Original Notice.
Exempt from preproposal statement of inquiry under RCW 34.05.310(4).
Title of Rule: Division of Drinking Water fees, WAC 246-290-990 Water system evaluation and project review and approval fees and 246-292-160 Water works certification fees.
Purpose: To revise the fee schedule for the Division of Drinking Water.
Other Identifying Information: The proposed fee increases will be raised to the fiscal growth factor for fiscal year 2003, 3.29%.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 43.70.250, 43.20B.020 and 70.119.160, 43.70.250, respectively.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 43.70.250, 43.20B.020 and 70.119.160, 43.70.250, respectively.
Summary: Fees support public health activities in the Division of Drinking Water and need to be adjusted to compensate for the inflationary costs of administering the program.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Fee adjustments are necessary to guarantee sufficient revenue to fulfill the department's public health protection obligations.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Theresa Phillips, Tumwater, (360) 236-3147.
Name of Proponent: Department of Health, Environmental Health Programs, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The proposed amendments increase fees by the 2003 fiscal growth factor of 3.29%. The increase is necessary to ensure continued protection of public health by enabling the programs to acquire additional revenue to maintain current service activities and meet program costs.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: The proposed changes increase existing fees by the fiscal growth factor for 2003 for WAC 246-290-990 and 246-292-160.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Under RCW 19.85.025(3), rules that set or adjust fees pursuant to legislative standards are exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Fairness Act.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. Under RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vi), rules that set or adjust fees pursuant to legislative standards are exempt from the requirements of RCW 34.05.328.
Hearing Location: Department of Labor and Industries, 7273 Linderson Way S.W., Room S119, Tumwater, WA 98504, on May 23, 2003, at 9:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Theresa Phillips by May 16, 2003, TDD (800) 833-6388 or (360) 236-3147.
Submit Written Comments to: Theresa Phillips, P.O. Box 47822, Olympia, WA 98504-7822, fax (360) 236-2253, by May 23, 2003.
Date of Intended Adoption: May 30, 2003.
March 23, 2003
M. C. Selecky
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-01-065, filed 12/14/01,
effective 1/14/02)
WAC 246-290-990
Water system evaluation and project
review and approval fees.
(1) The fees for the review and
approval of water system plans, project reports, construction
documents, existing systems, and related evaluations required
under chapters 246-290, 246-291, 246-293, 246-294, and 246-295
WAC shall be as follows:
(a) Water system plans required under WAC 246-290-100, 246-290-105, 246-291-140, 246-293-220, 246-293-230, and 246-294-060.
——————————————— Group A ————————————— | ||||||||||||
Project Type |
Group B |
<100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
Water system plan (New and Updated) |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
Minor water system plan alteration |
$30 | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
————— Total Active or Approved Services ————— | |||||||||||
Project Type |
<100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
SMA plan for ownership (New and Updated) |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
SMA approval amendment | $(( |
SMA plan for operation only (New and Updated) |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
Note: | SMAs owning water systems and submitting planning documents to the department for review shall be charged only the SMA fee. |
(i) Conservation; and
(ii) Wellhead protection, shall be reviewed separately by
the department and the fee assessed shall reflect the time
spent for this review and shall be calculated based on
((ninety-three)) ninety-six dollars per hour. After the
initial submittal, updated information shall be reviewed as
part of the updated water system plan and the review fee shall
be included in the applicable updated plan review fee listed
under (a) or (b) of this subsection.
(d) Project reports required under WAC 246-290-110 and design reports required under WAC 246-291-120.
——————————————— Group A ————————————— | ||||||||||||
Project Type | Group B | <100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Service |
10,000 or more Services |
All types of filtration or other complex treatment processes | $(( 327 |
$(( 666 |
$(( 1,034 |
$(( 1,499 |
$(( 2,066 |
$(( 2,740 |
Chemical addition only, such as ion exchange, hypochlorination, or fluoridation | $(( 96 |
$(( 193 |
$(( 327 |
$(( 493 |
$(( |
$(( |
Complete water system (an additional fee shall be assessed for review of treatment facility, if any) | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( 1,467 |
$(( 1,933 |
System modifications requiring a detailed evaluation to determine whether the system, as modified, will comply with regulations (an additional fee shall be assessed for review of treatment facility, if any) | $(( 130 |
$(( 327 |
$(( 531 |
$(( 799 |
$(( 1,131 |
$(( 1,525 |
Note: | In accordance with WAC 246-290-125, project reports are not required for minor projects that are described in sufficient detail in an approved water system plan, and have been reviewed as part of the process for approving the water system plan. |
(i) Corrosion control recommendation report;
(ii) Corrosion control study;
(iii) Plan to cover uncovered reservoirs;
(iv) Predesign study;
(v) Uncovered reservoir plan of operation;
(vi) Tracer study plan;
(vii) Surface water or GWI treatment facility operations plan;
(viii) Filtration pilot study; or
(ix) GWI determination reports, shall be reviewed by the
department and the fee assessed shall reflect the time spent
for this review and shall be calculated based on
((ninety-three)) ninety-six dollars per hour.
(f) Construction documents required under WAC 246-290-120 and design reports required under WAC 246-291-120.
——————————————— Group A ————————————— | ||||||||||||
Project Type | Group B | <100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
All types of filtration or
other complex treatment processes |
$(( 327 |
$(( 666 |
$(( 1,034 |
$(( 1,499 |
$(( 2,066 |
$(( 2,740 |
Chemical addition only, such as ion exchange, hypochlorination, or fluoridation |
$(( 96 |
$(( 193 |
$(( 327 |
$(( 493 |
$(( 697 |
$(( 933 |
Complete new water system except treatment (an additional fee shall be assessed for review of treatment facility, if any) |
$(( 264 |
$(( 594 |
$(( 862 |
$(( 1,200 |
$(( 1,603 |
$(( 2,066 |
New source only (an additional fee shall be assessed for review of treatment facility, if any) |
$(( 193 |
$(( 359 |
$(( 493 |
$(( 666 |
$(( 862 |
$(( 1,099 |
One or more of the
following submitted as a package and not requiring a detailed evaluation as determined by the department: Water line installation, booster pump station, modifications to source pumping, piping-valving, controls or storage reservoir (an additional fee shall be assessed for review of treatment facility, if any) |
$(( 130 |
(( 227 |
$(( 359 |
$(( 531 |
$(( 730 |
$(( 964 |
Documents submitted for projects such as water line installation, booster pump stations, modifications to source pumping, piping/valving, controls or storage reservoirs as determined by the department where such projects: |
Comply with design standards established by the department; | ||||||||||||
Are prepared by a professional engineer in accordance with WAC 246-290-040; and | ||||||||||||
Do not require a detailed evaluation by the department. |
$(( 61 |
$(( 112 |
$(( 187 |
$(( 264 |
$(( 366 |
$(( 481 |
———————————————— Group A ————————————— | ||||||||||||
Project Type | Group B | <100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
NONEXPANDING system not requiring a detailed evaluation by the department |
$(( 252 |
$(( 506 |
$(( 761 |
$(( 1,016 |
$(( 1,271 |
$(( 1,525 |
NONEXPANDING system requiring a detailed evaluation as determined by the department |
$(( 379 |
$(( 761 |
$(( 1,153 |
$(( 1,525 |
$(( 1,907 |
$(( 2,289 |
EXPANDING system not requiring a detailed evaluation by the department |
$(( 506 |
$(( 1,016 |
$(( 1,525 |
$(( 2,034 |
$(( 2,545 |
$(( 3,053 |
EXPANDING system requiring a detailed evaluation as determined by the department |
$(( 634 |
$(( 1,271 |
$(( 1,907 |
$(( 2,545 |
$(( 3,180 |
$(( 3,817 |
———————————————— Group A ——————————————— | ||||||
Project Type | Group B | <100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
Inorganic chemical monitoring waiver | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Organic chemical monitoring waiver | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Use waiver | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Area wide waiver renewal | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Inorganic chemical monitoring waiver renewal | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Organic chemical monitoring waiver renewal | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Use waiver renewal | Not applicable |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
$(( source |
Coliform monitoring waiver including departmental inspection requested by purveyor | Not applicable |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
Not applicable |
Coliform monitoring waiver with third-party inspection report | Not applicable |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$(( |
Not applicable |
——————————————— Group A——————————————— | |||||||||||||
Project Type | Group B | <100 Services |
100 to 500 Services |
501 to 999 Services |
1,000 to 9,999 Services |
10,000 or more Services |
Well-site evaluation and approval including the site inspection and hydrogeologic information review. |
$(( 193 |
$(( 290 |
$(( 342 |
(( 424 |
$(( 531 |
$(( 666 |
Regulatory monitoring plan1 | No plan required |
$(( 187 |
$(( 252 |
$(( 316 |
$(( 379 |
$(( 442 |
Unfiltered system annual comprehensive report |
Not applicable |
$(( 379 |
$(( 634 |
$(( 889 |
$(( 1,143 |
$(( 1,397 |
1 | A comprehensive document containing coliform, inorganic chemical and organic chemical monitoring plans in accordance with WAC 246-290-300. | ||||||||||||
Water system compliance report |
$(( 109 |
$(( 109 |
$(( 109 |
$(( 109 |
(( 109 |
$(( 109 |
(3) Additional review and approval fees may be assessed as follows:
(a) The basic fee covers an evaluation, or the review of
an initial submittal and one resubmittal if required. If
additional resubmittals are required, an additional
twenty-five percent of the original fee will be assessed for
each additional resubmittal. For water system plan and SMA
plan preparation the basic fee also covers a preplanning
conference. When the department is asked to participate in
other meetings involving the plan such as community meetings,
public hearings, or meetings with elected officials, the
department is authorized to charge additional fees at the rate
of ((ninety-three)) ninety-six dollars per hour;
(b) Fees for department project approval based on local technical review will be determined on a case-by-case basis as outlined in the applicable memorandum of understanding between the department and the respective local agency;
(c) Fees for services which the department determines are
not described under subsection (1) of this section, will be
calculated based on a rate of ((ninety-three)) ninety-six
dollars per hour.
Examples of these services include, but are not limited to:
(i) Review and inspection of water reuse projects;
(ii) Collection of water quality samples requested by purveyor;
(iii) Review of alternate technologies requested by purveyor, manufacturer or authorized representative;
(iv) Sanitary surveys, including the time spent as part of the annual on-site inspections for systems under WAC 246-290-690(3) that is in addition to the time necessary to assess watershed control and disinfection treatment;
(v) Well field designations; or
(vi) Transfers of ownership under WAC 246-290-035 or 246-294-060.
(d) Additional fees assessed by the department shall be billed to the purveyor using an itemized invoice.
(4) If the legislature revises the water system operating permit fee under RCW 70.119A.110 to incorporate into it one or more fees for service currently assessed separately under this section, and the purveyor has paid that consolidated fee, the department shall not assess or collect a separate fee under this section for any such service.
(5) All fees required under this section except as noted in subsection (3) of this section, shall be submitted prior to the department's approval. Payment of fees shall be in the form of a check or money order made payable to: The Department of Health, P.O. Box 1099, Olympia, Washington 98507-1099, or such successor organization or address as designated by the department. Payment of a fee shall not guarantee approval of the submitted document or evaluation request.
(6) Purveyors unable to determine the appropriate fee payment to submit should contact the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250 and 70.119.160. 02-01-065, § 246-290-990, filed 12/14/01, effective 1/14/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250. 00-02-015, § 246-290-990, filed 12/27/99, effective 1/27/00; 99-12-022, § 246-290-990, filed 5/24/99, effective 6/24/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20B.020. 98-11-068, § 246-290-990, filed 5/19/98, effective 6/19/98; 97-12-032, § 246-290-990, filed 5/30/97, effective 6/30/97; 95-20-079, § 246-290-990, filed 10/4/95, effective 11/4/95; 93-01-006 (Order 315), § 246-290-990, filed 12/3/92, effective 1/3/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.040. 91-02-049 (Order 121), recodified as § 246-290-990, filed 12/27/90, effective 1/31/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20A.055. 87-14-066 (Order 2493), § 440-44-048, filed 7/1/87; 83-14-038 (Order 1980), § 440-44-048, filed 6/30/83.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-01-065, filed 12/14/01,
effective 1/14/02)
WAC 246-292-160
Water works certification fees.
Operator fees:
(a) Applicable fees are listed in Table 2 of this section;
WTPO | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00** |
WDM | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00** |
WDS | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00** |
CCS | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00** |
BAT | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00 |
BTO | $(( |
$(( |
$(( |
$27.00 |
* | The annual renewal fee for a WTPO,WDM,WDS and CCS certification shall be (( |
** | The annual late fee for a WTPO, WDM, WDS, and CCS certification shall be twenty-seven dollars regardless of the number of classifications held. |
(c) The fee for application for reciprocity is one
hundred ((thirty)) thirty-four dollars per classification.
(2) Group A system fees:
(a) Applicable fees are listed as indicated in
Table 3 of this section.
SYSTEM SIZE* (Number of Equivalent Services) |
Less than 601 Services | $ | (( |
601 through 6,000 Services | $ | (( |
6,001 through 20,000 Services | $ | (( |
More than 20,000 Services | $ | (( |
* | Systems designated by the department as approved satellite management agencies (SMAs) shall pay a fee based on total services in all systems owned by the SMA. |
(b) Group A system fees shall be paid in conjunction with the system's annual operating permit fee required in chapter 246-294 WAC.
(c) A late fee shall be assessed against any system for failing to submit the applicable fee to the department within the designated time period. The late fee shall be based on the water system's classification and shall be an additional ten percent of the applicable system fee or twenty-seven dollars, whichever is greater.
(d) The system fee for issuance of a temporary
certification shall be ((sixty-four)) sixty-six dollars for
each temporary position.
(3) Fees are nonrefundable and transfers of fees are not allowable.
(4) Payment of fees required under this chapter shall be in the form of a check or money order made payable to the department of health and shall be mailed to Department of Health, P.O. Box 1099, Olympia, Washington 98507-1099, or such successor organization or address as designated by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250 and 70.119.160. 02-01-065, § 246-292-160, filed 12/14/01, effective 1/14/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.119 RCW and Safe Drinking Water Act, Public Law 104-182; 64 F.R. 5916 - 5921. 01-02-070, § 246-292-160, filed 12/29/00, effective 1/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.70.250. 00-02-015, § 246-292-160, filed 12/27/99, effective 1/27/00; 99-12-022, § 246-292-160, filed 5/24/99, effective 6/24/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20B.020. 98-12-015, § 246-292-160, filed 5/22/98, effective 6/22/98. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.119 RCW. 94-04-004, § 246-292-160, filed 1/20/94, effective 2/20/94.]