040, filed 7/6/92, effective 8/6/92; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-040, filed 7/31/74.]
(a) Any registered owners so shown are considered to have
equal registered owner interest in the vehicle ((and));
(b) Any lien holder so shown is considered to have equal security interest in the vehicle.
(2) Will the department use the words "and," "or," or the
slash symbol "/" if another jurisdiction has recorded multiple
interests on the foreign certificate of ownership using one of
these designations? No, the department does not allow the use
of these designations when recording ownership interest. ((The department will list the names without the above
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.12.040 and 46.16.216. 99-21-098, § 308-56A-056, filed 10/20/99, effective 11/20/99.]
(2) How is joint tenancy with rights of survivorship
shown on the application for certificate of ownership? The
application for certificate of ownership ((shall)) must show
the name of every owner ((with)) and include the phrase "Joint
tenants with rights of survivorship" spelled out. ((The
address of only one owner can be accepted on the application.
Example 1:
Doe, John
Doe, Jane
Doe, Mary
Joint tenants with rights of survivorship; or
Example 2:
Doe, John
Doe, Jane
Joint tenants with rights of survivorship.))
(3) How is joint tenancy with rights of survivorship
shown on the certificate of ownership? The certificate of
ownership will be printed showing the abbreviation
"JTWROS((.))" in the brands/comments section.
(((4) If one of the owners dies, what additional
documentation does the department require to transfer the
certificate of ownership into the name(s) of the surviving
owner(s)? The department requires a copy of the death
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-08-064, § 308-56A-060, filed 4/5/99, effective 5/6/99; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-060, filed 7/31/74.]
An application for a certificate of ownership ((to)) for
a new vehicle ((shall)) must be accompanied by a
manufacturer's statement/certificate of origin (MSO/MCO).
(2) What information needs to be shown on the MSO/MCO?
The MSO/MCO ((shall)) must contain at least the following
(a) First conveyance of the vehicle after its manufacture;
(b) The model year;
(c) Make;
(d) Model, body style;
(e) Vehicle identification number;
(f) An indication that the vehicle was not manufactured for road use, if applicable; and
(g) ((If a moped, a statement indicating the vehicle
meets the definition in RCW 46.04.304.)) Shipping weight or
curb weight.
(3) What documentation may be used in lieu of an MSO/MCO?
If the MSO/MCO is not available, the manufacturer's invoice to the dealer may be used. The manufacturer's invoice shall contain all the information required in subsection (2) of this section. If a flooring agent is shown on the invoice, the department requires a release of interest from the flooring agent.
(4) How is a dealer-to-dealer sale recorded on the MSO/MCO before the first retail sale?
A dealer-to-dealer sale is recorded in the assignment area on the MSO/MCO.
In the absence of an available assignment area a dealer to dealer report of sale or similar document may be used as long as a complete chain of ownership is documented from the original dealer named on the MSO/MCO through the retail selling dealer making the application.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-01-014, § 308-56A-110, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-110, filed 7/31/74.]
(a) If a vehicle is titled in another state, the application for certificate of ownership must be accompanied by the most current title issued by that state.
(b) If the vehicle was acquired from an agency of the
United States government, the ((original or a copy of the bill
of sale)) federal ownership document issued by the United
States government must accompany the application for
certificate of ownership. When a bill of sale covers more
than one vehicle, a photocopy may be accepted when:
(i) United States federal government already registered and/or titled in Washington with an FED use class, the purchaser needs a bill of sale and the current registration for an NTI or when title is issued in Washington, need title properly released.
(ii) A secured odometer disclosure completed only by the transferee/buyer if the vehicle falls within the federal odometer criteria.
(((b) If a vehicle is titled in another state, the
application for certificate of ownership must be accompanied
by the most current title issued by that state. The
department will accept a copy of the current title when it is
being held by the lien holder and is not available.))
(c) If a vehicle is titled in another country, the
application for certificate of ownership must be accompanied
by the most current ((title or)) ownership document issued by
that jurisdiction. If the country from which the vehicle is
imported cancels the vehicle title and/or registration for
export, the application for certificate of ownership must be
accompanied by documents showing proof of ownership and
evidence of the cancellation.
(d) If a member of the United States armed forces owns
the vehicle and the vehicle has been registered by ((the)) a
United States government military entity, the application for
certificate of ownership ((shall)) must be accompanied by the
registration certificate as proof of ownership. If there is a
lien holder, the ((United States)) armed forces member must
((contact)) provide the lien holder ((and obtain a copy of the
ownership documents being held)) information at the time of
(2) What ownership documents are required to obtain a
certificate of ownership for a vehicle from a nontitling
jurisdiction ((that by policy or law does not title or
register certain classes of vehicles based on age, type, or
other criteria))?
(a) If the vehicle is from a jurisdiction that by policy or law does not title a specific vehicle, but does register it, the department will accept the registration as an ownership document. If the applicant is not the owner shown on the registration, a bill of sale or release of interest is also required.
(b) If the vehicle is from a jurisdiction that neither registers nor titles, the department will accept a statement from the applicant certifying when and where they purchased the vehicle, and that the previous jurisdiction does not title or register this type of vehicle. A bill of sale is required for vehicles brought in from such jurisdiction. A statement certifying how the vehicle was acquired must be submitted at the time of application. The Washington certificate of ownership may contain a special notation if issued under these circumstances. If the bill of sale is not available, ownership in doubt procedures from WAC 308-56A-210 apply.
(3) What if I am unable to locate a record of my vehicle in any jurisdiction? If there is no indication that your vehicle is from a nontitle or nonregistration jurisdiction, and no jurisdiction has a record of your vehicle, you may follow ownership in doubt procedures in WAC 308-56A-210.
(4) What ((ownership documents are)) is required to title
a vehicle from a titling jurisdiction ((which)) that has
refused to issue a title document for a specific vehicle?
If the jurisdiction has refused to issue title,
Washington ((will)) may require the customer to comply with
ownership in doubt procedures from WAC 308-56A-210. In those
cases where a title was refused for reasons not applicable to
Washington, the department may consider issuing a title with
the appropriate documentation.
(((4))) (5) What ((additional)) documentation is required
in addition to the ownership document if my vehicle is from a
foreign country? In addition to the ownership document, the
application for certificate of ownership must be accompanied
(a) An approved United States Department of Treasury Customs Service form properly executed authorizing the vehicle entry into this country. Applications for certificate of ownership for vehicles imported from Puerto Rico need not be accompanied by a customs document;
(b) An English translation for any document provided which is not in the English language. The translator shall provide a notarized/certified affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the translation;
(c) A release of interest from the owners shown on the
ownership documents, as provided in WAC 308-56A-210, if the
applicant is not the owner shown((; and
(d) The current valid ownership document.
(5) What if my vehicle does not pass the EPA?
If the vehicle does not conform with all applicable
federal motor vehicle safety standards or federal air
pollution control regulations, and the United States Customs
Service will not issue a custom document, the department will
not issue a certificate of ownership or registration for the
(6) What if there is no indication that my vehicle is
from a nontitle or nonregistration jurisdiction, and no other
jurisdiction has a record of my vehicle?
If there is no indication that your vehicle is from a
nontitle or nonregistration jurisdiction, and no jurisdiction
has a record for your vehicle, you need to follow ownership in
doubt procedures in WAC 308-56A-210)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 01-20-010, § 308-56A-115, filed 9/20/01, effective 10/21/01; 99-01-014, § 308-56A-115, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99; 93-14- 084, § 308-56A-115, filed 6/30/93, effective 7/31/93; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-115, filed 7/31/74.]
(a) Reported destroyed since the last certificate of ownership was issued;
(b) A homemade, assembled, or rebuilt vehicle not previously titled as such;
(c) One whose identification number needs verification as
requested by the department, county auditor, or authorized
agent((, for example, if there is a reason to believe the
vehicle identification number has been removed, defaced,
altered, destroyed, or if it has become illegible or is
(d) One with a structural change in, or modification of, body or frame changing the class designation or body type currently shown on the record;
(e) ((A used vehicle and no Washington record can be
found unless the vehicle is titled or registered in a state or
jurisdiction other than Washington;
(f))) A kit vehicle not previously titled as such (if no
vehicle identification number previously assigned);
(((g))) (f) A street rod not previously titled as such;
(((h))) (g) A glider kit not previously titled as such;
(((i))) (h) Questionable as to ownership;
(((j))) (i) One which the Washington crime information
center (WACIC) or National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
indicates may be stolen; or
(((k))) (j) One for which the WACIC/NCIC has failed to
respond to the stolen vehicle search required by chapter 46.12 RCW.
(2) ((What)) Is there a fee ((is)) charged for a
Washington state patrol VIN inspection? The VIN inspection
fee is ((fifty dollars as)) authorized by chapter 46.12 RCW
(a) The out-of-state fee authorized by chapter 46.12 RCW has been collected on the same application; or
(b) The Washington state patrol or department of licensing has determined that the fee is not due.
(3) Who is authorized to perform a vehicle inspection? Vehicle inspections may be performed by:
(a) The Washington state patrol;
(b) Other ((competent inspecting agencies)) entities or
individuals designated by the director if the vehicle is
located in a foreign state or country and the requirement for
inspection by the Washington state patrol will cause undue
(4) How long is a vehicle certificate of inspection valid? The vehicle certificate of inspection is valid for the following periods of time after the inspection date:
(((a) Thirty)) Sixty days for vehicles:
(((i))) (a) Reported destroyed;
(((ii))) (b) Homemade, assembled, rebuilt, street rods,
kit vehicles and glider kits;
(((iii))) (c) If the identification number needs
verification, has been removed, defaced, altered, destroyed,
illegible or missing;
(((iv))) (d) With structural change in, or modification
of, body or frame changing the class designation or body type;
(((v))) (e) Referred for inspection for any reason not
(((b) Sixty days for vehicles:
(i) From a foreign jurisdiction;
(ii))) (i) With no Washington record or no manufacture
statement of origin/manufacture certificate of origin.
(((c))) (ii) One year for vehicles required to be
inspected under subsection (1)(a) through (((k))) (j) of this
section and held for sale by a licensed dealer.
(((5) Is the vehicle identification number inspection
certificate provided by the Washington state patrol (WSP)
valid other than in Washington state? In accordance with WSP
rules, the inspection certificate provided by the WSP is valid
only in Washington state except as otherwise specified by the
Washington state patrol.
(6) Why are the words "register" and "registered" used in
place of "title" and "titled" in chapter 125, Laws of 2001?
The words "register" and "registered" are used in place of
"title" and "titled" in chapter 125, Laws of 2001 because RCW 46.12.010 requires vehicles registered in this state to also
have a certificate of ownership. For the purposes of section
3, chapter 125, Laws of 2001, the registration process is not
complete until it is confirmed that the vehicle is not stolen.
Certificate of ownership will not be issued and the license
tabs and registration certificate shall be invalid for
vehicles which have been confirmed stolen.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 01-20-010, § 308-56A-150, filed 9/20/01, effective 10/21/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.12.040 and 46.16.216. 99-21-098, § 308-56A-150, filed 10/20/99, effective 11/20/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 97-07-014, § 308-56A-150, filed 3/11/97, effective 4/11/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.12.040 and 46.16.216. 91-04-024, § 308-56A-150, filed 1/29/91, effective 3/1/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 85-06-011 (Order TL/RG 11), § 308-56A-150, filed 2/22/85; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-150, filed 7/31/74.]
When an applicant is unable to provide an acceptable release of interest, the applicant may:
(a) Petition any district or superior court of any county of this state to receive a judgment awarding ownership of the vehicle. Such judgment is required if ownership of the vehicle is contested after the applicant makes application for ownership in doubt and before the three-year ownership in doubt period has lapsed; or
(b) Apply for registration only or bonded certificate of
ownership as described in this rule if a judgment is
((unnecessary)) unavailable as described in (a) of this
subsection. The applicant ((shall)) must:
(i) Provide evidence of ownership of the vehicle such as, but not limited to, a bill of sale;
(ii) Obtain a Washington state patrol VIN inspection;
(iii) Make a reasonable effort to determine ownership of the vehicle by writing to the agency that issued the last known certificate of ownership or registration. For purposes of this section, an individual purchaser or transferee of a vehicle may request the name and address of the owner(s) of record for that vehicle from the department by satisfying (b)(i) of this subsection and completing a form approved by the department. When the department is satisfied the request is for obtaining proper release of interest, the department may disclose the name(s) and address of the last owner(s) of record for that vehicle.
(A) If a record is found, the applicant ((shall)) must
send a certified or registered letter, return receipt
requested, to each owner and secured party of record at the
address shown on the last record. The letter ((shall)) must
contain information regarding the sender's claim to ownership
and a request for the released certificate of ownership or a
notarized or certified release of interest.
(B) If ((no record is found, or)) the previous owner
((did)) does not respond within fifteen days after
acknowledged receipt or the letter was returned unclaimed, the
applicant ((shall)) must provide ((an)) the form titled
Affidavit of Request for Bonded Title or Registration without
Title ((form)), explaining how the vehicle was acquired;
If no record is found, the applicant must provide the completed form titled, Affidavit of Request for Bonded Title or Registration without Title.
(iv) Determine whether to bond the vehicle and apply for
a certificate of ownership or apply for registration only. A
bond is required if the seller of the vehicle is a Washington
state vehicle dealer or in lieu of the judgment described in
(a) of this subsection if there is evidence of a security
agreement on the last record ((as)) found ((in (b)(i) of this
subsection)). A bond shall be for a period of three years
from the date of application and be in the amount of one and
one-half times the value of the vehicle as determined by one
of the following:
(A) Information provided by any guide book or other publication of recognized standing in the vehicle industry; or
(B) A value that is agreeable to the applicant and verifiable by the authorized department agent or employee.
(2) If I have a bonded certificate of ownership, how can I get a certificate of ownership without the bonded notation?
In order to get a certificate of ownership without the bonded notation, you may:
(a) Submit the properly endorsed certificate of ownership or a satisfactory release of interest and make application to the department anytime during the three-year period; or
(b) After the three-year period, make application to the department.
(3) If I have a three-year registration only, how can I obtain a certificate of ownership?
In order to ((get)) receive a certificate of ownership,
you may:
(a) Submit the properly endorsed certificate of ownership or a satisfactory release of interest and make application to the department anytime during the three-year period; or
(b) After the three-year period, make application to the department.
(4) ((Can)) May I sell ((the)) a vehicle ((when there
is)) with a bonded certificate of ownership or ((has)) a
three-year registration only?
Yes. A bonded certificate of ownership may be released
and provided to the buyer the same as any other certificate of
ownership. There is a possibility that a Washington bonded
certificate of ownership may not be accepted by another state.
If the other state has a similar program, they may issue their
own type of bonded certificate of ownership. If there is a
registration only, provide the buyer with a notarized or
certified release of interest. The new owner may either
provide a judgment as described in subsection (1)(a) of this
section ((or shall apply to the department for ownership in
doubt as described in subsection (1)(b) of this section and
complete)) or wait until the expiration of the time remaining
on the previous ownership in doubt period and then make
application for the certificate of ownership. If a
notarized/certified release of interest cannot be obtained
from the current registered owner, the new owner must start
over with a new three-year bonded or registration only
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-01-014, § 308-56A-210, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.250(1), 46.01.110, 46.12.151 and 46.12.380. 96-03-047, § 308-56A-210, filed 1/11/96, effective 2/11/96; Order MV 208, § 308-56A-210, filed 7/31/74.]
If a report of sale has been properly filed with the
department prior to the date the vehicle was reported stolen,
the purchaser shown on that report of sale ((shall)) will be
responsible for removal, storage, and disposal fees. If a
report of sale has not been properly filed, the registered
owner on the department records remains liable.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110. 99-01-014, § 308-56A-295, filed 12/7/98, effective 1/7/99.]