Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 03-09-094.
Title of Rule: Adopt new chapter 132Q-07 WAC; repeal chapters 132Q-03, 132Q-04, 132Q-05 and 132Q-06 WAC; and amend, repeal and adopt new sections to chapters 132Q-94 and 132Q-108 WAC.
Purpose: Repealing 132Q-03-005 Grounds for ineligibility, 132Q-03-010 Right to brief adjudicative procedure, 132Q-03-020 Brief adjudicative procedure, 132Q-03-030 Decision, 132Q-04-010 Purpose for adoption of student rules, 132Q-04-020 Definitions, 132Q-04-030 Jurisdiction, 132Q-04-031 Prohibited conduct, 132Q-04-076 Hazing prohibited, 132Q-04-077 Penalties for hazing, 132Q-04-078 Sanctions for impermissible conduct not amounting to hazing, 132Q-04-097 Eligibility for clinical programs, 132Q-04-160 Purpose of disciplinary actions, 132Q-04-170 Initiation of prosecution, 132Q-04-180 Initial disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-04-190 Appeals, 132Q-04-200 Composition of college disciplinary committee, 132Q-04-210 Brief adjudicative proceeding, 132Q-04-220 Conduct of disciplinary proceedings, 132Q-04-230 Evidence admissible in proceedings, 132Q-04-240 Decision by the committee, 132Q-04-250 Final decision regarding appeal of disciplinary committee action, 132Q-04-260 Disciplinary action, 132Q-04-270 Readmission after dismissal, 132Q-04-280 Reporting, recording and maintenance of records, 132Q-05-010 Purpose of summary suspension rules, 132Q-05-020 Definitions, 132Q-05-030 Jurisdiction, 132Q-05-033 Authority to suspend, 132Q-05-036 Conduct at college functions, 132Q-05-040 Initiation of summary suspension proceedings, 132Q-05-050 Notice of summary proceedings, 132Q-05-060 Procedures of summary suspension proceeding, 132Q-05-070 Decision by vice-president, 132Q-05-080 Notice of suspension, 132Q-05-090 Suspension for failure to appear, 132Q-05-100 Appeal, 132Q-05-110 Summary suspension proceedings not duplicitous, 132Q-05-120 Reporting, recording and maintenance of records, 132Q-06-010 Confidentiality of student records, 132Q-06-015 Definition of a student, 132Q-06-016 Definition of personally identifiable information, 132Q-06-020 Education records -- Student's right to inspect, 132Q-06-025 Requests and appeal procedures, 132Q-06-030 Release of personally-identifiable records, 132Q-06-035 College records and 132Q-06-040 Records committee, to consolidate student rules into one chapter.
Repealing WAC 132Q-04-100 Right of assembly, 132Q-04-105 Other punishable acts, 132Q-04-110 Commercial activities, 132Q-04-120 Outside speakers, 132Q-04-130 Trespass, 132Q-04-140 Distribution of materials and 132Q-04-150 Right to demand identification, to consolidate general campus conduct rules into one chapter.
New sections WAC 132Q-07-010 Authority to demand identification, 132Q-07-020 Right of assembly, 132Q-07-030 Outside speakers, 132Q-07-040 Distribution of materials, 132Q-07-050 Commercial activities and 132Q-07-060 Trespass, to consolidate general campus conduct rules into one chapter.
New sections WAC 132Q-20-005 Definitions; repealing WAC 132Q-20-020 Definitions; and amending WAC 132Q-20-010 Purpose and jurisdiction for adopting rules, 132Q-20-040 Permits required for vehicles on campus, 132Q-20-050 Authorization for issuance of permits, 132Q-20-060 Valid permits, 132Q-20-070 Display of permits, 132Q-20-080 Transfer of permits, 132Q-20-090 Permit revocation, 132Q-20-110 Right to appeal permit revocation/refusal, 132Q-20-120 Responsibility of permit holder, 132Q-20-130 Designation of parking spaces, 132Q-20-140 Parking within designated spaces, 132Q-20-150 Parking hours, 132Q-20-170 Regulatory signs and directions, 132Q-20-180 Speed limit, 132Q-20-190 Pedestrians' right of way, 132Q-20-200 Special traffic and parking regulations and restrictions authorized, 132Q-20-210 Two-wheeled motor-bikes or bicycles, 132Q-20-220 Report of accidents, 132Q-20-230 Exceptions from traffic and parking restrictions, 132Q-20-240 Enforcement, 132Q-20-250 Issuance of traffic citations, 132Q-20-260 Fines and penalties for students, 132Q-20-265 Fines and penalties for all district employees, 132Q-20-270 Liability of CCS, 132Q-94-010 Declaration of purpose, 132Q-94-020 Rationale, 132Q-94-030 Students' responsibilities, 132Q-94-130 violations, 132Q-94-150 Prohibition of weapons and other dangerous instrumentalities, 132Q-108-010 Adoption of model rules of practice and procedure, 132Q-108-020 Appointment of presiding officers, 132Q-108-040 Application for adjudicative proceeding and 132Q-108-050 Brief adjudicative procedures, housekeeping changes.
New section WAC 132Q-94-160 Prohibition of open flames in college buildings, new rule to prevent candles and/or any other open flames in campus buildings.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.50.140.
Statute Being Implemented: None.
Summary: To update district rules regulating student conduct, suspension and dismissal procedures, traffic and parking rules, general campus conduct and general safety and health rules.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: To improve district efficiency.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Connie Stafford Sherman, 501 North Riverpoint Boulevard, P.O. Box 6000, (509) 434-5060.
Name of Proponent: Community Colleges of Spokane, public.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The proposed changes primarily are for housekeeping purposes and district efficiency. Rules repealed are now consolidated in student rights and responsibilities and general campus conduct chapters to create ease of reading and understanding. Various other changes include updating terminology and procedural changes.
Proposal does not change existing rules. The proposal changes do not affect any current rules in substantive manner. Changes are primarily for housekeeping purposes and clarification.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Not required.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. Rules are primarily for internal district operation and are not subject to violation by a nongovernment party.
Hearing Location: 2000 North Greene Street, Spokane, WA 99217, on August 19, 2003, at 8:30 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Connie Stafford Sherman by August 8, 2003.
Submit Written Comments to: Connie Stafford Sherman, 501 North Riverpoint Boulevard, P.O. Box 6000, Mailstop 1002, Spokane, WA 99217-6000, fax (509) 434-5025, by August 8, 2003.
Date of Intended Adoption: August 19, 2003.
June 12, 2003
Connie Stafford Sherman
Vice Chancellor
Systems Administration
(2) Refusal by a student to produce a student identification card, as required by subsection (1) of this section, shall be cause for disciplinary action.
(a) Be conducted in an orderly manner; and
(b) Not unreasonably interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
(c) Not unreasonably interfere with classes, schedules, meetings or ceremonies, or with educational functions of the college; and
(d) Not unreasonably interfere with college functions.
(2) A student who conducts or participates in an assembly that violates any provision of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action.
(3) Non-students who participate in, aid or abet any assembly or assemblies in violation of this section shall be subject to possible prosecution under the state criminal trespass law and/or any other possible civil or criminal remedies available to the college. Faculty and other college personnel who participate in, aid or abet any assembly or assemblies in violation of this section shall be subject to appropriate discipline.
Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
WAC 132Q-07-030
Outside speakers.
(1) Any recognized
campus student organization may invite speakers on campus with
the written approval of its advisor, subject to other
restrictions imposed in this WAC and to the legal restraints
imposed by the laws of the United States and the state of
(2) The appearance of an invited speaker on a campus does not represent an endorsement, either implicit or explicit, of views or opinions of the speaker by the college, its students, its faculty, its college personnel, its administration or its board.
(3) The scheduling of speakers shall be made through the facilities scheduling office of the campus at which the speaker will appear, with prior approval from the appropriate college student activities office.
(4) The appropriate student activities office will be notified at least thirty days prior to the appearance of an invited speaker, at which time a Personal Services Contract (available in the Student Activities office) must be completed with all particulars regarding speaker, time, place, etc., signed by the sponsoring organization's advisor, and filed with the Student Activities office. Exceptions to the thirty-day ruling may be made by the appropriate administrator.
(5) The appropriate student activities office may require a question period or arrange to have views other than those of the invited speakers represented at the meeting, or at a subsequent meeting.
(2) Newspapers, leaflets, and similarly related materials offered for sale by any student or non-student person or organization may be distributed and sold only through the college book store as are other commercial forms of merchandise, subject to reasonable rules and regulations that may be imposed by the bookstore manager. Exceptions may be made by the appropriate vice president or designee.
(3) All handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and similarly related material (including religious matter) must bear identification as to the publishing agency and distributing organization or individual.
(4) Any distribution of the materials regulated in this section shall not be construed as endorsement of the same by the college or by the board of trustees of Community Colleges of Spokane.
(2) For the purpose of this regulation, the term "commercial activities" does not include handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and similarly related materials as regulated in WAC 132Q-07-040.
(a) Give notice against trespass by any manner provided for by law, to any person(s), or group against whom the privilege has been withdrawn or who have been prohibited from entering on or remaining upon any or all portions of a college facility; or
(b) Prohibit the entry of, or withdraw the privilege of a person(s) or any group to enter or remain on any portion of a college facility; or
(c) Order any person(s), or group to leave or vacate all or any portion of a college facility or grounds.
Any student or non-student who shall disobey a lawful order given by the president, or designee, pursuant to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or referred to law enforcement for possible criminal charges.
(1) Annual permits - Permits, which are valid for fall through summer quarters.
(2) Appropriate vice president - The chief administrative officer over student services regardless of current position title.
(3) Board - The board of trustees of Washington State Community College District 17, also known as Community Colleges of Spokane (CCS).
(4) Campus - Any or all real property owned, leased, operated or maintained by Community Colleges of Spokane.
(5) Campus patrol - An employee of the college, Administration of Justice student or contracted security personnel, who are responsible to the appropriate vice president for campus security.
(6) College - Any community college or separate instructional unit which may be created by the board of trustees of Community Colleges of Spokane.
(7) College personnel - Any person employed or representing on a full- or part-time basis Community Colleges of Spokane.
(8) Community Colleges of Spokane - Spokane Community College, Spokane Falls Community College, Institute for Extended Learning and the District Office.
(9) Quarterly permits - Permits valid for a specified academic quarter.
(10) Special Permits - Permits issued under special circumstances such as "D" permit which is a quarterly disabled parking permit issued by Disability Support Services; Carpool permits, issued to college personnel who participate in commuter trip reduction; and Honorary permit which are issued to Community Colleges of Spokane personnel upon retirement.
(11) Student - Any person who is or has officially registered at any college or instructional unit with the Community Colleges of Spokane and with respect to whom the college maintains education records or personally identifiable information.
(12) Temporary guest permits - Permits, which are valid for a specific period designated on the permit.
(13) Vehicle - An automobile, truck, motorcycle, scooter, or any vehicle empowered by a motor.
(14) Visitors - Any person or persons, excluding students as previously defined, who come upon the campus as guests and person or persons who lawfully visit the campus for purposes, which are in keeping with the colleges' role as institutions of higher learning in the state of Washington.
(1) To protect and control pedestrian and vehicular traffic; and
(2) To assure access at all times for emergency traffic; and
(3) To minimize traffic disturbance during class hours; and
(4) To facilitate the work of the community colleges.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-010, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-010, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-010, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-040, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-040, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-040, filed 7/23/87; Order 73-4, § 132Q-20-040, filed 2/23/73; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-040, filed 7/26/71.]
(1) Upon payment of the appropriate fee a student who intends to use college parking facilities may be issued a parking permit upon the registration of his or her vehicle with the college at the beginning of each college quarter (fall quarter, winter quarter, spring quarter, and summer quarter).
(2) Upon payment of the appropriate fee faculty, college personnel, and students will be issued parking permits for their vehicle if they intend to use college parking facilities.
(3) The dean of student personnel services, or the dean's
designee, may issue temporary and special parking permits when
such permits are necessary to enhance the business or
operation of the college.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-050, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-050, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-060
Valid permit.
A valid CCS parking
permit is:
(1) An unexpired parking permit registered and properly displayed; or
(((2) A short-term parking permit authorized by the
appropriate vice-president or designee, and properly
displayed; or
(3))) (2) A special parking permit authorized by the
appropriate vice-president or designee, and properly
displayed; or
(((4))) (3) A temporary guest(('s)) permit authorized by
the appropriate vice-president or designee, and properly
displayed.((; or
(5) A shop permit authorized by a vocational-technical
instructor and properly displayed.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-060, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-060, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-060, filed 7/23/87; Order 74-1, § 132Q-20-060, filed 9/23/74; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-060, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 87-16-010 (Resolution No.
27), filed 7/23/87)
WAC 132Q-20-070
Display of permit.
All CCS permanent
and temporary parking permits shall be hung on the rear view
mirror or in such a manner that they may be viewed through the
front windshield. For motorcycles, permits must be placed on
the front fork area of the vehicle. ((permanently affixed to
the inside of the rear window on the lower left corner
directly behind the driver. For convertibles and pickups with
campers, permits must be placed in the lower right-hand corner
of the front windshield, and for motorcycles, placed either on
front shock absorbers or battery covers (flat surface) or
toolbox covers (right-hand side). Temporary permits shall be
hung on the rear-view mirror in such a manner that they may be
viewed through the front windshield.))
(1) Expired permits should be removed before ((the)) new
permits are attached.
(2) Permits not displayed pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not be valid.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-070, filed 7/23/87; Order 74-1, § 132Q-20-070, filed 9/23/74; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-070, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-080, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-080, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-080, filed 7/26/71.]
(1) When the purpose for which the permit was issued changes or no longer exists; or
(2) When a permit is used for an unregistered vehicle or by an unauthorized individual; or
(3) Falsification on a parking permit application; or
(4) Continued violations of parking regulations; or
(5) Counterfeiting or altering a parking permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-090, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-090, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-090, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-090, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-110
Right to appeal permit
revocation/refusal. ((or refusal to grant permit)).
When a
student parking permit has been recalled pursuant to WAC 132Q-20-090, or has been refused in accordance with WAC 132Q-20-100, or when a fine or penalty has been levied against
a violator of the rules and regulations set forth in this
chapter, such action by the appropriate vice-president or
designee, may be appealed pursuant to WAC 132Q-108-050;
((provided, however, that faculty)) Faculty, administrators,
and college personnel of Community Colleges of Spokane shall
appeal permit revocations, refusals to grant permits, and
fines or penalties levied for violations by the appropriate
vice-president to the respective college president((s)) whose
decision on the matter shall be final. ((Refusal to pay a
fine still existing after exhaustion of the appellate process
shall be grounds for disciplinary action. In the case of
students, failure to pay fines after the exhaustion of the
appellate process shall be grounds for the college, in
addition to disciplinary action, to deny admission for
subsequent enrollment with Community Colleges of Spokane. In
the case of employees, failure to pay fines could result in
the denial of issuing a permit, and/or impounding of
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-110, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-110, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 90-21-021, § 132Q-20-110, filed 10/8/90, effective 11/8/90; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-110, filed 7/23/87; Order 73-4, § 132Q-20-110, filed 2/23/73; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-110, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 71-4, filed 7/26/71)
WAC 132Q-20-120
Responsibility of permit holder.
((person to whom permit issued.))
The person to whom a
parking permit is issued pursuant to the rules and regulations
set forth in this chapter shall be responsible for all
violations of said rules and regulations involving the vehicle
and established fines. ((; but such)) Such responsibility
shall not relieve other persons who violate the rules and
regulations established by this chapter of their
responsibility for their conduct ((by their conduct)) with
vehicles registered ((with)) to another permit holder.
[Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-120, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-130
Designation of parking spaces.
parking spaces available on campus shall be designated and
allocated by the appropriate vice-president or designee, in
such a manner ((which will)) that best achieves ((effectuate))
the objectives of the rules and regulations in this chapter.
(1) Faculty staff, student, and visitor spaces will be
((so)) designated for their use; and
(2) Parking spaces for the exclusive use by persons
((with)) of disability will be designated. The ((office of
student services)) appropriate vice-president or designee may
issue special permits to students and others to park in these
designated spaces; ((and))
(3) CCS parking permit along with an official state Disabled Parking Permit allows the permit holder to park in any designated parking space as listed above; and
(((3))) (4) Other special use spaces may be designated.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-130, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-130, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-130, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-130, filed 7/26/71.]
(2) In areas marked for diagonal parking, vehicles shall be parked at a forty-five-degree angle, facing in.
(3) In areas marked for parallel or right-angle parking, space or stall markings will be observed.
(4) No vehicle shall be parked so as to occupy any portion of more than one parking space or stall as designated within the parking area. The fact that other vehicles may have been so parked as to require the vehicle parked to occupy a portion of more than one space or stall shall not constitute an excuse for a violation of this section.
(5) No vehicle shall be parked on the campus except in those areas set aside and designated pursuant to WAC 132Q-20-130.
[Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-140, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-150, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-150, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-150, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-170
Regulatory signs and directions.
appropriate vice-president or designee((,)) is authorized to
erect signs, barricades and other structures and to paint
marks or other directions upon the entry-ways and streets on
campus and upon the various parking lots owned, leased or
operated by the colleges. Such signs, barricades, structures,
markings, and directions, shall be ((so)) made and placed to
((as in the opinion of the appropriate vice-president or
designee, which will)) best achieve ((effectuate)) the
objectives stated in WAC 132Q-20-010 and ((will best
effectuate)) the rules and regulations contained in this
Drivers of vehicles shall observe and obey the signs, barricades, structures, markings and directions erected pursuant to this section. Drivers shall also comply with the directions given them by the campus patrol in the control and regulation of traffic.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-170, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-170, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-170, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-170, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-180, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-180, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-180, filed 7/26/71.]
(2) Whenever any vehicle slows or stops ((so as)) to
yield to pedestrian traffic, the operator of any other vehicle
approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such a
vehicle that ((which)) has slowed or stopped to yield to
pedestrian traffic.
(3) Every pedestrian crossing at any point other than
((within)) a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk
at an intersection, shall yield the right of way to all
(4) Pedestrians shall use sidewalks where provided.
((Where a sidewalk is provided, pedestrians shall proceed upon
such a sidewalk.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-190, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-190, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-200, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-200, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-200, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-200, filed 7/26/71.]
(2) No vehicle shall be driven or ridden on the sidewalks on campus at any time unless authorized by the appropriate vice-president or designee.
No skateboards or roller blades/skates shall be allowed on campus.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-210, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-210, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-210, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-210, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-220
Report of accidents.
The operator of
any vehicle involved in an accident on campus resulting in
injury to or death of any person or total of claimed damage to
either or both vehicles exceeding $300.00 shall immediately
report the ((such)) accident to the appropriate vice-president
or designee, and shall within twenty-four hours after such
accident, file a state of Washington motor vehicle accident
report if required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-220, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-220, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-220, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-220, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-230, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-230, filed 7/26/71.]
(2) The appropriate vice-president or designee((,)) shall
be responsible for the enforcement of the rules and
regulations contained in this chapter. ((The appropriate
vice-president is hereby authorized to delegate this
responsibility to the campus patrol or other subordinates.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-240, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-240, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-240, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-5, § 132Q-20-240, filed 10/9/72; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-240, filed 7/26/71.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-250, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-250, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-250, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-250, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-20-260
Fines and penalties for students.
appropriate vice-president or designee, is authorized to
impose the following fines and penalties for the violation of
the rules and regulations contained in this chapter:))
(1) ((Except as provided under subsection (2) of this
section, f)) Fines will be levied by the appropriate vice
president or designee for all violations of the regulations
contained in this chapter. A current schedule of fines is
available from the security ((parking)) office.
(2) Students have the right to due process and may appeal a decision of the appropriate vice president or designee to the college president or chief administrator of a recognized instructional unit whose decision shall be final.
(((2) Community Colleges of Spokane and its recognized
instructional units are authorized to:
(a) Deny registration for subsequent quarters and
(b) Deny graduation from the college to any student that
fails to promptly pay any financial obligation due the college
including the payment for parking citations.))
(3) Vehicles ((which are)) parked on any campus ((within
Community Colleges of Spokane and which are)) in violation of
any of the regulations contained in this chapter, may be
impounded or detained by use of mechanical devices at the
discretion of the appropriate vice-president or designee. If
a vehicle is impounded, it may be taken to such place for
storage as the appropriate vice-president or designee((,))
selects. The expenses of such impounding((s)) and storage
shall be the sole responsibility of ((charged to)) the owner
or operator of the vehicle. ((and paid by him or her prior to
its release. The college and its employees)) CCS shall not be
liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such
impounding and storage.
(4) At the discretion of the appropriate vice-president
or designee, an accumulation of traffic violations by a
student will be cause for disciplinary action, ((and the
appropriate vice-president shall initiate disciplinary
proceedings against such student)) pursuant to WAC 132Q-02-270
(5) The duly elected associated student government
officers of CCS ((Spokane Falls Community College and Spokane
Community College may, in a joint meeting with the District 17
executive committee,)) recommend a proposed schedule of fines
prior to adoption of a new fine schedule.
(6) Refusal to pay a fine still existing after exhaustion of the appellate process shall be grounds for disciplinary action. In the case of students, failure to pay fines shall be grounds for the college, in addition to disciplinary action, to deny admission to CCS, registration, official transcripts, graduation or other administrative action. Failure to pay fines could result in the denial of issuing a permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-260, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 92-14-036, § 132Q-20-260, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-260, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-2, § 132Q-20-260, filed 2/7/72; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-260, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 87-16-010 (Resolution No.
27), filed 7/23/87)
WAC 132Q-20-265
Fines and penalties for all district
(1) Fines levied for all violations are subject to
payment to CCS ((the district)) in accordance with the
established fine schedule.
(2) Faculty and other district employees have the right
of due process and may appeal a decision of the appropriate
vice president or designee ((dean of student personnel
services)) to the college president or chief administrator of
a recognized institutional unit whose decision shall be final.
(3) Vehicles parked on any campus in violation of any of the regulations contained in this chapter, may be impounded or detained by use of mechanical devices at the discretion of the appropriate vice president or designee. If a vehicle is impounded, it may be taken to such a place of storage as the appropriate vice president or designee selects. The expenses of such impounding and storage shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or operator of the vehicle. CCS shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such impounding and storage.
(4) At the discretion of the appropriate vice president or designee, an accumulation of traffic violations by college personnel is subject to disciplinary action pursuant to WAC 132Q-02-270.
(5) Refusal to pay a fine still existing after exhaustion of the appellate process shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Failure to pay fines could result in the denial of issuance of a permit, and/or impounding of vehicle.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-265, filed 7/23/87.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-20-270, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-20-270, filed 7/23/87; Order 71-4, § 132Q-20-270, filed 7/26/71.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-94-010
Declaration of purpose.
By adoption of
the following health and safety regulations the board of
trustees of ((the)) Community Colleges of Spokane expresses
its firm commitment to the safety and health of its students
and employees. The board further recognizes the importance of
students and employees developing safe work habits,
particularly in the areas of equipment and machinery
operation, and in the handling of potentially hazardous
chemical substances. This chapter shall apply to all
students, college personnel ((employees)) and visitors and
shall pertain to all campuses and sites under the direct or
indirect control of the district.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-94-010, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 90-21-022, § 132Q-94-010, filed 10/8/90, effective 11/8/90; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-94-010, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-1, § 132Q-94-010, filed 1/28/72.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-14-007, filed 6/26/00)
WAC 132Q-94-020
Adoption of these health and
safety rules by the board of trustees is based on the
following standards:
(1) The possibility of accidental injury to an individual
exists at all times and in all places and no place of work
((n))or any human activity is exempt from the possibility of
(2) All community college safety programs are for the
benefit of ((both)) the Community Colleges of Spokane and the
individual students enrolled within the institution(s). There
is no conflict of interests between the students and the
college in the area of an accident prevention program; through
accident prevention, everyone benefits.
(3) Accident prevention requires both organization and education, consisting largely of the desire to provide and maintain an environment free of hazards through institution of a common-sense safety program and the determination to carry out the program effectively.
(4) Effective accident prevention includes instructor leadership, student cooperation, effective organization, thorough training, and good supervision.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-94-020, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-94-020, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-1, § 132Q-94-020, filed 1/28/72.]
(1) Students shall consider the benefits of accident prevention to themselves, to others, and to their work, and shall act accordingly, conducting their work to avoid accidents through observation of safe work practices.
(2) Students shall study and observe all safe practices governing their specific area of work or class assignment, and shall make a concerted effort to understand their job and area of assignment.
(3) Students shall ascertain emergency procedures from their instructor or supervisor.
(4) Students shall remain alert for any unsafe condition(s) or practice(s), immediately reporting any observed to their instructor or supervisor.
(5) Students shall promptly report any accident in which they are injured, regardless of the degree of severity, to their instructor or supervisor.
(6) Students shall not engage in practical jokes or horseplay while attending class or while on the job.
(7) Students shall not report to class or a work-study position while under the influence of intoxicants or drugs, nor shall such items be used or consumed while on the premises of the Community Colleges of Spokane or representing the Community Colleges of Spokane at an off-site location.
(8) Students who receive their instructor(('s)) or
supervisor's permission to operate a state vehicle shall
comply with existing fleet policies and procedures of
Community Colleges of Spokane.
(9) Students shall comply with existing smoking regulations of the Community Colleges of Spokane.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-94-030, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-94-030, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-1, § 132Q-94-030, filed 1/28/72.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27), § 132Q-94-130, filed 7/23/87; Order 72-1, § 132Q-94-130, filed 1/28/72.]
Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 87-16-010 (Resolution No. 27)
[00-14-007], filed 7/23/87 [6/26/00])
WAC 132Q-94-150
Prohibition of weapons ((firearms)) and
other dangerous instrumentalities.
No ((employee)) college
personnel, student or member of the public ((guest)) shall
carry, transport within a vehicle or otherwise possess any
weapon ((gun, pistol or other firearm or)) explosive device,
hazardous chemicals or any other hazardous weapon ((device))
such as knives or substance on any college campus or other
district property except for use in an authorized college
activity with express authorization from the chief executive
of the campus or an authorized designee.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 00-14-007, § 132Q-94-150, filed 6/26/00, effective 7/27/00; 90-21-023, § 132Q-94-150, filed 10/8/90, effective 11/8/90.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
WAC 132Q-94-160
Prohibition of open flames in college
Candles and other open flames, including lighting
and burning of incense, are prohibited in any building owned
or operated by Community Colleges of Spokane. Open flames
create a fire hazard, and scented candles and incense can be
an irritant to other individuals. Exceptions may be made if
the candle or flame is associated with instructional equipment
under appropriate faculty supervision or for decorative/food
preparation purposes as part of an approved college function
and with appropriate equipment. The Facilities Department
obtains necessary permits from the City of Spokane Fire
Department for such uses.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 91-17-076, § 132Q-108-010, filed 8/21/91, effective 9/21/91.]
Reviser's note: The unnecessary underscoring in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 91-17-076, filed 8/21/91)
WAC 132Q-108-020
Appointment of presiding officers.
chancellor/CEO ((chief executive officer or a designee of the
chief executive officer)) shall appoint ((designate)) a
presiding officer for an adjudicative proceeding. The
presiding officer shall be an administrative law judge, a
member in good standing of the Washington State Bar
Association, a panel of individuals, the chief executive
officer or a designee of the chief executive officer, or any
combination of the above. Where more than one individual is
designated to be the presiding officer, one person shall be
designated by the chief executive officer or the designee of
the chief executive officer to make decisions concerning
discovery, closure, means of recording adjudicative
proceedings, and similar matters.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 91-17-076, § 132Q-108-020, filed 8/21/91, effective 9/21/91.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 91-17-076, § 132Q-108-040, filed 8/21/91, effective 9/21/91.]
(1) Residency determinations made pursuant to RCW 28B.15.013, conducted by the admissions office;
(2) Disputes concerning educational records;
(3) Student conduct proceedings. The procedural rules in
chapter 132Q-02 ((04)) WAC apply to these procedures;
(4) Parking violations. The procedural rules in chapter 132Q-20 WAC apply to these proceedings;
(5) Outstanding debts owed by students or employees;
(6) Loss of eligibility for participation in
institution-sponsored athletic events, pursuant to WAC 132Q-02-510 ((03-005)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 92-14-039, § 132Q-108-050, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92; 91-17-076, § 132Q-108-050, filed 8/21/91, effective 9/21/91.]
Reviser's note: The bracketed material preceding the section above was supplied by the code reviser's office.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 132Q-03-005 | Grounds for ineligibility |
WAC 132Q-03-010 | Right to brief adjudicative procedure |
WAC 132Q-03-020 | Brief adjudicative procedure |
WAC 132Q-03-030 | Decision |
WAC 132Q-04-010 | Purpose for adoption of student rules |
WAC 132Q-04-020 | Definitions. |
WAC 132Q-04-030 | Jurisdiction. |
WAC 132Q-04-031 | Prohibited conduct. |
WAC 132Q-04-076 | Hazing prohibited. |
WAC 132Q-04-077 | Penalties for hazing. |
WAC 132Q-04-078 | Sanctions for impermissible conduct not amounting to hazing. |
WAC 132Q-04-097 | Eligibility for clinical programs. |
WAC 132Q-04-100 | Right of assembly. |
WAC 132Q-04-105 | Other punishable acts. |
WAC 132Q-04-110 | Commercial activities. |
WAC 132Q-04-120 | Outside speakers. |
WAC 132Q-04-130 | Trespass. |
WAC 132Q-04-140 | Distribution of materials. |
WAC 132Q-04-150 | Right to demand identification. |
WAC 132Q-04-160 | Purpose of disciplinary actions. |
WAC 132Q-04-170 | Initiation of prosecution. |
WAC 132Q-04-180 | Initial disciplinary proceedings. |
WAC 132Q-04-190 | Appeals. |
WAC 132Q-04-200 | Composition of college disciplinary committee. |
WAC 132Q-04-210 | Brief adjudicative proceeding. |
WAC 132Q-04-220 | Conduct of disciplinary proceedings. |
WAC 132Q-04-230 | Evidence admissible in proceedings. |
WAC 132Q-04-240 | Decision by the committee. |
WAC 132Q-04-250 | Final decision regarding appeal of disciplinary committee action. |
WAC 132Q-04-260 | Disciplinary action. |
WAC 132Q-04-270 | Readmission after dismissal. |
WAC 132Q-04-280 | Reporting, recording and maintenance of records. |
WAC 132Q-05-010 | Purpose of summary suspension rules. |
WAC 132Q-05-020 | Definitions. |
WAC 132Q-05-030 | Jurisdiction. |
WAC 132Q-05-033 | Authority to suspend. |
WAC 132Q-05-036 | Conduct at college functions. |
WAC 132Q-05-040 | Initiation of summary suspension proceedings. |
WAC 132Q-05-050 | Notice of summary proceedings. |
WAC 132Q-05-060 | Procedures of summary suspension proceeding. |
WAC 132Q-05-070 | Decision by vice-president. |
WAC 132Q-05-080 | Notice of suspension. |
WAC 132Q-05-090 | Suspension for failure to appear. |
WAC 132Q-05-100 | Appeal. |
WAC 132Q-05-110 | Summary suspension proceedings not duplicitous. |
WAC 132Q-05-120 | Reporting, recording and maintenance of records. |
WAC 132Q-06-010 | Confidentiality of student records. |
WAC 132Q-06-015 | Definition of a student. |
WAC 132Q-06-016 | Definition of personally identifiable information. |
WAC 132Q-06-020 | Education records -- Student's right to inspect. |
WAC 132Q-06-025 | Requests and appeal procedures. |
WAC 132Q-06-030 | Release of personally-identifiable records. |
WAC 132Q-06-035 | College records. |
WAC 132Q-06-040 | Records committee. |
WAC 132Q-20-020 | Definitions |